The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 21, 1923, Image 8

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TgH MPTOCT-HHlOro. XTglgTS. CKORGIX FIRE INSURANCE Stroig Companies. Saventcen Yean of SatUfactory Service. Prompt Adjoatmente. CALL FLEETWOOD LANIER, MGR. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, ERWIN & CO. Phone Three-Foor-FIro ' Many Speakers At , Masonic Meeting (Continued From Page On*) T Christian "G” club has thirteen members now. PHYSICAL REPORT Commentsnj; on the report of Mr. Jones. physical director. Secretary Forbes pointid out that two world's championships in the Hexathalon have been won by the local asso ciation. “Notre Dame and Coach Kockne haven’t anything on Geor- Out of Town Orders Pour | gia's opportunity,” said Mr. Forbes Seats Are Left. interested In clean and JathleU.** for that institution will i put back to the limit the Athens | Y. M. C. A. in hi* work for all the * _ . . l boys of Athens. If we fall to <» crane Wilbur, who haa w0 " tabll.h Christian eharacler In ou( fame on the speaking atage as well thoy cunnot be d fnd as In the movies has oildevl the ,. d nn ln # rrls j, •tf’gnity of author to his laurels and Is now an actor-outhor playl lug In his own play. "The Mons ter.** which ii tub fctUncitor Colonial Friday evening. Mr. Wil bur deplores the production of plays and films not fit for im mature minds. Our leading nat'on- al amusement, he contends, is the theatre and that without question It is the most popular form of <*!.-1 terUinment among young pecple. j "The young, especially the so-j called matinee girl, is a fore* wr*i | which to reckon. Look back upon tho careers of our most celebrated j players and you wl'I find they? were matinee itd’ols at one time. lt[ Is safe to say that the admiration and patronage of the matinee girl helped largely to make seme of tho big reputations of our stage mimic world. For example. Tamos K. Hackett. Henry Mlllir, William [ A total of 681» boys and mer Joyed the privileges of the a elation during the year. In building while a total of 439 were served by the extenson department unider direction of Mr. Weems. The directors met at S o’clock and were served supper by the Y M. c. A. Ladles Auxiliary. minled the young men present that I the unsolved problems of the world face them and rest squarely upon I heir shoulders. Mr. R. M. Anderson spoke on a very Important matter the nature of which cannot be divulged at present. Mr. R. C.Heslop read from manu script the origin of the Square and Compass Club, its alms and pur- poses. After the speaking was over, Im* portant business matters were dis posed of. The leaders of the club feel very rnurh * noouraged ovei the progress that has been made, fr. John D. Allen presiding ov the me«ting ordered adjourn ment at 10:30 p. m. Those present were: John D. Al len, Mark Anthony, R. M. Ander* i, K. P. Bevil. E. O Blackwell V Brown, Major B L. Burch, W. H Capps, L F. Carter, I P. Coul ter, R. S Coulter, R R ChiMs. C W. Collier. D. Donaldson, W. F. J Dorsey, W H Drew, W I,. Durham, * L. A. Forrest, W. A. Foster, G. W Foy. J P) Gibbs. F M. Oarfain, B B Hall, R C. Heslop. Dr. Pope B. Hol liday, R. D. Kelley, Afl L Levie, Lucas. L. H. Marlat. W. T. M Ltndon. R. M. Middleton, H Munro. E C. Paine. J. C. Pope, W. T Ray, C M. Reed. T. W Reed, J S Smith J. L. Stanford. W. Tatum, E. C Westbrook, J H. Wilson. Market Gossip Received Over F. J, Linnell & Company’s (By Leased Wire) So Writes Mrs. Dix, All Her Life A Sufferer Un- She Tried Benedicta and Maude Adams, Ethel Barry-J —— lNatUF0S 1* fiend tO more and Julia Marlowe are eafly recalled as afternoon favorites of the young theatregoers. , "Were It not for the attendants of youth,” says Mr. Wilbur, tho theatre would not be a profitable form of business, our biggest money-making ventures have Leen plays of