Newspaper Page Text
set criticism that college athletic?
are participated in only by a'smal!
proportion of students, and to
demands of & large Increase fr
Mercer’s student body.
r , MACON, Ga.~The new physical
v!-,i development program of fiercer
_ varsity In which every student
;,wHl participate is attracting state*
-Wido atten'i’on, according to in-
• v 'formation received by officials.
,1 "Stanley L. Robinson, head coach,
-’has completed a sbedule under
}gch physical education will be
come a regular course at the in-
jditution. College credit will be
• given for the work and two years
of trn’nlng will be required before
’ ,A' degree is granted. Inter-class
l games and other athletic events
• have been planned.
The course was planned to off-
ATLANTA.—Georgia Tech
working hard for its bpttle w$th
Georgetown Saturday. The Yellow-
Jackets scrubs have been using
the plays of the Washlngtor.
Eleven and' on Wednesday after
noon scored on the varsity as a
suit of using the formations.
The Georgians are planning fr
watch Plan sky, Georgothown’i
fullback, In the game Saturday
aceonjfng to the coaches. Planaky
weighs about 200 pounds and if
unusually fast on hi» feet. Tech is
Apecfc'ng to send a strong lino-up
the gridiron for thfe contest.
COLUMBUS, Ga.—"Bullet Joe”
Bush, ot the red flannel shirt and
I fork ball and atar twirler of the
j New York Yankees, was discover
ed by Cliff Blankenshin, of Co-
I iumbus, Ga., a former big 1 -ague
Grcasclct* Combing Creim Coats
Few Cents a Jar at Drug Store
• Hvrn stubborn, unruly or sham-
"pioed hair stays combed all' day In
“aw”stylo you like.
dignified combing cream which
giro" that natural glors and well-
iroomcd effect to your hair. Not
sticky, greasy or smelly. Fine for
Game in Detail
Sat., Oct. 20th
3 P. M.
50 Cents
Leads Drake Grid
ATLANTA, Ga.—Football fans in
Georgia w*,ll follow with Interest
a number ot game* scheduled Sat-
imi'rfy. among them being Auburn's
clash with the Army, at West
Aong the other principal games
ire the following:
Georgia va. Tennessee, at Knox
Georgetown vs. Georgia Tech, at
Captain BUI Boelter, star half
back and captain of the Drake Uni-
verity eleven, Is one of the pre
eminent atars of the west. Boeltf-r
haa been an All-Iowa and an All-
Missouri Valley cho‘,?e for two
years. This season he hopes to
make the All-Western.
The Dinkier Hotels
( player, according to a statement
$lven out by the latter.
BlankertShip said he was manag
er of the Mlasoul, Montana club,
>f the Union Association, in 1012,
.vben he secured the services of
Bt|sh. He placed the player at
Jiprutop, but latter -began train-;
ng him for mound duty. .Bush was I
told to Connie Mack, “of Philadel
phia. for $1,500 at the close of the j
.cason, Blankenship continued, And. j
he following year pitched for the
Athletics in the world aeries,
duck later sold Bush to Boston,
t’he New York Yankees then land
m! Bush.
Yap Island Next
Athens’ Neighbors
MACON, Ga.—With one of the
>cgt elevens representing the instl-
ution in many years, students at
Mcjcer University are expecting a
victory over the University of
chatlanpoga Saturday. The Mercer
Baptists have lost only ope'' game
season and that by a narrow
score. The Univertfity of Georgia
defeated Mercer in the opening
contest of the season, 7 to 0. Since
then, Mercer has won from Fur
in and Fort Bennlng.
Coach Robinson’s new system of
aching and an increase In the
amount of material have resulted
stronger team being developed
year. Chattanooga defeated
Mercer last fall.
Sewanee va. Alabama, at Bir
mingham. *
Vonderbttt va. Texas, at Dallas.
Centre~ vs. Oglethorpe, at Dan
ville, Ky.
M. I. va. VtrgVila, at Char
Louisiana Polytechnic vs. Tu
lane, at New Orelans.
Schedule Changed. Long
Workout Held on San
ford Field Wednesday
Afternoon. Thomason If
LAVONIA—Rev. C. T, Bunge**
of Bowman, has moved to Curnes
villa, Rev. S. B.i Jordan has moved
from Roy*ton to Godfrey.
W. W. Strickland, well known In
Athena, haa opened a grocery store
in Royaton.
Jease M. Martin and Miss Lottie
Berryman, of Royston, are married
Rfv. C. W. fCendereon has ac*
cepted a call from -the Roystor
Baptist church and has moved hif
family from Bowman, where
was a member of the faculty of th*
Gibson-Mercer ,colelge.
homes of negroes 1 mind around
Washington discovered plenty o
whiskey. Walter Anderson, r
white man of* Taliaferro county
was also arrested for violation ol
the prohibition law.
