The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, October 30, 1923, Image 3
TUESDAY. OCTOBER 39, 1923. THE BANKBlt-UHUALU, ATHENS. GEORGIA OUR Tl MEM'RIES [tulnford Wood.) On the rtartlrii? lap Of our long fought fight 'Gn'iiM the tossing wuv js O the cov’rlng night Wu i« r ay off the time o' mtrrles 'Mid the, twJSght shades WHOOPING COUGH Hard na child—hard on pareota. Control dreadful whoopfc* and conphin.v* help to qnlet aloep with CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY Every ivcr la ft friend TO RELIEVE PAIN AND BACKACHE And the plnk’nlng light 1 Wo dream we shall dream Of our youth-clad might And rest In the time o* mem'rjcs. Rut the restless flames Of our age-cleared sight ^evour the dreams that dreamed were right And we fight ’gainst the time $ num’riea. Women May Depend upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound Minn.—“I had heard Lydia E. Pinkhnm’a mVorTnlnbln Vegetable Com pound that when I realized I needed to take something torelieve my pains and backache,and to help build me HALLOWE’EN PART There was an old woman Who lived In;a shoe. ^ She had lots of children But she knew what to do. She gave them each a dime, And with her blessing hearty, - She sont them ht^ppy i To the Hallowe’en Party. ] The party was at the Parish House ■ Bight up on Pope street, I And she knew many nice gfrU and boys % I Her children there would meet. I The first thing they saw When they came round about Was the dance of the pumpkins. And they nil gave a shout. Next they heard ghost stories, And raw big eyes blinking out. And everywhere they would turn Were witches on broomsticks stout We hope you will try this party And see what those children did. It's going to be Wednesday from seven on And nil *nf you are bid. Parish House—Pope Street Wednesday, Oct. 31. SERIES OF LECTURES ON SOUTHRERN HISTORY Miss Mildred Rutherford historian for life of the Georgia division U D .C., begins a series of lectures on Southern History at the Seney- Stovall Chapel Thursday evening at 8:30. Although these lectures are given particularly to train the studehts of Lucy Cebb • In Southern htaory they will be thrown open to the general public free of coat. Numbers of Athens people have expresed their intention of attend ing the series as earnest students The introductory lecture will be n repetition of the address whlct Miss Rutherford made in Auginta before the recent U. D. convention and therefore will be of very gen eral Interest. The public is cordially Invited and a special Invitation is extend ed members of the U. D. C„ the D. A. R-. C. of C., arid all teichprs and students. HALLOWEEN PARTY AT BOGART 1 HIGH SCHOOL A Halloween entertainment being planned for Wednesday at the Bogarp4ilgti School. An even <ng of fun and good time for all D assured. MI8S ELIZABETH BONDURANT TO ENTERTAIN FOR MI8S CORN ELIA“ABNEY One of the many delightful '.-our* teaie s honoring Miss Cornells Ab ney, a popular bride-elect of Nov. )th. will be the delightfully infor mal tarty Thursday afternwn al wn'ch Miss .Elizabeth Ronduin.nt will entertain at the home of hef »ts, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bandu ra tit on Cobb street. MISS LOUISE ABNEY ENTERTAINS SATURDAY FOR MISS CORNELIA ABNEY Miss Louise Abney will give a de lightful luncheon Saturday a Costa’s new tea room In honor of her cousin.* Mies Cornelia Abney, a popular brld«-elect of Novembet 8th, who Is being elaborately enter tained at a lovely party series. VARSON’S TEA YEY MONDAY riA off End on for year.' *nd barely weighed a bun- ounda, but now I -have had auch good remit, that I am recom mending the Vegetable Compound to " ' ra. J. J.Bieijek, 3939 . Minneapolis Minn. Finds a True Friend “Every woman who values her health should be proud to have a truo friend Ilk. the Vegetable Compound, ” say. Mrs. W. E. Shaw, 3227 Walnut Street, Chicago, Illinois. “I had fa- male weakness ao badly that I could not stand on my feet Half of my time was spant In bed and I had pains in my backwhich were unbearable. I tried evtnrtilng I could think of to help rr.ysolr.