Newspaper Page Text
Published Every Evening During the Week Except Saturday and
Sunday and on Sunday Morning by The Athena Publlahlng Company,
Athene, On..
Ye Olde Thanksgiving
Publisher and General Manager
Managing Editor
Entered at the Athena Poctoffice aa Second Claaa Mail Matter under
“> the Act of Congreae March 8, 1879.
(Effective Nov. 12, 1923)
By city carrier delivery, One Week, 13 cents; Two Weeks, 25 cents;
One Month, 55 cents; Three Months. $1.65; Six Months, $3.25; One
Yoor, $6.50. Mail Subscription Rate, $6.00 per year.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repub
lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
In .this paper, and also the local news published therein. All rights
of republication of npecinl dispatches are also reserved.
Address all Business Commuicationa direct to the Athens Publishing
Company, not to individuals. News articles intended for publication
should lie addressed to The Banner-Herald.
‘ The people of Athens in common with those of the
whole United Stutes will observe this day as a day
of . Thanksgiving. It is meet and proper that men
should devote at least one day in the year to such
observance, for men are prone to forget the many
blessings they enjoy unless the fact is called to their
minds In some regular way as in the observance of
Thanksgiving Day.
;„It is true that in the year that has passed there
have come to many sorrows or misfortunes,, but the
general balance sheet in life has been on the side of
good and the side of blessing. Man cannot live with
out more or less sorrow or trial, and it is best for him
that he should undergo some kind, but in the main the
past year has been one of untold blessing to the peo
ple Of this city and the entire country-
For all the good that has come to our people, for all
the b)crsings that have been showered upon them in
the past year by a kind Providence, for the protection
against great calamities and overwhelming disaster,
the people have good reason to be thankful today.
,Tho people of Athens have special reason to return
thanks for on no city in the entire country has the
blessing of Providence been poured out more abun
dantly than upon this city. In Athens everything is
prosperous, tho people are contented and happy and
every line of business or life endeavor is in good
shape an.d doing well.
'' In the proper manner today, in church and by the
fireside the people should return their thanks for. the
blessings they have received in the past year,
One of the most encouraging signs of a democratic
victory is the organisation of the women of eleven
states who assembled in Atlanta last week for the
purpose of concentrating their forces on some candi
date who can wrest the government from tho hands
of the republicans. These good women are determin
ed to assert their rights and!powers in the. coming
presidential election whichj will count for something
and insure success for. the democratic party.
• . Tho convention had many delegates from Tennes
see. This state was lost by the democrats in the last
national election, but the women from that state as
sured the convention that there would never be dan
ger again of losing Tennessee. The women could not
vote at that time and on account of many complica
tions jn local politics and dissension In party ranks,
the republicans captured the state much to tire sur
prise pf both parties- However, that day has passed
so It’s claimed by the Women delegates nnd from now
on this state can be counted as strongly for democracy
an ein Georgia and Soufh Carolina.
■iSjVhi'e no candidate was endorsed for the' demo
cratic, nomination, it is believed that these ladies
have their on one nnd that long before the con
vention is called to meet for the purpose of nominat
ing a candidate for the presidency, tho women’s or
ganization in the pnrtv will come forward and put
their stamp of nnnroval on his candidacy. That done,
the nomination I* bound to come to him and his elec-
|tum is equally as certain.
Modification of the Volstead act is a perplexing
question which is facing the party leaders and plat-,
form incorporators of both the republican and demo
cratic parties. It a plank is inserted in either plat
form favoring a modification of the prohibition act, it
means that that party will lose the prohibition vote.
