The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, November 29, 1923, Image 3
TfltrflBDA'f. N'ovi:.tim;it a; 1023. 'HJiHi *«■!» Office 1201 — Bt MBS. ALICE ADAMS — Bciidence 832 ~~ r ~ extended stay In MRS. PAUL WILLIAMS ENTEfUi »U*a Roselle Hudson has TAINS PG(R MRS. R. L.‘ HAY . ! turned from an extended sta; On* Of tho wefkaiaost beautiful Tejfas, s.h was the lovely bridge p l rty Thursday fcft£rrion ; at which Mrs*. Paul.Williams entertained \n j ,, n „r of Sirs. H. L. #tiy of At. ;; u?ta f .who* is I>lea»;»ntly reinembei i lllua Vti rtnin T *bm P'lnili. i.d hfi-e MS Mis* Nnitnie LesiCauth- en. Quuntitien of pink carnations .•ind ferph ^ndocned ; the rooms In artist!© hrrnnKetnent. Five toXnfs of players were In* vlted 1o\iu»t tnO hqnoree. PoL l.»wlngi # tlfwtip|rlted game a delici- uious s.ila^ course was served. Mr. ilajiwnr- presented a com plete bridge set. Mrs. Frank Mil ler woh tht- top score and Mrs. Harry' plarify the low, both prizes being jscoriv pads. The charmingly plan^Up party added very d»L llgiitfbtly to the social affairs of the wflek, . . • - " ’ —•*— GIRLS AUXILIARY FIRST BAP TIST .QHURCH The fllrl’s Auxiliary of the First baptist church arc requested "^to meet In the ladles* parlor of the i hutch Saturday afterpon, Decem ber 1st, nt 3 o'clock. All the girls are n rtf Ml to attend the meeting and bring offering boxes. Pnrsonnge Circle. 11 of Oconee street church will m«et Friday af ternoon nt the neighborhood house at 3 o'clock. . & tETS EVERY EXACTING j REQUIREMENT 0 with Ihe umt «wMI« »trM*M lines -nd consummate style that char, setenze dressier types, this suit may be developed in euW .ilk, wool of eott fabpiesr The jacket u emplj iupi ed with pocktU of l<Jf-mit« riaUany two ol which nay he omit, led. u fancy dictate* Thtrataft £i?>Jt o^.'’.t% MihS afesMSTL: .orial Review Jacket No. 1321 34 »o 42 inches boat and 14 to ’'Noi r nfilf° &zo, Fnornton’s j FRIDAY VeKCtable Soup t;ir ecued Pork or Roa»t_Bcof ■ Rleckeyed Peas reamed Whole Potatoes VcKCtnW" Salad Muffins and Biscuits I Cocoanut Pie Coffee, Tea or Milk 50 Cents —' j? tjift Mr. nnd Mrs.; Hugh Filligfm otf Swainesbprn Are'musts of Sir. ana » Mrs. Ti. C. DrOwn.i Friends of Jf? Murray Soule will regret to lehrn of hla Illness at thtf homd of his parents Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Soule. Miss Mamie Turnbull Is psend. irig Thanksgiving la Toccoa Miss Anne May Connar !a In So cial Circle for th^Thanksglrlpg Holidays. Representative and Mrs. Ar- mould ft Kansas City arrived Mon. day to visit Mrs.-S. C. Reese. —®— Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wallace of.Atlanta and Mr. nnd Mrs. Irvin Potts of Greensville, S. C. will spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hayes. 1 -m- Mrs. Joseph Stewart Is in At* Innta visiting Mrs. Hilliard Spald ing and Mrs, Ward Wight. -W— Mrs. Allen \Voodall of Colum. bus Is visiting her father, Mr. Hen- ry Parham. —®— Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cooper of Winder are spending Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. rnul Williams. —IE— Miss Maty Sims of Albany, Ala. Is tin- guest of her sister Miss Car olyn Sims for Thanksgiving, —SB— Miss Sarah Bishop and Miss Hattie Claud Copeland of Green*- boro are guests of Mrs. Ethel Bis. shop for Thanksgiving. —— Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bishop of Madison nrc guests of Mrs. D. N Bishop for the week-end Miss Iris Jarrell who teachea In Columbus and Miss Margaret Ex- ley of Savannah arrive Friday to spend the week-end with- Mrs. Joseph Jarrell and Miss Ixnfalno Jamil. / —ffi— , Mr. and Mrs. Cobb Lompklnof Athens are the guests of Mr. and I Mrs. K. E. Edwards in West End 1 —Constitution geisIyTe Dull Pupil May Become Wonder in Some Way Is What History Has Shown. CHICAGO,—Dullness ID childhood may bo an Indlcatjoo of fanltts In liter year,. Many of the world', moat fomou, men e«Ubl,he<t npn- I cation, u dunce, in. their youth. I "Henry Ward Beecher wa% the laat boy In h, clans'from whom anything wa, expected," Hid D. P. Mar key in an addreaa here In the (ntareat of more ntenalvo duet- Mesa! effort in the Amerlcmn- 'Hton movement of the fraternal .societies. "Charles Darwin waa singularly Incapable n bio youth of maaterini any language. Napoleon graduated forty-second In hi, class "Tho Duke of Wllllngton did ol nothing at Eton nnd wa, uld by hi, mother to be only fit for pow.