The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 01, 1923, Image 1
InvMtlgat* Todayf To Roiulor SuboerlboN T THE BANNER-HERALD *1,000 Accident Policy Froo Established 1832. ATHENS COTTON: M<4dling 301-to | Previous Close - 301-to f THE WEATHER: Clear Thursday night with Httla rkano* in temperature. Daily and Sunday—10 Cents a Week* A. B. C. Paper, Single Copies 2 Cents Dally. 5 Cents 8sn4sy. ATHEN8 GA„ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1923 W -M- M- f-+ 4-4 4—4. 4 4 +—+ •!—4* •!—J* Trade Month Opening Bargains ‘Dollar Day” Saturday Opens Campaign; $2500 In Prizes Given Away What Athens merchants (have to offer for the buying public next Saturday, “Dollar Day,” will be found in advertisements appearing in The Banner Herald Thursday. ‘Dollar Day" opens the trade month campaign In Athena which Leicester. Mass., has been elected t*U0O [dies free to people who national preeldent of the American 1 buy In Athens end cet coupons Auxtl'— •*- *— Legion Auxiliary for the coming year. 2,400 BALES RELEASED BY SETTLEMENT OF BARRETTS with their purchases. Everyone buying In Athens Is entitled coupons. Thst Is.df they buy at the stores and concerns participating In the trade month campaign. The settlement effected in Au gusta In connection with the Ath ens end of Barrett and Company releases about 2.400 bales of cot ton that have been tied up hero in legal procedure since Barrett and • ompany failed several month ago. The number of JndlM'dual owners totals 175. By the agreement reached all of the Athens cotton la to be released If no bill of exception fa filed be fore the expiration of ten days, the time allowed, when the owners of the cotton pay the advance* and the amount of storage and other casual warehouse charge!. •The local trustees, J. J. WWklns and II. F. Hardeman, will receive the money and rolease the cot- Athen.s citizens who were /natru* mental In effectfng the aettlement put up the ivMMKsary money to re- The campaign begins November S and end's December 3. People who buy in Athens will get coupons with their purchases entitling them to chances at winning one of two major prizes and several hundreds of dollars |!n gold. The two major priaes are Ford sedans, four-door. One will be given away Inside the city limits i of Athens and the other outside I the city limit*. In addition to the two Ford aedana to be given away at the close of the trade month, twenty dollars |Yn gold will be given away every Saturday for four weeks. * OTHER ' PRIZES lease the cotton, 153,717.53. The names of these citizens were not d'scloied through the court pro ceedings but were represented by Charles H. Phlnlxy, now vice proal ldent of the Georgia Railroad Bank of Augusta and former Athens col* ton factor. * The Athens Manufacturing com pany was one of tho largest own ers of the tied up cotton. Other manufacturers and many planters were also Interested In the settle* ment which has been reached and which clears up the situation so far as Athens Is concerned. The twenty-dollar gold pieces will not bo all the prizes to be S ven away during the progress or e campaign, however. Two on. hundred dollar Mil* will bo given away at tho ctoooof tho campaign, one for Inalde the city limits and one for out.We. Four ftty dollar blUa will be given away In general. Keren twenty dol lar gold pieces will be given away In general and one ten dollar gold piece for tho general award. "Dollar Day" bargains advertised In Tho Banner-Herald Thurvday are in many reapeetn the beat ever offered la this city. Those who want to buy good articles for $1 will benefit by attend!* the aalea at vav'ous stores here Saturday. ROUND ME OF SCOUTS MEETS • A. T.Levie Elected Pre- siding Officer. Will Hold Meeting Each Week, the Members Decide. The Scoutmaster.’ Round Table of District No. 1 held an Import- «», meeting Wednesday evening, at which Plana for more ayaUEiAiiC Scout work were carefully con- •Itlerod and unanimously adopted. A. T. Levle was chosen presWIug officer for the meeting. The following members of the Round Table were present: Lee llradherry. 8. Oft Troop No. J; W. V. Rice. 8. H. Troop No. »; C. S. Denny. 8. M. Troop No. 8; R. L Keener. S SI. Troop No. J: L. c. Zelgler. S. M. Troop No. 11; A- T. Levte, 8. M. Troop No. IS; C.JO. lturgeas aaalatant 8. M. Troon No. 13; Carl A. fowler. S. M. Troop No. 14; P. R- Rletx. 8. M. tor nawly proposed troop, anti Scout Execu tive E. P. Clark, were all preaent. . After the meeting had come ro order and tho roll had been called. Mr. Levlo extended a moat corn at welcome to tho new Scout offic ial! who were preaent His me»- aage of warm welcome and sympa thetic advice waa a timely one and depply Impressed hi* hearers. The Round Table decided to hold weekly mtAtlnge for aeyeral weeks, the first of such meetings ... be held Friday. November », * p. m.. at which programs of uni form character will he arranged fnr the wrikr trooo mBriois- GA. CRACKER TOR OCTOBER IS OUT Hodgson Leadmg Arti cles. Good Cartoons and Much Humorous Matter. The October" of “Georgia-Au burn" Issue of the Georgia Crnck- «r, University of Georgia humor ous publication Is Ju«t off the press and ha* been pul on ante at the news stand, of the city. The publication, so far aa eon- tents and physical appearance i concerned, .l*». UIU change from Issues of previous reareTbe »«r Jorlty .of the apace la devoted to . . ..... mmrf htimnrmii mat- jokes, cartoon#, and humoroua mat* An arUcIO on *■•«••** ry Hodgson is, p^apa *•>"* rut article carried. In an It Is explained that Uitsl* the Oral (Tutu to Page Three) HAT WRITE SLAIIE Tl (Bv Associated Pre**.) BRUSSELS.—Discovery of a vast white stave entsrprise. _ through which more than five hundred girls are reported to have been ship ped to the United States, has led ... increased vigilance of the FORI FLY FAST AS SENATE OF 00V. WALTON First Photo of Recent Food Riots lit m Announced |Lack 01 Contidence Of People May Spell Doom Of Movement; Socialist ' Demand Sent Stresemann (By Associated Press.) COBLENZ.—Unless there is'some indiaction soon that efforts to establish an independent Rhineland State have the support of the general population, the j present Separatist movement may dissolve of itself within a few weeks, it was stated Thursday in offi cial circles, which arc closely in touch with all devel opments, several proposals for compromise already ‘ having been advanced, it is understood. There are many representative British Golfer Likes U. S-; To Be Naturalized (By Associated Press). LOS ANGELES.—Willie I. Iiunt- j er. former British amateur golf on the Koenigstrasse. (By Associated Press.) OKLAHOMA CITY—With the or. ralgnmcnt of Governor Walton for trial before a senate court of Im peachment here for alleged malfe nuance In office. Impending, brib ery charges were made against several members of the state sen ate In connection with the trial. Thrown Into an* uproar'Just be fore adjournment late Thursday by an article said to have been j published Wednesday by The Mus., kogee Times Democrat charging J that $10,000 bribes had been offer-j ed memberi of the court for their 5 votes In the governor’s trial, (he*, upper house Immediately ordered. Xropt “."Vprert'Tore Z\ (By Associated Press.) senate and explain the nllcgn-j tlons. Tho editor also was direct-, . L -jx.l _jx. ISy„ Fd to bring the reporter responelbtr.A nospiIEI sue near osiv for tho story. lermore, Calif., for which b.”J STSSS'm aCrd *“v?: was paid $19,257 was dence obtained by Its staff ropre This photo”shows prisoners being taken by *Green police in Berlin, following riots of the unemployed he 16th of October. Many were injured in the riots which broke out near Berlin city hall in champion, has filed naturalization papers here. He explained that he liked this country and wanted nothing more than to become a citizen of it. Hunter's home was formerly In England. TO citizens who favor an automony but they will have nothing to do vt'th the present on the grounds that the leaders of the movement are not representative officials or (•u.Hines* men and lack the coatt-* dence of the people. Latest Expose In Investigation Of Veterctns 3 Bureau c Bares Big Graft In Selectio#: of Hospital Locations ny Associates rress.