The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, October 19, 1923, Image 4
FAQ! FOUR THB BANNER-HERALD, ATHBNB. GEORGIA M *- 4 . , l said Thomas Jarrell agreed to A rlVArhCPmPnfc 1 W thc said P. rincI P a l amount of XlUYCIU0CU1CI11Oj said note, together with interest i r - - thereon &s above stated^ and GEORGIA—Clarke County: j WHEREAS, the safei Thomas tTo tho Superior Court of Said,Jarrell has failed to pay the in- I Coantv ■ tcrGS t on 8a ^ d note, and has The petition of ATHENS MAN- failed to pay the principal on said ItifaCTURING COMPANY re-, note. HSSffn.Tw- NOW THEREFORE the said W. TTflStitwas Incorporated by.H. Harris declares the whole ort ]er of the Superior Court of amount of laid indebtedness due Clarke County on April 15, l!»4f andbyvirtue of a power of sale tfor a period of twenty years, with,contained m aforesaid deed, he the the privilege of renewal, I said W. H. Harris will sell before f That th echarter of petition- the Court House door in said ier will expire on April 15, 1824. 'Clarko County on the first Tues- f 8. That under tin) original day in November.^ 1223, between J charter of petitioner the capital I stock Of said company was fixed fat the amount of $125,000.00, with the privilege of increasing the same to any amount not exceed ing $350,000.00. 2. That the charter of petition- [ cf was amended on October 18, ' 1006, by order of thc Superior Court of Clarke County, under the provisions of which amendment the minimum capital stock of the company was reduced to the sum the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: “Clarke County, Georgia, _ in Bradberry’* District, adjoining lands of Mrs. McElroy, Mugg Stround, colored, W. T. Lester, F. Frank Pom, Little F.ear Creek, and John B. Gamble, lying about one mile north of Boge.rt and being a r _ t part of the Peter Damron (col.) j provided by law. place; being the same property as 2. That the principal office of vuin irons .wuwwu vu 0 »...' that conveyed to Jack F. Jackson Jin id eorporalton is to be located in of $100,000.00, so that under the(by J - M. Hodgson, as administra- fl e city of Athens, Clarke County, nrc-Vat charter as amended the|t°»’ Peter Damron, deceased, by Georgia. Janitgl of perition^r js deed of record in Book 3, FoPoj 3, That the object of said cor- $100,000.00, with the privilege of 894, in the Clerk’s office of the | poration is pecuniary gain to itself ey- r . -— of Clarke County, aJ id its shareholders. That the particular busi- FRIDAY. firrORER HI, 1923, ' Orlffelh. Any amount over tvi above amount required to pay the ptt> cipal, interest and cost will be re turned to tho maker of said note. This the 10th day of October, 1923. H. M. RYLEE. Attf. MRS. H. M. RYLEE, Executrix. MRS. D. W. McOREGOR Dec’d. Oct. 12-19-26—Nov. 2. GEORGIA—Clarke County: To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of J. P. CARTER and S. J. MOSS, of the city of Athens, Clarke County, Georgia, respectfully shows: the Superior Court of Clarke County, Georgia, do hereby cer- i£r M the foregoing is a true an® correft copy of the applies* tion of J. i Carter and t J. Mo** for a charter for THE CARTER- MOSS LUMBER COMPANY;” INC., as the same appears of file in this office. Witness my official hand and signature, this thc 11th day of October, 1923. E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk Superior Court, Clarke County, Georgia. Oct. 12-19-26, Nov. 2. SHERIFF’S SALE GEORGIA—Clarke County: Will be sold before the Court House door in said County, on the 1. That they desire for them- first Tuesday in November, 1923. selves, their associates and sue*‘within the legal hours of sale, t»- ccssors, to be incorporated_ under the highest bidder for cosh, thc the name and style of THE CAR TER-MOSS LUMBER COMPANY, INC., for a period of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal as following described property, to- wit: increasing’the same up to $250,-, Superlot Court -- 000 00 I Georgia, in Match, 1907, and con- b! Petitioner desires a renewal taining ninety-five and 93-100 of its charter, to take effect from (95.93) acres, more or Jess, thc date of the expiration of itc present; charter, for an additional period of twenty years, with the privilege of subsequent renewal os provided by law. 6.' Petitioner desires its charter amended so as to authorize it3 capital’stock to be increased to an amount not exceeding $100,000.00, said capital stock to be increased from time to time by a majority vote of the voting stock of said corporation up to the maximum nmount, hereinbefore stated; such increased capital stock to be com mon and preferred, either or both, and in such proportions os a ma jority of the voting stock of raid company may fix ami determine. - *7. Petitioner files herewith a certified abstract from the utes of said corporation showing that the application for this re newal and amendment to said charter has been authorized by proper corporate,action. WHEREFORE, petitioner prays that its charter bo renewed for an additional period of twenty years from thc date of thc expiration of its present charter, with the priv- ilege of subsequent