The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 28, 1923, Image 1
’ 91.000 Accident Policy Fro* To Regular Subscriber* THE BANNER-HERALD Investigate Today! THE i Dally and Sunday—13 Cent* a Weak •'7 f i JK l»» EatabUalwd 1833, —fn—»a-» Dally and Sunday—13 Cantu a Weak. ATHENS COTTON: MIDDLING .15 3-4e PREVIOUS CLOSE .... 35 l-2c THE WEATHER: Cloudy and Cooler. VOL. Sli NO. 345 Associated Prcaa Service. ATHEN?, r,A.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1(33. A. B. C. Paper. Sind# Coplea 2 Ceuta Dally. « Cento Sunday. Most Colorful Game Of Season Here Saturday +—+ +—S •?—5* ■M 1 + d—5* *1* *1* d* *** 'I* 'I* d* d* *1* ■ *1* d*—d* d—d* d* ■ d* d*—d* d"—d* d* d*. ' dH 1 d*—d* d—d" Holder Offers Aid In Improving Bankhead Highway u Prayin’ Colonels’ Make First Appearance Here For Season’s Last Game BY CHAS. E. MARTIN The team that comes to Athens next Saturday to! battle the peorgia Bulldogs is probably the most sen national team in America. A few years ago Centre Collette was unheard of as a strong contender among the leading colleges of the country having inter collegiate athletics. “Praying Col Then ilitfclchly Centre blossom 'd forth with * wonder taam known then, a* tn< on els.'" ’ / ‘ ; It journeyed east and played vard. It lost but next year this team went cast again and • home with the big end of the frorc. People said tho team was h In tho pan. a one. two or three yeai 1 team but It is still <>ng tho leaders and known nt coast!to coast. Bride-to-Be FMtST appearance This' ll Centre’, flrat appuarunco In Atiieua. The team that Moran will briny here la jiht aa brilliant were his teama In the days of Du McMillan and Roberta. And this team, playa here Sat- unlny. This weak! The gome is the last one of the season In the youth. ATHENS DOESN’T SEEM TO REALIZE ALL THIS. The people of Athena haven't bnught tickets for thla game aa they should. Are they going to "quit" only because Georgia has lest two games T This isn't Athens’ spirit. A cou- .• Jnn’♦ mulra ■ aaHIDfl. pi" of games don't make a season, Who knows but that thoae fighting Bulldogs will be in there Saturday playing Centro off hsr feet? Tickets for this game are on sale dally at Costa's Csfe and if the people of the city foil to take advantage of this opportunity to ate the Centre team In action and sec the 1923 Bulldogs play the last game of the season then they arc not the loyal bunch they have the reputaton of being. ATHENS TUESDAY Offers Co-operation in Improvement of High way Between Athens and Hart County Line. COMMITTEES TO CONFER AT ONCE State Highway Depart ment Will Have $900,000 in 1924 For Construction Work. Improvement of the Bankhead ■ highway from. Athene to tho Bait county line Is assured Insofar as tho State Highway Commission is .concerned, It was indicated at tho Cpantbcr of Commerce good roads forum in the Georgian Holel Tues day .Vgbt.. .u*j •* _ut. , I Cha.rman John N. Holder of .tho -tit* highway board, address 'd representatives from coun ties, tt.rAugTK which the highway zone r.iul Athc-na citizens and de clared that tile commission would 'appropriate two dollars for every one ralttd by tho counties affect- Spanish and Italian consulates (left to right) in Philadelphia were bombed a few days ago. Scv- *d for the Improvement of the ariwtfa haul) tu*n mnila T?wsi1i n J. kfAita fl.H -L.s. ... . , .. * . . eral arre.U have bent made. Emilio do Motu (left photo In citizens clothes) It Inspecting ruins In the'**! 1 ' Spanish consulate, of which he is head. Right shows exterior of Italian consulate. i ! A committee will be MILLION DOLLAR FIRE SWEEPS THROUGH DETROIT WEDNESDAY by President Hugh W. White of the Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of conferring with repre sentatives from the counties along LANKFORD BILL PASSES IN TUESDAY SESSION; TAX RATE 5 PER CENT ATLANTA, Ga.