The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 30, 1923, Image 13

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THE BAyyER-IIEHALP. ATHENS. flEOItGIA HOITIO ■■wufTrr What Others Think Of *‘Three Wise Fools” Showing At The ‘‘Palace Monday •, •THREE WISE FOOLS' ji^TBR THE MOVIES Th.y Ar. Ju«t‘ En»wtal*Yia • Scrwn u’M stice- C“* <• M ‘ fieitnt with Wllllngwat.r Prtont CAPITOL THEATRE—Thru WlM Koala, a Ooldwyn picture adapt ed from AWfln -8trong‘a play; directed by' RlH( Vidor. THE CAST Findley—ClAillle Ollllnawoter. Sidney Falrchleld—Eleanor Board Hon- Jamee Trumbull—William II. Crane, Dr. Daunt—Alec Francla. John Crawahaw—John Salnpolla Benny the Duck—Brlnaley Shaw rounr Flndlcr—Cralr Biddle. Jr Touna Trumbull—Crelfhton Hale. Yount Daunt—Raymond Hatton ahe haa aet for heraelf In thla pic ture| John Salnpolla, who played her father, la another In the caat who blda fair to become bettei known on the acreen.—New York American. By JOSEPH lilOLVANEV From the (bat flicker of the flln on the acreen, "Three Wlee Fool, teta acroaa. .At,the final fade-oul the Impreaaliir la>R <•>*> f 1 . 1 * 1 one Of the moat %asvoair.s picture, of Ita kind teen lit eeverul month. The film ahoutd remain popular «» lone am the ploy did-and the pi*? very nearly act a'tiroadway record Th. tJtat ft ltaetf ahould be auf flcient to Infufe the eucceee of th* picture, with Claud# OUHjlgwatef William H..Crane and Alec Fran cie dividing Me title role and Elea nor Board man aa their adopted daughter. *t *tMe .torymja.u^ up |o the caat, and In the fllmlnr the director allowed a fine aenaa of dramatic valuea throunhout. When BeftlV Uto Duck, eacapar from Sint Sln« In the armored ca the purault hy airplane and motor la ahown thllllntly, and the wtwca of the car la realistic indeed. B«g thla eplaode la not permitted to obacure th. ma|n Ihtead erent a mw^pite. laUr wmm th. eacaped conrlet freeta hia dauth ter In hla refute amont the tone- menta. , , ... Although It deala with criminal, and elolenee la frequently pictured • "Three Wire Foola" doea not aeem crook drama' tor a momen'. Th' rionuent feature, and the flnlahed noting of the' men In the title rolee opd the elmple. awlft romance llftr I- IO a hlahSr nttpe. DUUnawatm, Crone and Franc), ara a dellglit. ■ Eleanor'‘Boardman. aa the tin Ul-oUya Inlellleent reetralnt and eonree'oiloil of the eplrlt of th. clay. Thla young woman’. r -> ' A photoplay that haa angle* of appeal for every plcturegoer i* King Vidor**' first Ooldwyn pro duction, ‘Three Wlso Fools.” adapted by the director from Aus tin Strong's successful stags plaj p/oduccd by John Qoldcn and Win ched Smith, which is the feature film attraction at th* Capitol The atre thla week. An exceptionally strong cast ol players Includes Eleanor Boardman •resh from he r triumph in “Soul* for Sals," who Is featured In ths feminine lead. Claud# GllUngwat- •r acta the role of Findley, which is played with such conspicuous success on th* stage. William H ?rnne is caat as Judge Trumbull md Alec Francis os Dr. Gaunt -tfhers In the cast include John 3n In polls, William Gaihsa. Za*u Pitta, Creighton Hale, Raymond Tatton. Craig Biddle. Jr„ Brinsley thaw. Lucien Littlefield and Mar- ha Mattox. Th* picture Is a blending ol harming comedy, romance, reality \nd spectacle. It retains In full hs quaint comedy of the play, but levelope and strengthens the dra- -nstic study, and depicts in deUtl some episodes that ware but hlntsd it, or which took place off the ttage In the original. A Lyman II. Howe Hodge-Podge ‘Shooting th4 Earth." released by Educational and the Capitol News, complete the film prograpi. 8. L. Rothnfel has arranged an unusually pretentious musical pro* sram at the Capitol Theatre this It open* with the overture "Eapana,’’ by Chabrler, flayed by the Capitol Grand Orchestra, no Rapes, conducting. Ernest Lecnona. a young Cuban pianist of unusual qualities, who recently appeared at the Capitol, when he played his own transcrip tion of two popular numbers and one of hie own compositions, war so successfully received that Rothafe! has re-engaged him for an extended period. Mr. Lecnona plays his own transcription of "Le Paloma" and on# of hla own com- do alt lorn, "Spanish Dance.