Newspaper Page Text
■MP 11
They’ll Lead Columbia
(By Associated Press.)
ATLANTA.—There is going to
io seme good football on Georgia GEORGIA MEETS
nihpus s this season. And this Is 1 AUBURN NOV. 3
In hddition to the state’s two an- j
ml classics. At Columbus—Auburn vs. Geor-
Two of the state's college elev g,a ;
cna. ambitious In recent years, are At Atlanta Tech vs Alabama,
going across the .Mason ana Dixon I Saturday, November 10
j lino but they haven't forgotten the
At Atlanta—Tech tm. V. U. I.- ,dt--was stopped -This season
Afc,Macon—Furman rv*. Morcer. ajfn.liave expressed their deter-
If ? CoIumbu»—Sprthfchfl! Q6llhe roW«on„to take the hall aaer>-
■HFbrt Bennlng. ; Unfess some* unsepn thing intec-
' Saturday, October 13 venes. It is going to be a fifty per
At Atlanta—Florida vs. Tech. cent better team that will face
At Macon—Mercer vs. Fort Ben- Athens on September 29th.
Saturday, October 20
At Atlanta—Tech vs. George
At Macon—Chattanooga vs. Mer
Friday, October 26
At Macon—Birmingham South
ern vs. Mercer. ,
Saturday, October 2/
At Atlanta—Sewanee vs. Tech.
Saturday, November 3
[ bomefolka It making up their sche^
{riulcs, Georgia Tech is going to
f tackle Notre Dome and Penn State
j both a wav from home, but the
’ same Golden Tornadoes have a
heovv schedule to fill at Gram
Field here. Georgia rt’.ust go to
Hav' , % for Its affair with Yale
htil : 9 bringing Center tu AiIn»-»
j'* rut ofi«r,
Atlanta lr tr have a go -’e of a
rort? every Saturday after.u«on
during the season and tho grand
f nnlo will come in the T**ch-Au-
burn classic at Grant field Thanks
giving. This town likes Its foot
ball and supports the game well.
It, will see, Florida, Kentucky
State. V. M. I., and Georgetown in
action this year to say nothing of
lesser games.
Thn flapper of the wise frame of
mind is already contemplating the
Georgia-Auburn clash at Coluiribun
November 3. A "hid" for that, game
and the Reborn-Tech
At Athens—Virginia vs. Georgia.
At Atlanta—Oglethorpe vs. Mer-
-tho j tuiy aa aorae- we. lmuuct. P/lqf,
has fifteen acres In alfalfa, and
wiM lhjs fall plant 25 acres more as
nlfjtpa Is the best hay crop^our
Ganders can grow. Last weelTMr
Cofer sold to the Winterville Pure
Seed Association 1.000 pounds of
Crimson clover and 500 pounds oi
alfalfa seed. This Is only theit
first, order. A large acreage is be
Ing planted around Athens In clov
er and alfalfa.
The Cofer Seed Co., has received
number of incubators and brood
ers and they are going like hot
■Clubs— W. L. Pet. cakes. This shows the extent of the
Mobile ■ ■ 88 68 -5T1 • poultry business around Athens
£9 £a Berry. near Hutchins. In Og*
4o nS Kii lethorpe county, has gone exteu*
lively Into the poultry business
New Orleans
Memphis ....
Atlanta. 78
Birmingham ...... 75 74
KT n ol.„in.' 7K 77
Chattanooga -
Little Rock ..
75 77 .493
63 88 .417
53 92 .366
Just Say Cascade Gin- Low Scores Are
ger Ale in Bottles At
' of
Corona Durability
Notohing In the Service more
certain or rtlluble
to me during the war. I spent
the larger pail of s year in
France, Italy and England.
Everywhere I found the Corona,
often as busy as the machine
guns, and there was nothing in
tho service more certain or
Judge of the Juvenile Court of
Denver, Colorado.
