The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 26, 1923, Image 3
H&SDAY. NOVEMBER 2«. 1923. THE HAN.NBR HEUALO. ATHENS. CEOHUU Office 1201 — By MRS. AUCR ADAMS — AUTUMN COME8 TO TO THE PINEWOOD , By Minnie Leona Upton Thsre's deeper shade on the Pine. wood, Xs the shortening dose ^ound,. And cones in the. waiting silence. ..Are dropinc. to the ground. ...... The topmost spires of 'he Spring. # 8tund up, alert and dark. Vanished their emerald softness— They seem to be warning, ‘'Hark” For the great gaunt gales are near- ■ busy department for the* year to- J C Krsidence 832 tftUed 661 , a total of 18,000 people ; f ’ ■ ■ |,u. nclpated in, these actiTillt* | Mr. E. a Cohen is in New York, with 580 spectators, on business. | secretary Wenns conducte«i|| —BP— I story-telling and recreational work Mro, George Deaddrlck of Camp. in every rural white school I Lewis, Tocoma Washington arriv.' Cluike county, the work cultnln*'- ed Sunday night to visit her moth* i ing In “Field Day” on Sanford er. Mrs Graham and her sister.! Field last Afcril which was »• •«*?- Mrs. E. L. Hill. c« isful that plana hre underway.( —gp— to hold a similnr Xvent next year Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fleming ol { Sparta will spend the week endj BOY8 AND with Dr and Mrs Wedford Brown | GIRLS CAMPS for the Gtorgia-Centre game. I or, DyelonJ’int.Worn, Faded Things New for 15 cents. femondlW Don’t wonder whether you can dye or ttyt 8ucces|^ully. because perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with “Diamond Dyes” even if you have haver dyed before. Drug* gists have ail colors. Directions In eaclr package.—Advertisement. BE PREPARED FOR COUGHS I)o i^ot* trait until an attack 01 ‘flu" is upon you. Tnko care ol the little cough or cold and prevent the big one, or nn attack of *'flu.' Dear In. mind Foley’s Honey and Tar, tb-e. safe nnd sure remedy foi coughs* colds, bronchiol nnd throa troubles nnd coughs resulting tr6m •'flu.’* Foley’s Honey nnd Tar— the torgalst selling cough remedy in the World—troin from opiates. Get the genulne-refuse substi tutes. Sold everywhere.—Adver- tisentc'nt. ing And the Pine-trees, each to Call, “Gird thee, .gird tnte, broth* r," With low and earnest speccJi A tb.’IU of oxultation * Runs through the dtepf dlnjt shade— s Autumn comes to the Pine-wcod, And finds It unafraid. jif] '■* THANKSGIVING -SERVICE8 J ""<> Mr FIRST PRESBYTERIAN I »»«»“*• A lovely picture of little Ai.m Hosa Rocca was carrrled inth«. Sunday’s Journal brown sheet. An- Itore is the only child of Mr. and Mr*. Gus A. RucCa. Mrs. Q. L. Stewart and your4 son Horae? have returned to Car- rolton after n visit to'Mrs H. li. Coffee on Hill street. -BB— A camp' of four days’ duration for the Clarke county Girls’ club wus a feature of the "Ufnmer work. Thirty-three gtria were Inattend ance. A three days’ camp for th«- Corn and Pig Club boys was «!■< conducted with sixteen boya en. rolled. In addition to the work conduc «tl at the rural schools and at tip various indurtrial activities Mr. j Weems officiated at variour Don't; Let That Cold Tpno.lnto “Flu” n Rub on Good Old Ma.teroU Thay_tpl<l_ may turn into “Flu," Crippfc.Qfr.Avm wane. Pneumonia, unless you take care of it at once. Kub good old Mueterole on the con gested part,; and lee bow quickly it bring, relief.: Colds are inertly congestion. Mt»-. terole, made from pure oil of mustard, camphor, menthol and other urn pie ingredient,, is a counter-irritant which stimulates circulation and help* break up the cold. i As effective a, the mesjy old mustard plaster, docs the work without blitter. Just rub it on with your finger-tipe. You will feel a warm tmgle a it enter* the pore*, t hen a molins sensation that bring, welcome relief. . To Mother*! Mutterol* I, now mad* In milder form for bablM and^unali^chUdren. 