-rtnd when a friend ad vised Lydia E. Pink ham’* Vegetable Compound I began taking it at once. I recommend it without hesitation." W. M. 8. FIR8T BAPTIST CHURCH ENJOY SOCIAL MEETING The quarterly social meeting of the. Woman’s Missionary society of the First Baptist church ww a lovely occasion Monday afternoon. These social Affairs nr* enjoyed every fifth monday, and happily of fers an opportunity to greet th#/ ney members and bring the women of the church together very charm ingly and Informally. The parlors were very beautlfdll} decorated with a wealth of fall fol iage and flowers In artistic effect Games were enjoyed and a unique contest afforded an oppor tunity for everybody to get ac quainted, which is primarily the occasion for the pretty entertain ments. A delicious Ice course and dainty cakes were served.' What is aTeaspdonful? MISS MURRAY ENTERTAINS FOR MIS BRADSHAW Complimentary to Mia« Dorothy Bradshaw, of Norwood, Ga., Mire Mary Lou Murray cntert&ncd at rook on Monday evening. The prise for high score, a hand some niece of potery, was won by Mur. JuUnuuu. A delldOUr salad count was served after the game. MISS HAINES* LECTURkO POSTPONED ON ACCOUNT OF ILLNESS A telegram from Mra. Walter C. IIIII fo Atlanta announced the III- ncaa of Mian Marl. Haloes who will unable to give her ivriea of lec Important to all Women. Readers of this Paper Thousands upon thousands ot women have kidney or bladder Those playing were Miss Dorothy j trouble find never suspect it • —— Women’s complaintg often prove to be nothing else but kidney trou- Bradshaw. Miss Louise Ivy, Mlsn Mary Johnson, Miss Murray Mr Marvin O'Dillon. Mr. Frank Hall, Mr. John Power, and Mr. Bennett Larq more.' BEAUTIFUL BRIDGE PARTY FOR MIS8 FRANCES BOND A lovely social event of Tuesray afternoon was the beautifully plan-r ned bridge party at which Mr*.* Arthur Booth and Mrs. R. 8. Pond entertained Jointly i^t the heme of the former on DeaHng street. A wealth of gorgeous chrysanthe- bladder disease. If the kidneys are not In a m condition, they may cause cr organs to become dis eased. You may suffer pain in the bock, headache and loss of an&i tlon. Poor health makes you nervous, irritable and may be despondent; it makes any one so. But hundreds of women claim - OR MISS A. AFTERNOON Mra. 8. E. Wasson will entertain at a very lovely tea Monday after noon In honor of Miss Cornelia Abney whore marriage to her nephew, Mr. Nathan Anderson Ab- ernathy will bf a brilliant social event Nov. ttb at high noon. MISS BIRDIE MAE JONES- PARTY FOR MISS ABNEY Miss Birdie Mae Jones will com pliment Miss Cornelia Abney with a miscellaneous shower Saturday afternoon which will conclude the week’s social affairs honoring the attractive bride-elect. Mra. Edward Brown and her ibyely daughter. Mrs. King, of Washing ton, D. C„ who spent the week-end with Mlse Annie Crawford, left Monday for their home. Their mhny friends regret their visit was ro Mrs. W. D. Hooper .will chaj>eron< a party of young people to Colum bus for the Georg*a-Auburn game Including Mesrs. Charlie Hooper. Fritz, Donald and Douglas Orr, and M!s s Lillian Wade. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bcott will go to Columbus for the game and the week-end gaieties. Mr. Fred M. Garfaln, of the Uni versity of Georgia has gone to Ma to represent the Square and Compua Club of the University at the state meeting of the Grand Lodge of Masons, and also the Pan dora of the University. j Miss Emtjia Wilson has returned from q visit Gainesville } frit Ads. Mrs. J. D. Price wll lgo to Griffin this week to visit Mr. and Mrs Pinkney Price*. • Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Dorsey -will spend the week-end In Dahlonega with Captain and Mrs. John Nichol son. Read Banner-JHlerald Want Ads. Knocks Are you listening to the in' aialvul pounding of Oppaftu-a nity? Are you aware of the fact that the Want- Ad columns of this papar present some of the best possible opportunities —opportunities to buy, to sell or to offer a service? The cost is comparatively small when you consder the excellent re- BANNER-HERALD Phone 75 suit*. Hi brief,' Mrs. Billups Phlnlsy wlnt over to Atlanta Sunday to spend a few days with Mrs. Hughes Spalding. m-imi end dahlias«l the 1 that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by H-n,s »r* *l*cs!