renewal, and that its charter be amended as v *?n‘inbcfore* set forth. ATHENS MANUFACTURING COMPANY. By A. G. DUDLEY, President. ERWIN, ERWIN & NIX, Attorneys for Petitioner. RESOLVED. That the President of this company be and ho Is horeby authorized to apply in tho name of the company to thc Sup erior Court of Clarke County for a renewal of the charter of the company for an additional period of twenty years from the expira tion cf the present charter of the corporation which was granted on the 15th day of April, 1904; said application to bo made by the President in the name of the cor poration in duo time to secure the renewal of said charter before the expiration of the term of the charter heretofore granted said company. RESOLVED further, that when application is made for thc re newal of aald charter, the same be •mended so ca to authorize on in crease in the capital stock of the corporation to an amount not ex ceeding Four Hundred Thousand ($400,000.00) Dollars, sold capital *tock to be Increased from time to time by a majority vote of the voting stock of said corporation np to the maximum njnount here inbefore stated. Said increased capital stock to be common and preferred, cither or both, and in such proportions as thc majority of the voting stock of sold com pany may fix and determine. GEORGIA—Clarke County: I. B. S. DOBBS, Secretary of Athens Manufacturing Company, do certify that the foregoing is a true abstract from the minutes ol •aid corporation, showing a reso lution which was unanimously ■mirt ey the holdem of the cn tire capital stock of said corpora tion nt a meeting of the stock holders duly held on.the 2nd day of October, 1923. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my official hand and af fixed the corporate real *f said company, this the 4th day of October, J923. - B. S. DOBBS, Secretary. (CORPORATE SEAL.) Filed in office, this the 4th day of October, 1923. E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk Superior Court, Clarke • County. Georgia. GEORGIA—Clarke County: I, E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county. <lo certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original applica tion of Athens Manufacturing Company for renewal of and amendment to its charter, as the same appears of file in my office. WITNESS my official hand and seal, this the 4th day of October, 1923. E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk Superior Court, Clarke County, Georgia. Oct. 5-12-19-26. no is to bo carried on by said poration is, cither for itself or as agent for others, the conducting of a wholesale and retail lumber and builders' supplies business, cither or both, the buying and STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Clarke: WHEREAS on the first day of December, 1920, Thomas Jarrell of ftfcaK State and County did execute and deliver to W. H. Harris, a cer- HRfcjn Security deed to property f^Brinaftcr described, which deed ■^recorded in the office of the ■rir-rk of the Superior Court of said County of Clarke in Deedi Book 31, Folio 252; s^id deed be-| fng given to secure a certain prom issory note in the principal sum of Fifteen Hundred ($1,500.00) Dol lars given by said Thomas Jarrell f to the said W. H. Harris, aaid note being dated December 1st, 1920, bearing interest from date •t the rate of J? per cent per gum, and due The above described tract of land will be sold by the said W. H. Harris, for tho purpose of paying principal, interest and all cost of said sale, including Attor ney’s fees of ten (10 per cent) per cent, and balance if any after said indebtedness has been settled will be paid to the hells at law of said Thomas Jarrell, who is now deceased. „ , the manufacture or production of ’ r his 29th day of September,' an y and all of said building ma- 1923. . -Jfll |twW» or supplies, and tho doing W. H. HARRIS. 1 0 f nn y and all other businesa Inci- Oct. 5-12-19-26, Nov. 2. .‘dent to a wholesale or retail lum- GEORGIA—Clarke dimly. b«r and bttlldor.- supplies busi- WILD SOLD before the " B - p et|tlonoM dc>ir0 the ri(r ht court Homo door of curko comi-j to own ltMefbny or , eU rcn | ty In tho City of Athena on tta ealatc an( j personal property auit- All that tract or parcel offtaml situate, lying and being in the City of Athens, Clarke County, Georgia, with the improvement:, thereon, and being on the South- capt corner of Cobb and Franklin Streets, known as No. 498 Frank lin Street and described as fol lows: Beginning at a point on the GEORGIA—Clarke County: > ALICE POPE having made ap plication for twelve months sup port out of the estate of James M. Pope, appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having fiitu their return, all persons , „ , , . , . concerned are hereby required to lows: Beginning at a point on the sh ’’ w cau3e before the Court of corner of Cobb and Franklin Ordinary of said county on the the will annexed of aaid deceased, businesslike reporting and collect- will sell at public auction for casbifnr systei..; and generally to ad on the firs*. Tuesday in Notch hi? — * * w * next witflrii irate hown before the Court House