The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 09, 1923, Image 1
T InvwtlgaU Todayl To Regular Subseriboro THE BANNER-HERALD |1,000 Accident Policy Fro* ATHENS COTTON: MIDDLING PREVIOUS CLOSE .. __ 31 1 THE WEATHER: Clear Friday and Saturday. Cooler Saturday. Established 1832. Daily and Sunday—13 Cents a Week. ATHENS, OA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1929. VISITORS THRONG ATHENS FOR BRILLIANT WEEKEND; GEORGIA-VIRGIN! A FOOTBALL BATTLE IS HEADLINER [List Rooms With ,! Chamber Commerce I And Aid Travelers FOUR OF GEORGIA’S LIGHTING BULLDOGS I Residents who hate spare rooms who will rent them out for a rfght * | or so are urged to list them with the chamber of commerce. The , secretary of the Chamber of Com- •imerce has found rooms for many i | tourists and travelling salesmen during the week as a result of t congestion In the total hotels. t Travelers who rooms me asked to telephone the i BY BRYAN LUMPKIN “Home Coming uajr" has brought to A them* 5 gates more pretty girls, doughty “old grads,” friends of the University and visitors looking for entertain ment than has any week-end in many a day. lETliiFOTi ■ terest when It presents van - SCfflUSili ITTEi srs'SH-wS awarding of five twenty dollar gold RALLY HERE Oil 5JT. -HKSFSs Chamber of Commerce and effort will be made to accomodate them. Athenians who have rooms In pri vate homes will greatly accom odate the traveling public and vis itors by listing them with the Chamber of Commerce. Closing: one of the most interesting and instructive conventions ever held in this city,'the Georgia Den tal (Society Friday install ed bffiders for the incom ing yetfr, Dr. C.C. Howard of Atlanta, president; Dr. C. M. Barnwell, Atlanta, president-elect and Dr. N. G. Slaughter, Athens, vice president. ELECTED thursoav Tho officers were elected Thurs- i day night. Dr. Howard succeeds >p*n*d — | FEATURE Scouts and Officials From; event All Northeast Georgia Here For Scout Rally Day. Saturday is Pccut Rally Day (or the northeast Georgia Connell. Two or three hundred Scouts snd Scout ofl’cials from Athens, Cailton, Commerce, Elbertou. Jef- fernon, Gainesville, New Holland, and Winder are expected Jo par* (ic*‘pato In the parade and field % fc ay events. The parade begins promptly at 10:45, the ^.Whitehall brass hand, furnishing the music for the oc- cat'en. The field day events, at Sanford Field, follow immediately after the parade. ‘ i . Holders of Coupons Urged I to List Them. Drawing' 1 Will Be Held At 12:00' O’clock Noon. i A* to the game Itself, suffics it to aay that It is alwuyn the mod colorful of the season and prob ably the closest, that Is. if i«*t scores count for anything. . !t seems as though Virginia and Georgia are doomed forever to play tie kuiik'h, especially on Sun- ford Field. One team may b< doped to beat the other, and then the came ends with a score!*-** tie or a 7-7 score. Georgia. nr. ixowara was wwwu | Flvo , eop ; e in northeast Georgia • president last year hftor serving^a \ g atun j a y w j|j be twenty dollars I 3T»r .. trie. being the richer lban they „. ere „ , custom to promote theI result of the Athene trade month i tranlly thtatth. JJ 1 * _ .campaign. Five twenty dollar gold | ,,* ° ,he ^ r „ “P“[}?"* !J E pieces will be given »w«y to hold- j ih^ locletv for’to-i®™ of ““F 0 "* aw sway since mrmbern of the society tor QP . t__» untuninv to nurchssera of I Mntmebt on the boe.d of oram-l^ 8 “ w ^/ t0 purCh,MT * innl.d m J^e^ed Dr Thomne C«lo ! |B If”"' or the UnlveraKy cam pun ' irs/ts. ImJTh sirs i fi&s i M. M. Forben. At lent*; Dr. O, M. | T3?»l6i»' , |n*«o»?^ d '° 0 ‘ narnwcll, • Atlanta, and Dr.«G#orga *at the $100 in gold. , Green, MlUedgevIUo. 1SMRtf&Sr I PREVENTIVE ' them away as the drawing 8«tur- j Those of the old grads who will be In the stand Saturday, and they w!l] t>e there by the hundreds, win turn back the pages to CPorgfa* Virginia gam** of the past. To th* greut gamo when the Old Domin ion. after playing*the great Yule team to n 0-0 tie in the Yale bowl enrae down to Hanford Field and after the game had gone on until there were only twenty S'conds to I'l.O. wont out ovei the f’.ulldogs wmm din, Atlanta; ‘Dr. c. T. Hall. At- j Isnta. snoke on what tho govern-, raent and what Atlanta are doing In, mouth hygiene. Dr. R. M. Eu banks of Atlanta spoke on pre- j ventlva dental work that :* being j domic In the ■ntj-tubarculoals clln-1 ics of Atlanta. The convention closed Friday j bur many of the .delegate* w*ll j remain for the Thallan pjay Fri- | day night and “Home Coming** i Miller' Brothers Shovs Declared Better Than Ever. C dd Fellows Spon sor the Fair and Prem iums. Clurke county’, aecond fetr since , ills will take place next week, I j beg'nnlng Monday morning and j IS IIcontlulng through Saturday. - I One of tho briaht feathrea of the I '' The above pictured young gentlemen Will take p rominent parts'in the battle with Virginia Saturday it Sanford Field. They are: Top, Johr* Fletcher, ha Ifbacl:; Sam Richardson, end. Bottom: “Buster” Kilpatrick, quarterback; Shad Frier, center. I ...rnnirno I One o: the briaht feathrea of the I SWEET MURMURS 11 |«| r and Odd Felown carnival will I BLUSHING BRIDE 1 be the Miller Brother, Show, UttlUE, , wbIch tn de „|,„ d better thl, *- , :—- “U'eai; Ihsn evro before. The M'llei f0y Associated Press.) Shows are recognlted as one *1 NEW YORK.