The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 02, 1923, Image 8

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THE BANNER-HERALD, ATHENS. GEORGBC FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1S21 Mayburgs 278 Clayton Street Big Reduction Sale in Full GREEN & MICHAEL LOAN DEPARTMENT 417*421 Southern Mutual Building A largo Amount of local (undo now on band for Immediate Disbursement on City Property. Children Cry for A jtecond Scout troop, sponsored by the American Legion, has just I made its appearance ftmong the 'Vhile They Last Sale Price $7.95 SILK AND WOOL Dresses One Special Lot Have Sold Double the Price Asking Sale Price COATS Formerly Priced 519.95 and $21.35 Sale Price $14.95 Every Dress Coat and Sweaters in the House Has Been GREATLY . REDUCED SEE OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING tMayburg’i 278 Clayton Street Next to Johnson Shoe Store COME EARLY Neck muscles stiff and sore? Apply Sloan’s gently without rub bing. Fresh, new blood begins to circulate swiftly through the strained tissues. Stiff muscles re lax, pain ceases. 8oon stiffness and pain are gone. Get a bottle at your druggist today—35 cents. Sloan’s Liniment—Mb p*mt 'other active troops of the city. W. A. Clegg, instructor in the Engineering Department of the State College of Agriculture, and a member of the Amreican Legion, has been appointed Scoutmaster and has accepted the office tender cd him. At a meeting held Thursday evening the organization was ef fected. with the following list of boys as charter members: Kenne dy D. Brobston, Clyde Cooper, George D. Caskey. J. Stephen La- Boon, J. Elbert Maddox. Theron M. Randolph, C. Donald Sheluutt, Russell T. Tarpley. All entrance fees were paid and the troop will now' be registered at national headquarters. Col. West, formerly commander of the American Legion, and a member of the troop committee, gave the boy s a most interesting talk along Scout lines. Prof. Clegg, S. M., and E. P. Clark. Scout Executive, were also present at the meeting and spoke briefly to the new troop. Several other boys are expected to unite with the troop within the next week or ten days. The first regular weekly meet ing will be held next Tuesday evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Market Gossip Received Over F. J. Linnell & Company’s (By Lcaaed Win) FIRE INSURANCE “ isstsasa. CALL FLEETWOOD LANIER, MGR. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, ERWIN & cn Phono Three-Four-Five NEW ORLEANS. La. — Liver-1 ROME NOW HAS pool was due about 7 to 8 down, by New York. Holiday, New Or-j CORN SHOB Holiday, leans. j Southern spots Thursday were' SHORTAGE the market here as the people j. p 7u P ;r rn corn Stft MOTHERFletcher’s Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Substi tute for Castor Oil,- Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infants in arms and Children. all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven direetion. on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it BANISH (PROOF TWAS GOOD. ADVICE 66- ^*£-66 Taxi Service Day and Night YAwCabCo. PHONE 66 Office . GEORGIAN HOTEL Thornton's SATURDAY Dinner 50c Cream of tclery Soup Brown Ribs of Beef Creamed Potatoes Turnips and Gretna Baked Spited Pears Vegetable Salad Muffins and Biscuits Sweet Potato Ctutard , Coffee, Tea or Milk 50 Cents SATURDAY SUPPER Veal Chops Steamed Rice Macaroni and Cheese Fried Tomatoes Salmon Salad , Hot Biscuits Cocoanut Pudding Coffee, Tea or* Milk 50 Cents We Are Going- to Give Trade Coupons With All Retail Purchases. Specials for SATURDAY COCOANUT CAKE, FRESH FRUIT PINEAPPLE CAKE, FRESH FRUIT CARAMEL CAKE, HOME MADE ICING LADY FINGBRS •ALMOND MACAROONS COCOANUT MACAROONS CREAM PUFFS ECLAIRS LADY I.OCK8 8 VARIETIES OF COOKIES | KYB BREAD GRAHAM BREAD VIENNA BREAD Many Things That Are Good to Eat—Come in and Take a Look. BENSON’S BAKERY Next Door to Strand Theatre and 223 Hancock Ave. An appeal for subscriptions to a 1500 fund for the Free Metho dlst church Is made In the follow ins statement