The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, October 25, 1923, Image 5

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Announcements I FOR MAYOR p hereby announce my candidacy V mayor of tha city of Athena, pKt to the Democratic Primary, ra (iRORCIv C. THOMAS, j mom tSDAY, OCTQBEft 25, 1923. jsands Have Kidmy [Trouble And Never Suspect It Leant* for Insurance Often 1 ReiecUd Mi K from reports from drug* who a.t* constantly In direct , w !th the public, there la iration that has been very wsful lo overcoming these IfitfonA. The mild apd healing u of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp- < soon realised. It *tundr ), t ijt for its remarkable re- succeaa. i;;imining physician fo r one prominent Lire Insurance ijea. in an interview of the nmde the njtonlshlnR n t timt one reason why sc ppl'.canta for Insurance nre [cteil Is because kidney trouble common An tho American ... utul the large majority of whose applications are de- 1 ,io not even auapect that have the disease. Dr. Kll- Swamp-Root Is on anle a< |drug .-to ea in bottler of twr «JJum and large.. L-r. If you wish first t< great preparath TITB tlAXKER-HERAT.n. ATHENS. OEOnr.IA' - Attlens v-itor. FOR WEAK,1 remove hoS° 1tre at ssSESttHlM* PALE WOM"' W. Catruth, Topeka, Kas; M E 1 ..— ~ TT . , ! NOTE: It would be Illegal to put Wilson, Atlanta I P” Ctflt enjoy your work OT • uah these statements If not true. Y have your ehare of the winter’s | „ , , «... | •• pleasures unless von eet rid of Airs, Frank Deard, 1610 Kurt •in t *vr Atlanta: (that run down feeling and nurify' street * Springfield, Ohio, says she an!i h R Cor “ n J;, Allanta: Mr .| and enrich your thin flood. P | lB willing to write anyone htr'full r 8 W l rd° n \'HRhvmp n % At,anl i ; , Begin right now to take Gude’s experience how Sorhol-Quadrupie, ■ ■ ^. ward, Nashville. Tenn.. A.: Pepto-Mancan. You’ll ffet UD in H “tainted liniment, removed her B reman, North Carolina {ho ffclinTmt^ anl re" I frothed, and go through the day •ample When Writing he sure hjv' ii this p«[ i‘r.-r-Adve*rtlse- Talk With An Athens Man I Lilly, stons ."ninn, of 224 Bar - St rest Tolls of His Experience s nothing like n tnlk with ir citizen* for giving hope iiragemenl to the nnxiot); from the dread Kidney We therefore, give h rt lew with an Athens man: >> «dw9> work in a °sit ion and damp cli ps. caused my kidneys to get ti«1 shape,** says Mr. Lilly. “The ey ^ Passed freely were scalding. Nights I had |pet up several times. My back r.o weak I could hardly work i ! got In a cramped position, s all 1 could do to strnlghten Sharp stabbing pains caught t t very move I made. I saw Kidney T*ilJj< advertised in V Pirfctory.oo I got a box a« er & Son’s Drug Store. I used two of this medl- to relieve my - bark. I know e been cured b-caure I have able to do hard work since ut a sign of the trouble.” at all dealers. ostcr-Mil- Co. Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. Y.—Ad- J ement. | Miami, Fla.; H. E. Webb, Atlanta, B O. Carte; - , Toccoa, W. I* Childers, Greenville, 8 C O It. Motley, Atlanta: G. J. Deagen. Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs A Archer. Atlanta; Wm Toney, Birmingham. Mrs If M. Long, Eyberton. D. K. Thomas. Atlanta: C. T. Creamer. Atlanta. .1 B Beall, Atlanta; J B Jetton, Atlanta; G H. Glover, Wil mington N. C, SWEDISH RAILROADS MAY UNITE STOCKHOLM.—A proposal to organize the private railroads of; Sweden, about 100 In numuer. Into 12 large groups, has been submit- tei to the minister of communica tions by the chairman of a com mittee that has been studying this question for five years. The pri vate lines In Sweden carry 40 per rent of t’. e traffic; the remainder goes over the state lines. It is bel li vod that consolidation will result in improved service. HER LOVE FOR CHILOREN NEVER LEFT KATY WAL8H BOSTON.