Newspaper Page Text
nSDAV. NOVEMBER -21; 1»s»
Now Playing
H OW thouinds of women, by
tbo simple method of an emt»
The Littlest of Stars in the Biggest of
• Photodramas '
“Long Live
The King”
By Mary Roberts Rinehart.
Pathol, comedy and tense drama eleveri, woven into a
wonderfully entertaining motion picture presenting the
hoy that is loved hy millions in his most amazing
Big Special Children’s Matinee Friday.
Ali Children Under 12 Years of Age 10c.
Bring or Send the Kiddies.
PEFORMANCES START AT 11 A. M, 1,3,5,7 and 9 P. M.
Mr*. Julius Talmadjre has r*>
turnsd from Macon where she! vie
11201 — By HKS. ALICE ADAMS — Kcaldence M2
Montgomery. Charley TJm&n, and
| Morgan McNeel Jr.
. more than one hundred and forty
[re r years of wohdsring, the desk at
*| gp nntvnX r
butfJft feather * *
tin otiRb. the flaming air
have nraved the weather
Mary Brent Whiteside)
el the windy spaces.
you. n quiet nook:
me. the hlltop places;
r you a brook.
limbed, and would not tire,
KatyR «elood
lr. trees were wrapped ln flr<
LM h«nW#Rv*B»fi->irt:>
I trail
which Betty Washington Lewia
sister of George, Washington, sat
and penned the c6UrjfOua epistles
of her day has come back to her
old home, Kenmore, Fredericks-
burg Va.
For more than a year the women
who have been struggling to save
Kenmore as one of the historic
shrines In America have been
sending out literature, describing
the purpose of the Kenmore As*
sociatdn! to the various D. A. R.
Chapters. One of these appeals
reached the Regent of the Old
Traits Chapter In 'Minneapolis.
Minn., who communicated with the
Registrar of the WashlhgtomLcwis
Chapter ^ Fredericksburg, telling
of the^old desk. Her letter said:
"We have the old desk which
ly belonged to Betty Lewis
mmore. It la beautiful' and
bM you
|ml you been there?
nnJKBR I hold you
' »ong or~wm»derment?
i flfraiy enfold you,
hd I shair be content I
| if drenm trails hereafter
f lost to feet that roam,
ive the world my laughter,
bil then turn—home.
. pp r
[AXIUNGTON, D. C.—With n
strength of 409 votes, the
N of any stats ncorded by the
shntlals committee,. Georgia
jutes In Ih. thirtimth snnunl
rnl U.,D. C
ie honor of
will be won
, Id, of Amerl-
morning, when
election of* of-
I make the nomination. And It
J hr seconded by the Immense
■ r Ki* delegation prevent.
■•‘‘bania will cast ISf votes for
TfJrorgia candidate and Tenn-
' 19. Virginia wnd North-Caro-
arp expect*d\to split thilr
'• these two states being next
p^Kia In numbers Oklahoma
! «ut all but four of Its slxty-
r Vote * for Mrs. Hnrroid * and
f ral states having smaller vot-
I xtrrngth will go for her. Flor-
and Mn U th Carolina are con-
d to Mrs. Norrle, of Florida.
I second candidate for president
f ral and New Tork'a vote will
I-ul * ,ven the * am * wa y*
a h a *Plendld record of growth
Mre. Harrold’s leadership.
a rec °rd of greater activity
, nr **r membership than even
F n,a and Texas, hitherto the
pmcest states In the U. D.- C.,
t Georgia delegation wll (present
f ^andldate on Thursday morn,
j *'«h fine prospects of aucctva.'
■ S : •:.•
Important to all Women
Readers of this Paper
Thousands upon thousands
women have kidney or bladder
trouble and never suspect-It.
Women’s complaints often prove
to be nothing else but kldnsy trou
ble. or the result of kidney or blad
der disease.
