The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, October 07, 1923, Image 6
.FACE SIX TUB BANNER-HERALD, ATHENS, GEORGIA BEAUTIFUL NEW Athenian Wins j, SLENDERIZING Poultry Prize !j At Winder Fair ^SERGE IRESS MARKETS ANITA STEWART PALACE THEATRE MONDAY SPECIAL Clarke county, through K. C Paine, picflfdent of the Country Poultry .\nsoclatlon, won ail Un prize, for fancy |Kniltry at the A QQ Winder Julr, It was learned yester- ■ ■ Mr. Paine *ent six wyandottea fhe fair at Winder and copped six for p: Izer— all the prizes offered. He sent a >ct of chickens to th* • «*»?.• Southt astern Fair In Atlanta also. ATHENS COTTON The local cotton market closed at 27?* cents Saturday. The pi ious close was 28 1-4 cents. U. D. C. Benefit Fashion Show Extra Attraction At Matinee and Night Performances With Twenty Local Society Models. — SUNDAY, ocrrnnr showing, “Th* Roasts of P«ra-Jntylfog, fast* urn! Inmuty the mod- fcaU, ailt j 7. 1923. CORPSE’S TEETH GONE WI KHIiA PKX, Germany—police have arrested a woman here, who they say stole the gold teeth of her sif ter, as she lay dead In a local hospital. She was entitled to them, she explains, since she was her aister’s only relative. .Srst : LIST BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS - Too I.ate For Classification. your property with Special home bargains. A loom dwcHinp for rent cheap; Kood l&cation near city. T Mitchell. o9p LOST—Two small terriers; one black and white; one white with black ear. $10 reward. Pho.i Mts. Brown or E. J. Arnold, 9U6-W. 526 College Ave. o7p READ ' BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS FOR SALK—Buy a lot at beauti-. ful Fairview Heights and build a home, convenient to new Barrow School. See Russell or Phone 1092-J. * JERSEY ‘DRESSES for (jirls 6 to 14 Years Are Here at $5,75 100 beautiful little Jersey Frocks in five different styles to choose from In pretty shades of Henna, Copen, Navy. Urown, Cocos, Green snd Chinese Bluet. Every mother should see these pretty little Jersey Dresses, They are pretty. Jack Tar Dresses for girls in lots of cute styles 510.09 and up. - BRADLEY SWEATERS FOR GIRLS $7.50, $8.50, $10.00, $11.50 and $12.50 High School Colors In nrsdley Sweaters At $10.00 and $12.50 r Georgia's Colon in Bradley Swesten At $10.00 and $12.50 In Slip-Over and Cost Stylet, Come here for your Bradley Sweaters. We an exclusive dealers for Bradley Sweaters for women snd children. W. T. Collins Inc NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK.—The more bear- h or reactionary sentimenl, which was apparent in the cotton market Friday, appeared to ba growing more pronounced Satur day morning because of continued unfavorable reports from the cot ton goods trade, n favorabb weather map, weak cables and re ports of increased hedge selling. The opening was barely steady n f decline of 10 to 23 points* and active months showed net fosses of 24 to 32 points during the early trading under liquidation and local and southern soiling. Some trade, buying was reported on a scale down, but otherwise there did appear to be much demand except for scattered covering. December sold off to 27.5$, and January to 27.03, or back to nearly the low est prices touched on the break during the middle of the week. There wa* a better demand at 27.52 for December and # after having shown net losses of '32 to 40 points the market rallied onj^hc forecast for unsettled weather in the southwest and covering for over the week-end. December advanced to 27.70 with the general narket closing easy at a net de cline of 15 to 21 points. The following were the ruling prices in tho exchange Saturday: Tone, steady; middling, 28.55c; quiet. i . Prev. Open High Low Close Close Jan. 27.13 27.32 27.00 27.20 27.34 Mar. 27.15 27.32 27.00 27.16 27.36 May 27.16 27.35 27.05 27.22 27.37 July 26.62 26.76 2G.50 26.60 26.79 Oct. 28.16 284 5 27.80 28.03 28.20 Dec. 27.70 27.8b 27.62 27.70 27.85 NEW ORLEANS COTToA NEW ORLEANS.