^ —. . , . - WASHINGTON.-Big Crowd to Columbus Game sentstlve hers through the ues of a secret telephone device. The nrwspaper men (ire to he questioned by the senate a few hours before the governor's trial I, scheduled to open, • With 52 charge* constituting the bill of Impeachment ngnlnet him, the executive Is expected first to file his answer and then enter n forms) plea to the chargee. Imme diately afterward hie attorneys. It le predicted, will lodge a demurrer to the ’general Indictment and in event Uile le denied, will apply fol a brief continuance. The taking of testimony 1* not egpected to begin before Monday of next week. paid sold to the government at $105,000, it was" brought out here late Wednesday before the senate com' mittee Veteran’s Bureau. Lucius B. Johnson was the owner of the property that sold at such a profit to the government. Other disclosures were: Charles F. Cramer, former gen I New Organization I Signs Itself “Que | Que Que”—Mystery The largest number of students ever to make the trip to Columbus for a Georgia-Auburn game will ko from Athene. Wednesday aft«r- noon when the student tlrkete were placed on sale every available investigating the J ticket eent here for the Georgia - students was rold end more had to be Ordered. The special train! out of Athene will be crowded while dozens of tho .bfcya will employ other means of transportation, namely autos, | sole leather and "side door pull- mans'*. j It* le predicted that more than fra! counsel of the veterans’ lu- a thousand .people will bo In at- reau, who committed suicide here’tendance from* Athens, counting last* March after hi# resignation, the students, had reported to Charles R. Forbes * then*, director, that an option on; the property at $150,090 had been obtained and had strongly urged th* purchase at that price. of- ’wiiaW. nesday night took at least three resident, of Tsmpa to tho out skirts of the city, whipped them and left them wounded and bieca- i'nx to make their way back to the city, accorddlng to reports mado to the chief of police Thursday morn ing. Leo Isaacs, restaurant proprie tor (a under tho care of a doctor as a result of the lsshlng lie re celved. Enriaue Ross, head waiter of the Spanish Cafe, and Andrei* Williams. negro restaurant pro, prietor were the other two victim*. All three rcciVved warnings thst were dried "Quo Que Que." (By Asseeleted Preee.) JACKSON. Mlse.—The plxnt of tho Enochs Lumber Company, one to an Increased v-gllance 01 iu. I ln this stfte. The American Immigration oHIcfa . 1(f Ic# pUnt >n(1 . , c ore 0 f whose repreaentaUvea in Antwerp, -J^rii hulIdln „ wore Hr,. Belgian police •tated. h « ' nre of undetermined nri- Belgian nr i nc i oi i (roved by nre of unoetem lie proof of the attain A prmcrom | - , Thuredar Im the plot, named Brown, nw a, The comptroller general'* flee over She, protest of Frank T. Hines, director of the bureau paid $30,000 last October 9 to Mathew O’Brlen, a San Francisco architect, for altering plane for the Lfvermore hospital, which never have gsed. This increased total pay-, tnents to O'Brien to approximately $97,000. The income tax returns road in-, to the record was a Joint one ofj I.J.I START WORK DEVELOP! MUSCLE SHOALS TO GREATER CAPACITY Athens Klwanians will enjoy a Halloween party at tho Hotel Georgian Thursday njght, begin ning at 8 o'clock. iTlzos will be offered for th*" best costume and already consid erable interest In costumes has been shown. (Iialrmun Walter Hodgson's committee has. arranged a program of entertainment that will be thoroughly enjoyed. As It is in celebration of Hal loween tho spooky-ooky doings w 11 be '11 evil,elite and the party promises to be ono of the best over given by the Klwanians. It Is ladles night and all lanesses will be present. SEVEN HOUR8 CAUCUS BERLIN'.