If the kidneys are not In a
healthy condition, they may cause
the other* organs to become dli-
eased. •
You may suffer pain in the
hack, headache and losa of abl-
Poor health makes you nervous,
rltnhia* nnH ms w I... .laanAsAanS • .HViWB.
irrired. Is fully
explained 1« the re-
W d nttS
Baby.- Telia
and sfteV
Friend,” need by
* geserstlons of
bera, and sold In
eng stores
ere. “Mot
11 wb have entire proof. of Its auth-
•jentlelty. Would the Kenmore As-
I soclatldn like to have such a gift
■ for Kenmore.”
So the desk came back and on
Saturday, No. 10 (General Wash* ~ t*—"• «“«-
ingtan came to Kenmore after the _^ 7, c ^ n * .^T® bYoided UQ*
Battle of Torktown, Nov. 11, 1781.)
there was an Interesting ceremony
at Kenmore, which attracted many
people to celebrate the homecoming
j of the desk.
Mrs. V. M. Fleming, president ol
I the Kemhore Association. made
un address. In which she told of
! the various vicissitudes of this old
piece of mahogany. After leaving
Kenmore It first found a home
with a son of Colonel Lewis at
Marmlon, one of the' best known
of the Colonial places in Virginia
Next it - went to Alexandria, then
no Washington, D. C.,, froift there
passing to New York City.
Finally It found a place among
the possessions of Mrs. Maurice
Ainsworth of Minneapolis, who
kept It until she knew' that
would be restored to Its rlghtftil
Many ^olce the belief that one
by one. the beautiful old things
which made a large part of the at*
mosphere of Kenmore villi come
drifting back, blown by the vary
ing winds of rlrrmnsfsnee.
Mrs. Fleming win be remembered
In Athens as Miss White and re
sided with her parents at the home
now owned by Mr. and Mrs. George
M*II on Mllledge avenue.
The Euzelian Class of the: East
Athens Baptist church will give a
box supper Friday night at , the
Neighborhood house. Every body It
invited. .
Miss Mary Frank Satterfield ol
Macon will attend the Georgia-
Center game here Dec. 1st.
MtSTMlIy, Is safe, I
free from narcotics, permits essl
natural rcadjuatment of musclea sl_
■>, to BradMd Regulator Co.,
fi Atlanta. Ga. -Mother’s Friend 4
told at ill drug itorea.
Ited Mrs. Emmett McKenzie
the D. A. R. Executive boarc.
Sawdust Personal
And Social News
Sawdust school
Mr. snd Mr,. 8. O. Massey and
Wn. E. L. Gordon worn shopping
In Athens Wednesday.
Mrs. J. w. Dillard spent Thors
day with.her daughter Mrs. Fiord
Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Jenkins
■pent 8unduj with Mr. und Mrs.
Mr- and Mr*, j. D. Hoplglns spent
Snhday with the latter* parents, J.
A. Stone.
Mrs. Omella M. Smith and Mlsa
Myrtle Bnunblett spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. 8. 0. iMhssey.
Miss Pearl and brother, Weeley
Thurman spent Sunday with Gen
tle td Dwight Massey.
Mr. end Mrs. J. a. Gordon spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M,
Mrs. Nancy Massey is spending
this week with her son* Messrs,
a O. end Q. H. Massey.
Mr. and Mr*. Gordon Barnett
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
Lake Thornton.
Mr. end Mrs. Looey Barnette
spent Sunday with Mr. end M e.
A. J. Williams.
Mrs. Grady' Mar^n spent Inst
week with her parents, Mr. tnd
Mrs. H. C. Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. a T. Martin spent
Suadey with iMY. and Mrs. Frank
irrltnbie and may lm despondent;
It makeh any one so.
But hundreds of women claim
that Dr. Kllmer-a Swamp-Root, by
restoring health tn the kidneys,
proved to he Just the remedy need
ed to fcvercome such conditions.