—A char-wonian’g devo tion to children has been revealed through the receipt by the treas urer of the Children’s Hospital of this city bf her bequest of $1,400 to make the lives of unfortunate little ones a bit easier. Kate Lucy Walsh lost all three of her own children when they were young. Thereafter she devoted her life to making other women's children happier, and In many a household where she was employed her hearty laugh and cheerful outlook on life dispelled momentary clouds. both liquid and tablet form- Free Trial Tablet. value of Gude’s Pepto-Maaxan, send for sen emu Trial Package of Tablet*. Send no str?. * Gudc’s pepto-Mangaii Tonic and Blood Enrichcr daughter's goitre. Get further Information . from Citizens Phyrmacy, drug stores everywhere write Sorbof Com pany. Mechanlcsbyrg. Ohio. — Ad- ves Hutment. " ' * ; J •’ STOP CROUP Mothers want it, for it quickly clears away the choking phlegm, stops the hoarse rough, gives rest ful sleep. Safe and reliable. CHAM BE.RI, AIN’S COUGH REMEDY No Narcotics GERMAN REPORTERS SAO AS CRUISER WASTES BREAD DANZIG—A group of perman wspapermen recently visited the 1 'nlted States cruiser Pittsburgh In this hn-bor, and Joined in saying most astonishing thing they r.yv was the tossing overboard of quantity of white bread left from the noonday meal of the ’It was the first white bread most bf us had seeu In one reporter declared. None of the visitors wrote much j about tho cruiser's armament. It • was the kitchens, the food nnd ' ways of serving meals that held their attention. Movie Beauties 1 Use these powders—you will revel in them. By Edna Wallace Hopper > One Hundred and Twenty-Five Business Concerns Subscribe To Promote “Trade Month” Here Ohe hundred and twenty five • Petropol, Athens Gas. Light and business concerns hero have sub scribed to the “Trade Month” cam paign which begins November 3 and ends December 3rd during which time *2500 In prizes will, be d'ven away to people who trade !n Athens; Complete 1st of business con- cerna subscribing at the plose of Wednesday follows; 'Yearwood's Garage. Taylor Elec tric company, H. J* Reid ft Com pany, The Little tPrice, Georgian Palm Garden, Georgian Barber Shop. Jowers' Cigar Store, Thorn ton’s Cafe, P. H. Durden, Carter- Moss Lumber Company, American State Bank (College), American State Bank (Broad.) Banner-Herald. W. L. Hancock Coal Company, McLeroy's Pilling Stab'on, Q-Room. C. A. Scudder, Mrs. Ginsberg, Athena Empire Laundry', Georgia National Bank, Hofmelster'a Shoe Shop, W. L. McElreath, Clarke Storage Battery Company, Athens Candy Kitchen, Johnson’s Printing Company, Fos ter's Pressing Company. Chero- Fue| (Company, Athena Railway ft Eeetrlc company, Williams Trans fer Company, Palace Theatre, O. 6. Compton, Boston Candy Kitchen, Red and Black Barber Shop. H. iR. Palmer and Sons, E. H. Dorsey. Clothier, Athens- Shoe Company. The McGregor Company, The Fashion Shop, W. T. Collins, Inc., Athens Battery Company, Michael Brothers, (retail); Citiz ens Pharmacy, 'johnacht flhbo Com pany. Davlson-Nicholson Company, Pickett Jewelry Company, 8. B. Wingfield, Chas. Stern Company, C. A. Tnussell Motor Co„ A Brooks Economy Store,, StewartJPaddock Jewelry Co. Mayburg’s, Inc., Paddock ,and Company, Mrs. L. B, Smith, Mil liner, Smith Shoe Company, West ern Market; Sol J. Boley Company, Texaco Filling 8tatlon, Paul Hadaway Shoe Company, Lee Mor ris, clothier, Abe Joel ft Sons, J. Davis, H. Goodman ft 8on. Hardy Hardware Company, Royal Pharmacy, Gardner's Book Store. Patrick’s Pharmacy, Levy's ota Bottling Company, Athena I Toggery, J. Bush, Scott Hardware Bod wine Bottfnff Co. j Company. H. O. EptJng ft Com- Athens Coca-Cola Bottling Co., ^pany. Reid Drug (Ootnpany. Ander^ Benson's Bakery, Dixie Army Store, Athena Engineering Com pany, The Pines, Costa's. HHley ft Jones, Inc., Brad-O's, Manhat tan Cafe, Dixlo Sign Company, >Mo* tor Tire & Supply Company, Pete IF BEGIN ON SALTS EIVE GERMAN DONATION* PARIS—The German Red Cro* f SpcUty has Just made Ita annual contribution to the expenses of the League of Red Crora Societies, thus furnjxhfng material contra- 1 diction of the supposition that Is »entertained Jo some quarters Dial FOR ALDERMAN '• th ‘* L£“*uc Is an “Allied and A»»o- |l herrby announce as a condi-1 elated” concern. |> for AWcnnim from the Fourth The German contribution, the lard, subject-tb tho Democratic equivalent of $100 was In the form liruary, Xovembef 27th. of French paper franco, and re- B W. R. TINDALL. I presented In German paper money mm —— { fifteen bJHJon marks. I Fresh Now England societies contributed In .1 n SLr. I!