Newspaper Page Text
InvMtlgat, Today!
Ta Regular Subaorlbara
|1,000 Accident Policy Praa
Dally and Sunday—1) Centa a Weak
Established 1832,
Dally and Sunday—13 Centa a JYeofc
Middling . S2 7-S*
Pravioue Cloaa 321-4a
Clear Monday and Slightly Cooler
Monday night.
VOL, or, NO. 231
Associated Preaa Service.
A. B. C. Paper.
Single Coplea 2 Centa Dally. ( Centa Snnday.
4—* 4—4 1 4“-4* 4—4«
4—4* 4—4*
4* 4* 4* 4*
•I* *1* *1%
*J4 ►|*-.-*Js
r f, T t.
O.L-. J ai
Passage of Five Per Cent Income Tax Now Predicted Arrival Occasions
jig — ———^—-—— Little Confusion;
Hittler Arrested
English Beauty
/ (By Associated Press.)
ATLANTA, Ga.—The house came back to work
Monday from its week-end recess with a committee
measure looking to an income tax with a five per
cent limitation, foremost .pn its calendar. The sen
ate, hatfng passed a bill by Senator Pace that would
provide for a state auditors office and sent it oyer to
the lower house for action, will not return from its
holiday until Tuesday. This measure had not been
acted upon by a house committee when the lower
body reconvened Monday.
Proponent* of the five per cent
Income tax u the major plan to
solve tho state’s reputed tax ills,
were optimistic that it would bo
passed in short order and sent to
the senate. Debate on It Friday
disclosed that its opponents ex
pected the measure to be adopted
and many of them joined in the ef
fort to plaee the limitation a!
three Instead of five. As framed j
by the committee the bill would
not touch upon the schedule of
rates and exemptions under its
provisions:bit these would be left! WASHINGTON. — President
to the letiejatura that ta ceUed to,Coolidge laid a wrcith on the
| enact enabling legislation in the tomb of the unknown soldier at
proposed amendment is ratified by I Arlington as the "Armistice day
tin. r ilsss in fka.esavf frati tf* rn 1 sal an a s I—, _ _• ■« s .
Today Is Last Day
To Qualify to Vote
Monday, November 12Uf is
the final day for votors to qual
ify for tho m* nioipal primary
to be hold on tho 27th of this
month. UnfetL those voters
who are not qualified to vote
make t ham solves eligible by
• o’clock -Monday (today)
they cannot' participate in tho
It is nscstssary to pay all of
the 1922 state and county
taxes, be registered at the
court house and pay all of tho
1923 city taxes and be regis
tered at t> jl* c'Ay hall and .if you
have ruavd from one ward to
another einee tho last slsction
hav# your registration changed
to tho proper ward.
Tho entry data for candi
dates clotea Nov. 17th at noon.
Itht-votm.ini the. next gentral else- tribute of the American people to
turns.. Governor Walker ^aaj>rorJ the memory of “those wI
Latest photograph of Joan Yarde-Buller, Eldest, daughter of Lord
and Lady Churston, who ia considered one of England’s most beauti
ful girls. She also is popular in this country.
Sam Foster, aged '48, was kill
by Henry Eberhardt, both resi
dents of Whitehall. Sunday night
about dusk near BraswslI In Mor
gan county.
Foster waa cut with a knife, the
wound reaching almost from ear to I
car. He died Instantly. Eber
hardt war being held In Morgan
county Jail Monday at Madiaon
charged with murder. Ha gave
hlmadf up. It Is statsd.
(By Associated Press.)
OELS, UPPER SILESIA.—Former Crown Prince
Frederick William, after disappointing thousands of
his admirers, who had gathered here Sunday to wel
come him back to Germany, arrived at his estate
Monday, says the Berlin correspondent of the Cen
tral News.
1 will call. the assembly In extra
r this
session :
. Considered as of secondary im
portance but both having to do
with the state's tax problem, two
other bills that have received fav-
ot able committee report will also
be before the bouse. One by Rep-
rsentativo ; Aubrey of Bartow
county, would make the pro vis
ions of a law now in effect ir
counties - having 125,000 or more
population investing the tax col
lector with police authority in the
collection fof taxes, applicable to
all counties in the etate. This
applies particularly to the issu
ance of fi fat, the issuance and
s^.tbs end but died that'rfhennRP
might come. >r • *
Tho act of tribute to the dead
Monday morning at a sanatorium
Ip Atlanta to which she had been
According to Ernest Footer, son
tho dead man. who waa with
| hia father and Eberhardt at the
I time of the Killing. Eberhardt cut
his father without provocation,
jumping on the senior Foster be
fore he could def<nd himself. Kb-
erhurdt, it Is stated, declared that
the two Foster* tried to Injure him
und he was defending hlmeelf.
