The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 20, 1923, Image 6

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TUB HANNBH-flEHHP. ATHENS. GEORGIA FIRE INSURANCE Stventeen Yean of Satisfactory Service. Sfcroag CompaniM. Prompt Adjustments. CALL FLEETWOOD LANIER. MGR. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, ERWIN & CO. Phone Three*Fonr*Five Jour STRENGTH IS YOUR PROTECTION—The Alliance has faithfully met every obligation during its entire career. The Alliance Massed successfully through the enormous strain placed upon its resources by the San Francisco fire. The Alliance today is still |bafe ( secure and dependable. The proved strength of the Alliance is your best insurance protection. Buy Alliance Property Protec tion Policies. THE HINTON SECURITIES CO., Athens, Ga. COLONIAL THEATRE FRIDAY NIGHT, NOV. 23—Not A Picture. Joseph M. Gaites Presents In Person in His Own Spoken MYSTERY PLAY OF THRILLS—LAUGHS AND SURPRISES To be given in this city the same in every de tail as New York, Boston and Chicago saw it. PRICES: 50c to $2.50—Plus War Tax. Sale Opens Wednesday—Mall Orders Now. Thornton’s WEDNESDAY Dinner 50c Vegetable Soup Chicken Pan Pie Blackcycd Peas Stewed Tomatoes Combination Salad Muffins and Biscuits Chocolate Pie Coffee. Tea or Milk 50 Cents WEDNESDAY SUPPER Tenderloin Steak, Brown Gravy Creamed Potatoes Pork and Beans Fried Apples Hot Biscuits Banana Pudding Coffee. Tea or Milk 50 Cents Read Banner-Herald Want Ads. We Have the Sign of Efficient THU sign la awarded (or effl- A dent shoe repairing. It la naaartd kjr the United Shoe Re- pafotig Kaehloe Company — lie ovsert-* their cxDcrta find that th« quality bf work baa fill- m below the required standard. MARTIN BROS. END SIOiCH MISER!, GAS OR in “Pape’s Diapepsin” Makes Sour, Gassy Stomach Feel Fine. Pape’s Diapepsin” is the quick , surest relief for indigestion, gases, flatulence, heartburn, sour ness, fermentation or stomach dis tress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stomach relief. Correct your stom ach and digestion now for a few cents. Druggists sell millions of packages.—(Advertisement., Announcements You’ll Be Doubly Thankful for This Opportunity to Improve Kitchen Service Sale Starts Wednesday, November 21 to 28 BUY A DETROIT JEWEL GAS RANGE— CABINET TYPE $5 Down Balance on Our Easy Payment Plan We Give You a Turkey Free! SPECIAL OFFER If you hare no gas connection in your home and live on a Street where a gas main is laid, we will make the entire in* staliation for $5 additional. •ftUNf WATBt 18 INCHES ABOVE 6UKMOI Place Your Order Now—Well Deliver Range and Turkey During Sale. , PHONE 54 ATHENS GAS, LIGHT & FUEL CO. ATHENS RAILWAY & ELECTRIC CO. FOR MAYOR I hereby announce my candidacy for mayor of the city of Athena, lubject to the Democratic Primary, November 27th. GEORGE C. THOMAS. FOR MAYOR We, as citisens and taxpayers of Athens, hereby announce O. H. Arnold, Jr., as a candidate for mayor of Athens, subject to the Democratic Primary of November 27th. FOR ALDERMAN I respectfully announce myaelf a candidate for Alderman from tha First Ward. City of Athens, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary of November 27, 1923. I will appreciate the sup port of all voters. E. L. (PUD) JACKSON. FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce my candidacy for ra-electior to the office of Alderman of the First Ward, sub ject to the ruks of the Demo cratic Primary. H. T. CULP. FOR ALDERMAN > I hereby announce my candieday for redaction as aldermon from the Second Ward, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, November 27th, 1923. H. B. HEYWOOD. FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce as a candi data for Alderman from tha See. ond Ward. snUsct to action of the Democratic Primary November 27th. J. F. McCALLi FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce as a candi date for Alderman from tha Third Ward, subject to action of tha Democratic Primary November 27 th. B. R. BLOODWORTH. FOR ALDERMAN , I hereby announce as a candi date for Alderman from tbo Fourth Ward, subject to the Democratic Primary, November 27th. W. R. TINDALL. for Alderman I respectfully aunounce myaelf s candidate for Alderman from the Fifth Ward, City of Athena, Georgia, subject to the action or the Democratic Primary to be held November 27th, 1923. I will ap preciate the ^upport of every FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce as a candi date for Alderman from tha Fifth Ward, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, November 27th. - & DUNAWAY. Market Gossip Received Over F. J, Linnet! & Company’s (By Leased Wire) NEW ORLEANS. La. — Liver pool was due 7 to 9 up by New Orleans, 8 to 13 up by New York. Southern spots Monday were 25 to 60 up. Texas markets 45 to 60 higher. Dallas 55 up; middling there 33.25. Sales at Dallas 8,110; all told 35.467 vs 44,616 Saturday. Census report on cotton ginning to November 14th due Wednesday 9 a. m. About 8,269,000 expected vs 8,870,000 last year when total ginnings for season were only 9.- ^62,000 bales. Weekly weather report due Wed nesday (it 10 a. m. Likely favora ble. but will probably dwell on picking nearing completion in many sections of belt. Meanwhile market be affected one way or other by character of European political situation. Sentiment remains conservative, ly bullish, but cautious. Favor realizing on bulges. READ BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS MARKETS NEW YORK COTTON Child's Best' Laxative is "California Fig Syrup" J ATHENS COTTON The local cotton market closed at 33 % cents Tuesday. The prev- ious close was 33ft cents. I NEW YORK COTTON Prev. Open High Low Close Close Jan. 34.40 34.47 34.15 34.32 34.25 Mch. 34.60 34.65 3434 34.68 34.45 Dec. 34.70 34.90 34.60 3430 34.68 II A. M. Bids: January 34.33; March 34.56; December 3480. NEW ORLEANS COTTON Prev. Open High Low Close Close Jan. 34.15 34.35 34.09 3436 34.17 Mch. 34.45 34.68 34.30 34.47 3437 Dec. 34.00 34.25 34.00 3430 34.04 11 A. M. Bids: January 3438; March 34.49; December 34.15. CHICAGO ^0 RAIN Open P. C. Close WHEAT— July 106% 106% 106 Dec 102% 102% 102% May 108% 108% 108 CORN- Jul y 73% 73% 72% Dec 74% 73% 73% May 72% 72% OATS— July 43% 43% Dec 42 42% May 43% NEW YORK STOCKS Open P. C. Coca Cola 74 73% Kennicott Copper .. 34% 34% Studebaker 104% 103% Southern Ry 36% 36% Loew’a Inc 17% A Good Thing - DON'T MISS IT. final your name and addin, plainly written together with Scenta (and thu ■lip) to Chamberlain Vedicina>Co-, D«a Moinn, Iowa, and receive In return a trial pwkap containing Chamberiain'i Cough Remedy for cooghs, colds, croup, bronchial, “fin” and whooping o— sad tickling throat; Chamberlato'i acb and Liver Tablets for stomach Iron, kies Indigestion, gsaay palm that crowd the heart, Mliomn-js and eonatipatkm; Chamberlain's Solve, needed in every family for burna, acalda, moods. piles, and akin affectiona; tbeae valued family medldnee for only Scents. Don't min it Hurry Mother! Even a fretful, peevish child loves the pleasant taste of “California Fig Syrup” and it never fails to open the bow els. A teaspoonful today may prevent a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for genuine “California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say “Califor nia" or you may get an imitation fig syrup.