<n iy“ na 11922 to the budget, $200,000 a year, jrallops. Piedmont Mar* ( Which Is guaranteed by the Amer- let, Phones 1616-1617. | <°»,<> *« <*«"• I have for years paid $5 per box fop my powders—to get the finest 1n existence. So do roott movie beauties. They must have the best. I started to offer other women my olds to beauty and to youth Rut I never thought of powders. 1 did not dream that such powdys ns I use could be supplied ut modest prices. But the mnkers have helped me out. - They now supply me these powders under my name at a price which all can pay. I told them that women could use mil lions of boxes. So those who use my beauty helps mny now get my powders, too. NONE SO EXQUISITE These powders are supreme pro ductions. made for those who de mand the best without regard to price. They nre as* fine nr vapor ns harmless ns dew and fragrant with my favorite perfume. Moat of you have ^rever seen such, ex quisite powders. There are two kinds, light and heavy. I use a heavy cold cream powder, with;* base like my Youth Flush Your Kidntys Occasionally By Drinking Quarts of Good Water No man or woman can make n mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Too much rich food creates acids which clog the kid ney pores so that they sluggishly Alter or strain only part of th« waste and poisons from the blood Then yuo get sick. Rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervous ness. constipation, dizziness, sleep lessness. bladder disorders often come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dulV ache' In the kidneys or your back hurts, or If the urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of pas sage. or attended by a sensation of scalding, begin to drink soft water In quantities; also get about four ounces of Jad 8alts from any liable pharmacy and take a table- spoonful In a glass of water be fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the. acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for years to help flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to acti vity. also to help neutralise the acids in the system so they no long er cause irritation, thus often re lieving bladder disorders. Jad Salts is Inexpensive and cannot Injure;, makes a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink, hlch everj’one can take now and want more beauty or peren- then to help keep the kidneys clean Cream. It clings and stays. But some like n powder light and fluffy, without the cold cream base. So I had both kinds pre pared. Kdnn Wallace Hopper's Youth Crcnnj I'nwder—the heavy, cling ing powder—sells for $1. Ednri Wnlines Hopper's Face Powder— the light and fluffy powder—sells for 50 cents. Both come In three shades—white, flesh and brunette. f upplled> by all drugists and mi- counters. They also supply my Yduth Cream, based on fruits. My Facial Youth—my famous liquid cleanser. My Hair Youth, which brought my luxuriant hair. And my White Youth w.ay—the ut«* most In a facial clay. Those are the creations which made me a beauty, and which keeps roe a beauty, nt my grand old age. My Brauty Book comes with each. If you want a matchless pow- dor, go ask for a box of mine. It nlel youth, the very ways' which brought them to me are at your command. Kdna Wallace Hopper Runiners address, Waukesha, Wis. —Advertisement. and the blood pure, thereby often preventing serious kidney compllcn. tlons. By all means have your physician examine your kidneys at least twice a yeer—Advertisement son Plumbing Company, 8am Pinson. P. 8. Johnson, B. Dunaway, Mar tin Bros., Max Goldman Shoe Store, b. W. Rogers' City Garage and Motor Co., Wingfield Cash Grocery, W. J. Smith and Bros., Broadway Market, Criffeth Imple ment Co., Morris Yow, R p. Soule, Lawler iMDtor Company, Conolly Motor Company, G. M. Knight ft Bona Allen, Jr. Bernstein Bros., Henry's, H. T. Huga'ns ft Son, Klng-Hodgson, Company, Arnold ft Abney, Hodg son Cotton Company. Epps Garage, Piedmont Market, H. F. Cofer ft Company, Frank Bowden, E. D. Stone Press, H, G. Tiller, J. Van Straaten, Dorsey Furniture Com pany, Athens* Cycle Company, Wfer Grocery Company, Central Market, Athena Coffee' ft Tea Company. T. B. Fleming Hardware Company, Max M. Hubert Modern Schools Opened In Guam By U. S. Teachers (By AuoclaUd Preu) AC AN'A. Guam.