About The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1923)
*, > npMBgB Invastlgats Today! To Regular Suboorlbon THE BANNER-HERALD $1,000 Aocldont Policy Proa Daily and Sunday—10 Cent* a Weak. Establish'd 1832. Dally and Sunday—10 Cents a Week, 1 ATHENS COTTON: .10 3-8e THE WEATHER: Clear Friday Night and Cooler. VOL. 91—NO. 224. Associated Press Service. ATHENS GA„ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1923. A. B. C. Paper. Single. Copies 2 Cents Daily. 5 Cents Sunday. HEARING ON DEMURRER IN OKLAHOMA (By Associated Press.) OKLAHOMA CITY. Okla.— Hearing on n demurrer of Gover nor J. C. Walton to 14 of the 22 articles of impeachment prefer red against him by the Oklahoma l.i.uae of representatives vras set by the.senate court of impeach ment late Thursday for 10 o’clock Friday, and the court adjourned until that time. Photo shows hearing of the Senate sub-committee on conditions in the Veterans’ Bureau prior to - Its a.mn.reri nn the l»»t reorganisation. Colonel Charles R. Forbes, former director, shown at extreme left, has testified. - T uml*that the charges either | Newspaper reporters are shown at right, and members of the committee at the end of the long table were baaed on Insutficldnt evi dence or did not constitute an Im* | peachable offense. Charges demurred to ware: The appointment of Riferesenta- tive Charles Baskin as district I Judge; the placing of the govern- ■ or’s chauffer on the health depart-1 mrnt payroll; Uee of official power lo acquire private proptbty and credit; suspeneion of the writ of habeas corpus; attempted preven tion of an election; refusing to per mit capital punishment, unlawful Issuance of health dipartment dr- fiency certificates; abridgment of the freedom of the press; appoint, meat of Special state officer* with, out authority of taw; mlsrrprta>si- tation of campaign rxpenaes; ur> of pardon and parole power, col lection of funds for hla personal use; unlawful issuance of a defi ciency certificate for a negro or phans honiifand general incompe- trncy. : A motion to quash the articles nt impenchment against Walton, offered by Welton'a attorney*, war overruled l»y the senate court with only two dissenting votes. Mr. Pullman Not A Personal Friend of Columbus Bound Boys Pull- "Yes, We Want mans.” Georgia Qoy# traveling to Columbus Saturday, or before, need no eoft cushioned Pull* man cushions. They planned other means of transportation. At a rally the other night a railroad man arose and in* qulred how many boy# dealred reservations in Pullmans other than th eside door varfety and evidently it was believed that these would be poo closely watched because not a hand was raised ar.d the R. R. man was given the laugh. Yet, the largest number of Georgia boys ever will make the trip to the scene of the game, about 1000, but they are traveling a la tips and eueh* ML IS SEMIF G M°ettI G Du C , ! it “Home Coming” HPiEsnemioN President Hatton Lovejoy Urges “G” Club Mem bers to Be Present At Big Day Here. If WILL STTEi GEORGIA GAME HI jj Largest Number of Stu dents on Way to See Georgia Bulldog and Auburn Tiger. On to Columbus Saturday 1* Jhe day end a large portion of the city of Athens le already headed towards the me* tropolln of the Chattahoochee. Saturday the Bulldog of the University of Georg la meets the Tiger of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute on the gridiron at Driv ing Park to *4tle an old xcor* one thsf hae ettntea over sines Another Interesting meeting WASHINGTON—Wfh th« Invce tigatlon of the Veteran*’ Bures i hy the senate committee runntag j the isq* cIub wHI be he|(| here Into it's third week, the trlel crce November the/ tenth. President 1892. 