by Rev. E. 1a. Ruark: "We highly appreciate! what each contributor has done In making it possible for us building. But, as yet we have not been able to cel! the church, and since cold weather Is coming we unfitly feel the need of ceiling. We cannot finlah It unless our friends come to our aid. Rev. W. T. Dick, the former pastor will be hero next week, and he. assisted by the premtat pastor. Rev. H. L. Runrk, will solicit funds for the completion of the church. “They will call to see you so look for them and be ready tr help in this worthy cause. -Do what you feel the Lord would have you do.” Rthr. E. L. Ruark. Pastor. MONROE IMPROVE8 PROPERY FORSYTH, Oa.—Many Improve, ments are to be made In the neat future on county property, con tract* having b«ton made for the repainting of the outer wood work on the court house and for the concrete walks aroud the court yard. The w’nlks in the courtyard nra not comnlete and the lad'er civic league has sown the ynr<t wtih grass seed. New , concrete floors have also been put In the • Monroe county Jail. DAIRY BU8INE88 QROW8 IN JA8PER MONTICKLLO, Oa.—In sixty more days It is rhtlmated that the pro duct of the two recently built cheese factories here will be placed upon the market. The ( machinery for the manufacture of th«l cheese being Installed and will NERVOUSNESS Wendell’s Pills, Ambition Brand, for Run-Down Tired Out People. If you feel tired out, out of sorts, despondent, mentally or physically depressed, get a 00 cent box of Wendell'* Pills, Ambition Brand, at Palmer & Sons today and take the first big step toward feeling better right away. If you work too hard, smoke too much, or arc nervous, Wendell’s Pills, Ambition Brand, will make you feel better In three days or money back from Palmer & Sons on the first box purchased. As a treatment for affections of the nervous system, constipa tion, loss of appetite^ sleepless ness, or Nervous Indigestion, get a box of Wendell’s Pills, Ambition Brand, today on the money pack plan.—(Advertisement) MR8. L. E. GUNN Sutflrtog Woman** Neighbors Urgad Her to Take Cardui—8e Did, and Says 8he ••Began Feeing Fine.” Inman, a C.—When Mrs. Elsie Peek, of Inman, was suffering venjiy some -time ngo, several of her older neighbors noticed her condition and wisely advised her to take Cardui. ••I was sick and weak and had pain In my side,” says Mrs. Peek. ”1 was so weak-iooklng, until some of my older neighbors asked me about my trouble. I told them how my sides and back hurt and how it hurt me to stand. They told me of Cardui and my husband got It for me. I took four bottles and began feeling Jfl*t fine. It helped me a lot. capart I ‘When 4ny Inst baby evidently took cold ...!•• fored afterwards quite a bit. sent for Cardui and could see I war getting the usual good results. Af ter about four bottles I was up. feeling flnti doing my work. “Cardui builds me right *up and I tell my neighbors and friends about It. It is simply fine for weak back and a run-down sys tem." , You probably have neighbors like Mrs. Peek's who can tell you of the help Cardui ha* been to them. Ark the ladfes who hav«| taken It and then take It Yourself. At all druggists'. ;ti TPLI ROME, Ga.—The recent rapid 'eraJSSfSL* 1P J,wS\ “i 6 ’ iK? in the price of corn his the >** 1 wholesaler, to bp Bhy -° f buy,n? - ° n the Orleans time. About *10.300,000 expected. If 10,400,000 or larger market likely decline temporarily, probably advance if 10,200.000 or lower, r “ market, resulting in a corn fam ine in *thia city. There is not a single bushel of com to be bought here with the exception of a few Fa™ylVre7^ of di»clinlnrr nn report unless 1 ^ ® local corn finds its way to market declining forecast is much over 10,500,000. Pending issuance of Washington crop forecast nervous and erratic market likely. Other market influences proba bly be ignored for the present or until bureau eatimate ia released. MARKETS ATHENS COTTON The iocei cotton market closed at 81 cents Friday. The previous close was 30 3-8 cents. NEW YORK COTTQN „ Prcv. Open High Low Close