35c and65c, in jara and tubes. Better than a mustard plaster Children’s coughs often become dangerous when neglected. Giy^Dr. Bell’s Pine- Tar Honey at once. It contains just the medicines your ' prescribes to break up a cough, combined with the good old-time remedy—pine-tar honey- It loos ens hard-picked phlegm, stops coughing and reduces inflamnyi- , tion. Children love the taste. All druggists, lie sure to get the genuine DR. BELL'S Pine Tor Honey McLELLAN’S S-10.25C STORK Big rcductu^s in Ladies ana Misses' Hats—we must make raoM for per Xmas merchandise. All tj.oirHate now *3.00 alia *«.00 Hate now 19 *I.« to II.M Ladies’ Sweaters Ladies' Sweaters .. .. — **** .Men's Sweaters .. — .. **•<* len's Sweaters W-® 8 WINDOWS 98 ' FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THURSDAY Thanksgiving services will be herd at the hirst Presbyterian church Thursday morning ai 11 o’clock, Dr. E. L. Hill pastor;will fill his pulpit. The public is cor dirtily Invited/ We all have mud to be thankful for, and as this <lay Is set apart for Universal Thanksgiving, why not give «x- prtssion for our great blessings by attending the religiou* services set apart for the seaoon. Georgia’s first national Thanks giving since the adoptin'* of the federal constitution is said to have been held st St. Paul church In Augusta: then the capital of state, Nov. 26, 1789. Congress sitting In New York had appointed this day \nd Gen. Washington had issued proclamn* observance of this data. Y. W. C. A GENERAL board meeting WEDNESDAY, 11rS0 The Y. W. C. A. General Board meting will be a very Important event of Wednesday morning u» eleven thirty o’clock followed by n luncheon. .Miss Roleofs will b* present to discuss important mat- ters, thsrstor svery. msmbor Is urged to be MARY PICKFORD AT STRAND WEDNESDAY Just to remind the children and the general public that Mary Pick- ford in “Daddy Long Legs’* will b«i at the Strand Wednesday, a bene fit plcturo for the David C. tWscfibU.’"WYU* '.tt'T THE INDIAN P.?lNCES8 Tuesday, Nov. 27th at 8 P. m the pupils of the Mary Ann Lips comb Elementary school of Lucy Cobb will present the Indian Princess. This charming operetta is full of bright music, graceful dancing and sprightly conversation. •The lending characters are Sir Henry Olney. Janet Jarnagln; 8i« James Compton, Jo Conollyr John Smith. Eulalia Vaughan: Powhat- Martha Carter Storey; Poca hontas, Martha Jim Arnold: Red rintid. Bernice White. Eagle Eye. Dabel Knight; Captain Jerry, Lou. ise Roberts. There are a number of sailors who sing It a most delightful wa> test of the cast consists of Eng lishmen, Indian maidens, Indian Brave*. and papooses. The public is cordially Invited to attend. Price of admission, adults 15c; children 15c. —SR—— Friend* of Mr. Guy Clarke, vet eran conductor on the Gainesville Midland will regret to learn of bis critical illness. Capt. J. H. Barnett's friends will regret to learn of his illness with tonsilitis at his home on Mllledgv avenue. / —0B— • Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rich of At lyanta arc receiving congratula. tlons of their friends upon birth of a IlttSe daughter Sunday, November the 25th. Mre. Rich ie pbusantly remembered here Miss Helen Michael, daughter of Col. and Mrs. M. O. Michael. —®— Mrs. Fannie Carroll of North Carolina Is the guest of he; daughter, Mre H. A. Pendergraph. HB-- ' • 'Judge C. H. Brand leaves Tlfurs- day for Washington, D. C, to take up his duties in Congress. Mr. Cuyier Trussell haa returned from Montgomery, Ais. Mr. and Mrs. Jones Yow of Nor- cross arrive Friday to spend the *<ek end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Lawler for the Georgla-CeMei game. ■** 1 — Miss Marie Ray of Washl^gto.! spent Sunday In the city/ Mr. Raymond Yearwood baa re. turned to Spruce Plne,\N. C„ after a vlat to relatives. ' ^ * Mre. E. S. Knoll of Jacksonville Fla, is the gueit of Mrs. I. N. But- Mr Conyers Rennet Si South Gforslfc wlU >p»nd Thaiiklwlvlr., with his parents, Dr and Mra. Jo seph J. Bennet. Mr..Boling Basnet will Join Mrs Basnet st the home of Jud*e C. H Brand for Thanksgiving returvl** with him to AUaiiurifi the afteY-' Mrs^ieorge Miller of Auburn ha*! games, picnics, field days and oth returned home after a visit to Mr j er event* and provided officials in nnd Mrs. II. D. Mllltr on Print-*, many instance* wfc»n he could no • serve personally. - ( U— j _ Mr. nnd Mr*. Jphn p. Miller 1 little daughter Catherine have turned to Luwrencevllle after v4k- * iting Mr and Mr*. H. D. Miller THANKSGIVING WEEK SPECIALS PALACE TONIGHT SPECIAL (MARGUERITE DE LA MOTTE JOHN BOWERS ESTELLE f AyLOR The tense|y dramatic story of a girl who loved not wisely but too we!!,' enacted by a cast of unusual excellence and elaborate settings./ ~ “DESIRE” The remarkable showing at the Industrial department 1* pointed out as placing this department as one of the most Important and useful of the entire ss.ucclaUdh The report shows that 314 men nnd boys received fret privileges , a*, the Y. M. C. A. during th*-year. Uswtry the young daughter of Mr j The report In detail of the work TUESDAY ELEANOR BOARDMAN “THE DAY OF FAITH” It’s the Most Thrilling Picture “ ~ SaW! You Ever Mi*n Vounie Abbercrombie Atlanta wll come over for Thank?- ! giving to be the guest of Mrs. H 1 D Coffee through the week end. Th*, friends of Miss El Ecklei 1 WEDNESDAY IN ATLANTA NOW PLAYING CLAIRE WINDSOR NORMAN KERRY “THE ACQUITTAL” GREAT MYSTERY PLAY “THE FIGHTING BLADE’; SHOWING HERE THANKSGIVING DAY AND FRIDAY and Mrs. F. W. Cssery will regret; in' the varlbus industrial -plants to learn of her continued illness nt her home on Franklin stret. if,mm lint DEPARTMENT MAKES follows: Southern Manufacturing Co ,.76 Barnett Shoals I’rincetrjn ..„ f ....,220 Cord Mill r.„ 12 Athens Mfg. Co. I Check Mill Climax Hosiery Mill Bo\ven.Cr*ww Co. Whitehall ,44 Ka*t Athenn boye (whose par ents work In mill* ] Other East Athens boys Athens boys j Princeton Cord Mill *. | Clarke county boys ......J^..~ ; i’ Over Eleven Hundred! ' To,nl — Men and Boys Took Part rural in Activities of This De-; schools partment. . . [ In nddltlon to the work In tb. In. I J dustrlal communities a total c over eleven hundred persons | 663 chlldrm in the rural schoi.- . took part in the activities of the together with there at the Oconee Industrial department of the Young j street and Nantahala schools par- M« n’s Christian Association, It is tldpated in one or more sctlvitler learned % from the annual Report of this department, of Beoreior, ItenMI Wren... The clown, conducted at tfcej I Ths number of ac^vltle* of thin Neoghborhood house over which Today—-S T R AN D—Tomorrow Wesley (freckles) Barry , IN = “Tiie Printer's Devil” A story with the true adyenture strain, where Wesley docs Every thing extraordinary from running a printing press, furthering a romance, and getting the hero out of jail, to holding crooks up in a double-gun contest. W<?sley J3arrj£ ANOTHER SENSATIONAL MAYBURG’S OFFERS PUT IN SHADE WHEN ENGLISH GIRLS COME TO SHOW ’EM UP Sale 57 Silk And Wool Dresses 00 Poiret Twills Charmeen Satins _ Cantons Crepes No C. 0. D.’s No Exchange No Charge J! r ry'iuTeMfu1 a u^rj v Ih“ n ’.'"'AMERICAN BEAUTIES MAY BE and form one of the most useful I phases of that department's acti vities for the year ending. She re. port of these classes folfcw: Boys and young men attend. 1. lag L-** Princeton Cord Mill 41 Barnett Shoals - 49 Southern Mnnufncturlnf C6 ~70 Eart Athens Mill* "I Whitehall -.30 tiiris tamp itmik* County... girls 33 Boys Camp — ^..^y.16 Athens Boy* .28 Clarke County Boys 30 Total 489 QUITE 8ERIOU8 t^Your wife Is looking well!” “Yes. Jut fancy. Who n I tool; hQr to the sanatorium sho wa* ho had tbat ! wouldn't risk buying n return ticket !”