If on the other hand either party'fails to incorporate
such a plank it means that the anti-prohibition vote
would be against them. That is the condition which
is facing both parties today and one or the other, no
doubt, will face the music and incorporate in Its
platform a plank which will be in favor of the modifi
The measure as it now stands’is entirely too drastic
and makes violators of the law out of the law-abiding
clement of all communities. This .ill important ones-'
Hons looms up in every national election and now is
the time for its settlement. Both parties should make
their platforms clear on the subject, either for or
against—no riding the fence or side-stepping, but a
frank and honest outspoken statement ns to the exact
position the party will take on the question, should it
be successful- Then tho people of the nation would
know just what to expect and the voter could cast
• ballot intelligently and for issues and not men.
ipi.ThU is turkey day.
’ The next improvement for. Athens should be the
voting of bonds for the paving and widening of
Broad street
Cotton 35 cents; plenty of ’possum and potatoes;
’ persimmon beer, prosperity and happiness is our wish
for ail on this Thanksgiving Day.
We arc hoping that the legislature will adjourn
before Christmas, but not without having passed
some constructive tax legislation* *
The rum running business seems to be flourishing.
These gentries of the twelve mile limit seem to be
giving the government much trouble in suppressing
the traffic of the much-sought after spirits. However,
■the active manner in which the officers are display
ing it will be only a matter of a time until tho last of
.the runners will have been run down. -
Ilna by a score of 28 to 0.
Miss Cecilia Solomons of SAv-
•Irish and Mr. Max Michael were
James Gin. a confederate veter
an, died.
Around Athens
With CoL T. Larry Gaatt
Berton Braley’s
Daily Poems
By Horton Braky
There isn’t any question
That overeating brings
A lot of indigestion
And other kindred things;
But though our rules of living
Are strict and sane enough,
Wc sit down on Thanksgiving
And wc stuff.
In brisk November weather
With diet rules ignored
The household gets together
About the groaning board.
And though the sky be murky
We care not for its gloom.
Wc have a portly turkey
To consume. ^
We*Te thankful for each blessing
That we have come across—
("Please help me to that dressing
Ar.d more cranberry sauce.”).
For all 'our Joys we’re grateful
Thanksgiving is the word
(“I’ll take another plateful
Of that bird. ’)
Our duty lies before us
Friends, husbands, children,
Come join in on the chorus
Of forkrf and spoons and knives.
Let happiness and mirth be
About the planet spread
And everyone on earth he
A Llttla of Everything And Net Much «f Anything.
This is Thanksgiving Day.
Capt. J. W. Barnett, genial,
jovial and lovable man, h»H
been confined to his room for
the past several days with an
attack of tonsilitis. His condi
tion was reported improved last
night. Hundreds of friends will
delight over tho announcement.
His absence from his office and
from dally contact with numerous
admirers has been a source of
much worry to them. •
Bird hunters, football fans
and those who are not other
wise engaged migrated to the
woods and to the towns and
citic:> today for rest and recrea
tion. The bird hunter ig the most
enthusiastic “fiend” of them all.
I was in a hardware store yester
day for a- fow minutes, and the
wrhole force from the proprletoi
up to the bookkeeper were busy
.ants handing out boxes of shellsc
It was not a question of what tho
customer cume in for, he was im
mediately asked if he wanted num
ber eight or twelve oqd, nine
times out of ten. tho clerk struck
it right; ,tha customer was. look
ing fdr hunting material to bo
used as ammunition. Hundreds of
Athens arc spending the day in
nearby counties—quailing.
The sleuth of the Georgia
Enforcement department of
(Prohibition has made another
declaration as to hia intent
and purpose to arrest and bring
to trial all offenders the Vol
stead act at the Tech-Auburn
game today. This gentleman sc-
(hey did mo no good. I tried | cured considerable free publicity
Planters Rencdlcta ami I think l> by making a similar announce-
ls worth its weight In gold. Bene I m ent on the eve of the Georgia-
dicta hns done me more good than. Virginia game. Ho realized the
anything I ever found and you can great Injustice he had done to the
use the letter and wwo my name University of Georgia and after
for If 1 enn help to place Benodirtn J nosing around over here for a few
In the hands of any suffering wo-. hours he changed his original po*
man I will certainly do so.”—Mrs. sition and modified W» declara-
1 c “£; R 8c r * 00,f,Hd ’, Va. ^ j tion from an attack to if common^
of grateful women havo beet ihu 7nstItution! Tf the gentleman
Mrs. Dix, Sickly All Her
Life, Says Benedicts
Worth Its Weight in
Gold to Women.