'There’* going to be a football game down In th# town that Forv Henning, McTJgui/ and Stribling made famou* and everybody in Athena who le not nalUfcl^to a Job will be on hand when the whistle blow*. HORDES OF STUDfs ARE ON THE WAV JACKIE IN COURT (By Associated Press) LOS ANGELES—Attorneys* for Jackie Coogan, Juvenile picture actor, taavw been In- Htructed to We enit against V film magaslne which recently published an article alleging :hat he wee of a very nervous temperament and that his health had be«-n im pared by over- work. FIRST CHANCE AT;Sfanley, Creator Of “Old Home Town” ISTRESEMANN WANTS $2,900 IN PRIZES HERE “DOLLAR DAY” Saturday Opens Big ? SJSlSSLiUhLi EX-Ci! PRINCE GEORGIA-AUBURN DETAILS CALLED AT THE COLONIAL Trade Month Cainnaitni 1J,UI1 * ° ; 1,10 Oeorgla-Auburn all the other character, of tho llctac MOUm L,dinpdl a n. I fuotb ., n Saturday-afternoon old Home Town esrtcon tim- RumH e.uuraay urternoojj Those Who Buy Most i» fk&srtwj win be given at the Get Most Chances. COUPONS GIVEN AWAY SATURDAY Colonial theatre. Arranstmenta have been whereby th l details will be called oul from tho auge of tho Colonial lilay by play, as the game progress .... I Th » *«“>, In Coumbua start, at Merchants Distribute two o’clock Central time, which BoXPS Fnr three o'clock Athene Umo ooxes r or depositing The admlulon chMnd W|II mty Coupon Stubs. Two Ford Sedans Among Prizes. Northeast Georgia's tint chance at 11500 worth of prises will be given Saturday. "Dollar Day’’ opens the big trade month campaign to be con- [ lllipfprl hv if hang hllalnaag man The admission charge will be fifty cents. For the last two games th* at tendance among the ladies hae in creased <Uch Saturday and It li expected that this game will break the^recor of the lost two La|urdays Hallowe’en Party ducted by Athens business men from November 3rd through De- j ceber 3rd, during which time hun dreds of dollars In Mold and' cur rency will be given away In addl-1 lion to the two Ford fourdoor »e- J dans to be awarded winners In- f'de the city limits and* outside the , city limits of Athens. One of the two major prizes wlH be awarded aomeooe taaide of Athens and one i outside. * ! Judge Grants Motion to j Allow New Testimony. Voted A Success Atthoa,,h Athens merchant* 1**1-j Mrs. Stokes Traces Early .i'»e the big values to be offered' Life.• ... I Saturday are In themselves worth __ „ • ... * n j traveling many mlles to get they | (By Associated Press) Costumes Worn By Mem-i- 111 *l*« coupons with purchaies NEW YORK.-Snpreme Fourt bers and Guests V^r'l 8 * 1 .” 11 * 1 ' “ 11 justice Mshoney, sitting on lb,- Ders ana Vxliesis Ikeep, reducing prices considerably. retri „ 0 th0 stokc , ,i lvoro# 81t ,, Crowd Guessing. Bruce Thtrerore. the buyer will bo given tato Thursday granted motions for Dances Skeleton Jicr • ; 0 PPJirtoiiltir *tths Pritos as well Jt joint commission to take further! I-MW.es OKUBlun dig. . ,, bu)r iome ,h| ni! worth much (csUmony. The testimony will 1,,. . * .lwitwth«B-° n « doBas. tor one hun- ruheu nt Bum ion. Mil., and Sttgl,! Carlton Jester had ’em guessing i”*” 'Conn, at the Klwanla Halloween party _ l ‘ l . e ,., Justice Mahoney granted the ino- "Git fer home Bruno 1’* Few folks in Athens knew that Aunt Sarah Peabody—Git for home Bruno, Hold ’*r Newt and Marshall otey Walker and Ath- lly spent the night ene* front yard. Lee Stanley, creator of this popular cartoon and hie wife, camped ort the city hall lawn Thursday night along with some other Florida-bound northerners. Stanley was glad to park hie cartoon family In th«l midst of such a busy town after sev eral days in th* woods of South Carolina, he declared. Marshal Otey Walker found it wasn’t necessary for him to guard the camp last night as Chief of Police Henry Beusse had som<l of hla watchful men on the Job. Mrs. Stanley wss greatly Impressed with the shop* of Athens and Aunt Sa rah Peabody just knew she could find a new silk dress to her liking If she shopped about a bit. Mr. atanley and hla family go on to Atlanta Friday then into Alabama. Thd Old Home Town Is one of th* brightest feature* of the N. E. A. Service which has 800 or more newspaper clients all over this country. The Old Home Town 1* published in nearly 800 newspapita over the country proving It* widespread popularity. Mr. Stanley’s