—Folloigrng aeven hours well filled with fighting, of party 1 caucus, the United Socialist dele* Ration of the Relscht&g Wednesday night drafted a program of da* munds upon the acceptance of which depends Its further member ship in the preaent coalition gov- v ernment. While an ultimatum of twenty- four hours is suggested In the na ture of the demands to Chancellor Sln'Hpmann IaiiIsm KxilTaws (hat Stresemann, leaden believe that the tone of it* contents is wholly' dictated by tho desire of the)* party’s moderate leaden _ proase the radical element wl has been trying to stampede party into separating from coalition. The socialist ministers, nmnn, Radbnuch and Bcbi whose withdrawal from the was under advisement at W< day’s caucus. Informed thoir rades that the government action against Saxony had not been tefers *j red to the cabinet, but Was dater- mined and put Into execution by the federal governments' military commander i'n Dresden, Qenerel Von Mueller, and the roleh com- mlHsloner, Dr. Heinse. The party’s moderate wing •*£-■ ceeded in winning over the radi cal majority to support of the antl- secession sentiment In view of the general Internal relation and the Klwan- fLrlher f * ct new SEVENTY-FIVE ARE I government reQulred aid 1 lln, which would not be forthcom ing If the aoclalleta were out of the ' : government. noon at 1 o’clock after an Illness of nine months. Mr. Suddeth is survived by h!s widow, Mrs. Nancy Suddeth and two aona. Mean*!. J. B. and A. D. Fuddeth. He had lived near Tuckston for the Uat twenty-four own wirvev. 11 — v _ auctions from the groea profit of Johnson and his wife on the opera tions of their ranch near Livermore out of which the hospital site haa been carved. It showed theee de- . J5,7!•.€*., •hjeb salt to the government: Improve ments, $26,674.52; selling expenses, $$3,273.1$. ranch operating expens es. $14,805.95, and depreciation, $10,802.52, leaving a not profit of $!$<£$. Johnson testified that In October 112$, he bought 4$$ acres of land near Livermore from the Blanca Pine company for $35,000 nnd that one year later he gave Thomas O'Day. a Ban Francisco Mr. J. M. Suddeth. aged 72. died WASHINGTON—Secretary . of War Weeka Wednesday r mended that the Director of Budget approve an estimate fo- an approplatlon of $2,000,000 for Mua* eje Shoals, the money to ro to< wards. Improving the property in such a way that the capacity of the dam In power units will be doup led. A small army of engineers have already gone to work o\ the pre< paring specifications for the eight unit Inrtallation. Army engineers believe that the $2,000,000 appropriation mended by Mr. Weeks, and which Is supplemental to the approprta tlons already provided by congress at his home near Tuckston In f or the completion of the dam on a Clarke county Wednesday • after- four power-unit plan, will be suf “ion at 1 1 submitted to congrera the offer of pnrrhae* .and lease of the Muacle Shoals properties made by Henry Ford, he recommended that regard less of the action taken by con- made on the 1 Funeral services were conducted J ores* on the Ford proposal, the Ynurrdfiy mfimrmWi -t 2:25. WftW s?HAi»d *»• rtmvlmimd as flclcnt to mret the toUl costa of the additions!, four units. At the time Secretary Week* from th# WlnUrvillo Baptist church. was Intended when the war-time of which Mr. Buddeth had been e development of water power and member since young manhood. R$v. nitrate at Muacle Shoals was W. M. -Colic, pastor of the church. - started. preached thg funeral sermon. In-1 mm ferment was Ih Wlntervllte ceme-' nijiu-. • tery with Bernstein Brothers, fun-1 YOlinj? otnDUIiJ? lu eral home In charge. Pallbearers. Vaw York tO Talk were selected from the membership* of Williams Lodge of Odd Fellows Over Future Fights £T5£ <3hr.