a wholesome sort. Of color plays, despite appearances, have never been profitable, and* a rea son Invariably sees the end of them.” H "The theatre cannot do without' the matinee girl—and I for one be lieve that In mak'ng of plays she Is more to be considered than her elders.” Seats now selling At Jowera’ Cigar Store. Womeij. "I feel like I ought to write to STOVALL BILL WED. Dudley Re-Elected Y. M. C. A. President At Annual Meeting (Continued From Pape One) (By Atsoc»ated Press.) ATLANTA. — The House voted Wednesday to reconsider the ac tion of Tuesday In defeating the Stovall Bill to exempt from taxa tion for a period of aeven years all new Indusrfal enterprises ln the state. The Bill however went to ita-i line i ougni io write to .. v__ ...out Benedict.. , have beenti .nl ". rhort session but during that time de cided to recommit the Lankford und Miller, additional tax collec tion measures to the finance com mittee. The house took pp the Lankford Tax Bill and It's amendments with the Indications that the debate on the subject would continue throughout the day. ■lok nearly all my life and have taken medicines from doctors hut thry did mo no good. I tried Planters Bendedicta and I think it is worth its weight In gold. Bene- dicta has done me more good than anything 1 ever found and yon con use the litter and also my name. Tor If I can help to plx.%* Bene- c'lcta in the hands of suffering women I will certainly so.” Mrs. Parry B. Dix. School f l ?ld, Va. For more than 60 years, hun- dreds of grateful women have been writing letters like the above about the relief brought them through Benedicta, nature's own harmless herb and root compound for the many Ills and pains women suffer from. If you, as many wo men do, suffer from Irregularities backaches, displacements and ner vousness, g*rt Benedicta from your Druggist t(Slay.—Advertisement. physical director and Randall w*. ms, Industrial secretary. Yhe.r reports will be published later os well as the financial report of the association. El RHEUMATISM with ,.;t Among tic features of the y.-ars' M . work, Mr. Forbes' report pointed. When you are suffering . out. was the boys' and girls' j rheumatism so you can hardly get ■Klammer. ElfUjr-nln. bn,. «» ■» rou " rt J"‘ (V "“l P»PP«r Rnb (ended the boy. comp end-.even- "‘’O *° u wln h,v » ‘he Quickest if tynlne glrla were at the latter boown Eighty-four Bible classes and religious services were held at the boys' camp and 46 Bible class- on wtTe held at the girls camp The total attendance at these dais, os fo r both camps was 8406. • Fifty-three boys and forty-nine girls gave wiitten statement* as to the ep|;ltual good they obtain- as a result of the camp. The report directed attention to the standards of Christian conduct " hl< li are being eetablehlod ‘n the i of scores of boys and y ung Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat as red peppers. Instant relief. Just as soon as you at ply Red Pepper Rub you fee! .*e tingling hint. In three minutes It warm* the sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circula tion, breaks up the congestion— and the old rheumatism torture is gone. Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a Jar at once. Use it for lumbago, neuritis, back men through the R.nlor er.d Jun-, n ” k ' K ™. *£** l:r Hi-r club.. A total of n ,n A ""°« , " ,tant "«•* Jllsh echool boy. hove been mom- *»»>*■ T°“- »• * ur - *« ««‘ ••>• I»T. Of tbo Hi-V club vine* it DO «•"“'»•. with ‘be notno Bowie, on onnlzcd four yearn ago with elx -® ch packo,e. Advertleemont. »The Junior club now* ha«'_ _ __ __ miitydin. member.. The | Watted Till the BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS. Cows Came Home (Continued From Page One) iwxuirttn f . , 7» jferer from gases in the stomach domonstrators,! 