Newspaper Page Text
glm the defendant
J Quit claim deed for !e
lEOItGlA—Clarke Countyi ' |8»le wSi executed by the
the Superior Court of Mid State in fi 1s t» the defendant
WHEREFORE, petiticnera prayl *•’ They deilre for tha wild in’
r and Countyt
(be petition pf AARON COHEN,
r EDWARD ft. Cohen, henry
MICHAEL, respectfully shows:
| potitlonera, together with their
ssoeiates, dcaire to be incorpor-
l under the name of the PINE-
kriod of tw
UB for the
ars, with the .
and filed and recorded
fice o‘
quired by law, before the levy.
1923** 8«Ptc»ber #
' * w - *• JACKSON,
Sheriff, Clarke County, Georgia.
Sept. 7-14-21-28.
piratlon <
ht to rtlteyv'aald charter at the G wn C i! A— fi*!*: „
time. Will be sold before the Court
House door in said County on thi
first Tuesday in October, 1923,
within the legal hours of sale, to
the highest bidder tot cash, tha
following described lands, to-wil:
Those two tracts or parcels of
land situated in the town of Win-
terville, Clarke County, Georgia,
and described as follows:
(1). That tract lying on the
Northerly side of Church Street,
beginning at a point 282 feet
That thp purposes of said cor
poration are the promotion of so-
ial intercourse among the mem-
and the encouragement of
dies, and of sports and past
is. They desire the right to
i and construct suitable club
looms, tennis courts, golf course,
trimming pool and lake and pin;
bounds for children.
J Your petitioners desire the cor-|^ uthG * 8t the*ihtersectTon’of
loration to be located in the City Chur . ch ™ Harr,s Streets, and
(f Athens, Clarke County, Geor- n, n. n, "5 thG ” Ce Southeast along
1 ■ said. Church Street 125 feet, thence
East along said Church Street
lGG.o feet to Dozier Street, thence
Northeast along Dozier Street
102.4 feet, thence at right angles
in a Northwest direction 175 feet
to a point, thence at right angles
in a Northeast direction 25 feet to
a point, thtneo at right angles 50
feet to a point, thence at right
angles 60 feet to a point, thence
again at right angles 50 feet to
comer of lot Nc. 10, thenca South
westerly alontf the easterly line of
lot No. 10, 160 feet to the begin
ning, being lots Nos. 11 to 21, in
clusive, in Block A, of subdivis
ion of Winter Grove, as per plat
of the Clerk of the Superior “f* hcrcin «<* *>rth. and aych aach otker . r, « ht ?-. P owcra - P r . lvi !-
t of Clarke County « °J hera “ are now or may here-|W“ and immunities a, arc inci-
d by law, before th. i,« »ft«r be allowed corporations of| dc . nt <? Hko incorporations or per-
■ • ■ * - l,vy ' a similar character under tha law/i m ,' ssible under the ,BWS of Gwr ‘
of Georgia. ! rIs.
ERWIN, ERWIN A Ntx, !, Wherefore, petitioners pray to
Attorney* for Petitioners he incorporated under the name
GEORGIA—Clarke County: and stylo aforesaid with the pow-
Cierk Superior Court, Clarke ««■. privileges and immunities
Filed in office, this Cth day of h< * cin "? k forth, and as are now,
Saptember, 1923. or may hereafter be, allowed a
E. J. CRAWFORD, corporation of - Similar character
Clerk Superior Court, Clarke undcr the laws^of Georgia.
petitionera desire that said cor-
)oration may have the right to
nt a board,of.directom by a vote
[ its membqfm and elect such of-
rers as they deem advisable, and
I use and make, all proper and
ircessary by-laiys, .rules and regu-
ptions that art necessary and may
e proper in cartying on the ob-
xts of said'corporation, and also
) have and use a common seal,
ind with the right to alter, amend
appeal the bylaws in aecord-
s '»ith the constitution when
popted, »'t r:t
That said corporation have thei"*°«fcd in Deed Book 19,'page 0,
to receive, rent, lease, pur-* Clarke County Records.