—(Advertisement.) Fames Theatre on Thursday Jackie Coogan'a costuming problem was different from all hla previous pic tures; Instead of raga and tattera, he had twenty four complete changes of wardrobe for this role. It seems to bo a rule In Europe thnt the smaller the kingdom the more elaborate the uniforms, nnd Lavonia la a small principality somewhere In the Balkans.” Con sequently, the uniforms worn by the Crown 1'rlnce, as an honorary member of various regiments, are of an exceedingly elaborate nature, combining all the gorgeous glitter of the numerous countries that sur round the Balkans. Jackie wears cavalry uniform of ue and red and gold that snaps like the Uhlans of Potsdam in their palmist days. He has a gilt sword—and It realty cuts too— carved and polished to a degree that would delight a West Point cadet on Commencement Day. His infantry umforms number three: IT PALACE TONIGHT; A stated convocation of Key- stone Chapter No. 1. R. A. will be held In Maeonle Temple thla (Tueeday) evening. Nov ember 20th, at eight o’clock. All Companion! are requeated to bo preeent. UNTON GERDINE, H. P. INO. G. QUINN, Secretary. MORE MILES—MORE POWER—MORE SPEED IT COSTS NO MORE THAN OTHER GAS. Aak Our Customer!—They Know. We Are Independent Home Dealers And We Appreciate Your Business. WE GIVE TRADE COUPONS. E.-S. SPORTING GOODS COMPANY Phone 895 Corner Washington and Lumpkin Streets MOTORLIFE OIL COMPANY Prince and Meigs What would you do If you land ed in a strange town, where you didn't know a soul—with a total capital of $27.70—-ond were told at the first hotel that you went to that the rates were twelve dollars a day—and UP? That's the problem that pretty Mary Mack of Dartson Arizona, faced when she went to Holylwood bent on becoming a film star. Did she weaken 7 She did NOT—ehq really became a star and the way ehe did It la one of the most fascinating romances ever told on the rcrecn. P. B. O. hae lived up to its own high standard by releasing “Mary of the’ Movies", the most sensational feature of the year—a picture in which forty fa mou* stars appear, and which re* yeals ftie Innermost secrets of Hol lywood at the PAlaes tonight. JACKIE COOGAN PALACE THUR8DAY AND FRIDAY In "Long Livo the King," the Metro picture which comes to the GREEN & MICHAEL LOAN DEPARTMENT 417-421 Southern Mutual Building A Urge amount of local funds now on hand for I—«Ji lt| Disbursement on City Property. hn has five different sailor u, acording to different ranks |„ h . naval aervtce and to on. until ,1. number of unlormg reaches double dozen. SPECIAL KIDDIES MATINEE PALACE Friday* will b e the big day at th« Palace for the little folks w j, en Jackie Coogan “The World's Bit gest Llttlr* Htnr" will he seen | r . his latest and greatest plctur* "Lrffng Live the King;'' This i, by far Jackie s biggest feature and will be a delight to every member of the family. On Friday matinee all children under 12 years, of age will be admitted for 10c to Palace so arrange to bring 4IW children to one of the biggest nnd best pictures of the seasoi Read BANNER-HERALD Want Ads. MORE REDUCTIONS AT MAYBURG’S Here’s A Lot of Values Up to $29.50 DRESSES $12.85 All the Latest Styles, Wanted Colors and Materials. To Appreciate These Values You Will Have to See Them. COME WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Mayburg’s 278 Clayton Street ■ Seldom does the opportunity to purchase fine furniture at less than factory cost present itself. You have such an opportunity now in our Thanksgiving Sale of Dining Room Suites. The suites "offered are not cheap furniture. DINING ROOM SUITES HALF PRICE They are of the best of quality— the sort of furniture you buy once in a lifetime. Investigate this offer—see the furniture— learn why we are doing this and you will agree that the opportu nity is most extraordinary. From $500.00 to $250.00 This suite is a fair example of what we offer, made of geniune walnut in the Queen Anne de sign. Each piece carefully con structed ana of generous size. Its quality is obvious to the most casual observer. The ten pieces originally marked $500.00 are priced during this sale At $250.00 Dorsey Furniture Co. 1884, aL HOME FURNISHERS SINCE 1884,