Newspaper Page Text
3**: Thursday, October 18. i«i
>. Henry
pharma- )
in | the name of a French pharmacist
famous naro il O’Henry. Another was that
ATLANTA—Stute librarians are One of these was that
Interested In n, recent interview obtained his name from
given out by Mrs. Alfred Sydney rent leal book, which
Porter, widow of o. Henry, mm “*
Which she stated•'
Southern author once said that i ho picked the name from a little
•••Roads of Destiny* Is the only 1 song in Texas, worded something
gtpry I ever wrote to please my-1 like this:
•elf; the others were wiltten to “Along came my true love
pleare the editors." I "About twelve o'clock,
O. Henry was never really satis- j “.singing. ‘Henry, O. Henry,
fled with any of bis writings, for "What sentence have you got?*
Just as soon no he had completed J “ ’The jury found me guilty,
a story he felt the
anoth^t, according to Mrs. I
who gave her interview at Greens-
„ borq, N. C., tho former home of
her? husband. »
•While in New Oricnns. Mr
Porter explained to me why he
chanced to reject the pen name, O.
IJentyr saying that on tho night
hdforc a ball had been given In
the city and that among the list
Of gtiests was a mr.n named Hen-
rjr. and that lie picked the Initial
‘O' because it was easy to make.”
Mrs. Porter said. »
“But, of course, he was always
Joking with me: and it may have
been that he was merely doing this
When he explained this to
; ■ This explanation was accepted
_ by her, she added. In preferenc to
others that have been advanced.
“The Judge would allow no stay,
“So they sent me down to this town
“To pine my life away."
many years
w, Goodyear
now, Goodyear
Tire prices have
been kept consist
ently lower than the
average price level
for allcommodities,
as you tee from the
above chart. At the
same time, Good
year quality ha*
been consistently
bettered. Today,
Goodyear Tirepricea
are lower than in 1914,
and Goodyear quality
is the highest ever.
This ia a good time
to buy Goodyears.
• At Coo(t/Mr StrtU* Station
Dealer a im tail and raeom-
mand the mam Caadyear
Co,da with the beetled AU- A
Weather Tread mnd back
them up taith atandard
Caadjtar Service
BACK if*
Hear the Two Latest
{•Hitf’Played by
His Orchestra (
Last Night on the Back
Porch-Fo* Trot
Ifl Can’t Get the Sweetie
sg I Want- Fox Trot
Victor 10-inch Record No. 19139
*#•* t
Stop in and Hear the
Whole New List for
This Week!
-Compr Lumpkin and
Clayton Streets
Mrs. Porter said Sir James Bar
rie had always displayed much In
terest in O’Henry and that
when he heard she was in London
he Invited her to tea.
Sir James and O. Henry, she c
tinued had many similar lltrrnrj
characteristics. Iloth were "sharp
and whimsical like and cynical."
she (said, adding that whatever
cynificm either possessed
"toned down by the fact they also
were bright and human."
"The thing I want you to tell
me about Is O. Henry," Mrs. Porter
said Barrie directed. "I’ve aiwayt
thought I was ‘like th it fellow.*
Another characteristic the two
oosscsed, Mrs. Porter related,
that each of them "tried to put his
very best before the people, Insteac*
of distorting' the views of life.’ 1
Henry, his widow continued,
not like to he compared to Guy df
"Mr. Porter hnd’ a brave, cour
ageous spirit,’ she said, expressing
delight that her huiihand had writ
ten such "fine, clean works." She
divided this commendation with
Barrie, referring specifically
"The Little Minister" and "Senti
mental Tommy."
| ••*•«§ MF'fWTWr
When Governor Walker stops ni
Raleigh. N. C., next Monday
make a personal Investigation of
North Carolina's tax system, one of
'he first persons-with whom
will corf r will be A. J. Maxwell
nemher of the state corporation
"ommieslnncr, and one of the orlgl*
inters of the Tar Heels* n^w meth-
ads of taxation.
Commissioner Maxwell has beer
engaged In a long controversy with
Governor Morrison, of North Caro
Una. charging that as a result o’
excessive np/offrlatlons a larg*
deficit now exists in the staff’
treasury, lie has charged that t.v*
heavy a drrtli has been placed or
the treasury and has advocated r
program of rigid economy. Gover
nor Morrison has dsnled his alle
Mr. Maxwell has taken a promi
nent part In *he fight made before
tho Intermtao commerce commie- “
slon to revise Interestate freight
rates In the southeast.
Another Witness
Says He Saw Mrs.
Stokes With Man
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK—Horace G. Knowioj
formerly In the diplomatic servlet
of the United States In Rumanln
Bulgarin, Holivla and Peru and now
practicing attorney, testified In th<
Stokes divorce trial Thursday h<
saw Mrs. Stokes in 1IJ4 In
apartment of Edgar T. Wallace
The witness said he knew Wa* and had visited the man with
whom Wallace shared, his apart
ment. He saw Mrs. Stokes on the
stairway lending to the apartment
n company with Wallace, he said
Dry Offensive Is
Launched By N. Y,
U. S. Dist. Attorney
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK.—United State, At
torney Hayward (lied E4 Injunc
tlon and common nulaanco suit
In federal court Thursday under
the Volstead act to cloae alleged
wet aaloont, cafes, restaurants and
cabarets of this city.
!» tbs ccspc c! th:
lstes dry oflenq've he said ho bad
a locality card Index of aomo 1100
open saloon, which he saVl <
of tho bold type. Drlnka nro sold
quite, openly. Ten cents for near
beer: 20 to IS (or real beer and 25
to SO for what passes as whiskey.
(By Associated Press)
TALBOTTON, Ga.—Msr. Rosa M.
Coart. wife of Major Lee H. Coart,
retired army officer who was sent
to the state prison a few days
ago to commence serving life Ini-
oilsonment for the murder of A.
B. McXiece, has Vied suit for di
vorce. She does not ask for ali
mony but asks for restoration of
er maiden name, Rosa M. FVed-
erick. _
Dr. Ridley Too Ill
To Face Charge of
Drunk Thursday
(Br Associated Press.)
ATLANTA.—Dr. Caleb A. Ridley,
'mperfal klmlil of the Ku Klux
'Alan and former itastor of the Cen*
•ral Baptist church of Atlanta, woa
-eported as too m to, appear In' pa
lice court Thursday morning to
snawer a charge of being drunk
inn operating an automobile. |f!=
apju: Hfcji tog him SiSiti goi