in City of Athens, thc old Home Place of said de ceased, aaid tract of land contain ing One Hundred (100) acres, and bounded as follows: On South by the Georgia Factory and Lexing ton road# on the West by public road running South from Athens and Lexington road, and North by land of Mrs. Dean and on East by N. B. Davis estate; the land to be sold lies in 220th District, said County, and is place occupied for years by the widow, Mrs. J. A. Davis. Sale to be had for the purpose of distribution among the legatees under said will. H. A. DAVIS, W. A. COOPER, Administrators, etc., of Pryor Davis, Deceased. Oct. 12-19-26, Nov. 2. Streets and running thence in a southerly direction along Franklin Street 122 feet to a point; thence in an easterly direction 116 feet to n point; thence in a northerly direction 122 feet to Cobb Street; thence along Cobb Street in a Bcniuiuiis ui uuiiuuw iimivriniB . -_t_ f supplies, the operation of any and j g HP ” 1 . t nil machinery or equipment wh'.cli and Franklin Streets. may be necessary or incident to Said land levied on as the County, mere win po som ai pui,- .ither or both of said businesses, property of Mrs. Mary P. Cooper, lie outcry on the first Tuesday in nary first Monday in November, 1923, why thc said application should not bo granted. Tl:is 12th day of October, 1923. R. C. ORR, Ordinary. Oct. 12-19-26. Nov. 2. ropei able to the purposes of said cor poration and the right to execute notes, bonds, conveyances and Other evidences of indebtedness in thc conduct of said corporation first Tuesday In November, 1923, between tho legal hours of aalo for cash tho following described real estate, to wit: A certain tract of land, lying and being In Clarko County, Geor gia and In tho 220th District, O. M.. 6Wurlfc v .. and fronting on tho Athong and jj en a f 80 tj, e r |ght to buy, own, Lexington Road and about five ant j ren i estato and personal miles from Athena and being a property. P art g* th ® WMUodt place and j c ^ ca p|ta( B tock of aaid cor- bounded a. fsllows: On the north I tlon , han ^ Twenty Thous- by land, of W. E. Epps, and tbs (120,000.00) Dollars, tho pat nnei l.u tnnria nt fnrmrnlv \v A ' « ' T . 1 ... , l. tinn rtn GEORGIA—Clarke County: Under and by virtue of ‘an order of tho Court of Ordinary of said County, there will bo sold at pub- K.vpv.w, *..»*. lie outcry cn tho first Tuesday in to satisfy an execution issued on I November, 1923, before the conn the 3rd day of October, (923, from** ’ “ *“ '“ :J *** the City Court of Athens, in favor of The Equitable Life Assurance Society of thc United States against Mrs. Mary P. Cooper. Quit-Claim deed for the purpose of levy and sale filed and recorded /ai.A the ** best interest of the of said association and to exercise the powers of a credit association. 3. That said aiv^jlation de sires to hold meetings, take action as a body, through comYnitteea or through its officers or employees, and by other legitimate means carry out the objects above stated. 4. That said association desires that right to have and use a cor porate seal, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded; also the right to lease, purchase, take by gift or otherwise, hold, and convey such real and personal property as may be necessary and proper for the purposes of its incorporation. 5. That it may make such by laws as may be necessarv and proper, from time to time; that it have the power to borrow money and issue notes, bonds or other evidences of debt and to secure the same by deed, mortgage or other conveyance. 6. That thl powers of tho cor poration be exercisable by the Board of Directors except when otherwise specified in the by-law-*. 7. That the principal office ol said association shall be in Ath* i, Clarke County, Georgia. J. That the capital stock Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, par value of $5.00 per share, with the privilege of increasing said capital to any amount not in ex cess of Twenty-Five Hundred ($2,500.00) Dollars by a majority vote of the Board 'of Directors. That the corporation have also thc* privilege of collecting dues ami assessments from its members as fixed by the Board of Directors. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray for an order of incorporation ac cording to tho statutes in such Entire afid * against«Zkf Q * Fam« brough and A. H. Shannon. This October 10, 1923. W. E. JACKSON, Sheriff. Oct. 12-19-26. Nov. 2. SHERIFF’S SALE GEORGIA—Clarke County: Will be sold on the first Tues day in November, 1923, before the Court House door in aaid State and County, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for have or ca®/ why Hie,i tore khould' hbt life k make said deed a« prlf the said Mollle Lichten tltloner. (B. C. ORR, Ordinary. 8TATE OF GEORGIA, County of Clarke. To All Whom it May Concern; George Arnold and Carrie Ghol cash, the following described prop- ton having made applicjuioti u. erty, to-wit: permanent Letters of Ad minis tra- house door in said County, be tween the legal hours of sale, an undivided three-fourth, interest in m4<le w n p P RROOK; the following described property, to-wit. . , , , All that lot of land, with im provements thereon, situate, lying as required by law and due and.and being in said State and Coun- legal notice given to the defend ant and tenant in possession. This 12th day of October. 