The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 26, 1923, Image 3

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THE BANNER-HERALD, ATHENS. GEORGIA' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1928. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Surettelief By MRS. ALICE ADAMS Rreidence 8S2 THE PHOTOPLAY SMASH OF THE SEASON Yea don't hire to go to Hollywood to iee all your favorite* —"Hollywood'* Is coming to yoal The stirs of ■ tlnussnd pictures ssscmblcd In one suptrlutive cssL Showing the ■mixing adventures of ■ screen-struck girl who tried to "get In." Produced by the.min wh* made “The Covered Wagon." With the most fascinating background eyer screened—Holly wood, the garden spot of .pictures.' THE THREE-RING CIRCUS OF PICTURES For the past twb yearn -Mint; Campbell has bpen working on the staff of Dr. Robert Lovett, notec bethopcdic surgeon of Boston Mass., and will take up this work In tho cities of Montevideo, ant’ Uuonos * AUotLtt.UM»; ~ B«ll enrati'ttLCewwam* gliH» In Biology. Ills lAlereatlnc to not. thathls daughter Will also , bo a r OcraKhty. It Is marked. Kenneth Harlan and Miriam ^Cooper Palace Tonight; “Hollywod” With Twenty Stars and Thirty Celebrities the genblno . busy,' indi wholesome Unity wood thin seep, not the garish place yellow Journalists would I make it uppear* 'SCREEN CELEBRITII JIM, L. LAISv".Bit 1ST! JAMES CFOIZE COUGHS DISTURB SCHOO „ WORK School teachers should five some advice to chPdrxn wlm h cough* as did this Florida tan*I -~l recommended FOLEY’S H<>\ AND TAR to the children In school who had the *flu* nn<! g< results came wherever It \ •wed.’* writes Mm. L jyrtnstnj Okeechobee, Florida. Foley’s 11 < ey snd Tar contains no opiates, gradients printed on the wiu>r Quickly r«ll«v«« cylda, CO1 (Advertisement.) Tho story Involves the regenera tion of a girl, whose efforts to clean the slate of her lift form the nucleus for much dramatic acrt!on» carying tho spectator from tit# stums of a hie* eastern city tt situation provides the oast snd Tom Forman, the director of thf feature, with splerdtd opportunities for a number of tense situations.* croup. what a background! And wha wonderful folk are to appear! Th* big Paramount dtars, leading wo men, leading men, character actor; and accesses, directors, officials writers. The middle western family whirl gets to the film capitally diver; means and for varfbus purposes ] sees them all and Is properly awed and delighted. And the broad scope of the “canvas' 'disclose? Hollywood- -rtcstiing against the mountains, the studios, the hotels j PALACE TONIGHT Back," FOR SALE Iron Bed, lift side, and mattress. Good as new. For baby or child. Sheet Iron Heater, prac tically new, several joints pipe and elbow. 2 kitch- prlces; Can be seen Wed nesday and Thursday at on tables All very law’ “The Oirl Who Came Tom Forman's elaborate screen version of the stage production ol the same title, will he the offering af the Palace tonight. Cast, production and unusually beautiful photography are to keep ing with the colorful story of thrills and heart, throbji unfolded with t)te|r aid. MJrtgm Co**r more beautiful than cv hMWjjr WILL 8H0W MAKING OP PICTURES AT THE PALACE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY One thing's sure! The workftn vonernl is going to know a lot more about the way motion pic tures Pte made after seeing “Hoi- lywhwr* than - they did before thir THE SHOP OF QUALITY Athens, Ga. Clayton Street North Milledge, coi to a uuy ..A... (James Matthews Legaro.) * Go how thy beau' in goutle spile, Thou Illy white, Por'sh!) who spies thee waving hero, With^l^o In beauty can compare As day with night. Soft