The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, October 19, 1923, Image 6

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Y -W'C-\<z -tue i COLLECTION 1 Wt&TELUMG V VOI»ABOUT~'I HAVE A UOSBV OP COLLECTING | egg clips / * 1 ON Tril-5 TABLE ABE EGG 1* CUPS THAT PAVE SEEN TPE . REVELRY OP POMPEII - TPS pall of tpe poman empire- I K egg clips -that have graced 1 “I THE TABLES OF MOBILITY OF EVERV KINGDOM■ THE \ . Personal egg cup of columns] spakespearbcNapoleoN.^, _/ Beethoven, and ( MANV OTHER Noted kVisP . '^PERSONAGES'CK1_^ EGG CUPS?.]g OF ALLTH' S DAFFY COLLECTIONS, THAT ONE GETSTH' KNITTED CAKE ! TP 1 NEXT THING TO THAT is L COLLECTING S ASHES'/ PflMATOR.-I am ^ INCLINED TO ~ '-Believe -ih* BREAK LINING = in Vour Head P IS SUPPING /. vou won’t even BE ABLE TO i •j^Vcoliectvour/, ; VTHOUGHTsVf book, And sh* said as she read with a Ion* deep look, •Here** a place called Guinea, right on the xen, Piggy*Wig. that’* the place for you and me." 'AND HE \ WEIGHS HIS THUMB WITH ( EVERY POUNDj [of STEAK. ^ S57ET; . _SrL • HtAKD HE) 1PUT SAND IN -• - -i] rTHE SUGAR/ [ HOLD ElT^ Newt 5HES; ("ARE/VPinV^ WELL SAY, -- if'there ain't ANV OF 'EM CRACKED, 'VOU SURE / jr are '. y So the put on her bnt, and the pig mV got his coat. And the jumped o’er the aide of the great big boat. And nr luck would have It, they it caught a whale, And they hoisted-a muslin sheet for :!• a sal). And they landed In Oulena In time IJJ for tea, Hut alaa, there was nothing tr ♦ {» drink but sea! Ano-no-isay he'll BE LUCKY IF THEY EVER. F/ND 'fee-/ YOU SAY HE LOST HIS STEM- WINDER IW/SURH ) IT LANDED/ UN HERE/ The entire world le at your command by the use of the want ad colunina. Here .you will find the thin*» you wtfnt— or through It is offered a medium for the things you wsnt to soil. If It’s results youTe after our Want-ads turn the trick. That’s why they are used by those who demand quick action. i'oh. me. oh my!" called the pig to a parrot, "■I’d dearly love a yellow enrrot." "White 1" sold the hen in a hungry ;il voice. f'TwIxt corn nnd oats would have | no choice." Xlut the pftrrot laughed till he couldn't See. And all he said w»r, "My oh me!" | The two friends stood on the sandy j chore. And they looked for a beat MlMheti NO-IT WENTOVEI i THIS,, BANNER-HERALD Phone 75 JACK DAW’S ADVENTURES In the Olden Castle CHAPTER 11 „ , .. story by n»l Cochran. DraWngl by Ue Wright. the Search- ^ WHEN STATION AGENT DAD KEYES . . v WAS TWIRLING HIS WATCH AROUND THE CHAIN,BROKE THE WATCH He MATOR SHOVJS PART OF Hl<3 UkllQUE COLLBCTiOkl SAILED OVEfe TOWARD HENIBT HARIB/NGTDNs" SALESMAN $AM By Williams , \ Business Is Poor • ^HE'l Voo-vousi. ttorhLL0L£07-| PWlf > (VNHRTTH' HlU. tO*}* ^ WE.SOU OO'NP HEfi in silumo GULlLc.n> l, / y “Are you eure these won't hurt the cook If any of them hit him? asked Jack. "Oh no,” replied Jingo. "They are too soft.” Aim* then Clatter Legs suggested that ho do the throwing ae his ami was belt. Ami soon the metal man had stuck a potato on each of the four cor- TrtEN 7 /SOI. .IP >00 EVER] GrtT" AST&VE. IN J iTbtttrGHANrtY.1T ( ) MINDER LOOKS > I LIKE VOU’LL11AJT7V JvSIAn outside. r'if voo I EVER HAFTA s DELIVER A GEARS i AN ROEBUCK y 30!iE‘> - ctw>iyw i V minder lochs > T? u HE'you'll HOFTA -\6rtT oof AN VYALku K»f «TpJO • By this time the cook decided