The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 06, 1923, Image 4

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TUB BANNSR-HERAljo, ATHENS, GEORGIA THUBSDAT. DECEMBER-6.H2.T. THE BANNER-HERALD ATHENS. GA. The King-Pin of All tjie White Elephants g . Sunday and on Sunday Morning by Tho Athena Publishing Company, Athene, Ga. j EARL a BRASWELL Pnbliaher and General Manager H. J. ROWE ' ' Edltor VT J UOWE .•••••eeeeennnnnnnnrfn EditOF Oil ARLES a MARTIN Managing Editor Entered at the Athena Poetofffce ae Second Claae Mail Matter under the Act of Congreea March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Effective Nov. 12, 1922) „ , ... By city carrier delivery. One Week, 13 cento; Two Weeka, 28 cento, One*Month, 55 cento; Three Montha. $1.65; Si* Montha, *3.26; Ono Tear. *6.50. Mail Subacription Rate. *6.00 per year. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Aaasciated Preas is exclusively entitled to the use for repub; lication of all news dispatchca credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper, and nlao the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are also reserved Address all Business Commuications direct to the Athens Publishing Company, not to individuals. News articles intended for publication should be addressed to The Banner-Herald. Thoughts For The Day The simple believeth every word; but the prudent man Iooketh well to his going.—rrov. i:15. ,It is a curious paradox that precisely in propor tion to our own intellectual weakness, will be our credulity as to the mysterious powers assumed by others.—Colton. HEALTH INSPECTION OF SCHOOLS The system of health inspection of the schools in augurated by the city and county authorities has proved a most valuable protection to the children of the community. Under the direction of Dr. Apple- white this work has been carried on for the past year and has resulted in thq attention of those in authority and to the attention of \ the par ents of the children a condition which was unex pected. Out of 1463 examinations during the school year, 943 children have shown physical defects. Some of the affections are serious and, yet the par ent, no doubt, had the least thought of the serious condition his or her child was in. While this report should not be considered alarming, yet it should be given careful and serious consideration and the di rection of Dr. Applewhite caried out in every par ticular as to the treatment required for these child- rC The inauguration of a health inspection for the various .schools has been an advanced step in the protection of the children and for the making of sound minds and bodies for the future citizenry of the community. Parents should co-operate in the fullest and have the proper treatment given to those children who are suffering physical defects of any character by their physicians. FOR THE NEXT YEAR Every town and city throughout the nation should ' adopt a plan for the betterment of conditoins and for i the betterment of the communities for the new year which is near upon us. Jessup has adoptd four prin ciples which if lived up to are bound to help that community. They are: First. Back up the home town business men. They are doing their best to serve you. •^.'Second. Join good civic organizations, and help 1 carry on the good work for your home town, to which others have devoted and are giving so much effort. Third . Make some personal addition to the . neatness and beauty of your town by improving your home place. , . Fourth. Help support the home newspaper, which working in every issue to get good things for your niniity, ..the people of Athens will emulate the augges- ... lions adopted by the people of Jessup, there will be a markd improvement in the conditions here. It is a splendid plan and one which will build and help any -community. ‘ The new year is near at hand and some organiza tion, civic body or the city officials should undertake to outline some plan fer another year. There must be concerted action on the part of the citizenship, if I the community grows and prospers and becomes an ideal place for the homCSeeker and investor. New citizens must be attracted; new industries must be secured if we ever hope to expand and come into our 1 own ns a desirable location for the building of a great city. It requires not only .money, but men of enterprise, thrift and resourcefulness to build citias; morals, educational institutions-and schools. Athens ;is po-sessed with every requirement to meet all de mands for