- der. Lowell wa, reprimanded for carelealneis |n hla itodfe, and sdi- pended in hi, aophmjre year, lord Robert Clive, founder of tho Bm p',re of India waa dubbed by hi, teacher a dunce If not a reprobate. "Stonewall Jackson waa lowest In a class of twenty. Drydcn wg» a habitual truant. Of Sir Walter Scott It wa. Mid. 'dunce he wa, and dunce he would remain., Lin naeus, father of modern botany wa, called 'unhandy at everything-' Newton wa, neat to the bottom In J«'» class. Huxley detested writing until he wax twenty-on "Dullness in children I, sot «o bad a, it ,eem» and wayyardnea, may be only real mlaplaced. Many of the cot.-Mictions of dunce, bo- cotnng great men are due tp unwlao teachers, harsh critin'rm, at homo •nd lack of self confidence In early year,. Many youth,, of course, mature late and for them only the rudiment, of school are needed In eary year,. Others are of such ro- Bourarfuinws,' that exacting rales of school arc utterly rapresilng. FRIDAY SUPPER Steak, Brown Gravy Pork nnd Beana , ■■■jwed Prime, tacsronl and Cbceac Hot Biscuits "Banana Pudding Coffee. Tea or MUk . N 50 Cents |Bdy a Buick for a Xmai present. Banner-Herald Want Ads / Too Lata to Clualfy FOR SAtfe—Cole Hot Blaat Range in good condition. Few other household furnishings. Cheap. Phone 155 or call 485 Boulevard. d2p r- McLELLAN’S 5-10-25c STORE Big reduction. In Ladl«a’ and Misses' Hat,—we mint make room for our Xma, merchandise. All *5X10 Hats now 83.88 8-LOO and 84-00 Hat* now .. 81A* to 8158 Ladies’ Sweaters \ *2-41 Ladle,' Sweaters Men's Sweaters Men's SwJattrs Alt n’s Jarit-y* * WATCH Ol*R WINDOWS a \ • • - - • • ; D.4I ?;V. 91.98 Great News Here for Friday and Saturday, NOW is THE TIME FOR XMAS SHOPPING. EARLY MEANS BEST SERVICE ^ . SALE FINE WOOLENS $1.98 yard Values to $2.95. All beautiful woolen dreSs goods now in great demand. Poiret Twills 46 inches wide; Trico tines, 54 inches wide; French Serges, 44 inches wide and smart Shepard Checks; PACIFIC PACKAGES Less 1-3 The finest of all package pieces for art needlework. Every package is complete. Gowns, Teddies, Children’s and Baby Dresses. linen pillow cases $3.48 pair Beautiful quality purte Linen hem stitched Cases. Value $4.50 pair. A great bargain for the thrifty. STAMPED LINJLN CENTERS AND SCARFS $1.00 Of beautiful quality, pure Linen Crash or Madiera Linen, 36 inch Center Pieces and Scarfs. Sizes. 18x45 or 18x54. H. S. LINEN TOWELS v 96 cents Values to $1.56. Full size beautiful large Irish Linen -hemstitched Towels, some, too, with unfinished edges for handwork. ( LINEN LAUNDRY BAGS 59 cents A real $1.25 value. These natural Linen Bags are finished and may be had stamped Or plain. LACE SCARFS $1.00 Lovely $1.75 ones in all sizes, White and with colored laces. STAMPED CASES $1.29 pair Our regular fine $1.65 quality, heavy fine tubing stamped in beautiful de signs. For scalloping. or hemstitched points. Buy freely. FANCY LINENS 20 per cent Off Our entire stock, of Embroidered and Lace Linens go into this sale. It’s a rare treat to buy such fine Linens less ONE-FIFTH. FINE LACES 9 cents yard Values to 25c. Linen Cluny, Round Thread and. Valeneiences. White, Creams and L>nen. Widths from 1-2 to 2 1-2 inches. GINGHAM DRESSES $1.00 Andjhe material alone is worth far „ more. Eighteen beautiful styles in all colors and designs. Made of guaran- ; teed fast color Ginghams. Buy for fu- i ture use and Xmas gifts. Such a low price will be long in