(2) That tract beginning at a
point on the Northerly side of
Georgia Avenue (or Railroad
Street) 200 feet easterly from
Dozier Street, and running thence
Easterly along Georgia Avenue
200 feet and with this width ex-
and hold such realty and
rsonalities os may be necessary
the purposes of the corpora-
, with, the power to dispose of
re same and to. execute notes and
onds as evidence of indebtedness
icurred, or which may Iks incur- . , , .. * .
and to secure the same by tending back in a Northeasterly
.crape, security deed, trust direction 350 feet to Church
.rtgage, security deed, trust
id, or other form of lien undcr
listing ]awg ^j 1>r
[ That said corporation shall have
i capital atttek except such prop-
as it may acquire from volun-
donatiohs, and dues and as-
[essments levied upon its room*
Icrs. That the membership in said
lorporation shall . be subject to
|ansfcr and assignment under
ich rules and regulations as may
described in the bylaws, and
jat no right of transfer of such
lembershij shall exist, except in
rcordance/With such bylaws.
I That th«y desire for said cor-
power and authority
rv and accept amend*
nts to it# charter, or cither form
j apply i*
Street, and being lots Nos. 9 to
16, inclusive, and lots Nos. 41 to
48, inclusive, of Block B, of sub
division of Winter Grove, as per
plat recorded in Deed Book 19,
page 0, Clarke county records.
Said land levied on as the prop
erty of N. M. Ward to satisfy an
execution issued from the Super
ior Court of Clarke County, Geor
gia, on the 12th day of October,
1922,i in favor of Mrs. Lizzie S.
Lamkin. Written notice of levyfo
;iv<!n to defendant in fi.‘ fa.' and
Tenant in possession. Deed for the
purpose of levy and sale filed and
recorded in office of the Clerk of
the Superior, Court of Clarke
County, Geoifrfe, before leyy made
Thii 4th day of Sr
Coiinty, Gcorgii
GfA—-Clarke Cl
Clerk’s Office, Superior Court.
I, E. J. Crawford, Clerk of tho
Superior % Court of Clarke County,
Georgia, do hereby certify that
the foregoing is a true copy of the
application of Mrs. C. Y. Wier,
Sr., and A. L. Wier, for incorpora
PANYJ as said application ap
pears on file in my office.
WITNESS my official\signature
and the sea! of said court, this - - _
the 6th day of September, 1923. ! WRECKING COMPANY,
Clerk Superior Court, Clarke
County, Georgia.
Sept. 7-14-21-28.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that L.
M. Smith, as administrator of L.
L. Smith, deceased, having ap*
died to mo by petition for leave
o sell the real estate of said L.
L. Smith, deceased; the sale ti
take place at Dahielsville, in : thy
County where the land is located;
and that an order was madi
thereon at the September term,
1923 for citation, land ]that cLMt
tion issue; all the heirs at law
and creditors of the said L. t.
Smith, deceased, will take notice
that I will pass upon said appli-
.. ... ~
Clarke County; aft A that unless
cause is shown to the contrary, at
said time, said leave will be grant
ed, with power to sell the land at
Danielsviifc, Madison County.
This September 3, 1923.
R. C. ORR, Ordinary.
Sept. 7-14-21-28.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
To AH Whom It May Concern:
WALLACE having in due form
applied to me for permanent let
ters of administration upon the
estate of CALLIE NICHOLS, late
eft sild" copnf
this •
Petitioner's Attorneys.
Fill'd in office September 5th
f E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
Office of Clerk of Superior Court
of Clarke County.
September 5th, 1923.
I, E. J. Crawford, Clerk of the
Superior Court of Clarke County,
hereby 1 certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct copy of the
application for charter, of AUTO
same appears of file in this office.
and likewise recorded in saidi LIBEL FOR DiVORCB
office. *| <; Clark* Superior Court.