2r{ j ec jj c -ttackr. The specialist. msm.T. P. Maynard, Georgian Hotel. Friday, Nov. 23rd, after two o'clock.n23p FARM LAND WANTED WE ARE i.i the market for 200,- 000 acres * of Georgia Farm Landy in different parts of state. Prices ranging from $4 to $15 un acre. Atlanta Trust Co., Farm Sales Dept., Atlanta, Ct n21p ASTRAYED-From 465 S. Lump. .... . I rnuM - pn^lrauy all stomach. am. famllv doctor sent me to In Philadelphia, gave me no relief, al though I took fils medicine till the rows came home. He finally said ! would have to he operated on. Luckily I heard of Mayr*a Won derful Remedy then, and although It Is now three years since I took a course of It, I have never had » symptom of my old trouble since.” It is a simple, harmless prepara tion that removes the catarrhal mu-cur. from the Intestinal tract and allays the Inflammation which NEW YORK COTTON 1 Open High Low Cloat P.C. Jan. .34.45 34.95 34.35 34.80 34.32 Mch .34.70 35.20 34.53 35.03 34^8 Dec. .34.98 35.46 34.84 35.40 34.80 A. M. Bids: January 34.70; March 34.92; December 35.18. 35-Cent "Dandsrlne" Does Wonders For Lifelees Neglected Heir. NEW ORLEANS COTTON Open High Low Close P. C. Jan. .34.27 34.85 34.20 34.70 34.26 Mch .34.60 35.05 34.40 34.87 34.47 Dec. .34.40 34.78 34.10 34.70 34.20 11 A. M. Bids: January 34.60; March 34.88; December 34.60. A g I e a my mass of luxu riant hair full of gloss, lustre and life short ly follow* 4 genuine toning up of neglect ed scalps with depend able ‘•Danderlnr.” Falling heir. Itching scalp and the dandruff Is corrected im mediately. Thin, dry, wispy or fading hair Is quickly Invigorated, taking on new strength, color and youthful beauty. "Danderlne” delightful on the hair; a refreshing, stimulating tonic, not aticky greasy t Any drugatote. about 800 pound*. Finder phone | W. P. Marbut at 1618 or 1616. n21p LOST—Pair of gold-rimmed spec- tacles in black case on road be- - ; tarsen Hutchens Grade and Ath- vfc-ena via Wintcrvillc. Please no tify W. N. Fowler* Winterville. Ga. Reward. n23p T—Brindle Boston Bull ter- puppy. sixteen months old. i long tail and flopped ears. Reward. Phone Mrs. J. E. Tal- Jr.n2-k and . intestinal ailments, Incuiding nppendlcitls. One dode wfclt con vince or money reufnded. For sale by all druggists everywhere.— Advertisement. Road Banner-Herald Want Ads. Ve Have the Sign of mm ilf* t, .warded (or «ffl- A doit abo. rcpatrlnc. by tb. Dnltod Sboo Ro- ! ptohtoc Uacbloo Oot»p*ny — ll,| no- wtwi tbdr export. And (bat tb. quality of work boa (all- aw balew tbo required ataudard. Va will gladly gin joe , aa Shoe Baoalrlaa. MARTIN BROS. Lwdronr Health] @2B2S^» paneN?? WANTED TO BENT—A amall tsrm near Atbenr. euitable for tiuck and poultry famine. Give location, dricHptjon of land ami. price expected. Addrera J. S. T..J [*. O. Box 871, Athena, Gal n22p Apples, Apples APPLES. APPLES Nice Big, Red APPLES STRAYED OR STOLEN—Black i arc mule. Brecchinjr marks on hips. Weigh, about 900 Iba. Noti- ly II. O. Epting. or l-iionc 9ZI-I. , n23p.U 10c Dozen McLELLAN’S 5-l0-?5c STORE We Give Trade Coupons NEW ORLEANS, La. — Liver- pool wgs due unchanged by New Orleans except 3 up on December and 2 down oh July; by New York unchanged to 4 higher. Southern spots Tuesday were unchanged to 25 up. Texas mar* ket s 5 to 20 higher; Dallas 6 up; middling there 33.30. Sales, Dal las 11,072; all told 38,427 bales vs 35.467 Monday. Weekly weather report will probably be favorable as to pick ing but stress likely be paid The Palace Theatre presents tonight Milton 5lllp with Alice Lake ami a big cast in , “Environ ment.” This is one 1 of the special pictures presented at the Palace the regular admission prices and is by the way a great story with onedrfu! scenes and a romantic love story above the ordinary. This picking nearing completion where | feature is at the Palace for tonight any cotton remains in the fieldB. on,jr - In addition to influence of