—By vote of 141 to 51—three more than the requisite constitutional majority,—the Georgia house of representatives on Tuesday after^W noon, passed the Lankford bill providing for the levy ing of an income tax for the support of the state of Georgia. A» the measure is a constitu tional amendment, it wag neces sary that the affirmative vote be a two-thirds majority of the total membership of the house, or 138 votes, two-thirds of the roll of 206 members. It will be necessary, before the provisions of the bill are finally adopted into the con stitution of the state, that the ac tion of the legislature be ratified by the voters of the state at the polls at the next general election, in November, 1024. As pussed by the house, the Lankford bill was changed In sev eral features from its form as } passed by the senate. A number ' of amendments, recommended by the house committee on amend- | mints to the constitution, being ludoptcfl before the bill came up {for final passage, j The bill as finally pusned pro vides for a state income tax at a irate not to exceed 5 per cent, on a graduated scale, and also that tho state ad valorem rat shall be re duced from 5 mills to 3 mills as soon as the income tax has been tatlfied by the people and adopted into tho laws of the state. Representatives DuBose and . . j , -« . . -j This’shows Bob Hasty, bail-1**.»j__ „«• r*i a rko both local fundi. The resolution _ I appoint tho committee wa, made by Sol J. Bolcy. Recent photo of the future Em- press of Japan, the Princes. No- gako KunL who will marry the Prince Regent. Tech it .old out for the game Thanksgiving in Atlanta. Let’s sell out in Athens for the itame Saturday, tho more colorful Rattle by for of the two. Examinations of four herds of {cattle in th>« and adjoining coun ties resulted in discovery of thir- jty-cight animals afflicted with tu berculosis, Harold Hodgson, chief {sanitary Inspector announces. Dr. Hodgson turned down a cow, DETROIT,—-Fire starting from an overheated stove In a watch man's shanty early Wednesday destroyed the Detroit and Wind sor Perry Company dock, bowing the United brates Immigration and sixth story . Monger Building whti.h was horned to tho gound and then destroyed a four story ware house and many small buildings on woodward Are. and Bataa street. When the fire was finally brought Under control after call Ing nn all tho fire fighting resour cos f tho city, the low wae esU- fisted at more than tlAOOJMO with the chaoce that the damage will , run higher ■ than that figure. Three person were Injured and lEi a fine looking animal, at the ab- ., ‘.jT 1 ?” ” er * »” a ...» ... Tw.. i “ fnought that one of them Is Additional Teams m ,, nmnrnS ine nnu ntuarcuiosis. a For “Y" Campaign TAV D [[ fjggg inn Ulhh I I1UUL.U owner of the cow, Inspected the en- attoir early this month because the animal had tuberculosis. seriously, hurt. W. B. Steadman, Hugh W. White nnd M. P. Jamlgan were a dded to tho team of Andrew C. Erwin Wednesday for aiding In raising Hie current expense fund of the Y. M. C. A. The complete tram of Captain Joel A. Wier, which was net included in the "rlginnl list follows: John White Morton, Fleetwood Lanier, Dr. N. 0. Slaughter, D. C. Barrow, Will Hopkins. W. H. Bocock, Ralph IlcJgsdn. Annual Fall Fair At Julia Harris’ Colored School Governor Telegraphs Uni versity Professor, Say ing Commission Is Com pliment Through Action of Legislature. tire herd and found several more afflicted wifh tuberculosis. Three other men had their herds spccted and tubercular cattle was found in two of the three. Dr. Hodgson states that an ef fort will probably be made to have the cattle in this section t inspected annually. The strict regulations governing slaughtering of animals for food here at the abattoir kept Notifying him that the |someone from eating the animal cglsature has passed ** e ®j”’?. 1 ?*?" afflicted with tuberculosis. slon’s Mil, defeating all substitute measure*. Governor Clifford Welk er Wednesday morning,telegraphed Dr. J. H. T. McPherson of poll ticai science Uni verity of Georgia congratulat ing him as a member of tax com mission. Dr. McPherson, it is knowf. was a member of Governor Walker’s spec'al tax commission, was the expert of the body, drafted the reromcndatlons of the commissi™, and Is geheraly conceded to be cne of the greatest expert* on taxes, state government, and political science genera! In the South. The telegram to D. McPherson from Governor Walker wh»c!i was waiting for. Dr. McPherson when Tho annuli fall fair at the Teach ' r Training and Industrial Institute • ho colored school conducted on •he Danielsville roan by Julia Jackson Harris begins Thursday Thanksgiving, and vfL'I continue through the 30th. This an annual affair at this school and has become to be well known event In the educational ’"'home of f.he eoutaty. Several imminent speakers ure on the i 1 '"gram'. There will be premiums for ex- nlbltx of corn. peas, potatoes,cot- f '»n. wheat, oats, vegetables, can- r *I products of all kinds, preser- '*»• qullU. plVn sewing and fanpy work.. :<L '- White people are especially in- 'ked to see the displays. h. reached hi. University eftice Wednesday morning read: "Atlanta. Oa.. November 37. 