The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 29, 1923, Image 1
11,000 Accident Policy Free Ts Regular 8ubterlbara , the banner-herald Invaatlgata Today I! ATHENS COTTON: middling .. m PREVIOUS CLOSE .. .. 35 THE WEATHERi Cloudy and Cooler. Daily and Sunday—IS Centa a Weak Daily and Sunday—13 Centa a Week. ATHENS, GA., THURSDAY: NOVEMBER 29, 1923. Montana’s Prettiest TWENTY-SIX ARE HURT AS SOUTHERN SPECIAL RUNS BY DANGER SIGN Injunction Will Be Sought' Services Held At Church es During Day. Hunting BY CHAS. E. MARTIN The Centre College football team will arrive in Athene Friday in time to take a workout in the aft ernoon preparatory to the game against Georgia Saturday. This is the closing game of the season for the south and will be an interesting affair regardless of who wins. The Georgia team may have her chance s discounted as a result of the Vanderbilt and Alabama de feats but the Red and Black is not yet defeated. Georgia teams have made great “comebacks” in the past and with a week’s rest and but little football since Sat urday the team will be back on edge for the game Saturday and will battle the Centreites to a Parties and Turkey Din ner Complete Day. rear end of the Southland at Nahunta, Ga., according Athens observed Tliantogivlng Thursday In keeping wth the cus tom established by the forefathers in the Kindergarten days of the republc when a day In each year dangers that lurked in a land un- thanks to God for his blessings, guidance and protection from the dangers that lurked in a and un known, by Ita settes. Thursday morning ushered In a rainy, dsagrteable Thanksgiving dayday Insofar aajthe weather la concerned. The Inclemency of the weather, however, did. not dampen the ardor of cooks and Thanks giving dinners, eaten in warm rooms, was enjoyed as much as If ] the weather had been-perfect More Athens famy.les enjoyod turkey Thursday than In the last several years, market* sale* of that foul being unusually high 4n ad dition tp dosena sold by produce** at the municipal market and »& to advices to the local dispatcher’s office. , ■ ——* None of the injured Held I to be very badly hurt. ^ • Information here concerning the* wreck was meagre, and it was stated that Engineer Evans had run past the rod signal at the cut .Tw off where the Southland leaves the ALu . T® Coast Line's tracks tb ta ■ other route. ■ It is believed that the a <1 {equipment of both trai s v vented a heavy loss of life i baggage and mail cars Kansas City Special were il >. M but the rest of the train pre after nbout an hour’s delay, thought Warhorse nll-stflel v. Tim of thu ,|, railed occdicd TWENTY-SIX ARE INJURED OF.ORGIA TO FIGHT Again wo say Georgia h»» not loot the game TMv-.rr- - -- drawing cord ’in tiu^MUtln It iirowo L z~.‘.—, j. in Louisville, In Blrmlni ■vhcrovor It hnppono to be Tho teom I. one thot tho public " ■ ■ wonts to i«e In oction everywhere. Thin will prore no exception In The shove li Athens. graph of Sonat To win the game both teams one of tho leal will exert themselve, to tho limit, tho upper how If Georgia can win than the taa- in. for the bl, son will h«vo been » euccese do-, ember 3. npite the looaoo to Vanderbilt and Alabama. If Centre can will _ give her a strong claim to the Kincr-rio chsraploanitp of tho south. Sho la ‘“ o not in the 8. I. C. but «ho gives ri nu)( no ground an this account when VelUDCD hutting in a claim for the title. — ROTH TRAMS Hint Hodgson WANT GAME .the pocea.lun t, | Gcorja-Centre So both Uama want thU game. | attemooon. 1 Joe Bennett's team wants itj carried Wedneo probably more than any game on I Bounced: “we : the schedule while the viaiton “Georgia." Athi have ravenqui ej COLUMBIA, S. C.