Features First
Football Games
Columbia University is placing its hopes for a championship grid the apotheosis of the college girl’s
squad in Captain Walter Koppisch. left, and Coach Percy D. Haugh- r*'stsi»'*'\ so to speak. They come
ton, old-tme Harvard mentor. They were snapped together just be- f rom P n over the state to attend
fore a recent scrimmage. J Poth enmrs. Georgia and Auburn
are traditional rivals and In the
course of the Ion* years of their
athletic reWo"* they have played
. prettv muoh or* this state. There
J i-as tho time when they went v to
I Macon: thev went to Savannah. In
roeont yoars they have been de-
rMI"*? their Issue ft *Co!nmbvs
_____ j which in Just across tbo river from
Carson-Newman holding Bo*, *T*he supporters would rather aeo
wane*, the University of the south Florida come hero later In tbe sea-
scoreless. and the United States son In order that a fairer teat of
Mnrlncs keeping tho strong Vlr- strength might bo had. They roa-
. t aaii.. ,i„r „ son now* °r rather apprehensive
glnla MUItar) inatltut, down to (hat thc w ,„ „ ct pr , lt y
(lx point, were tho outstanding. ,„ u||y , )rulacl , UI , , n t he| r ambition
features of thv'topenlng of the foot- • encounter with the Army October
bn! season In the south Saturday. ! 6 and will bb * In no condition to
«**♦-•* HeM!”an*a Cen»ennrv squad put up their beat gamo with Tech
showed up strong, defeating the : the following Saturday. This line
Louisiana Southwestern team, 35 tc of thought is based on tbelr optl-
Davidiron collegs’s light team mlstlc resumption that Florida wll
on from Klo:i. 1» to 0. • need all oho can muster to mnke -
Sewn nee showed weakness by showing with the local prides,
con.tunr fumbling, which in the j Anything that the fellow* from
aecond quarter nlmo.t spalled ,de- tl „, peninaular -unto lark, however,
feat. Carson-Newnmn carired j | M » somrrwhoro In tho rnpc?r-
bnl! to It* opponents' four-yard , olro of th3 toama that follow.
Ssturdsy November 17
At Atlanta—Kentucky State vs
At Columbus—Fort Bepnlng vs
8aturday, November 24
' At Macon—-Newman vs
At Atlanta—Centenary vo. Ogle
Thursday, November 29
(Thanksgiving Day)
At Atlanta—Tech vs. Auburn.
Saturday, December 1
At Athens—Centro vs. Georgia.
At Columbus—University of Mis
sissippi vs. Fort Bem:?ng.
New York
Cleveland .
Detroit ...
St. Louis .
Chicago —*»3
Philadelphia 61
Boston 57
72 67
68 .69
6S 77
.453 j cr °I i *
78 .439 j
83 .4071
and bought an outfit this week.
We notice a number of Georgia
banks have announced that they
will not mnke advnnces or extend
favors to one-crop farmers. These
banks realize that the success of
the farmer depends on diversified
crops, and It spells ruin and bank
ruptcy to any farmer-who con
fines himself to cotton or any one
fumble nnd two pusses
Sewanee's line hold, however.
Green Benton, Tiger left tackle
heads the season’s casualty list,
sustaining n broken leg in thc
I game.
{ The season proper will get un
der way next Saturday. Tenn
Georgia, besides enticing Centre
down to her home field, is to play
Its annual game with Virginia at
..... Journeys' to°Waat* Point" for■ J* 10 -- P'»™- ™«e two rtvaia
: It, «ame with thc Army; Auburn ^ve torn "laying tic ftmea for no
.will meet elemson on the IMtMV Imu ' •**»«■,**«» *«7* e wh .°
»»rld. Virginia plays Furman, andi^cci botnlnff better th.fc y® 2 ”
Georgia opens the season with! *** ***** l *°'* * v ’*‘ r, *‘ m * *" re ,
Mercer. Georgia Tech will play r "" *"* r “ r !,,p " " m *
i Oglethorpe and the University ol J Mercer, Oglethorpo and elevens of
Alabama will take on the Union ***° degree. Both have an armful
squad. in the way of schedules and as
In North Carolina four gamer "«wnl both will play Georgia and
nre scheduled. Roanoke plays) Toch In tho Initial stages of tho
» North Carolina Rtnte at Raleighsenaon.
| YVnke Forest meets the. University j Horn Is tho card of Georgia
I of North Carolina at Chape! Hill; games.
Presbyterian college plkys David-
j son at Davidson, nnd Trinity and
{Guilford battle nt Durham,
j Followers of the gnme will nlsc
watch the Navy-William on I Mari
'gamo at Annapolis with interest.
Saturday. September 29.
At At^ns—Mercer vs. Georgia.