“I feel like I ought to write tc
you about Bencdlcta. I have been
sick noarly all my life and have
taken medicines from doctors but;
Hawick Jennings, formerly cor.
oner of Clarke county and well
known to the oldjpr citlsens of
Athens, died at his home In Bruns<
wick, Oa., last ’ Sunday. He came
to Athens from Michigan as a pro
fessional rope walker and carried
Jim Beasley, a large man, on his
back, walking a rope stretched
across Broad street. He married
while in Athens, Ella, the eldest
daughter of Dedrlck Beusse, who
bag many near relatives in our
city. Halwlck was an ex-Fed
cral soldier, we understand he left
among his other property fourteen
houses In Brunswick. His wife
passed away several years ago. One
of the Beussee girls married George
Calvin, bhrther of Ho^i. Martin
V. Calvin, so long connected with
the agricultural department
A farmer from Morgan county
brought a wagon-load. of turkeyr
and other produce to our curb mar
ket. He says the poultry business
saved many farmers in Morgan
while on the brink of ruin by the
boll weevil, and collapee' In prices,
but they have again got toeJiola
and will next year plant coton and
peanuts. Those who used poison
Inst summer made a fairly good
crop of cotton. t
A gentleman of Athens has Just
reutrned from a trip to Cordelo and
other towns in South Georgia. He
says crops down thcro were a total
failure and his father-in-law who
owns a fine form near Cordele, with
five plows only made a half bale
of cotton and a ton of peanuta
Many farmers are pulling up and
going to Florida. The wet year pre
vented them from growing cotton.
Farmers In our eectlou had better
tuko a warning and don’t go tdb
strong on the staple next y*ar.
Better reduce than Increase
acreage. Conditions In South
G<orgla are darkly, deeply, beau
tifully blue.
Mr. Llge Ware, who has many
friend* in Athens, has Just been
released from the St. Mary's hospi.
tal, where he underwent treatment
for an injured leg. Somo seven
onths ago Mr. Ware, while walk-
in his garden, cut hi* leg with
stran of barbed wire and hns suf
ff red from It ever since. He was
formerly a large farmer in Oconee
county, bui sold out and, moved to
Atlanta. He started on $7.00 and
in some ten years made about $200,
000 fanning and trading in Oconee.
He was born In Madison county
nnd has many relatives In our city
and / sectlon.
Is" * *'
Lydia £. Pinkham’s Vegetable through Benedicts, nature’!
___ J R__ m _La g u;L.. , harmless herb and* root compound
vompouna oroagni neiier nan for the mans* ms and pain* wo*
Other Medicines Failed ) men ■uff«r from. If you. as many
women do, suffer from irregular!
i 0 reuliy in earnest and desires
tree tickets to these games for
himself nnd constables, wc feel
quite sure thst the athletic au
thorities-would arrange for then;
should he apply in s proper and
dignified manner. Coercing and
Winsttm-Sslsm, N. C. —‘‘I nt ties, backaches, displacements and hnlldoring may bring results In
tak tad run-down and had! trouble nervousness, get Benedicts fr,M "ithe beotliggin- business, but In
withmysido.Ihse ynur druggist today.—Advertise- dealing with educational institu-
| tions his attitude is highly im-
been taking med m , n ,.
tcine for a long
time and nothin,
seemed to do nu
any good. Mj
husband went tt
the drugstore an,
he said to tbf
clerk, ’I want th,
beat medicine yo;
have for women’i
■ bottle
Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com
pound and it has (wiped me. In a sbett
time I wasable to do my housework
.and now I am not only able to do even
nit of thst and washing and ironing
Tut 1 help my husband at the store.’