to Make a break for shelter, and he jumped and ran out of sight across the court yard. Jack and Jingo ***“ an £ Gingerbread Man were still laughing when a rattling of te tea kettle top on the stove attracted them. /VtTSlOOniN lOlOT-VPS JOTT 5>W TOO UBflENT W V 5ELLIHP WVrtKTCy J THING 0U_ . nOHNiNd SOME PEOPLE GAN KlDTREOLD WATCHMAN AND GST AVWfvJnH FRIDAY. OCTOllER ip. me; ATHENS. OEOROIA ' pa6e six FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS -By Cap Higgins ADAM AND EVA ADVENTURES OF THE TWINS By Olive Roberts Barton furry! Lots of Time William For Short lion LI3TFH TO ME •THIS’ IS TJE AlOCT IMPtfSWSr PEP ICD IN YoUP L'tc, AuD THE EDUCATION Vou GECIEVE Hem WlU. BE r INIMLIMELE TO VOU IMUEN y YttJ fiPcul UP—YoULL 60 lb SCHOOL TWELVE I YEARS HESS AMD T YvCv/' 1 THEM on= To COLLEGE / O' \ FOP Four YEARS' 1 YY 1 AAOEE- y. sn 'PfCS , WMATi T»5t>. ■MATTtO WITH THAT q “GoiLteaMo »s ’ SPANISH Frw- 'WILIIAM" ANP / “WILLIAM- ISV A | /NICE /NAME >S’M’T i . .t- o • - 6EEcTIUFTa l up , 16 'YEARS VET- /^VOU see 'T’6 THIS WAV . VtTTTT MV f?lfH UNCLC <N TMC- V-/ APGENTlNL WLC GIVE. A THC P*BV A NICE PRCSCNT «F Wt MPMf. HIM "CO^LC-RMOy oh, cua, cooo SPANISH fOii" NAME »S ‘WILI ONCCQ. SO »*C Twelve ) am* EoOR issixTeen,- And as luck would have ADVENTURES OF TWINS It, they caught a whale. ey?« got sore, Mister Dodger wrote this poem But nothing came but a blu and readht to Nancy and Nick In ,oon ' . . , No they climbed in that and his corn*ehock house in Squealy- 9 Mrs. Guinea Men signed as she hung up her hat, “Piggy, dear, what's th«^ difference . where the king liven at!” “Oh. dear.’’ laughed Nancy •’That’s a funny piece*” “I always was a poet,” said Mis ter Dodger with pride. “I think 1 ! should have been a writer Instead of a fairy!” (To Be Continued) , well! Sidvou learn a loYpi SCHOOL ToQsy, FRECKLE? r Said the guinea-pig to the guinea- hen “I haven't been away In I don’t know when.’’ Said the,guinea-hen to the guinea- pig. "Why that’s because you are not very big. So you get your coat and I’ll get .2AT MAN WILh PEAR. WATCHING f ok - la-la ; L "N CONCHCTA THCivAMP, WILC GOT THAT- \ reocu IF I HAVE- t j to Follow it J r to los eaTAPog I i Sunipos ! AA o,*toj&ssrt LEARMEO EN006W IF nbaMEi6VEACsr LFACMIU’CE^rOF C IT IN* j WCLL,WEL«.! SO THCV NAWEP THC BAPV AFTER MC..' I’Ll. OUST SEND ’ HIM THIS OLD INOlAN IDOL AS A PRESC.N'Tjjj r BOT Firvt • t'LL. fill IT up With B ENOUGH DOUffLOONSq TO STAMT T«C LlTTtC.1 SHAVER. IN BUSINESS WHEN Me GSOWS UPJ PIUC. THOU SANO I DOLLARS AND I L HOPE. THtV DON’T— FINO IT RIGHT AWAV And we’ll both go nnd eee where the king lives at.” COMMERCE TO U8E WAR HARBOR DOVER—Constructed at a cost of $25,000,000 between 1001 and 1908, the Admiralty harbor, which played such a conspicuous part during the the headquarters of the Dover Patrol, has been banded over to the Dover Harbord Board for commercial purposes. So off they went in a ten-cent bus, With plenty ot feathers but without any fuss, A big guinea-piece made out ot Was the dhly money they had I* . told. They rode and they rode tut we; ;i’e harbor, which encloses 610 And they missed the exprers went by freight.. acres of water, housed the fleet of destroyers and cruisers which convoyed troops and munitions across to France between 1914 and V, ^vawneg They shipped on a boat