** which Is being danced by Doris Nile*. An attractive ballet number, ar- nged by Mile. Oambarelll ballet mistress, Is the - Million* D*Arlequlne,** by Drlgo. which 1* Interpreted by Mile. Gam- barelll, prims ballerina; Thalia Zanou, Ruth Matlock, Lean Bells end Ella Daganovo. Mr. Rothafe! presents Uu«< the famous Capitol artists In Our Broadcasting Studio.” They lnciude Evelyn Herbert, noornno who has met with much succces at the Capitol. Greek Evans, bary tone, and an artist; new to Nee York audiences In the person of Rogello Baldrtoh, tenor, formerly at the Colon Theatre, Buenos Aires Fqr hla dsbut Mr, Bkldrich la sing ing "t T na Furtlva Lagrlma'* fmm “L'Elltlr D*Amore," by Donlxettl, which aria has not been heard Is New ork since the demise of the great tenor Caruso. Miss Herbert singe "When You’re Away" frorr Victor Herbert’s "The Only Girl," and Mr. Evans sings Schumann’s "The Two Grenadiers."—Evening Telegram. disagreeable old men are transform Capitol Pasture Pfctun* Restores On#*s Faith in the Art of the Cinema. ‘*iT MUSICAL PROGRAM GOOD By DOROTHY DAY Every once In a while somebody produces a picture like 'Three WIss Fools," which -helps to reatnr* your faith in the art of motion pic tures. Here Is a film with a good story, Intelligent direction and a >1 display of good taste in the matter of settings. It may seem too good to be true, but odtslde of these assets there Is a remarkably capable cast. Th* three wise fools live together In a beautiful house (tho title on th* screen said It was Riverside Drive, but the press sheet gives the locale as Washing ton Square, and the exterior of the house certainly looked more like The house Is being watched by detectives because Bendy the Duck, an escaped criminal, haa threatened U»* life of the Judge, who. In the Interest of justice, has sentenced him ‘to imprisonment. Another convict who escaped with Benny lives with him in a dirty little room in CheriY. Street. The girl visits this room and for «■ brief time the auiueuco is mudo to won der at her presence in the. den ol tn* criminals. It prove# later, and In a perfectly plausible manner, that the other convict la the futh* er of the girl. When Lenny sneaks Into 'tlu house, Intent on shooting the judge he Is stopped by the girt, who blows a' police whistle; btit realising that If Benny I* ruptured her father will also be Incriminated, she helps him to escape before the arrival of tho l»olice. Naturally, she la found out, ant It looks pretty auspicious for her, but she Is cleared In Umo by young Uuiuuu SvhuyWa, * i«vi>iiew of thi judge, who arrives on the scene Is time to do the hero stuff and to lirovido a pair of strong arms for the final fade-out . Messrs, ailllnewuler, Crane and Francis do nobly as the three wist fools. Each one plays his part Witt a touch of light comedy which L very teatful after so many pictures dealing la the more strenuous cf fun. Eleanor Hroedman Is cap able as the girl and Wlllian Haines Is a well-bred and hand some hero who Is not, thank good ness, a bit movisrque. As the girl's father who, you may be sure, was cleared of his supposed Imp, John Snlnpolls Is convincing and Brinsley Shaw la good ae Ben ny, the Duck. Zasu Pitts In a small part does her characteristic good work, and the rest of the cast 1* adequate. The whole picture Is delightful the Capitol, returns this week with several new selections. Mile. Guinburolll and Deris Niles appear h\two delightful dance numbers, and "In Our Broadcasting Studio," now almost an Institution on *hc program, enmpiete* tbs en tertainment.—Morning Telegraph. REEL REVIEW8 By DON ALLEN Although the Ooldwyn production of 'Three Wise Foola" was review ed In these columns some time sgai after a special pre-release fhowing we cannot pass up this opport;*nl ty to restate that we consider thle picture one of the best if not- the beat of the past year. A# "Three Wise Fools" Is beln/ shown at the Capitol, and la our rounded by a typical Capitol pro motion plus the excellent music, we can heartily recommend & trip there some time during the week. Wishington Square.) Judge Trum- ftm J although It la a bit long. i« bull (William H. Crane), the flnan- « does not drag for a minute. Kink der; Findley (Claude GllUngwater) Vidor directed this offering and and Dr. Gaunt (Alee Francis) com- has mads a very nice Job of It. pose the triumvirate of garrulous The play of the same name by old men. They have each loved the • Austin Strong enjoyed a long rur same girl In their youth and have on Broadway, and th* pictured ver- banded together by th* common slon will repent