—Mrs. L. K. Myers, 1409 E. 14th St.
Winston-Salem, N. C. '
Feels New Life and Strength
Keene, N. H.-"I waa weak ano
run-down and bad backache and th
sorts of troubles which women hare
I round 'great relief when taking
Lydia E. Pmkham’a Vegetable Com
pound and I also used Lydia E. Pink 1 thoroughly nelly
When you awaken at nifbt
and find a burglar in your
room evidently one must ex
perience a most creepy feeling
and U shaking of the nerve*. How
ever, If you should be protected by
having your wife ?n front or be-
IwcCn you and the burglar it is
not ao exciting and fearsome after
{all. The Kansu* City SJar tell*
of on incident which occurred rft a
court trial which brings out other
cane* of similar character, but
netting to tlte point—here,it 1st
, .... “Do 1 understand you to say,”
Calomel Tablets That art Nau-{angrily questioned the judge, “that
atnlass, Safe and Sure. when you heard a noise you
Doctor* have found by experl-{quickly got out of-bed, turned on
ice .that no medicine for cold*.'the light and went to the head of
6ough*. mirn »hr«n». and SnfJu. i.A.. I the stairs—tfc*»l a burglar wag at
con be depended upon for full ef-'th© foot of the stair* and you did
until tho liver in made'rot see him? Are you blind?”
That I* why tho‘ “Judge, must I tel! the exact
hem’s Sanative Wash. I am able tc l fin»t Mop j n the treatment l 8 tho truth? ’ asked tho witness as he
do my work and foci new Hfe and I nausea!*ss calomel tnhlots called. mopped the perspiring face and
strength from tho Vegetable Com- fCalotaba. which nrn free from thnb’ushed furiously,
pound."—Mrs. A. F. Hammond, 7Z I slckonliii; nnd weakening effect* of! “Yes, sir; the whole truth nnd
Carpenter Street, Keene, N. H. Jtho old stylo calomel. Doctor* al- ! nothing but the truth.” barked the
je*9 tH.liil out fact that! an ac j judge.
jtlvc liver mny go a long way to-! “Well;” klowly replied the mail,
tvnrd* preventing influenza ondi“nty wifo was in front of me."
(cold* nnd in one of th** most lm-\ “— Dr. Houle says Georgia butter Is
j portant factor* In enabling the pa-j ATHENS TWELVE YEARS AGO* being shipped to the west and then
Richard and lUchael Rambled
Now they tell others of the#
fascinating fruity flavor. *
k—From the Fountain Royal
Pharmacy, Clayton St.—5c
Read Banner-Herald
Want Ads.
We do not auppoae there Is any
danger of the Legislator- passing
the bill fixing a tax of ftr» cent
per pound on home-manufactured
cr.hd;'. I? would be a great ml».
take nnd Injustice and simply cloae
every candy factory in tb© atate for
the profit of foreigners. The candy
business is getting to be an Impor
tnnt line of manufacture in and
around Athens. Let us encourage
rather than break down our home,
enterprises. •
And In this connection let us
urge upon our citlsens not to send
awny any work or order for goods
that can be done or manufactured
at home. We have in Athene a
number of small plants for repair*
log typo writers and sewing
chines, fountain pens and. like
work, that we should patronise.
You can even get a radio set man.
ufactured and aet up In Athens.
The beat way to build up Athens is
to sustain home enterprises and
Hince cold weather has set in the
police aay considerable illicit liquor
la being brought Into the city, but
they are keeping a look out for of*
fenders. The moonshiners in *ov<
era! counties around Athena have
gone Into business and smuggling
boose. The road leading Into the
city arc being watched and some
big hauls are expected aoom
Hon. Walter E. Whitehead, on*
of the leading citlsens and mer
chant* of Carlton, ha* received from
the War Department a commission
enntn'n of the Reserve Corps, quar.
termnster department. Captain
Whitehead Is a native of Oglethorpe
county and served his district as
senator with mueh credit to him*
self and his constituency.