are thy leaves ar.d white: --her arms Boast whiter charms. Thy stem prone bent with lovell- Of rantden grace poa&esseth leas: Therein she charms. Thog In thy lake dst see Thyleif: so sbo BohoWa her Image in her eyes Reflected. Thus did VcnUs riso From put the sen. ( ate, bloom not again, rival vain ^ ; whose charms have thine 2'tratdohe, Whose purity might spot the sun, And make thy leaf a stain. loveLy^ridge party FOfrMR&. HARRI8 •Mrs. Anna Virginia Stetson was the lovely hostess Wednesday aft- erooett honoring Mrs. Hunter Har ris, a recent chgrming bride, at one of the season's most beautiful and elaborate bridge * parties at the Linger Longer Lodge.-* Tire‘-'‘picturesque tea room was nearer mor$ artistically attractive carrying a. fright folor note of gold and .white lb the wealth of gorgeous fall .flowers, arranged in French baskets and vases, making i radiant setting for the nine tables of players. v following the spirited game tw •cilclan* courtes were served. Mrs. Harris was presented an exquisite handpainted’ wicker tray adorned with graceful sprays of Wisteria. Tho top score prizo was a dainty pair of handpainted condlesticks. The popular honoreo has been the inspiration of many lovely social courtesies, but nono mere dnr ingfy planned >han Mrs. Stetson’s. The: Linger Longer Lodge Is ideal for entertaining, and Is dally the center of many happy and con genial gatherings. — JUNIOR GIRLS LITERARY SOCIETY OF A. H. 8. HOLDS INTERESTING MEETING The members of the Junior Girls Literary 'Society enjoyed a most delightful meeting at 4 o’clock Mondya .September 24th, in fhc English room of tho Athens High School with Miss Eugenia Arnold in charge of the program. Tho principal feature of tho at- renoon was a one-act play entitled “Tho Bald Headed Man,” with Misses Proctdr,,Arnold, and Blck- erstaff as the outstanding ‘com edfnns." Amon gthe other attractions was ^ **4 754 P9ckegoe everywhere DtTES-STINGS II Apply wet baking’ soda or W0 household ammonia,foQowedby VICKS ▼ VapoRub <hn IT Million /mUmdYtrtf iimriuEDE -^ tl STRAP •PUMPS . . 3ro,wn is one of Dame Fashion’s best ,, shades for jEali-aad .the .shades, ws .are show- I- a solo, “My Dream Boat,” by Miss Alary Stewart, with Miss Evelyn Proctor at the piano. Miss Nellie Foster rendered a piano solo, “Pre lude in C. Minor.” A very inter esting talk on “Tho Best Book I Have Read Recently,” waf given by Miss Thelma Barrett. All of tbeso selections created grekt in terest and enthusiasm among the society moinbers. This one of tho few meeting? held by the yoyng society but the program proved to be a most de lightful ‘one. FEDERATION EXECUTIVE BOARD TO HOLD ADD-DAY 8E88ION The executive hoard of the Georgia Federation of. Women' clubs will bccMn all-day sesslor Thursday at the Atlanta Woman*' club. Mrs. James E. Hays, president o the federation will preside/ The program will b° °ne of special in terest, as- any proposed change li tho constitution, and any recoin mcndatlona which the oxecutlvi board desires to make to the stab convention in Romo in October, will be discussed and passed upon Among these will be the resolution of change of charter for the Tal lulah Falls school. The resolutior for continuing club institutes am* probability of indorsement of gen oral federation officers will ajso be presented to the board. This is the most important meeting oft the year, and a largo attendance is urged. «. MI88 MARQARETT CAMPBELL LEAVE8 800N FQR SOUTH AMERICA Friends of Miss Margaret Camp bell a daughter of Dr. John P Campbell, who directed the worl of the Biological department of the University of Georgia for, mors than thirty years, will be Inter Here’s a message