Wilkes county will have another
poultry sale on November SO.
J H. Mathewson. manager of the
Oglethorpe Stock and Seed form,
hat- addressed the Stute Highway
department about the dangerous
condifoln of the bridge across Long
The Georgia Railroad won a cast
against Wilkes county in a slut for
41,2,000 excess freight charges.
The amendments to the.charter
of WashlngttyUwon by a good
When i'.t comes to globe trotting
the trunk checks and mileage rolls
must be handed to Ml A. Ch e’«,
******* Harvard halfback.
athletic Mr. Che|k wa*
born In.Berkeley, Calif.. ralaed In
Singapore, India, and is now doing
odd Jobs of footballing at Cam
bridge. ■
Doublets he will move to the
Island of Yap to start a business
jorlty. The mayor Is to be paid
IG00 a year and councilmen $$25.
prominent citizen Is critically III. [to overconfe any embarassmenf
An efort will be to locate Uhat might be theirs were they in
and ' mat-ft dll the grkves of Con- | a class with the very btifebtest and
federate soldiers in Jasper county, j the bright students can go ahead
Two of Jasper county's cheese much faster than they could* them.-
factories are almost ready for op-1 selves.
oration and a third will be built. This Js the first year that the
What’s the matter with Oconee? | method has been employed and bo
Car loads of good milch cows are fm* it is said to >be-working excel*
being brought into the county. The lently.
past week clever. Holstein cows The “Seashore Method” is
wer^ received from Dubjin, GA named for-Dr. C. E. 8eashore,>dean !
Ocone is Shipping its cattle.
Seashore Method’
Used This Year in
Commerce School
National Research Council.
Under New Plan Bright;
Students Are Separated'
From Dull, Thus Aiding
Both in Their Work.
In the majority of classes
economics in the University of
Georgia School of Commerce what
Is known as the "Seashore Meth-
of arranging classes is bein?
carried out this yea*r. ^
Through th.*$ arrangement theiff
are several sections in all courses
large enough to be divided. In
allotting pupils to these various
sections the brightest aye put in
oue section, the next brightest in
another, and on down, with the
slowest students in a section to
It ^ explained by Dean R. P.
Brook*, of the school of Cor-»np» ,/ ' r '
that through this method all tho
different giades ot students
>t*r dronned trf^’ven thf. particular attention to
39 nnd’a good fro.t. I" 1 ' 1 . 01 ' UW * re , cntilic,i - lile
Mr. Normal P. Blackwell. —
a ‘students aro given an opportunity
cJpled adventurers to Jump the
claims of the early niirt./^ Itl
story has a peculiar &splnaUon 0 v-
er the minds of redTblooded Amer.
leans. The picture is one of the
ben made In recifct, years an(J
there ** no doubt lhat*13 will M .
peat the big success ot fj rgt
screen incarnation. v V‘t5
The cast Is certainly one of the
most notai»U that has ever i Jeen
in any one photoplay. j,
of the graduate school at Iowa> reads like a “Who’s VFh©” of th e
Unlvcfslty and a member Of the j-acreen—Milton Sills, Barbara Bed.
ford, Anna Q. Nil (ion, Noah Beei
i Robert Edeson, Mitchell Lewi,
j Wallactl MacDonald/ Fofd Sterling
IPnhert McKIm. Sam de Orasse
John Elliott, Louise Fazenda, Kate
TJ'riefc. Itockcliffe Feltowesl Goruon
Russell, Albert Rofcoe, Tom Mc
Guire and Jack Curtis..
^ CENTOnVIU.R, Mich,—Count'.-
Blind Clerk John NIendorfof “
Frank Strickland,
Musician, to Be Added ~
Attraction At 9 O’clock
Shows Both Nights. \ "
With a remarkable cast headed
iijl Anna Q. Nikuon and Milton
Sills. Rc-x Iyfcch’a great story of
the Klondike gold rush, "The
Spoilers” 1 f the attraction at the
Palace theatre Thursday and Fri
day. In connection with the per
formances Thursday and Friday
ev.i&ilngs at nine o'clock Frank
Strickland, talented blind player,
will be the added attraction.
A oomedv Is also offered In con
nection with the Thurrdny nr *
Friday bill.