Ernest Foster, who was at Dun
:i way's funeral parlors here Mon
day where the body Is being kept
awaiting completion of funeral
plans, said the three Went to So-
I service of which are now n»ade. WMw ,
from the bheriff* office except in paMe d,
the larger counties. Represents- “idealism
of the world war was performed
by the chief executive with little
ceremony and In strict accord with
the custom established a year ago
by President Harding.
Several thousand people attend
ed services held at Arlington In
the afternoon and many more
gathered on nearby slopes heard
the service o: songs, prayer and
address throush amplifiers mount
ed on lop of the structure.
Bishop William F. McDowell, of
the Methodist Episcopal church,
made the principal address, an
appeal to the American people to
keep the faith at the time when
the tendency is strong to lapse
back into - ordinariness of aspira
tion, into complacehcy of eoul
when the glory of conflict' has
tive Aubrey contends tti«t the
effect of thia system is to hold
the tax collector responsible for
often fails in the
the collection of taxes but at the
same time leaving his office with
out any authority to do so.
Committee* • were expected to
take aetkm during tho day on •
measure by Representative Camp
of Campbell that would apply
fines and'forfeitures in C**e* *n*-
ing from prohibition law violations
to the support of the proposed w hich „
free text, book legislation. Rep- the time the president
resentative Craig Arnold of Lump- national wreeth.”
kin county, would revise the tax f Leaving the white house at 10
equalization system now in effect j o * c i 0c i C| Mr. Coolidge arrived at
t*» the extent of providing Ior j Arlington before many of the
three tax equalisers in each can-(thousands who gathered there in
grcssional district _ instead^of 48 ogggnrance of the fifth _ annhrer-
long pu»:, in the patient and crea
tive endurance to the end. in the
days that show no heroism, but
only toil and effort," Bishop Mc
Dowell said. “That is the test
that is upon u« now.*'
Brief ceremonies were held at
the tomb of the unknown soldier
at the conclusion of the amphi
theatre services and numerous vet
erans' organziatlons added their
wreaths to the mound of tributes
Hamilton McWUorter panned away
after a brief (linear.
' The new* of the death of Mrs.
McWhortir will carry great sor-
| row to the hearts of thousands,
‘.both In Athens and throughout the
j state. l r p to the last few weeks
j she had been In apparently good
health and b*r death comas us i)
great shock to h«r loved ones and
U. S. Prohibition Enforcement Officer Fred Dis-j' A. Mir. Camilla Pharr, of Wash-
muke had nothing but praise for the conduct of the; ln «‘ on - - «** on - ot
students of the University of Georgia at the game m0 *‘ cuUur ' J , “ ,d * , ‘ n,c “" yo,,n ‘
earned tor medical allClrtit SUiltoY, »Imre Eh..
' harde, an employee of the Gebrgin
Factory, went to tee an employee
of the mill at Social Circle. The
two Fosters went with Eberhardt,
a Mend of the family.
, „ game
Saturday. Mr. Dismuke and four of his force were
here to “observe” the conduct of the students and
following the game said so far as he could observe
there was no drinking problem at the University.
Not only did Mr. Dismuke. d«’
Pay Salary For
steadily higher from ***•
president laid “the •
for the state. His bill to this ef-
(T.urq to Page Six)
Robert E. Lee Chapter of
Robert E. L« .
U. D. C. to Place a Me
morial on Campus of
G. M. A.
COLLEOB PARK. Os.—Dwjttlon
has been* reached by ths R®bert E
I**e Chapter of the United Daugb
t*r* of the Confederacy to place a
suitable marker upon- «he
* hide- waa used-In the Battle ol
Atlanta and which runs diagnaUl
through the campus of the Geor
gia Military Aeademyi The meet-
Ing at which the P. D. C. drew uj
the resolution to erect this marker
was held at the home of Mrs v. C
Mason on Virginia avenue.