2. AH that tract or parcel of October Term, 19231 *
land lying and being in the city of GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Athana, Clarke County, Georgia,.HATTIE MADDOX
beginning on Jonss Avenue at the vs
property line of J. A. Hunnicutt WILLIAM MADDOX
and Deupree Hunnicutt, and run-j To William Maddox:
nlng thence in a northerly direc- *\, n c-n.irf mm
{inee 8lP o7 iS^TeL* SS iSZVJR
westerlv^diction , court on second Monday in
rrtvofJona s 2l 2 October, 1923, next, to answer pe-
SwkLrL' |S J M A V U th titioneria libel for a dlvroce a
fnnPihpnrlwn Y:i *?? r ’ vinculo matrimonii, and In default
»hi h ther * rf the Court wil1 proceed aa
Si A V n th . P °P Crty t« justice shall appertain,
said Mrs. A. V. Burton; thence in witness the Hoi
easteri/ direction 212 feet to
the beginning point; this being
the »ame lot deeded to M. Stern
r Mrs. Katie J. Pope, and record-
I in the clerk’s office of the Su
perior Court of Clarke County,
Georgia, in deed book 15, folio 12.
This lot containing one-half acre,
more or less, ana being the same
iroperiy conveyed to E. G. Fam-
rough ;>nd A. H. Shannon by
deed of M. Stern dated March 17,
|$20, and recorded in the clerk’s
office of the Superior Court of
Clarke CouMy, Georgia, iir deed
book 29, page 9.
* Said property having been lev-
. led upon and to be sold as the
This 5th day of September, 1923. property of E. G. Fambrough and
E. J. CRAWFORD, A. H. Shannon for the purpose of
Clerk of Superior Court, satisfying a certain execution is
I sued from the City Court of Ath-
icns in favor of F. H. McEntire
| against the said E. G. Fambrough
and A. H. Shannon.
Deed for levy and sale fiWd and
Witness the Honorable Blanton
Fortson, Judge of said Court.
This the 16th day of August,
CleAflTC., C. C., Ga.
Petitioner’s Attorney.
Aug. 17-31, Sept, 14-28.
fro. 4437 October .Term, J923,
Clarice Superior Court, Georgia,
Clarke County. .y ’ - y »■;■'*. ; be opened
B. L. WESSINGEB • ijfp; a wehk or
Sept. 7-14-21-21
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Whereas, The Georgia National
and entered on record, that they!
tore to cite all persons concerned. 1 6 p 14-41-28.
kindred »and creditors, to show: »
cause, if any they can, why said: SHERIFF’S SALE
Executor should not be discharged i GEORGIA—Clarke County
from their administration, and re
ceive Letters of Dismission on the
first Monday in October, 1923.
R. C. ORR, Ordinary.
Sept. 7-14-21-28.
ey, Guardian u.
has applied to
Will bo sold before the Court
House door in said County, on the
first Tuesday In October, 1923,
Within tho legal hours of sale, to
the highest bidder for cash,
following described property
0 f j All that tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and boing in the
GEORGIA—Clarke County
Dr. J. L. Pendle: ~
Clyde E. Pendley has appl _ . . . ,
mu for a discharge from his Guar- City of Athens, Clarko County,
dianship of Clyde E. Pendley, this • Georgia, on the North side of Hill
is therefore to notify all persons Street, known os No. 868 Hill
concerned, to file their objections,
if any they have, on or before the
first Monday in October next, else
Dr. J. L. Pendley will be d‘
charged from his Guardianship
applied for.
R. C. ORR,
Ordinary Clarke County.
Sept. 7-14-21-28.
•J 1923..
by a vote of a ma*.
members. ** a
JRE, petitioners pra* **■
irated under the name
foresaid, -with powers.
Ad immunities herein
itf with'such additional
rlvilogcs^and ftnmuni-
low-or may hereafter
i corporation of similar
idcrjtho liyws of Gcor-
Attorneys lor Petitioners.
Filed In office Aug. 31st, 1923.