fa mous cartoon I* watched for eagerly every day by Banner* , Herald reader* and to have the creator hlmadlf a guest of tho city 1* a trial. TO MB POWER Report That Frederick William Is Now in Ge'i<| many Brings Out De nials Friday. COTTON TIKES 016 LATE FLASH (By Associated Press.) BERLIN. — Chancellor Stresemann Friday after noon informed the Social ist leaders that a majori ty of the members of his cabinet have rejected the maitds which the Social ists made a condition of their continuance in the ministry. The coalition members are expected, frpm this report, to withdraw be fore Saturday. at the Georgian Thursday night. Everybody guoased bis Identity, or guessed at it, ss ho leaned against one of the columns In the dining room. They never would have advertised In Thuisday's Banner-; tlons after Mrs. Helen Klwood Herald have Trolly attracted tlm Hiobrs had completed hor direct oye of the people os ,'odteated Frt- I examination In which she clcnlnl day by n number of Inquiries rc- ! cnt.yoncaUy all charyes made ’'■* J ayalnst her by her husband,' and celvetl on wheth-r counnn* wo»»W known who hi was It .omeiSdy: * *'«» They will b« given court had been adjourned until fiirnf.ft rn lhn Treasury de- I wh * n * h « Virginia game Is played th. nJuii Member th,/tenth. President .partment snd tho public 0« IIU I IUtton Lo V , Joy „ f th , c | ub hB , ' Also It doubled bsck over P»’< « “l^oTh' I —» — ' of tha route of the trip of Charlee “^ h * * m? a^r the medtma a ° wn Pord *' * >,n * •*» uk,n »' ,l bjr R. Forbes,'former director of the *'"iJfjT*. 1 ’* 1 TH c™J ofthe Mtt“'r ,h * ,>w r '"* w, T ' p ' " na w ' rouU I >»_i aL. n IM. <— tha . Following I* U copy Ol me leilPr. j „|,, u tt, n . a ■ haM famnanmsnl October 31. 1928. The greatest number of Georgle students ever to go to Columbus will be there. Literally scores of them ore already on the way. trav-1 and bis committee planned a pro ofing by. every mods of transports- gram of entertainment that didn’t had' not guessed It was Joel Wler. The masked figure promptly doff ed hla headgear to show his real identity. He couldn’t stand for that long. The Halloween party was they say 'n theatrical critlciims~ •*aure fire hit.” Walter Hodgson tlon known to this day and time Rome ard riding In big touring rs, others are sutolng In bureau, to the Pacific coast in tho summer of 1922, on which he was!- accompws'ed by Mr. and Mds.l Ellas II. Mortimer. Witnesses included W. E. Gor don, an attorney in the office of {Jomptroller Genoral McCarl who settled the claim of i.Matbew O’Brien,, a San Francisco archl tcct, for |33.000 after its disap proval Director Hines, of the bureau; Ewing Laporte, of Pitts burg, former assistant secretary of the tret miry, who approved the lease agreement for E. L. Morse’s homestead at ExceJsor Springs, Mo.; Surgeon General Cummlng of the public health service, who took fcsuo with part of Uiporte’s testi mony, and John “M. MUUken, a former employee of the veteran’s bureau, who 'accompanied Forbes to the Pacific coast. GORDON FURNISHED THRILL’S ‘ The tensest moment of the *’ve hours’ hesring came during the ex amination ol-Gordon. He frankly told the committee he had settled O’Brien’s elate for the redrafting of ptaha for a hospital at Liver more, Cal.,' on tho basis of a brief filed by tl?e architect’s attorneys. Lion k Lybn, of this city; a letter from Dlrectdr Jk'nes disapproving the payment and the contract be tween the bureau and O’Brien. Cross-questioned by members of the committee. Gordon said he hair not referred the matter to either hV» superiors or to the veteran’a bureau and It was developed that npnrova! of the claim waa made within a few days after the filing of the brief tldimanL . while those of a bold temperament tkr r G^rair«b«*i and Wh ° < J° n ' t ra,nd mr,fuln * W,th Member* of th* Georgia G | r *rd foremen and thf Club: Last June at commencement th? lag for a moment, from the time masked guests began assabllng in the parlor of the Georgian