This memorial, to be constructed
immediately, wil Iserve to com-
niemorate a *pot which on account
of Its elevation served as a signal
post for, more than a mile and a
half in both .directions during the
sreop struggle. This trench Is one
of the three major trench#* encir
cling tbe city of Atlanta nnd I* to.
day. discernible to a more or less
connected way- for a distance of,
thirty or forty mips.
sary of the ending of the world
conflict. He was accompanied by
Mrs. Coolidge, his military and
naval aides, and Secretary Weeks,
of the war department, and Acting
Secretary Roosevelt, of the navy
clsr* there wu n. drinking prob-[ A FIV,..
lem but he said he wanted to go n “ ,cn8 UOeS 1 -Ot
on record a, believing that any
arrested earlier In the day corn-
might be lent to the university
without the leut fears for his
“I-re never seen a finer ect of
young men.” he slid, “and al
though I have looked, and looked
carefully, I .have not eeen a stu
dent drinking. This to my mind is
itest recommendation that
can have. It ha. been
a marvelous exhibition to me and
I might say something of a revela
tion. I had been informed that
there was drinking to excess, that
liquor was being poured into Ath
ens for the game. But I haven’t
found it. I haven’t seen a man
“Thie is dus largely to the uni-
' the city pe
varsity faculty and the city police,
of Athens. Both bodies are doing
On the way hack Kbsrhsrd*
stopped his car In front of Sam
Jones’ near Braswell and tho Junior
Foster left the car for a while. On
the return he was asked by Ktxr-
hurdt to run ths car down * th<
road u little piece. He did ao
Shortly after he parked tbu oar In
women in that section of the (front of the home of Tom Pierce*
state. She was- the daughter of down thr road from the Jones
Mr. Marcus Aurelius Pharr, of j horn*-. Eberhardt came up and
Washington, and. hie wife, Mrs. | M jd: “you’re trying to steal my
Camilla Oliver Pharr, a daughter j car. are you?” With that remark
of Mr. 8h<tton Oliver, who In his I he reached over and cut the elder
day waa one of the moat promt- J Foster. Ernest FagUt declared
nent citizens of northeast‘ Georgia, j hi* father could not defend hlm-
She waa born March *4, 1330, and 1 self and that when be tried to pull
This foot—that of the wife of a
prominent financier of Paris—is
said to bo the smallest in France.
It’s a No. 1. Do you have
smaller foot?'
On his journey towards hie fu
ture home, the ex-Princ« passed
through Wusterhsusen, nesr the
German capital, where he was
welcomed by the Burgomaster in a
brief speech.
Simultaenously with the news
of the arrival of teh former
Crown Prince comes a dispatch
from the Hague, which states that
Dr. Kan, an official of the Minis
try of the Interior, left for Doorn
Mondax for a conference with for
mer Emperor William. Dr. Kan
of the Dutch official family, was
reported to have made the trip to
Doorn to confer with the former
Kaiser in view of reports that the
ex-Kaiser may be removed to
some safer 'place, due to apparent
easiness with which the former
Crown Prince left the country and
returned to Germany.
From Berlin comes the news
that Adolph Hittler, leader with
General Von I.udendorff in the re
cent Munich revolt, was arrested
near Lake Staffel, South Bavaria.
Monday. It was stated that Hitt
ler offered no resistance.
Reports Saturday night that
General I.udendorff. who nad been
mitted suicide, are officially do^
nied in Berlin Monday.
Berlin Is taking the arrival of'
the ex-Crown Prince in Germany
with calmness. Instead of the ex
pected confusion his return was
taken, mom with a spirit of euri-i
osity, in view of the recent Mu
nich revolution and the widespread
wjmj In her sixty-fourth year at
tbe time of her death.
|> t ^ n . During, her girlhood she attend-
Ked Cross oecy, rd «*•*** ■cbooia m —
Eberhardt off he waa out. He
showed a scalp wound, a hole In his
hat apparently 'made with a knife
and u slit was in the lap«l of his
National H e a d q uarters
Pays Salary and Half of
Office Expense Here.
Ask $3,000 For Relief.
| and Washington, and for her j coat, where, he sold, Eberhardt put
brightness of Intellect and gentle- at him.
ness of dlapoeitlon woe beloved b>
both teachers and schoolmates. In
her early young womanhood she
became the bride of Hamilton Me-
j Whorter. a young ttwyer of prom-
i Inence who In after year* became
one of the foremost attorneys In
■ j the atatri and a man of great
nm eh t»~i I prominence in public affairs.
Final plans,for tho Red Crete' u... xtrVVhnrt,
-noil Chili were being developed
Monday. A meeting of th« men’s
Eberhardt and hie father had
been drinking some the younger
Foster said Monday.
Ex-Service Men ,V-»h
Deliver Speeches
At Schools Monday j
First Methodist Pastor
Comments on Street
Fair, Armistice Observ
ance . and Policeman’s
Mr. Footer has been a reetdint
of Clark*’ count, about one year.