—The tint pro tea,lone) American teachera ever brought to the Island or Onam, which the United States took over trom Spain 25 years ago, have Ju«t arrived here. Chsula'n W. L. Thompson, U. S. X.. who was detailed as head at the department ot education 0:am In 1921. uys he will now bo able lo.modernize the ichool aye tern ot the Island." Up-to-date text books have nrr'.ved trom the United States, and the chaplain will now be able t ■ extend the conns ot Studies tor ,the native children. One‘third of nil the revenue of the Island government la expended for education. The new American teachers, Dr. Thomas Collins and four young women, will perform a veritable mluYmary work In giving tho Chamorro children a knowledge of tho English language, which Chap- Jr.’n Thompson says Is Uta most necessary element In the effort for genenl development. Chaplain Thompson and Dr. Colins have started -a normal ichool which will I FACS FTYH give the native teacher* their first opportunity to leamtaoatrate Eng lish and approved methods and principles bf teaching. POLISH 1 NO CLOTH Nothing la better for a polishing cloth than an old piece of velvet velveteen. China allk from hlch all stiffness has been washed la also excellent for fine wooden surfaces. HARD FLANNEL Soak flannel that have become hard and shrunken In gasoline and you can restore them to their former softness. Mrs. Robt. Holman’s FRE$H HOME MADE PORK SAUSAGE * Meat Killed and Inspected At Athens Abattoir ’ WIER GROCERY CO. Phone 166 You can get the meet food value out of wheat ’by eating bakings that are made from good plain flour. A depend able baking powder must be employed or you do not get the full nutritious value of the wheat—nor will your bakings be as pal atable and easily digested. The same results cannot be had if you use Self Rising Flours, or any so called ready-to-use substitute for ' ’ plain flour and good baking powder. Food authorities and physicians agree that bak ings that do not raise properly are bad for the health. Such foods are hard to digest and in time cause stomach trouble. Mothers who are interested in the proper growth and health of their children (and all mother^ are) should never use anything but a good brand of plain flour and a time-tested leavener such as Calumet—the economy Baking - Powder. Calumet has more than the ordi- . nary leavening strength. It raises every baking to its height of nutri tious value. It is pure and depend able—do not look for a substitute— there is none. Use Calumet and be positive of whole some nutritious and economical foods. PACKED IN TIN -KEEPS STRENGTH IN - ‘ -'tf. ■ i-*£ AUCTIO N THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF STOCK MUST BE SOLD TO RAISE CASH Auction Sale Starts Saturday October 27 At 2:30 P. M. :;.wtS’WMwMag l i>«iiwiitaii««>iiiiii |l '' , ^« I Auction Sales Daily At 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. : f Every Day Until Christmas STOCK CONSISTS OF THE FINEST GRADES OF ELGIN. WALTHAM, HOWARD AND HAMILTON WATCHES, WRIST WATCHES, DIAMONDS, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, IVORY GOODS, PEARLS, ETC. ■an J. BUSH, Jeweler 165 Clayton Street liihtu i 'rianwnwnnn—inwiivmi 1111 rin ■MMMMBAHMaiaKISH Next Door to Kress’ 5c and 10c Store . 5. a Qj me anc j Take Advantage of This Great Feast of Bargains! Large Stock of Diamonds | Buy Your Christmas Gifts Now and SaveMoney on Them! We have a large stock of FINE DIA- | MONDS which will be offered to the . public at this auction regardless of | cost, to the Highest Bidder We Have Secured the Services of Mr. Harris, Jewelry Auctioneer from New York, to Conduct This Sale, EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED Beautiful Gifts Given Away At Each Sale. Come and Get a Ticket Free. LADIES, ATTENTION: To the first 25 ladies that attend the Auction Sale Saturday Afternoon, we will give a handsome souvenir. i -- - r ■napMHHBMnn^nannnnnH Notice to the Public: Owing to the great depression in busi- | ness I am heavily overstocked and H - ■ must .raise cash to meet my heavy obli gations. J. BUSH, Jeweler WMtnMamnnmnHa