1923. WALTER E. JACKSON, 'Sheriff. Oct. 12-19-26, Nov. 2. und secure the same by mortgage,|GEORGIA—Clarke County: security deed, or other form of Will bo sold beforo the Court f *• *-— '**—• House door in said County, on thc first Tuesday in November, 1923, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, tho following described land, to-wit: nn llzlMnjuuuI isuiiiiia w.» tha * tract or P arcel of land * elist by lands of formrely W. A. J aluo 0 f each share to be $100.00. lying and being in Atheps, Clarke ’etitioncru desire the right to in* County, Georgia, beginning at a Jester, fronting on the aouth the I p , iti ncr deaire the right vu ... . Athens and Lexington road, on the | „ ca30 capital stock to any point on the Went sido of Frank- west by lands of Wsllace. Said J , moun t not exceeding One Hun. tract of land containing Forty-ono drcd Thousand ($100,000.00) Dol- and 37-100 acres, more or less and , , at , by a majority vote of the being that tract of' land convoyed ! common ,tock of aaid company - , F to A. P. Winston by deed to E. P. petitioners desire the right to pay .Franklin Strep t 103 1-2 feet, Whitlock of date Norember 4.1910 j .bo subscription to said capital I JJtore ® r to property of J. F. ty, and fronting on Park Avenue In the City of Athens, for a dis tance of 86 feet, and extending through with an'equal width for a depth of 106 feet, said lot begin ning on tho Park Avenue property line at a stake at the Northwest corner of said Hot and running southerly along Park Avenue 85 feet to a atakcj thence in an easterly direction 166 feet to n italic; thence in northerly direc tion 85 feet to a stake; thence westerly 105 feet to tho beginning corner. This property being known as No. 170 Park Avenue and be ing a part of Lot No. 5 .of the point on the west side oi rranx- ing o pari ui nut «u. e-v. witnc „ mv . lln .Street^seventy-five feet Nortl [Fred J. Orr survey «signature, this the 11th day of October, 1923. E. J. CRAWFORD. Clerk Superior Court, Clarke County, Georgia. perty V "of V Rabun,’ Corrie and Oct. 12-19-20, Nov. 2^ of Meigs Street at the corner of s p)iit recorded in thc Clerk s Office lot formerly owned by Mrs. Vance, of thc Superior Court of Clarke and running thenee North along County, Georgia, in record ox “ ■” ' ■* ' Deeds Book 2, page 96. f 'This interest will be sold as the ooos O, IUI1U OOA, 1MB fcWCIYO uh COrpOrBUOR BnBII IlOVC MH! »*•«». ^°| i/linn 72-100 acres heretofore sold off to. tU o and bo sued, to have and H^^nw.tMenceLMtalong 1 ine T. W. Wallace by A. P. Winston j» common seal, and to make such of Mrs. Vance 107 feet, more or and conveyed to R. C. Wilson by. by-laws snd regulations for the A. P. Winston, said deed of record | government of said corporation ai in tho office of the -Clerk of the may be necessary. Superior Court for Clarke County, J 8. Petitioners show that more Georgia, In Deed Book folio than (10) per cent of the capital , reference being had In said stock has actually been paid In. deed to plat of survey by BonJ. H. J 9. Petitioners further pray that Barrow, county Surveyor of date, said corporation have authority to November 4, 1910 to which plat wind up its corporate affairs, to snd to which deed referenc® Is had liquidate and discontinue the bus- and samo made a part heroof. ; Incas of said corporation it an; This property Is sold In accord- ! time that it may bo determined by ance with an agreement entered ; a majority vote of its stock out- Into by and between R. C. Nunn of 1 _ rov tho one part and the Adminlstra- I WHEREFORE, petitioners pray less, to thc beginning. Being parts of lots 97 and 79 in the survey of the Town of Athens, and fully described in a deed from G. F. Stephenson to Marcus P. McWhorter recorded, in Book 18, page 454, in the' office of the Clerk of tho Superior Court ot Clarko County. Said land levied on as thc prop erty of Marcus P. McWhorter to satisfy an execution issued from the City Court of Athens, said State and County, on the 20th day of May, 1922, in favor of The trix of C H Hares dec’d of the that they, together with thsir as-lGeorgia National Bank of Athens other pari. .Delates and successors, be Jncor*! against. Hugh H., Price and Mm- u, it HnvM r nn M,, nn porated under the name and stylo |cu a P. McWhorte^, Written notice havin'J* iforesaid, with >11 the righu,! 0 (lovy given defendant in fl fa. .rtv/nd^vln7ra™ivsA°f , |vim r Mr powers, privileges and immunities I and tenant in possession. Deed .id noreinbetare set forth, and wUh'for the purpose levy and aale S'r R r SunnS?i bn?5. thL nnta such other righte. powera. prlvil- fllrf and recorded in the office of Mr. R. C. Nunn now holds the noto d lmm unltics as >ro now or the Clerk of tho Superior Court of Mr. C. H. Hayo* for $2500.00 bo sldee interest and the Mid R. C. Nunn havipt sued the uld Hayee during hie life. Thla land ie being sold ns aforesaid under an agree ment for the purpose of eettllng said.sum and said Indebtedness. This 2th day of Oct., 1,2$. It M. RYLEE, Atty( R. C. NUNN. Oct. 12-10-26—Nov. 2. GEORGIA—Ctetko County. WILL BE 80LD before tin. Court Houso door for Clarke Coun ty In the city ot Athene, Georgia, on tho first Tuesday in November. 