Surviving Mrs. McWhorter are ’ coming hero from Hontwlck.
her husband.- Judge Hamilton Mc-
WhdrtSr. nnd her children. Mm
Julie McWhorter' Price, Mrs. Ca-
mllla McWhorter Erwin, Mr. Mar
cue P. McWhorter. Mr. Hamilton
MeWhortrr. Jr., Mr. Robert
gratulate them.”
committee in scheduled for lion
day night nt which time tho teams
from the Rotary and Kiwnnts clubs
und other organisations will pro
of Athens. Both bodies are doing pn ro for their port In the roll call.i McWhorter. Mr. Howard H. Mr.
their duty to the city end state Thf; women's organisation for the! tVort-r. MI-» Halil'' MeWhortrr
and I want to be the first to con- .. R „n cull" will bo computed! and Mr. Thurmond McWhorter
within the next few days. AI Ph# la also survived hr her bro-
booth will bo conducted at tholther, Mr. Marrua A. Ptuirr. of
Clarke County Pair by Mian Sallte • Washington. On, and her sisters
Oondwyn, Where people can enroll | Mrs. J. n Dyson, of Washington,
ns members of the Red Croes. ! Snd Mrs. Willie Massey of Mae,on.
Athene will be naked to sub- I Paeaeased of all the rare and
scribe 13.049 to the work thlo ' lovnhlo trnlte of Christ Ian charac.
ytnn Although fifty cants for | ter Mrs. MeWhortsr won n loving
snch subscription goes to notional and faithful wife, a fond and of.
>n. a farmer living near Dayton
Tenn., sho tand killed neven of his
tan children Hundny afternoon, ac
cording to advices received here.
OnrrlBon'e wife and hie
other children r scaped 'death,
Posass wore reported scouring the
hills for Garrison, who Is said to
htfvs ftrd after the murders.
Xews Of the tragedy was
brought to Dayton by tho wlfs,
who had run for miles, according
to Inter reports. _
Breathless, she gasped out
(By Amociated Preet.)
NEW HAVEN.—Thirty Yale
students have been queatloned by
tbe dean of the Unlvereity con
cerning tbe presence in their
rooms of .bottles of grape juice,
which was unfermented when pur.
chased, but later on was nude po
tent by the addition of yeest.
An kgent took opders on the
catspus for grspejuice, which wee
delivered so long afterwards that
many thought his visit was n hoax.
When the grspejuice arrived direc
tions came with ft for the adding
of the yeest. It is reported that
.a™. I many followed the directions and
'""' found out that ths recipe came up
."'Ifully to the claims of the
• agent.
Christian Church
Convention Will
Open Here Tuesday
Severe! hundred deleratei will
meagre details of the crlpie. tel I-be here Tuesday to attend theeon-
Ing how ’ her husband had shot vention of the Churches of Christ
_..o — n——which frill oih
Dr. 8. E. Wasson, pnstor v of ths
First Methodist church Sunday
morning' ucored city council for nl«
lowing the "street fair- to show In
I Athens, the CIvU Service Commls.
ejon for suspending a policeman
for entering a house of III repute
without closing the ht.uee. and
commented on tho way Athens
treated the public obdervnnee of
Armistice Day hero Inst Saturday.
Dr. Wesson said <10 did not know
but a fsw msmbtre of tho city lon-
eouncll but their teflon In allow-,
r »—., ...» Ins the street cnrnlvat to cornel
Athens; Guy Fost*r. Frsd Pontsr.ihere In ths face of renolutloni op.|
Kreesl Komar, Athens and John poalnt It adopted by the Pruiten.
Peter. North Carolina. ! ttal Committee of the University
Ebsrhardt Is marrltd and fins a' »" a «he RhUry club did not nult I
—II.. u- -v—* s>— him **A bunch of poo areas”, tl)»
vm a farmer and Is survived by
hla widow and nine children, Mra.
Ora Mize. Whitehall; Mrs. Clyde
Kenny, Bostwlck; Mrs. Ura Dur-
dfn, Porterdale; Mir* Angle Lou
Foster, ami Miss Edna Foster,
Seventeen ex-service men deliv
ered rhor* zpeeches at the schools
of the city and county Monday at
’clock in observance of ”Ba-
trioUam’’ day. The flag aad the
fealty due It, wus the subject
i Hpeclflcally of the talks and'they
were Ihtrmd to with Intent In
tercut by the student*.
Thone making these speeches
were a* follows:
College avenue, W. L. Bnrln.
Child Street, Dr. Joe. 8. Stewarts
Chare Street W. K. Meadow
Oconee Street, Carl Croeoley
Barrow School, H. H. Wee*.
, Wintervlpe School, Kloetwo©4
Turku ton School, F. O. Miller.
Edwards School, A. T. Lerle.
Belmont 8chool, Charlie Dynr.
CentirvlUe Fchool, A. I. Almond.
