The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, October 10, 1923, Image 7
WEDNESDAY. OCTOHEItJO. 1923. THE BANNER-HERAI.D, GEORGIA PAGE gg Your Wants All of Them Supplied FOR RENT—One steam-heated! room with board to couple or bustnoas men. Corner Cobb and Franklin, Phone 634-W. u9p SEEDS Electric Welding and Boiler Repai OW open for a maternity case or pacunuhiia case. Can (five best of references. Phone 1818-J. olOp SEED OATS FOR SALE . Field and Garden Seeds Onion Sets Lawn Grasses and Bulbs Buckeye Incubators, Brooders and Feeds < Get our price on Crimson Clover, Hairy Vetch, Dwarf Essex Rape and Onion Sets. All New Crop Seed. { H. L. COFER SEED COMPANY Athens, Ga. Oxy*Acetyline Welding and Boiler Repairing Wc Go Anywhere to Da Work WANTED—BOARDERS WANTED* BOARDERS-Can ac commodate a few more table boarders, real home cooking, .reasonable rate, cose in, Mrs. R. E. Fullilove, 439 College Avenue. Phone 1086-W. ollc. I USED CARS 1922 Ford Sedan $365.00 Willys Knight touring 1923 Ford touring $350.00 two months old. Crankshaft Grinding, Cylinder Grinding, Electric Welding and Machine. Work All Kinds WELblNG AND BRAZING AND CYLINDER GRINDING ARE OUR SPECIATUES LOST AND FOUND pies. Findjr It. Jarrett at 012p. WANTED—Several boyi and girls Call on us if Your Boiler Needs I! for room'and board, all conven iences, hot and cold water. Close in. Phone 312-W. - olSc. FORSALE WANTED—Table hoarders and a Athens, Georgia OR SALE-Jl for the Chid ket, Phone Siicut, few roomers. Next to Ag. campus. Mrs. Pearl Dfadwylcr, formerly of At. Cefeterfs, 140 Field- St. Phone 1082. ol2c. ns. National Mar- 147, 124 Thomo Phone 351 Weal Washington 3u NOTICE OF REMOVAL We have moved our law offices to the Holman Building, 8th Floor, Nos. 812-814. Shackelford and 1 Shackelford, Attorneys at I Law, Athens, Ga. o9c STEAM PRESSING OR SALE—Ci idoux Cotton ton marking ink, etc. See nplcte set of Rob- Scales, lot of cot- stenclls, brushes, — — Wesconr Hudgin, Canning & Patterson. o!2p Coal—Coke and Cotton Ginning Wc have a Nut Coke that you can substitute for Anthracite base burners or furnace economically and satisfactorily. I'honc .121—You Will Like Our Delivery. ARMSTRONG & DOBBS Oconee Street ^ y * jrgm MILLER & CO. , Cotton Factors, Athens, Ga. \ / We wiU appreciate your cotton shipment*, • and assure you of our best efforts to serve 1 you sstisfsctorily. Liberal Advances Made on Cotton Stored Cleaning Pressing Repairing Hats Renovated Georgian Pressing Club Phone 1157 Georgian Hotel Bldg. .nlc » Ford cut down, lek sale. 464 Col- Comer Dougherty OR SALE — $60.00 for qt lege Avenue, WAl^TED-^-COOK ANTE D—Good colored man; cook. Apply atBanner-Herald Office. , ollc i SHOE REPAIRING REAL ESTATE BUILDERS JOHN K. DAVIS Builders 701 Sou. Mut. Bldg. Phone 1877 D. G.' Anderson & Co. 224H Clayton St. Phone 74 Building Lots a Specialty. nit SALE—130 acres on Jcl sen Itoad, .(Wroonj. house, twi room tenant houses, two 1>: This farmfjs ncar^Athcns, See U. S. Freeman, phono 7 All Work Guaranteed Try Some of Our Choice Cuts and Be One of Our SATISFIED CUSTOMERS E. D. FLANAGAN MARKET 157 Thomas Strest. Pho: PHOTOGRAPHERS OR SALR-^75' acres on the Wlnterville .'Road, near Athens, (ia. One stlrbn rbom house, ono tenant house, large barn and all necessary outbuildings This is the best farm -near town, well located nnd in a high state/Of cultivation: Price is right. £on R. S. Freeman, Phone 716. USED CAR BARGAINS KODAK FILMS i DEVELOPED * WHILE YOU WAIT. Wo Take Them at 10 A. M. Out at 6 P. M. Adams & Arnett Studio 162 M Clayton St. HEMSTITCHING WATCn THIS PAPER EVERY