—1 the inki’-d give, out b| fwmrPrs of here, gives twenty-si among whom are W. of Macon, badly cut ov and knee, and F. <\ NY! wife «.t Atlanta, suffci khock. Several of the injured dents of Florida whilo n othrs nr from tho middh California. With tho e> all hurts were bruises and shocks. that respect Thanksgiving dlnnera Centre is probably the beet rawing card in the eouth. It rawe in Boaton, In Philadelphia. I Louisville, In Birmingham or the auditorium can Thanksn'vug was observed, In I 1IUUIMII >a« www I several of the chuchee where epec- lal services were held and prayer* offered for the bleaalnga the Al mighty has given the people of Athene. Athene bio never Aad greater cause to be thankful than on this Barlow M. Diamond, talesman of New York City, wa, arrested in Cleveland, Ohio, and returned to the metropolis tor 'questioning In connection with a hold-up nnd murder. After a grilling ho con fessed to a part in the murder of, two bank runner,. women acting at. private individ ual! and not at members of any organisation wae said to have been responsible for Elder La- Prade'o action in barring Mlu Ferrar from the church auditor ium. The singer herself wae quoted in Birmingham dispatches as entirely unconcerned aver the Remember Them On Thanksgiving Day incident. Two More Added To Teams Raising “Y” Expense Fund Do not forget, today, whan Joys of a Happy Thanksgiving you sit at home and enjoy the that in Auguata, Ga., yes right In our own state, are over 300 Invalided soldiers who might have had ^.brighter Thanks giving if the people of Athens had responded more generously to ths call for money to buy them some “smokes'* and % othcr little things they cherish. The box la going to be sent Friday. The time is short. 80 wont you send cash or con tributions In the way of ciga- rets ptayino cards or fruits and huts to Mss. J. L. Sexton or Fickett’s Jewelry store at onctf Lets not forget these boys to- day—Thanksgiving. MARIETTA, Ga. StS World, a* well as all .da tive, of tha deceased Sovereign Joe Lucas, arc requested to meet nt the Classic City Camp No. 292 Hall Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. The purpose of the meeting will be the unveiling of a monument in Oconee cemetery to Joe Lucas. After gathemg at the hall at the comer of Clayton and. College avenue. the party will move to the cemetery where the unveiling ROBERT WILLIAMS, . COLORED, IS DEAD have ravenqua eyes on it. It', going to be a game worth coming miiee to see, even if it rains. Tickets ere selling nt Coeta',. There are plenty of good seats left, but they ere going fast. This is your i*st opportunity of teeing a great football game—or a oy kind of foqtbail game for that matter—until next fall, a long lime off; and If the opportunity ia pissed up then blame nobody but yourself. stores will be closed from 2:30 un til 3 P. M. Saturday for the Oeor- gla-Centro football game.T This Arm operates a chain of re tail grocery stores in Athena and this probably means It will lose a few orders but a», ft say, “It is for 'Georgia* and Athena" and bus iness is suspended for the duration of the game. It is hoped that other concerns will follow this load and “Close •hop." Robert William,, colorod, mem ber of a large and well known family of Athens negroes, died Tuesday. He was 23 year, old and. ia survived by seven brothera and six listen and hi, mother, all liv ing. The funeral will ' be conducted Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Friendihip church. News Events From All Comers of The World Told By Photos THE GIANT KILLERS Chancellor Goes to Pen Consul Frieda Denton ie only 13. Yet •he mutt serve 15 years in the Woman', Reformatory at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She was convicted of a string of forgeries., And the Judge said the law did not permit him to be any mors lenient, dc- Remember Urn folks! *elL he *SS Kaiser Wilhelm’s «***•£*} in Washington before the United •Staten entered the war* He is Dr, HeinHel F. Albert, Germany* new chancellor. Right now h# ia ™»y forming n niw cabinet. _jfHESE MEN ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE EXPOSE ANDPROSECUTIONS .WHICH ENLED THE WHOLESALE MULCTING OF VICTIMS BY FAKE OIL STOCK PROMOTERS. LEFT TO RIGHT: LEON M. SILER, EDITOR FOttT WORTH PRESS; JUDGE SYLVESTER R. ^USH. SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO U. S. ATTOR-NBY GENERAL; JOHNSON S. SWENSON, VETERAN U. S. POS- JWI, INSPECTOR; JOHN S. PRATT. SPECIAL ASSISTANT TOU. S. ATTORNEY GENERAL; HENRtf ZWEIFEL.'W. S. DISTRICT • U. ' A -. C-a* . , »• » Luigi Sillittl Is the II 1 sul in Philadelphia. HU was bombed, anil police to discover whether it i os an attempt on his lil alian eon* consulate ire trying .as meant ; Lata phdto of / Crown Prince . Hirohito, Regent of Japan. He ,i soon will marry Princess Nagako Kuni.