“The Si>oHer,s’’ is a true plchir'
of life In the Klondike gold rush
and the attempt of certain unprln-
t. JOflppli
not end
I bis rule,
with the irsuonce of marriage u.
censes. He ha fl had jirtaiad a mm.
ply of cards conta’lnini
for a successful marr
each couple is given onl
One aide of the card i
county clerk’s blessing:
your days be as happyJk,
wedding day.” fj
rrlea the
"May nit
VIENNA—Cocaine smugglers are
active in Austral, bringing in the
drug from Germany Jaiid Franc*
the police not long ago found a
eonsgnment of 109 , pounds. One
kilogram was rold recently for the
equivalents of 2,100. It was pur
chased first for $56.00. th« profit;
of middlemen accounting for th«
Capt. Wise Moved
From University
Captain Jamea B. UUo. asn sl
ant professor of military science
st the University of Georgia, has
received orders from headquarters
In Washington directing him tn n
new post at Chattanooga, Tenn.
Hta aucceaaor was not known
esrty Wednesday morning.
CAMBRIDGE. Mass.—Athletea In
scholastic difficulties have always
been the bane of the college coach
es' lives, but there le a man on the
Harvard squad this season who
gives Coach Ftsher no concern on
that score. Henry T. Dunker. pf
Davenport, Iowa, who atarted the
Yalo football game last year; at
tackle. In the nlnr “tudy coursedoP >,
his ffrst two years.'fecelvod tha
grado of A. the highest mark ac
cording to the Harvard system.
New Orleans, La.
October 25th-26th, 1923.
One and one-half fares for the round trip.
The Boll Weevil Menace is,a subject of great
importance to farmers and commercial in
terests alike and this meeting will be held
under the auspices of the Louisiana Bank
ers Association. A very large attendance is
For further information as to rates and
Pullman reservations, apply to local ticket
agent, or
Atlanta and West Point Railroad Co., The
Western Railway of Alabama,
Georgia Railroad
Georgia's gridlroners, who art to
make tho trip to iKBozvjlle, will
leave Thursday afternoon at 4:18
over the Seaboard. The original
schedule has been altered, the
.quad leaving Thuraday afternoon.
Inatend of early .Friday- morning:
The squad, although Inclenent
weather -threatened, la scheduled'
to have a work out early Thura
day afternoon, departing from
Sanford Field In duo time to catch
the train.
long . and gruelling workout
wna given the candidates Wednes
day afternoon. Time wee spent In
signal drills, bitting the dummy,
returning kickoffs and' punts, a
light scrimmage between two
varsity teams, and the like against
the Freshmen, who used Tennes
see formations.
Friday the team wjU have their
final workout before tho gome
having the use of n field In Knox
The entire squad has been work
ing hard ell this week In prepara
tion for the coming game and they
expect a hard and closely contest- Un7n"tn official connection with the
SAVANNAH—The opening ses
sion of the synod of Georgia Pres
byterians occurred hero Tuesday.
C. A. Rowland, of Athens, for
many years leader In southern
Presbyterian work of theeleymen'e
missionary movement, made n re
port on the -men of the church"
work na It tins progreased under
the committee activity which he
heads. Tho movement contem
plate. th. organisation of the men i
of every Presbyterian church Ini
Georgia to the end that Instead of
approximately ten per cent of the
church being- actively
;ed in
ed battle. The Red and Black team
Is being primed' for the game, ns Church work nl Ithe i
they do. not want their column .omethlng to do.
stained with a defeat I He reported the organisation per-
J. D. Thomason was out for i faded In Vev«rnl of th. presbyte-
prscUco Wednesday, and only one r le» and blng effected In others,
mn n I* nmv nut "Imp* Hn enmkef *• *
man Is now out "hors de combsL"
Wlehra is tho Injured one. The BROADER
men who, on account of Injuries , MOVEMENT
recclred bciore the Yale game and j
who did not gat to make the trip ' He explained that the movement
aro all In good condition now and Jejrroadar than the laymen's move
file strongest team Is sure to face ment for missions and la not de-
Tennessee. signed to add more machinery to
Tenneesee defeated Gorgetown the organisation of the church nor
laat Saturday 13 to 6, and will be to disrupt any of the work of the
seeking revenge, for their dlfcat merlon of the dlnconnte, but rather
last year.
Frisnds and Neighbor* in Athens
Will 8how You a Way.
Ust at the root ot the trouble.
ltubbins an aching back may re
lieve it.
But won’t cure It if the kidneys
are Weak.
You must *bch the root of it—
the kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pill* go right nt
Reach the cause, jritack the pain
Are recommended by many Ath»
ens people. A#rit yoiir neighbor!
Mr*. Beery Robertg, ISO William*
St.. Athens, says: ;*| got down
with my back and suffered a great
deal from kidney*trouble. When I
got up suddenly after sitting down
I became dizzy and black objects
darted beforpf me. My back was
•o lame I could hardly lift anything..
I felt mpre tired .on getting up in
the morning than when I went to
bed. .1 pped two boxes of Doan*
Kidney Pillr, and wa* relieved at
once of all the trouble. My back
became free from the aches and
Price -60c, at all dealers. Don’t
almply ask fora;kidney remedy-
get Doan’s KJdney Pills—the same
that Mr*. Roberta had. Foater-
Mllbum Co, Mfrrj, Buffalo, N. Y.
to aid the work In all regular func
tlon* now organized.
