The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 11, 1923, Image 8
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11. i Office 1201 — D7 MBS. ALICE ADAMS — Residence 832 £ MRS. E. F. PORTER ENTERTAINS FOR VISITORS Mrs. E. F. Porter entrrtalned! ~W— very Informally Saturday ot a 1 BILLY HUDSON CELEBRATE8 lovely buffet lunch*on In honor of 10TH BIRTHDAY her house quests, Mr. and Mrs. j ANNIVERSARY Jones Yow of Xorcrnss and Mr. | Billy Hudson entertained most and Mr*. James K. Gray of At- { happily eighteen of hi* school lento. The guests included the j friend* nt n beautifully planned hostess' bridge club and a numb* ri stag dinner Saturduy night at the of out of towa visitors here fo: * 1 * * * * * 7 home of his pannts. Dr and Mr* tlj* week end college social nctl- j E. B Hudson on Mlllfdge Terrace vitlta.- I Pink and yellow chrysanthemum* 'Gorgeous yellow chrysaMhe- ! were Jhe lovely flowers decorating t #ams formed the bright decora-i the rooms very effectively, and mums rormea tne orignt uecora- > “ ,, «i tlons throughout the df lightful ? c» ntering the handsomely appoint- f home and the usual charming hos- j ed table. A contest game, Andy j pitality was mort happily extend- : Gump was mo t interesting, crent. j . i Ing a great deal of merriment when | _p— . I the hair brush was pinned in tho| MISS 8AM LEE GAULDING right place. Entertains at brdige eniy proved tumrcif n iwai .Friday afternoon Miss Sam Lee i host and was showered with good Oauldlng was the charming young ! wishes for many happy returns fit hostess nt a b< nutifuliy planned _ dinner was bridge party osfpmblylng four tables « players.. ■j^Ar. n fistic color no*e >.f gn‘d and wMte was. emphas rod in the gorgeous yellow and white ~11. *- ini ms and prevailed, in Ihe djfcl .'clous rifreshmonts. A very delicious served. —Si— LUCY COBB P. T. A. INDEBTED TO PROGRAM COMMITTEE | The Elementary School P. T. A. Sue Helil Vn.on won the top ' Lucy if'ohb helii' thl-'.r regular ■core a (Ininty bo* ot handmade ! met','ug Friday afternoon, tfhndkerchlefe, Mire Ruth Klrharde! Following tho hualneea eoaslon Wn, award'd the low score a pret- a program of rare entertainment ty French novelty. ! was enjoyed by the large num- •'iThe delightfully planned party 1 ber of numibere prcsbnt. one of the brightest social! «M1ss Lena McGInley spoke In •yents of the week. I behalf of the tuberculosis saat- —®— tarlum for Clarke county, after MRS. D0BB8 AND MRS. I hearing her appeal every one real- R. J. HANCOCK H08TE88E8 feed the vital Importance of tan- P* A. R. PARTY I mediate relief. rMrs. o .R. Dobbs and Mrs. R .T Mikse^tuin Houston and Joaa Hancock were ho.«tessee at the j phino Simmons pupils of Miss Wright added quite a bit of humor HMJah Clarke Chapter U D. bridge party Friday morning at the Georgian. !The enjoyable occasion was of delightful social interest assrm* bling the following for a spirited gtttne: l.'Mrs. Hammond Johnson. Mrs. T. H. McHatton, Mrs. Barrett Phln- isy, Mrs. Leroy Percy, of Birming ham, Mrs. J. W. Barnett, Mr*. O. R.' Dobbs. Mrs. Walter Fltner. Mrs. Harvey Cnblncs, Miss. Fran ces Talmadge, Miss Frances West Mrs. Hulmr Kinnebrew, Mrs. Cjarencc Chandler, Mrs. Grady Crawford, Mrs. Ed Rhodes, Mrs-. George Tobey. Mrs Wade Wllll- ford, Mre. C. J. Decker. Mrs. E. L OrfKga, Mrs J. E. SeVerln. Miss S bel Griggs. Mrs. Walter Pope. ■ Mary Sn*ad, Mrs. Rose ne, Mre. Aba. Davison, Jr.. Mrs. Steve Upson, Mrs. Lee Cal- If^ny. Mrs..Asbury- Hodgson. Mrs. ■Vjdtpr Jbnes. Mr*. Christian Clarke end Mrs. tlrawner of At* lrfhta, Mrs. Julian McCnrr>, Mrs Jfiius Talmadge. Mi*, fi. W. Ry- thrr, Mrs. Carlton Jester, Mrs 