The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 18, 1923, Image 17
SUNDAY. NOV EM RElf Ig.'bS: THE ATHENS. OKORBIA EVERETT TRUE By Condo 1 ADAM AND EVA Politics ■By Cap Hinging] FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS .Keeping Hubert Quiet r MAY BE SO. THEY HAVgN BROUGHT A LOT OF SILK STOCKING POLITICIANS INTO ThE. GAME ANV WAV fADAM, DON'T YOU] | THINK WOMEN SHOULD GO IN Lfoi? POLITICS?J BUT POLITICS lS>gg A MAN'S GAMC. = WOMEN SHOULD L_ BE MORE INTERESTED IN' GETTING A I VOTCR THAN A VOTE— A / * WHY ADAM, i DO. BELIEVE VOU KNOW WHAT PLATFORM Ti— WOMEN ARE-* STANDING ON THIS ELECTION > ‘■V. YES-SHE WENT DOUWnWL not 11 AMD left junior with us- Jr YtW PIfif WTH HIM AND r" * / VETO UIU -L—l. — DIEBT'PLAY WITH ME? KEEP HIM . OUET i SAY! NOBOW STANDS ON A POLITICAl PLATFORM. ITS JUST LUCE. A ^PLATFORM ON A RAILROAD CAR. / SPACIOUS ME. 1 cawtwkeep JUNIOR Qwei: y TAS? IT ISN'T MEANT TO - STAND ON. ITS JUST WHAT THEY GET IN ON. I CANT KEEP HIM auier unless' r let HIM MAliEA r Y_. NOISE/ r—' JACK DAW’S ADVENTURES CHAPTEB 9 ' — ~ * Drawing* by lee Wright. OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Ahern SALESMAN $AM ? saY rtooPLE -Talking, about 6 A PARROT EHTMg-'WHERE I CAME FROM.THERE WAG ONE VOL WHO USED TO CALL OUT His meals by reading a MENU! • WE TRIED -to FOOL HIM ONCE BY GIVING IT A MENU OF FRENCH DIGUES—, HAR-HAR - BUT TH' OLD BIRD L GIVE USTtf LAUGH BY Jc TRANSLATING 'em, AKl' V —i . ORDERING IN f t r HUSH ALVlN, MtAD! - I do Not wish this - . BIRD -To LEARN any of THE STUPID PRA-TTLe THAT IS SO COMMON WITH THE ORDINARY parrot.' - besides, it DOES NOT EATSO SILLY ATHlNG AS A CRACKER- IT SUBSISTS souelYoNI A SPECIAL. DIET’oF J l MEXICAN VIANDS !j Stor,;»iy H»l Cochran. f PollY waNTa y 1 CRACKER?. HERE pollY- pretty PouY— Polly! UNCLE AMOS, MAKE Your parrot say, i Polly wants a L l CRACKER!. f l g’wan ONCE, /] uncle/. J OH-1 PONT KNOU- V\t> COLOEflM | 6LWE5> IfA HE«E_ well- 4'nk>ht Jftn)( wait ft minute. ' V-Z . GUtt-, AND \LI_ I PfllOE. MOO HOME. YACPlttT MAT ft CUBED IN CPflFOrt WINTER,Ell j G.UZ.T.V jA rtbd the whnl im/unii so that ths Betsy Clair v lard the nearest point of the island. .Then, aui I'boats stalled smkiiur. "Dcn’t leave the wheel ider," ordered Jinks. ' So Jack stuek to his/place. 4>VN MNTYOl HWEPiHEKTE« ! rsft GflEftT I CjULI-IULI ONE. PJT IP TONIGHT down wen the Bet,y Clair. Flip, in the meantime, ran ;or Vnd" pullied at hts coat. The dog knew hla matter and wanted him to leave the wheel. “We’ll be all ME. MAJOR'S PARROT DOES NCfT USE THE ORDINARY POLLY VERNACULAR OUT OUR WAY By Williams THE OLD HOME TOWN Pv Stanley /'"A ujmCH joa PRlMTSlA / WY-AWrUH-VYY \ / TM' UTtLE HAWS’ , ZACKIPf HAFF WAY] ‘TvYEEM 1T< TtlP J NUMBER AN TU' | NEXT ONE. AN TH' 8lCi HANS JUS' •/ - Five NUMBERS 7 V BEHIND that / Ir thing happened. There was a dull thud and a severe 'never.minD I RIGHT A Pipe SMOKER. IS IA MENACE , ADVENTURES OF THE TWINS SUES MAKIN/ ■nr pipe ( SMOKERS 1 walk -me/ NO-NO. I sat) SHE JUST L LIKES TO ^ HEAR HERSELW .TALK- r^A Yea, .irl v. cot it .11 fnZd up!" Paddy.foot wltiapared escitadly. Mister IlQ^-Cat iii i0 ,t the dark keil.. I letter, Pat- a. lun. It fo’f f<> good M« buck, * * tuldn't haxif both ;:t . ... 'turns hunting .and *'«nnlng hlpi*Mf, and Ju*F now he Wa » having hla sun-bath on A nnr- >'‘\v ledge of rock in n wooly wild Dixie, Land. *’°r l*!3ff>4jknd. rny dears. Ir not :, M i otton-rielda and sugar fields and I*«anut pAtchea nhd orange troves. It has some very wild I'l ices. And It was In ono of ,lh* •'ind - warm asleep «s Rip Van Winkle, He» the Twins did n«»t l>other to wake)him up. They were about to turn when they heard voices whlsp*f/lng Tiptoeing y er Jt toward the fpot where the voices came <rom they beheld a strange'sight. There was. Paddy-foot fUhblt and Drumnter Partridge and Hootjr Owl, all three with tholr iimco to gether like foreign ambassadors. “Yes, sir, I’ve got It all fixed up!" Paddyfoot whispered excltedljt wiggling Ms long ears. ”1 Jusl been to se* Ulster Otter and he promised. Ife snys brll «o Vvery- V / HANK HORNER,AN /NVETERA7E. PIPE SMOKER, Ol ACCIDENTLY BUMPED /N7b AUNT SARAH PEABODY leader, op -me CAMWM AGAINST YDBACCO HE HURRIEDLY STUFFED His L\qHTED PIPE into Bis hip Pocket — PLAIN AS DAY L7.RW1IU155 Suddenly right overhead u deep But Booty Owl lifted his wings ter Bob Cat voles went. “Hoot! Hoot!” and flew away like % shadow. marks about -Well J declare!*’ grinned Water "Shucks!” said Mister Bob-Cat lick bis whiM Pob-Cat, licking his whiskers. Tm again. That was stupid of me to u fine meal y certainly lucky.” And he dug hit miss two good dinners!" sy footed off toe-nsils In that tree and shinnied That very second Drummer new sound cn up in two shakes. rartrldge began t» drum, and Mis- tTi. 1 jriosity. nlco fat partridge. Goodness! But they stayed ’round, and nl ThetV’a Paddy-foot Rabbit righ inset. Mister Bob-Cat woke up over there now. I might get him.* nd shook himself and stretched. And away he leaped. •■Supper-time!” he remarked with But Paddy-foot ran right undei yawn. -Guess ril climb a tree a sycamore tree and disappeared, ud see If I can Rod an owl or • -Shuck*!” said Mister Bob-Cat. Too may be sure that* by me the Twin* were burttlni ns .fount* shoes had