The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 26, 1923, Image 8
MOEEiatT* TUB gAWITBR-HKRAtP. ilTHENS.CEORGlX GREEN & MICHAEL LOAN DEPARTMENT 417-421 Southern Mutual Building Local and Eastern money always available l for loans on farms and city real estate. t.: (All Sections of City ! Will Be Represented; ’« | Meeting Set For 8:00 (Continued From Page One) Anti-Saloon League - May Be Put on Grill By Rep. Tinkham 1 of Thomas P. Henry, pres!- -i, -_jdent of the American Automobile influence federal judicial appoint- j Aa.aHtla.lun. Mr. Henry feetafifo ments; has denounced judicial of - ° :i '" '' . f ‘ . . fleers and decisions; has attempt- i “f' i' h A .. A . e-l to influence the president in .jo" "«''h"ed club, and association, his appointments of heads of de- '» ° c0 -°‘ ,e ™ ,e ^ y S? , pertinents, and “actually exercteed j " lbl ' w |. ,h th ” traffic authorities jits insidious influence successfully | ?; ‘ ftc . "° ,u " 'upon a bureau of an executive de- !t,on of prob,ems re,atlv «* to han Athens Visitors Among those visiting in Athens Monday were J. J. Weatbrook. Atlanta, U/i. Mrs T H Broadnax,/ Atlanta. “Printer’s Devill” Begins At Strand Mr. (Continued From Pago One) ±~ — ijlrtmmr'to'an extenTthiTcvcn: ■ ,lln * >he constantly Increasing Sundav he had drafted a resolution Uppontments of persons in the ! ,rafflr - Tf ] e question he Po ,nt " Eta/for an ?nqui?y. service are made “with the sane- J ?“'"•« »"'* ‘wolve. expediting -Mr. g Tinkham charts in his res- I«on and approval" of the Anti- traffic, but also the a- j a iu'» okition that the league has “open- ] le n ” U( \ . 'f *"<< flagrantly" violated th, ™- . Without public accounUng. tta, BRING ON £d STXt'rrlcU^IJws'M! S m!d" x“'vrsr»l. h rf: NEW COHO,T,ON. saving \lrious states; has attempted to Imom y to influence public opinion,” i 9 jdirectly to control elections and to' “Practically all our cities and -s, lrger towns were planned before • (pay professional organizers anil dnys of motor vehicles,*' says Notice to Machinery lobbyists throughout the United, Mr - Henry. “Many clttea and •' A„,l 'States and partciularly in Wash-i“>'*"» developed to their y And equipment Dealers i lnj , t(jn )n umi,» uuonjodojd tuasojd j The resolution will propose that Plan- With naror w streta or with- Sealed bids will be received by the investigation be made by a out an adequate number of the State Highway Department of committee of seven members ap-| n *^t e d thoroughfares from Pedro It. Kdvalin, Atlanta; and Mrs. B. M. Everett, Itegiater, Uu.; Mr and Mr* J C Fassoux, At lanta; Mr und Mrs. F S Coventry, Rochester, N V. E. M. Dear man, Jacksonville; Mr. and Mrs. R Kimball, Syracuse N Y.; Mrs M H Wright, Syracuse N Y.; H. W Merritt, Atlanta; Mr and Mrs. O. Swarty, Detroit, Mich M. Ousliy, Greenville, 8 H O. Myers, Atlanta; Charles Bleakley, New York City: A. O. Hopkins, Atlanta; R. J. Reynolds, H B. Hammons, Eatonton J. H. Matthewsson, Lexington; A C. McClain, Atlanta. irgia, East Point, Georgia, un- pointed by the speaker. Mg 12:00 o’clock noon, December ■ 14. 1023, for the following equip- tll went: !Macon Editor to "Approximately 6-ie foot Road, Address Editors of Northeast Georgia GrX > Approximately 9—10 foot Road Graders. Approximately 28—8 foot Road Graders. 'Approximately 15—Back Slop- chi for 12 foot graders. . ** A I . Oft Da.b Clnn. ■ (Continued from page ono) w .Page”—John F. Shannon, Com- r Approximately 20—Back Slop- merce News. ©rs for 10 foot graders. I “How the Georgia Press Can * Approximately 44 — 1 Ton )Best Co-operate for Better High- ^•ucks. j ways’—W. T. Anderson, Macon Approximately 25—2 Ton Trac-1 Telegraph, member of Highway. |, v tors. I Commission. ' nyif.vA.„.nrr,j *v—« ..... _ . General Discussion. tors. Selection of Next Meeting place. Approximately 60—7 foot, 3' Election of Officers. Blade Road Drags. j Benediction. ^Approximately 16 — Sacrificer! The visiting editors will be en Attachments for 12 foot Graders, i tertained by the Chamber of Com- Approximately 20 — Complete merce of Athens. “ with blades for Main- includes addresses by some Mner. newspaper Georgia’s best known men. Rush Burton, editor of the La vonla Times, will speak on “How Can the Weekly Press Best Serve Farmers the First Three This equipment to be equal to. bjr better than, that used by the Bute Highway Department and found satisfactory. •“Quote