The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 28, 1923, Image 2

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THE BANNEP-HERALI). ATHENS. CE0HG1A FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. 1»M r .esei RHai/. i pn?vrriiiirr-^ Athens yjUitort — Among those visiting in Athens [frtday were, W. H. Brooks, 4t- Btnti; T. M. Smith. Atlanta; 9. J. Swu, ^Uar.ta;. E. !. a*. Santa. jpjfi Wilco*. 8. C.; C. F. Bishop. f Musician Out of ^ - Tune ¥ •dm- pressure In my ptqmach I sometimes distressed me so that I PlnM think, t plnyed out of | tune and twiceJoat my position. No Sjtfiedieitie helped me and I becnm** j/Bshfsrtened. Another musician ftdvit/d me to try Mary's Wonder - Era Remedy, nod I am 9&}ing the best of health.” It is * pimple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from r#b* intestinal tract and a Hi vs the -inflammation which Causes prnc- jblcBlIy all stomach, liver and intes- ifinal ailments, including appendi citis. Oe dose will convince or [tnoney refunded. For sale by nil druggists, everywhere.—Advertise- linen i. Drink Cascade Ginger Ale iTSXASrZ r, j :.VfH»ltywoad" A Big Hit At Palace; u ™.~.m p]ays fo Crowded House Opening E. K. McGowell.'Atlanta; E. L. Fugitt. Baltimore; Henry H. Kes- Charleston, S o.; Mr. and church -on Tuesday night for. Day; Last Showing Palace Tonight Mrs. J. H. Wiley, New Orleans, j JLLEEN_MOOKfc STAR*. AT O. Moore. Atlanta; Miss S. L. ‘ Spalding, Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs □. Iierson, Orlando, Fla. dramatic si-ua- supper. , Miss Anna Belle Doughty spmt Monday night at her homo in Com- A reception was given Saturday ! afternoon by C’hi Omega. v :j, . P. Masters. Newport. Tenn. H. F. Estes. Newport. Tenn.; I W. Poole. Atlanta; F. C. Phelm Major, 17. 3. Army; Eugene Nolan, Philadelphia. A. &■ Harrison. Atlanta. L. Shear. Macon; Mr*. Mary L. Hen- try, Atlanta; T. M. Morris. Atlan ta: J. T. Evans, Savannah; Juliu’ Kalin. New York; A. E. Davis Atlanta. . W. Preston. Atlanta Weeks. R'chmond. Vn.: f* Whittle Atlanta: J. N. Harper L, Ilnrdman. Jr.. Atlanta* O. ?. MoJjeley. Washington: R. B. Max well, Atlanta; J. S. Lcgqrtf. Bal timore. THE PALACE SATURDAY tlons. , The picture is In ‘‘The Huntress,” a plcturo which is to. he the feature of th*r program at the Palace theatre 8a»- urday, Colleen Moore has, without doubt, one of the most delightful roies of her whole screen career. In this picture the winsome young star plays the part of a vi vacious care-free white girl. vh« ha* y-en reared a, „n Indian, shr that aha in white and then „ unique- anf K Mini franceS Marion returned to refreahlnff departure | Atlanta' after spsndtng a week Inary run of play*. j u itti her sister. Miss Olive Marlon an student at the University. will pre from the Lloyd Hughes plays opposite Miss Moore In this highly uumor ous comedy-drnmu. and other, screen celebrities In the picture nn Russell Hlmpson. Walter I»n« | Hnitz Edwards, Charles E. Ander- i nnd Wilfred North. neaitn js one of 1KKSSalS But healthmusTb^wf! f**' 88 -' raisedfwe all know that not easily di “ rnp,r when self-rii Place oft pendable results are foods.- Don’t take able brand v plain flouh: 7? sure of; easily Remember, found anyth of the tried of using plai n a Bead by actual ex Preparations take their pU< and dangerous is no comparisoi Calumet, the ] Powder, is know, jjnd positive aidj bakings that a; sweet and who! 1 hat’s the reaso) *7p times as other brand. PACKED IN ”• KEEPS ♦’the fun begins” when sh,® decide# to win a white husband. She kidnaps a hxshful city youtl who ha* come into the countr> prospecting Her efforts to hold him ami finally to win him, natut* ally create a series of highly hum- PICTURE 8HOW8 HOLLYWOOD AS IT IS At Th* Palace Last Night td Pack ed House. James Crutd's “Hol lywood” Mads By Scrssn Ek- r|»rts Who Know Plaes Showing Hollywood. Cal., Ihr enpita! of fllnidom. as it-really Is* not as it is sometimes painted, is ore of 'he features of the .Tamei Cruse picture. •Hollywood.” which will be shown for the last time to* right at the Palace. Frank Con don. who wrote the short story from which the picture, war adapted, lives In and knows Hnl- ’vwood Intimately. James Cruset } 'he‘director, liven in and in fami liar with every phase of the com' rounlty nnd .'