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Daily and Sunday—10 Cents a Week.
Established 1832.
Dally and Sunday—14 Ceuta a Week. 1
Clear Tuesday Night and Cooler.
VOL. 91, NO. 223
Associated Press Service.
A. B. C. Paper.
Single Copies 2 Cents Daily. 5 Cants Sunday, -j
M* W* iH 1 •M' •M* *M* f-4
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Voters League May Quiz Athens Candidates In Public
Fortson Addressed
League Tuesday On
City Governments
Candidates for municipal office in Athens may
be in for a public quizzing at the hands of the League
of Women Voters.
In other words, prospective councilmen and
mayors, in addition to answering the questionnaire
prepared by the League direct to (hat body may be
invited to outline their views on certain issues at a
public meeting held under auspices of the League,
solely for informing the public and not to endorse
candidates. 1
4—4 1 4*—4* 4»-4- 4*—4 1 4*—4* 4^-4* 4»-4» 4»--4* 4*—4- 4*-4* 4 1 - 4*
The questionnaire will he matted
candidates within the next few
dayt. Tuesday afternoon, after
members had discussed It and
adopted eereral clauses, the ques-
tlonnslrs was refsrred to the ex-
ecutive commlltse of ths body for
final revisions and submlislon to
ths candidates for mayor and
council." The executive committee
sill also decide on the public meet.
Inr. ... ■
■ liferent*, of opinion aa to the
scope of queetlont to ask the can-
dldatt* waa raised when Mlaa Ro
berta RHmlgson objected to eeklnu
them their views On abolition of
ward lines In Athene. It will do
no good to *sk prospective coun-
rjlmen that question, Mias Hodgson
argued. They cannot change the
city ctiniUcr ISchtscrvew. It was
hrr Idea (hot the questionnaire
should be short and concise allow,
log the candidates to snrwer “yea"
or “no." .., ; ' ‘ j
Other members of the League
argued that,the motive In asking
questions such-as that appertain.;
Ing to abolition of ward linn In j
to get the lasueg before the people.
and to get a line on the views of,
prospective councilmen end may-i
ors In this regard.
One of the;questions to be asked;
Candida tee la Ihelr view* on the)
methods of appraising property for I
taxation In Athens. Another deals,
with sleciion of mombars of the,
hoard of education Instead’of ap-
polnlmtnt and whether they fevot
women being on the board.
The answer* to the queetlon*
nalrea will be published fo ths
(Turn to Page 8lx)
Guess Again
(By Acaoelated Press.)
DOORN, HoUnd—Former Crown
Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prus
sia, It was learned authoritatively
Wednesday, has asked permission
of the Dutch government to return
to Germany.
Holland doea not object but It
will not allow the former Crowe
Prince to return to tbia country
"^According to reliable sources, thg
ex-Crown Prince bee conferred
with the oerman Minuter at the
Hague In regard to bia return to
It haa been rumored for eome
time that the former Crown Prince
has wished to return to Oermany,
according to some opinions, to take
the. lead In. the hinted Monarchist
One feet which teemed, to bear
HARRISBURG.—Characterizing the reply of
Secretary Mellon to his criticism of the Federal Pro
hibition enforcement system, as “a defense of things
as they are,” Governor Pinchot came out Wednesday
a second letter to the Secretary of the Treasury.
The governor said that “what is needed is not a
defense of the present evils but the determination toi
abate them, followed by effective action.”
In his second letter to Secretary Mellon, Governor,
Pinchot wrote, “It is a matter of sincere regret to me;
that your answer to my letter is merely an effort to
justify the present Federal system of prohibition en
forcement, which all America knows to be defective,
inefficient and a breeder of corfpution.”
Red Beauty
Great Britain Bares
Feeling Over Crisis
In Germany In Note
(tty Associated Press.)
BERLIN.—With the situation in
Saxony gradually becoming stabil
ized and the United Socialists in
chance of a new government.there,
out that mumuii waa tha occtirmacr political drtles in Berlin «sp#f
here a few night* ago when four the belief that the danger of a
| closed automobiles drove up to the
| Chateau of the ex-Kaiser and with
j he, ths ex-crown prince 1 and sever-
| a! other occupants, drove to a lit-
| tie town, ten miles away on the
| border of Germany-, where It Is
said an Important conference was
I held.