[ substai
.... of I!
j be incoi
td style
It forth,
l^hts and
es as art
■ allowed
haracter t
Sheriff, Clarko County, Georgia,
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
To the superior Conti of Said
Th.Fet’itlon of Mrs. C. Y, Weir, T<r the
Sr., and A. L. Wier, both_ ejtixena >^ n
of said'county, respectfully shows
1. That
successors, to Bo incorporated un
der tho nano and atylo of WIER
F I ^CRAWFORD, full period of twenty yenra, with
,f ‘ the privilege of renewal a. pro
vided by law. • ...
2. Tho principal office and
place of bualncsa of aaid corpora
tion shall be In the city of Athena,
Clarke County, Georgia, and peti
tionera desire that said corpora
tion also have the power to catab-
liah and maintain branch offices
and places of business at such
places as it may desire, within
and without the State of Georgia.
3. The object of aaid corpora
tion Is pecuniary gain to itself and
its shareholders. ' •
4. Tho particular buaincae that
petitioners propose to carry on ;r
„ . that of a general mercantile bus!-
lighcst, bidder or bidders for nC8 * ( and petitionera desire that
• • L said corporation have tho - right
Clork Superior Court,
Clarko County Georgia.
tEORGIA—Clarko County:
I I, E. J. Crawford, Clerk of the
Superior Court of Clarke County,
Trreby certify that tho foregoing
J a true and correct copy of the
Ipplication for fchartor, of Pino
frest Country Club, as tho same
■ppeara of file in this office.
1 Thia 31,t day of Auuu«t, 1923.
Chirk of Superior Court,
IrpL. 7-14-11-28.
' • Ji V
|il.OUGIA—Clarke County:
r Will be sold at public outcry to
[be hi —
ish, between
icriffa sales, A the
y in Oethbcr, if2S,.
rarthouae ijoor
ourthouie f ' of
orgia, all j of
ribed land?
All that tract or parcel of land
h the improvements thereon in
arke County, Georgia, and
lown as lot Number 5 of the B.
Crane property, formerly land
Mrs. Beulah E. Sims, said land
ording to the survey of W . 51.
plat of the same be-
In the office of tho
Superior Court,
r petition of J.^Rt Brantlc/,
That petitioners desire, for of Clarke Comity, Georgia, and
elves, their, auociate, and How^JoB^o^gUrke^un-
showir *rr
1. That they dcaire for them-
selves, their associates and auc-
cceaora, to be incorporated and
mada a body politic undcr th<
name and atyle of AUTO WRECK
ING COMPANY, for tho period of
twenty yean.
2. The principal office of aaid
company ahall be- in the city of
Athena, State and County afore
said, hut petitioner! dcaire the
right to establish branch offices
within thia State or elsewhere,
whenever tho holder* of , major
ity of the stock nUy so determine.
8. The object of aaid corpora
tion ia pecuniary gain to itself' and
its shareholders. . ,
4. The business to be carried on
by aaid corporation J* to buy, sell
and trade automobiles,’ both new
1GIA— Clarke County:
I be odd Jefore the conrt
door, said State and County,
first Tuesday in October,
luring the legal hours for
to tho highest bidder for cash
the following described property,
show case, one bar fixture
broken > mirror, one wall
r, one *ink.
property levied upon and to
Id aa the property of Gny
to satisfy a Distress
nt issued in favor of Arnold
Iwards, against Guy Cowdon.
September 7, 1923.
W. E. JACKSON, Sheriff.
IGIA—Clarke County: '
Will be sold before the court
house door in said county at public
outcry to the highest bidder for
cash, between the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in Octo
ber, . 1923, the following de
scribed property, to-wit:
All that
lot of land in the
8treet, and moro particularly do
scribed as follows: „
Beginning at a point on Hill
Street. 225 feot West of Billups
Street, and running thence North
200 feet to a 15 toot alloy: thence
West along said alley 75 feet to a
point; thcnco south 200 feet to
Hill Street; tbcnce along Hill
8treet East 75 feet to tho begin
ning Point.