Many send for n sample bottle
,n i-Hfr .Rw-WWrRoot. the
medicine will do for them. By en-
ctoning ten cent* to Dr. Kilmer 4b
Co., Binghamton. N. Y„ you may re<
reive enmple size bottle b* Par
cel Pont. You can purchase medi
um and large nlze bottttn at nil
drug store*.—Advertisement.
'I° H * honoreo at
“ARIETTA, <irSr-A charming
r *>f the week*Was the dinner
Riven by Mr.'anil Mrs. George
•omury on BfSnday evening
>nor °f l helr arucsts from Ath-
6 beautifully appointed table
adorned with an artistic nr-
m * nt of pink and tavendei
. rH ' With Dink unshaded tuner*
To Help Girls
Multiply their beauty—as did I
By Edna Wallace Hopper
with pink unshaded tapers
candleattckn nt each end
- mints niM^JM nuts were In
-'"mrtrgiawetisd - the - place
, r " f1 ’ 1,1 unJ„Ihfi rosy color-
\tW l r
M* for Mr*. Pur- -.
-A'liba ill*, ■w. A. Sam,. Mr*. I My metal Youth Is
*" Armstrong, Mrs Howell, cleanser, now famous the
I wee e plain girl, as my alrltah
pictures ahow. But I made myself
a famous binuty. I became the
rage. Now. after 4« years In the
limelight, I remain a beauty atlll.
To all who *e« me on the stage and
elsewhere I look like s girl In her
I owe this to my mother. 8he
went with me to aearch the world
for the greatest beauty helps In
existence. She also lived a life of
glory, due to beauty and perennial
youth. 8ince then I have helped
many girls and women to atmllar
rcrults. Now I am placing the
helps I found at every woman's
%!y rosy clear complexion Is due
to White Youth Clay. Not like the
crude and muddy ciaya so many
still employ. Thi* !■ a superday,
white/refined and dainty, perfect
ed by 20 years of scientific study.
Clay purges the skin of all that
clog* Or mars' It. It renews and
revives—brings that ro»y after
glow which'bo amaze* and dellghtr
It flrme the skin, combats all liner
and wrinktv*, reducer 1 enlarged
pores. It Is bringing to millionr
multiplied beauty and decade
added youth.
But my White Youth Clay, per
fected by French experts, does
vastly more than any oJd-typ«
etay. Every girl and-womau should
rmploy it as a duty to herself. The
cost Is 50c and 81.
^ Rt ®fdnuui and Miss Vincent omj The greatest beauty
— Athens; Mr. and P«0" t»e this formula .today, H,
”• Mr. and Mrs r*ani|)!».-il -afllilina no animal, no vrgetablf
Mr and Mrs ] .-« Mm-ris.l tAt.^The skin esnnot absorb It.
Jean Wallace, Emma « cleans to the depths, then
( ry » fllennH S i*a «l« j. irlH... Ail Uic.iUft. and grime
° n 0|d Torn .Sessions, W.illacc• and refuse come out with it.
No woman, can know what
clean akin means until she tries
Facial Youth. The cost Is 75c—
Just one-fourth what beauty ex
perts charge.
My Youth Cream Is a cold
cream, which expert* tell me la
the finest cream prodteed. It con
tains both lemon and strawberry.
Also all the beat that science
knows to foster the fine texture
of the skin.
I apply It after thf clay. Also
as 4 night cream. Also daytimes
as a powder bake. Never is my
■kin without It. I have never met
a woman who attained like results 1
from any other cream. My Youth
Cream costa 10c. i
My hair grows finer every year.
It lr my chief attraction. I have
never known dandruff, felling hair
or gray hair. All this is due to
my Hair Youth, based on life
times of hair study. T apply It with
an eye dropper, directly to
acalp. There It combats the hard
ened oil and dandruf which stifle
the hair roots. It stimulates and
fertiliser, it has bruuiiu i>
of my friends beautiful heads of
hair. No man or woman who once
tries It will ever go without It My
Hair Youth costa 50c and $1 with
eye dropper.