At Atlanta—Tech vs. Oglethorpe. 1
Raturdav, October 6
At. AtbenB—Georgia vs. Ogle
Southeastern Fair
Atlanta’s Diamond
OCTOBER 6th to 13th
Southern Railway
Claim Sending Fifty Per
Cent Better Team Here
This Year Than Last;
Play Sept. 29th.
MACON, Ga.—"Beat Georgia."
Bometaing that has never been ac
complished by n Mercer team, Ih
the cry on the Baptist campu*
these days and football practice is
advancing dally and the dhte of
the 29th approaches.
On the 29th Mercer opens the
season in Athens against Georgia,
tho team that completely van
quished tho hopes of the locals In
thc initial game last sedson. But
at that time dengue fever had
played havoc with the Mercerites
and the game- came out about os
woo cxpocted.
And this yoar is another time,
Caatfh Stanley Robinson, with his
corps of assistants, is dally drill
ing his team not only with the idea
of moulding a machine for the sea
son but wfth an Idea of the Geor
git game.
If tho mon show tho same grim
determination and pep when they
meet Georgia that they have dis
played in the past few afternoons*
practice on the drnnmy, the Stato
University Is going to have the
"battle of a century” reenactPd In
tho red* hills of Georgia. Captain
"Kid” Cecil, who will lead the des
tinies of the Orango and Black
during tho coming season, showed
all of the viciousness that has
characterized the tackling of the
little grim vltagjd warrior during
his two precious years at Mercer
and he seems to bo In tho best
condition ever.
fact, tho whole backfleld
Clubs— W. L.
New York 92 54 .630
Cincinnati 89 59 .601
Pittsburg 82 62 .569
Chicago 77 68 .531
St. Louis 74 70 .514
Brooklyn 69 74 .483
Boston __.... 49 94 .343
Philadelphia 46 97 .322
Chicago at Washington.
St. Louis at Boston."
Cleveland at Philadelphia.
Boston at Chicago.
Brooklyn at St. Louis.
New York at Cincinnati.
Philadelphia at Pittsburg.
Chattanooga 12, Mobile 7.
Little Rock 11, New Orleans 8.
Atlanta 3, Memphis 3 (10 in
nings, darkness.)
Others not scheduled.
Cleveland 10*6, Wa-hingt^n
12 New York-St. Louis, double-
header, rain.
Others not scheduled.
Philadelphia 1, Chicago 4.
Brooklyn 1, Cincinnati 5.
Boston 2-3, St. l-ouis 1-0.
Others not scheduled.
.We never knew our merchants
more hopeful and enthused ovei
I the outlook for a fine fu!!>un<l win-
Pct. j te »’ trade. They huve given large
orders for goods. ,The few vacant
stores In Athens will soon be occu
Our postmaster has handed us i
letter from W. C. Gilbert, of New
ark, New ork, as follows: "I am do
sirous of obtaining detailed infor’J
niation and picture (if possible) oi |
tho "Tree That Owns Itself." 11 |
you cannot give me this informa
tion yourself will you kindly refer
this letter to some one who will be
willing to do so." We sent Mr
Gilbert the desired information
Mrs. Lainur Lipscomb is right:
Athens should prepare a little bool
telling about Its historic homes an*
points of Interest.
Mr. Jasper N. Thompson, who
resides at Hoschton, Jackson c«
ty, Ga., has broken his own record
on cotton production. He h.i«
acre, tho Acala variety, and from
that acre he is sure to gather tw*
good bales of cotton. Mr. Thomp
son last year brok* the record /Cr
a cotton grower under boll weevJ
conditions. At an early date wc
will visit Mr. Thompson nnd write
up his farming operations for the
Banner-Herald. ■* will be eagerlj
read'and of great value to our
readers. We shall visit nnd write
up nil the farmers In this section
who have made a speciality and
success of fnrming or chicken and
stock raising.
General.DeGoutte .
Criticizes German
Policy in Ruhr
(By Atsodated Press.)
spent enough money in bolstevlng
up passive resistance in (he Ruhr
valley since the French troops en
tered last Juuuary to have made
her regular payments to the Allies
for two years, declartj General
Degoutte to the correspondent of
T,bo Associated Press. Moreover,
lie said this reckless expenditure
should be calculated entirely apart
from the incalcuable loss caused
by the economic stagnation of this
once thriving industrial center, the
direct result of the refusal of Ger
many to cooperate with the occu
pation forces.