an ideal home and investors seeking such a place will find it to their interest to plant their busi ness and citizenship in Athens and Clarke county. Let the Chamber of Commerce inaugural^ a plan for the new year and let the citizens of the commun ity rally to the movement and help to make a new Tqcprd for the growth of this city and county during the incoming new year, 1924. ter of twq "Yon cerrii too fiis-Mz month*.' it Joke! e n tlrelr l/Vi J J f Berton Braley’s Daily Poems PERFECTLY CLEAR if you have seen a gibberdln cavorting on the green. With seven feathers on eaeh fin And nothing In between; if you have watebed him dance a watts With thumb-tacks la each shoe, You're bound to understand h*s faults When they're explained to you. DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU? A Llttls of Everything And Not Much .of Anything, ■y HUGH ROWE. Why does he »lt In thorny spots, And every now and then Proceed to tie himself in knots He can’t, untie again? Why Is his form contained within A tin can on a ahelf? Prof. A. F. Conradl, onto* mologlst at Clemson Collage, South Carolina, haa discovered a substitute for calcium arsen ate for the destruction of the boll weevil, so It is announced by hint. Senator Harris, has Intro duced a bill to put arsenats on the fras list. Under the pres ent law there to a 25 per cent Nicotene la the new remedy and ad valorem duty on all chemical It Is made from waste tobacco and can be prepared much cireaper and In junt os affective in killing the woe Vi a» 1b calcium arsenate. Tho tobacco is ground into a dust and used in the same way fji its dis tribution. Prof. Conradi claims that the new preparation has been tried out and that it is absolutely effect ive(in its destruction. The new dis covery may prove a great benefit Because the * vVld, wild gibberdln, to the cotton growers and enable Cannot contain himself. it you have watched the gibberdln, You’ll very clearly see Why dark green whiskers on his chin • Do not appeal to me. For de*rk green whiskers will not bleach, Except In alcohol; And thue the gibberdln can teach A lesson to ua till the fanners to secure i>oison much cheaper than heretofore, hopdd so at least. compounds not included in the law and for that reason. Senator Harris desires to make certain that no point, can urise through which the law‘*might be construed in enforc ing this special duty on calcium arsenate. The same bill was Intro duced last year, by the senator, but it failed*to get before the sen ate hnd'tte re introduction Is for the'purpose of .making certain that the cotton growers will be prdtVct^ ed ft6m. any undue tax. YOUR BLOOD NEEDS IRON FOR WINTER Signor Marconi ia testing and experimenting on fuller control of radio waves by tending them direct rather than broad cast <ii is now the practice. He argues that a reflector causes an electric light to concentrate Its force and raya in one direction and that there is no reason why the T iO reeiit cold—to ward off rick* radio should not be so perfected as to*direct all communications which only rich blood can givi directly to the objective perscA. It P* V ntrvJ?Unirmn provide! > " aW that 8uch ®n Improvement assimilated—a form which will not traasml.slon cost of radio me,- freiUto Srtcairat stomach not »<wes. Certainly. It will enable the iiriuro tho teeth, but which effec- public to confine their meatagea lively enrtenes toe blood ana invig- to dirmri cunLwl ^'U,oul orates tho body. Gat a bottle one such messages being Intercepted begin to take it now. At your drag- by any other station. When that Is ‘ ' " tid and tablet form, perfected, the use of the telogrmph and telephone will be greatly re duccd, no doubt. TBEflT COLDS TIE FLU SSsS.'WJsii “ “ Gude’s ATHENS TWELVE YEAR8 AGO Thursday, December 7, 1(11, cotton: 9 1-4 centa. - Weather: Clear and cool. The bazaar of the Daughters of the Confederacy closed. ''Lttle Joe” Brown was elected governor qver Pope Brown and R. B. Russell by an overwhelming majority. “Little Joe” receiving 202 electorial votes to Brown's 102 and Russell’s 52. In Clarke county "Il'ttle Joe'' received 625 votea la Browne 272 and Russell 323. courthouse bond. failed to carry by 158 votes. 