Tuesday evening Rev. Dr. E. L
Hill, of Athens, conducted the pop.
ular session of the synod. Ad*
drerse* by Rev. J. P. McGregor
Miss Rebecca Brown, Rev. J. B I
Fickttn and ttev. Romrri
Inspirational*, relative to the young
people's work, the unreached area*
In the home field, the challenge to
advanced effort, and the call to
pioneering for the church.
Following the opening sermon
the synod organised by electing the
Allowing officers: Rev. Dr. M M.
MacFerrln. pastor of the Greene
Rtret Presbyterian church. Augu*-
tn. moderator: Rev. O. M. Campbell
of Donaldsonvllle. temporary clerk
rejected: Rev. J. W. Stoke*. De*
catur. stated clerk and treasurer.
CORFU—The American shoe
shine parlor man mil by Greek* 1*
the transplanting of a time-worn
profesrlon from their old country
Corfu Is a city of 60,000 people but
It has a shoe shiner for about
cry $00 Inhabitants or about 1000
shoe shiners. There arc to many
of them U»at
Is ttffcictil ---
shine in town," and often, tlyl
competition is so keen thatifitlfe
ssful polisher is dealt W
stealthy Mow as he kneels to aer
iform hia function.
r j 'HERE is a Victrola to meet the needs of every home—
A. twenty-one models offer a variety of sizes, designs and
prices. Ask your dealer or write for complete catalog.
New Victor Records every Friday give you the best
music and the newest music by the greatest artists in each
/Hor.ay, Dat’a All
(Laddie o’ Mine
Out tomorrow^
New Victor Records
October 19, 1923 *
Red Seal Concert and Operatic
JTozca—E hccYin (c itclle i Beniamino Gigli |
j CTkoSunWeraShMag) InitsiUn (Pwdai) - . \
IToica—0 dolci mam (Okt^sd. Hud.) (Pocdsi) Beniamino Gigli J
942 $1.50
Two numbers of intense and thrilling beauty. The first de
picting a few moments of sad, sweet love-memory. 'Then in
the second number, a few moments of false hope.
/The Juggler (Ms^wdi) ru~uu Sergei Rackmaninoff l
tEtude in r Minor (Drisdaro /w ut, Sergei Rachmaninoff)
943 1.50
In this remarkable piano record, bear Moszkowski's "Jug
gler" throw silver balls in the air, and finish off with a yrhiti.
Then hear the subtle suid tremendously difficult Etude of Eroo
Dohnanyi. Both played with splendid virile power.
Light Vocal Selections
LucyhaW^nSnh} 45367
Two songs for the heart of Woman, however mute and how
ever deeply hidden. "Honey, Dot's AH’* has wonderfully soft,
smooth cadences. "Laddie o' Mine" is in waltz time- Both
agpgs have orchestral interludes.
J My Sweetie Went Away Billy Murray-EJ. Sm»ll«l, n , AA 75
lima Lonesome Cry Baoy Aileen Stanley/******** -—
These three favorite Victor artists are appearing this week
as blues artists. Murray and Smalle havo a weepy number you
hnow as a fox trot Miss Stanley Is an excellent cry.
baby in her home.
( Ten Little Mice and When Father
Shakes the Stove
She Powder* Her Note and The
Good Little Boy
More of Edgar Cues l', familiar little ipolten rhymer of every
doy life and everyday people. The poet "rpeolcs his own
piecea" K—ch ore in language and metre of the almpleit order.
Edgar Guest
Edgar Cunt.
45368 1.00
Dance Records
The Troubadours! . • e
Green-Arden Orcheitra J. * * * -
(Rose* of Picaniv—Waltz
"Roies of Picardy" waa first made famous fn aong form
by John McCormacL It yi-lda a smooth beautiful dance.
Marcheta has delicate whittling* and shivery xylophone-
rrMnolo*. n-sji LLal too present leahlon of waltzing.
Last Night on-the’Sack Porch—Fox Tret 1
Paul Whiteman aid Hit Orchestra I__
If I Can’t Get the Sweetie I Want-Fox Trot f 19139
Paul Whiteman and Hit Orcheitra]
Paul Whiteman Is bock from his European triumphs. He has
been crowned "King of the Jazz." In the first number he haa
a Jolly fox trot with vocal refrain. In the second there ore
new effects. Brilliant, richly-colored, perfect records.
Two numbers that are sure to please dancers who like un
usual effect* in their accompoiiuncnt
look under the lid and on the labels for these Victor trade marks
Victor Talking Machine Company.Cainden.N. JL