The car* left the chateau here at
six o'clock In the evening, Just as
dusk wn* falling and did not return
| until after two o’clock In the morn
This is not a movie stunt, so the
caption on the picture tell* us. It
shows Kenneth Brown, student at
Brown University, Providence, R.
I., hanging on n cliff near the
“Great Clone Face,” in the White
Mountain*. The “drop” is a mere
700 feet. ^
Auto of Judge Brand
Stolen Tues. Night.
A Dodge automobile wa. stolen
from the garage of Congressman C
H. Brand on Milled,, avenue
Tuesday night. Judge Brand ar
rived at bom, from the train In a
taxicab about a o'clock and the
taxicab driver elated Wednesda,
morning ha noticed the garage dooi
ajar. The automobile was not
mleaed until Wedneaday.
(By Asa Delated Press.)
LONDON.—Europe Is to make
in-, thiT effort to unravel the ever,
lasting rpearatlon, tangle.
The Brithh government today
decided to accept the French pre-
laiting reparation, tangle,
charge d'affaires at Washington
waa Instructed hy cable Tuesday
night to inform Secretary Hughes
of the deciaion of the powers to
enter a conference of expert, euch
as Mr. Hughe* euggested In his re
ply to Foreign Secretary Cunon’a
plea for American participation.
If all goes well thlt commlssion
of inquiry will be started before
t'sris p M* X
Major General Henry Al
len, ormer Commander
On the Rhine, Apointed
Chairman of Campaign.
tha whole Europe*^«
Washington or ,lsewhere. in wh ch
the powerful neutral nation! like
the United States may make their
voices heard.
There is a strong desire among
British government officials that
tha experts' committee shell have
an American chairman, whott neu
trality and diaintereitednea* the,
feel would insure a greater meaa-
tire of impartiality and justice In
the committee's decisions. They
would welcome as the American
membr. it i, eaid, a financier of
such international .tending aa J.
P. Morgan or a lawyer of such re
pute and foreign esperience aa Ro
land W. Boyden or Paul Cravath,
(By Associated Press.)
CHICAOO—Major aeneral Henry
T. Allen who commanded the Amer
ican Forcea on the Rhine announced
on hie arrival here Wednesday
morning from Waahlngton that
plana ware being made to feed 2.-
000,000 German children title win
ter through the medium of !h«
American Society of Frlende.
General Allen declared that tht
situation waa very grave and waa
one with which Oermany llaelf wee
unable to cope.
Ha has accepted the chairman-
•hip of the American committee In
ebarga of the campaign, he staled
and It should be endoraed by Sec
retary Hoover.
Say it with muslcl
Through the streeta of Cobim
bue, between halves at the foot
ball game Saturday.
That Georgia band must ba
there and Thureday the people
ef Athena and - tha Georgia
etudenta will be asked by a
quarter hundred pretty girls to
buy taga enough to send it.
Without the bend that Geor
gia rooting section will be as
little animated as the prover- j
bial Chine*, funeral and that
would never do for a Georgia-
Auburn came, n, never.
Have that new criep dollar
out Thursday and kaep those
girls smiling by contributing to /
th* fund.
L«t'g mak* • bill f»o!*» In Co*
s And r*m*mb*r th*r*’* * ‘big
contest on among tha pretty tag
salesmen and you'd better com# .
across with a healthy purchase
from your favortta or ahaMI lost
Athletic Board
Committee Turns
Down Game Plan
DRESDEN, Saxony.—The Sax
on Diet asrly Wednesday elected
Dr. A. Fellisch - as premier. Dr,
is a socialist* it was
DUSSELDORF. — • Tha young
Rhineland Republic haa lost ground
in the last few days, acording to
German newspapers, while a
French circular letter which the
German press publishes shows that
the Separatist* hava been re
minded that they are not recog-
nised by the French aa being in
full control of the Rhineland.
