The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 20, 1923, Image 5

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-. yr- TrF.snAY.XOVF.MnER 20, 1923. THE BANNER-HERALD. ATflEXS. GEORGIA wVour Wants All of Them Supplied Mere S^AlNlTT fSL AO» i?PAOE WANT AD RATES 2 Cents a Word Minimum! Charge of 40 cents 11.00 for three Insertions .Seven times fur this price of five In- union4 * ..All dMeontljAnances MUST be he made iri person at the Banner* Herald O'rflpe or by letter. Tele phono discontinuance* are not valid. • ' ' 17j- Want ad %c |/i> phone to BANN6R-HERALD want A0S bET RESULTS IFOR SALQHpne Cole Hot Blast heater, 'AlpKiV good as new. Will sacrifice Cor cash. Phone 1414-W. t^.» n22d POSITION WANTED ■■ rm WANTED — Position, a refined woman with two young children desires home in exchange for any kind of house work, prefer place which could offer, educa tional advantages or training to assist for better future work. Address M. DT. Box 187, Athens, Gs. n20o LOST AND FOVND LOST—Sunday, between College avenue and Boulevard, out of car. child’s little brown duvtyne hat. Finder Phone 259-W or 425 Broad Street. n20c horns. Finder please phone Dr. Chandler, phone 1863. n20c I WILL TflfttfF! Cadillac 8 for va cant lot on good street. B. T. Epps. Rhoh»,497. nfiOp I TO SEL®4>Ont sewing machine, first class condition. Owner 253 Dougherty leaving,, town. Street^ n20c FOUND—Gold Medal. Name. Mary Johnson, General Excellence, 1919. Owner can get same by paying for this advertisement. n20c |F0R SALE—One piano, standard make, excellent condition, at reasonable price. If interested write “V,” car« Banner-Herald. n20p STR^ YED—Saturday night, from sti jle on Dougherty street, black mare mule, nine years old. Re ward. if returned to Bill Sailors, Nicholson, Ga. n21p -GROCERIES: 5 lbs. Coffee, 98c, ground "wait; ’ 24 lbs. Good FOR RENT—ROOMS FOR RENT—Two connecting fur nished rooms for light house keeping. also connecting bath room. 1323 South Lumpkin St. Phone 502. /dl5c JEWELRY AUCTION SALE NOW GOING ON DAILY 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. i Over-stocked—Must Raise Cash. Come and Take Advantage of This Great Feast of Bargains. J. BUSH, Jeweler 165 Clayton Street Next Door to Kress 5c and 10c Store n28c. ' Appier Oats 85c Bn. Blue Stem Wheal .. $2.00 Bn. Cofer Seed Store We are in the market for Field Peat in any quantity. Wc furnish bag and twine. Phone 247 269 N. Lumpkin St. Self-Rising Flour, 80c; 24 lbs. FOR RF.NT—Desirable Hich Grade Self-Rising Flour, «1 apartment, all conveniences, II. F. CHRISTIAN, Grocer Broad Street. d!5c | FOR SALE — Purebred Berkshire Pigs, six weeks old. Orr & Co: • n25c FOR SALE OR RENT acre farm, on Atlanta- Mitchelt ., Bridge road high way. Will build house to suit | FRANK A. LIPSCOMB Phone 109. TAXIE SERVICE With Reliable Drivers / YOU-DRIVEIT CO. Phone 661c * 140 Washington St. E. KAY I -THB gMILINO "AINYtir .Fine Painting and Intarfor . * Decorating I Phone 1297, Athena, XU. NOW OPEN Our new parts and service inni station at 199 Prince Ave. good ‘ location. PosSm""aU is now ready to serve you. ones if desired. Phone 1414-W. FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms at 24.1 E. Dougherty Street. n2 °P FOR RENT-One or two large furnished rooms on Mllledgo Avenue. Phone 1303,n20c C. A. Trussell Motor Co. COMPARE THESE PRICES ' HUDSON Speedster. .. .. 