The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, October 30, 1923, Image 1

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InvMtlg.t. TocUyT To Regular 8ub,erlbare THE BANNER-HERALD $1,000 AeeMent Policy Fra* THE Dally and Sunday—10 Cent* a Week. Established 1832. Dally and-Sunday—10 Cent* a Week. ' ATHENS COTTON: MIDDLING SO^e PREVIOUS CLOSE .lOjjc THE WEATHER: Clear Tuesday Night and Con lor. VOL. 91, NO. 222 Associated Press Service. ATHENS, GA., TUE8DAY, OCTOBEK 30, 1923. A. B. C. Paper. Single Copies 2 Cent* Dally. S Cent* Sunday. Ex-Premier Dies CHARGES FORBES WITH EFFORT TO REMOVE DOPE FROM HOSPITAL FOR DISABLED VETERANS, IN PROBE Andrew Bonar Law, /former premier ft Orest Britain, who w*a called lgr death early Tuesday morning. * ANDREW BONAR LAW Was Former Premier of British Empire Until Ill Health Forced Him to Resign Office. (By Associated Preee.) I.O.S’DUX.rx-Aiulmr Jkmar La'_. former premier of Great Britain, died early. Tuesday mofnlng. The Cnd came at 2:30 o'clock. Bonar Law, rose to the premler- •hlp, folJ<4krlng the retirement of Lloyd George. In III health when he accepted the office, health atead-l ly grew worse until he wan finally forced to leave public life an he wti unable to continue In the active administrating of hla office. He war sarctvded !»• Stanley Baldwin, who now hold* the British premier ship. The etaterinan had been III for sometime but recently hla health had shown s alight Improvement and It wda not until a few dayr ago that hla Illness took a aerloua turn. The Immediate cause of the ex* Premier's death wan sceptic pneu monia. it woe stated by hie phg- elciane. ■ Death came who had *crvei en months, Hhi rerjgnallon , ship was tendered five months ago ‘suggestion Witness Says Former Di rector Sought to. Slip Dope Out of Hospital At Perryville, Md. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. — •Charges that Charles R. Forbes, while director of the veterans' bureau still war. seek ing as late as September, 1922, to surreptlously remove large stocks I of narcotics and liquors from thej government hospital at Perryville. I Mi, were made Monday at the continuation of the senate Investi gation of the veterana* bureau. James W. Williams, a Philadel phia dairyman, was the witness, hit testimony being designed to support In part the sensational story told HUGE CROWD EXPECTED TO VISIT ATHENS OPENING DAY Indications point to a great crowd of people in Athens next Saturday, to th* commute lut weak by Ell*, it,. on „ n | ns - rfafp f nr fhp H. Mortimer, elm of rolladelphl*. OpCJling GcIlC ior Hie Athens Trade Month which runs through Dec ember 3. 1 The trade month campaign opens with "Dollar Day" when special bargains will be offered to buyers and in addition giva those buying as much as one doner's abkut hi* aelge relation* with Forbes at a time when he was seek ing contracts for hospitals frofh th* director. Williams testified that aside from Wins Award FOR PEACE Ai HUMANITY’S SAKE This year's noble prize, has been conferred on Dr. F. O. Banting of the medical department of the University of Toronto, for his gift to humanity through the dis covery of insulin,' adjudged a suc cessful treatment for diabetes. propuinc removal of th. narcotic, WO rth of merch*ndU« an opportu- -~ nlty to »h»re In , distribution of $2,M>0 in prim* which will be given away in th* campaign. c*uponi and liquor,, Forbes with a man named Bltber had nought to obtalr from Mr,. Mortimer-certain paper, belonging to Mortimer and alao te “embitter" Mr,. Mortimer dgalnat her .husband. ThUTa* at a time af. ter Mortimer, according to hi, tes timony, had -brokan” with Forbee and when. Williams understood Mr*. Mortimer wan contemplating a divorce from her husband. The wltnee. alao told of remark, by Forbes that tli.COO SUM "coming ■ fpgl this week tfum to page eight) ,,tiv* bill I Merchandise which has been ac customed to sell for more than one dollar will be offered at the “Dollar Day* sale, for only one dollar. It will glva buyeri bppor- tunity to get merchandise they really need at prleea so low they cannot afford not to buy than), it la-pointed out ID P PLANNED FOR BOY 1 tefists KEMALPASHA Influence With America w For Peace. i- (By Associated Press.) : RICHMOND, Va.