8. Sanford, Mrs. Peter Brown. We. J H. Watson, Mrs. W. C Tg.fvw Mrs T. H. Ward, M-„. Pi? II Williams, Miss Lou Ona, tle. Mfs. W. J. Perplra. Mrs. A. L ABCoy, Mrs. Horace Ritchie, 9dre. Srverin won the first prlae aaraall vase. Miss rFances West ^Announcements r FOR MAYOR 3 hereby announce ijiy candidacy fo, mayor of the city of Athens, rdhject to the Democratic Primary, November 27th. 1 GEORGE C. THOMAS I ? FOR ALDERMAN 2 respectfully announce royieU a candidate for Alderman from the Firit Ward. City of Athena, siffi ect to the action of th. Demo. cr#tic primary of November 27, I'.rCn. I will appreciate the eup- poYt of all voter,. ; E. L. (PUD) JACKSON. - FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Alderman of the Firit Ward, tub- jew*, to the rule, of the Demo cratic Primary. It. T. CULP. FOR ALDERMAN X hereby announce my eandieddy for reelection as aldermon from the Second Ward, subject to the arGon ot the Democratic Primary, November 27th, 1022. 5 H. B. HEYWOOD. to the entertainment feature ot the meeting wiu readings. ..Miss Martha Jim Arnold talent ed young daughter of Col. and Mr.. J. W. Arnold rendered two beautiful U»n6 aoloa, and one could not imagine a more happy surprise than when the president, Mis. Morey presented Alisa Edith Hodgson, whose selections are al ways befitting and greatly on Joyed. kinnebrew-marmelstein Mrs. .Mary Hulme Kinnebrew, ot Athens, announces the engagement ot her daughter. Mary Luu’ae, to Mr. Charles Augustus Marmel- uteln, of AtlanU, lormerly of ba- vannah, the wedding to be solemn ized at an early date. No cards. The above announcement will leu friends ot both theso young be ot corral Interest to the count- people. Alien Klnpcbrew U the fourth daughter ot Mr*. Mary UuIiub Ktnucbraw and tho late Colonel R. Ji. Kinnebrew. She at tended school at the State Normal School whero she was very papular She la a girl at charming person ality, and numbers her friends by hoc acuuaintaneea .It la to be re gretted that h« marrage will take her from Athena. . S Mr. dtarmelstein Is the elder son -Ot Mrs. Anne brooks Marmelstoln ot savannah and ■ brother of Ak'ia Ellen Mermelatein end Mr. Ardlo F. Marmelsieln. He wu educated at the Savannah High School and ihe University of Georgia class of '21, where be was an honor grad uate. receiving ha B. S. C. E. de gree. He la now prominently con nected with the state highway de partment, Atlanta, where be la very popular to the business and ■O'd'al circles. THE SENIOR CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIETY CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Senior Chrlatlaa Endeavor of the Christian' church will meet Sunday evening at 7 o'clock ud will present a very Interesting program. Mlu Juliette Wiytchcad: will lead. Mr- Bennett Laramora will render several musical numbers. Dr. Porter of Cincinnati, former pastor, will address the meeting. Mr. Robert Alathewi of tbe 8ouh- eutern field ot Cbrlatlan College Auburn, and Mias Rath Thomp son of Jackson. Mlu.. will speak. The public fa cordially Invited. - FOR ALDERMAN I hereby unounce is a Candi da*- for Alderman from the Sm- BENEFIT PICTURE STRAND THEATRE NOVEMBER 28TH , Alter many request! to bring this picture back to Athens Mr. Oldley MM for Aldarman from the Su- has booked Mary Plckford In -njj Ward, subject to action of thef-5u dy Long Legs," Wednesday. November 18th. Beat of all bo bu Democratic Primary Novembet 27th. J. P. McCALL. FOR ALDERMAN t hereby announce u a candi date for AMerman from tho Third Ward, subject to action of the Democratic Primary November 27th. . . B. R. BLOODWORTIL = FOR ALDBRMAN 1 hereby unounce aa a candi date for Alderman from the Fourth Ward, subject to tbe DemocratW Primary. November 27th. J W.