Wednes* day’s government reports m^t| will probably be affected by for- Milton sills and alice lake PALACE SPECIAL TONIGHT The World’s Biggest Little Star, Jackie Coogan, In His Latest Feature “Long Live The King” Thursday and Friday Extraordinary cign political news and trade ad vices. Tho higher prices is check ing speculation to some extent to it will probsbly require the con- tinustion of an urgent demand for spots to sustain market, par ticularly on bulges, at least for the present. Sentiment continues conaerva lively bullish but cautious. Favor realising, etpecitlly on bulges. CENSUS REPORT ON GINNING Census by states: Alabama 548,702 vs 494,702. Arizona, 40,716 va 33,249. Arkansas 470,644 vs 392,188. California 25,221 va 10,401. Florida 12,762 vt 11.422. . Georgia 643,252. Louiaiana 328,764 va 290,086. Mistittlppi 630,642 vs 456,866. Missouri 66.745 vs 63.621. N. Carolina 833,791 vs 720,611. Oklahoma 368,115 va 205,606. S. Carolina 694,152 va 626.604. Tennessee 166.078 vs 122^01. Texas 3,701,196 vs 3,246.479. Virginia 30.071 vs 21336. All others 17,038 v. 12393. MARKETS ATHENS COTTON The local cotton market cloaed at 14 M oanta Wednesday. The previous close Wes SZ1-S cents. Open P.C. Clou IEAT— -.106*4 100 10G .10144 102 74 - 10274 BN— ' .10774 108 10874 . 7274 7274 - 7374 .,73. 7374 7274 ITS— . 7274 7274 7274 . 4374 4274 4374 . 4274 43% 42 ft NEW YORK STOCKS Open P. c. Cola . 73 7374 Kennicott Copper .. 3454 U. S. Steel 9374 Studebaker 10374 f~Athens Visitors long tl Wednesday were: J. W. Duncan, Anderson. S C.; W. F, King, Bal timore; C, L. Harris, St Louis; W. E. Wilson, Newark, N. J. F. A. Clayton, New York; W. H. Fickilng, Atlanta; R. C. Wharton. Atlanta; Thomaa F. Hale, Naer York; Jamea F. Kelly, Atlanta. A. H. Dallia, Lincolnton; Jack Findley, Noreroaa; A. E. Meiga, r inuicy, noirioii t a. tu■ aicigii Philadelphia; C. O. Connelly. At lanta; A. L. Bagwell, AUanta; R. A. Colea. Atlanta. Mr. and Mra. P. H. Mullen, At lanta; W. L. Russell, Baltimore; W. D. Bishop, Mississippi; J. W. Byrd, AUanta; C. A. Allen. Cin cinnati; Stanley Neeraom, Chica- go. Emil Decker. Boaton; W. A. Mc- Bell, North Carolina; Jamea B, Humphries, Boston, Mass.; J. A, Davis. Atlanta; Felton Pofind, Mr M. Koschei, New York. ; D. S. Garber. Atlanta; R. F. Lewis, Louisville, Ky.; Edith-M. Thomas, Washington, D. C.; Jean l RUUlUi IT Mllillgwil| AS- v/.p stall Patterson, Philadelphia; Elizabeth McGuffin. Carrollton. Ky. PALACE THUR8DAY-FRIDAY (Jackie Coogan Production—-Re viewed by Frank Elliott, in Moving Pictur* News, Nov. 19th This production Is by far the best thing Jackie Coogan has ever done in inn short out rventfui Ufa As Crown Prince Otto this diminu tive luminary of the screen firma ment shines forth with real bril liancy. F w Metro claims $600,000 was spent on the production and we bHIev# it. The sets are magnificent and this goes for both exterior and In terior scenes.. The palace ret la one of the largest of its kind. The scenes in the streets of tht* mythi cal kingdom showing the various types and activities of the innd, are notable tor their detail. Tho at* fatlhfully transplanted screen. The picture bubbles over with amusing situations. It will be a hard boiled fan. Indeed, who can sit through such moments as the ride on the scenic railway, the moments with the dog ln the royal carriage, the running away of the\ prince from the royal opera, Jils sliding down roofs, and so along through a long list of merry mo ments, without literally splitting b!s sides. There is a real story In this one. That Was to be expected. Inas much ns Mary Roberta Rinehart wrote it. The plot is one that holds the interest from beginning to end and Victor Schertzlnger has built his action right,up to a fine ciimax which possesses real din; matic power. While the production Is in ten re« Is, exhibitors will find