—Speaking kt a Hfichton here Monday, David Lloyd Qforge, war-time premier of Great I Britain. urged that America cast I )t#r might on the side of "humanity *a*d pence.' f.'My but appeal in leaving the dppltnl of the south." he said, "li U appeal to you who have memor p of a great war which raged around this capital and who have More recent memories of another war where you help liberty, that you should also cast (he might ana ms'esty of your na tion on the side . f humanity and Ptace.'* The uddress was delivered from the i fairway of the home of his host, John Stewart Bryan, jmbllshc: of the Richmond News-Leader, at the close' of a luncheon and rveep- lion to prominent dtlsens and after he had completed a tour of battle, laid* In thla vldntly. Buyers will get each coupon .entitles the' holder to a chance at one of the two ms {or prizes and hundreds of dollars in cash. Athens merchants arc spend* ^ ^ picking out attrac tor -offering at the Scouts From All "North east Georgia Expected tni i! to Attend Rally Here. Prizes Offered. AUXILIARY A DOPTS BUGLER IDEA THAT MISS MICHAEL HAD OTHER PRIZES ■ The two major prize. are Ford redan,. One will b* given away The American Legion AuglllaryTlMlda.-tta ctty llinHa and the al the recent Legion convention otlwr outside th* city IlmiU of at San Frandaco adopted heartily Athena. In njdltton to tha two n resolution offered by An W. major prirea the following other Cnndler of Atlanta on the Iden Priaei will be given awayi auggeated by Hla* Molna Michael1 On S*‘“ rd *»V, of Athona that a bugler blow Up* i November 10 [ iv * ortr the grave of the Unknown 1 £°ld piece* *[jj b V*L y * n “ SaMUp gviuv nvnninm at lam 112 O clock nOOR* TWO OHO R1 COMPARES .TWO WARS 8peaking of his Impression of thoee fields a. well a* of the Wild erness of Gettysburg, which he via- |Ued the previous two days, the (former premier declared that, t«rri- (Turn to page eight) giving ns th© cause a serious throat |tion of, Miss Moina Michael, the (Turn to Pago Eight) i“Poppy Udy of America,” offer. —— ■ | the following reaolution. Whcrcaa. a constant reminder to all th* world that the United Athens Masons At ( . Grand Lodge Meet In Macon Tuesday Scout,, get ready! November 10th I* Scout Rally, Day for the Northeaat Georgia Council, and will he held nt Athena. A allvar loving cup will bo given to the trohp that win. tho largest number of point* in the Scout con- teat* that day. Individual prize* will alao b« given to the winner* of the varioua avent*. in: which caae there will probably be firat, aecond and third prlaaa for each event, making It poaalble for more troop* than one to win a prize In every conteat,. Merchant, In Athena and other town* will contribute aulUble prlaaa for th* different event* of the day, and thu* encourage the Scout* in th*, they are already doing. The prises will be announced later, together with the names of the contributors. , At the request of tho Scout Executive, K. P. Clark, and through the courtesy of Hr. Joel, manager of the moving picture houses of Athens, nil Scout* at tending tho field meat on Novem- br 10th will bo given fra* enter tainment nt one of the movie shows that day. Through th* courtesy of Dr. - - .i, ■ •*?:'Sanford, director of athletics at Savon twenty dollar gold, th> University of Georgia, a spec- piocts will be . rlT y , ..***>’ jP •!*?■ ial rate aril! be given the Scout* ciai and ona ten dollar gold pl«« lt0 the Gcorgia-Vlrginla football for the general award.. game. The Scout Executive greatly ap preciate* the co-operation of these IS NEW HEAD OF TURKISH REPUBLIC / (By Associated Press.) CONSTANTINOPLE.—The na tional assembly at Angora has voted the establishment of the Turkish republic. Mustipha He mal Pashm has been unanimously elected president The assembly accepted the con stitutional amendments proposed without opposition and loudly choered the republic. The influential popular party, et a meeting previously held, ac- •icepted Mustaphe Hemal’s proposal $ to proclaim a Turkish republic [and for the election of a presi dent who would be empowered to nominate e premier. The party has accepted the fol lowing proposal# by Hemal: The language to be Turkish; the religion Islamism; the presi dent of the republic to be elected by the deputies for a term of four years, eligible for re-election; the president to be the chief of state, with the right to preside over both the council of ministers and the grand national assembly; the pres ident to nominate the president of Of council of commissaries, who .m! MOOSe his <>w.i colleagues, to be submitted to tlic assembly for approval. Bavarians and Fascisti Forces Mass on Border; Federal Troops Advance BERLIN.