1,23. between the legal houra of sale for cash the following de scribed real eatate. to wit: A certain tract or parcel of land, situated in said county, and In the City of Athena, amt more partic ularly deacrlbed aa follows: Being may hereafter be' allowed cor porationa of tho aama character under the lawa of tho State of Georgia. i ERWIN, ERWIN & NIX, Attorney! for Petitioners. Filed in office, this 11th day ol October, 1023. E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk Superior Court, Clorkc ' County, Georgia. GEORGIA—CbrkC County. of snid County before levy made. This tho 8th ' 1923. W. E. JACKSON, Sheriff. Oct. 12-10-20. Nov. 2. •* W. P. BROOKS, ’ O. W. ABNEY, G. A. BOOTH, , R. A. C. RAY, J. P. CARTER, Petitioners. Filed in office, this 11th day of October, 1023. E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk. GEORGIA—Clarke County: I, E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk of the Superior Court of Clarke County, Georgia, do hereby certi fy that the foregoing is a tfue and correct copy of tho applica tion cf W. P. Brooks, O. W. Ab ney, G. A. Booth, R. A. C. Ray, J. P. Carter, and their associates, for a charter "for MERCHANTS’ PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION OF ATHENS, GA., ns the same ap pears of file in this office. official hand and All that tractp lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the 220th District G, M., Clarke County, Georgia, and more fully described as follows: Being Lot No. One (1) of the subdivision of Phillip Neely Home Place In said District' and Countyi and bounded as follows: A Commencing at a rock corner, on public road, leading from near the residence of John Tuck to tho Gum Corner, and running thence S. 29 1-2 E. 54.60 to a rock; thence S. E. Course 15.15 to a rock; thence N. W. Course tp a rock; thence N. E. Course w> a rock; thence N. 11 1-2 W. -11 to o rock on the aforementioned public read; thence West direction along the said road to the corner of be'commencing — containing (70.65) Seventy and Sixty-five Hundredths acres, and fully marked and de fined in a plat of thc subdivision of the Phillip Neely Home Place mado by W. M. Crane on the 8tn dav of November, 1902. . This being thc same land de scribed in a deed executed by Phillip Neely to Peter ^ooly, as Trustee, Jor snid Lula Johnson, said deed being dated December 17, 1902, and being recorded m tne office cf the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Clarke County, Geor- gia, in Deed Book W. W-, Page-84- And being thc name property convoyed to George Johnson by Lula Johnson, by deed dated April 14, 1021, recorded to Deed Book a?, nntre 408. in said Clerks Of- Fowler, sa^ie time the minors. At thc ,s-.v - other one-fourth interest, which belong, to Mrs. J. (g Fowler, will also be sold, thus passing to the purchaser thc en- ti?o interest in this property. This October 12th, 1923. J. J. FOWLER, ■Guardian for Rabun, Corrie and Louise Fowler. Oct. 12-10-26, Nov. 2. GEORGIA—Clarke County: Will be sold at the court house door in said county on the first Tuesday in November, 1923, with in the legal hours of sale, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in said State and County, and in Puryears District G. M., on the new Athens and Lexington road, containing Thirty (30) acres more or less,| coek * Avenue, and on tho West by bounded on tho North by a settle- Marion Holbrookes and is thc court house door for Clarke County in the City of Athens on’'tike first Tuesday in November, 1923, be tween the legal hours of sale for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: A certain lot of land in thc City # of Athens, Clarke County, Georgia, on the Northwest corner of the intersection of Hancock Avonue and Finley Street, said lot having a frontage of Fifty (50) feet on Hancock Avenue ami running back with a uniform width One Hundred and Four (104) feet within eight (8) feet ot the back parallel line of Hada- way’s property; being bounded on the North by said back line, Easy by Finley Street, South by Han- ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE GEORGIA—Clarke County: By virtue of power and author ity contained in the last will of Pryor Davis, late of said County, deceased, the undersigned as ad 1, E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk oiministracorg de bonis COUNTY TAX LEVY-1923 Upon won ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenuea for Clarko County, Georgia, that the following tax levy be made for the year, 1923. One Hundred and Sixty (100It) per cent, on Stato Levy. Eight milla or $84)0 on each $1,000.00. It was further ordered by tho Board that the following levies be mado on Stato levy for thc year 1923, and that tho same be collected by tile Tax Collector for the following County purposes, to-wit: County levy, eight mills or $8.00 on each $1,000.00 of county taxable on the west aide of Barrett etreot, property veluca. Legal Indebtedness Buildings ....... Bridges — 2% on State Levy Officers Salaries and Fees .. 