The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, October 03, 1923, Image 2

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(riven any benefit from tbs elabor-
Ijthat non but the stur athlete de
ll the 1 -t>!ir -universities nowadays 1*
i i all Wrong. v
•{ Indeed, acordlng to Fielding H
I Yost, veteran athletic director at
i Michigan. It in a gosh darn He.
of these ardent
Jvorates of the greates’
, the greatest number. II
t taken up .athletic* h«
would have gone Into tin
orerv Mtore thlmr'in *
fori the varsity. t
f JttT Jnselnve, f'leckley, Randal
1 Blind Frier were not in thf
iMMilitieK. .loaeiove suffered frott
- jlT'shoulder. which was fits-
tfilicd In the, game last Saturday
,und Randall are Held on
int of Injuries to a hip
ms beeu absent al 1
9 week with a had ankle. ant'
E ~‘' ! Anthony has not gotten In
s' nerlmmaging as yet. Jose-
&ve. CJcrkle.v, ‘RundaJJ. and FrJcJ
> *rtll expected to lor !n condltHt
perform Saturday.
Looking jit the opening varaltj
i .up ugalhnt the Freshmen w«
‘. the teani Intact a* It started
at Mercer, with the exception
and Thomason. Roan was
mnte of Grayson at gunri
, nnd showed up well
n looked fine at n flank
and the flcht for thli berth
he a merry one. 1
Phllpot, Shnonwitz, Wlehrs and
eomposled another hack
I against the Freah/.peu, and
. varaity candidate* for the
manv of this number art
athletically trained? The public
lusdt.ibly thinks that only the stai
footballers and baseballers get an}
attention As a matter of fact. W*
have figures to rhow that 33.00f
Htodents took active part In va
rious kinds of Big Ten athletic.'
fast year, and the number will b*
even bigger thi* year."
C. E.
too. Dr. Quick will _
2i{ Jsyxx whtoh .Were .tfl, have been
used by Mr. Den by.
middle west is setlng a
.1 in mass athletic*/* Mr. Yost
the Western Conference
10 universities. The «P*
male cnrolhnent 1* *5,-
n and .levs Sweetser went 38
des before a decision wn*
ached in their fight for the
intour golf championship. In
f their hn»tlA | nine
short or one-shot holes came
up for consideration. Martson
played e'ght of them in par or
better. S'veetser waa even with
or better than par on hut six.
Here Is how their "shart
/**b»” cards looked:
Mrrtion 41443249 $■—a/
S\ />«tr»r 34324333 4—29
Over 500 Enrolled For
Young People’s Meeting
in Elberton, Beginning
Friday Afternoon.
today, amt 111,, nuii.lo*!
-nsj into condition for the guint
with Oglethorpe Baturdajr. Th«
hour is three-thirty and adinissloi.
$1.00 and $1.00,
CHICAGO III.—They hang
around n long time, these foot
ball coaches. Borne of the
greatest In the game have been
nt It for more than a score of
AH Students
Are Athletes
In the Big Ten
DETROIT. Mich.—The claim
that none hut the s^ir athlete e-
Johnny Hetsnmn, who moved
over to Washington and Jef
ferson this year. Is beginning
hi* thirtv-flrat year an a coach.
Lon 8tngg has been the God
of football at Chicago for
about 30 years.
Fielding II. Yoat of “Hurry
JV’ fame has been preaching
The pigskin gospel for 25 yean*
and Is^stll an outstanding fig
tire In hi* line.
Pop Warner of Pittsburg waa
a veteran coach when he was
teaching the old Carlisle In
dian squad* years ago, and
none of tbe^ youngsters can
4enr,h blur fay thing todJTy.