the stage success P. NEWS REVIEWS THREE WISE FOOLS "Throe Wise Fools** King Vidor Produetion-Ooldwyn—Seven Reels. Reviewed by Frank Shelton Here*a a picture! One that is so far above most of the fentu -es lo in* released todny that It stands out like nn oasle In the drsrrt "Three Wise Fools" was it h|iq* (•ucceru on the stage. It ran a y»*«i »n Broadway and has been present ed m most of the layger cities of th# country. Patrons of ,the so iled legitimate theatre »"oir it bond of sympathy which they felt without a doubt. for each other when the girl ran' Mr. Rothafel has arranged a va< away and married a stranger. ried and pretentious musical pro- When ehe dies some years later, gram. It opena with the overturt they adopt her child, a beautiful, "Espana " played bj the Capitol or* young girl. Her presence In the cheetra In their usual fine style, house brightens up the atmoe- j The Cuban pianist, Ernesto Le tt moving along to triumph, wait Ul Ithese some folks see the screen version. They’ll forget the stage play In telling their friends about the shadow stage production. Imagine Claude GlUingwater, Al ec B.. Frnncls and the veteran of the footllght, William H. Crane, aa- turning the roles of the famous Masonic triumvirate, those three delightful old bachelors, the mod ern three musketeers, who adopt a •laughter and are rejuvenated. These three sterling actors are go ing to rapture the hearts of every- who has the good fortune 1M see this picture. Their names are sufficient proof of the exrellenc of their work. Eleanor Boardman come* into her own. ’A* Sidney Fairchild, the adopted girl, this selection for ths part. There I* ae much good acting that It la Impos sible to tell about it all In limited apace. Th* story warms the heart We’d like to bet that handker chiefs are called Into plaroa ner- eral occasions—moments when yoa too, “get" the human touch in the situation. With three artists play ing on ths heart strings the way the three artists do In thla picture, one Just- site back and forgets all about the troubles of\l!fe. King Vidor is responsible Sor adapting the John Golden plsy to the screen, as well as the direction He lias given the Industry some thing of which It should be proud. We can recommend Three Wise Fools’* without reservation. It is a downright fine picture production —Evening World. need to go out end do something Ilk* drinking wine out of a satin slipper or oil In the buttercups York Times, causes ono to think that a little dl- gtesslon from a dally routine li good for the Imagination and. ths health. One wonders how many old bachelors there ere who sueh~ to a dally routine. Where the three bachelors ere discussing Sidney, believing the child to be a baby boy, iy an In tensely human sequence, and the sudden surprise of the three wlss fools whsn they learn that Sidney la a charming girl la done remark* ably well. The swift change work- in th* old bachelors* lives by the girl, played by Eleanor Board THREE OLD BACHELOR* AND A GIRL THREE WISE FOOLS, with Wit- llam H. Crane, Also Francis, Claude GllUngwater, Ele Boardman. John Salmpolls, Ray mond Hatton, Craig Biddle, Jr., •ad others, edsptsd from Jobs Golden's play by June Mathla, dl reeled by King Vidor: "Polka,** from "Lee Millions d’Arisqulns," ballet. "In Our Broadcasting Studio"; "8hoot!ng th* Earth,* #n Lyman Howe "Hodge-Podge,' At th* Capitol. man la brought out distinctly and cloveriy. Each ono of tho throe men seems to think of noth* Ing else but what he can do to make Sidney happy, and there Is n very good touch when the empty coffee pot expels a peart necklace on 8idney*a birthday. Hero was ths change they thought would be ae Irritation to them who turns out tc bo their greatest Joy In Ilf*. They are jealous of Gordon, the young man. played by William Hall jealous of his youth—and In scene after scene th* actors have Inter preted the fear that Gordon ono day will rob them of tholr charge. Tho plot, too, la worked out to r nicety. Sidney** father, unfortun ately convicted of a crime which lid not commit, escapes from prison. Hero tho director bad i whim—It was to have th* prisoner) escape by means of an armored which crashes through the prison doors and finally truna tur ns In tbo roadway. Tho throe wise fools. Incidentally a doctor. a banker and a Judge, are Ignorant of tbo fact that Sidney since her father** escape has been visiting him In Cherry street, where