The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, October 21, 1923, Image 11

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SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1923. *—:* THE BANNER-HERALD. ATHENS, GEORGIA PAGE THREE Office 1201 — By MRS. ALICE ADAMS — Residence 832 INDIAN 8UMMER A (’liken curtain veil* the skies. And half conceal* from pensive (VW The Waxen token* of the fall: A calmneaa broods, upon the hllle And aummer’a parting dream in- at 111* A charrrf of silence over all. The stack# of corn, In brow array Stand watting through the tranquil day. • Henry’s Monday’s ' Specials „ Only Our regular $1.50 Rain-Proof Umbrellas—this is not a spec ial Umbrella bought for this salo —Monday $1.00 Sale of Imported Budcd Baps, all colors $4.00 Value Monday $2.95 $5.00, Value Monday $3.95 $6.00 Value Monday $4.95 Hen. and Boys’ Wool Sehulccr Slip-On Sweaters, Red and Black, Black and Red combina tions, 1 selllnp regular here and ather atoree for W.00 —Monday $3.95 Like tattered wigwams plains; The tribes that find a shelter there Are phantom peoples, forms of air, And ghost^f vanished Joy and pain. At evening when the crimson crest Of sunset passes down the West I hear the whispering boat return ing. channels bo submitted and caller attention to tile fact that wfth onl> five people at the school durla the summer montbg the grocer} bill averaged $103 a month. Mrs. Ottley, chairman of Up board of trustees, in submltUm her report spoke eloquently of th« aorvien that la being tendered b) the school and expkt’ned to the ap parent satisfact'on of the assem bled delegates all of the point: raised by Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Ottle; held th cfloor for more than at hour, giving vivid descriptions o t' e work of the school and goln; Into minute details of Its manage ment She highly praised M s Nanny C. Davis, principal of th fchool # for eCght years* and sal that a donor who wishes to glv tho school $10,000 at first stlpula ted that Ml«s Wavfe should bo re tatactf as principal. He lator agree that the gift would be conditione upon employment of a prinetpo by tho trustees, provided they ar given proper authority through f new charter of Incorporation. Mr Ottley then advocated the adoi tion of a resolution Introduce Wednesday and to bo voted which provides for new incorpcrt tion of the school and creation r a board of trustees of 30 member and^he officials of the fedeartlor She said that the school alread is beating fm't and that many o !h» graduates have attained htgi places in the scholastic world. None of the resolutions Intro •luced Wednesday were acted upoi early Friday afternoon but the; were expected to ho adopted befort The report of tho credential edjournment committee showed 179 accredited delegates and 49 visitors register* Brush Wool Chappy Coats on special sale Monday. These are being sold by pther stores at $8.50 to $10.00. Mostly side tie or clasp’ knd button —Monday $6.95 Children** All-^Vool Co»t», year to o : —$3.95 to $10.00 mi««*!aii.-M*V Coinj-'nor’ ti,, til shade,, wonderful vtl ues, fixed 8 to 18 years —$4.95 to $19.95 Lsdlss* A!!-Wec! Fhtc Silk sr.d Sateen Lined Bolivia Coats —$19.95 to $34.95 Ladled'Drop Skirts, black and color,/ —Monday 75c O’po.aum (Stone Marten) —Monday $4,95 On far off fields, by elm and oak, I see the llght.I smell the smote The campfires of, tho Past i burning. —Henry Van Dyke. —ffl* - ! MRS. PETERS BROWN AND • MRS. CARLTON JESTER ! HOSTE8SE8 AT D. A. R. (BRIDGE PARTY | One of the outstanding social j evepts of the past week was the ! delightful!