♦.udio life. The onlj strangers nr some of the unknowr p’ayers who nterprot the roles n* folks frnm Centervlle, Jnd., and who are quit® like the chnractere they denlct. Joel Whitaker »« ordered west foi h!s heahh. His granddaughter Angela, comes with him to seek r place In the films, hnvlnr beer. ♦'•Id. and herself being quite car* tn|n. that she will l>e n howlinr, eticeess and n star. Later on, nl‘ the fnnillv come to California nnf nil vet Mto the films except An- relia who never gets a chance ' r,,r v meet ni Ithe noted screon folk—stars and directors, and their adventores rrf both humo~r»us oMhrtic with n touch of thrill’ In. One of thp fenfires—nerhons the rren'eHt — 'i n t' 'he r.-imom ~rrr#n folk in C’fh. Another »- on»»ortunlty’ of seeing the fli*fen tn a*v? ohotif th' A-A«fs-n plm enpifnl TTnnuestlon- "hlv *hln i« th* mo«* novel pic’tire ♦hat has eve- -enrherl the screen. NDEPEIUDENI’r Campus Chatter WAREHOUSE 1 | Messrs. Ernest Newton, Felker^ {Lewis, Nowell Briscoe and Ernest ; camp, Jr., agent the past weekend, jin their home town, Monro*. Y lAHRV I3ANTY i Mr. John' McIntyre, cavUin’o.r ttur.Ily (llsitMttuI about ator- UBy Au,0,1, • ■Georgia State College ,. Leads All Such Institu-j (■' tions in United States. Expect 1,700-rfi 1923. Attendance record at Southern Agricultural Colleges last fear shows Ccorgia to be far in the lend both In long and 'short course f C ftn-j-pu. j.. .-.inline to a statement i ?* by l)r. Andrew M. Soule, who has | Just received the complete list of student enrollments from the vari ous institutions. J j* The figures credit the U?orgh j [• State College of Agriculture with j an enrollment of SO^long course students and 672 short course stu- : j{ dents a total ,Qf .1474, which Is far j £ above North Icttrollnn State which ^ came arcond with f»63 agricultural -< students enrolled. Mississippi A &. M. tood third with 55h. Fiorina war, at the foot of tho list with Jin agricultural students. Tin' fact th:lt the Georgia State College of Agrleultnre had by far the greater enrollment of both long and short course students is shirred 1 an honor and a d.s- ■tion in view of the fact that it ; among the latest agricultural colleges to be estbalished, ami now receives the least support from the state of uny Institution of the kind in the county. a tleally every county in the state was represented at tho Col lege of Agriculture last year, and j lit hough the trustees have not en couraged non-resident students to enroll, all of the surrounding i louthern states ami several foreign j counties werq represented at the i Institution. ( ' •'' - " ii The enrollment for the present war i* expected to reWch a tbfal, •if 1700 ql both long, and short loursn students, 09! Ihcreasp of; ibout three hundred over last y^hr- 1 1,1. Read Baner-Herald Want Ads. ■ . OmU’I t) V 1 ’ , • » ll Exclusive Styles! Wonderful Values! » .■ <] You will marvel that such Wonderful Shoe* can be had for *o low a price and thi* Fall NEWARK Shoe* for Men and Women offer you positively The Mott Exclusive Styles and The Greatest Value at their price of any shoe in town. That is why Newark Wonder ful Shoes are the choice of smart dressers in 298 cities. Yearly sales of over five million pairs make possible these wonderful styles and amazing values—They Save You Dollars and there is a style for every occasion—Dress or Work—See the shoes that are the talk of the town in style and value-giving. Athens, Ga., Store, 151 Clayton St n “Next to KreffS,” Newark Sines Open Ssissnqr Errs lug* to AeccnnxJ..fc Ccdcntr*. £- Baaa&’ggai8^aaisss8aaiiaaa3^.^.ss^^ Mr. WHUo Bryson, of the Tech glee club visited Athens last Sat- iflTiTijQ <Y\ _ . fi-HiH ?m Mr. Eugone Kelly ot^fonroe, ar rived in Athens Tuesday to enter as a freshman at the university. Mr. Bob Travis, freshman, had _ their cotton in warehouses, but 0 the cotton grower a warehouse as essential as a honk to the ilncHS man, hocause occasionally batik falls. Is no reason why the •rlnclpal of hanking sbouhl lie bandoned. 