11% on State Levy County Executive Officcn Salaries and Fees .. .. . Bailiff, Non Resident Witnesses and Extra Service Maintenance Expense Court House .. 6% on State Levy Jurors 6% on State Levy Poor .. 7%.on State Levy Quarantine and Sanitation .. 12% on Stato Levy Lawful Charges 10% on State Lev Roads snd joining lota ot J. B. McClure and J. C. Fowler and containing one-half seres, more or less fronting 106 feet on Barrett street and running back two hundred and ten feet joining land with Mc Clure and others being tha proper ty deeded from J. H.T. McPherson lo u G. Fambrough of thin 'ate. Being the property deed T. II. Bar rett to J. H. T. McPherson, re corded In Book Z. Z., folio 172. The above property Is sold by authority given under a power of attorney to Mre. D. W. McGregor, date of deed being 15th day ol November, 1920, and being record- ed In deed book 31, page 172 of the record, of Superior Court for Clarke county, Georgia. The power ot attorney authorlsea the holder nt said note upon default of pay ment of principal or Interest to sell the above property to the high est bidder after advertising prop erty for thirty day. In legal Cu rette of Clarke County, Georgia. Tho above security deed wae given to secure 11000.00 principal, being evidenced by a Bote of even date for that amount The note be ing due November 15.1922 baa re, malned in default as to principal and interest since May. 1921. Now the holder of said note and deed exercises hen optiog and declares the said note', principal sad Inter est. due and payable at once. 52% on State Levy 2% on State Ixivy 0% on State Levy 1% on State Levy 2% on State Lovy ment road, connecting the old and new Athens and Lexington roads, on tho East by the old Athens and Lexington road and lands ol .Jones; South by lands of U. H. day of OctoLer, I Davenport formerly, now aoM to 4 Eugene Tribble, and on the West by the new Athens and Lexington road and particularly described as follows: Beginning at a corner near a bridge on the new Athens road, same being the South West corner of this land, and running thence along the line dividing this land from the said Davenport lands, N. 63 1-2 E. 19.20 chs. to a corner near a bridge on the old Athens and Lexington toad, thence N. 48 1-2 W. along the old Athena and Lexington road dividing this land from lands of Jones, to a corner on tho settlement road where this land comers with lands of James R. Tuck,' thenco along the line dividing this lard from lands of Jarae* R. Tuck to a cor ner on the new^Athens and Lex ington road, thence S. 33 1-4 E. along said road to the beginning with ..$49,312.17 .. 1396.62 .. 1396.02 .. 10,431.42 1396.62 40% on State Levy 16Cy, 6,689.87 5,68937 6,638.18 11379.73 9,483.11 37,93231 » a v a , „ . —lu $151,729.76 ToUd State and County Levy Thirteen mills or $t3,00 on each $1,00030 on County assessed valuations. Total assessed taxable values, as shown by digest $18366320.00. Upon motion, it is further or- dered by tho Board that any surplus raised by any of thc above levies, if UMastary be applied to any lawful charges against thc county.: The County Board of Education having recommended to this Board I*** 1 tax of Four and one-quarter (4*4) mills or $4.25 on each $1,000.00 on all taxable property within the county of Clarke without the incorporate limits of the City of Athena, be levied to supplement thc public school fund in accordance with Section 2 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1905 and acts amenaatory thereof; It is there fore ordered by the said Board of Commissioners, in pursuance of said recommendation and in pursuance of an election held - and carried nnder A he .. , ^i! 0 ?.to, that a tax of 4% milla or $4.25 fyfag*—the county of Clarke . „„ VC I™:/" " „ J . „ that upon any note remaining in JihS default for more than thirty days same property bought by Deupree Hunnlcutt of R. L. Pope and con veyed to him by deed dated 18th of July, 1916, and recorded in deed book 15, page 461, office of Clerk of Superior Court, Clarke County, Georgia, and is the same E roperty deeded to the aaid Pope y deed of D. I. Mulky, aaid deed dated October 12, 1008, and re corded in deed book “4,” page 650, office Clerk of Superior Court, of Clarko County, Georgia. Tho above property is sold by authority given under a power of Attorney to JHo. S. Keese, date of deed being 14th day of November, 1019, and being recorded in deed book 27, page 203 of the recorda of Superior Court of Clarke County, Georgia. The above Security Deed was given to sec lire $1600.00 principal and interest, being evidenced hy 120 notes for $20.00 each. These notes were series of adres and provided that timo was the. essence of the contract and that that upon any note remaining in part of the land conveyed to John Billups by deed of J. T. Pittflrd, said deed dated November 14th, 1017, and recorded in deed book “28,” page 290, office of the Clerk default, now the holder of suid that