Split land levied on as tho prop
erty of B. O. Wallace lo satisfy an
execution Issued on tho 22nd day
of August, 1,23, from the City
Coprt of Athens. In favor of Tho
Equitable Life Assurance Society
of the United States against R. O
Wallace. ,
Quit-Claim debd for the purpose
of levy and sale filed and recorded
aa required by law and doe'and
legal notice given to the detehd
ant and, tenant In possession.
This 7th day of September, 1*3%
Sept. 7-14-21-28.
Clarke Superior Court
October Term, 1923.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
To Aurelia Maude Matthews,
By order of the court you are
hereby notified to be and appear
ww,,, Georgia. Said lot
mber 5 having a frontage of 90
■«t on the i road leading from
tehell Bridge to Scott Lump-
is Piacq ; and on to Brooklyn,
,d running back in uniform
idth about 1460 feet to a Branch.
tion have the right and power to
incrcaso its capital stock from time
to time, bjt a majority vote of the
outstanding common stock, to any
amount not exceeding Ten Thous
and ($10,000.00) Dollars, which in
creased capital stock shall be com.
he plat of laid property show-i m on and preferred, either or both
r * 1 — J -— :l "’ ) as may be determined by a ma
jority vote of the outstanding
common stock of said corporation,
nnd with such rights and privi
leges as may be determined by
such majority vote.
G. Petitioners desire that said
corporation have the right to sue
and to he sued, to contract and be
contracted with, to buy, sell, rent,
own and manage all such prop-
lng the property above. described
'• recorded, Jin the office of the
lerk of the Superior Court, In
iced Book 10, page 634.”
Said land ! will be s°ld ns the
iroperty of! SAM WARREN, do-
endant in fi fa, under and by
n execution issued
1923, from the City
ithens. in favor of
he principal sum of $376.80, the
suitable for the purpose of the
corporation, to issue notCB, bonds,
or other obligations, and to secure
the same by mortgage, security
deed, deed of trust, or other form
of security under iawa now or
hereafter existing. Petitioners
desire that said corporation have
the right to have and use a com
mon seal, and the right generally
to do -all other acts which may be
r CORPORA-.'done by corporations of a similar
riONhninst SAM WARREN on [nature.
All rest 31st, 1923, for aaid nimii| 7. Petitioners further desire
'urther sum! of $27.39 as interest
August 31st, 1923, the furtlic-
>um of $49.41 attorney’s fees, and
he further Tsum of $19.76 costs;
"lidcs interest on the P™', C1 P ! ‘)
•urn after August 31st, 192j, at
he rate of S per cent per annum;
nid execution being issued on a
'idgment rendered in the uity
and second-hand.
and power to sell’ at retail all
kinds of merchandise. Petitioners
desire that sent .corporation havo
the power tpVMy. sell, or other
wise deal in all kinds of merchan
dise, both for Itself and
broker or agent for others.
5. The amount of capital stock
of said corporation shall bo Two
Thousand Five Hundred ($2,599.-
00) Dollars, all common stock, di
vided into shares of the par value
of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars
each. All of said capital stock .. . .
has been actually paid In. Peti- ege of increasing same to the sum
tioners desire that said corpora- of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars
trade automobile
in, tires, batter!
all autdmobili
hand and new.
for the porposd _ , .
tog, painting and washing of any
and all makes of automobiles. To
repair batteries, tires and tubes.
To buy, sell and deal to scrap iron,
brass and any other metal aa
6. The capital stock of said
irporation ahall be Five Thousand
i) dollars, with the privil
($26,009.00), by a majority vote of
the stockholders, said stock to be
divided into shares of one hundred
($100.00) dollars each. Ten per
cent of the amount of capital to
be employed by them has been ac
tually paid to.
(Petitionera desire the right to
have the subscription to said cap
ital stock paid in money or prop
erty to he taken at a fair valun
tion), *
6. Petitioners desire the right
to sue and be sued, to plead and
he impleaded, to have nnd. use a
common seal, to make all neces
sary by-laws and regulations, and
to do all other things that may be
necessary for the successful car.
city of Athens, Clarke County, at tho Superior Court of Clarke
Georgia, on tho. cast side of tho'County, on the second Monday to
Oconee River, containing four (4) i October, 1023, to answer plantlff's
acres, more <ft less, having a front- libel for total divorce,
nge on Jonaa Avenue and being Aa in default thereof the Court
■' property described in a deed will proceed as to justice shall
December 22, 1917, from D. appertain. V "I
ioore to J. A, Hunnicutt and Witness tho 1 Honorable Blanton
Fortsonft Judge of skid Court.