-Jtondaga Nl«*c (Stockholm.) The doota of St. Peter'* at Itonn are made of cypress and -have bat ed 1100 years. A Truly Remarkable Value Just a Small Group of Fine Dresses Marked Down for a Clearance. Mayburg’s 278 Clayton Street Old.Time Cough Rtmidy C.n Always B« Relied en When Cold Winds Blow. ** Where- there aie children in the hom«- mother needs a "first nid"| ready lit hand, because the little ones nre *o liable to trouble - of 'onto kind, especially when llie w<uther Is bud and cold winds blowing. Coughs and colds common; croup, quinsy land nthei , Photo by Hush Cecil, j Photo by H U|r h Cecil. ^yhen whooping cough appears they! ^.l' AND MARJORIE BROOKS. sfe sir*- .trlk, your family. I I.ONDON.-Ouard ydor .ImreU. euecereful '* - "— *" ‘in«rif<nn hciiiil in. the British i n ***t With 1 Therefore the wisest policy is t«> American beauties, 'the be forearmed »o as to wan) off darlings ore coming! « * the American the attack nt the very first sign Anilru Chariot, the Flo Ziegfeld Nine hundred ami seventy-six of its coming. Cheney’s Kxpecto. >of London, has chosen two dozen IfnrJs, considered charming to the pi li* cumins. v * i 1i non Untrained eve. i... SHINING EXCEPTION nry one In your family cv( brilliant mat/lagc?” Only my w^ft.**—Boston Kve ing Transcript. Italy In reported to have a suj I pit’s of 200,000 people to aejj [abroad this year. I 1 J WEAK WOM Cardui Praised by Lady W Severe Pains in Her Back Took Cardui and Soon V Became Well. Story Point. K. C.~* I can Catdui I* Ju'«t splenilid for * women,’* cxe!oim* Mrs. X. Ibigenhurt, of thl* oiacf. t telling of her own use of i.’fttdu “Before the birth of my one,” Mrs* Dagenh irt in a very weakened; »'i condition. I was ro weak a fen <1 *o with my back I straighten. I went hsif-ln suffered such pain clear ui heod and neck. I wui s*» nctvnus 1 couldn't rent. “We heard of Cardui at husband got It right invar gnn to e«t and sleep heter the first half bottle. I k«. . taking it nnd soon was stmiu well and my hock quit Thousand* af ter. in deserlhi their own and result* of Cardui a* happy a* scribed by Mrs. Dagenhnrt^ Cardui is n mild. hurtnU-«*. Iy vegetablei medicinal jhnlc eurre*»ful use for more than yearn in the treatment »>f common female ailments. Ask your druggi*! f- o he sells tL rant has long been known a* of the loveliest of 1,000 mother’s “First Aid." for if given maidens, in time It cheek* the trouble and save* many hour* of anxlou* rare on mother’s part, a* well o* un necessary sufficing on the part of the little With hi* beauty exhibits A to X he will storm New York on Ntw Year’s Eve. Half 'Of his unusually trained chorus will composed of blondes. pretty entrained eye. were rejected by Chtrlot for some slight affliction, such as; Thick ankles. of face, - A I'. Bsd teeth. Unkempt appearance. Lack of expression. Singing c»f of tune. Stiff inoYviiienU. The Aost typical, best looking, Aw.y l.ock In grandma', day All will bn pretty Uoltlr. MV.d their little on« Mcetul ol figure, supple In dene- moinei* *a attack by harmonious in voice— * defi- The itiost typical, best lookinc uromp'i'ly Klein* th.m Cheney 1 . xlevoreit djneing, tone/ul .Inrini; W enTutoUt. end ^ Although he docs not'say so, it j Thus i* the bonus fer w evident that ly ronfhknt tho* charm. rmailer tow|i* by general mer chant* In 10c nnd 60c potties.—Ad. RECOMMENDS FOLEY Kll pills . "Your medicine worked a n for me-/* writes Mr*. C. I Fayette Street, Lynn, Mn&s. • i all rnn down, had a cough 4n ter. *l*o kidney trouble uml taking a few boxes of >.»ur clr.e my cough and ftaeh me. I can cat nnd s:**i canvass and recommend li ente-.“ Prompt cured from kidney and b!adi | tat Ion*, rheumatic pain** luslr.g Foley Kidney plii*. on »he senulno- refute substl v. .11.