7 Pass. Touring Coach ..... — Sedan ...... .. Delivered $1,430.00 $1,525.00 $13145.00 $2,0953)0 ESSEX Tonring $1,195.00 Cabroilet $1,295.00 Coach $1,295.00 W. I. & Geo. M. ABNEY 154 W. Clayton Street McLELLAN’S 5-10-25C STORE Ladies’ Union Suits . Men’s Union Suits .. Boys’ Union Suits ... Girls’ Union Suits ... Men’s Undershirts .. Men’s Drawers ..... 39c Ladies’ Drawers .... 29c Ladies’ Undershirts . 29c Children’s Sleepers .. 25c Girls’ Petticoats .... 25c (Outing or Knit.) BOILER REPAIRING RBAL ESTATE WE GIVE COUPONS ASK FOR THEM BOILER REPAIRING Flues for Every Type of Boiler Are Carried in Stock By Us Heavy Welding Done Anywhere WELDING AND BRAZING AND CYLINDER GRINDING ARE OUR SPECIATLIES Call on ua if Your Boiler Needs Repairing KELLER MOTOR & MACHINE CO. Athens, Georgia Phone 851 West Washington St. V BOOK STORE FOR RENT—Two or three unfur nished rooms with all conven iences. Possession at once. No. 833 College Avenue. n20c FOR RENT — Two unfurnished connecting rooms. Separate en trance, light sand water, $10.00 per month. 369 Cobb Street, Phone 1808, W. F. Barwlck. n20c FOR RENT—House in excellent neighborhood, has six rooms, sleeping porch, large pantry, bath and garage. Screened throughout, including rear porch. Very conveniently arranged and has all modem conveniences. Possession January 1st. Phone 1814. "22c w ANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED-A good man who csn perform the duties of both but- ler and chauffeur. Only thoie with esperlence need apply. 190 University Drive. n22c ATHENS CYCLE CO. Christmas Toys Velocipedes $9.00 to $17.00 Autos - $7.50 to $17.50 Scooters $4.90 to $6.00 Kiddie Kar $1.75 to $6.00 Todler and Horses $2.50 to $3.50 ATHENS CYCLE CO.' 279 S. Lumpkin Phone 1476 "<t21c RAILROAD SCHEDULES (■ASgARO Ain LINE RV. I gortbbound ■embt | ll:ie a Atlanli-Kcnro. local a:U p lies p Att-BlrnUCIham-Msm. till P 1:1! p N.T.*Va«h.-nlch.-No’k. 1:11 p 1:14 p AU.-Abb.VIUo local 7:2# a 111:14 p AtL-BIrmloaham 1:11 a | U:t4 p N.IMVafti.-Rlcb.-No'k. »:22 a ElORglA RAILROAD I am?* Depart T:N pa “ | 11:11 pa *:•* »* _eiNTRAL OF OtOROIA RV. W. o. BOUTON. Ap.nt, a-hona 1C4I Depart for Itaoon 7:40 a. to. - Arrtr. frem Macon 12:10 a as. •- - »:i* p. m. 1. W. BRUCE, C. A.. Phooa It# I •AINMUIlLb midland railway t No. 2 Lauras Athens for Oalnaorfllo [ I] Nc. 12 Luma Athens for Oslnesrills » ,nm i »nl'. »: 1 tS^' V r^ A “”“ ,r0nl SOUTHERN RAILWAY Effective 'Sliiidey, April 2t. 1122. No. I Issru Athene T:W s. a., ar- Itra Lola 2:20 a. m. No. | l.area Athens 4:12 p. a. ar- No. , Joaroa LslA 2:22 p. as* a.'- Uru Athens Si2S p. o. No. I leaves Lola 10:12 s. aa, ai« uvea Athens 11:42 a. a. <1. a SCI [.LER. C. A. Flioii.ll WANTED—15 girls shirt factory. - steady prorlt. Streets. once,-in Good, dean and | River and Bridge m26p FOR SALE STANDARD PECAN TREES Write W. a Umar Thomasviltc, Ga. Or See 1. 51. Umar 490 Pulaski, Athena, Ga. WANTED—Used cash register, portable chain hoist and heavy garage lack. See Mr. Hodgson, 199 Prince Avenue. nZOe D. G. Anderson & Qo. 224% Clayton St. Phona 74 Building Lota a Specialty. STEAM PRESSING USED CARS 1923 Roadster. 1922 Roadster. 1923 Touring. 1921 Coupe. CA.TRUSSELLWORC# dCo ARTISTIC PICTURE FRAMING Diplomas, Certificates, Photo graphs and Pictures of any kind framed properly. Prompt Service. WE GIVE TRADE COUPONS. GARDNER’S BOOK STORE STORE YOUR COTTON WITH US SELL YOUR COTTON THROUGH US Athens Branch of INDEPENDENT WAREHOUSES, INC. CAPITAL $1,000,000.00. General Offices, New York. We Issue Negotiable Receipts, Acceptable As Collateral By the Banka of Athens. SAFETY. COURTESY, SATISFACTION, SERVICE Robert Ould A. R. (Gus) Nicholson Ben F. Woods Henry L. Pope Around Athens With Col T. Larry Gantt Coal—Coke and Cotton Ginning We Give Trade Coupons on Coal, Coke, Ginning, Bagging and * Ties and Accounts. ARMSTRONG & DOBBS Oconee Street - Phone 521 BUILDERS 1S5 Clayton Street al8d Now Opened For Business THE SQUARE DEAL * GARAGE SHOE REPAIRING GIVE your orden now for your hand-painted China for Thanks giving Chriatmaa. Call Mra. C. ,C. Kinney, 1454-W.