(ly. (restoring health to the kidneys, FJve tables of players enjoyed proved to' be just the remedy need* the charming hospitality which was one of the most delightful affair* of the season’s bright activities. Miss Bond’s marriage to Prof. M od to overcome such conditions.^ Many send for a sample bottle ace. what Swamp-Root, the * bladder be fin Interesting event at high enclosing ten cents to i noon followed by a lovely reception. & Co.. Binghamton, N. -OH-' barbecue The ladles of the Christian church will genre a roost delicious barbecui great kidney, liver and enclosing ten cents to Dr. KUmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y„ you may receive sample size bottle by Parcel Post. You can purchase medium and large size bottles -at all drug stores.—(Advertisement) “Little Johnny Jones” Big Special Attraction At the Palace Tonight Shifting Sands” Wednesday, With “Strangers the Night” Thursday and Friday—Jimmje Mel ton and His Saxophone Extra Attraction At the Night Shows. SPECIAL TRAIN COLUMBUS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD Georgia-Auburn FOOTBALL GAME $6.82 V $6.82 Leave Athena 6:30 A. M., arrive Columbia 11:50 -A. M. Returning, leave Columbus 8:00 P. M., Central Tim*. Tichets good on regular trains Friday and Saturday, and will b* on sale Thursday* Friday and Saturday at Central of Georgia Office, 224 Waahington Street Sleeping and parlor care and first class coaches will bo used on special train. For information call on— CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY J Y. BRUCE, COMMERCIAL AGENT PHONE 640 224 Washington Street \ • BARBARA LA MARR AND MATT MOORE The beautiful siren Is petting In some deadly work upon the ultra-re spectable Englishman In -Captain Applejack"—but a little later Mr. Ultrs-Rsspsctablllty cuts loose and does a little wild and piratical •tuff'himself. PALACE 8PECIAL THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. -LITTLE JOHNNY JONES"BIG PALACE SPECIAL TONIGHT He was the victim of a .cunning plot to disgrace him. and cause him to lose the girl of his heart! In the pocket of Johnny Jones is found a code pui that he has agreed to throw away the coming English he, thtYanke* jockey with a reputation for clean play second to none. A fake telegram delivered while he is attending a ball his guilt seems to clinch guilt Yet Johnny knows himself to be innocent! With (his situation comes one of the big thrills in- “Little Johnny Jones," ths^ffervescent drama of tbs turf, a screen adaptation at the popular stags success by George M. Cohan, .Johnny goei into the race with the odds against him—his own backer refusing to put a penny on him. and his sweetheart torn with doubt and apprehension. Beside writing this play, Georgs M. Cohan personally starred in it; the brilliant acting or the famous gloom-dispoller won him a defi nite niche on the Broadway map. He ha* a worthy successor on the screen in Johnny Hines, who es the starring role in this Warner ~ and ' Brothers classic of the screen. comedy pace in pictures has Just the rartray the-role of the never-iay-di* takes This exponent of super- right dish'sad persons ..... I Yankee Jockey. In fact critics dubbed him -The Georg* M. Cohan of the screen” long before be was assigned this role. Don’t fail to ire. this extraordinary combination of a George Coban play, Johnny Hines, and the' Warner picture—a