The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, October 12, 1923, Image 2
day she iiaicl she found two short irold colored hairpin# and a fow. strands of red hair in n comb and’ brush ‘ Jewish education, especially In the countries where opportunities alone these lines are most lacking; The amelioration of the economic situation of the Jewish masses In impoverished countries, and Pales- the dressing table. Ifhit Kind of 1 Judgment, do you Vi use against l'tuth durint ifcron .' Looks as If you pltchei it In bis groove, the way ht d&crs out home runs. Feed him r balls, low and outside, Is Me* w% theory, and it has stopped i dead.** This -prlnni decided to pitch * i Ruth jutt as McGraw'a staff id worked on him during ths tries. When ths Bab# came to it bat, ths understanding bs* win me and my pitcher wss tth iijj_U^it the curve end slow g It worked the first fsw met up. Than, instead ’of anding in his usual position i id failing to hit ths ball, Ruth j ig»n running up on the elow ftmgs and dsnt'<ng the j f want to go on recordsay. lug that the Babe Ruin of 1922 li the 'most valuable bull player Ir the American League. In the best condition of his career, Ruth has starred In every department 01 j play . Ills phenomenal work ha» been the big 8(ioke In the Yankee’s overwhelming victory in the Ameri can League. Ruth of this year has been more than n nure slugger, the eco-* In ' LONDON—The sergcunt.mnjo.- : .Who gave Signor Mussolini his first Jewish military training when ho Joined I In lit., the Italian army as a private In 1916. and who now Is a waiter at In, as; »n English seaside resort. will the ea* { mnke a visit to Romo when hl» iclously J rummer duties aro over to accept Thora jan Invitation to cnllon the Pre- ts pre- j mler. Alfredo Carmlnatl. the wait. ' er. has become tjie Idol of the/Ital- homcrun king, lie ha* been th« m colony In En; American League's moat valuable pluyir. i During the season's nluy Rtth line put aside Ihe fact that he trust try for n home run on his evtry ap pearance at the plate. He has mixed them up at the tat. laying i down an occasional bu*>t, r;nd at other times merely chopping nt the ball inrtead of taking s* healthy ■wing at every, offering.« Psychology, la going to play a big part In Ruth’s showing In the se ries. lie must forget his failure vent of Mussolini and his position has been’ enhanced by the receipt of a letter from Italy's "Iron man*' answering congratulations in which he Is Invited to pay i. call. Read BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS After he had knocked a cou. It of slow balfp out of ths lot, decided that a constant slaw ill d.ct would not work dur* ig the. rer.ujar .season of 154 wh. • I found it necessary to iix them up, slipping in a fats LAST SHOWING ‘THE GOLD DIGGERS” PALACE TONIGHT Belasco Stage Sensation a Big. Hit—Viola Dana’s Newest Feature Saturday. 0 METAL CAN TOUCH YOU Double Grip 50c and up Terms YOUR LIFE’S WORK IS IN DANGER i thief of misfortune con destroy your lift's work in a moment, i, accident or theft can carry away the reaults of twenty years' trand leave you practically penniless—Unless—you are insured. Mince is your only financial protection in case of property lots, cm give you nil forms of Property Protection Policies. MB HINTON SECURITIES CO., Athens, Ga. t _ For The Clothes You Need 4 Buy Now—Pay A$ Convenient 'SOMETHING NEW EVERY WEEK” O’Coats Viola Deng Pe Ijce Saturday Broadway—Us myriad of lights the flesh end gayety of Its nlgb* life, Its brash, twirling crowds— was transuerted three /thousand mica - recently, adieu the Immense stage of the Warner Brothers stu dio became, for the nonce, a Broad way musical comedy show. The occasion was the filming of Be Iosco's epodhal stage success, "The Gold Diggers." Real chorus girls with experi ence In the FtoUie end Winter Gar den^* ere employed to give the scene the utmost realism, end to : secure th® proper atmosphere. , * , Hope Hampton has the featnre<l tb« financial world, and the ci*e with which they gfianage-to extrP cate the elusive dollar with utter ease and dignity. Plenty of Money to Lend on Real Estate CommlMloB l per Mot over ttMOi | It per cat ip to SUMO. v [ . HUBERT M. RYLEE < Low nfflcM Phono Ida. VIOLA DANA PALACE SATURDAY An ultra dapper society butter- fly who proves heraelt equal to a thfa