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COTTON ... — _ —
VOL. #1, NO. 235 »|
Associated Piaaa Service.
A. B. C. Papar.
Single Copica 2 Centa Dally. ( CenU Boday.
rifUT A l/rp I Primary Entries
rlbnl U Y UK Close Saturday
(By Aaaociated Preas.)
official report Friday an
nounced that Italy and
Jugo-Slavia have come to
an agreement over Fiume.
The solution adopted, it
is understood, cedes
Fiume proper to Italy
while a Jugo-Slav free
zone is to be created in
the port of Fiume.
candidates for mayor and
several for aldermen have quail*
fled by paying the entrance feea
for the primary that comee off
November 27 th here.
Mayor George C. Thomae and O.
H. Arnold, Jr., are the qualified
candidates for mayor while can*
dldatea for councllmanlc' places
who have paid the entrance fee art
$ i follows:
First ward, Henry Culp and EL L.
Jack*on; Second ward. Dr. H. B. j
Heywood and J. P. McCall; Fourth)
word W. R Tlndell; Fifth ward. B.
Dunaway. Other candidates who
have announced but who have no*
qualified to date are B R. Blood*
worth from the third and Vincent
Mathews from the fifth.
The date of the entries closes
Saturday, November 17th at noon,
twelve o'clock, Athene city time.
(By Associated Pfess) j
NASHVILLE—Edwin Dozier of
Athens, was elected as Freshman
Bachelor of Ugliness at Vander
bilt Thursday.
Governor Clifford Walker, hear
ing of young Dozier's honor tele
graphed his congratulations to the
Athens boy, saying that if he la the
ugliest, he Is the knlghtliest
man of them all.
Winterville Takes First
Prize in Community Ex-'imi i nrjiii
hibits. Club Girls Grad-yy|[[ U[|fl|L
uate Fi-iday Night. Thou
sands Visit Fair.
Thoueanda of people have vis
ited the Clerk* County Pair and
Odd Fallows Festival. It Was an
nounced Friday. The fair am tea-
Ural wilt cloze Saturday night
The exhlMta nt the fair buildings
wilt be ready for removal after *
rSASBSt school wm! Marvelous “Grip Grap"
twerded th* $20 gold- piece for Board Has Scored Heav-
Occupation Tax On
Soft Drinks Raised
By House^Thursday
(By Associated Press.)
ATLANTA, Ga.—A joint resolution by Wimberly
land Riley to adjourn the legislature was overwhelm
ingly defeated in the house Friday morning. It re
ceived more votes, however, than a similar measure
offered on the first day of the session.
The authors gave as their reason for offering the
resolution that the house had done nothing towards
a tax reform after eight days of the special session
has passed.
ATLANTA, Ga.—By vote of 104 to 11, the house
of representatives late Thursday afternoon passed
the general tax act, following three days of debate on
numerous amendments.
I This action was followed by n
caucus Thursday night of house
members favoring the program of
j tax reforms recommended by the
On the left U William Hohemollern, former Emperor of Germany who hae been reported a* receiving pMaport* back to Gera:
The** report* have been officially denied at Berlin. On the right la Frcdtrdk Wilhelm, Ex -Crown Prince of Germany, who bin loft
cd Island and gono back to his estate In upper Silesia. Report has U that he or hie father will be placed at the head of the
secluded Island and gone back to his estate In upper Silesia. Report has it that he or hit father will be placed at uie nena 01 tne govern
ment. France has demanded that th* Crown Prince be chased out of Germany and ia thinking of removing the Ei-Kaiscr to a safer place
of keeping.
having tho beat school exhibits at
the fair. Tuckaton School took sec
ond place and *16 and Wlntervllle
third -dace and It. Fowler* School
had a very fine exblk/t and came
In for honorable mention.