^^ WANTED—Several boys to deliver papers. Good routes in most any part of city. Apply Banner- Herald Office. Read Banner-Herald Want Ada. All Work Guaranteed Freeman’s Shoe Shop Work Called For and Delivered. Phona 900 1893 Prince Avenue. nZ3e PRESSING CLUB CLEANING, PRESSING REPAIRING HATS RENOVATED White Pressing Club Cleaner* That Clean Phona 686 n2(c •SAM" STONE—“PEG" YOUNG All Wcrk Gnaranteed. Where We Appreciate Your Patnnig*. Hull, and Clayton Street!. WANTED We want you to place you rorder today for your personal Christ mas greeting cards. 1 See New Samples THE McGREGOR COMPANY dlSe FARM IMPLEMENTS Buggies—Wagons—Harness Farm Implements GRIFFETH IMPLEMENT COMPANY Jobbers and Retailers Broad Street Athens', Ga. / • ^ d31c •mm* Best Grade RED ASH LUMP COAL ' / $10.00 Per Ton Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp. REAL ESTATE DEPT. GUARANTY TRUST CORPORATION 351 East Clayton Street PHONE 71$ 52 acre* on Bogart Road. 6 room houie, barn, orchard. Cloa* in, on paved road. ' 76 acre, on Bogart Road, just off paved part, one aiz room home, good hern, on# tenant house, other out-buildingf. JOHN K. DAVIS Builders 701 Sou. Mut. Bldg. Phone 1877 COAL—COAL—COAL ANTHRACITE COAL BEST PENNSYLVANIA EGG At Pre-Strike Price. HANCOCK COAL COMPANY Phono 707 Phone 707 COFFEE COFFEE \ HAVE YOU TRIED L NOO-NAME COFFEE? “A Delicious High Grade Coffes" NEW SOUTH COFFEE CO. • Athens, Georgia. BATTERY REPAIRING Jhaxt 0{Uc BATTERY SERVICE M ap when mb eta thbelga. - Oder frmi-OJMm m co met Wee /hr j •Tory mtkt of am/- ATHENS ENGINEERING CO. PREST-Q-jJTE STATION 50 acre* on Wintervilie Road. 6 room houie. barai and other oot-buildlnge. Bargain. Several other farm* for aalo at bargain price*. Wo have, for aaie at present •onto excellent hemes at attrac tive prices. It will pay you to aee us before buying a home or a farm. STEAM PRESSING CLEANING, REPAIRING AND PRESSING FORSTER PRESSING COMPANY H. O. EPTING & CO. Money to Loan on City Property 27 acres land In the city limits. Water and lights on street. $2,500.00. , 31 3-4 acres, DanlelavlUe road, Juft 1M raUefvut. $1,250.00. Large lot Cloverhqrat Avenue. Var ydeiirable. $1,125.00. 10 room house Millodgo Avenue. Comer lot. A bargain. $8,500.00. 154 acres. 7 miles nut, .3 houses, for quick aalo. $3,850.00. Terms til suit purchaser. H. O. EPTING & CO. Cal) for Either of the Following GenUemer- J. O. Eptlng J. H. EpUag W. T. Ray S. W. Uasery I. P. Ingram I. R. Tack Holman Bldg. STUDEBAKER Be Sum and Se« the 1924 Model STUDEBAKER Bettor* You Buy. LAWLER MOTOR COMPANY We are glad to see that our Chamber of Commerce will invite Hon John N. Holder, chairman of the .State Highway Comma-ion, to visit Athens and discuss (he important matter of improvirfg the national highways leading into this city. From its location. Ath ens is one of the most important highway centers in Georgia, being on the nearest and direct line of travel between the east and mid dle west and Florida. There ore other great highways, but our city leads all. rival places in di rectness, topography of the coun try and scenic attractions. A‘.id these national highways to a place