AI!OU8TA,*na.—Aiiprarlng Hrr*
yeiterday afternoon before Judge
Joreph Ganahi, referee In bank-
rutcy, attorney* representing in
tercut* having claim* against'the
Georgia Product* Company. the
Athens branch of Barrett Com
pany, defunct cotton factors of thl;
city, secured an order from the
referee effecting a compromise set
tlement of the claim* again’t 2,423
halve of cotton atored In the inde
pendent warehouse# Inc., of Ath
ens. The settlement Involve* 9228,-
The settlement was made possible
by an offer of "certain citlsens of
Athens.” represented by Charles ff
Phlnlsy, of this city, formerly bf
Athens, to pay over to Banks hold
ing warehouse receipts, for the
3,423bales of cotton, the sum at
993.7If.S3, which added to 9170.000
advanced by Barrett * Company
to owner* of cotton stored at the
We Don’t Believe
A Word of It, But
You Never Can Tell
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON.—Great Britain has formally advised
France and Belgium that she cannot recognize the
Separatist movement in the Rhineland or the estab-
lishmena of a nindividual state in Cologne or othe*
parts of the occupied area, according to information
officially given out here Wednesday.
WhlI** It has never been official
ly stated, It Is reported to bavs
been the opinion In French and
Belgian official circle* that Great
‘Britain has been on the verge of
taking this action for several day*.
The establishment of individual
state* in Germany would have tha
effect of breaking up any central
ized government extending over
tho entire country and would make
France .and Belgium safe from any
future possible attacks by Germany.
No reply had been received from
cither France or Belgian It waa
stated, on England’* communica
tion, and it is thought that the two
European countries wJlJ enter into
conference a* to what tone their
answer shal Itake.
In view of the recent Franco*
Britain crisis, the announcement by
England that *he would not recog
nize the individual states created
a stir In official circles, and tb»
opinion was expressed that thl*
late action may precipitate such
another crisis In the feelings be
tween the three countries.
French communications make no{ Attune, given
mention of tho republic but re-: bank, the total wm of li2i.717.Sl
porU from German sources declare 11„ Mutement at their claim, tor
the Separatists have cleared
of the towna of Julirh, Ncuai, Stol
bergTEschweller and Muenchen
Gladback and that tb« territory
around the towna haa, been freed
from the Republican control.
And take advantage of the
unprecedented bargains that
enterprising merchants are of
fering in this trade boosting
campaign. Many amaxing val
ue. are being offered by mer
chants in all linen.
Read the advertisements In
Thursday’s Banner-Herald of
the merchants who are put
ting on this event and 1 who
your “Dollar Day" patronage
take this method of soliciting
Meet your friends in Athens
"Dollar, Day”—next Saturday,
Nov. 3rd.
money loaned upon the cotton nnd
for which the bank* hold warehouse
The court order provide* that the
Athena citizen* are to pay the
trustee of Barrett A Company the
•um of 9228.717.23 nnd the trustee
is In turn to pay th^t sum to th*
bank* I |n exchange of warehouse 1
receipt* to 2.423 bales of cotton
The trustee Is required to turn ov-
er the warehouse receipts to the I
Athena citizens and all title of any |
description of the banks and the
trustee of Barrett A Company or j
the Georgia Producta Company toj
the cotton. The order further pro-J
xldea that the Athena citizens *** Merchant* tn Offpr Ear.
to turn the cotton over to the (IwercnamS W) AJIier " ar *
planters, manufacturers and other 1 gfRinS Never Dreamed Of
w u rho«t! Saturday, Opening Trade
other charges. Under the agree* j Month in Athens,
ment the citizens arc not to at- j
tempt to prove as a claim against; —■
the bankrupt estate the num paid {
to the trustee or any part thereof, {
It is rumored that Captain
I J. W. Barnett, out afafble and
| efficient dty engineer, super
intendent of waterworks and
building inspector, who pilots
the Kiwanfs club between
meals has been given * a few
days off by the city govern
ment in order to get up a cos
tume that will “Knock ’em
cold,” at tho Hallowe’en party.
Whether there is » word of
truth in the rumor or not, it is
out, and you can’t stop a ru
mor once it gets out. Of course
we ckn’t know what will be
done about it but the Cap’n
is in for some lambasting if
he decides to run for congress
or do something rash like that.