coming again. The Season's Long oA e waited Event Our Entire DRESS STOCK InOne Great Price Saving Sale All kinds of dresses are here. For wear everywhereJand cvery- wear. Dresses for street, for home, for dinner^ foridance, recep tion, theatre, concert, for day time and evening, for formal and informal occasions, and in every size, of every fashion and ma terial that is now in the height of fashion. SEE YOUR SAVINGS Wer, 537A5 Draises Now 827.12 Were 539.75 Dresses Now 52' Were 5I7J0 Dresses Now 555.62 Were *49.50 Dresses Now 537.12 Were 857.50 Dream Now 842.12 Were 15950 Dresses Now $44.52 Were *57.50 Dresses Now 550At Were *69.50 Dresses Now 852.12 Were 17950 Dresses Now 859.62 Were *8750 Dresses Now 55552 Were *9755 Dresses Now *72.52 Were *11250 Dressss Now (§458 Ladies 9 and cMisses' $32.50 Coats $24.75 And there’s not a one in the sale, that you would not be glad to own for $32.50. Now you may.choose and pay $22.75. Each is a handsome, stylish coat of fine material. Colors NAVY, BROWN, KIT FOX, BLACK. Either self trimmed or with luxuriant handsome collars of fine furs. Sale Handsome Separate Skirts For sports and formal wear, beaytiful models made of Camel’s Hair, Plaid and Stripe Fancy Weave Woolen, Serge, Poiret Twill and Crepe Poplin. In all pelors and sizes. At. less than cost of manufacture. SEE YOUR SAVINGS Wtra 8«5« Skirt* Now $4.33 Ware $950 Skirts ......— Now $5.33 Were $1650 Skirts Now $11.00 Were *750 Skirt* Now 15.00 Wero II150 Skirt. Now *757 Wtin *1750 Skirt* Now *1157 ■^fr' Were $27.50 to $32 JO Fine Fall Frocks \75 We don’t believe you have ever before bought such fine dresses at such a low price. For here are Silk and Woolen Frocks of lovely style, handsome material and beautiful workmanship. Dresses that were low-priced at $27.60 and $32.60. Now we say take your choice and pa/"$19.76. Jersey and Radium Silk Petticoats Such fine petticoats as you are accustomed to see marked as high as $7.60. They are' the best quality material and tailored in all the wanted styles and colors. And as a hint to the wise—they make lovely Xmas gifts. SALE HAND MADE BLOUSES $3.98 Were $4.45 to $5.75. These lovely hand made Blouses are exquisitely made of imported Irish Dimity . and French Voile. There are only about 60 of them to sell at $3.98. So bo early. ALL SILK BLOUSES if HALF PRICE 3 Regardless of former price or reduc tions every Silk Elousc in stock goes - for half its previous price. Heffe are beautiful Suit and Costume Blouses of handsome Silks. ’ FAST COLOR GINGHAM 23c yard All fine dress Ginghams of superior \ quality and guaranteed fast new colors and designs. SILK STRIPE SHIRTINGS 58c yard dW Regular 75c 'quality, a fine handsome grade for long wearing good skirts and dresses. 36 inches wide, neat designs. 1 SILK CREPE DE CHINE . $1.98 yard Our, regular fine $2.25 quality, 40 inches wide and of beautiful finish. Colors Black. Navy, King’s Blue, Ma rine, Flesh, Pink, Peach, Quaker, Tur quoise, Brown, Cordovan, Old Hose. Cocoa, Sand. ‘ ; 12 ANI) 16 BUTTON '-"L-H CHAMOISETTE GLOVES 79c pair The fine imported long gloves that j come front Kuyscr and Van Raalte. ONYX POINTEX HEEL SILK HOSIERY - $1,95 pair £ _ Our regular $2.50 grade. Full fashoned and lovely quality in Black and Brown. All with the popular pointed Pointex Heel. LADIES’ WOOL HOSE $1.00 pair A wonderful value in fine All Wool Stockings. Colors in Heather Mixtures. Sizes 8 1-2 to 10. FANCY RIBBONS 19c yard Qualities that sold for 25c to 60c yard. All beautiiul Ribbons for trinipiings and novelties. VIYELLA FLANNEL 98c yarf.'-JjS Regular $1.65. For men’s shuts, dresses, etd,, in sblid cold's, checks and stripes. MEN’S LINEN KERCHIEFS 25 cents Fine quality pure Irish Linen Hand kerchiefs. All hemstitched. Values £o 39 cents. . ■“ r* LADIES’ KERCtHEFS ; * 25 cents Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, hand or machine embroidered. Such handker chiefs are easily worth to 50c.