—Chancellor Streaemann is again con fronted with a situation which bids strongly to be the greatest crisis wtih which his regime has been faced since ascending to power, by the massing of armed Fascisti forces and Bavarian troops on the Thurin- gian border Monday night, and the demand sent to the Federal Cabinet in Berlin that the Chancellor apologize for the removal of Saxon ministers from office. New Ambassador The Athena Masonic quartet Is one nt th* teatqrea of th* enter tainment program at the Orand Lodge of Masons In Macon Tufa- day. The 117 th t meeting ot the m t. and Grand Lodge waa opened In Ma- Where* con Tuesday morning by Grand Master Jo* P. Bowdoln. Oecer Klnnehrew. worshipful master ot the Mt. Vernon Lodge, M. N. Tutwller, Tom Elder and JluMe Klnnehrew composed the delegation going, from the Athene Masonic lodge* to the convention. There men are alao th* Maeohle Quartet. States revets and hold* in itajr . heart with holy reverenf* the ddaHART V A-PASS! public spirited men. memory of it. haroie deed'of the; I PROBABLY A L-ASEi great war,,by having burlad in tha. I OF MISTAKEN National Cemetery at Arlington' mL'VTITV an unknown taro, and, I IDEN TUI Whereas, to pay tribute to andjl ■ show our reverence for all of our heroic dead wherever they may Voters League Hears Fortson on Various Forms of Government A meeting of the Athana League of Women .Voters- waa scheduled to take'place at . the city hall Tues day afternoon at 4:1# o'clock at which time Judge Blanton Fortaon waa to hare dUcuased th* three forma' of elty government*, alder manic, city commlaalon and man. ater. The dlseuvlon waa held In ordtr that the member. of th* League might b* Informed on .there eubjecte. Negro Arrested on Burglary Charge Whereas, the Bugle Call Tap* leta “ita echo roll from tout to aoul, for ever and for ever.” Therefore b* ft reiolved by thla third annual convention of American Legion Auxiliary that thh Secretary of War be and he is hereby requested to issue the necetaary orders to cauao Bugle Call of the Dead, Taps, to be sounded each day at sunset over the resting place of America's unknown hero at Arlington Ceme tery *a a mark of respect and reverence to all our departed heroes wherever they may re*t. FOR ’24 PRESIDENT (By Associated Press.) MOUNUSVILLE, \V, Va.—The first move to put John W. Davis, a native son of West Virginia nnd former Ambassador to Great Bri tain in the front rank of the pres idential candidates . in 1924, was RIRbMnhr IMiuln'c.'it'W^* here Monday night when mS c. A..leading DmuyraU form* a Letter and turned over to th* coon- f«r PreaUent Club of ty authorities charged with bur- Marahall county., FWli «r glarly. Foster, It If. aald, stole a W*l«|»g alwBy riuba ttoM^hOgt dre.« from a .ample r„„m at the th* entire country were discussed G« , a n Hole! reveml weeks ago. at the meeting. *t Foster, .a nagre. was a»-i HOORN, Holland—A atone thrown by an unknown hand inflicted i eerioue wound In th* ear of Prln cess Hermlno while ah* waa walk, Ing with her children In a'.wood near th* ez-Kalaer’e chateau. Po lice arrested eeveral person* but did not gt the culprelt. B.R. R. a Bloodworth, well known nnd popular buslnaaa man of th* Third Ward, announced Tuesday for Alderman from that ward and t» actively In the Vac*. Mr. Bloodworth (lumbers hie Mends by the hundreds through out the city and It ms at tha urg ent In'Ittene* of them that he fin ally entered ihe race. It Is believed that he wUI me unopposed *e he 1* one of the moat active and well known cltlaenn of that ward and la conversant with the needs of th* city. For many years h* waa commer cial agent for the Gentral of Geor gia railroad hers and In that ca pacity became thoroughly ac quainted with every phase of th* clty.buslneee and commercial dines. Mr. Bloodworth Is the third en try Into th* eldermanle race, other candidates having announced from Ihe Rerend nnd Fonrth ward*. Kiwanians Plan Big Surprise Hallowe’en Party Thursday P. M. According to Inside informa tion on© Klwanlan la planning Co surprise If not shock tha membara of the club and Kl- wanU nesses whan the Hallo ween party com©* off next Thursday night at tha Georgian hotel. Although masquerade com mit*© ha* ruled that the cos tume* must he within a certain limit this Kiwanlnn la planning to -take'the lawn