Suppost he goes to the risk of
being talked about and then
loses the prize to John Wil
liam Firor. Dr. Decker, who
they say is going as a sea lion,
Jerry Pound or Cousin John
Pittard? Wouldn’t it be awful!
Then, there is the rumor
that - Pat Lamkin is going
dressed up as Happy Wier be-
J'evim; that he’ll be even fun
nier looking than Dave Pad
dock was last year. Pat may
get the prise. You never can
tell. Costume talk is ell in the
It begin* to look like every
body will be on hand at the
Georgian Thursday night at 8
o’clock for what promises to
be the bigest time the Kiwan-
ians and Kiwanianesses ever
had. • * r .
She’s the faircit of ’em all—
the most beautiful Indian girl in
all Mexico. Although her good
look, have brought her many
prim and probably many pro-
posals. Maria Biblana Uribe is
content to be with her chickens
on her own little ranch.
Central of Georgia
Chosen By Com.
As Route to Game
Acting upon requests that cams
from Columbus, tb* city where the
tlpf.igU-Auburn game Is to be played
the Athletic Commutes of the Uni-
vsralty of Georgia Tuesday designated
the Central of Georgia railroad as the
official route to Columbus from Ath
ens for the game .Saturday.
The Central win operate a special
train over its lines from her* os will
the 8. A. L.'
••Fee*" Pottery, hand leader, states. — - t - — .
that the ited and Black band wfU give!meres now has an agricultural ad
a Convert In Mat-on Saturday morning viaoty^board composed of twenty
as the trally atop* there to take
the Central city delegation.
» delay of Almost a week In
the impeachment trial of Gover
nor Walton loomed here Wednes
day as the prediction was mads
•ircles, reliably informed that
granted should the executive re
quest it when the hearing opens
her* this.
Twenty Farmers and Ten
Business Men Appointed
To Aid Farming By
Pres. Hugh H. White.
The Athens Chamber of Com-
University of Georgia at a meeting I
Tueedar. actions of which ware 1
given out Wednesday morning,
heard a letter from Hollins Ran
dolph. Preetdent of tha 8ton<
Mountain Memorial, requesting s
post eeaeoa football gam. this fall
between Georgia and Tech. Aftet
tha letter wa. read answer waa dl>
reeled made that OeorgUt already
haa on* poet-season game, the one
with Center on December 1st. and
Ibat this proposed Oeorgla-Tecb
game therefore could not be play
ed. • •
Apparently this end. th. Geor
gia-Tech discussion this tell go far
as Georgia la concerned.
The proposal was etnerally ac
cepted her* enyway aa an adver
tising echeme nnd failed to Im-
prees Georgia supporter, with any
No bond issues for schools wilt
be held this year, according to de
ciaion reached Tuesday afternoon
by committees from the Board o!
Education and P. T. A. which were
to have asked council Tutsdaj
night to call an election to ap
prove 150,000 bond*.
The school committee, composed
of John D. Mell, G. G. Bond. E. B.
Hell. W. W. Beaeham, M. G. Nich
olson, M. G. Michael, A. W. Dozier,
met in th* city hail Tuesday aft
ernoon and after discussing th*
matter thoroughly voted not to re
quest th* call for the election un
til next spring. The P. T. A. com-
Announcements of big values to
be offered here “Dollar Day" will
epiteur In Tbureday’s Banner-Her
“Dollar Day" la tbs opening day
for the Athens trad* month cam
paign which rune Jor one month,
ending on December 3rd. Prim
totalling t-’too will be given away
to huyrrs during and at tha close
of the campaign.
Coupons are laaued each buyer
In Athrns at tha business concerns
Joining in the campaign.and there
coupon* entitle the holder at a
chance to get one of the two ma
jor prise* and hundred* of dollars
Hancock, Mrs. J. P. Proctor, Mrs.
E. B. Hudson and Mrs. D. Burnett.
Council was scheduled to meet
Wednesdty night to consider the
request for the 350,000 bond dec- -
tlon for schools snd it was plan-1 In cold. ,
ned. if th* call was made, to have j Th* major prim are Ford
the election for school bonds 0 n sedan, to be given away on* ln-
December 6. the day the general) »‘da «h* rlly limits of Athena and
election and election for $50,0001‘»* other outside. In adtUUon to
Broad street imored.-mont bonds'll'- ‘wo major prlsea hundreds of
dollars tn gold will be given away.
mittec consisted of Mrs. A. C.’time.