«on w Girl. “Collect” acres *t and Ut,r sxccnt- ed another option under which ho was to have received $77,iee net. O’Day aouaht to sell to tho kov-, but uniucccssful and his option expired. in roe P'“” ■ —, h . The loss was estlmnted from Germany when the trarnc ^ |ljWiUW ,. COTTON BETTER THAN EXPECTED LYONS. Oa.—Although smaller than last year's crop, the cotton crop of Toombs county will t>* larger than first e*p*< ted. At first It was thought that the corp Mould !*••'*»» the BOO0 bale mark ore ! hut'Indications now point llmt lhl» J mark will l>. wi»»lly .orpnssed (By Anoclatsd Prtta) K—Tounc StrlbllOff, ww NEW tork-Tou ror ua. Dana o»nia !»>• PU cmst • match with .hnmplon Mike Mc- —— ilsuc *1 Columbus esusod such a nA...« „r neeiir nirls are tuntlnn controrersy. esme to Now York ihrelinlentsUnd clttien. of Athens Th.S5 In Thursday or the benefit of the from to*nk O» 0 ™“*„ h«nd fluid. It I* customary 10 . *^5!!,.,5.omra^ by ecn.I the Georotn band to Columbur . ™ ” In n i av fa- ,h. dor and several hi. father. The youns boxer, hundred dollar. I. needed for that whore youth brr* hlm^from a bout purpo.e. The srlrln 'tore wnrklne lonqer than fl hard for the prlxe. offeree nnd the hie ulr ..|.e..e.: ulth pant*-, hy the lein.l It.elf. AH HIGH FACES! El BATTLI • (By Associated Proas) OHUNliu, W. V.i • - At ”i thin seventy five pasreng*rs were In jured, four o (them variously, when a B. A O. local, running from Clarksburg to IUrhmond derailed near th!s«rity Thursday morning. Two coaches crowded with pas sengers Jumped the tracks and rolled forty feet Into a field wherr they came to a atop, upside down The Injurod were brought to hotel here and-an emergency hos pital waa aet up there. Doctors and nurses from nearby towns were summoned and relief work was immediately begun. A number of the women suffer ed broken bones and other Injuries while one small boy was very se riously hurt* # * Practically every passenger Id both coaches suffered some Injuries MIAMI.—-Julian Brain, a promin ent bond broker of Hartford - . Conn., w*a arrested and held here Wed nesday, on a charge of connection county jaT here and appeared be reljevcd when Informed T husband had been also Is facing a charge of i in connection with the < and Eddie Brain, brothers of t lian, are being held on chargM • bfeng accessories before the 1 Lee was shot to death as he i tered the roadhouse to Investigate which h(s brother! had 1 gaged with the Brain I Julian Brain was not enj county and is oeing neiu rouuu*-i th u munlcado. His attorney! declined to comment on the case. Sheriff Louis A. Allen, who made the an eat, declined to reveal where Drain Is being held. Rrnln's wife {• in the hospital ward < with the murder of Raymond Lee at Hillcrest Inn, a roadhouse near this city. He was placed In Jail In another county and Is being held I’ncom* A crippled Athens High elevta will face a fast, accurate pa eat team here Friday afternoon, wh th** Elberton HJgh School arrives for Its annual battle with the lo cals. The local team Is badly crtp£ several of the stars being on casualty list and the game, at first seemed to be almost marfc-^ ed up on the won aide of th# ! rooa ledger, is now in doubt anS \ to win, thelocals will be forced i put forth every single trick In I bag to be returned the wlnne The Elbfrton team »!s comp mainly of lightweights, but are fast and can fling i IIko it waa a baseball. Elberton dm pends greatly on It's forward \_ ing game, and It Is through agency that the visitors will i victory. The game will start th’rty. that Sunday disturbance about tered the room i Raymond Lee entered. Ing Raymond Lee 3 tack him Brain la having fired a shotgun. ; almost instantly.