The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 02, 1923, Image 17

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erVPAT. DECF.MBER 2. 1923. THE BANNER-HERALD. ATHENg. r.BORGIA By Condu FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS The Higher the Lower ByBlosser ADAM AND EVA Discipline For the Voting By Cap Hjggin* THE. BABY GOT HOLD OF IT AND TORE. IT-LIP, ADAM . mi, just 6SrriNs HOME FftOK SCHOOL, ALEK ? ' HOW AW YOU 66ttlAl6AU>«6 AION? WtUTAEf V00 J— 'EVA, WHERE. IS THE MORNING .PAPER *? Y 'VJt MUST^EACH ' HIM THAT TEARING UP-THINGS IS / WRONG j GEEflLEWS SeuR IWOOR 1CM,AltKj /WHEN HE- > gets Bigger HE'LL KNOW , BETTI ” / emcees 1 HISTORY • OU,TAALEABNING KAOING, \NR1TW6, AH' 'EfnuiSTK: am tains.?« LEAGUING DYES,AW HISTORY l T nsntion thc Ivorsx> I..* k <500D, •|oo«c<s.'uuABO'ccep jiotiona«is ^ OF COURSE, ADAM, HE'S TOO YOUNG 70 SPANK AND BESIDES HE <5 JUST HAD HISj Bottle.. what’s /maybe, not, /'one SHOULD (never SPANK A CHILD ON A full stomach. DIFFEBEAJT/’ HOWS' Y THAT? f ■ ruTKAjirruEAiL cons l recw adam-fbeoilk in a \ t HISH0J 6RADG AN' UETTAUSft- . \NE AU. COAIE FROM . r-^" / ' y . \ V • MONKEYS'/ THE BOTTLEL , GOT TO DO , L WITH IT?/ YEAH, BUT different from , FRECKLE'S’, j- BtJT CAN'T J be turned ovee' fiUS Ntt=.T> NOTHIKJO cm. TmO. KlrgX) ! \ lT'3 CnOWCN OP /AM £PpO!?.T Pt/|\ M<s TO TWftO W Qf^ H/GCihS. SALESMAN $AM But He Didn't Collect It OUR BOARDING HOUSE Rv Ahern JACK DAW’S ADVENTURES CHAPTER 19 Story by Hal Cochran. Drawing! hr Lee Wrl 'owum swvut neto mas m> -thd a /well WEEK X) WEU. HADE.To dTPiKT tOl|E(TlNb t^TWAD- wfiiTE. v-WHKTOlW CLftTOME^ OWE. 0> r~^- WlAlrfT'^ r GTBAMIWG V ABOUT YOU ' USING MY safety razor, YVvlcW — BUT I COULD EXCUSE A FIREMAN NOT - STOPPING -td CLEAN A RAZOR VlHEN AN ALARM , BUMPS HiS J \sha\je; J TagYoNTVv WHIP, BEN HUB. -YOUPIDNT HEAR ME MOAN "TW TIME You PUrTTrf GYPSY -TOUCH ON MY GOOD Tig. AN'RETURNED IT AUlbdRtWED wrm soup i SPOTS fw 'oH.flEREVoO ABE-^ 1 have some good NEWS FOR YOU J« MR. WARNER HAS BEEN KIND ENOUGH TO SUGGEST THAT HE COULD GET YOU a "Job with the CONSTRUCTION company he works! k v_-, for / - 7 7 WAY THE DAY,-WAT I Warner person sett y foot >n this House ! * l X do not Hesitate iN I TELLING You M'dEAR, l THAT I.dAYE A GREAT DISLIKE FOR THE BEGGAR/' He getting me aTob- hmf-sucH effrontery; PLAINLY SPEAKING, I WISH that He demote himself, l entirely To His own j V, affairs-pff-ff- ) To HUT tTYSLLF To &HOW HUT WE. tTtftiA eUbmEib HEPiW 7 /.this time, had all of the thrills he wanted on Gold ts thn gold belongs to those natives, anyway,he sa*d, ather not t*k« it from them.” “Thafs the way I xccl i Jinka. SoThey started back to find the Betsy Clair. the. ftnoutvr^ . \e> _ j WOuR LW6R UEU. $wn, Dio Vft CoET fH* rwouKT of L HI ^ WU-_ / \ FULfflC^HT? ) \ was but a short hike when they reached the opposite shore. L much td their surprise, there was no Betsy Clair to be found. i boat hhs sunk," exclaimed Jinks. “How are we going to get off island ?” “Build » si^unl fire.” suggested Jack, And the fire built. WILDCAT V1ARK1ER DOESN'T KNOW "THAT HE IS STEPPING OUTUE MATOR'S PET CORhi —=■ OUT OUR WAY THE OLD HOME TOWN By Williams By Stanley fies a Poctor CAM ALWAYS , If/nd someth in iVril'MATTER WIT lcnyou--- - Thes just HOLD ER , NEWT SHES AREARIN' RUNNJM'THERE ALL TH'T/ME ' AM D SHO NOOCiH \ lime t’buy dish 1 TERE CAM WASH. % Bur AH DOAN LIKES JDATStREME VlBRWiON /AM ’MITTS DlS CAM AIN’ POFFIC ] MI6T SAMMON. ( BUT DlS AM DE FUG TIME HIT ( . GriT dem Kinder \ CONVULSMUNS/ i the di “n «at ... ....... Iwing. Morning dawned and all but Jack had fallen asleep, wily he jumped np, aa aomothing started to rise out ot the od they gathered was set aflame, the four marooned in a cirele. Another night car J ““ ”* Morning dawned and all but Jack (Continued.) I NO-NO- IF > THIS DONT CURE WHATU.I HE DO? ) [YOU 5AY HE ITHINKS SARAH \ WILL PULL I THROUGH? ADVENTURES OF TBE TWINS BY OLIVB KOOERTS BARTON [yjhuts him (I don't know what I'd do without h'm) la that when we go out together We always choose the wettest weather. "He's very thin, It's really ahock- ” i* the riddle that Nancy *“* helped the Riddle Lady ,k 1 don't know what part “T helped with lor Humpty h[>' was the only ono who was * a Kret end he wouldn't tell. ! **a whl.pered about the! ,k ll>« Jok Wttlc and Nancy Y Mutter. " r ' 'his la the riddle: " m >' good friend and I go DOCTOR PILLS BURY PRBP/ARED A SPECIAL. TREATMENT FOR AUNT SARAH PEABOCff, LEADER. OF THE SOCIETT FOR THE SUPPRESSJOM OF PIPE SMOKIAJO. WHO IS SUFFERING . ^ IF ART SAMMON HADNT BROUGHT H|S DOGr ALONG WASH funk might have'made a SALE Von quite could put him In your stocking. His riba are gaunt, bla backbone I, th’s .tepid I go*** that In a hundred years." shouldn't" cried Nick. "Yon alwsya open and "You shouldn’t hare any trouble get caught In a shower."' “You ran’ lUk ", of all people,” laughed the Riddle "Well, I declare! I de—Clare!" It?" b« ga [Lady. eyes ao hard his eyebrows quito "Exactly ixcloltk'ed Doe-' “I!" almost shouted Doctor Fos- said Doctor rosier, puckering bla “And that A stopped In Kr In .uch a •' voice that drew together. 'There! A. usual you get It s way to Olou- Nancy and Nick started to dance It it raining, ran anyone land me watch th** 'Nobody i o'.Id around blm In sice. "No, you an—" Suddenly his mouth all (T .mind—r want about, °h*h I choose the smooth- EE han’t walk! Ha has go