of interest to every boy. Bring in the Little We now have a complete line of boys fine suits to fit boys from 3 to 18 years of age. . You should see them. Our suits for small boys are beauties. Let us try them on your m FREE—A FOOTBALL AND WHISTLE MI88E8 E8TELLE 8COTT <AND ANTIONETTE > o FULLILOVE JOINT HOSTE88 Misses Estell Scott and Antlon etto Fullilovo were joint hostesses Tuesday evening at a very delight ful bridjpi party. Baskets ot gar- dan flow.T.i ware Vic brigh; def initions. Followin ' 'ho cresting game sd. Mr. Boi-niU LnWro f *:a won delirious wro »er- the top score and Mrs. Henry Smith tho booby. Tho enjoyable ocacslon markod one of the most beautiful of the small social affaire of tho week. MISSIONARY CIRCLE FIR8T METHODIST CHURCH All the missionary clrelo aof ihr First Methodist church, will meet at Mrs. h. H. Davison's Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Each cir cle will hold a short busloes, mooting and then como together for a short Devotional after which they will Join tho Rucsta on the lawn surrounding the Chrlstmar tree for Mlsa Ella LovorctL CHRISTMAS TREE FOR MISS LEVERETT Tiio annual Christmas tree for MIbs Loverett school In llhloo will bo nn Interostlnir event of Hturs- day afternoon on tho lawn r.f Mrs. H. Davison. Friends of this school, all min- Inters and their wives arc cordial- ly Invited. MISSIONARY MEETINd Circle No. 3 of the First Metho dist church will hold its meeting n* Mr*. A. H. Davison on Prince ave- prior to ibe Christman tref exorcises, Thursday afternoon at four o’clock. All membera urged to be preseit. Midshipman Arthur L. Wood of the U.’ft. N. left Wednesday after* noon to resume bin studies nt An* mpolls Md., after a visit to hit mother, Mrs. W. L, Wood. -W- Mrs. J. E. Hayes of Montexums who Is the guest f Mrs Jiillur Talmadge wtll go over to Atlanta Th.ursday for the executive board meeting of the Georgia Fedemtloi of Womens Clubs. —JR— Mrs. W. F. Dorsey and Mrs. Hugh Rowe returned Tuesday night from Franklin, N. C. Miss Mary Capps left Tuesday morning for North Carolina to vis It relatives, - jjfi Miss Annette Harber of Com merce was'among the visitors her* Mrs. C. J. Steward young children Jack and Daren port of Augusta are the guests of Mrs. Allen Talma Afisses Jeaa Flanigan and Fran ces Talmadge spent the week end in Atlanta going over to meet Ml«a Claudia Flamgen wuo spent the summer In California. They re turned home Tuesday afternoon. —1«— Mr. C. D. Flanlgea has returned from a short buslnes' trip to Sa vannah. —BE— Miss Katherine Park left Tues day for Cartersvllle to vUlf Ml**; Mary Peeplea. Miss Charlotte Flemlster who is attending the university is spend ing a few days at her home In Cartersvllle. Prof. Austin Haselwood who^has been In the city the ptft.fpw days assisting Mrs. John B. VftUghan .with tho compiling of the new aona book for 1024 left Monday for nit home In Pell City Ala. —gj— ' Mrs. B. W. Ford. Mrs. A. J Gillen,. Mrs. R B Young, Mrs C. F Colclough of Maxeys were visitors here Monday. —ffi— Dr. and Mra. Jeff Davla Of Toc- coa 'were guests of Mr. and Mrs Julius Talmadge Tuesday. ■-BD Miss Jule Allen of Covington lr the Rucst ot Mra. ft H. Blckar atatt. . . Mrs. R. V. Sanford • and Mr, amid arena will spend Th Brads) In Atlanta aoina over for the Ex ecutive board meeting of the Fed- oration of Womy Cluha. Mr and Mra. Jonea Purnell ol Oaliieevltle will apend the weekend with their mother, Mra. W. * Wood. — wi Dr. and Mra. Monroe Ooodwyn will return to Near York Sunday afternoon spendlna aometime with Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P. Daarinp on Mllledpe avenue. Mrs. Tow who hea been vlaltlnr has eon Mr. Morris Tow and Mrs Vow returned to Tocco Tuesday. —m— Xra. J. O. Matheweon of Atlantn ■pent Tuesday with lira. John J Wilkins. Mrs. 0. H. FlrS of this city was hurriedly called to the home of her father, Mr. D. W. Garrison. Tuesday. In Cornelia. Mr. Oarrlaon la very 111 with pneumonia. 