The first prise for the beet com
muni*- exhibit, arranged by the
Commualty club*. «*»
Wlntervlll*. The prize was »10
Oconea Heights won second place
and *16. and Princeton third place
and 13.
hTe crowds attending tha fafi
have been Urge end although no
official count waa mad* thousand,
of people have aeen the exhibUa,
Thursday night tha exhibit balls
were filled until long after the
amusement show* had closed- In
dlcatlag the Interest people In the
city add county ere ehowlng <n the
cmmunlty, school' boy*' and girls
and poultry club exhibits.
A feature of Friday's night *1
the fair -will be graduation of two
young girls from tho girts* dull
work. They will he awarded cer
tificate* by re. Annie Mao Wcod
Bryant, county homo agent. The
•’■is completing the four years
work are Miss EUle.Todd of Turk-
ston and- Miss Mary Hall. They
will be,the first to graduate In
this work In Clark*-county.
ily C-ver the Country
This Year.
An enormous eletcrlc reproduc
tion ot the Geergia-YMdy §am«
at Nashville will be staged as the |
feature of the play-by-play detail*
at the Colonial theatre Saturday.!
The board shows the foofbairy
field, all the players, and th* ball |
Itself gs It moves up and down tha •
The Grid Grap, as it Is known, I
hts won unl'mitod prele® wherever
It has bees shown. Tex Rickard,
famous amusement promoter, us
ing It as a feature of his renown
ed Madison Square Garden details
The New Yotk Tribune has fea
tured photographs of the board la
Its rotogravure colored section,
and newapapere over the south
have keen unstinted
Board of Directors Holds
Its Annual Meeting Next
Tuesday Afternoon At G
(By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO.—Senato Hiram W. Johnson of Cali-
| fomia Thursday night announced his candidacy for
i the republican nomination for president, declaring
that “the ensuing contest will determine whether the
republican party shall be the permanent instrument
of reaction or whether it shoil respond to present
day conditions and aspirations.”
In tossing his hat into the presidential ring, Sen
ator Johnson declared for direct presidential prefer
ence primaries in all states, said the need today is for
a “revitalized republican party” which should be an
instrument “neither of static reaction nor destruc-
tice radicalism,” and expressed opposition to the Lea-
(By Associated Press.)
I'ARIG—High official* of
Fr.rtch Foreign Oftlc* declared
Friday that they kncw jiothlnl of
any plan for the occupation of
Hamburg by French force* as had
been reported from vorioua eoiircer
unit the Idea w*» declared to be
out of the question, In competent
quarter! here.
There le little doubt however
that Franc* Is thinking aarloualy
of doing aomethlng to make Ger
many aerry out the Vereatllea
city of Jeffereonvllle which baa
been suite ring from a , dry spell
due to an Ineoeqoate water sup
ply since the arteelen well failed
leaf spring will be wet again soon,
according to local authorities. A
new well will be drilled eoon end
a drill*ng company already,has the
• uuifBI T
material on the ground to atari th*
work, a pipe line from the city
was run to «omo nearby spring*
recently but the supply* of water
*n the springs wa* not sufficient
to supply the town.
(By Associated Press)
KELL1HER, Minn.—A madman,
their slayer of four, la flotlng through
jthe north woods Fridhy before a
The usual price of fifty centa the search fr h mncoaiteetaolnn
m>U prevail, even with the Grid I the search fqr the maniac at dawn. ^ A M f r „
S55 “io , n hr0 .: n biYn. Th 'gt 0 ,en j m“ S&ttSmZ gue of Nations “and all its subsidiaries.”
wtth tho Intention of Interesting | year old daughter he waa onam-'
the University of Oeorgla athletic I cured. Oscar Timmy, a farmer and
asioe'atlon In the purchase of one I the suitor o ftbo girl, and J. A.
jor u» during the next grid |
„ & operation'o'^h* I ~ n. repa-
board. It ahows, with remarkable rat* time, a. he encountered he
deeniee* and accuracy, the pro- victim, on hi. rampage In th.
nresa of the hall, the direction in morning tnd afternoon,
which It movee, nnd the eleven -
Christian Church Convention Closes
Thursday After Successful Meeting
from Dudley Field In Nashville,
tuat 10 tut will arid Grip untold
(t to you la lucid style
Ohio SUte end Michigan t’nlvcr-1
elty weekly pity to from *000 to j
sooo funs when their clube nre on j
the road, and they do It with Gqfd ,
Orap. The detail begins at 3 o'cloeh >
sharp Snturdey afternoon, nnd a|
large crowd ts expected to witness
this revolutionising accessory ol
modern gridiron detail.