until ear knocker*, yard foremen and thf like have crawled aboard freight otralne and* hope to wake Satur day morning somewhere in tht vicinity of Columbus. One boy two years ago woke up In Colum bia, 8. C„ 300 milts from the! seal of battle. So far none has checked out by airplane. MANY CITI2EN8 MAKING TRIP annual meeting of the M G’’ Club was adjourned to be held on hortie- eomlng day. November 10th at Athens. On this day Virginia *nd Georgia will have the annual game and each year more and more In terest Is being shown In hams- coming day. An attractive program has been arranged for home-coming day, In addition to the Virginia-O’orgi* ftant't Specifically for the Geor gia men. there will be a meeiing of the ”G H Club at 12.30 In the ’’O’* room In Demosthenbin Hall.' After this meeting there will be an Alum ni luncheon at 1:80 at D Inmark Hall. That, night there will be a «fl" Club dnnee to which all ”G H men are Invited. • There will probably be a greater j gathering of "O" men on this day than on any other day In the y*ar. You will not only enjoy^lt but you will give pleasure to all of yoiir ( eastern time jvhlle tho Central gets away thirty minutes later. Both leave Columbus at 9 o’clock •Cistern time anerueD I 1 I The straight railroad fare there DGETHEK and return le 388.82. Be at fare in I. thmmht that It wll be plea.-! *•«*"»" *• »L« »» »• ant for the "O” men lo moke r.lter- , dmimV vntlon. for themsejve. and an, ..yffTin”' ™ dr * wln » other. In their partle. In the .ame. room is »1XM. section of the stand,. In order ?" ,h •'“"L d “f ,^ k ‘ do Uiir. Prof. Sanford ho, "Creed. Athens around on# o clock. But students will not make up the entire cargo of old man vo* popull leaving here. At lea^t 280 residents of Athens will converge on the city of the game before noon Saturday. These likewise are traveling by auto and railroad. It is to he taken they are provld«H with tickets and the price of geo« line. Special trains will he operated over the Central of Georgia, dealt nauld as the **official route,**- and the Sen bard Saturday morning, will aiT, ’ Th. Beahoard Iraven at « o'clock, friend. If >">“ .<«• -Ml- th. Csn.ra, the closing dance. Jlmmla Bruce nearlr frightened the Klwanlanesies to death when he started that' skeleton dents. .Ymm.’e looked like old King Tut ntrajr and signs were place* m, Friday morning. Then tho Justice consplculu, places Friuay urging (retired lo his ebambera with Max tho buyer* to ask for coupon, with j D . Steuer. cfcuusel for the plaln- thpr purchase,. | tiff, snd Samuel Untsrmyer, attor- . | ncy for Mrs. Stoke*, to decide how DISTRIBUTE ! tho additional (estlmhoy should b« THE BOXES 'taken and whan the trial should he A committee of enthualastlc l again Interrupted or this purpose, business men Frldsy met in tha I justice Mshoney Indicated that Chamber of Commerce et nevenlj,, chambers he also would take o'clock and then launched out on „ p the action of Mr. Utermyer In the Job of distributing bsllot boxes interrupting after objectlone of op to the business houses taking part In the campaign. Already v the headquarters of the ‘‘Trade Month" campaign .!» re- celtiiig Information from people throughout tills section that they hlmeelf. Tho aeathetic dancing of of "li***” Miss Blums Funkensteln wa, w take advantage charming and delighted the Kl- ' singing of Mrs. fMbrris row V'.l Big House Will another prominent feature of the program. 1 The costumes were eo cleverly arranged' that it was difficult to Identify anyone. Some told on themselves by their laugh. For In stance Psofeeeor Sanford had the crowd guesting until he laughed and he let the cat out of the bag. Dave Paddock woe good os usual. Dave was dressed up like a woman of the sixties or farther back than that, maybe. He made a hit as did Nigger Dorsey and "Fee*” Davenport. They would have been strong contenders for the prixe If one bed been given. Witness Thalian Play “Seventeen” Dentists Who Will Be in Athens Attending Con vention Already Have Bought 250 Seats. Gridiron Club Honors Students with me to hold n section Intact for one week from the date of thl» Wr during whlrh time no sent* . will he sold in this section extent I {to ‘•O’* men for them«elve* «nd J ‘thHr nnrtle*.' The nrlre of tickets j. is $2.00. Plen«e enclose check* j I with your letter to Prof. Snnforr I for ticket* nnd send these checks!