then each' and every note should become due and payable at the option of the holder. That ten notes, being notes due December 15, 1922 and nine notes succeed ing this note on the loth of each 32, page 498, ’"s'aid property levied upon and to be sold as the property of the defendant in fi fa, 'Lcorrc John son, to'satisfy a fi fa issued front thc City Court of Athens in favor of Mrs. Elizabeth Meyer, trix, and against John Neely, George Johnson, and Peter Neely. Legal notice given tenant in pos- Sheriff, Clarko County, Georgia. Oct. 12-19-26, Nov. 2. GEORGIA—Clarke County. To Alt Whom It May Concern; Alfred D .Bailey, having to prob er form applied to mo for iPorman- ent Letters of Administration on the estate of Alfred B. ^Iley. lata of sahl county, this is to cite all and angular tha creditor* and next of kin ot said Alfred B. .Bailey Jo bo nntT appear at my offico^wlthln tho timo allowed by law, and show cause, if‘any-ithey caps wby ; per- «v «a«aj vamo mm nmneit administration 'Should . not; Charlotte Whitehead, on tho south- Ultlllv u W WM ...... n llnllnu nn Pfla) nsnnnri. Tt .ml _ tlon to be Issued on theiestuto of chan Arnold, colored, lalaipt, said county, deceased, .thin Is.^thcflsfore, to clto all persona to shpw cause In the Court of Ordinary 1 on the first Monday In November, 1923 to show cause, if any they : can’ why permanent Lettere of Admin! Istration should not he granted upon tho eatate of tho'said "Chan Arnold, doceaned, to su6h person as tho Court may aee fit YB ap. point In tho absence of an-agree- ment of the heirs. , This October 6th, 1923.'. B. C. ORR!' Ordinary of Clarke CAuiity, Oa GtpRuiA—Clarke County. To tho 1 Heirs-At-Law of" J. Hale, Declared: Mrs. MUry L. Halo, ps iiisfgrci. and transferee and holdpH of ft cer tain bond for title exqtM b} said county for nn ordbi- requiring th" administrators of said’ deceas ed's estate to make atjcf 'deliver unto her a deed to tho fenl estate described in salil bond- for title known as iota Nos. 3. .4, and 5 of tho eubdlvlaion of said' deceased's lands in Oood Hope, Walton Coun ty, Georgia, as fully ,qt forih in her poUtion as of file Jn, this of. fice. You are therefore. redMM® to be and appear at tho Court!til /Ordin ary of said County on! Itbo first Monday In November, 1923. to show cansc, If nny yori'may have why said order shonTd not be granted an prayod. ' ’ "■ This, tho 1st day o^ Octaber. 1923. R. C. ORR 1 . 1 ' Ordinary Clarko County.,; Georgia bo garntod to Alfdcd D. Bailey on '"witness my hand and signature, thin 11th day ot October, 1023 ' n. C. ORR. Ordinary. GEORGIA—Clarke County. To All Wibom it May Concern: R. E. Johnson having in proper form applied to mo for Permanent Letters of Administration on the estato of Perry Johnson, late of said county, this Is to clto all ana *•• singular the creditors and next of »y kjn of Perry Johnson to bo and “ appoar at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, If any the * can, why per manent administration should not be granted to It. E. Johnson on Perry Johnson’s estate. Witness my hancf and official signature, this 11th day of October, 1923. R. C. ORR. Ordinary 4t.' GEORGIA—Clarke County. To All Wlhom It May Concern; W. R. Booth having In proper form applied to me for Pormanont Letters of Administration on the estate of Mrs. W. R. Booth, late of said county, thla Is tojcite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of said Mrs. W. R Booth to be an appear at my of flco within the time allowed by law, and show (jause, it any they can, why permanent administration should not bo granted to W. R. Booth on said estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this 12th day of October, 1923. R. C. ORR, Ordinary. 4t. property of Eugene G. Tribble to satisfy an execution issued on tho 9th day of October, 1923, from thc City Court of Athens, in said county, in favor of R. G. Davis and against the said Eugene GJ Tribble. ’Ibis October 11th, 1923. W. E. JACKSON, .Sheriff, Clarke County, Georgia, Oct. 12-19-26, Nov. 2. GEORGIA—Clarke County: To thc Superior Court of Said County: The petition of W. P. BROOKS, O. W. ABNEY, G. A. BOOTH, R. C. RAY, J. P. CARTER, and their associates, respectfully shows. 1 1. That they desire to be in corporated tinder the name and style of MERCHANTS’ PROTEC TIVE ASSOCIATION OF ATH ENS, GAt, for a period of twenty without the Incorporate limits^ofThe'city of Athens be*and*the (20) years, with the privilege of The above i » signed’by same ii hereby levied, and that the same be~i»llKtad by thiTlirCof. JC'H'! 