00 ■Mr. and Mra. Ben Unk end Ben link, Jr., returned Saturday from Ptilladelplili. Atlantic city nnd New York. ; -r ■ —BB - ■ , Mr. and Mra. William Bndahaw and Mlaa Julia Bradshaw landed In New York Friday from a delight* tul trip abroad and will be there until- Wednesday, whan Mr. Brad shaw returns to Paducah and Mrs. RVadahaw -will gteampagy Mist PBPMMWBSntlWa). tt. where she. will attend school on routo to Athene to srlalt hpr moth er. Mrs. James White.’ Mra: William Sneillnc and little ion, William. Jr- of Greenville are be-Kueste ot Col. and Mt*. c. M. siwBInj. ■ .‘u^r: • ’ — ffl— Mlaa Nella Hart Avery leaves Vinday for Richmond, Va- where she will pMn her mpther, Mra. Ora Hart Avery tor the srinter end will attend 8L Catherine's achool. -ffl— Mra. J. H. L. Gerdine left Tueo. -toy morning for Rock Hill. 8. tt, >o Join her daughter, Mlaa Corinne Oerdlne for the winter. Her many frjends regret that she could not prolong her visit with Mra. T. J. Woofter arid hope before very long she wlU return tor a longer stay. Mia. Gardlne has made several lovely talks on ’ Korea alncn her recent return which here been very greatly enjoyed by hundreds Freeport, HI- are the guest, of -Mr. Mr. Scott Holland Is In New York. —ffl— Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton an- ounce the birth of a son, Septem ber the 22nd who has baen named Marion Mathows. " —ffl— Mr. and Mra. Asdsrlne, formerly of Atlanta spent the week-end with Judge Henry Weat'e family. Mr. Winfield Nlabct of Macon sp?nt the week-end with his fam- ly- *.. —ffl— Mr. end iMro. Ben Lester of Au gusta who have been visiting Miss Florence Looter at tho University returned home Monday accompan ied fay Mr. H. L. Alexander who came up to see his daughters at '.he 8tate Normal —ffl— Rev. and Mra. Arthur Jackson snd Mlaa Winnie Mae Adams ol Royston were vlaltora In Athena Monday. Mlaa MpUil Bakar, Mra. F. B. Doyle end Mr. and Mra. Hubert Dyer of Roystpn were In tho city Monday visiting. * Mr. and Mr*. iBert C. Glesy of Freeort, III- art tha guests of Mr. snd Mr*. R. Ft Hudson and 8. R. Richards. . Drink Cascade Ginger Ale TO THE YOUNG LADIES OF AT No doubt many ot you-niwa ot you for that matter—rsa motion pldture m.iaaxlnoH sre In these books, photogmi »hiagflf?! girl? who havs aaS-:'- ; surceHfl on *he screen. \ | Tho first thought that ' nw your mind i*^-"Well, I'm as j ns she is. and ro I’m erolrv 1 for the movies too.” But tnl< advice and look twice before lean once” * All the girls who go In rv nln do NOT Ket into fdi When rntslng directors nrc I/iff their selections for nesr they have many things to m ASIDE from n beautiful face Just what these things real! I can’t tell you In this sin>rt i But If you will mnke it business to see ''Hojlywood’’ •rrent Picture* that, ,^#gfns a day engagement at the I Theatre tomorrow, you will yourself Alb you want to about girls getltng Into tho m T could go on nnd tett you !i things of interest, but I prefer YOU SEE them for yoartsH In arrow nnd Friday at the 1 T theatre, when “HOLLYWool acted out for you by sixty o etnndnrd rtiirs of the screen^ You will be Interested., ehtt and benefited by seeing this r | ntoth screen production. So I f*\ll to take this opportunity [ you cannot go fo HolIywd» have brought “Hollywood" t«j so take ndvnntage of tlifa tunity offered, and ntc it. .. Very truly yours. The Palace Theatre Manage