Close Jan. 30.08 31.60 29.60 31.60 29.98 Mch. 30.03 31.65 29.66 31.65 30.00 Dec. 30.63 32.28 30.28 32.28 30.05 11 A. M. Bids: January 30.07: March 31.00; December 31.46, NEW ORLEANS COTTON _ Prev. Open High Low Close Close Jan. 29.95 30.70 29.70 31.70 29.8* 1 Mch. 29.85 31.62 29.62 31.62 29.78 Dec. 30.10 31.80 29.80 31.80 29.98 11 A. M. Bids: January 30.90;' March 80*0; Dccembrc 31.02. CHICAGO GRAIN , Open P. C. Close WHEAT— July 107% 107*4 Dec 107 107 106% -May 111% 112 111% CORN— July 72% 72 72% Dec 72% 73 73% May 71% 71% 72 OATS— i“!y 43 43% Dec 41% 41% May 44% 43% C ONSTIPATION A cause of many Ilia, Harm, ful to elderly people. Alxoys relitf h taking CHAMBERLAIN’S TABLETS Ea*y—pleaumt— effective—only 2Gc CUT THI8 OUT—IT IS WORTH MONEY RTH 8end this ad and terf cent, Foley & Co. 1885, Sheffield Ave Chicago, lit, writing your nml addres clearly. You wilt re- celvil n ten cent bottle 0 f Fm EY’8 HONEY AND TAB f„ Cough,. Colds, and (?rouu, iin free sample package, of folft KIDNEY PfIJ.H for Baek«L nhoiimatlc Pains. Kidney and BUjI dcr trouble, and FOLEY CATHA«. TIC TABLETS for Constlp,", and Blllousnesk. These wonderto rcmedlce^have helped ‘millions „( Phone Orders Given Prompt, Careful Attention. Prompt Service. NATIVE AND, WESTERN BEEF. FRESII f'lSH, OYSTERS AND DRESSED POULTRY Fresh Line of_Fancy Groceries. Fresh Fruits "and Vegetables. WE GIVE TRADE COUPONS CENTRAL MARKET Health Brings Beauty, A Discovery That Ha* Done , i World of Good. , Auguita, On.—”My father’* fnm lly wan' kept well ev*k since I car remember by using Dr. Pierce’s remedies. My father used to get iply of the TJolden Medical pis- ry every spring, ns n He took It himself and gave itltc the re»t of tin . lie flicl not’ wBt until we were sick. Tie *«hl, *ltn ounce of t prevention is worth f'a pound of'cure,’ When I was sbout ( sixteen my patents saviU me, I be** Have, from serious feminine trou ble by giving me Dr. Pierce’s Fa vorite Prescription.'——Mn*. L. B Dunn. 505 Moore Ave. Keep yourself In th*' pink of condition by obtaining Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery In liquid bo completed!"* Tfce"wond.rfui I »*• '”>*" J*™' neighborhood pasture. In this county aid Lent- V, v * iv in th. .I.(.,• .hi.h i.' Invalid. Hotel in Buffalo N. for trial package.—Advertisement. Such Is Life ‘Eighteen years ago I had three ribs broken, fourteen years ago my right leg. eleven your ago I nearly went ov,4- with typhoid fever and since then have had awful atomach and Uver trouble. Was filled with gns most all the time. I would havb colic attacks *o bad as to be come unconscious. No medicine helped me and doctors udvlsdrl an operation. One day talking with a stranger he recommended Mayr'* Wonderful Remedy, which helped me at once.” It |* a simpli harm* less preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the Intes tinal’tract and allays the Inflam mation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal nllments, including , appendicitis. One do*«i will convince ©r money refunded. For sale by all drug gists, everywhere.—Advertisement. Read Banner-Herald v Want Ads. NEW YORK STOCKS Open P. C. WMeAv; xvenjiicuit Copper .. 32 32 s CARDUI; N TheWoman'sTomc S Studebaker 09% ■ Southern Ry 34% Loew’s Inc. .... .. 17% 100% 36% 17% ly In the dulry business which laj now beginning to assume large proportions In Jasper county. Many largii herds of registered cow* an now being ahipped Into this coun< ty mainly Jer»eys ana Hoistelns. Banncr-Hcrald Want Ads Too Lot. to Claiilfy LOST—Ford tire and rim, twten Southern Mutual Bldg, and corner Lumpkin and Mil- ledge. Pleaae return to Coita'e and receive reword. n2c FOR RENT—Three lame unfur nished room,. Cell 366-M. n5c her pi with medium eiaad diamond,. Finder will pleaae return it to undersigned and receive reward. Max Michael. nllc WE WILL HAVE FOR SATURDAY Jones’ Little Pig Sausage Extra Select Norfolk Oysters Red Ripe Tomatoes Iceberg Lettuce Real Good Celery Spinach Snow White Cauliflower Rutabaga Turnips [Carrots [Idaho Irish Potatoes Parker House Rolls 