"More than 1,000,000 workers,”
said the commander of_the F’rench
forces, "have now had a nice long
eight months* vacation with pay
and naturally they are rather keen
to have the occupation continue;
but It Is not difficult to soe\that
this "economic fallacy cannot con
tinue indefinitely."
MEXICO CITY.—Claims tor dam
ages to foreign property resulting
from the Mexican revolution, al
ready filed with the National
claims Commission total more
$250,000,000, according to tho com •
mission’s last report. ■*
Anderson Plumhine r n
Phone W. Cl,,*
66- SWCMVE-gf
x Taxi Service
Day and Night
Yellow Cab Co.
PHOffE 66
Around Athens
With CoL T. Larry Gnntt
[Senator Harris’
j Speaking Dates
I i ATLANTA, Git.—Four speeches
] - during the week beginning Octo-
Several of our lending farmers in (her 1st were announced today by
dlscuszlng the question, say the ne-}"• Harris. A few
gro Is thc best and most satisfac-|®thcr engagements will complete
fory labor the South can possibly]* * tour into every county in the
have Our people understand the; 5 ***® begun shortly after congress
’darkiy and J Mm. ^ | ^ * I ’“ k
all be cultivated. . October Hind, Irwinton, Wilkin-
n county, 11 a. m.; and Gordon,
8 . m.
Mr. Harold Hulme ssys he has
150 acres in cotton and is good for
between 110 and 125 bales. It will
all nverage three-fourths of a bale
per acre and some fields will mak«
a bale. Mr. Hulme says his corn
will make from 25 to 30 bushels per
He says the largest yield
Perry, Houston
county, 11 a. m.
October 4th, Zebulon, Pike coun
ty, 11 a. m.
Speeches for next week already
announced by Senator Harris are;
September 24th, Appling, Colum-
•howed the same non nnd onthu- j ^ |, eart ]i e .*is hurley and Is selling
rJ 0 ,*.” 1 "Hid'* did. Poore, I f f, e 0eC( j. He made over forty bu-
Felder, Morgan. Reese. Rice and | heIll pe r acre and says it is a great
Bowling were p«l there In throw- 1 crop. The straw makes ns good
Ing tpo sawdust man.
he ever made on an acre was ( bia county, 9:30 a. m.; September
sixty bushels, and does not take 25th, Sparta, Hancock county, 1!
nny stock In these reported yields - — - «—*— L “*• -
and two hundred buohels an
Hon. J. D. Price this year raised
Sealed for You m
Wrieley’s Is made of\ =
pare chicle and otbeR *■
ingredients of higb&sr g=
quality obtainable. =
But it is no use to
make WRiGLEY’S 100%
in quality and then reach!
you in poor condition. 1
September 27th, Dopglos-
ville, Douglas county, 11 a. m.;
September 28th, Bra,eIton, Jack-
** county, 8 .p. m.; September
29th, Monticello, Jasper county, 2
p. m. The engagement for Jasper,
Pickens county, for Sentomhor
October 24th.
county, for September
been postponed until
By Condo
An nveragn of weights compiled
come ns a sumrlsn to moat of the I
Mercer supporters. Tho line Is
luavler than ban been estimated, I
he complllntlon showing that |
he nverage weight of tho linesmen !
is 180 pounds. Tho weight of the
bacfield averages ir»9 pounds. j
The two heaviest men on the *
Mercer squad nro Mike Herndon j
nd "Judge” Dasher, candidates
for tho guards, positions. Mlko tips !
the scales at 203 pounds, while,’
the "Judge" goes him one better,
with 204 pounds. "Shorty" Poore
is tho lightest nmn on the team,
weighing 139. He Is a candidate for
If there are two things that
roach Robinson believes in mofo
than he does anything else, It Is
work and clean athletics. The con
dition that tho men are In at the
present time is amplo proof of the
work that they have been put
through. He stated recently that he
1 would demand that the athletes
»rry the work proscribed In the
various courses that they will take.
I "We want to win games, but I had
rathcr_m«ke men than to win," ho
"Real Georgia!" ts tho war cry j;
now resounding on tho campus nnd
every Indication point* toward one
of the hardset fight* that will be
fouaht this year on a snutleern
Thl* time last year the TVnsue"
Fever wa* ravishing the football
sqnad and It was a team a trendy
.defeated before they went oin the
JPjId that met Georgia. Dmtny the
flHt nn«H#f Mfercer camn within
five yard* of the goal linn
Yoo Uxsge a Rfiju. m/iina®ett 'tow©
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