This the 16th . day of . August,
1923. ,
Clerk Superior Court, Clarke
County, Georgia.
Attorneys for Petitioner,
Aug. 17-24, Sept. 7-21.
. Hunnicutt, aaid deed re
in the office of the clerk
Superior Court of Clarke
Ooupty, Georgia, in deed book 16,
page' 643; being the same prop
erty conveyed to E. G. Fambrough
[| A. H. i Shannon by deed of J.
’’unnicutt and Depuree Hun-
dated February 8, 1921,
By order nt t
required to be and appear "at aaid
Court on the Second Monday in
October, 1923, next, to answer Pe
titioner's libel for divorce, a vin
culo matrimonii, and to default
thereof the court will proceed ns
to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Honorable Blanton
Fortson, Judge of said Court, this
the 9th day of August, 1923.
and they have bought Jni
beautiful stocks. They si
expect this fall the h'iat"
since 1917. While a short cotton
crop will be made, the farmers
will not have to pay it out. Our
country ladies tell us that they
expect to have money to spend
thia winter.
We thia week talked with a
number of our merchanta who had
to carry over unpaid accounts, and
they aU say they expect to collect
a good part of such claims. They
say farmers as a general thing are
honest, and with them debts never
go out of date. The last two
years the farmers haveilivbd hard,
but wHeit they I get 'the' money
will pay, if given ‘ time: During
the great panic, a' party; in Athens
had ovtr $76,000 in unpaid ac
count*, (but by not pressing those
who owed him he lost eiily $1,500.
It took some men five or six
ears, but they eventually
dm. -
pa * d time this winter at Whit* Sp
Fla., and taka a rest up.
/ Another army goott-’tt&re will ™ i„ m w ~market Is* i
be opened on.broad street within in J h aon ,e™but prices are still too
low for profit to mill men. A
number of saw mills in hoth Ogle
thorpo and Green counties hav
, It Is’said. It'is an
Augusta firm and they hare con
tracted for is building. Every
week inquiries are being made in
Athens by parties who wane to dc
business here
to Athens, itnting that
read an account of tho
mounds near Skull Shoals,
came to see them. Th
cars in the city and.spent
cars in the city and.spent the day
sinking a shaft some fifteen fed
deep in the center of the
mound. They found a number of
relics like pipes, etc., and also a
beautifully figured crystal vc:
about the size of a saucer i
made of pure white flint,
the people who built these-i
managed to so beautifully : .
and palish the hardest flint is a
mystery. These mounds should be. ’
intelligently explored by
frbm the Smithonian *
Hon. N. D. Arnold, of
ton, was in the city yei
looking remarkably well,
saya be thinks he will spend's
The Banner-Herald ia certainly Drink Good Grape
Plenty of Money to Lend on Real Estate
' Commission I per cent over $1,000|
10 per cent np (o $1,000.
C. C. O.. C*: - : d Law otficee Phone 167$.
■ ' * . 406 Holman Bldg. Athene, Georgia
. LIBEL FOR »- < r -
No. 4410,'' October -Term, 1923,
Clarke Superior Court, Georgia,
Clarke County. , ,
By order of the Court you are
hereby required to be and an
at said Court on the Second 1
day in October, next to answer
petitioner's libel for divdrce, and
In default thereof, tho Court vlll
proceed as to justice shall apper
Witness the Honorable Blanton
Fortson, Judge of said Court
This, the 11th day of July, 1923.
Clerk S. C., C. C.
Petitioner's Attorneys. ' 1 !