SUNDAY FOR OUR USED CAR BARGAINS. Y,GARAGE & MOTOR CO. I Phone 271. All Kinds of Pleating We Make Buttons nnd Do Bpttonholing The Hemstitching Shop 312 Holman Bldg. DItIVE-IT-YOURSELF TOUR19T8-WEI.COM E VULCANIZING FOR RENT—APARTMENT Rent One and DRIVE-IT-YOURSELF EPPS GARAGE LADIES’REST ROOM GAS AND OIL Coleman’s Free Camping Grounds 840 Madiscn.Ave. AUTO REPAIRING We wash and polish cars, Hope them all over. All work guaran teed. First class vulcanizing. UNION VULCANIZING CO- 362 East Hancock Avc. o!8c OR RENT -t Newly furnished apartment, housekeeping. Apply So. Lumpkin Street. If Tour Car Needs Repairing Bring It to Us. SanrW. Pinson Garage Ford acd Chevrolet Parte 164 W. Clayton. Phone 461. 892 Waahington St Route 8 All Conveniences. Night Lodging. DRY CLEANING—PRESSINGjr-HATS CLEANED French Vamp Decries PARTM7NT FOR RENT—Five room nr iiUurtit,. private bate. We Dry Clean Your Clothes—on cheap flat rate charges—no club tickets—Prices are right—Try us. Have your Felt Hata cleaned and re-blocked for Fall nnd Winter. .Phone us. We call for and delivery our clothes nnd' lints. II' CLASSIC HAT CLEANING & SHOE SHINE SHOP Phone 9147 _ Clayton Street m arsrtimmt,. modirn ecmVi ge Avenue, cor .00. Albert r E. RIGHT WAY! There’s no better meth od of reaching the peo ple than through the Want Ads. Everybody reads trem, for they are news to those who seek some thing and likewise news to those having some thing to sell. Use the Want Ads more —for any purpose—and we are satisfied that you will be gratified by the results. Banner-Herald Phone 75 nATS FOR RENT—FURNISHED SPECIAL Silk Lined Beaver Hate 111 RENT—One -furniihed room, two blocks of Post Office. Phone GOOD PRINTING IS AN j £dVERTISEMENT FOR YO^R BUSINESS. Johnson Printing Company I Phone 926 Von Canon-Wall Bldg. ! W# N : i ~ ■' S oil Levy’s Toggery & Boys Shop o!7e AUTO PAINTING WnEN Martin Bros. “THB SMILING PAINTSR" Fill* Painting and Interior Oeooratln, , . Phone 1297, Athens, Ga. VULCANIZING Invite Us to Your Next/ Blowout. Phone 271 City Garage & Motor.. 'Company AUTO TIRES AND ACCESSORIES When Yonr Car Need* Re-Tiring Let Us Put Our Guaranteed Tires AH the Way Around. Motor Tire & Supply Company Phone 1046 Corner College and Broad RAILROAD SCHEDULES ■(ABOARD Ain UNO RY. wthbound Southbound :60 a local «lM P :4S p 1:11 P It p Nortott-£.h.-N, T. Ml P :tt p Atl.-Ahb.vtu. weal 7:10 a II p Aa-nirmlnsh.m *:I0 a :24 p Norfolk-Washington *, :24 p Wnmlniton-N. T. » NEW ONE. Wc have a painter from tho factory who knows how. Our jobs don't look like reworked jobs. They LOOK LIKE NEW. Phone 621 i o24c •BATTERY REPAIRING INSURANCE INSURANCE * NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE Lowest Net Cost Most Flexible Contract Ss* ms about our increased dividends. Also all lines of Insurance B. R. BLOODWORM 212 Southern Mutual Bldg. Phone 1467 ATHENS ENGINEERING CO. Smith Bldg. _ Phone 711. FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS WE WILL GIVE A USEFUL HOUSEHOLD ARTICLE WITH EACH PURCHASE OP ONE OR MOKE TONS OF CO A I.. MENTIONING THIS AD. HANCOCK COAL COMPANY PHONE 707 PnONE T«c Depart from Msam 7:40 a. m 4:45 p: m. Arrive from Macon 1S:»0 *i. in. rjfrp. m. AINiaVf-Lt MIDLAND RAILWAY No. 2 Leave*-Athens for Gainesville No "ll Leave» 7cr nwinsuvllle ^ No. *5’ Arrive*‘Xthen* from Galne*- n« t** p. m. No. II Arrive* Athena from Galu**- »«• 10:4* a. m. ; tOUTMfeRN RAILWAY^ Effactlv* Sunday, fcpHI *9,A93f. No. • leaves Athen* 7:41 A. n.. W- rea Lula a.