Newspaper Page Text
The Friend in Need
Poblwhed Every Evening During the Week Except Saturday and
Sunday end on Sunday Morning by The Athena Publishing Comfaay,
Athens, Ga. - *" "
H. 1. HOWE
Publiaher and General Manager
Managing Editor
Entered at the Athens Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter under
g/ the Act of Congress March 8, 1879.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repub
lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not othrwise credited
in this paper, and also the local news published therein. All right#
ot ropuoilcation of special dispatches are also reserved.
Address all Business Communications direct to the Athena Publish
ing Company, not to individuals. News articles intended for publics,
tion should be addressed to The Banner-Herald.
Commencing in a small way several towns in this
section have built cheese factories which have proved
successful beyend all expectations. The Sandersville
Progress in speaking of the cheese factory at Lex
ington has the following to say of the enterprise and
of the wholesale merchant herd who is handling the
entire output of the Lexington plant:
"There appears to be a demand for Georgia-made
cheese which cannot be filled because there is not
enough of it made. If the people of Wisconsin can
manufacture cheese, ship it to Georgia and sell it
£ at f. profit, it looks like Georgia people could make
such enterprises profitable. A grocery company at
Athens is handling the entire product of the cheese
factory at Lexington, and states that retail buyers
throughout that territory are demanding Lexingtoil
cheese in preference to any other. Cheese has been
made at Fern Crest Dairy of this place and it was
superior to that shipped here'from a distance, but hn
: account of the unusual demand for the Guernsey
. milk from the cities the enterprise was abandoned.
A cheese factory should be established at Tennille or
Sandersville so as to furnish a market for the surplus
milk within this territory.”
Georgia cheese are far superior to the cheese man
ufactured in Wisconsin and New York. The building
and equipment of a plant does not require any great
amount of capital and the returns from such an in
vestment are most inviting. Athens should by ail
means organize a company for the manufacture of
cheese and not only supply the local wholesaler, but
should enter the markets of the entire south with
Athens made-cheese. Such an enterprise can be
made a success and the sooner our people realize the
value of such an institution and the profits to be
made therefrom, the sooner will Athens commence
to take her place among the leading manufacturing
cities of the country. Manufactures and payrolls
each week build cities and without them there is lit
tle opportunity for a city to grow and expand and
take on importance. Let us settle down to business
and make up our minds that we will secure new in
dustries for another year. It can be accomplfshed
and without any great effort on the part of anyone.
Co-operation on the part of our people will work
wonders and create a new spirit in the community
which is bound to result in much good.
Whenever our people become worked up on a pro
position they are the most determined of all people to
succeed. Drive after drive for funds for all pur
poses has been put over here and at no time has there
ever been a failure recorded. The movement inau
gurated a few days ago for the holding of special
sales during the month of November to be known as
“Trade Month” is a success. A number of business
men met and decided that the proposition wa»a good
one arid without the iqast delay or bickering they set
about organizing and in a systematic way these re
presentative business men have made it possible for
this city to enjoy the largest business dtfring next
month ever experienced.
The cost of the project is. not a burden to anyone,
but-it is an investment and bringB profitable returns 1
to every merchant interested or connected with the
movement. In a few days newspaper advertise- -
ment.s of.the sales will appear locally and throughout
this section, besides thousands of display heralds and
outdoor advertising will be distributed in the homes
of everyone in a radius of ono hundred miles. Air
planes will be brought into service and advertising
matter scattered broadcast over the territory.
Special feature sale days will be held each week
at which time special bargains in every line of mer
chandise will be offered by the merchants .to the
trade in this section. The Athens merchants are de
termined to give to the people trading here bargains
far-superior to any they have ever offered'and every
inrlhcment possible will be extended to the out-of- ,
town trading public. *
Economics Society of the
School of Commerce Is
sues Paper. Langston
and Death Elected to
“The Commerce News”
name of a new semi-monthly pub
lication to appear on the Univer
sity of Georgia campus foon, Ja
il by the Economics society of
the school of Commerce.
The publication will bo devoted
to the Interests of the School of
Commerce and will carry special
articles bearing on the subjects
taught in that department of_the
university. It will also carry Edi
torials, news articles, and the pro
grams of the Economics Society.
Tho editor of the new publication i
will be Harry Lee Death of Cov*
ington. and the faculty supervisor
named is Prof. Q. M. Broadhurst,
head of the department of secre
tarial studies of the school of
The decision to publish “The
Commerce Newr" was the most
Important feature of a meeting of
tho Economics Society held !n the
Academic Building of the Unlver*
slty Tuesday night. Shelby Lang
ston of Monroe was elected vlca*
president, of the society to fill a
vacancy caused by the failure of
the vice-president elected Ian year
t« return to the university this
■ At the meeting of the Economics
Society held each week programs
of especial Interest to members of
the School of Commerce are car
ried out. .