Aug. 10,24, Sept. 14-28. !<> >
Jdseph Ellison Stone
“ VS. ■ -i ip;
Alta Ftorino Martin 8tone
Libel for Dlvorco.- - ' lit
GEORGIA—CJurku county!
' Clarke Superior Conrt i October
term,' 1923. ■ • ■■ i . i,< 11/ ,,
To Alta Ftorino Martin. Stone:
Greeting. • >
By order of the court, your are
required to be and appear at: the
next term of the Superior Court
which convenes on the 3rd. Mon
day in October, 19*3, to answer pe
(Honors complaint aa In defnnll
hereof, the court shall proceed aa
jusdee shall appertain. ■ n mi-u . .
Witness the Hon. Blanton Fort-
eon. Judge of aaid Court
This Slat day of Aogust, 1923.
Clerk Superior Court, Clarke
County, Ooorgia.
Aug. 31, Sept. 14-28, Oct 5.
_ijUjfcn, ...ill — uxi."al« '—i— 1 —
TSbAY ONliYf TiJlay to the only "day. Insurance is
' ' r nrrtyi way you can protect yonraelf ngai
tho possible destruction of your home or the pdsaibie loss c
valuables. Tomorrow always hold* the possibility of loss,
always offer* the protection of insurance. See an insurance i
today. Our office is open or we will call upon you on reques
can furnish you all forms of Property Protection Folicie*.
The Hinton Securities Co., Athens, Ga.
•i- 'i“
Edwerd Grady Perry i
Cieo Rytsnd Perry,
Libel lor Divorce.
UEURGIA--Clarke County;
Clarko Suporior Court, October-
end, 1923.
To cieo -Hyland i Berry. Greet-
By tho order of the Court you
■ro required to pa end appear at
tho Superior court of said county
on the 3rd Monday, |n October
m it, to answer petlinenere ccm-
plilSt. as in default (thereof, the
Court shall proceed as Justice shall
witness the Honorable Blan-
’orison, Judge of"fEe said
This 31se day of August, 1923.
Clerk Superior 'Court, Clarke
Upon motion it was ordered by the Board of Commissioners of
Roads and Revenues for Clarke County, Georgia, that the following
tax levy be made for the year, 1923. One Huhdred and Sixty (160%)
per cent, on State Levy. Eight mills or $8.00 on each $1,000.00. - _ --
It was further ordered by tho Board that the following levies be . oun ^’ “f or . OQ . K
made on State levy for the year 1923, and that the same be collected ; 31* Sept. 14*28* Oct. 6.
by the Tax Collector for the following County purposes, to-wit: j 1
County levy, eight mills or $8.00 on each $1,000.00 of county taxable j r
property values. 11
Legal Indebtedness 62% on State Levy
Buildings 2% on State Levy
Bridges 2% on State Levy
erty, real and personal, as may be lying on o£ “ id u A u8 i n _1” , _ i _ n J c L u .1
Ing the right to buy, hold, and sell
real estate and personal property
suitable to the purpose of the cor
poration, and to execute notes and
bonds as evidence of indebtedness
incurred, or which may be incur
red, in the conduct of the affairs
of the corporation and to secure
the same by mortgage,, security-
deed* or other form of lienrunder
existing laws.
7. They desire fpr said incor
poration the power and authority
to apply for and accept amend
ments to its charter of either form
ior MW •“**■■* I *» .. . at
being a general that said corporation have the i
it .SAM WARREN right and power to discontinue or substance by a vote of a raa-
lien against the ^business, liquidate the corpora-, Jority of ita stock outstanding at
a land tion, ani taka all legal steps nec- the time. They also ask author- .
LthUday levied onUssary for its dissolution and th* tty for said incorpomion . . ,
and virtue of eaid]surrender of its charter, when- up Itz affair* liquidate and dm- Clerk, Board of Commissioners of R##
Officers Salaries nnd Fees
County Executive Officers
Salaries and Fees .. .. ..
Non Resident Witnesses and
. Extra Service ,. .. .. ..
Maintenance Expense Court
U'/e on State Levy
0% on State Levy
1% oir^Stath Levy
. .$49,312.17 ■ I
.. 1,890.62-J
.. 1,896.62 > I
.. 10,431.42 •!