their' patrons enjoying every moment and finding a punch in every reel. The continuity and scenario have hern admirably done by Eve Un- sell. One of the best casts ever seen in a Coogan production Is seer 'Long. Live the King.” Each player fits hip or her rofe like the proverbial glove. But to Masterf .WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER tl im GREEN & MICHAEL LOAN DEPARTMENT 417421 Southern Mutual Building A larga amount of local fundi now on hand for Inedhta Disbursement on City Property, 8PECIAL JACKIE COOQAN MATINE EFOR CHILDREN The Palace will present on day afternoon of this wetk Jackie Coogan matinee for child ren when nil children under years of age will be admitted to the theatre fqr 10c to see Jackie in his latest and greatest picture “Long Live the King." This Is one of the many pictures presented at the Palace suitable* for children tn »se and where It In not a child's pic ture Its one they will find real en joyment and pleasure In s<e!ng. It’s picture the entire family will enjoy so don't miss It at the Pal- No matter what your age, or what kind of entertainment you like you will find "Long Live me King" the best show you nave ever wit nessed. Freshmen Debate Will Be Held Wefl Night At Chapel ThlB evening at the University chapel at eight o’clock the annual Fresman impromptu debato will be held, between the Demosthenlan and Phi Kappa literary societies. A. J. Klngery, Hebert Travis, S. mosphere of old' Kurope has been of marvelous. Coogan must go the big share of] J. Whatley, J. T. Webb, F. W. Bell, praise. Hie acting Is nothing short! with J, F. Thompeon, and C. M, Phi Kappa, while J. J, Henneur W. T. Johnson, J. H. Long o , Flrkle. and H. F. Delaney will resent Demosthenlan. ■ Interest j, ,i wayi keen in th« debates and a large crowd ,<a pected out. The public la cordially tn Orion. 1 J i Ara?, as alternates, will argue for Fresh Country Eggs 50c the dozen. Kingan’s Bacon 40c the pound. Parker House Rolls 10c the dozen. Fresh Norfolk Oysters Jones’ Little Pig Sausap Fresh Fish for Friday Morning Fruit Cake for Thanksgiving Atmore’s Plum Pudding Atmore’s Mince Meat Heinz’s Fig Pudding Heinz’s Cocoanuf .ftj Pudding ARNOLD-ABNEY • &CO. JACKIE COOGAN jn * LONG LIVE THE KING* Palace Special Showing Thursday and Friday. Extra Select Norfolk Oyiters .Red Snappers Turkeys, 35c lb. Fresh Shrimp Mullets Wholesale and Retail GEO. A. BRIEN, Prop. 573 E Broad SL .Read Banner-Herald Want Ads. 500 dresses! To Go on Sale at Wonderful Price Reductions RECEIVE8 PICTURE WAYCR088, Qa.—Rowena Wil son, 11 year old girl of thi* city, who was born on the afternoon that ex-president Wilson wan# elected to the eftee of *hi#f mm- tive of the nation, awoke on the f morning of»her birthday here re-* cently to find a package for her I bearing the postmark of Washing-) ton, D. C. In the package was »} large photograph of the footer BY DRlOySTS EYESVMfilf Read BANNER-HERALD Want Ads. I president and & ieter from Mr,! Wilson’s secretory toying that Mr. I Wilson had remembered h<r birth-1 day and wished to express bln 1 ■ wishes for many happy returns of* the day. Rowena Is the feminine) of the Anglo-Saxon name Wood-i row and she- pros named for fonntr d prizes rtVMPH and is jieUahted. that L has held, the' .nettop** htohwt, oG, fire, and'who firitegft With Wor- ]rie| and lll-healf'.C her birthday. $10.00 FOR DRESSES That Are Worth Up to $18.50 Pretty Styles—Navy and Brown. $15.00 FOR DRESSES That Arc Worth $25.00 $18.50 FOR DRESSES A That Are Worth Up to $25.00 and $40.00 Charmeen, Poiret Twill, Camel’s Hair, Charmeuse, Canton Crepe, Navy, Black and Brown. $24.50 FOR ' DRESSES That Are Worth Up to $45.00 Stunning new models in Silks and Woolen, the biggest values ^ ever offered at this price. Some pretty Chiffon Velvets are among them. iwujcoUvb. Rowena My the photogrnnh W. T. COLLINS INC |