Whitehall School, A. O. Lunaway.
Princeton Pchool, J.- II. Chafln.
Hinton-Brown hScool, R. L
Fowler’s School, Maj. Burch.
Lampkin School T. M. Fowler.
Uarbeville school, Jake Joel
Oconee Heights ,IL L. Herring-
family. He la about forty yearn h,ro -
old. According to the younger
Fouler. Eberhardt and the dead
man were good friends snd had
"mt»r ha a croo* word.”
headquarter*, it In return ha a
much more than that per subscrip
tion back to Athens. For instance
the national headquarters Is pay
ing the salary of th« executive
secretary nnd half of the office ex
penses. Therefore, practically all
f'.ctlonate mother, a true and loyn'j
friend. 'an<| a citizen of rare und
a hiding influence for good. Aince
early girlhood ahe had been a true
and devoted member of the Meth
odist church.
Esprefnlly did her virtues shine
of the money raised In Athena goes around the family circle,
to relief work direct. | the Joy of her life to minister to
Fifty cents per subscription does. the pleasure, the comfort and the
not mean thnt If 83,000 It rsiser’ j well-being of those of her Imme-
the^ national headquarters will get. dlate household, snd In this hour
half. The national headquarters. of sorrow hir husband and her
w»l get fifty cents out of s sub-1 children rise up to call her ble».ed
scrfptlon whether it Im II or 3100 { The remains of Mrs. McWhorter
Th»p»rnp* If WMI ...L...IL. J.l ' ....
Therefore, |f you subscribe ten dol- were brought to Athens Mr/idny
lane only fifty cents will he een* I and wJII be in tor red Tu*M«y
to headquarter* while 19.80 will • morning In Oconee cemetery. The
train In Athens. (funeral will be held Tuesday morn.
; Ing at eleven o’clock at the res!-
LEGIONNAIRES BANQUET d#T,c ® of Mr - and Mr "- c
down seven of the children, on*
Ex-service men of Clarke coun
oneit that | ty will banquet at the Georgian
by one, with a shotgun,
eSrb tlpie to reload the
Garrison,, it was said, I
drinking heavily for som«
stopping night at the Firzt Christian j Hotel Monday night. This Is the
weapon ^church. Many prominent religious! annual feart usually held on Armia.
ad been leaders-in Georgia will bo here tojtlce night.- A large crowd''is ex-
time. take part in thb cohveniton. ptetrd.
•Brwln, on Mtlledge avenue, and
The risrkr county fair and Odd
Fellowa Festival opened Monday.
Tuesday will be “School Day” at
the fair and a parade will be htfld
in which all school children
Clarke county will take part.
The exhlbltls of community, boys
and girls ciube under superivtlon
of Mrs. Annie Mae Wood Bryant
snd County Agent J. W. Flror were
being arranged Monday. The
poultry exhibit will be under the
auspices of the Athens Poultry
will, be conducted. by Rev. H.
Wqsson. pastor of, the First
odi«t i-'lurch of this city, of which
Mr*. McWhorter bad I png been a
Miller Brothers shows, which wit]
furnish the amusement features,
will hvae their tante on Washing
ton. Hull and Broad streets nnd
part of lower Otyytou.
In the'bourse of his sermon,
which lasted about ’twenty min
utes. following some* busim
the church, .the minister referred
to the suspension of a policeman
recently^ "They; spooking of the
police and fire commission sus
pended, a poor policeman for enter,
lag. a hqaee of 111 repute hut didn’t
have enough evidence to close the
house.” he said.
He said It was a shame the way
people crowded hround the *laea
where twenty dollar gold pieces
were given .away last Saturday
while the Armistice observance was
being held “Athens Just forgot*"
he said/ “A mere haniful heard
the address, a good one, while
bigger crowd scrambled for the
twenty dollar gold pieces." he mid.
MOULTRIE, Ga.—Toys will be
made In Moultrie now that s nov
elty company has constructed a
factory for this purpose here.
Among tho toys that will bo fea
tured and which has already been
put on the local market is an “ele
phant rock-a-bye" ard other small
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON*—Great Britain is not
likely to take Individual settee
looking towards the ejectment ef
the former Crown Prince Wllliapi
from Germany, nor Is It at all
probable that she will stress Me
banishment in any collective re
presentations which may be made
through the council of Ambassa
dor*. it was declared here Monday
PARIS—The German net#, re
plying to the protest of the aintV
council of Ambassadors against tbe
return to Germany of the former
Crown Brine* Is understood to be
unsatisfactory to the allies
tubers of the Ambassadors coun-
lummnned hurriedly
conren*- Monday afternoon for