All druggists and toilet count
ers now supply Edna Wallace
Hopper’s b<auty helps. My Beauty
Book cosies with each, also a
guarantee. I hope that all women
who, love youth and beauty ^ will
'earn what these things dtf.- Edna
Local Druggists Give Written
Guarantee to Refund Money If
First Application Fells to
Bring Relief
A rrmarkabty new discovery now
promises quick, .nothing relief to
Rheumatic Sufferers. I German
chemiatry that haa given to the
world the boob of Aspirin for the
relief of htndech* pains, and Novo,
calne" for rainless dentlitry,
now came forward with another
scientific dtacovtsry that la
lutely guaranteed to end rheuma
tic palne.
Thle marvelous discovery, known
as Buhler Oil Is a now combination
of certain rare olio, which pro
duces a clear amber liquid that ta
o polled wUh the finger tips. It Ie
so penetrating that It disappear,
within a few seconds, so It must be
entirely absorbed by the body tis
sues. Results are truly amazing!
Tired muscles regain Ilfs, creaking
joints .become supple. annoying
twinge, cease. Even the moot ad
vanced. stubborn ease, show as
tonishing Improvement almost at
once. ^ '
Rheumatism. It hka been found
Mr and Mrs. Joe Rlden and sta
ter Mrs. Lillian Thornton of Bo
gart spoot Bandar afternoon with
Mr. and Mr*. Q. H. Massey.
Quite a number from here at
tended the pound supper at New
Harmony Friday night.
Mrs. Rodney Elrod of North
Carolina la spending thli week
tgfth her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Alexander,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hollwar spent
the .week-ed with the Utters pa
rents rM. snd Mrs. John Alexan
Mrs. Omella Smith and Mluet
Myrtle Bnunblett, Frances Massey
and Vera Gordon motored over to
Athena Saturday, shopping.
Since nloe repairing has been
done for Sawdust school, the trus
tees fixed up the well In the yard
and the teacher* end pupils hive
oiled the doers wRIch edde greedy {
to Its appearance.
The box supper held In Gordon’s
chspel Saturday night, Nov. IT. tor
the Sawdust school, was highly en
joyed by all present Collection
of forty dollars and twenty-five
rents was mode which will be user'
for tome, needy equipment In the
school rooms.
Athens Visitors
'• Pota^T f' ,on"g£u,: Q^eBrtita;’w!'R
Among those visiting In. Athens
Thuruday aver*. J. J- Hager. Bris
tol, Tenn.; F. E. Cunningham, New
York City; D F. Bolton, Atlanta.
E. B. Rockmore, T. H. LtNota,
Atlanta B. o. Harrison, Atlanta;
8. Fennybackcr, Chicago; C.
Henly, Mayfeld, Ky.; Spann W.
Miller, Atlanta
E. H, Fox, Atlanta; Jsy T. Yan
cey, R. D. Nlghswonger, Atlanta;
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Vreetand, II.
Hecht, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Nol
fender, Philadelphia.
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Martin; Ko-
homo, Ind.; T. O. McKinney, At
lanta; H. H. Howell, Atlanta; H
B. Dixon, Atlanta; MY. and Mrs.
T. B. Williams, Atlanta
W. H. Bate*, Atlanta; H. M. Dee-
eery, New York City; 8. L. Dickey.
Atlanta; George M. Stanton, Au.
gnsta; John E. Suggs, Asheville;
John Ereklne, Aeheville.
H, H. Wood, Greenville; Hemp-
Note—Mlsa Hopper la nnw- pjqy.
Ing tha P;uitag*a VaudevlUa olr-
smlt of the Western Slates.—Ad-'
the Intestines, which ate- carried 1.11
by the Mood to the muscles and I--
joints—and the new German olLta
designed to neutralise these pafti-
eauslng poisons, ,
So amazing have been tha results
from this German discovery that
American distributors have auth
orized local itruggista to offer
under a positive written guaran
tee. signed b ythe druggist himself
to refund the purchase price If ev
en the first application falls In
bring promnt and gratifying relief
If you suffer from stabbing rheu-
musclca—If your back aometlmea
feel* aa If It would break In two—
of your jolnta rasp and tortura
you—then by all means try a bot
tle of Ruhlrr OH today. You'll
never wai^t to be Without It.