hie companion Is really a daring crimt- epoetiv* parts which makesXtfr the of the production —New Ooldwyn Offmrm H*5Wy Enjoy Picture with Eleanor Board man and Claude Gillingwater •nance of the part he created on the stage. He gives s mmtrlv rh--- charming act rasa displays hereto-, v _ for* unsupepected emotional mbit- uouI ' 1 probably fall to Alee Fntn- Itv. Brinefry Shew contributes a «*•- However, the three wise fool* colorful portraiture in the role of **"*? ▼•nr sympathetic. On* "Benny the Duck." William keenly enjoys the Iron-bound ritual ilalnea aa Gordon Schuyler. (6# i of th# three > feltow whr ——— « •— infinite pains have been taken by the scenario writer, tho director and the casting manager to make "Three Wine Foola" on appealing production. This picture is to bo enjoyed thla week nt tho Capitol, and one ran ray without fear of contradiction that seldom has n stage play been adapted for the screen with better results than those obtained In this film. In the selection of William II. Crane, Alee Francis nnd Claudo C.lIIIng- water to portray the roles of tho three ohl bachelors, the producers have made an exceptionally happy choice. It Is a production that tuns easily from first to last with out too much picture license, and after feeing It one feels that the film Is Juft as enjoyable us tho |*iay. If any choice could be made for . ... 4 . 4U1 th«p laurels of the production sola thread and cut It off. Then the j the home of her friends far ns nctlng is concerntd. dhsy Judge, plsyed by Mr. Crane, shakes #d to kill the judge, then hid head woefully, for no buckle splendid climax. Tho - ..r her wns missing from her slippers. ''*-»'< , «-examlnatIon Is another faith- While Miss Boardman Is a captl- ful reproduction. An excellent nut Sidney, tho Interest of thlf good photography turally center* around tlonal merits of nn oltogcthrr •■n*'' It Is revealed that Sidney is sus pected of having aided th* durlnr criminal, who cam# to Reviewed by Mary Kelly A thoroughly entertaining pic ture of which the most conscien tious exhibitor may be proud Hue been mudo from tho stago sucoe** written by WlncbeU Hmtth • John L. Golden. Every bit of Wise Fools'* is Interesting. It is a superior attraction, ono that will bored among the fmoet of the year. The fine directing and acting will. . be sure to please In houses aqd the melodramatic val- v ues insure popularity in any the atre. A number of thrills have been • added to the origlnlal stage produc- '' lion. This has not been doneuflWj the escrifioe of anything th a M tlngulshed the play. King Vidor has reproduced the atmosphere. • comedy an romance with great »uc- cessd, and elabAruted considerably on the suspense angle, Eleanor Boardman Is most charm Ing as the girl who ushers a little excitement into tho Uvea of tinea bachelors, once sweethearts off) _ mother’* and congenially known .us i A thus, Porthos and Aramls. She H extremely pretty and tho many close-ups are assured of a welcome.' *'•» Claude GllUngwater deserves no less praise for his excellent perfor- acterigatlon. Tho remaining fvtf H ‘Three Wise Fool a u. v . r-jutei Francis and William 1L C«u\ both very fine actors. The deiigbum comedy inspired by these three characters has all been preserved Thero are many appealing scenes. i. —— *« —.* *«*«. The mystery element au i Judge, and the Utter, In order to {well managed. The prisoners’ ascertain whether ehe It guilty [cape U a big thrill an n. mplane ask* the girl how the buckle of her {giving chase to a speed car, In •'f- shoes came to be on the stairwa) 'fectlve scenes that have been ndd« lending to the roof. Sidney - ’* * v ’-* 1 -* —«*—■■■».»■ —• y»n i Bwnw .cx*, ed to the original play. When plains that ah* found it hanging by {girl finds her tether's prison pal in I the note vnllnjt Sldr photoplay i SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1923. -— Now You’ll See It oAt The PALACE JOHN GOLDEN’S Great Stage Success IU ' ' ' > Wise Fools The. famous Broadway stage success has been made into a brillia nt Photoplay a thrilling drama and one- of the sweetest lore stories ever told in pictures ELEANOR BOARDMAN Is a Winsome, Winning Heroine of a Great Story. In tbe cast are Eleanor Boardman, Claude Gilling- water, Alec Francis, William H. Crane, Raymond - Hatton, Zasu Pitts. It has action It has humor It has power It has charm Presented the Regular at Admission Prices