* ' Dsn . McGugln at Vanderbilt
Is no part.of a flapper himself,
and Mike Donahue \at Louis
iana State has had that distin
guished gray-ha I red , look for
! a ohmber of. years. \
About fifty delegates represent
ing the Athens CUristfan Endeavor
Union will board the Seaboard Air
Line train Friday afternoon at 2:32
o'clock for Elberton, where they
will attend the biggest Christian
Endeavor, convention, yet held by
district in the “Dixie
States.” *
The registration goal was 600
and the number has been exceeded
nd everywhere young people are
talking "convention.’.' In 1922 at
Winder, few societies were repre
sented In large numbers, this year,
many societies are registered with
*en or more members.
Mr. Charles F. Evans, southern . the banquet
lecretary, United Society of Chris- I placed
The singing and music shuold
be a real feature of' the program,
since the services of L. F. Ferry
cf Hamilton* Ohio, have
cured to direct song services,
while -Mrs. J. T. Mathis, music in
Btructor of Toccog Falls Bible
School will president the piano.
Roth come to the convention high
ly recommended aptf take .great
delight In serving In young peo
pto’s meetings.
The Rotarlans of Elberton,(m
wcll as the other god people wll
give the visiting delegates a ride
through Elberton, showing
granite quarries, as well as other
scenes of beauty and Interest along
the way. Following the outa ride,
the delegates will assemble in the
piggly Wiggly stands, which have
been made In shaped and enjoy a
big “Fellowship Banquet." At this
banquet tbo young people will be
Defendant Takes
Stand In Weird *
Murder Case
P*e and nervously clasoeil a „,i ....
B rally
an opportunity to enjoy
lively, good time and the program
Includes songB. yells, eats ami Jim
The Indies Auxiliary will serve
t ant. tickets will be
sale Friday evening at
ian Endeavor, Boston, Mass., will j the close of the first session,
oass through Athens Friday en At the clo^e of the session rn-
route to this meeting, where he is I day evening, the deleates will as-
l o appear on the strong and well j gemblo on the spacious and beau-
built program. Mr. Evans will de- tiful lawn of Mr. Fred Auld and
’Iver the sermon Sunday mo *nlng J enjoy a social hour. The sole pur-
it 11 o'clock, using as his text,(pose of the social will *>e
'Be ye doers of the Word, and. acquainted and delegates
Candy and Flower Store
And Luncheonettee
. Thrown Open to Public
Formally Wednesday
nervt.usiy claa W a and un-’
cm Kited hi, hands, as h* » 0 hh.,i
nnd told o[.,hls cubic 1*
/ Thonnwon lut ha 41
V1 * | Columbus. Ghlo and ignis f|
(By Associrted Press) » very quiet child.
CHICAGO—Fred Thompson, alias 1 «b«ndort*i| male attire AfVttfrft
Mrs. Francis CarricJr, mystery man fourteen years o)<5. JJsHESl
Who turned ». .. U’lt~ With C.i.* mat he JtUEfr put
the murder of Richard Teasemer in ou boy’s clothes bu tui^wi-ould
u hold-up Wednesday testified in not believe him* and tftNrhim not*
his own behalf. to try to .masquerade. JMUaid iie
The efense insists that Thompson married Frank Carrlck in J9J2
) wa P
Costa’s new candy and ftower
bhop and luncljednetto we?o'ft:r*
mally opened Wednesday and
hundreds of people visited the
shops during * the morning and
early afternorn hours.
The gundy anu flower phojj !s«
located wiicra tbo delicatessen
store as formerly while the latter
has been moved Into the. new
building between the Southern
Mutual and the Dozier buildings.
In rear of the delicatessen shop is
the luncheonette, a handsomely
appointed dining room that wl»
aCCumiiiuuui' several dozen diners.