Dr. Thnmpium, «ne of the leading
citlsens and progressive farmers of
Msdlson county waa In the city this
week. He says hia county has made,
good crop* nnd the high price of
enton is a great help. He does not
think his people will go wild on cot
ton next year, for tho "Free State”
has always made a rule to raise
their supplies nt home, even whon
our Southern farmers had turned
cotton tots. •
Here’s a popular way to serve
Kellogg’s Bran—greatest healHrftodZ
Mott every, ono who realizes how
effective Kellogg’a Bran is for the
permanent relief of constipation has
their own particular my of earring
this wonderful cereal. Moat famiiicu
eat it as a cereal with milk or cream.
Others sprinkle it on their favorite
hot or cold cereal. Every, ono enjoys
its nnt-liko flavor!
If yon an cooking a hot canal try
this method:—Mcamm off two table-
apoonfnia for each member of- the
family. Mix it with tbs cereal and
cook aa you always cook tho cereal.
Kellogg‘a Bran is scientifically pre
pared and ready to eat, hot its regu
latory power, an in no .way impaired
if yon cook it with other cereal*.
■Kellogg’s Bran has won tho friendly
recommendation of physicians beeauro
it does giro prompt and permanent
relief from mild or ehronio canrii™.
tion and bceanso it can be eaten-S
Btan wiR free you from dr^f:.
dangerous cathartic,. “ tK >
in your system or when you are twit
mad. do not taka half-way
Foods' with a partial bran 2
cannot free youl What M n 2
have is Kellogg’a Bnn bonus itT
AXJ. BBANnfo tho llml^euln
Beeipes on every package.
indjvTdAS^^^ »
protect a few covlee of birds.
Prof. Mattoon, of. thei State Agri
cultural College, received a request
form Green county for several
thqpsands alaab .pine trees. HoH
came with the trees but only a few
demonstration lots were taken.
The lefl-over trees were returned'
to the college. You hod better set
out some of your waste lands in
slash pine. We will tell about them
next week In our Farm' Page.
Athens 9 Neighbors
COMMERCE—Mr. Grover Wil
son, uear commerce, brought id
tho Nows office a uwoct potato
weighing 13 pounds. Can you beat
Married, Maize Check and AV*aa
Thelma Holcomb, both of Com
Tho young ladles or Commerce
CO 'possum hunting at night.
The Commerce community fair
and a big barbecue will be held on {
the school grounds Nov. U. Special
exhibit of cotton wll bo shown-
Two cars collided on tho upper
iCarnesvllle road, one owned by G.
C. Hqrbor and the other by cam
era. Tho latter car was almost a
total wreck. There wore a»xty
empty one-gallon cans in the
Cameron car.
Tho dwelling In Commerce occu
pled by Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland
Hood waa practically destroyed by
fire. The contents of the house
were destroyed
now forgone conclusion
that the acreage planted In grain
will fall far below last year. Very
little wheat will be planted as far
mers say oats'pay better..
David G. Phillips has moved from
here to Smlthv^lle, Ga., where ho
will engage In the dairy business.
Mrs. Martha Willis, age $4
years ha» passed away.
A large acreage In peanuts will
be "planted in Jackson county next
Don’t Suffer
* Pile Torture
Sesd Tsdsy far a Free Sample p 1P v.
***. •* Pile SupMftlto,.
lee. The Natleaal Belle} 1
Remember thst for 25 i>..
mid 111. Suppositories have
family relief
for ftclrlnr
Wording, Pro-'
No wonder you can get th.-.e Vtrsr’i
suppositories In an* druc .t,,r, :„
«*• U. 8. and Canada at .0 cent, J
pnx* Bnt do not take any .ubsti.
tut*. Send your name ann an.lrcu
on coupon for fre. trim nark,., 3
Hoschton -Bkw hsnurkftce of M
overall plant. At a meeting eleven
directors were elected.