^ In the form of Atlanta Exchnn«» or New York Exchnnge if nor«ll*le BANDIT TAKES MONEY AND KISSES Claude chance of Oraymon, Freeman..Jelka of HawklnevllM, W. C. Munday. Jr., of Alien!*. T B. Merrit of Macon. T. R. Day of DougUs. end a M. Oraymon of Savannah, ell well known slndcntv ^^ et the L'nlverslly of Georgia, nave t ymir*.lf nnd been Initiated Into the OrW.con| |h , pl ,„ ur . of ynur attendance club th"re. a very dletlnctlve i honi.-rnmlnc day. nrary flub. , I Slncr.lv ynnrs. Coach "Kid" woodruff was made HATTON LOVfclOY an honorary nt.mhr-r of the or-1 president Georgia "G* Club gantgatfon. (By Ataoclated Press.) - . . „ . „ , CHICAGO.—An affectionate ben to prevent nnr met of mlld"llnn. Mlsa Bell Atilt* to a tele- At the meeting of the ^ r ™»; • phone pole in a Weet Side alley we will elect new oWr-rs »" d **"” and robbed her of 03. and spent < G" Club on nnother year t y,, b c ttn . part of a half hour kiss- progress. “ - wn.se fr!.lnds ,|n *. ,,W » t0,d V° ,,C0 h#W PW -i ittendmce or fihe * a,d ,h * « &«nd itt nd. nc nn ,j tore thR from her mouth nnd hogan screaming and police man found her still bound to fba post whwJ they arrived. STREET CARS START EARLY TO CARRY ATHENIANS TO TRAINS On Saturday mor^ng street car service In Athens will start one hour earlier, to help take Athen ians to the trains. The street cars usually start at elx fifteen, but will be started et five fifteen Bgturday so that local people can make the early trains to Columbus. ROCKEFELLER HAS JOB (By AsMdstsd Press.) ALBANY. N. Y.—Godfrey P RookfellUr son of the 1st. Wil liam O, Rockefeller and s gram nephew of John D.. has got i Job In a bonk here. Bank of ficials stated that his famltl connection, would have nc txhrtng on hie. position and that 1)S was employed at the asm* salary sa Is paid any othet clerk. With seats .old to two hundred snd fifty dentists who will he in Athens attending tbqV annual state convention. Indication, are that the performance of “Seventeen" •!» offered liy the Thalian dramatic club of the University of Georgia here Friday even'ttg. November will fw the moat eventful’play ever offered by the unlvcrdty dramat’c organisation. The performance of "Seventeen," a Booth Tarklnglon play, wilt lie one of the feature event, of tteur- gta's "Home coming Week-end" which will assemble In Athens alnmnt and friends of the slate In- sVtutlo-1 from all over Ceorglr. The | Ceorala-V.'rxlnh; football game to, be played this week-anIL end the | celebration of Armistice dav im Sstnraar. the tenth, rather Jh* Sunday, the eleventh, will hr? an other event I The annuel play of the Thalian dub of the llnlrersUy Is an event of .tale-wide Interest each year, due to the fact that student, from many of tho towns of the etatr have pails In the play. Those who will appear this year are Dawdle Pierce of Perrot. Callle McWhortci of Athene, Freeman Jelks of tlew- klnsvtlls. Judson Smith of Bruns wick, Virginia Trustnw of Gaines ville. Rosemary Whitaker of K) barton, Mat*'. Dowdy of Mscon. Bessie Parr of Mscon. Charles R Andereon of Macon, Colquitt fan ter of Atlanta; "Chnbby” Allen ol Florida: Morels Stokes of Atlan ta. Carlton Melt and Annie Uur* Ware of Athens, posing counsel bed been sustained —an action which caused the court lo threaten to declare e mistrial. The court previously had sdmon- ed opposing counsel , when they clashed. / Mrs. Helen Elwood Blokes on the witness stand In her own de- enee reviewed at dbnstdernble length her acquaintance with Ed gar T. Wallace, named as the chief correspondent, nnd made n dental of her husband's allegations. She denied she had' ever visited