It is reached either through the
delicatessen or the main* cafe. The
candy shop has a street entrance
and two from the main cafe.
lot hearers only.” J sixty societies will have the op-
A new addition to tbe exception- 'portunlty of having real fellowship
B. B. Quick, Southeast Regional together, and exchanging plans for
S. B. Quick. Southeast Ue.’.lonny the future work in the ( hnstian
Endeavor, j Endeavor field of Northeqftt Geor
Secretary Christian
United Christian Misst-J *n»y 3oij,gla
clety, 8t. Louis, Mo., who will <le«| Societies registering
Hver on address Saturday morning^ tsn"delegates will lie awarded Ef
using the subject, *'Corr *lntljn of, flciency Pennants, and alread>
using inn nuujcti, - ... * | iint.ii j •
3lble School and Christian Kndea- more than twenty of these pen
•or.” Dr. Quick will com * direct nants have been won and will be
•o this meeting from Livingston, jawurded on Saturday evening
Tenn., leaving Monday morniqg for j when the best societies In Nortu-
Mlami. Fla., to deliver an address j east Georgia are given special rec-
n a big convention. . j ognltion for good work, during thf
Much disappointment came when past year. A banner will lie awanl-
t was learned that S. Wilkes Jed ,h 0 best rural society nnd an
Oendy, "Sunshine of Dixie,” could | other to be given to the best so-
tot be In the convention, for the I piety In any town In Northeast
young people of Northeast Georgia I Georgia, while the third will go to
have a great friendship for Mr I the superior Junior Society. A-
Oendy. Account of heavy work R$ Christian Endeavor pin will be
Columbia Seminary, he was forced - - - *»-- *
•the manager, states that nothing most serious havoc.
-xcept the best that monev c— , g/g. s. Is the established con-
buy will lie served. The menus will qneror of these annoying skin dls-
V made up daily and everything eases. 8. 8. 8. drives these ever
o etnee the engagement at Elber-
M .651
.‘.-...Ta. 65 .Ml
79 70 .»»(
.....74 7« .507
..-rr.75 76 .487
.....«« n .48'
^...68 82 .446
80 88 .40.
Vew York IS 6
Cincinnati *1 01 .580
Pittabuni || §7 .881
hlrngo 8, .844
SL. Louf* 77 78 .6l<
Brooklyn 78 78 .488
Holton 88 |8 .947
Philadelphia ,8 102 J20
Waahlnaton 1; Philadelphia I.
Detroit 7; Chicago 4.
Cleveland 8; BL Louis 10.
Only samea acboduled.
Brooklyn 6; Boston 9.
Only ono fame flayed..
Cleveland at 8L Louis.
Detroit at Chicago.
Washington at Philadelphia.
Or ly three guinea scheduled.
awarded to the Individual who
writes the be,t 150 word esaay on
“What Christian Endeavor Mean,
to .Me." nnd a Junior badge will Ire
given the Individual who brings to
the conrenUon the beet set of
three ’pouters. ' •
' The Juniors of ; the district are
tiuttnsbstle about the *agjst Gar
den” which will lie presented Stn-
m under tho aplendld
day afternoon Under tho .plenum
eupervlnlon (of 1 *Jink’ 1 Nancy Love
MortoA'.''HiWWr M iAti*rli(teHdeht v ef
Northeaat Georgia Chrlatlan Eo
deavor Union, while the Intermedi
ate. are juat aa happy because
they will present a pageant "Pour
Decades of chrlatlan Endeavor,
with M!»« Cladyn BheppariV ia dj
reetbr. ’These' two playlets will
'feature tho afternoon aeaelon of
t SiimlaV** nwmm
j “Life's Opportunities” will b« the
j theme of tho artilrosv to be dellvtir-
ed by Mins Ruth rhon.psor. Ruuth-
I ern Christian Endeavor field work-
*lu>m- j nr of j ar v*on. ^liss.. on Sunday
With these additions Casta's
cafe Is now one of the largest and
handsomest In the entire south,
equipped throughout in the latest
aopomtriients and decorations’
The luncheonotto is a new feature
and it Ik predicted that this will
prove as popular ns other depart
ments of Costa’s. The kitchen has
been, given as much or mpye care
In the furnishing ai any other part
of the cafe. It is tiled throughout,
mmaculatcly clean and sanitary
entilated nnd M. J. * Costa
The Joy erf a peaceful rest
ful night. What a wonder
ful “up and going” feeling
follows such a night of undisturbed
Oh! What tortures—What agony
—what despair—goes with
nights where eczema and other
skin diseases hold power snd drive
away rest and peaceful slumber.