mean what railways once'were. If Athens fails to press her claims and advantages we will lose a gjeat part of the tourist travel. And there is no doubt or ques tion but we have been neglected, to the advantage of other cities and sections. We do not’ know that Mr. Holder is respqrtsible for this, for such was the case be fore he assumed office. It seems like the State Highway Commis sion looks upon this section as an insignificant comer, and its .first duty was to build good roads lead ing into Atlanta and other favored spots. If you will travel through other sections and see their fine roads, and then compare them with the counties tributary to Athens, you will have cause for dbmplaint. A few days since we traveled from Athens to Hartwell, travers ing the counties of Clarke, Madi son, Franklin and Hart. After leaving the Clarke county line a passable road is struck until you reach Danielsville, but it is rough and needs smoothing over. But from Danielsville to Royston it is up hill and down, your car jump ing over washes and gullies. Even after a long dry spell it is a hard road to travel, but after a rain it must be well-nigh impassable in spots. This road follows an old Indian trail, without regard to the topography of the country, and is a disgrace to the state. We have talked with tourists, and they tell us that the worst strip of road from the Virginia line to Florida is through Frunk- lin and Madison counties. From Koyston to Hartwell a good road is being built, after reaching the Hart line, but this is the work of that enterprising county. But from Koyston to Danielsville it is a rough nnd rugged way, with narrow wooden bridges across the streams. The engineering class of the State University has surveyed plendid route for a highway from Danielsville to the Hudson river, avoiding all the hills and with an easy grade. This road should by all means be changed ad then let Franklin county do its part. The people of this section pay a large tax for cars and gas. ns also a full share of the general tax that goes to the public roads, and we are entitled to have our money expended on the highways ur own section, and not given other cities and sections. Clarke county has taxed itself to build splendid highways through territory and extending out for miles enduring concrete roads. have also built fine bridges over the streams. But so long ax these good roads stop at our county limits, they are practically alueless. A wagoner loads his team for the worst spot in the road he must travel, and this same rule applies to building great national highways. Mr. Holder comes from this section, and wc are satisfied that when he visits Athens and meets its people and then 9ees the con ditions of the highways leading. into Athens and their importance, that he will sec that justice m done this section. With the intro duction of motor vehicles and the building of good nnd smooth highways, ditsance is annihilated and a central business point like Athens can draw trade from u Jdely-oxtended territory. Our city can get a good business from across the Savannah in Carolina if the roads leading to the bridges across that stream are improved. By all means let us have John Holder with us, and hold with him a heart-to-heart talk about our roads. ' . Read Banner-Herald Want Ads- The Banner-Herald’s Sunday Want Ad Page is one of the most inter esting and certainly most profitable pages of the paper. Thousands of people turn their attention to the Want Ad Page. The Banner-Herald’s Sunday Want Ad Page