1133. Dr. J. H. T. MoPfferion Unlvmlty ot Ga. Athena. Ga. i legislature compliments, cou- mfaslon on passing 1 '. Its WR,. substitutes defeated coii| ttoW ' ' Clifford Walljr bill./ All ngralutu Just An Excuse to “Dead-Head” in For Some Choice Seats ATLANTA, Ga.—Calling in his entire fore* of officers. F. D. Dismuke, federal prohibition agent, announced Wednesday that he was ntkatng plans to coi*b»t lloune drinking at the Thanksgiving Day football game. . "I have Instructed every man in my department to be In Atlanta Thursday,” said Mr. Dismuke. “and we intend to enforce the dry law. The drinking, we understand, it not among the student body, but outsiders, who take advantage of the occasion and spoil the -pleasure of others who go to the gams to see football and not drankarda. We will watch , downtown hotel* for any row-1 dyism.” r>u ’ - (By Associated Press) NEW YORK,—Barlow Diamond ond bis brother, Joseph, have made complete confessions of their part In the robbery and murder of two West Er.d Bank messengers sev ers! days since In a Brookyln ele vated station. Dlstrect Attorney Dodd announced Wednesday after several arrest ,had been mttie. The men deld the actual shoot ■ Martin J. Abney presided over {the meeting which was attended by several enthusiastic bust ■ neat men who declared tho meet ing was a big sncesss Inasmuch lav tbs stats highway board hid assured the counties pf old In bet- ___ tiring the highway. Funeral services over the body! " —as shown .that Athens Is greatly concerned with the dcvel of Captain W. A. Clarke who died opment of six or ssrsn rosds. nt his home here Monday night. Completion of the Atheni-Jeffer- were conducted from the homo son road would greatly facilitate Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock.'Hade. Federal funds have been with Rev. J. J. Bennett, pastor of allotted for roads from Lexington tho Prince Avenue Baptist church, to the Wilkes county line. Within in charge. Interment followed in the next twelve months there may Oconee cemetery be federal aid roads from Athens The pallbearers were: Messrs, to 'the South Carolina line. Georgs Storey, J. T. Byrd, R. L. f" 18 ® 4 .f r * c , on ‘ lr “F!°! , 13-77 -— Miller. W. F. Dor.ey, W. T. Sul- wln P"*» bl J( •f*'* ft®” }*?’ WW seven II n • re 1 tst'U ■ . _ . .....u . In nanl#livilie. GWIll- U „/ ictics whose name ha* been tioneil in the alleged kidnaping and flogging, of a man and .woman near Marietta. C*. f , Bandits Make $20,000 Haul In Day Holdup (By Aaiotiated Press.) SEATTLE.—A daring and well planned hold-up of two bank of California messengers at a street intersection in the heart of th* In 1(24 a recon.tructlon outfit (business district late Tuesday, JU1 . ..ill probably atart from Law.‘yk| dtd KVen bandits $20,000 llvan. C. L. Byrd. W.'b. Vsaxr and renceville to DantslsvUls. Gwln- worth of negotiable bonds. C. H. Ifart!- V ” *m“re “nett,county I. going, to builds N„ trace of the robb. the Order of Railway Conductors|P»vcd road 1 *■*«•" «•■«! *•"“ were, heivuy irrood have acted as honorary e«ort. Cap- Lawrencsvnis to Atlanta, in fsnitd. Motorcycle policemen ae- tafn Oarke was one of the best Oconee county federul aid is need- known men In this pert of the ed. state and had been connected with the Southern railrotd thirty-nine yean. IS PROBLEM in addtion to his widow, Captain 1 ... . . ... Clarks i, aurvived by Drr. W. A? Tbe Clarke of Athens, Mrs.. Arthur section is Mid tabs the "*®»- Fields of Greensboro, N. C. ;rtrufction ofths road from Djn- <m , trlsvllle to the Fronklln county It >n . rx line- It is estimated that it will Urge That Dues «>*t w build roads and ® I bridge, from Fronklln county to Rp Pair} Af Oncft Danielsville. Fifty per cent of De A tUU JAl v/nce hls _ ro j C; . t will ha built by the 'w—• ‘federal funds am! fc*a^ The members of the Allen R.!off«red by the state highway Fleming Post of the American Iboard. When the rood it payed Legion are urged to mail companying the automobile con taining ,the two measengere who were enroute to the postofftce sub-station wore'manacled to machine.. ’ . their their I from Lawrsnceville to Atlanta the 1924 duet it once, before Friday highway board will center Its en- ntorning, to Howard T. Abney.