For under the cover of darkness
like crafty bfelngs of the under
world these eruptions work their
shown will be served.
Bon-bon dishes were given a'
souvenirs In the candy shop for the
opening, all those buying a pound
of candy getting one. All kinds of
cut flowers make up the stock fo*
that department and these eon he
bought daily out of atock.
disturbing elements from your sys
tem-elements that carry In their
■wake—Jack of energy—jack of
(strength—undermining health!
8. S. 8. purifies the blood. It cre
ates red blood cells by tho score.
Blood cells that send new' rich
blood coursing through your veins.
Red blood that drives away eczema
Many congratulations were t*- I';—drives away pimples and black-
ceived by Costa’s Wednesday
the growth of ths business and the
beauty and convenience -of the
retail placed >fpur. df\ Uwni'aow .be
the cafe that was.opened’ In 1918
Ing operated as air outgrowth of
when the Southern Mutual build
ing as {oiqiMeted.
fiends that xauge embarrassment
and mortification—and
In their stead brings
added, strength—in
creased vitality—re
newed vigor.
Retd Banner-Herald
j Wan( A^ds. ,
•aa-iYa' ''
There Is no reason why these
torturing unbearable ski i disor
ders shohld be allowed t • under
mine your health. That Is what
they do. ^Slnce 1820 S. £ 8. has
been purifying the blood )f thou-
sands—^driving out tho It purities
that tend to create <3 sorders.
Scientifically prepared an< propor
tioned herbs nnd barks, are'fully
selected, mako up the ini rcdlcnts
which are found in S. £ 8. It
builds blood cells and bl< od cells
build healthy bodies. ^
Mr. W. T. Hooker. 2321 Proctor
Street, Port Arthur* Texas writes:
*7 tti/fered from Eczema or teven
years a*d was afflicted with nervous-
rm. f tried S. S. 5. And s x bottles
cured me. / now enjoy jr>od health. /
think S. S. S. the only
blood disorders on the
8. S. S. !s sold aft
stores; It la moro ei
purchase a largo b!zo
one today and test It o
8. S. S. rout that an$il
destroying, health undei
my that holds your sys
cure for
5he WorlclsB'est
Even stubborn, unruly __ _
w ed hair stays combed all day la ! fv anlnQ» just precodi-ift tlw coi:
any style ,,ke - • , iralr.«r*K;m" j crat j on aervico which will be con-
U a. dignified combing cream which quoted by Southc-n Secretary,
fives that natural gloss nnd well- Charles F. Kvans, after which the
groomed effect to your. hair. Not Mizpah will bo repeated In con-
stleky. greasy or smell)-. Fine f'*r j cert and the convention will lie' n
hair. closed.
Barrow Fair
Opens With
Big Attendance
WINDER Gg.-^-The ^Barraw
County fail* opened Tueadav morn
ing'with a tnamoth parade of all
the children In the county. There
were about twenty«fly* hundred
children In the parade, and a mile
lone, requiring forty-five minutest
to pa an the oourthouae. Although
general farm crops have been be
low the average this county thlc
v«r, the form exhibits are its good
have ever been shown here
Many of the county’s best farmers
who have been diversifying their
crops since the advent of the boll
weevil have exhibits that would be
a credit at nny fair. The live
{stock exhibit is confined to hogs
(and cattle of the dairy type, the
•hogs being Durocs and Poland
I Chinas and the cattle. Holateina
Guernsey# nnd Jerseys. There Is
one of the best and largest exhib
its of poultry ever shown here.
. Music |p being furnished by the
band of the Georgia Railway and
Powm- company, under the direc
tion of CipUIa Baldwin, of Atlan-
The Most Critical Part of Yotiri cells which, by their contraction
Anatomy and Physiology | empty tho colon Just as yau wobld
You art a wise man or woman ;f|«quee*e n rubber home pipe. These
,ou und.r.,a,.4 >our cote, oml »' >r ~ -""rac, .,hrc.