combinal not often met with, showing at the Palace tonight special. -STRANGERS OF TnE NIGHT" pXlACE THURSDAY-FIUDAY Jimmie Melton and Ilis Saxaphone.At Night Shows Extra Something about H 8trangrpa of the Night*': ^ Ambrose Applojohn is a typical prosaic young Englishman at that e of life when he first begins to get worried about hia bald spot. Mns ever happens to him and bd it afraid nothing aver will. Suddenly there shoots across Ms horizon a blue streak of amaz ing dazzling adventure. He who thodgh that life was no longer worth candle suddenly fi^ds Xhat his own hearth holds for him the ngest and greatest of all adventuraa—love. “Strangera of the Night,? adapted from the internationally fam ous stage pity "Captain Applejack.” is one of the most thrilling romances ever screened. There is buried treasure, secret documents, scheming adventurers, sinuous adventuresses with yees and bodies that lure, strange men from foreign lapds, ghostly galleons that fly the Jolly Roger, swash-buckling pirates out of the past—in fact, .such a brilliant array of many hued adventures and intrigues that one, (preformance seems too short to tel! al this entrancing tale. , Don’t regret that you didn’t see It—sec it! \- At the Palace Thursday and Friday. ,l : . . , , V> , k J The friends of Mra. Joseph Stew art are delighted to are her out affer a long (liners of sciatica. Mr. John Deadwyltr, Mr. Robert Carr. Sr., Major Bone and Mr. J. 8. David of MilledgevlUe were vie- Itors here Monday. Mrs. M. J. Felton of Marietta le the guest of Mrs. C. W. Heard on Barber street. Mrs. W. T. Forbes, Mis a Nell Forbes and Mr. George Schoen mo tored over from Atlanta Sunday to •pend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forbes. Mr. Louis Fufikensteln will rsturn from Macon Wednesday. Mr. andUrs. M. P. O’Callahan have returned to the city after an Vlr- Nlagari points iHivv muini'u iu ilia viij uuar absence of several months In glnla and a .lovely trip, to Nlai Falla and many Interesting po: Mrs. T. H. Nickerson and Mrs Henry Nickerson have returned from a short visit to Rome. Mra. H. B. Graham of Charleston West Vm? formerly Miss Willie Booth,.of this city. Is the guest of Mrs. John Briscoe on Baiter 8L ' Mis Garland Smith left revera’ days ago for New York where eh* (a taking a special course in art. Mrs. K. K. Edwards and children Kenyon and Ruby have returned to Atlanta after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Cobb Lampken. Mr. Edwards and Mr. Cobb Edwarda Joined them for a week-end. PALACE TONIGHT PLAYING greatest of All ‘Track tRomanees Johnny Hines “Little Johnny JONES” Side-Splitting! Hair-raising! Spell-binding! —A fast, fascinating, and funny comedy of the race track, with a strong story. TOMORROW —PALACE— PEGGY HYLAND TOMORROW -STRAND- FANNY WARD “SHIFTING SANDS” ‘ A Romance of the Desert. “The Hardest Way" SPECIAL THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Direct From Last Week’s Record Run in Atlanta “Strangers of the Night” (CAPTAIN APPLEJACK) With a Big Cast. Including ' MATT MOORE, ENID BENNETT, BARBARA LA MARK Night-Shows Extra—9 P. M. JIMMIE MILTON AND HIS SAXAPHONE—A Musical Treat - Greatest of All Race Track Romances Some of the West Values Ever ' Offered Is On Sale ^Npw $10.00 For beautiful all Poiret Twill Dresses in about 12 styles, suitable for Misses and Ladies. These are real $18.50 values. / $15.00 Sale of Dresses Real values up to $25.00. We will offer 100 new Dresses in Poiret Twills, Charmeen, Heavy Dutchess Satin, in Navy, Black and Brown. This is the biggest dress value ever offered at this price. r\r\ P0IRET twill ■ u)10*UU Special Dresses |tpiv*vv All New Styies s 100 Beautiful Poiret, Tricotine and Charmene Dresses $ At $18.50 and $24.50 In pretty Coat Styles, Ripples and Tunics. In Navy, Black and Brown. The largest selection of dresses in Athens to,select from at popular preies. v 'll.. - x 49 IV, T. COLLINS INC. wrnm ■ |4 W»