—Dry weather in .most sections of the belt, poor cables and an unfavorable opinion of cotton mill and general trade news caused hegvy selling of cot ton Saturday under which, in the first half hour of trading, prices were depressed 33 to 40 points December fell to 26.90 cents a pound. Claims over private wires that many mills in New England were carrying large stocks of manufactured goods were regard ed in a highly unfavorable light. During the s<»cond half of the session the tone was steadier , and trices nude recoveries on covering jy profit takers cn the short side, on new buying based on reports that some mills which had an nounced curtailment of production had their representatives in the western belt busy buying cotton, and on uneasiness over predictions of renewed wet weather in the west. Late in the day December wa s up to 27.35, with the list six points higher to five points lower than the final prices of Friday. The close was at net losses on the day of 6 to 14 points, December closing «t a' range of 27.20 to 27.23. The following were the ruling prices in the exchsnge Saturday: Prev. Open High Low Close Close Jan. 29.63 27.15 26.76 27.03 27.10 Mai*. 26.83 27.05 26.70 26.93 27.05 May 26.63 26.85 26.50 26.76 26.90 July 26.25 26.38 26.16 26.26 26.43 Oct. 27.111 27.35 27.10 27.35 w 27.15 27, WEDNESDAY: Special i" At * nt «', *gT. 7«* ftL SV*!** ~U» tk “Yankee Doodle. Jr.." Comedy, i Pari" »»'< other «»>■>'»» centers. "S,*?”****•: ‘■simple Lady." i Tho mpdels will be shown ma[ h ch the tmv bq . ran * ea 1 THURSDAY: All star east, ‘Hid-i th r 0UEl1 J ho co ; irtcs ) r of Mra. UUa “stumr lien Lights.", B.’ Smith to the sponsors of (ho o,o' h n ',‘* , K louiljbe necestar FRIDAY: Warren Kerrigan and ! ™hlon Show, the DitugMert 6t af»rupr£te tf«x,j fc i Lois Wilson "A Man's Man.” P’" C“fc*»es\ Mrs. Smith |,/» occasions. „ “Leather Pushers.” extra. cooperating tp nipke tho Fashion i I Show a mi cress,- and will show some of the most beautiful mill!-1 ncry over displayed In Athens. Her ! fall stocks aro replete with such LOCAL 80CIETY COUPLE AT PALACE THUR8DAY The Palace Will present on Thursday 'night at 9 o’clock per formance, Mins * Tatilda Epson ant! •Mr. Tody Watson In “Society Dance Varieties/ T'hls popular so ciety couple are the bestdancers in the state and are considered by all as Mr. and Mrs. Rodolph Val entino's only rivals. They $rilf of- ‘ >r a new dance program at the 9 clock performance Thursday: night extra to “Tbq Gold Diggers” I big special feature picture. Banner-Herald Want Ads. YOUR LIFE’S WORK IS IN DANGER your only financial protection in case of property loss. ... ... - -» « ‘ ' ~ " iei. Insurance _ _ We can give you all forma of Property Protection PolTci THE HINTON SECURITIES CO., Athens, Ga. FEATURE FASH Exclusive Models of Sea son’s Most Beautiful Styles Will Augment Mi lady’s Costume. Monday's Fashion Show at the Palace Theatre will not be limited to dresses, suits and hats—not by .any manner of meaps. Appropri ate hats will be worn with each of the* costumes., and while limited in number to suit the occasion, the showing will rival in distinctive Palace U. D. C. benefit Monday PA8HION SHOW AT PALACE MONDAY The fall season stylo show and fashion review will be presented at the Palace Theatre Monday in connection with Anita Stewart, In “The Love Piker,” for the benefit of the local U. D. C. chapter. Twenty of Athens most charming young society beauties will bo eeen In the latest'style in dress from tho F. ft L. Fashion Shop, showing the new season's smart sport and evening gowns. The Fashion Show will be seen at the 4:30 matinee and tho 9 p. pi. night perionmnees. This program will be one of the beg£ ever presented in Athens and several theatre parties havj al ready been arranged for Monday at the Palace U. D. C. benefit.. THIS WEEK AT THE MOVIES PALACE BONDAY: Anita Stewart, In "The Love piker.” Comedy, “Day by Day/ Style Show, 4:30 and 9 p. m., benefit local u. D. C. TUESDAY: Elaine Hummersteln, “Broadway Gold/’ Latest. News Events. WEDNESDAY: Claude GUltng- , water., va Cb*PV>k4# iHer-LIfq/; Latest News Events.” Latest News Events. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY: .