| er gy upon paving from Athena to: , ..... r. 'tfinance officer. There dues nreItawrencevilie. L/l. . th ^__ pro,eo V tor . lhe wanted now tc help th. depart- | t will probably be a number of names of three gunmen, ot yet au . prehended. Additional arrests out, in the contest that is on. years before all the roads joining ,n * A long dlst«nce call from E. B.i| 0 connect Athens )vith Atlanta Dunlap, commander, payment of the dues. urged ; eluded Anthony Platons, young i Brooklyn salesman who is said to • have furnished the imtuiUn with linfomaPon concerning the niea- j seogera , { Tho I’ve men arrested In t4ie japatmiyit rnndczous Of the ban- JdU gang. The holdup, according | to the confusions was planned at 1 a meeting attended by Barlow Dla- I mond, Patano and two of the gun- . men. . I Pantano was said to have lost his nerve an«l attempted to quit the plot but remained' of tho/gain his health. He was a nephew gunmen threatened him with death, of Captain Arthur Cox of Athens. Barlow Diamond It is said received *V"'- "I t!-‘ ! -"t. the w in be fixed proptriy. I Mr. Holder said the Ug U* is AU reh^c!- »a* h»s been spent on maintaining road*. Robert Hale Dies Sjfhw , y - D ,^rt m «t In Phoenix, Anzonai^/n |m Ve jaoo.mjo In 1924 for road " — comtruction, it la aald, JJawz has reached relatives In . of the death of Mr. Robert Hale, age 28. n Phoenix, Arizona. Tuesday night. He wi, the aolt of Mrz. Robert Hale, formerly of this city, and had been in the went for zoveral year* zeekin- • to TRIAL POSPONEO (By Ataoctated Prczz) OKLAHOMA CITY— 1 The ar- of J. c. Walton, do- pooed Oovemor, on six Indtctmontz charging doverilon of public fundi ■ nil Mm dlir.rsal of the meeting RE-ARREST OF 11. DEFENDANTS WED. Announced At Office of Solicitor Penny That Those Who Forfeited Bonds Will Be Arrested. Wholesale arrest of p*'rs«>ns» most of them liquor case* who failed to appear for trial in city court, have been ordered, it was learned Wednesday at the offico of Solicitor L. Dennis Penny.' The Athens police have orders to re-arrest nineteen defendants following issuance of bench war rants by Judge J. D. Bradwoll. Bonds were forfeited in a total of forty-five cases in th" court and orders for re-arrest of tw**n- »ued n *e*- of the trial f Athens will observe Thanksgiv ing Day Thursday in Its usual . L . , quiet way. j There will be special >" «■“ chabtgang In Thanksgiving services at many of charging violation of the c|iurehra ’ while moat of the buslnta* house* will enjoy whole holiday. In the afternoon the Athens High School football team will play the Lavonla High for the championship of this section on S»nf**nj Fwd Tha game will b« called at I o'clock. * Many, will spend the day in th* Helds hunting while others will play golf in the afternoon. Some tre planning to visit Atlanta and th# Georgia Tech-Auburn foot ball game. The schools will have holiday and many . of tha students will spend the day at home. Turkey dinners ’ will be the menu on mp*t tables while the day wOl be "ne of thanks for the of the legislature was continued • blessings of the past year in gen- Wednesday ore until Monday. ^ral. ty-seven defendants as a result of non-appeari court during the term now sion. it was learned. Many defendants appeared for later. Three or four of the defandants against whom bench warrants were issued have been re-arrested and tried. One of these. Porter, a white man, wag st min ced to serve a total of six months two cases the prohibi tion law. John Anthony, also a white man, was fined $5 for con tempt of court for failing to ap pear. He plead guilty to having a small amount of liquor in two cases nnd was fined the costs in one and $35 in the other. Howard Harper, white, tenced to one Month in — and three months imprisonment in another, both charging violation of the prohibition law. C. M. “Baldy" Lankford must rve a sentence of six month* in chaingang at the completion of a thirty day’s jail sentence a* % re sult of an order issued Tuesday by Judge Bradwcll upon receiving remittur from the higher <o U rts affirming Lankford’s sentence several months ago. Lankford ppealed from the verdict of th# court. .