-R. TINDALL. FOR ALDERMAN respectfully announce myself ■^candidate for Alderman from rai» Fifth Ward, City of Athens, G*rcit, subject to the action of HX Democratic Primary to be held NSmmber 27th. 1S23. I will ap preciate the rapport of every Mollified voter. 7 VINCENT MATHEWS. FOR ALDERMAN T hereby anonunce u n cand dale for Alderman from the Fifth Ward, subject to action of the JM-.iOt-rstic Primary, November 27Th. . B. DUNAWAY. agreed to make It a benefit pic lure, giving 20 per cent ot the pro ceeds ot the day to tbe David C. Barrow school. He promisee a splendid comedy to make the children laugh and laugh some more. In adq tlon the Masonic quar tette will sing at ths 9 o’clock per formance. — iMt. and Mrs. Hilliard Spalding ot AtlanU will come over Satur day for the G-orufa-Vlrglnla game ad will be the guuta of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Stewart on the campus. diabetes Discovery From Europe j After years ot successful use In Europe, r*. Stdn-CalUnfels’. the noted European Specialist, • wonderful nnn-dle<eUe diabetic treatment, whlcn allows you to eat what yon need, la now available In this country. 5,««e books drucrtb- IttC this wonderful t realm eat are being tent FREE OF CHAROE to, sufferers of diabetes Don’t delay j —Write now to M. Rlchartz, DepLj - J22. j:o W. -12nd St., N tw York.— BSS Advertisement , I L J ■ Classy Wraps and Coats For Well Dressed Women The wide variety of styles artd materials make choosing easy here and the range cf prices puts stylish coats and wraps in reach of every pocket-book. Plain and high lustre materials, Orman- dales, Bolivias, Brytonias, and Velours. Straight lines with and without belts, wrap around ^tyles. One may choose a plain tailored model o • one with trimmings cf tucks, stitchings, tiers or fur. Prices range from . k $22.50 to $100 • COLD DAYS AND SWEATERS GO HAND IN HAND To ward off Jack Frost one must have a good warm sweater. Opr assortments are complete with colors of every kind in light weight, med ium or heavy, Brushed Wool, Jacquette, Golf and Tuxedo, or just an every day knitted sweater. For Boys, Girls and Ladies. Knit caps and suits for little tots and little knit jack ets for infants. The range of prices will suit every pocket-book. ^ DINNER GOWNS-MODELS YOU’RE SURE, TO LIKE Designed by artists from the finest quality Vel vets, Georgettes and Lace. Beautifully trimmed with lace, fur, flowers and brilliant ornaments, some with.full skirts and others have rather narrow skirts with panels and 'flounces. They’re all very attractive—and the prices are just as attractive as the dresses themselves. MEN’S ALL WOOL COAT JACKET For indoors and 4ut these Men’s Jackets are the best thing a man can have for winter weaf, shown in navy, brown and heather. A special value at .. .. u $3.95 GOOD QUALITY CRETONNE 25c YARD For making laundry bags, piilow covers and other things fori Christmas. Originally sold at 65c to $1.00 per yard. In short lengths we are selling these Cretonnes at 25c yard BATH ROBES for LADIES AND CHILDREN No other garment can take the place of a good warm bath robe for winter. Our stocks are filled with new bath robes in all colors and patterns .