The seventy-elxth annual con
vention of the Oeorgla Christian
churches passed Into history ts th*
biggest convention yet held In the
state by Disciples of Christ Thurs
day evening, when Or. G. I.
Disorderly Cases
Against Seven in
Raid Dismissed
Seven of th, twenty-one peraoni
arrested In an, antl-vic* raid by thi
police early Thursday were re
lieved of charge of disorderly eon
duet to recorder - * churl Thuredi!
afternoon on acount of tack o*
evidence to convict.
Those whoee cere, were dismiss*
ed were, Busir Henry. J. M. Mc
Clure. Lamar Frierson, Zara Allen
Hasel Barton, Mdx Pinion, Mamlt
Nlns of those amend forfeited
bond of lit IS rich. Borne wttl b,
trie don November IS according tc
th* potter docket Pollen de.
ellned to state whether the raid
Thursday was part ot a gcnsral
campaign against disorderly hoas
(By Associated Press)
counsel In the impeachment trial
of Governor Walton announced
Friday that It le prepared to go to
Atlanta. Oa„ to obtain the records
of the Ku KIux Klan in this state
It the subpoena Issued • Thursday
directing K. C. Jewett arend
Dragon of the Klgn for the state
of Oklahoma falls to produce
8PARTA, Ga.—For a long Ume
the farmer* 0( Hancock county
hare been displaying Interest fn
the cultivation of tobacco and next
year will ace It grown for the mar
ket In Urge quantities. The coal
of 340 acres which some have sal
as the mack that will lie planted
may yet be realized as over two
Hoover, secretary rel'glous educa
tion. United Christian Missionary
Society, IndMnapoUi, Ind., deliv
ered the closing address, using aa
a strong bails "The Southeastern
Cbtietlan College and lu future."
The devotional* ot the closing,
session were led-by Or. James H.
Barfield, Monroe.
The Southeastern Christian Col
lege session Tuesday afternoon
waa by Mr the meet outstanding
feature of tho entire program. The
way In which ten speakers repr*.
lege work apoke waa wonderful. E
L. Shetlnutt. president of the col
lege, pfeVded. While chae. Tuck
er, Opelika. Ale., opened the ses
sion with a message, “Advantages
of our own school" Mis* . Emms
Mande're, of Auburn, gave many
reasons "Why a Coun'.ry Girl ::ould
Get ah Education." Robert. Math-
eny. Augusta, told of the "Student
Organization at tho college," tell
ing the convention that every stu
dent In' college had part on the
athletic field and In the Ohristlna
Endeavor meeting, every member
attending and had a part, whchf
gave the work 100 per cent
MUe Loots McKinney, of Jack
sonville. yi*„ preparing for for
elgn field brought a burning mis
sionary massage, using ns - her
theme "Bls-lon Study-nt 8. C. C."
annual meeting of the Board
Director* of the Athena* Young
Men’s Christian Association, will
be held on -next Tuesday afternoon
Nov. 20th, at 6 o’clock at the Y.
This DAit year’a work of the Aa.
Rocl.itIon under the leadership of
their new president, Alonzo O.
Dudley, who waa elected to thla
position last fall, hat been one of
Uie meat HuccenHiui in the history
of the Associations long service
In Athena. During a year when
depression and uncertainty waa; pute< j on a baJll
of the gross recelpti
(ax commission, at which resolu-
tlona were adopted calling for ap-
polntment of a ntecrlng committee
to lead the fight for passage of
Borne form of Income tax amend
ment in the house. At Its morning
session, the senate passed the
Lankford income levy measure by
a vote Of 38 to 9.