I in pcrfiv. Wi.rklrg oolcr. IIc.M., > lm « » -lar—within nn hour niter
happtn.«, vtaor nnd Ion* Ilf. »,, '«■'» mrnl. If they do not rontrart,
the gift, which an active colon five, tics' >»« their tone—thelr
you.—end e lev colon Ink, , nwey. I fewer to ccnlract.
But. back to our question:—Whist
s your colon: where is your colon; J
why I# your colon? Listen attentive
Bui, there Is a practically perfect
remedy for lazy, flabby j colon*. This
remedy quickly restores the- tone, is
absolutely harmless and decidede'y
pleasant to take. Clip this article
and ufke It to your druggist. Tell
him to give you a bottle of- Colotone,
the colon tonic. It will cost you one
dolar If you ara pleased with It.
nothing»If you are not pleased with
It, for every druggist has been in
structed to refund the price and ask
questions if his customer is
thoroughly satisfied.
ly for only a minute and
learn something that may udd twen
ty years to your life.
Your colon Is the last five feet of
vour digestive canal. It is your sew.
erase system: your garbage cun. so
to speak. Keep U dean and you are
well and happy: let It stagnate and It
Will distill the poison* of decay, fer
mentation (f*«) snd putrcfftcUoa,
your blood, poisoning your bruin anil
'nerve* so tlutt you are restless. Ir
ritable and blue: poisoning your
heart so that you are weak, IlMtleo*
iml Usy: poisoning your lungs so j , fc
that your breath Is heavy or foul;
ooisonJng- your stomach and digestive
»rgari* mo that you are bloated, bclck-
Uig ciaLpncnmfortable with gas painty,
prdsonlng your bloasl so that your
skin looks yellnw
heallhy; poisoning every part and or-
of your body. through your
blood, making you look ami feel old
and ugly long before your Umc; mak
ing your joints ami your Iw.-k stiff !|i
and /heunuiUr, your ,y« dull nnd | Ifict «„trt „„ Coteon. \odny.
cs^ly every person over twentV-f’v* |
By the iierfect law of Nature, your|«>F thirty years of age, ond many’
colon should empty itself three times pjrtinger. need Colotone more or le**s. I
day,—within an fomr after ^*4- J ^»u will l>e simply delighted with It.»
>‘Intone 4-annot possibly d«» you nnyj 1
” nly do >-ou good. Try
But >;ou win be delighted with
Colotone for It will make j£iu fe«l
different person. Your eyes
Mil (sparkle wtih vitality and alert-
youv bra|n ' will he dear and
jfve*;’ your complexion win be fresh
id transparent, reflecting tho pu-
J' of your blood; your digestion will
thorough and your appetite keen,
food will taste delightful and j
*brire with you; you will sleep,’
n f4 awake refreshed; your system
W|1II be full «>f vim and vigor; you
'{III feel younger, stronger, vigorous,
will enjoy the pleasure of liv
ing. Does your colon work that well;
If not. It has lost Its tone. What doltormrrit
we mean by tons? Your colon I* on bur guarantee. It wiU help]
hoOw muacl*. Ha w,n, m nuu*, .Jfm live Jon*, a,u and happll/.—Ad- J
People who keep money in their offices or homes are inviting*
burglars and peddlars of “fake” investment schemes to make
targets of them day and night.
The government reports that there is three- times as
much caih among the people as th^re is in the banks.
It is strange that so many people take the risk of keeping their
money idle at home or in their office safe when ft would be easy
. to put ft fn a strong bank where it would be/Safe and would earn
; interest for the owner, while it turned the wheels of industry and
gave employmet to other people.
In the meantime the owners would be skfe from burg
lars’ attack*, and leu liable to be induced : into fake
investments. , /
If people knew how much better it would be for everyWy they
would put most of their cash in Hank, keeping out only enough
for lrtimediate use.
We Pay Four Per Cent Interest on Savings Deposits
Start Ypur Account Now.
a* ot loaf, auMda fibre,
Georgia National Bank
w —