The thief of misfortune can destroy your life’s work in A moment
Fire, accident or theft can carry away the results of twenty Wars 1
labor and leave you practically penniless—Unless—you «ro\ iuxarnd
Insurance is your only financial protection in case of pronfeVtSSfoS'
We can ffive you all forma ot Property Protection Policies. '
The Home Builder
JHE savings account is the
true 'home builder. Every-
young couple is looking forward
to a home. Prepare for-your fd-
ture home by opening an account'
Commercial Bank of Atheris
'•. Wm
Member Federal.Reserve System* '
A LIMIt of Everything And Net Much of Anything.
The eeaton of the year for
the leave# to begin to fell hae
arrived end on the streets,
sidewalks end on the house
tops tho friendly loaves which havo
helped to shade us duf!ng the
summor havo spent their course
and entered their last resting
3laco* Dry and decaying with
ivory particle of life sapped from
'their ono time green and fresh ap
pearance these leaves become
kindling for fires and unless they
are kept free from houso tops and
other places of deposit they help
to make fire-traps of buildings
that othorff'se would be safe and
'mmuno to fires. Chief McDorman,
of the fire department especially
sails the attention of the citizens _ . _
of Athens to sco' to It that all lng good and aiding thoso who
loaves are gathered in plies and In Hist
burned. Besides being fire-breed- pel as
ers they cause the streets, side
walks and yards to appear unkept
and unsightly. If you ha\ * not
had your yards and houso tops
cleaned of leaves th/s season, do
so at once and co-operate with the
•Met of tho ftro department in hla
efforts to provont tires.
lacking and' the Georgia spirit was
not there as |'t should havo been.
Tho return, however, was better
and I could hear the welcome ring
from tho boys who met tlio re
turning warriors near fivo o’clock
in tho forenoon. That is the kind
of eplrit with which to back our
boys; such a spirit will help to
win and such a sii'rit is tho back
bone of college life which will live
long; oven aftor these young men
havo becomo of mature age, the
old college spirit will 11 vo and re
main with them.
Rev. W. M. Saye, In an un
assuming manner, consecrated
to the service of the Almighty,,
about In hla own way do-
The Georgia boys (save to
morrow for Knoxville where
they play Tennessee Saturday.
The story will bo quite differ
ent than tho one told tn connec-
ion with Yale. It is bound to br
i Georgia victory, but not an easy
mo. The Tennessee boya havo
men playing good ball this season
ind tho “Bulldogs” will have r
scrap to win. Our boya should be
jiven a rousing send off—better
han tbe one on last Thursday
when the toam left for the lonr
rip eatL I was at tho station that
lay add tho surroundings were or
lolcntn as if there was a funoral or
i corpse boing met. The yellB were
■ ^distress and dispensing tho gos-
taught In tho Good Book to
all thoso who may como wVthin
Ms roach. He has charge* of sev
eral churches in this section and
no clergyman has ever endeared
himself more to his peoplo than
fin tho Rov. Sayc. A native Ath
enian; a self-made man. ho is n
citlzon who enjoys tho estcom and
confidence of tho people in all
walks of I’fc.
1 notiee quite frequently the ;
splendid service given by the
police department in handling
and directing traffic In front
and near tho High school and the
OU can’t be «tronc and besrty
Trtth thf ” -
Purity and enrich your blaiod
Y i
with the thin blood and low
vitality canoed by aumincr
heat. Parity and enrich your blow’
by taking Guile's Pepto-Mangan.
provent many a “winter ilck-
uc,” many a hard cold. This is
what Glide's has been doing for
over 30 years—it will do tbe same
for you. Your druggist has it, in
liquid and Ublet farm.
I Free Trial Tablets &&&«£
: value of Oade'i Pcoto-Mannn, Mod for cett-
erotu Trial Packacu of Tablets. Send no
Dye or Tint any Worn,.aTKiruSS,^^ s t , N"S. to
Shabby Garment
Or Drapery.
' Tonic and Blood Enricher
For many years there has been much talk over the
project of establishing a, public library in Athens.
Matty suggestions have been offered by citizens and
. efforts have been made to enlist the aid of the Car
negie interests in appropriating a portion of such a
fund as would make possible the securing of a build
ing, equipment and books, but so far the plan does
not seem to have met with the endorsement of those*
’ in authority and the establishment of a public li-
bl'ftjry has dragged along from year to year.
A public library would mean a great deal for this
community. It would open a field for the average
oitizen to secure books aryd information which is now
[T impossible for them to receive and would prove a
^^)lr;3sing to the entire citizenship.
Whether outside aid can be secured or no, certain-
HF' we have enough liberal-hearted citizens in the
. community to finance the project either from con
tributions or by underwriting the project It is an
institution which should appeal to the masses and
everyone should be given an opportunity to be re
presented in the fund for building, equipping and
installing a complete library under the supervision
’ and control of a board of directors and in charge of
an experienced corps of librarians.