Oglethorpe and Oconee
Poultrymen Will Bring
Quantity Saturday. Plen
ty Turkeys, Mrs. Trout
man Says.
Educatiop," while Clarence Thom
as or Anburn, stressed the wsys of
turning a living using as a back
ground, ’*My hands of my hesa."
Miss Jewell Pool, Auburn, told of
the benefit of the college to the
community and the two cloelng
messages were brought' by mem
bers of the faculty of Southeast-
eastern •Chris'isn College.
Dr. Ben foster, president o; the
convention, Macon, stated that the
church there had pledged the
Southeastern Christian Colleg*
$250.00 during (be Incoming year ^
ur *®jj every church In the ( era! producers have already ap--
Eggs will be fifty centa per do*-
en on the Cttrb Market Saturday;
Mrs. Bessie Troutman, market
master, announces.
J. W. Ford of Oglethorpe coun
ty, who ifcas 400 fowls .will bring
a large quantity of eggs to the
market and Mr. Boyd, of Oconee,
who has 750 hens will alro being a
large number. Mr. Blyd sold 90
dozen Infertile eggs at the market
Thuiaday at fifty cents per
The Infertile eggs are said to keep
longer than the fertile eggs.
■Mrs. Troutman also announces
that Athens housewives need not
experience anxiety over getting
turkeys for Thanksgiving and
Christmas. She hts located seyersl
flocks of thirty and forty near
Athene*and they a$Y!l sell around
foity rents per pound, tome lees.
The curb market will move into
winter quarter# on lower Clayton
probably next -week. The market
has rented the building where the
boys' dub exhibit# are during, the
fair. 8tslU will be built and aav<
felt In nearly every line of busl
nees, tho;.work of the Athene Y.
M. C. A. nee gone steadily on, and
hae been eupported In a most re-
markable manprr by the hundreds
of friends In this city and county.
The Income from membership
fees was the largest received since
1120, the big year. The rent on
the Dormitory rooms were re
duced twenty-fire per cent In the
fall of 1922, and because of this
fact no doubt explains why the
Several new amendments were
added to the general tax act be
fore It passed tho houee late
Thursday . It will be transmitted
to the senate this morning, though'
It Is not thought likely that body
wj|] consent to pans Jt in is pres
ent ftorm. Should they further
amend the bill it will be necessary
for conference committees to be ap
pointed and an effort made to
reach it compromise.
Tho final amendment adopted by
the house, introduced by Represen
tative McMIthael, of Marion coun
ty, increases tho occupation tax
to be paid by nH
soft drink syrups in the state,
bill formerly provided that
| rate for this taxshould be
e per cent
The Mc-
Mlchnel amendment leaves this
rnto the same for the first $100,001
of groan receipts her annum, b
above this amount Increases it ,
One per cent on the first $100,001
gross receipts annually; 2 j
cent from $100,000 to $200,000;
|>‘T rent from $200,000 to $400,000:
4 per cent from $400,000 to $iiJ0,-
000; 5 per cent above $600,000.
It was explained by the author j
groan income was larger this year 0 f the amendment thnt the 5 per j
from $he_vent_ of the rooms than | cent rate would apply to only twe
since 2920. There were practical-
ly nq vacancies even during the I
summer months. |
to do likewise, pl*jlng th. p) y d for „ , u „ durl0 the wlater
ot enfetjr with this school The market ie growing
. . „ „ gii the
for Christian boy* end n'rle. |u m , , rd emch market tt#
Dr. O. I. Hoover, in his closing' sales ere very h'sh.
message rang out the words of the
college, M We want 100 new stu
hundred acres are already signed Miss Geraldine Parker <*f Co^bi
up for ihe coming year. ton, spoke briefly on ‘•Christian
dents nt Southeastern College by
next September." Every Disciple
of Christ In Georgia will sound
thin aetence In the home communi
ties. until nt leant one boy or girl
bus deeded to L.-come n student
nnd this will make n great* col
lege tor our youth of the southland.