Broad street impred.-ment bonds
will be held.
Th* committee agreed that very
small improvements in the school
buildings could be made for $50.-
OOOand it thought th* election
should be deferred until next
spring rather than hold it at this
Dollar Day", Saturday, promise*
to be one long remembered by buy-
era In the Athene territory. Bar-
galna never thought of before will
be offered and with them-oppor
tunities at the $2f«0 In prises to be
given away. /
“rirt faymers" and ten business
This board, according to an an
nouncement by President Hugh W.
White, will meet monthly, and
through it the Chamber of Com
merce will function to promote ths
farmers’ interests.
It is the aim of the Athens
Chamber of Commerce not only to
tocure more, prosperity for the
farmers of Clarks county, Presi
dent White says, but to make this
county, the home of the State Col
lege of Agriculture, a model for
other Georgia counties.
The following citixens compose
the Agricultural advisory board
which supersedes the former apri-
cultural committee. John T. Pit-
tan). chairman; J. Warren Smith,
vice chairman; L. B. Thurmond,
C. T. Brooks, J. W. Scoggins, T. A.
Henry. J. W. Fowler, James L. Me
Leroy, Roy Holmes, Oscar Adams.
J. P. Nunnally. W.'K. Eidson, J.
D. Tribble, Robert Hardeman, Ed.
Johnson, F. C. Chandler, L. P.
Crawford, W. M. Coile, Leon Les
ter. D. E. Williams, T. W. Morton
Harold Hulme, L. F. Edwards,
John E. Talmadge. McBride How
ell, D. F. Paddock, W. W. Scott,
Hugh H. Gordon, Jr.. Graves
Stephenson, George A. Mcil.
| Proving That Where
| There’s A Will
There’s A Way
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON—Robert Broom a youth
of 91 and a widower and Elizabeth
Bolt S3 year old flapper were mar-
rled here yesterday. Both the
groom and the bride were bo weak
they were obliga to Bit while the
ceremony was performed. In con
sideration of their weakness, the
ceremony was considerably cut-
The Athens Fair and Oddfellows
Festival which is to be staged one
week beginning Nov. 12th will ba
bigger, better and more elaborate
than ever. It In announced. Thera
has been n large number of en-
trfen nlgned for exhibits In all
<le|uirtmentH, Much Interest liat
been manifested an the farmers ln»
tend to make the beet showing that
any fair ha> ever had and it Ig a
bet ns who will secure th* many
prlsea that will be offered.
Regarding the amusement featur#
tho Miller Rros, Hhows have to of*
fer the public this year la without
question tho cleanest and most at
tractive that can be secured- tha
committee states. Home of the prin
cipal features with this gigantta
amusement enterprise are tha Hu«
man Roulette (Special ride for the
Miller Bros. Wild West.
The new $25,000 Caterpillar Rid*.
The Mystic Show*.
Miller Bros. Colored Minstrel. ~-
The Athletic Show.
Whip, Merry-Go-Round, Ferrii
Wheel, Seaplanes.
Trained Animal Show.
Circus Side Shows and several
smaller attractions including twe
bands nnd free act.
The Miller Bros. Shows have been
Inspected this year by the Board of
Censorship known as the Show
mens Legislative Commltee and his
been approved by the commltee and
recommended to the public. It Is
announced. The fair and Oddfel
lows Festival and Miller Broq v
Shows will bring throngs of peo
ple from all counties and will b«
bfg week In Athene, and a good
time well remembered.
To Detail Game *
Between Georgia 1
And Auburn Sat
The Georgia-Auburn football
gnme Saturday will bo detail
ed at the Colonial theatre and ‘
called play by play as the oth
er games have been this season.
The game Is scheduled to get
under way at 3 o’clock, Athens
time and those who remain in
Athens over the week-end and
cannot go to Columbus will •
find the detail almost an inter
esting as seeing the big gamo. [
I I to f