picture, and It la one that la certain to Itereat the majority of people, and please youth as well aa older fols. Viola Dana, one of the queen flappera of tho screen more than auatalna her reputation fm the- giddy young daughter ot wealth, whoee existence la on, prank- and one, tometlmea two or- three, flirtations artef Ota other. She docs some reallj fine ic-tln. In -the scenes where the flapper Phone 1366 THE BANNER-HERALD. ATHENS. GEORCIA FRIDAY, OCTORER ,12, 192.1. RTNEWS Yank Receiver a*i m (of the past two years, most essential. Likewise he xnu't put aside the Idea that he must swat a homo run In every game or he will be regarded as a "bust." Ruth of 1923 is twice the bal' Jplnyrr of !h- l*t» "lit'"" I l«»k for him to regain much of the pres. I tige that he lost by hJs failuro to J show in the two previous meetings E REFEREE'S CARD SHOWS McTIGUE BEAT 8TRIGLING JISJ13BY CITY.—Harry Ertle, tli.rd man In the ring when You ig Htrthling and Mike Mc- TJruo. light heavyweights, had thoir tumultuous fight at Co lumbus, Ga., claims McTIgue actually deserved the decision. Frtle called It a draw. Ertle is displaying a card whit.': he used to Indicate the result of the rounds of the fight, it shows that Stribling won* three rounds, McTIgue four, and the others were oven. A “k" appears after McTIgue's name in the ninth round, indi cating a knockdown to lis credit. "Stribling is a clown fightor am. VicTIgue would have knock ed him out if the fight tad gone two more rounds/’ says Ertle. SEEK INSPIRATION- IH UNITED STATES; GEORGIA vs YALE game in detail j TOMORROW 2=30 P M. Colonial Theatfc ADVENTURES OF THE TWINS By Olive Roberts Barton FRED HOFFMAN' ibe Ruth Is Most Caluablc Player in ue, Schalk Says •0 From Foot On.) Ruth caused him ball every now and then, te op- set Ruth's plan of running up on the clow bell or the curve. Possibly slow balls and Inntuliz lng cutvce will stop Ruth In - rhort series, but I am convince that tho system will not work iu over a long campaign. You’ll like these double grip PARIS if you’re on your feet a lot—at work or play. Double eecurity and extreme ease. Ask lor thegenuine PARIS byname. "3000 Hours of Solid Comfort 1, ASTEIN & COMPANY CldU»»'. HICKORY Cm,., Cmuta NiwYou ORTHODOX JEWS OUTLINE POLICIES (By Associated Press)’ NEW YORK—While stage and concert platform present the cul* ture of Europe to New Yorkers, th* city's bookstalls are cluttered with foreign books and magazines which bring back to its native hearth the Influence which Main Street ttnd Rroadway have had on the Old World. Current publications from the European capitals lately arrived In the book shops of the city indicate that youthful writers and artiste and even many of those who al. ready had achieved fame before the war. are turning to this side of thr Atlantic for Inspiration. From France, Germany. Italy Spain, the Scandinavian countries and even Russia come lists o tranrlatfons of books by Amerl cans. Magazines vie with each other in translations of the Ameri can "classics'’ and of the wetk of younger men who hove helped In the renaissance of Anglo-American letters which ha R le ftlM merit throughout the reading world. Poc, Whitman, Cooper, Ilnrte MUfany Hawthorne, Melville er American writers are" represent ed ln^ translations lately arrived from Paris, Stockholm and Be.-.'la Maid Claims Mrs. Stokes Visited Man’s Apartment (By Associated Press) NEW YORK—Lillian Payne, (By Associated Press) VIENNA—The World Congress f»f Orthodox Jewr, convened In this ... city to deal with everyday Jewish * Kress, maid In the East 3Sth street problems In their purely religious jhpnrtment of Edgar T. Wallace aspect. adopted six resolutions nt«from July to December 1917 and o its closing session which,»taken t visitor there on errands for fix together. let forth the Immediate■ months previous testified Thurs- tasks'of the organization. These I day In the retrial of the W. B. D are: {Stokes action against Mrs. Helen To regain, through organised ef- • Klwood Stokes that she hnn seek fort, splrltunl .contact with dls-; Mrs Stokes In the partment lr persed and estranged Jf'wry. fr j company with Wallace, particular the Jews of the west and j Mrs. Stokes, she testified, cnmi the east. j * n "Tib Wallace through the kltch- The prc’.iotloh on an extensive ’ enette entrance and accdelntly cam* scale of the rtudy of *.he Thora nndl fi,p e to face with her. The next i the big dog - j “"Yes," cried the Twin*, j "Oh, yes, yea indeed," echoed I.'Mister Dodger. "He*g one 'of the - ratlAAsf nonnln I n <8QUe8ky-.M()U nicest people ’ Land." "Then I think you’l agree that I did exactly right," said Mister Scare Crow. “Well. Don has a burying place." "A burying place!" cried all ,• three listeners. 