Wet- (Turn to Pcje Three) ST BERLIN-—It was reported h*lr* Friday that Chancellor Stresemann wn« willing that Former Crown Prince Frederick Wilhelm should return to Germany and re-install the WIttelabach dynasty, In the ef fort to offsdt attempts of the Ba varian Director Von Kahr. to make Bavaria the principal state. Allied authorities have learned definitely that this is the sltua- hvhlnd recent reports that th# 'town Prince would have hie n exile nnd return to Germany ■essm.inn must solve the proh* of the Bavarian revolt. Herf^ Von Kulir Is known to deslrrl that ;Oermnn federal authority ba transferred from Berlin to Munich'. He Is nl*o known to favor the re turn of the Wlttlejibarhs, former rulers of Bavaria when It was a j kingdom within th •ehy. Ex-Crown <vht in now head NEW ORLEANS—Cotton bulled $8.00 a-bale on tho New Orleans Cotton Exchange Friday morning on the strength of the Government JjjJl report, Price* soared from 1J0 to countmct th 1 German mnn* Prince Rup* of the family. *d fro 1SI points above ths lowest level of the morning. December cotton roe# to 31.38 cents rt pound and mil points went to a n,nv high level for the season. WASSWrttore* decrease of crown^rinre P on‘“. 787,000 hale* In the prospective cotton crop as compared with a month ago war shown In the de partment of Agriculture „©f 10.- 248,000, based on conditions which prevailed on October 25. Grbrgia'a condition at that tlm# was given as 31 per cent and It’s Ml*mated crop was 610.000. source orlty in has hcen plan- Wilh'lm back t# southern move, Stresemann ha» stated that he do«^i not Intend to bring Wilhelm hack “Immediately,” but he has not defined his meaning of “immediate* 1y.” According to allied Information Jt would not be aurprlalng if tho cg-Crowfl Prince returned anjf | time. Wheth<|* Stresemann would ' nrlllnllv nllamnt In place the throne qg whether he believes hi* mere pres* •Inee would discourage Bavarian monarchist ambitions, has not bten revealed. Allied authorities state that, oil the surface, such a move seem# foolish, as there !■ no Indication Just History Now thnt Wilhelm is any lar In Gib-many than year ago. popu« lost The historic slm tree, under whose spreading bough* George W#»h ington took over the command of the continental army at Cambridge. Mass., h gone forever. It crashed to the ground the othre jfky while workmen were removing shaky limbs that had gone to prove * traffic menace. Piece* of the wood ,will be distributed among the different state*. . , v-r ? j -th. i- VON KAHR L08E8 GROUND Tneir information l«ad« conviction that Von Kahr ground in the poet few aysd, an many persons, even in Bavaria, be lieve he has taken too forceful a stand against Berlin. If this 1C true it might postpone! actual ef fort* to put the former crown prince on the throne, but it Is not likely to prevent hla return. Streaemann, it Is believed. would like to have him pn'sent in cues of monarchist emergencies. Report* that the former Crown Prince, exiled In Holland since the war, had returned to Germany wc¥a circulated here Friday morning. The etory was brought out In the Deutsche Allxemelne Zeitung. Th e reports quickly brought out de nials. * Members, of the Hohenxoliern family at Potsdam declared that there was no truth In the rumor, while at Oels, Upper Silesia. wher« Jt was reported the Crown PrJnc# was. It wax declared that Frede rick William had not arrived. It Is known, nevertheless, that there has been an informal dis cussion recently of the question of allowing the ex-Crown Prince to return to Germany and the possi bility that he may be permlttftf t® do so, on the condltoln that he will remain quietly on his Upper Slle* xla estate. Tho town hall at Aix-I.a-Chap- pell c a nd the government building where the Rhineland Republic warn proclaimed twelve days a so arw again in the hands of the Separ atists forces, according to word received here Friday morning 1 * The report stated that there wag fight there between Republican^ ;d Separatists. am B