1 i y l* Wl M lector of said County in conformity with the iavr. W object of said aa- J, M. HODGSON, Chairman Pro Tem. TATE WRIGHT, Roads and Revenues for ( sociation is to provide closer fel lowship and co-operation among Ik* hii«ffM9M man nf 4 be city Of guard and i notes and deed exercirea his op tion and declares the entire amount principal and interest, due and pay able at once. The above noto was signed by E. O. Fambrough and the above prop erty Is sold as theproporty ot K. G. Fambrough. Any amount over and above amount required to pay thc princi pal, interest and cost will return to tha maker of said note. This the first day of October, 1923. JNO. S. KEESE. It M. HYLEE, Attorney, Oct. 12-19-26, Nov. 2. SHERIFFS SALE GEORGIA—Clarke Connty. Will ha told on thc first Tues day in November, 1923, before the court house door, said state and county, during the legal houra of sale to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property: (toe iron safe. STATE OF GEORGIA, County of Clarke. Mollle Lichtenstein having ap plied to the Ordinary by petition asking that Howell C. Erwin snd Aaron Cohen as executors of the estate of S. Sloman, deceased, late ot said county, be required to make to (her a deed to a lot of land in the City of Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, on tho south side of Kills street between Thirteenth street and Fourteenth street known and designated as Num bers 1336 and 1335 Ellis street, having a front, on said Ellis street of 34 feet 6 inches more or less, running back ot ovon width 132 feet more or less, and bounded as follows: North by pills street; east by lands of Mrs. H. H. Hester, south by lauds of Patrick, Thomas and Henry Jackson, and west, by lands of Patrick Walsh, In pursuance of a bond far titlo made by the said S. Sloman, deceased to the said Mollle Lichtenstein In his life time; the said Mollle Lichtenstein alleging that she has folly met her obllgationa in said bond. This Is to notify the uld Howell C. Erwin anil Che 1 Said Aaron Cohen, executor*: and Joseph Slo- man,: soto heir-at-law 'of thd es tate, of the said S. Sloman, de- GEORGIA—Clarks County.' Will bo sold at pubile outcry be fore tho Court House doorj of said county, on the first No- vomber 1923, betwoon the legal hours of sale to tjio highest and best bidder for CASH, thoifoliow- ing described land to-wit:. All that tract or paroal! of. land sltunto and' lying In the- County of clarko, stato ot GcorglaviiCIty of Athens in said county, to that part of city known as East Athens, fronting Northwest owiStrlckaml stroot, and bounded on -nrirthenst by property of Mary Carrie and Said property levied upon as the ceas'd, tOjJie and appear at,the east by property of R. y..,White, on the southwest by property.of N. C. Periote and more particularly do.jeribod as follows! Beginning at a point on Strickland street at the southwest corner of th*< prop erty of Mary Carrlo and ‘Charlotte Whitehead and’ running along said lino a distance of one!• •hundred feet, thonco southwesterly ’alone line of R. T. Whlto property 1 fifty foot, thence northwesterly along line of Porloto property-one hun dred feet to Strickland street, thonoo northeasterly ajohg Strick- and street, fifty feet. Being the same land as dpacrlbwt' te’ deed from N. c. Porloto to O. J 1 . Tblnas, recorded In Book 10, Page 325 Rec orda of Clarke County, Georgia. Tho abovo described ' land was conveyed to tho undersigned, She Commercial Bank of Athens, a corporation, by J. H. Phillips, by a security deed dated 10th day of April 1920, and recorded li)!tho of fice of tho Clerk of 8uperfor;court of Clarke county, Georgia, on the 13th day of April 1930, to , deed book 29 Folio 139; sild s.eciiriir deed hclng made to secure the pay ment of a note for $150.00, that day executed, said noto being duo No vember 1st. 1930, and bearing In- terest from maturity st-the rats of 8 per cent per annum. TOo sum of 3100.00 has been paid tm said note and the renewal note takes for tho lmiancB of (50.00. said note dated November 1st. 1920; and duo November lBt. 1921. bedifng Inter est at the rate of 8 per cent per annum after maturity. Said security deed provided that If default should be madfe In the payment of said note then the un- dernigned, tho Commercial Bank ot Athens, n corporation. Vrbiifd be authorized to sell Hid property at public outcry In accordance with the power of sale contained In said deed-. That said J. H. FbUllps, has failed to pay said note when due. Said sale will be made‘and a conveyance of said land, will !* mado to tho purchaser; or pur- , chasers, ail In accordance .wffti the terms and provisions of a power of sate contained to said security deed. This October l$th. 1923'. THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF ATHEN8. . By HUGH H. GttHDON. J&- President. COBB 6 COBB, Attys. Pet. 12-19-26—Nov. 2. . , AGED SERVANT8 OF CHURCH WILL LIVE IN PAPAL PALACE ROME.—The Law of-‘Guarantee!, passed by the Italian Parliament la 1871, almost Immediately after Rome became tho capital of United Italy, regulated the relations be tween the papacy a$dVthe' now kingdom, and aaaigned touhe pope, beq'des tho palaces of the Vatican and the Latoran, the magnlflcient papal palace of caste! Oondolfo. exqaialtely situated on the shorrt of the Lake of Albano.' AS'W well known, the popea noye»'"aritnow!. edged (he Law of Guarantees, nor. could they use the great W 1 * date! Oandolfo (as |t was tota"?; defendant, E. G. Norflmbor tarm. i923, of the Court M ‘hat they f ! ottld doV’fbr their to mU*r* « jute 1 - <* Ordinary cf Clarke county G™r- summer residence, as, stteEbann* merit issued in favor cf F. O. Me- gl^and show cause, if any they P 01 *' t h e J^' !Vt ' r *