10c the doz. Fresh Doughnuts 25c the doz. Fresh Cinnamon Rolls 15c the doz. Butter Scotch Rolls 20c the doz. Fresh Potato Chips Made Dailv ! ARNOLD-ABNEY ft CO. »nb the. JU&mac 71 ft STREET AND BROADWAY A masterpiece of modern hotel creation where convenience, rest ful quiet and hospitality are prime features. Unique Congo Room—Medieval Grill-and Blue Room Restaurant. Alwmy* m plaaaur* to ontortnin rititort from Athint Read Banner-Herald Want Ads. CURB MARKET BULLETIN Apptee, 40g to 50e peck. Bean*, atring, 25c gallon. Rutter Resna (shelled) 25c qt. Butter Beam, 20c gallon. Butter, 35c to 50c pound. >...»««>, ,c pound. Chicken,, frier,, 30c pound. Hen,. 22 Hr-pound. Roosters, 12c pound. Squash, 7c pound. Eggs, 40c doxen. Ham, home cured, 25c pound. Bacon, home cured, 18e pound. . Lard, home made, 20c pound. Onions, 6c pound. Field Peas, 10c gallon. Field Pea>, ahellcd, 25c gallon. Sweet Potatoea, 2c pound. Tomatoes, 5c to 7c pound. Corn Meal (now),%c pound. Roasting Ears, 20c and 25c dos. Turnip Salad, 10c gallon. Turnip*, 10c bunch. Graham Flour, 4c pound. New Sorghum, $(.00 gallon. FI PUNS IE < J r hose golden brmun flapjacks sure< do taste like move when made with tkctCetyb’ OLD HOMESTEAD PANCAKE FLOUR ■lust add water and cook ' Everyone knowa that Athena la going to have an agricultural fail*. However, many ar. .not yet aware of th* program urrangrd for this I •treat affair, on# which will bring to Athens from surrounding terri tory In Oeorglu and Carolina thou- •nndn of, people. ThHTe nre to he poultry exhibits. Live Stack ex- hlblts; also school and community exhibits. The school and commu nity exhibit# are going to bo dec orated very artistically. Mm. An nie Uny Wood Bryant In working very faithfully on the community and nchool exhlbts. Regarding the nnnouncomffcit features the Mill- Bros. Shows which are furmah- Ing attractions are carrying twelve high clneg shown and six mammoth riding devtcen, two bands and free Among the feature attraction, of the Miller Bros. Shown la th- new 4:6,«eo cnttrplllar ride which enr- rlea S4 coaches going around In a circle nnd doing the dip the dips with a huge curtain which has ihe rhnpe nnd color of a caterpillar undoubtedly this attraction will create a big aensatlon. Miller Bros wild West will prove Inlerihtlng to both old and : young where the publlo will be ; ■ ntertnlned with real cowboys | cowgirls, bucking bronchos nnd j steers, kicking ntulea, funny clowns I I and fancy roping. Human Roulette special ride for. i children nnd world a f other! high’ class attractions. | me Miller Bros ar* contem plating wintering- here provided' editable trackage for Ihelr ram nnd buildings' can he arranged. This would mean n big expendi ture an Involve thousand of dol lar* which would be epeni In Ath-1 ens among local miYrhant,. ; ; READ v BANNER-HERALI) WANT ADS. Rhone 101 288 North Lumpkin All Kinds of Seasonable Fruits, ' Nuts and Vegetables. • WE GIVE TRADE COUPONS W1ER GROCERY COMPANY Phone 166 ATHENS TRADE MONTH STARTS TODAY Buy Quality Meats At “THE FOOD DEPARTMENT STORE BEAUTIFUL” Ask For Trade Coupons Here. Western and Native Meats, Fish, Oysters and Poultry Phone 1616—1617 PIEDMONT MARKET 240 North Lumpkin Street, * You Arc Invited to Attend a Free ’ Demonstration of MORNING JOY COFFEE There’s Joy in a Cup of Morning Joy and we would like lor every lady in Athens to attend this demonstration and taste its gdodness. MORNING JOY COFFEE Come to Wier Grocery Co. Saturday, November 3 . WIER GROCERY COMPANY Comer Washington and Lumpkin Streets STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Cash and Deliver Phone 166 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, NOV. 3 18 Pounds Ski-Hi Self Rising *l CE Flour I *vw 24 Pounds Ski-Hi Self Rising Q| Flour 10 Pounds No. 1 Irish p- Kingan’s Reliable Ham, pT Pound . “ * Large Size Royal Baking Powder At Per Can ,. “■ Small Size Royal Bdking Powder 01 Per Can .. \.. C* No. 2 Can Sliced 1 Pineapple .; No. 2 Can Crushed pe Henard’s Mayonnaise- 44 Dressing & ■ Henard’s . 44 Relish 41 A\