prices F. O. B. the follow Itig places: Atlanta, Augusta, Sa-1 Month# of 1924.” Mr. Anderson’) vunnah. Macon, Albany and Way- subject will be “How the Georgia cross. Georgia. (Press Can Best, Co-operate for ' Bight is reserved to reject apy, Better Highways, or all bids and to waive all for-1 malities. This notice is in accordance with the Act of the General As sembly of Georgia, approved Aug ust 15, 1022. W. R. NEEL. State Highway Engineer. i* : * BARBECUE! BARBECUE! Every Day At BENSON’S BAKERY and CAFE Next Poor to Strand Theatre The complete program follows Invocation—Dr. E. L. Hill, pas tor Athens First Presbyterian church. Reading of minutes of last meeting. Payment of dues to Secretary* j Treasurer. “How Can the Weekly Press .Best Serve the Farmers the First i Three Months of 1924”—Rush •Burton. Lavonia Times. “A Fair Price for Advertising; I What Is It. and Do We Get It?”— .CONSCIENTIOUS UNDERSTUDY { Stage Manager—Good God, man, ( youn can't go on like this. Never In my life have I seen any one as drunk as you. are. LeatYng Man—Hav’n’ y’—«hlc! Just wait’! y’ sbee my understudy! Bulletin (Sidney). suburbs to the heart of the city, traffic authorities in the majority of our cities are stuylng awake nights wondering how they going to handle the present day motor traffic. Temporary expedi ences such ns more traffic officer*, one-way streets, etc., are adopted with the realization that these measures are not going to meet the situation n year or two from with the corresponding Increase of traffic which has been noted during the past few years. ^ “The question of solving local traffic problems can ho answered scientific study of the needs of a city nnd how they may be met,” continues Mr. Henry. “The difficulty rests In the fact that the solution which such a study will point out Involves an imme diate outlay of money so great that the average city admlnlstra. tlon does not dare to put the mat ter un to the taxpayers. “While the cost of nn adequate street plan may be staggering. It must he home In mind that the cost todnV wilt be less than It will be a year or two from now as nhutlng property continues to In crease in value.” WELL QUALIFIED One Grid King—I see you're trying out for Blue Curtfh’n Dra matic Club, Bill. Had any experi ence? Another 8ame—Yeo—had my leg In a east ’ once.—Oklahoma Whirlwind. CONDITIONS CHANGE '“You see; marriage (hasn’t changed him at*all. He’s as big a drunkard as he ever was.” “Yes, but he used to drink for pleasure; now It’a from sorrow.’’— Sana-Gene (arts). Simple Colds indicate a need of SCOTTS 1 EMULSION to build resistance Market Gossip Received Over F. J. Linnell & Company’s (By Wire) NEW ORLEANS. La. — Liver- pool due about unchanged on Ngw Orleans, about 3 to 5 up by New York. Southern spots Saturday were unchanged to 25 down, except 25 up here. Texas markets unchang ed to 26 lower; Dallas 20 off; middling there 83.75. Sales Dal las 13,784 vs 38,020 Friday. Monday is first December no tice day in New York. Total stock in New York is now as large as last year for the first time in a long while, perhaps for first time this season, 62,000 va 62.000 and likely increase in the future, especially if premium on December there is maintained, particularly if it becomes larger. Exports are falling off of late compared with last year; from U. S. 303,000 larger than last year on November 1st, now 217,000 In ex cess of one year ago and likely to be comparatively small this week, perhaps by, 60.000 to 100.000 bales. Compared with last season, stock on shipboard at Galveston Satur day was 74,000 vs 114,000; at New Orleans 32,000 vs 33,000. Attitude of Liverpool, general new 8 over weke-end and disposi tion of New York December no tices. probably dominate market Monday. With better understanding of the situation in Bombay and vflth trading resumed there, sentiment tathov iliui/lnr) strain '• By M. 8. COOK With the flash of the first scene of “The Printer’s Devil" which started Monday for a two days • howing nt the Strand theatre, one can easily see that here Is a pic ture really more refreshing . und more different from the ordinary run of pictures. In this picture we si e Wesley Barry as a manufacturer and a romancer veil. It is one of those time.honored Htnries that we ail love to see- one that reminds us of youth and care-free days and brings back happy memories. We * agerly follow Brick Hub. bard the freckle-faced youngster who is employed In A newspaper press room as printer's devil, nnd smile as he goes about his mani. fold duties always with an ey« for fun and an ear for humor. The story tells how this boy be friends Sidney Fletcher, who was robbed on the outskirts of the town, Briggsville. Sidney later buys the Briggsville Gazette In or der to stay In the town permanent ly, as he has fallen In love with Vivian Gates, the daughter of the local banker. Young “Brick” then sets about to further the- romance and he does ft with a vengeange. LEVIATHIAN IS HOLDER OF NEW WORLD’S RECORD (By Associated Press) NEW YORK.