.. 8,534.80 L
.. 948.31!
Around Athens
With CeL T. Urry Gantt
£ _ , oo/v *0' Hoover on the str«* Thursday
State I^vy 1,896.62 j anc j he spoke of the conditio:, of
in Mjfeslsslppi. Harry Is now
State Levy
Quarantine and/Sanitation
Lawful Charges .. .. .. ,
Roads ..
7% on State
12% on State Levy ..
10% on State Levy —
40% on State Levy ..
_ ■ 0 _ I CrOpS lu mwnrei|i|iw .. wam ... w
wfth the Crystal Carbonis Qas Co.,
and travels ail over &iississlppi
and several other adolnlng. states.
He says crops in the north part
of that ztato are not very much
this year, as the farmers are be
hind, but )n the Delta aection
things are -humming, especially
cotton ahd which will bring a good
deal of money to the hard work
ing farmera of that section; 1
— 9,483.11
.. 37,932,44
New Orleans, La.
October 25th-26th, 1923. ■
One and one-half fares for the round trip.
The Boll Weevil Menace is a subject of great
importance to farmers and commercial in
terests alike and this meeting will be held
under the auspice^ of the Louisiana Bank-
6n. A very large attendance is
ers Assoc:
For further information as to, rates ;ind
Pullman reservations, (apply to locpl ticket I
agentpor *[•»
Atlanta and West Point Railroad Co., The
Western Railway of Alabama,
Georgia Railroad
ton, Ga., was in Athens this week.
160% , $151,729.76
Total State and County Levy Thirteen mills or $13.00 on each
$1,090.00 on County assessed valuations. Total assessed taxable values,
as shown by 'digest $18,966,220.00. Upoh motion, it is further' or
dered by the Bdard that any surplus raised by any of the above levies,
if necessary be applied to any lawful charges against the county.
The County Board of Education having recommended to this Board
that a local tax of Four *nd one-quarter (4%) tnilla or $4.25 on each He’ savs thev hsve fine crons in
$1,000.00 on all taxable property within the comity Clarko without Rilkes mil the county thto J-otr
the incorporate limits of the City of Athens, be levied to supplement will make between seven and,
the public school fund in accordance with Section 2 of the Acts of the e i„ht thousand bales of cotton'
General Assembly of 1905 and acts amendatory thereof; It is there- agiinst 3.600 last year. Corn andt
fore ordered by the said Board of Commissioners, in pursuance of said I other food crops are fine. The
recoi imendation and in pursuance of an election held and carried (chicken business is assuming great
.hnm ~.terr*A In th.1 . ... AU nil). $4.25 importance. Crop. On th, AugUS-
tn road are not near so good as toil
uniter the section above referred to, that * tax of 414 mills
on each $1,000.00 on nil taxable property of the county of Clarke
lying without the incorporate limits of the City of Athens be and the
same is hereby levied, and that the same be collected by the Tax Col
lector of aaid County to conformity with tho law.
Chairman Pro Tcm.
" Wand Revenue, for Clarke
y; i
County, Crorgto.
. 21-28, Oct. 6-12-10-20.
Wilkes. Mr. Holliday aay* to
about two week* the concrete
bridge on the Lexington read 'brut'
be finished and thia comnfetei an
other fine highway Icsdingj into
nierchiai • bare receivin.
r new fall and winter goods,
Reduced Rates To Atlanta
* I 'f/oi h - ' -** !-. • . ' ‘ , •*
'Southeastern Fair
Tickets on sale October 5th to 12th. Final
limit, October 15th, 1923.
One and One Hall Fares for the Round Trip
J. P. BILUUPS, G. P. A, _
i. Atlanta and West Point Railroad Go., Western Railway
■ ■ of_Al*bain*,-Gcorgi*'RaiIroad.!'
lo elaiirio sjfj j/iri) bovr/ilot) h H
ban «»tj notju '{Idm-'vi-.i jfngl lllijr