'In order that Ills cot- ion may bo properly bandled-*- ded, insured and' made ready [or marketing it should be stored warehouso and handled by % xperienced cotton men. This also ’ the" distinction of having uts his cotton In shape where the 'crowning glory amputated twice by rmer can borrow money on It the the sophomores, mo as any other perfectly sol* ent collateral. There is now es- 'ln Alhofig tbftJUulfifien- (ent WarehwiiioS, Inc., sn Inatitu- Ion that fully meets the require ments of the cotton grower, and Ibsolstely protects,antf safeguards Is -cotton against any possible Ip anyway whit lever. This w*arehpbse has avoided the ttfcAipon which other ware uses have gone to wreck—It will cither act as banket* or in any Miss Charlotte Flemtster, who is rooming at 8oule Hall, has gone to Carters*!!!* !« attend a wedding. Miss Frances Marion has re turned to Atlanta after a delightful visit with her sister. Miss Olive, Marion at 8ou!e Hall. Miss Lillian "isZida Mf fiavannai arrived Monday and will enter the law school of the University of nanner whatever control your cot- Coorgla. cn.iTSiis cop*p«ny makes no sd-1 -—;— < nccs on cotton In tts custody Mr. i.ew¥ GRsmaky who war: t Issues insured negotiable if’ formerly at the University of celpts on all cotton stored with It, end which receipts are as solvent and negotiable Sb a government bond. Arrangements aro ( made to make liberal advances to the owners of all cotton storec in their warehouse. This company neither buys cotton or acts as ag ents for buyers. This assures cus tomers that when a sale of cot ton is made the full and highest price will b? obtained. The Independent Warehouse. Inc., has the endorsement of every hank in Athens and our leading business houses. Associated with the Athens branch arc Messrs. A. R. Nicholson. Hemy Pope and Ben Woods. Mr. Robert Ould is manager of the Athens office. Amdng the directors of this cor- ration are the heads ot the eatest • hanks and financiers in merlca. It is Impossible to lose itton stored with this Institution any way whatever. apTHS- A Bewildering Assemblage of Clever Fall Creations Await Yonr Approval i Cash Is A Secondary Con: Ore. Dmktqv ui Hh (kdwki (T«II Mo a Story OUttr/ I BemOrdwstnisfChkace Mio thb new doubix^ackp RED SEAL RECORDS Come in and hear {hem Dorsey Furniture Co. 1 FEW PRIZES TO AMERICAN8 RIO I»E JANEIRO—American exporters - occupied fifth place in the numb*** of prises that were awarded foreign exhibitors at rhe Brasilian Centennial Exposition in this city, Which closed late in July, According to official figures prises were awarded to foreign exhibitor* as follows* France 6858: Belgium. 811; Portugal. 801: Italy 180; United State*’ 147: England, 110; Argentina 108, Luxemburg 79; Denmark 47; Japan 48, Norway 82; and Czechoslovakia 21. Read Herald Want Ads.; Mr. find Mrs. B. E. Letter of Auguta spent last week-end with their daughter, # Miss Florence Les ter who is rooming at Soule Hall. Charles Fargo, for two years s student at the United States Mili tary Academy at Went Point, New York is now at the nlvcrslty. Depplsh Kirkland and Clifford Hart motored to Atlanta over tho week-emt In Kirland'4 car. Millard Clarke of the Engineer Ing class of 1920 was the guest of the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity for several days last week. Miss Marie Erwin, of Blatrsville. npent the week-end with friends at Soule Halir »**£,- Mirs Nora Lucas spent the week end at her home in Washingtdp*. r The “Rats Courts*' hefd Monday i^t, was highly r.uccessful, It Is said. Miss Katherine Park Ieh'Tues day for CartersvIUe, Ga., to bo the guest of Miss Mary Peoples for the remainder of tho week. Mr. J. -P. Hill, Jr., of Washing ton, J>. c. f spent/ Monday with Meads at the University. The Phi Mu 8orority entertained St s lovely tea on Tuesday after- All Presbyterian indents wer meats of the Ladles Auxiliary of SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, FURS Styles this rail snow more life with fash ion’s newest touch. Many new models are featured. Individuality is the keynote of each, and each garment is tempting and a most agreeable surprise. You’ll admire them. W JUST CHARGE IT Stylish New Suits & Overcoats It’s a delight and treat for men who Icnov/- good togs to buy at Askin’*. Quality and a real man’s style is written right on the back'of these garment*. Conservative and young men’s style*. WJUST CHARCE IT “SOMETHING NEW EVERY WEEK" B3Z33 Clotbwg^oi^h^Faii 195 Clayton Street Phone 136G IBB BHHnSMHBBMMHI -IOC ft B— ■ 1