MONT1CELLO — Mr,. LupUle
Stone, a beloved' lady of the coun
ty died recently .
A C. Tingle says he finds poul
try a ffe-saver from financial
viewpoint. Ha got a severe Jolt
following with cotton and negroes I
Ho started with 75 bans and made
good living and got a start tr> >
lie Montlcello Hotel Is being
enlarged and Improved.
Tho,. G. Fleming wll be a con-
didate for Solicitor from the Oc-
mulgeo circuit.
The Montlcello Newt will run n
'Debt Free” column, In which will
bo published the name of ovary
man In Jasper county who la .out
of debt.
-L'L • ttrtM Ms.. U.nk.n,
The Old Reliable Family
Remedy for Building Up
the System, Nervous Dis
orders, Insomnia, etc.
- slon ■ndncnrooa dlsorter* of up
kind, (• ext/cnuly dangerous. All
p*ll*d to go oat late tb* world
and battle for a living, neglect
their health to *g>ch •• extent that
a nervou* breakdown I* tbe In
evitable fesult.- It is b**t te be
warned In time, *e that the**
nervou* aliment* may be checked.
Read what Freak Sprvncel of
W.Jefferaon St, VslperUaa. lb,
diene, say* i
”Dr. A. W. Chius’* Tonic Pin*
whea I began the a*e ef them. I
am fecitng better rrery day. The
. treatment i* working wooden ia
Tee can bey Dr. Cha**’* T*nlc
Pill* at all drug *t*r*e. Tobenur#
of getting the gefMiln*, *ee that
portrait and afgnstar* of A. W
• Ci'»g-.M.O..are*nenehbo«-ye*r
protection against imitation*.
•V v* Warn*agree at, tiutui*, w.v. >
v r
The Dinjsfer Hotels
Interest, Six and Half Per Cent.
HUBERT M. RYLEE, Law Offices
Phan« 1576 * Athens. Ga.
i i-*nt to .uee,,fully wtthitnn-1 an Thuryday. November -50, 1911.
I attack nnd wired off pneumonia. ; Cotton: No market—’Thank,giv-
One nr two Calotnh, nt bed time, lug Day.
with n swallow of watcr-that’n nil ] Weather: Clear and colder.-
No «nlt., no nausea nor the allaht. Mrs. L L. Upson won a prise
rat Intrrfmnca with your rati.-.- ,on every bird ihe entered nt the
... ’’ mornlnn j Savannah poultry show.
” Athens High School football
pl.aaurc or work. Next
your cold haa vanish'd, yonr liver!
your system I, purified.
team won from Richmond Acad
emy. of Augusts, by a score of
32 to 0.
Vanderbilt defeated Scwtne, by
hearty appetite for breakfast. Gen.
nine Clflolaha are sold only In or- __
telnal sealed packages, price thirty n .core of 81 "to o"
live cente for th. Urge, family. H Tech defeated Clenuou by •
package; ten cents for the email,'score of 81 to 0.
vest-pocket-slae.—Advertisement. Virginia, defeated North Caro-
sent back and sold In Georgia. Moat
of this Imported butter Is colored
artificially, and tn not to be com
pared to our pure Jeney butter
made In tbe country .
Under the Georgia game law. It
le unlawful to hunt or flrh bat of
the militia district In which you re.
elds, unless you obtain a hunting
license. The best game lew will
be toy every farmer to poet hia Und
against trespass'ra and If a frlsnd
wants to hunt shr# him a permit.
It would save the tax-peyera o
Urge sum of money they pay tr
No one expects a fire. 1 But fires come. Insure. No one expects sud
den loss of property. But property is destroyed and financial loss
ind rum often follow. Insure. Just because you do not expect mis-
•^June—Insqre. W.e can give you all forms of Property Protection