} planned bridge party at j the Georgian Friday morning wher I Mrs. Peter Itrown nnd Mrs. Carl- jton Jester were Joint hostesses nt the Elijah Clarke Chapter D. A, R bridge party. • " • * The high score wns won by Mr*. Ashury Hodgson n pretty pair of silk hose, Miss Jeanette Ash Won the low score n beautiful pair of noveitjr vnse* donated by Michael Pros. Mrs. Milton Jarnigan and Mrs. Preston ly-ooks will be hostesses next Friday. Those having tables and playing i were Mrs. E. L. Griggs, Mrs. Latnnr Lyndon, Mrs. .1. E Severln, Mrs II A Pendergraph. Mrs. John HunnJcutt, Jr, Mrs Balfour of Oklahoma City, Mrs Morris Yow. Mrs. Harold Hinton. Mrs. J'Yank. Lawler. Mrs. E. if. Dorsey, Jr.. Mrs. Golden Knight. Mrs Thompson, Mrs Steve Upson, Mr. Walter Jones, Mrs. Julius Tnl- madge. Mrs. Asbury Hodgson. , # . „ Mrs. Ryther, Mrs. McCoy, Mrs. era ‘ federation^ Walton, Mrr. Ghersan, Mr*. Peter! Brown. Mrs. Vincent. Mrs. Beach JAMES WHITES am. Mr*. Cnrlton Jester. j LOVELY LUNCHEON Mrs. JC..B Cohen, Mrs Julian Me- | POR MRS. WILLIAM Curry, Mr* Ben Crane, Mrs. Dave SNELLINO McNeil, Mrs. Jamos White, Mrs. Jeanette Arh, Misses Louis" and Mathllde Upson. Mrs. p, Dobbs. Mrs. Howell Erwin. Mrs McBride IIowclI. Mrs. W. B. Stead- Tho Tbllulah Falla ceadoL'oi was adopted unanimously. A reso lutlon calling fpr, a check up or. members of tho legislature by th Federation was referred to th legislative committee; Other moo lutlon ^ adopted* provide tor th election of district treasurers, c*» a tion ot a "council on train.'114 o women for civic leadership and en dorse Mrs. J. E. Hays, presid »o*. r the state federation, for reelection as recording secretary ot the fen MOUNTAIN SCHOOL'S AFFAIRS OVERSHADOW ALL OTHER CLUB INTEREST AT MORNING SESSION Was. the. consuming topic of Inter est' at the morning ses sion, overshadowing even the mo mentarily expected report of tho nbmlnaVng committee antL th > political s#rm that has been forecast from the mo ment the first delegate arrived Tuesday morning. A report from Mrs. Jeff Davis, director of Talitfah Falls School. Saturday at noon Mrs. James White was the gracious hostess a< a lovely family luncheon at the Linger Longer Lodge honorim M«n». William SnellV»g of Green vJIle, S. C., who Is fcfce populai guest of her parents, Col. and Mrs C. M. Snelllng. Artistic decorn tlons of yellow- cosmos and mari golds added a brilliant touch o', beauty to th eattractlvo tea room Tho luncheon was very elabor <ite and three deVcIons courses served. The small tables weregrouped In happy arrangement brffiglnVthc' guest* in close ocnversatlon all of whom enjoyed the charmlgly plan ned hospitality. /. MRS. J. H. EPTING \ tmtKiAins auCiAL HOUUR CLUB* _ Friday afternoon Mrs. J. H. Kpt ing entertained very deHgh*fullj the Grady avenue social hour club Tho living room was beautiful with touching on tho management o'! dneorat'ona ot fall flowers and pot the Institution, failed to precJp'tatc t plants. controversy. Mr. Davis' report referred to tho fact that as direct or she had been unablo to secure an auditor’s report on tho financ ial affairs of the institution. It be- t’ng refused her without permission of Miss Stevens and Mrs. Qfttley. She urged that a finance commit tee be appointed to consider the financial affairs of the school and that the endowment funds bo In vested In government or munlcl pul bond!. She also asked that r. statement as to receipts of the school other than through regulr. After a pleasant hour of sewing and chatting the members of the club presented tho former presi dent, Mrs. F. P. Folger, with 0 box of miscellaneous gifts, as a token of remembrance for th« faithful service she has rendered the club. Afrer a short business session Mrs. Eptlng served a de licious salad course. •j gp— HARBUCK-TUTWILER Mr. and Mrs. Otis IT. llarbuck of Columbus announce the engofce- ment of their