If You Suffer
With Piles
Each 15-cent package of “Dia
mond Byes” contains directions ao
ilmple that any woman can dye or
int any old, worn, faded thing new,
even If ahe has never dyed before
Jhooee any. color at drug store,— Doaf Forcrt that Pyramid Pile
Xdvcrtisement. I eaepaaltorlre U the Natteaal
Relief—r * *
^ »**•«■
The suppositories are simp
or pressure ami en
able you to rest and
sleep with comfort.
—... - Jrr druggist
in the V. 8. and
Canada has, for ov-
with these wonder-
f u 1 suppositories
VIA g»*B u» jmiiuMiuu w iuv ncr °TX1,^
name, ah. fdt that. Bmm;
Mrs. Carry B. Dix, 8ch~>lM<t,
Va., write*: “I have been sick
nearly *11 my lift and have taken
mediein. - from doctors, but they
lid m. no good. I tried Benedict* ,
and it baa don. me more good ,
than anything I ever used." lira. I
Dix gave u» permission to use her ....
name, because she felt that Bene- tuts
dicta might relieve the ilia and Jendln* your'name'and'iiddreaa
■uttering of women everywhere. th - C ° U ‘ KI " btlow ,
Get .bottle of Benedict* from your —
druggist today.
uruggiab tway. ,
/orWomen —a
m Tynmlf BU*. Uirdf.II. Slick.
..xwir ttitf ot r,
PU. Stwowlorww Ja .Uni wtamr.
Childs street school at tho morrfn#
and noon hours. Such a system of
. protection for the school children
1 is commendable, and* no doubt, has
j been the means of preventing
many accidents and some dean
Every driver of an automobile
should practice caro when driving
on Prince avenue during school
hours—that is hours whon school
is taking in and letting out. So far
as that is concerned, care should,
bo practiced at all times. H6re are
a few suggestions I read a few
days ago la an exchange whtch
arc worth considering and prac
privors should assume that
dvery child on or near tho street
is going to dash, suddenly in -front
of thqfr cars. You cannot tell i by
looking at a child what It is going
to do. You should', therefore, drive
slowly and have absolute control
oftiyour cars.
fetrst. Not only when clma!
are playing in the street, but also
when they are playing near the
ci/rb or on tho AlUowa’k.
Second. Whon pnssing schools or
Third, When approaching f>e<r
sons on bicycles, trfc/clee, roller
skates, kiddle cars. etc.
Fourth. Wham approaching
youngsters who are ‘hitching
ride” on the vehiclo ahead.
Fifth. Whon passing tea wagons
and street sprinklers.
Thursday, October 19, 1911.
I Cotton: 9 1-8 cents.
Weather: Fair.
Mrs. W. A. Weatherly found' two
cabbage snakes eight Inches
I Jong /n a cabbage she vas pre
paring for a meal:
Governor Joseph M. Brown
opened campaign headquarters In
Atlanta for his electiqn to tho of
fice of governor.
J. P. Fears suffered a stroke of
Clarke County grand jury ad
Pr. 8. C. Benedict was elector
president <of the Association o'
Seaboard Air Line Railway Sur
Miss Mary Ellis Douglas and Mr.
William Thomas James were mar
Jos. Varela, of the university
was elected' president of the Geor
gia Glee Club.
Rain prevented the game be
tween the New York Giants and
(he Athletics, of Philadelphia in
the world series.
Judge Wa fer, L. Hodges, card!
date for judge of the Northern f !r
j cu»t, spent the (Jay here. .
; BUDAPEST—Tempted by the
• high rffte of exchange for AmerJ-
I con money the counterfeiters in
i ceuitrnH Europe are concentrating
j their talents on the dollar. The
J Budapert police have discovered a
; wholesale scheme for the distribu
tion of genuine two dollar notes
which huve been cleverly trans
form'# into two hundred dollar
rotes. The press that produces this
transformation ' Is supposed to be
In Warsaw. Counterfeit of thir
sort have been found In 16 differ
ent European towns.
THOMASVILLE, Ga.—Instead of
attending to her feminine duties
ami' keeping her own In eggs, like
all good tens do, a hen belonq*ng
to e Thomasvillo man persists in
asuming masculine qualities and
crowing at any and all times. Re
membering the old saying about
“whistling women and crowing
! hens’ and being unable to prevent
the females of h*e home from wlgV
tling, this man has decided to
hregk up the combination of both
ond has signed the death warrant
of the ben* She Is to occupy the
poet of honor at aa elaborate din
ner, next Sunday.
Read Banner-Herald Wants
faster a.
that cooks as
fast as gas-
and cheaper
Improved Blue Chimney
Oil Cook Stove
Gives you all the cooking advantages,
cleanliness and comfort of the city
range at less cost both in price and
The Quick, Handy
Perfection Oil Heater
Puts the heat right where you want it
when you want it in any room.
Ibr Best Results use
If your dealer cannot supply you,
Company (Ky.\agency at Birmi
Louisville, Ky. t Atlanta,
write your nearest Standard Oil
it Birmingham, Ala., Jacksonville, Fla.,
tlanta, Co., or Jackson, Miss.
Standard Oil Com pan y