—America’s big gest steamshpi, the Leviathian. es tablished a new world’s record for westbound navigation of the At lantic, urriving Mondya from Cherbourg after a run of five days and seven hours and twenty min utes. This broke the previous record by thirteen minutes GOVERNMENT TO INVESTIGATE IN CRAIG SENTENCE (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON.—An investiga tion by the Department of Justice into the legal phases of the c®c of Charles L. Craig, comptroller of New York city, sentenced by Federal Judge Mayer to sixty days in jail for contempt of court has been ordered by President Cool- idger Senator Copeland appeared before the president in / behalf of the comptroller. Liquor Conference Opens Tuesday At Ottawa, Canada _L MONDAY. NOVEMBER it , n FIRE INSURANCE Seventeen Yan of stro.g Coapuu* CALL FLEETWOOD LANIER, MGR. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, ERWIN & CO ( Phono Thrct-Fonr-Fi.o U ' Athens Lady Dies Early Monday A. M, Mrs. Mattie A. Hammonds died Monday morning at 3:25 at the res idence, 224 First street The de ceased was 57 years old and sur vived by her husband. N. C. Ham monds, five soifa Willie, O. C„ Clar ence, Frank Rcscoe, three daugli tors,Mrs. Daisy Brown. Mrs. Lizsle Fowler and Mrs. Maggie Williams. The funeral services will be con ducted Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Bogart The Interment will follow In the church yard. Her sons and son In law will not as pall bearers. Rev. Geo. E. Stone will officiate Dunaway and Sons are LOOK8 THAT Way “There’, • m u outilde, sir n,„ wants to see you about a bill . owe him. He wouldn’t ^ name.” 5 ' •» » he look like?" "What does he look like’" he looks like you'd pay If—Life. . «a better OH, HOW OFTEN! An old flame make, tbfnae hot for many a man.—The Lyre. The proportion of male, t0 male, la generally large,t |„ west. 108 charge of the arrangements. A SALESMAN’S MISTAKE Travelers Visit McLellan’s Manager WASHINGTON. — The United States government will propose at the Amercian-Canadian conference Mr. and Mm, John A. Holton, the former representing the Ever- Beady Aluminum Company, passed through Athens Monday and while here were guests of R. E. Dettra manager of McLellan’s. Mr. nnd Mrs. Holton were enroute to Flor ida. They have been traveling by automobile several years having covered 36,000 miles thus far. rather divided again. Favor realizing, particularly on bulges, MARKETS ATHENS COTTON The locel cotton market closed «t 34 1-2 cent, Mondey. The pnv iou, close wee 34 1-4 cent,. NEW YORK COTTON Prev. Open High Low Clou Clou 1 Jan. 34.88 35.12 34.84 34.98 34.73 Mch. 35.10 35.36 35.05 36.A 34.97 May 35.36 35.60 35.28 35.43 35.20 11 A. M. Bida; January 34.95; March 35.20; May 36.40. Atlantian Speaks At Baptist Church Here On Sunday In the absence of the pastor Dr. J. J. Bennett, the pulpit of the* Prince Avenue church was filled by Rev. C. N. Donaldson, D. D. of At. lanta Sunday monday morning and evening. Large audiences greeted Dr. Donaldson at both services. liquor smugglnig, opening Tues day at Ottawa, that the clearance of ships destined for our ports with liquor cargoes be prohibited by Canada. Other proposals are ready also. In rural schools only 35 per cent of them have supervisors for phy sical education; Aching muscles POSTPONE TRIAL (By Associated Press.) _ CHARLESTON. — The second trial of former Governor Harvey on a oharge of violating the state banking laps in Charleston, in Connection with the failure of the Enterprise Bank, was postponed Monday until next term of court . . Lin ^ • on a motion of the counsel for de- SlOan S LttUment—Mis paw feme. can be relies Apply gently mediately you feel a comforting glow —the etitFneee relaxes—the pain