daughter, Erma Lu- Consider $20! MOT so long ago it was “lots of money.” It would buy infinitely more than it will today. Yet, by wisely spending that $20 can be made to go as far as it ever did—At M AYBURG’S. — Where, before the war, could you get better value than we show today in our $19.95 dresses and coats—and where in town can you buy at such prices today? ' _ It takes shrewder buying to get style and individuality in an inexpensive frock than in one at $50 or $75—and that is our long suit—$19.95 dresses and coats with all the style of a dress or coat three times the price. Look them over, and ydu can’t overlook them. Mayburgs WHERE IT PAYS TO SHOP- 278 Clayton Street Wo. to Mr. Hillard Norvel Tut- where they attended Tiler of Athene, the raarrlas" akc place at 8t. Lnke'a church, .tonday, November fifth. Mr. Tutwyler la secretary and reasurer of the Fidelity Loan and nvestment company and ha* jfrnde uany friends since coming to Ath- rns. He is a member of tha Kl- vstr's club and prominent socially. 3U8INESS GIRLS’ JIRCLE MEETS The Business Ofrls* circle of the* luxiUavy of the Cectrr.l Tresby- ijf’an church* held lu regular nontbly meeting at the homo of Has Marion Newtou on Friday evening. The topic (for discission was Home Missions In the Southeast ern States/ ‘The president of the Mrclo, Mrs. Oarrlson. presided. The devotional was led by Mira fewton and* Interesting talks on he. subject were made by mIbk :va Long. Miss Maurlne Neal, Mrs. J. H. Newton and 'Mrs. Oarrlson. A pleasant social halt hour fol- owed the, program, and a delicious ce coarse was served by Mlss< s'ewton. .VOMAN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY FIRST 3APTI8T CHURCH The Woman’s Missionary Society it the First Baptist church will told* Its tegular monthly meeting .’or -Mission Sjndy Monday after- ioon at 4:$0 at. the dhurcb. circle 10 with Miss Minnie T/n- ierwood chafrmin will have tic rogram In chirge. the subject a III be "Medical Mlsslona." A part f tho hour will bo devoted to the ontlnuej] study of the manual. W. M. 8. OF PRINCE f AVENUE BAPTI8T CHURCH ' A meeting of the W. M. 8. Will l»e held at the church Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock at which time a missionary 1 r-cogram w!U be by th epresMent-and-inem- >ers of (Mrclo Number 1. Every woman of the church Is -onsldered a member of the so lely. Please came and keep la ouch with the work. —8R—” Mr. and (Mrs. Walter McK*nnon ind two children are spending ;evcral days at Calhoun Falls, S. convention of federated dubs. Miss Emma Wilson Is visitin' Mrs. John Nicholson in DahloneKu Mr. and Mfi F. A. Iqrhy nn nounce the birth of a son Oct. 2t>, ‘ Mrs. Kennith Skinner's friend: are glad to tee hop nut after no |11 r.eis of several days ai ber heme on Uni very*ty Drive. the convention of the churches of rhrist of NoUhCAM Cieorgll Tt»ep- day evening nt S o'clock In th^. Alt. Vernon Chrlnthn church. * Xlr': L. Johnson will &pc:ik<ojt "Frlmds^of Christ In ngrletfun Endeavor." w^Ile Miss MTnrgnret LnBoon, State Secretary of tho Georgia Union will 1 vhn be called llivha..! firing a mwage nn "Friends '' Christ In the Church." Rhv. James. Mr. John Wliito MortQu and MHr Loufso Morton went* over to At lanta Saturday for a short vlsiU STC. E. FTIend, of Mrs. J. D. IPetropol will regret to kear of hor lllnen at her lomo oh Jackson ectrcet. Mr,. Wesley McKinnon Is Im- ororlng after an extended Ulnoan which her Monde will ho -|>leaeed to learn. Cspt J. H. Rucker Is spendlog tho week-end with friends In Wsy- tross, Qa. * The cr-Ucal Illness of Miss Vlr- tlnla Allen at St. Mery’s hospital .lyre^et^d hyjic^ if a jy frltjhds. Mias Alice Burch’S friends will he pleased to learn ot her >atl» factory condition following en ap- uendlcitia opera,’on at St. Mary's hospital. _ Mrs. M. L. Troutman. Mrs. & V. Sanford, Mrs. Ilofheo Itltch'je. Mrs. W. O. Puyne and Mias Sarah Moat have returned from Rome By JERRY JOHNSON Tho way Is open for you. the traffic headed for tho Chrlstlar. Endeavor at the First Chrlftlan First and Central Presbyterian churches. Wheh? Sunday evening o’clock. Just folluif crowd. Every l>ody koch. The topic will be "Christian Citizenship.