- m. No. 9 leave* Athena 4:11 p. a* ar- bn Luia 5:45 P. m. [No. 7 laavea Lula-4:51 p. nu ar- hna Athena «. No. 5 laavea LwlhW a. ar* kea Athena 11:45 a. m. STEAM PRESSING USED CAR BARGAINS CLEANERS THAT CLEAN Hats Renovated. White Pressing Club &e sure and see our used ears btlore you buy. Our ears are all Is good condition. ILAWLER MOTOR COMPANY Phohe 1711 Phone 1711 sSlc //S)*S*c la. y£^.Q0%rr/ Story’s Cotton Warehouse, Athens, Ga. " H. G. STORY, Prop. Thirty-five years of successful operation. Will appreciate your business and assure you of my best effort, to serve you satis factorily. Liberal Advance Made oh Cotton Stored GOOD USED BARGAIN8 STEAM PRESSING 1919 Dodge Koauster, aiuu. 1919 Dodge Touring, $200. Hie Soule Cadillac Co. 142 W. Clayton. Phone 916. CLEANING. DYEING. REPAIRING AND PRESSING FOSTER PRESSING COMPANY Von Canon-Wall Building Phone 1886. . HE OUGHT TO KNOW ALESMAN SAM toffy *'& ir'*9 tytletpJo - **r je». I'fOOflE. SPl GO, WtV) GO W© ^ 1 souRE. tott ih HERE.- YftbTE. iWb'flND Tfe.lL PTB. VJHPiT VO& THINK ' OF \TT V THPiT VX'S COFFEE.' BOT-THJ / faCR-T.- I'LL BE- PiLOrtfa 1* ft MINUTE. Rl-T (3\)VL cm ooefl td ttv flEbTUPifiBNT W0' VfeL BOM S00 Pi FEED-I'M HONURM De Sacia Mooers pf, 'Screen Fame Gives* Advice on How 1 to Win Men fill ’ •ttm wy Tcnm OF NEPiRBM Towrb SELUNCr "TriKT J FftMOW KEWEW coSghV w wizum ‘mm nunl IS ZtC Snl“l| uhijiih vine woman who tells heem he res all to the good—kind, under standing, brave. Like my fa vored song, say to heem ‘Every night I cry myself to sleep over • you, weep over you/ Ask his opinion, fondle hint, look up to him. Then he will love you and cling to you all of hees life.” 9 Incidentally it may be added that Madame Mooers’ advice is doubly valuable since her meth ods already have won her a wealthy and devo»ed American ixsvs, I II fCMnUX !!! fftdinw The bobbed-baireil, frank, elgar- ette-iraoking dapper who has be come the pal of her admirers la on the wrong track. Shell never get married, and even If the should, some other woman will cot her out. At least so. thinks De Saela Mooers, French screen vamp, jost arrived in this country, urnler contract to First Xaticncl Pio GULZuetrt * HOWO'I c HELP WANTED—MALE COLORED DINING CAR waiters and sleeping car porters wanted. | Experience unnecessary. We train /you. Information free* Write 640 Railway Exchange, Omaha, Nebraska. ollOp. WANTED—FAPJJS FARM WANTED—Wanted to hoar front owner of farm or go unimproved land for sale, this vicinity. L. Jones, Box 628 Olncy, Hi. olOp. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS MARKET Ymir HMe* Tn!!nr.- and Beeswax this fall with H. Eu gene Fant, Mgr., Athens Hide Co., 431 Thomas St. Stop at the red sign. ofllp WANTED—To buy couch suitable lor living room. Must be in good condition and reasonably priced. Address, ‘‘S.,” care Ban ner-Herald. blip WANTED—Hand instruments. Chll 1296 from 9 a. in. to 3 j>. ju. ’ - ollc. HELP WANTED—MALE AND < FEMALE EARN $20 weekly spare time, at home, addressing, mailing, mu sic, circulars. .Send 10c for music, information. American Music Co., 1658 Byoadway, Dept., N. Y. olOp WANTED, LADIES—Home v;ork; earn^ $15 weekly mailing music and circulars in your city and vicinity; Ecnd 20 cents fir mu sic nnd details. Joseph Bent- nati, 447 E. 147th St., New York. ol5p WANTED—TO EXCHANGE FARM WANTED—Will exchange some Athens property, rented for $85.00 per month, for a * farm. John A. Darwin, 202 Hol man Bldg. * ol4c MALE HEM* WANTED WANTED—Boyjto deliv- cr papers in Princeton and Cord Mill. Apply Banner-Herald Office. * t MISCELLANEOUS 1 , ALL MAKES of sewing machines repaired. All work guaranteed. Machines rented. Highest qual ity Hemstitching. Singer Sew ing Machine Company. o!7c