stops. Soon overstrained muscles re gain their elasticity and tone. Get ■ bottle from your druggist today—35 cents. It will not stain. Agent—Madam, you will sink nearly- out of sight in the luxur ious cushions In this new car. Lady (declsvely)—No. When 1 ride In a new car 1 want to be plainly visible. Fruit Cake for Thanksgiving Extra Fine Lettuce Real Good Celery Cauliflower Cranberries Plum Pudding Fig Pudding Indian River Grape Fruit Indian River Oranges Good Eating Apples 30c the dozen New Crop Figs New Nuts Pecans Almonds Brazil Nuts California Walnuts NOTICE OF MEETING OF CREDITORS In the Dbtrlet Court of the l-niuj SUte. for the Northern Di,wJ of Georfin, E».tern DirUiu A, a Court In Bankruptcy ^ , In re: H. E. Wilson, Bankrupt u. 1643 In Bankruptcy. P 1 Athens. Ga. To the Creditor, of Said Bankrupt- i You are hcreby notified that there will be a meeting of endi tor, of the above named bankrupt on December 4. 1923, at 601 em Mutual Building, Athenac. at 11:30 o’clock A. M., for the pi’, pose of examining bankrupt. ,|. lowing claima. selecting . tnalw and other legal buainea,. HOWELL COBB, Refem Athena, Ga.. Nov. 23rd, 1923. Coffee Cake and Mary land Rolls for Tuesday Parker House Rolls 10c the dozen Whole Wheat Bread Rye Bread ARNOLD-ABNEY & CO. Thornton’s TUESDAY Dinner 50c Conaomme Soup . Chicken Pan Pie Boiled Cabbage Creamed Whole Potatoes Sliced Tomatoea Muffins and Biaculti Apple Pie Coffee, Apple «, Tea or Milk 50 Cents TUESDAY SUPPER Pork Sausage Creamed Potatoes English Peaa Macaroni and Chene Hot Biscuit, Cocoanut Pudding Cotfeo, Tea or Milk 50 Cents NE ORLEANS COTTON Prev. Open High Low Cloae Close Jan. 34.75 35.00 34.70 34.94 34.00 Mch. 34.88 35.25 34.86 35.10 34.70 May 34.90 35.25 34.88 85.11 34.44 11 A. M. Bida; January 34.88; March 35.06; May 34.76. CHICAGO GRAIN WHEAT- Open P. C. Clou July .. . . 10614 108% 106% Dre 102% 103 102% May 408% 103% 108 CORN- July 72% 72% 73 72% 72% 73% 71% 72% M *oW July 43% 43% 43% Dec. ., \ ,, 42% 42% 42% May 44% 44% 44% NEW YORK STOCKS Coca Cola .. Open 72* P. C. 74% Kenmeott Copper .. 34% 34% atudebaker . 104% 104* Southern Ry. 37 36% Loew’, Inc. . 17% 17% OH. JUST WAIT It la yet a little too early to tell whether the political Isaue of 1924 will bo the world court or the or igin of species.—Macon (Ga.) Nows. THERE’S MONEY in the Want Ads. Many an important business transaction originated in the Want Ads. Many a good position was secured by means of a few well chosen wrods. It’s the best medium of keeping in touch with the world. Use our columns if you want real results. BANNER-HERALD Phone 75 AT LEA3T IT HELP8 A magazine writer toll, us that a dog fills an empty apace In a man’s life. This ila especially true of the hot dog.—The Lyre. The highest steeple In Bohemia '• 290 feet bight FUNERAL NOTICES! Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Proprietary Medicines Sundries Druggists' of ) High Quality At Low Prires HAMMONDS—The friends and ral atlvea of Mr. N. c. Hammonds, Meter* . WlUle, O. C.. Clarence, Frank and Roeopt Hammond,, Mn, Delay Brown and Mrs Uxxla Fow ler and Mrs. daggle William, are Invited to attend the funeral end enterment of Mrs. Mattie A. Ham mond,, who died et her home, 223 First Street. Athens, Georgia Mon day morning. The funeral end Interment will bo at Bogart Tueadav afternoon at two e-dock. The roe, and son- in-law will net aa pall peerera. B. Duoiway mid Sun, In charge.’ Holiday Goods in Leather and Ivory and Many Items Never | Before Shown. Buy Now While | Complete Line of Selection Can Be Made From Large Assortments j How About This Fora Christinas Present? E VERY Saturday from now until December 22 we will present the lucky person who holds the winning coupon one of these Rugby Bicycle^ Free. This offer begins at once and the first Bicycle will be given away at our store next Satur day, December first at 6 o’clock P. M. ( A Coupon With Each 25 Cash Purchase—or Paid On Account We Haven’t Forgotten the Little Ones Too Small to Ride Bicycles MADAME HENDREN DOLLS Every day at 6 P. M. we will give these beautiful dolls away to the holders of winning coupons. There are enough dolls for a daily winner until Christmas. With Each and Every Purchase Amounting to 25c a Coupon. WiU Be Given That Entities You to a Chance At a Doll or a RUGBY BICYCLE. REID DRUG CO. == Corner Clayton and Lumpkin Streets D^IIL {& J. . 8? ftfc*