* ’ Bring your friends. NEW feOCIETY ORGANIZED AT LAWRENCEVILLE Lawtenccvllle. 6a„ can clnim Interdenominational Christian En vor Hoclety. for Hunday ning, Octolter 14th. n society organised with, n large membership Mrs. Hr A. Ewing will servo n perlntendcnt of the division, while Miss Elizabeth PentaCi'^t In prtid dent. The meetings will l»e l»eb each Hundiiy evening, having th* at tho Christian Chapel nnd I’rc byterlnn churelt. .'Jorry .1«hn_?on and Charles Harris qf Winder* were speakers nt the organIzatlor meeting. ijcctiombh Oiftir growth may ba ramovod without discom fort or romotost danger of injuri ous aftsr effects with one applica tion of Compiste direc tions with each package assures tho oostrsd ro suits. Miss Pansy Moore 228H Clayton Street PERMANENT HAIR WAVING AT REASONABLE PRICES FREDERICS’ LATEST METHOD For Eogog«m«nt Address all Correspondence to R. C. FULLER in core ot McGce-Fullcr Bcauh; Shop 34H WhUchall St. ATLANTA, GA. Continuous Lap Is Neat Detail of Good Sewing Barfield *»f Ixigansvllie, Qa.. will condtict\the devotional*, while thb evening sermon will hS delivers! bjr Hey.^Fux of Winder Christian church. OCTOBER IS ORGANIZATION MONTH; WHAT*IS NOVEMBER? Everywhere In the D'xle Statte Christian l^ndeavorers have been unusually bdry organizing new so cieties nnd ns n-result hundred* of young people are-lining eiven nrac- 'Ical .Chrlttlnn work, which nv'ir* trninlng for future leaderrh'n "Fof Christ and the Cljvrch." Lu F or, h-l east Giorgla District alore. two j new’ Intermedlite, tw«f“rcnlor and •*ne Junior hooietv have been 'nmird <*nd ftr* ncflvcly w^rk In Plan* for the future. Tha District j Board had deckled whe nnt tu or- •xyntbo anyonew eoolelle! the cnrlt nnrt of the year, but to keen there *lr« ndy organized nt work, but the lemand for n^gnnlr^lJ!on tr slwnyr urent nmt officers hrn kept busj j >2r4i lu f»*» t*»v plrtfc - . H iring Novcmb“r sorlctlen every, where will ho rccttrln? aubser'p. 'inns of the “Dixie Endeuvorer" ir*! the “Chrictlnn ' Endcnvo- Wnrld." This will be a pnrt of thf nor.thly rervle** program and nil' tvbrkcd with ehthtiriosm. Mr Dnvld Atild of-Elherton I* super- uteudent of this drpnrtmmt hn-! ^/already secsrtd 110 *uh* to th Dixie .En*l* avore r while our ■tlfn.p rvly 100. brfRlitlAN CHURCH SFNIOR C. E.. TO ADOPT ORPHAN goa Homs Missions,. 4h' Chll^lnn church Senior Endeavor- " ,hnvc decided to ndopt nnd carr for An orphan girl this yrnr. The «»l/etlon lias l^enMnadc nnd Little Mis* M >ry ^fnrrleon, n chnrmlnR ittle girl, now nl th*» Southern Thrletlart Home In Atlanta, will h^ me of the ‘Athena family " Mary * n hrfghl glr|, po* r "suing n olensInr personalty nnd i* now Ir 'lie third grade In echool. Th* .*oung people will find Joy In hav ng thl* work ns n part of th< 19.93e"4 program. % Flnlrhlng a waistband and open Ing with a continuous lap Is i neat and slightly .tricky detail of gupd sewing. Not difficult, though, onfce one leant* how It Is done. . Make two rows of gathers at the upper fdge of the front and back of the waist. Sew one edge of the i trip of material you ere using for thl continuous Up to the edge of» the opening, with the right sides o| j the piece together and tho notche* me tell fur. This 1 uhown In the "I-I -c Sf>9*m*u **am 1 Turn the lap over on the line Indicated