At the closVx seslson Dr. Wright
T. Moore, nestor of the West End
Christian church. Atlanta, was ap.
pointed ns president of the 1,24
convention to be held at Rome.
Of Interest to every member of
the Christian Brotherhood In Geor
gia will be the very fact that Dr.
Den Foster, of Macon, was select
ed to edit the Christian Messenger/
monthly magtiine, published In
Interent of Christian work In Geor
gia. Tho paper was edited* last
> by Dr. Allen Wilson of. An-
ta and B. D Hook.
'By Associated Press)
NEW YORK—Bandits nrtda*
of a fashionable Fifth Av
venue shop
Hickson. Inc„ end e*«|M In
an automobile with IM,0M worth
of fn-a.
HOOPESTON. III.—Bandit! who
cut the telephone wine her* early
Friday, apparently
Also the subscriptions were the
largeat ev,r given to the current
work and the actual cash collect'
ed waa over 111,000. Tha associa
tion closed Ihe year without owing
n tingle current bill In Athena, and
with current Uabllltlee of only
ll.eoo.,,. and with nearly fifteen
hundred dollars of good assets un
collected to offset tne deficit.
These liabilities rpemennj ■
of th# salaries ot u* hut month
not paid, and tha year's aaaeea*
m.nt to th* T. M. C .A. Retire
ment Fund.
Another Interesting feature ol
the don of this year's work. Is
that en Thursday their -Isnoral
Secretary. Walter T. Forbes com.
rteted hts tatenty-fourth year’s
service and Friday started hit
tw.njy-flfth year aa fltne.-al Sec-
rotary. It la the pur pore of the
Board of Directors of the Athenk
T that during this twenty-fifth
year to have an eariy campaign
for tha secriring of subscriptions
to th* current expenaea for the
year ahaad. to writ# avory boy and
companies now operating, the Co
ca Cola company and the N'uQrapt ]
company. The vote on this amend
ment was 67 to 64.
Five Twenty Dollar Gold j
Pieces Will Be Awarded)
in Trade Month Cam
paign At 12 O’clock.
.wen In A ill so. witv la viii.iuic ly twenty dollar gold pieces]
will be given away by the merch- J
ants of Athens Saturday
o'clock In front of the University I
the same way the 3100 In gold was |
awarded last Saturday.
Thoso who have coupons
urged to list the numbers :
make tt more convenlen
membership, a year's card In th*
Association during the year, and
to plan to .clear the Association of
debt and make such addlUqns as
are now needed to take care
the growing work.
At the meeting Tuesday a
detailed report of tbs past year'r
work will be made to the Board
and then will b* given to tbe pub
Mr*. Eddie Farrell, night telephone
operator turned In the fire alarm
Gin 2,455 Bales
Here Up to Nov.
Cotton ginned In Clarke count/
prior to November 1, this yea*
amounted to 2,455 bales, according
citizens to the)to the report of,the census de-
street*. The Intruder* ■ were then j pnrtment. Laat year 2,212 hales
put to flight. [had been ginned on November 1,. I Athenians.
they srs called.
different colors and \t w
ter to group'the colors as well as|
list the numbers consecutively.
Coupons received the first day of I
the Trade Month will be good|
throughout and when the $100 id
gold Is awarded Saturday
of coupons should not throi
away but keep them as they give
the holder opportunity to shar
tho award of twenty dollar
pieces three more Saturdays
well as the one of the two major!
pn’zes, Ford four-door sedans,
several hundred dollars in
Tho Trade Month campaign <
December 4 and those who |
trade any at all this fall
take advantage of the <
to share in the giving away t
$2500 In prizes. Three of the ,
pieces Saturday will be gir
out of town residents and tw