In hla hands" and attend the party In a rig which will ’'make ’em sit up and taka notice,* h© says. The name of the Klwanlan who is planning this daring adventure is wltheld on account of reasons best known to him but Thursday''night will be noon enough to disclose his his Identity. Meanwhile Chairman Wa;ter Hodgron and his committee of expert party arrangers are going ahead With the plans for a delightful even ing. This week Is being spent in costume conferences in the homes of Kiwsnlane *s every body Is anxious to win th* nrlse for the best .outfit. Ladies night with'The Rotarian* Monday night was qhe round of pleasure and enjoyment for every on* present. It was Hsllbwc'en night with the Rotes and the program as ar ranged by the committee was un usually attractive end entertain ing. The dining room of th* Georgian was appropriately decor ated for the occasion in ell tho wierdness of blinking owls* mew* ing black cats, Hobjoblings, witch: es. pumpkins and such like. It waa a typical evening for ghoata and a skeptical feeling seemed to prevail with everyone present. Tho teal program was introduc ed by Morton Hodgson whose make-up was truly "spooky." An original legend was read by him and the many local applications to members furnished several min- utos of real amusement. His dit ties, prose, poems, songs mods the legend sparkle with wit, humor and often pathos. (By Associated Press.) ST. JOSEPH, Mo. — Howard Walton, age 17, of Gallatin. Mo. f a high school student, died at s local Hospital Tuesday morning of injuria* suffered in a football ‘gam* last Friday at Maysvillc. between the Gallatin and Mays- vllle high schools. Brantley Dozier presided chairman and the entertainin' was directed without a bobble. He I had the program timed and plan- 1 ned .and ever/ part and avery "stunt" fitted in as smoothly as though weeks had been devoted,to rehearsals. s A contest waa held for th* beet original limerick which brought out a number of contestants. It area a heated conteat and much Interest waa displayed, so much so that ft waa decided to appoint a committee of ladiaa to. act as judges. Th* entries were Julian Goctchius.. Abit Niz, C. D. Flan- igen, F. J. Orr, M. P. Jarnigan, (Tuna to page eight.) AGED WOMAN KILLS Irusband IN EFFORT TO RUN OFF THIEVES CINCINNATI. — Diamonds and Jewelry valued at $75,000 were stolen by thieves from a room on tho third door of tho Slnton Ho tel here lata Monday night, ac cording to a report made by Ern- feat F. Strauss of Chicago, who i firms of Importers. I said h* represented two “jNow York jewelers and I ' LOVE QUARREL ENDS IN DOUBLE KILLING AT GREENVILLE, Si. OREBNViLE. B. C.—Miss Kite Cleveland, 20.. and A. J. Carroll, <2, were found shot to death Ip a room nt the Carroll home at Dunean Mi! a village near here Tuesday morn* In*. The officials advanced th* theory that the woman, after being fatally wounded by Carroll during a quar- rel, wrested the pletol from hie hand and shot him to death. Former Senator Frank B. Kel logg of Minneftota, who ha* been selected and haa accepted the post of An^bansador to the Court of St. James, Kucceediug George Harvey, resigned. Socialists in the federal cabinet threatened to quit unless the apology was mode. The object of the Bavarian con centration is unknown. It may be connected with the persistent re port that Bavaria is planning to proclaim a new "federal govern ment” disavowing Berlin and tak ing over the leadership of the l reich. Bavaria's long and intentional delay in answering Berlin's de mands that "kidnaped” federal troops be restored and the recent declaration of Bavarian Dictator von Kahr that he will not deal with the present Berlin govern ment give support to the rumor. The mobilization on the Thurin- gian border is concentrated at Kronbsck, Coburg and Bamberg. Armaments of the troops include field guns and airplanes. It is understood that Captain Erhardt, famed in the Kapp putsch, i* one of the leaders of the force. He recently escaped from 9 federal prison. Government reinforcements from Pomerania are moving toward Saxony, which adjoins Thuringia. They were already en route when word of the new Bavarian men- wa* received, and the move ment is not connected with the 'entrations. GEORGIA AND TECH, WILL HARDLY (By Aaaoeiated Press.) CHICAGO.—While her husband Kamuel H. Adams, aged 87. rtrug- COLD WAVE GREATLY AIDS MERCHANTS AUGUSTA, Ga.