—A traffic cop and > the cleanest in the business and mntortot Whom i*e caught speeding their acts are passed upon by a vers FTHay Bermuda bound on *“ * their honeymoon. Walter Meyer al most burned* a tire off his motor cycle r!x months ago pursuing a rundstof* In Brooklyn. mi* *»««. --- ** snd handed, entertaining sets this year and It ifrom each troop. Then at 1:15 o'clock coma* the » 7.—iCrab and >Stonkey Race. S Thallan p!«t>. The Thalian* ;»r« Scouts from each troop. the oidret dramatic club’ in the 8.—JYgnaling. 4 Scouts from each poutb and the play hat tltev pr*- troop. sent this year Is "Seventeen," by Paul Revere Race. G Scouts uo 0t h Tarklngton. America * p4 «.. Trom each troop* . ml«r humoriat. 10. —10h yard dash. Open to ail That Uringa us to the .idtv e Scout, it yeara of a(« or older. which will b.jln at t.n o'clock and 11. —Dreaalnr Race. Ode Scout which will ,<• the member, of the from each troop. rlar, of '01 ami '10 whlrll a aru.nd 12. —Wall Scaling. 8 Scouta from th. flour with the d-butnntc. ..f each troop.- 'To. Be It undcratood thit (lie Atlanta will furn'eh the Judge, dance I, not re,tricted to th. I.,..,, for all of the Scout Rally Day con- */ nbuce mentioned. (eat,. That wndn everybodv hum- nr The following I, a Hat of the rather tu their hnni'. f.,r tie (Turn to Page Five) matter where they are fr...,. nr • » who they err. they are .it h.une LONDONERS ADMIRE POLICE when they reach Athene. ■ LONDON—The Int.raat and Some ftw .lmura later, ever,- court.(r Hhuwn by the London po- body net, up. Th- e.une .cry- lire .In the .wtlfurn.'of the public body we eent home from th. dace nunatantly bring, it, rewnrd. TWa Joel » few - eenttneea above And la usually exprrwed'ln biutueats to —hr -hnnldn’t Ihty get up. for nil, poileetnen e runtia, noipitai, and !» the b!si ; '~ ; d»F — . fee home, by people of varying r |;. Mhl, Inwt.—and me moot -ventfuL cuiR.lunce, who. at one tilde, or •« ten ovioclt Iht parade »f ihe annlhef, have been aided by po- * 1 , 0 T'. a bcrlne. which will be li.-emVn, .The banner day, occurred followed by the oration of the Ar- recetitiy when .even .uni, varying j’•'•’‘‘re D“y celebration hy Bob from $l0O to »15.000 were left to Vrolitman Jn old Georgia boy. these organisation,. llahl y 1, the oration ocr. tin. I (Turn to Pass Two) jfeeadmg New S?e¥^lgition According to tho,e who are apoaeoring the felr and carnival the Miller Shows have some very He cauritt the car and banded I entertaining act, this year and It Mlea Margaret Sterner, 22. e sum- |ls certain that the public will b» .....T- .. ' i-.-c.^ ...—a with It. The felr n the Mine snot w-eii’known'otld Fellow announces. ArrarcemenU hove heen cam nluied fpr.tbe poultry exhibit, ex hibit of product, of Ihe glriV can ning. sewing and cook'dg rltfli, and the hoyd axricultural clob, at mm, quite confused Friday and nothing was known of |/||||}A(|||0 DIU I I D (1D w'hat may have transpired during the night as com- fllUVnllilu Ull LAD U H munication with Munich was interrupted at mid night and had not been restored at noon Fridav. [ The first fragmentary advices from Munich were j Club Lunches At Agricul- to the effect that the rebellion was only against the j tiiral College. To Aid Rgd Von Knilling government,'but as other reports were! : and Disabled Vet- mon*. “I'll gn even vg'lh you,** she »h’jkly plea»e«l fold Mey«\ after the court had will uke place ... -- --— --- fined her $25. They were married . It did last year. James W. Arnold, Thursday and it looks as though]- ** *he will, have the chance to mako J good her threat ’ #, -•. , j 1 Prohl Officers to i ; Be Here Saturday!wcii Former Athenian Will Ad* {dress People From Hodg- fSOn-ShackeJford Building on College Saturday) . In It, usual manner Athena will ] oiiaervv Aruiiaiiw day iu» year j in a quiet but eppren'etive way. REPORTS CONFIRMED I-ONDON.— 1 Official advices received b.v the Brit- [ ish Foreign Office'from Berlin, confirm the reports that Adolph Hittler has declared himself Chancellor ■ of Germany with General Ludendorff as Minister of War and commander-in-chief of the German army, i Members of the cabinet arc in continuous session in Berlin and are determined to protect the republic, i It is believed in the capital that the Reischwehr will ! remain loyal to the Central government. A late advice from Munich indicates that Bavar ian' Dictator Von Kahr and Reischwehr Commander Vort Lo§si/w ! are not Identified with tjic movement .and have ordered the arrest of both Ludendorff and j Hittler. GEORGIA STATISTICS a Pm. Weight Bennett T UK irlek Q- B. , MS R. .. C. 200 O. 1*8 on «. 177 rdson E 162 r F. B. 168 lion .. I. .. — P. 186 T. ISO