1 "Yes!" nodded Mister Scare Crow. "For Bones. He had to hi '. TC a secret, so he buried all his hones right here at my feet. He really has quite a boneyo.*d a ul I never told a soul. "But one day. Tike. Farmer Smith's do*, discovered his secret anil started to dig tho bones all up. "I didn't know wfcat to da at , first, I was so upset. And then 1 { thought of 'my gun. I let it drop rlirlif on. his back as hard as 1 ■could. He "barked and ran away, but nd by in* came hack, si i had ; warn* the public that th'e Coming •winter will be one of much hardship and makes an nop****' funds for fuel and to meet deficits, JBHHI Mister Dodger shook hit limp strew hand heartily. “Why. you've lost your gun,, “Indeed!" declared lll»ter Doilg- J to <lo tome more thinking. Mister Sc«re craiv.’ 'cr'cd Nick, an er. “You're getting quite frivolous ■ ‘ Th »" Y " v "" he was taking a walk with Nancy In your old age, Cousin and Mister Dodger 'through the Crow. It Isn't everybody deavorlng to prevent the collapse oi caJJopet these institutions In Qermay thro the decline of the smirk*.. 1 - Chronic coughs and persistent < lend to serious lung trouble. Y«»u stop them m»w with Oreomulslon .. Creomulnlon Is n iicw medi al dlsccvery With twofold action; yolhr* ttnd heals the embranes and kills the'* » , of I'»l known drugs m Then my tin pan Jat popped {recognized by tho medlyl ftptcmlty Scare ‘ Into my head. The very thing. So ,us the greatest healii ho can , ^ shook it off and It not only land- )<-*>l«l.«t and other forms of throat and BdleeVI greatest healing Ifl shook It orr and It not only land-)nr 7t 1 on'biin but mado enough noise iiung troubles. rre«>mulsle^ fqlitaina i for n war. He ran like a streak I •** addition to creosote, other. T j and — ,,i,. 1 t; is time," chuckled the strain {tb- Irritation and lrdh.mmutl< gun corn field. afford such extravagance." . "Oh, no, I naven't," nodded Mis- i "Extravagancy * nothing!" denied ter Srare Crow, his wide straw Mister Scare Crow suddenly prow mouth curved In a merry smllcf. "1> ing sober. "One is never extravt- didn't exactly lose It. I threw it Rant when helping out a friend Away." And he chuckled eo that he And If Farmer Brown *jan't trust shook all over, it was the end of me with a mil gun and rent bul- the season and Mister Scare Crow lets, one has to do th - best he ran.' was getting quite old. I "What evr on earth are you | j ca | i^real friend." he derhutd. "And your tin-pen hat is pone, talking about?" Remanded Mister . -j apologize for every word." too," said Nangy, .suddenly notic- Dodger. "Please explain yourself I ^ Ing that tho sdntlnel oNthy corn "That's W.Tat you should hav< * PRIVATE H0SPITAL8 field was bare-headed. said in Ihe first place." remarked j, , NEED HEL1 LVl.II, bleb sooth* and heal Inflamed memhrhMT . and stop Indamm “ ■rcosote goes .... alisoriM'd into the McrmI, scat of the trouble and gt-rms that lead to < Nick picked up n icy pot Ids hafc i*w« i ryy _ . Mister Dodger* abook his limp "TrPornmsii.n - is guaranteed V ^tls. • trow hand henrtiy. "You re what factory in ih<* treatment of cbnmJn oughs nml colds, hr catarrhal bronchitis, and other.forms of throat and lung diseases, and Is oxccllent for building up iha/systom after colds or the flu. Mpncy funded If any cough or wdj."»6 n hop. hce!" chuckled MI»tor Water Ratrr Crow angrily, “wllh-j' llEULl.V—ProtoMor Lnn«»teln. Il'iomf wSct57." Scare Crow again. "I didn't lose out jumping at conclusions. 11) tel) 1 v-o-!dcnt of tho Association °|; reetb ns. Ask your druggist. 1 ' that either. I thre wit away, too!" you all about It. Do you know, Don, Private Hospitals and Clinics, is en- tlscmcnt for.T, taken in by Inraranra C,m*ui«. Liberal Term,. Bill Trlee. H. M. RYLEE, Law Offices, Phone 1576 Holman Bldg. Athene, Ga. ~ - ' - - - Men HURRY!! And Get BETTER CLOTHES You will be glad to get into one of our classy By The Week Women Wonder Garments Clever Suits Coats Dresses Furs