(Ex traordlnary) Hope Hampton Windham Standing, David Belas- co, Great State Sensation, “Tho Gold Diggers.” Bull Montana comedy, “Rob ’Em Good.” 8TRAND MONDAY: Anita Stewart in “The special deep-sea sensation. “Wonders of the~Sea.” Pictures tnko«t at bottom, of tho ocean. Monday comedy, “Sing-Sing;” Tuesday, Wm. Desmond first In the District Court of the United States, For the Northern Dis-’ trict of Georgia. In re: M. Link, Bankrupt. No. 1454 in Bankruptcy. A petition for discharge haying been filed in conformity with^law by above-named bankrupt, and the Court having ordered that the hearing upon said petition be had on November 10, 1923, at ten o’clock A. M., at tho United States District Court room, in of ATLANTA, Georgia, notice is hereby kiveh to all creditors and other persons in interest to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, Why the prayoi* of the bankrupt for dis charge should not be granted. 08. O. C. FULLER, Cjerk. GEORGIAN HOTEL Dining Room i(Mother the ^I^ext Hat for Me mil be a zMadge Evans Hat I saw the most beautiful Madge Hvans hats at COLLINS’ yesterday I ever saw. They ^were just beautiful and the prices are so reasonable, too. For $5.00 you can get just lovely little hats for the little tots 2 to 4 years old. # And at $6.50 to $10.00 they have a wonderful selection’for girls around my age and for girls up to 15 years. There’s noth ing in town can come up to MADGE EVANS IIATS for girls. So this fall a MADGE EVANS HAT for me—and they aro sold COLLINS’. W. T. Collins Inc. SUNDAY LUNCHEON 12:30 to 2:30 FOOTWARMERS’ ORCHESTRA Dec. i 27.35 26.90 27.20 27.29 Anita Stewart Plays During Lunch . CHICAGO QUOTATIONS The following were the ruling prices in the exchsnge Saturday. Open , High Low Close WHEAT— Dec. . . 107% 110% 107% 100% May . . 1I1H 113% 110% 113% July . . 107% 100% 107% 109% CORN- Dcc. . . ” 77% 76% 74% 76% May . . 73% 75% 73% 75% July . . 74% 76% 74 76% OATS- Dec. . . ~ 43% 43% 43% 43% May . . 46 U* 46 44% 46 July . •• 44% 44% 44% 44% SUNDAY SUPPER 6:30 to 9 P. M. Georgian Hotel Orchestra At Evening Meal All Kinds of Orders wl QjftrtP-•■/L' be they largo or email, receive our pronipt and careful attention. Our blggcat customer end our smallest one are both treated with the utmost con- Anything that you could expect from a coal company you will receive from ui, as one o! our cuitomora. FLORENCE COAL COMPANY B——'ATHENS. GA.-— —I “Cuddle Up” Was Opening Show To the iC .Public: Stout Fashions That Look Slim— > ulterior motive of every fashion-right garment these days, ig to effect a slim silhouette. And to obtain those sdsptations which ieflect the height of fashion perfection In their slenderizing lines—which interpret the mode in ways unexpectedly smart—that is the aim of stoutwear dis- pltysherc. There are tailored frocks, suits, coats, blouses, and sports things, in charming versions becom ing to every stoutwear type here—style right And price right. We invite your careful in spection. j . The Colonial theatre opened the season Saturday night with “Cud dle Up,” a musical comedy which played to a well filled house, of fering a combination of singing, dancing and comedy that brought forth much applause and laugh ter. The performance was attended by the Georgia football teajn and We understand some of the gins in this section, when requested by t'heir-customers-are using three pound (3) bagging and others are putting on nine (9) yards of lighter weight bagging- This practice has resulted already in shippers receiving excess tare claims from the mills and unless it is discontinued it will result in the buyers refusing to buy this cotton unless proper deduction is made for excess weight of bagging and ties. We suggest that ginners request their customers not to use over six (6) yards of bagging weighing not over two (2) pounds per yard and ties weighing not over forty-five (45) pounds per bundle of thirty (30) ties. This will keep the tare within the bounds of tare allowed by the Mill Rules, and will avoid trouble to all concerned in the future.