—Tha recent cold wave which has been over the Savannah river valley for a week besdie setting Augustans shivering has set the a-bying, ac cording to* th* reports of local merchants who claim greatly In creased sales fh the clothing line Bar Arranges City p gf * j namuri n. Aarnna, nsru «•. 'uu$ Court Calendar fled Monday night with two young ... .... -- ■ * ■ \ [bandits apparently seeking for 116.- sine* the advent of cofd weather. Membcra of tho Athena Bar are [0*0 In securities which war# belWv-iThe weather has retained its low requested to meet In th* city court led to be hidden in his little grocery [temperature here sine* the cold room Saturday at 19 o’clock for th«|ator*t hi** wife, age *2. secured an {snap began several day* ago and ^ purpose of arranging a calendar ( old fashioned revolver nnd fired atjg brisk trade in all forma of,other eggs on the fifteenth day for the November . term of city | the Intruders, Her husband fell dead I woolens and other winter clothing after he placed the eggs in the fa- court. . f and the robbers fled. [haa been fa evidence all week, [cubntor. “Athletic Committee Will Give Matter Serious Con sideration If University Makes Overtures,” Says Brittain. Tha annua! Georgia-Tech is up again. It originated. It seems this time, in Colur.ibua but savors of an advertising stunt by tho Stone Mountain Memorial Association. Th* original proposition, as mad# by a Columbus pappr. was that the two teams meet In a post sea son game In that city. Two yearr ego a similar proposition come into notice when both schools were In the midst of endowment drives. Nothing came of that effort and no tme Is liable to develop this year It la a safe prediction that If Georgia and Tech meet it won't t>« In any post season affair. Rivals, as (Turn to page eight) Rev. Dr. Wiggins Is ' Here For Visit At Home of Dr. Venable with a view to repressing possible disturbances here. It is under stood that the government is nervous over the latest Bavarian developments. DUSSELDORF.— Hugo Stinnes and a party of industrial associates arrived in this city Tuesday mor ning and immediately went into a conference with tho head of the Inter-allied Mine and Factory Control Commission. The conference was secret but there were rumors that the Stin nes group had come prepared to sign an agreement for the re sumption of repaiations deliveries, which had been in process of M-. gotiation for several weeks. - R*v. 8. P. Wiggins, formerly presiding elder of th* Athens dia* trlct of the North Georgia Meth odic conference,' will nrrlve in Athena Tueeday for a visit of sev eral days. Dr. Wiggins wilt be at the home of Rev. • and Mrt. 0. 1 F. Venable during hie visit to Athens. For th* lost eeveral months Dr. Wig- gina has batn HI and has not been active in the ministry. 1 However, h* U recovering rapidly, hla friends will be glad to learn. EGG HATCHES IN FIFTEEN DAYS DUBLIN, Ga.—S. F. Miller of thia city- has a Rhode Island Red chicken ^rhich he claims hatched prematurely a week ahead of oth ers put fa the incubator at the same time. Mr. Miller said that the egg woe fresh and that not over 24 hours had elapsed between the time the egg was laid and the time that he placed It fa the in cubator. Going out to inspect the Incubator he was very much sur prised to find one chicken hatched and looking around calmly at the 60ES TO PARIS TO E (By Associate/ Press.) NEW YORK.—'Willis H. Booth, president of the International Chamber of Commerce and vice- president of the Guaranty TriW Company Hailed Tuesday on the Mauretania for Paris to Arrange for a conference of delegates from thirty-fight natlona to make roc- ommendntionn regarding the pro poned reparation* diiicusion Hdvooa- !• i by retury of State Hughes. Former Athenian Is Dead in Baltimore Friends of Mrs. Saida Nevitt Owen, formerly a resident of Athens as Miss Saida Nevitt, will be saddened by her passing away on Wednesday afternoon from an attack of acute indigestion. Although Mrs. Owen had been ill for some months she had im proved so much that her friends felt greatly encouraged. Her passing, therefore, comes as a shock, to them. She is survived by her two sons. Mr. John Nevitt Owen of Atlanta, and Mr. William S. Owen of New York, by a brother, Dr. R. Barrington Nevitt of Toronto and .n sister Mrs. E. Frederick Oates of Pittsburgh. Pa., and by a grand-daughter and a, number of nieces and nephews. Interment will be in Baltimore on Thursday.