and nw It to. position ove r the seam, fold the lip pvet fiat on the Iwrk, leaving, the* Dont P*rt to extend for an overlap. Sew one edge of the waist bend to the gathered edge Jth wiigbt sides to gether and notches matching drawing up the gathers It. (Second sketch.) % Tho third sketch shown tl step Turn the lino Indicated nmt uur to A CHAIR FOR JESUS? ►CUSTOM FOR SOCIETY In every meeting of the Chrbd- xn Endeavor socbly for white ten In the state prpon At Eddy- lllc. Ky.. n mo*t unusual cnMom i followed. The members raeog* nlzo that .Tonus n present In ever} meeting nnd nut nf rorpoct a spec Ul- rhnl'i^ Is provided nnd left vs "Ant every mertlnr. In which mo el*o elln, U would he n a don (or every society to Adopt thl »lnn, n* many times, we re?d he .definitely reminded of j orreence of the Master In V "hrlstIan-Endrnvof mectings. wiliT is TMICHT TO YOUTH Boys’ and Olrls* Clubs are one of She .greath t wm truct<Ve forces it work in the state, according to ^•r. Andrew M. Soule, president Of ho Ktafo CollcEO~of Agriculture, ho* •rstltution sponsoring these Iu I * of Georgia. Eight ways in which tho work Is it benefit to the more thsnH8600 ■nembers were pointed out by Pree dent Soule In a recent address be ’ore an asncmlm&o of club mem- pi<* at tho SouthcQ-itcrn Fftlr, blch shews far reacting ef fect of th'a form of, extension work. lub members tako the product of their work and Invest It Ir something all their own In wbldh hey tnko great pride. By teaching the club member how to frct.jnoro cut of the nil live stock, n lote cf thesr rings r s created. Club mcrabno rencrnl rule d*o nor leave the ’arm. hut‘are anxious to own one heimelvea. Club woric promotes the work habit. After thn boys and g’rla mako heir Investment and work hard to nuke something all tbe'r own they ippredate ft all the more and are tot likely to spend it foolishly. | club members ar? Quick to learn ho best ways of doing their work, and ora ancons to find a way Jn hlch t u nlr work may be done more efficiently. if Lysines*. Thu fundamentali of I cost account ocorii arc learned» when boys and girls keep no nc- •urato record of the cost of their crop or animat. j Dependability la Increased, be- causo tbo growing of a good pig jr a i u» crop of corn require* | painstaking wrek for seven! months. Cooperation is taught and club member* learn to think altl(e la tki> orderly disposal of their •products. NiuHT, SERVICE IS PLANNED ON LONDON-PARIS AIR ROUTE LONDON.—Plans bavo been *omplcted for the I’nacguratfon of night flying service between Lon don and Paris for carrying pas- i ngrrs and mall. Tho scheme li! thn latest nddlr.’on to the popular! I‘arts-London .service and like nil 1 tho Engftsh services will bo sub-. sided by the government . ' . Tig's Improvement was urged by ! the post office off trials as neces* i sary It the a*y mail fdm la to he; developed adequately. 8ome months ago fhe air ministry car ried out night flying test* with the London, Marie Prevast Johnny Walker Alice Lake Lights’ ^* . A Mystery Play That Outbats “The Bat.” Adapted from Edward E. Rose’s Famous Stage play, “Ttie Rear Car.” 'You Ire Guilty' With JAMES KIRKWOOD. DORIS KENYON. ROBERT EDESON, EDMUND I3REESE WEDNESDAY SPECIAL. ^Legally f A powerful drama of a love that reached beyond the graye to eLum its own. The most unusual photoplay you have ever seen! , With a Brilliant All-Star Cast Featuring SILLS Supported By CLAIRE ADAMS THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SPECIAL SHOWING His First Feature Length Comedy JOSEPH II. SCHEHCK Presents BUSTER in THREE Six Reels Of Furious Fun EXTRA ATTRACTION 9 P. M. Shows THURSDAY AND FRIDAY “That Georgia Four” Classy Kings of Harmony Big Western Every Dav AT THE STRAND