* $5.00 to $10.00 FAST COLOR DRESS GINGHAMS 25c YARD 'Pretty patterns and colors for dresses, 32 inches wide, fast colors for 25c a yard FURS AND FUR COATS OF THE FINEST KINDS Buying a fur piece or a fur coat is an investment, and is almost a necessity for the well dressed wo man. In furs we are showing chokers in small, medium and large sizes in both single and double fur pieces of Stone Mar ten, Barn Marten, Jan Marten, Fox and O’pos- sum with prices ranging, from .... $6.50 to $75.00 Fur coats are-^shown in three quarter and full length with self jnd squir- _ rel collars, straight lines and flared back, they’re especially good values as $85.00 to $200.00. I THERE’S LOT OF DIFFERENCE IN UNDERWEAR—MUNSING IS BEST > Thebe’s just as much difference in undenvear as anything else, don’t ask for underwear, say MUNSINGWEAR and you’ll get the best un derwear made. Every garment is made to fit,- all seams are smooth, all buttons are securely sewed on, and above all EVERY MUNSING WEAR garment gives perfect satisfaction. We have a coiiiptete line of Munsuigwear fur boys, girls and ladies in separate garments and union suits and the prices are no higher than you pay for ordinary underwear. A REAL GOOD SILK STOCKING FOR $U0 Made of pure- t-hread'silk, made, tn fit,-no bag ging ankle, every pair guaranteed -perfect— that’s HUMMING BIRD, all the new colors and blacks at . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .; ..$1.50 a pair BOYS’ ALL WOOL SLIP-OVER SWEATERS $3.00 A' heavy all wool sweater made especially for active boys in solid colors with contrast colored puffs, u special value at .. .. $3.00 GIFTS FOR WEDDINGS—BRIDGE PRIZES Jn our gift department you’ll find many things for wedding presents and for bridge parties, inexpensive or the higher priced just as you chcose. Electric lamps of. many kinds, door kfiockers, hand decorated imported china, gold decorated glassware, vases, bowls, bird cages, book ends, ash trays, swinging vases, cigarette boxes and many other things. In keeping with our policy you’ll find the prices reasonable. SPECIAL VALUE IN TUSCAN NET AT 25c YARD This Tuscan net is good quality in pretty- pat terns with heavy lace edge — inches wide—an unusual value at 25c per yard SPECIAL VALUES FOR THIS WEEK IN RUGS A variety of pretty pattern^ in desirabl^'colors in art squares at special prices during this week. 9x12 Tapestry Rugs, regular $82.50 values for .. .. $25.00 9x12 Axminster Rugs for .. $39.50 High Grade Wilton Velvet 9x12 Rugs for $69.50 STLYISH COATS FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN A variety of good styles for Misses and Chil dren, some plain, others trimmed with em broidered stitchings and fur. Made of Solivia, Astrican, Velours, Velvets and Sport materials. Prices range from .... .: .. .. $7.50 to $50.00 WOOL JERSEY—NEW SHIPMENT The most popular material of the season, all the desirable colors are shown, 54 inches wide, at $2.25 per yard Printed Corduroy for Bath Robes .. $1.79 yard 40 inch Costume Velvets, extra good quality .. .. $3.75 Silk Chiffon Velvets, fine quality $5.98 Velvet Crepe, 36inches wide .. .. .. s. .. $4.95 64 inch Poiret Twills $3.75 per yard 36 inch All Wool Serge $1.00 per yard 62 inch'Shirt Madras, good quality .. 39c yard Special value in Bath Robes for little children ^ .'X'.. 98c : UiiJJJi Misses Robes .. .. .... .... .. $3.75 to $6.50 Corduroy Lounging Robes .. .. $4.95 to $16.50 Fast Color Dress Ginghams in Plaids and Solid Colors, yard . 10c 36 inch Wfiite Nainsook 15c per yard 36 inch Handkerchief Linen, white and colors, per yard < $1.00 40 ipch French Wool Crepes .... $2.98 per yard — • ; .;i . — 54 inch Woolen Dress Goods $225 to $3.5(j yard 40 inch Canton Crepes, best quality . $2,50 yard Good Quality 40 inch Crepe de Chines $1.98 yd. 50 inch Astrican for Sport Coats ;. $4.98 yard 54 inch Wool Coatings $6.50 per yard 54 inch Plaid Skirtings $1.98 yard 27 inch Sea Island | .. .. 8c per yard .—, — i 111 ■ - m\ ASK FOR TRADE COUPONS Lit; DAVISON oAthens’ c Busiest Store