Remember—It ta sold under an
*n absolute written guarantee from
your druggist. If It falls to give
you relief after the flrat applica
tion, your druggist trill rebind the
money,without nueetloit. In IW-
tfndor this written guarantee from I
eood dsneeiats «uch as II. R. Pal-1
taJPY Alftssw Warren-J. Smith A)
til, Atlanta; C. C. Edwards, In
diana; tjurt Cllnchy, New York; B.
H. Moon, Atlanta.
FORSYTH, Go.—The machinery
of the court here was held up five
hours through the delay of ao At-
lama street car when C. B. Me-
Cortf stenographer of tha court
mlsred hie train tuid arrive five
houra lata. Judge Persona, who
had announced that tha court was
to be run much the same aa any
other hnafn—a had , vervthina
ready to proceed when Instead of
the appearance of the stenographer
appearing, a telegram waa re.
ceived laying that Mr. McCord
had mitred hi* train and would b?
down later. A delayed street car.
which waa tied up In heavy traf
fic In tbla city waa the cause of
the trouble and delay.
, Want Ads.
Davison-Nicholson Co.’s
Center Pieces $1.00
54 inch round Center Pieces, embroidered center, lace
edge, $1.00 each.
3 Yards Sheeting for $1.00
60 inches wide, for single bed sheets, good quality, 8
yards for $1.00.
2 Packages Kotex $1.00
Regular price 65c package, 2 for $1.00.
2 Pair Japanese Candles $1.00
Beautiful hand decorated Jap Candles, regular price 65c
pair—2 pairs for $1.00.
Stenciled Metal Waste Baskets $1.00
Regular price $1.25, stenciled in pretty designs and col
ors. $1.00_each.
Colored Glass Bowls $1.00
Pretty colors, with contrast base. $1.00 each:
4 Pairs Men’s Sox $1.00
Good quality Arrow Head lisle sox in black and colors.
All sizes. Regular 35c sox. Four pairs for $1.00. -
$1.25 Boys’ Hats $1.00
For little boys. All sizes. $1.00 each.
2 Yards All Wool Flannel for ... $1.00
36 inch all wool flannel—2 yards for $1.00.
5 Yards Ginghams for $1.00
Five yards 32 inch fast color Ginghams in pretty pat
terns and dolors for $1.00.'
Table Damask, Per Yard . .. $1.00
70 inch permanent Linen finish Table Damask, $1.00 per
yard. This is the regular $1.49 quality.
Ladies’ Union Suits $1.00
Good quality winter weight union suits, all sizes, $1 each.
4 Huck Towels’for — $1.00
18x34 inch good quality Huck Towels, colored border—
4 for $1.00.
5 Pillow Cases for .... $1.00
Five full size pillow cases for $1.00.
Handkerchief Linen Lawn $1.00
Regular $1.25 quality Linen Lawn for Handkerchiefs,
white and colors—$1.00 per yard.
3 Yards Shirt Madras $1.00
Regular 49c quality, in pretty patterns.
Single Bed Blankets .........'. ... $1.00
Imported medium weight Cotton Blankets—$1.00 each.
— a*. *
1 Box Loumay Face Powder, Value $1.00 and
1 Bottle $1.25 Loumay Extract for .. $1.00
This is a high grade imported French product
Wool Hose $1.00
Regular $1.25 Wool Hose for ladies, for $1.00.
Silk Hose for $1.00
Arrowhead Ladies’ Silk Hose, in all the new colors.
Ladies’ Parasols $1.00
Goodiquality—Paragon frame, regular $1.25 quality—
3 Pieces Aluminumware for ............., $1.00
One lot.Aluminumware from which you may choose any
three pieces for $1.00. Originally the price was from
$1.00 to $1.60 per piece.