928 votes were coat for and 122 ogalneL Necessary to carry 1029. FID TOY PISTOL INTO BIS TANK Hi Madison County Youth, Grady Thurman d, Thought Tank of Aban doned Auto Empty. A combination of a toy pistol and an abandoned automobile from which the gasoline had not evaporated resulted Wednesday morning in the death of Grady Thurmand, 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Strickland three mi lee from Danlejavllle Saturday afternoon the youth was playing with a toy pistol, fir ing It here and there and he stuck the barrel Into the opening of the rm tank of an automobile that has not been In use for severe weeks and the explosion of the pis- tol cap ignited some gasoline ii the tank which* blew up. severely burning the boy. He lingered until Wednesday morning when he died. He Is survived by his father and mother, three brothers. Roy. Guy and a baby brother and the follow ing sisters, Mrs. Moselle Draper, ef Madison county, Mrs. Gertrude Gunter, Detroit, Mrs. Freeman C. Moon. The funeral and Interment cohducted some time Thurs day, after the arrival of relatives. Dorsey's I* ,ln change of the ar« rangements. TKera art so many ways lo serve Kellogg’s Bran—file one great aid to humanjfy! T« iriTl enjoy eating Kellogg’s Bran because its nut-likc flavor appeals to the taste- And, think what each mouthful is doing 1<r drive constipa tion out of your system and to re- establish health! That’a because it is ALL BRAN. Kellogg’s Bran is scien tifically made to relieve suffering humanity—IT WILL DO THAT AS NO OTHER FOOD CAN l Physicians recommend the regmar use of Kellogg’s Bran for mild or chronic cases and as a preventive. Bran, eaten each day and in proper quantity, sweeps, cleanses and purified the alimentary tract. Get away from pills and cathartics— Kellogg’s Bran will give you perma nent relief from constipation. Do not confuse Kellogg’s Bran with common bran. Kellogg’s is cooked. krumbled and ready to serve. It •• n b. wed in tbs moit delightful btatoj or muffins or griddle-cake* made with time frith hot milk. Others prefer it sprinkled over hot or cold eeftals Another way is to mix It with hot cereals Jnat beforo serving. It can alio bs cooked with cereal In each CMS add two Ublotpoonfuls of Kellogg's Bran for each person; to chronic com as much with each taeal. Kellogg'a Bran la sold by all grocers and Is supplied in Individual j ■ at 6rat-c!a» hotels and cl for it at your, restaurant! CAauHOLMnan.vitos team The Dinner Hotels * Also Kimball House Atlanta 2ROOMS-4SOM Hotel Phoenix Waycrosa, Ga. 369 ROOMS sssM CHICAGO POLICE PUT STOP TO NEAR RACE RIOT WED. (By Associated Prase) CHICAGO—A riot call summon ed two wagon loads of police ti the Dreamland cafe, a black and tan itnhllNhment In the south aid* ne gro dlatrict late Tuesday night where about fifty negroes and whitea, both men and women were battling with chairs. throwing dishes and flaehlng knives. Several persona were beaten un conscious nnd two chauffers were •tabbed. Police arrested six ne crose and a like number of white men.. First Step in Treatment Is Oslo- tabs, the Purified and Refined Calomel Tablets That are Nau- t'alew. Safe end dure. Doctors have found by experl-j “Bill” Ganges, a former Athenian, has become man ager for the Progress Pictures, Inc. 8ince leaving Athens he has teen engaged In the motion pictqfo business In which he has MENDICANTS GROW RICH gw York ia experiencing quite a reige with men- rr7— ms of all characters plying their trade under .many assumed disguises of charitable objects. The .offisinfn and civic organizations have undertaken to- rid that city of these undesirable characters, but with v l>ttle success. The army of beggars have grown sp -great tinti! the organized bodies have adopted a slo- HsjT with which they hope to check the imposition being place i upon the unsuspecting pul-b’c under the guise of iharity. The slogan given wide publicity says: “Do nrt give until it Hurts unless yau know to whom and for what you are giving.” Not only New York, but right here in Athens our people have suffered from misplaced charity and it is no uncommon occurence to meet on the streets beg gars, apparently maimed or deformed offering shoe strings, pencils, chewing gum and matches for sale; some begging straightout. None of these people are properly questioned or investigated as to their worthiness and from day to day they ply their trade .imposing on the kind and charitable-hcarted citizen of Athens. Misplaced charity ia a breeding source for paupers and undesirable citizens. “Once a pauper, always a pauper” is a true saying. There should' be' L «*me concerted action on the part of the. officials to ■ rid the city of all such characters. ‘ , nee Uint no medleln. for colds, | fnnie anrt Rlnnti'Ftfrirhtm, mot with signal success. HI. now outh*. sore throat, and Influrnxa' lOniG Gna DIOOu LnrlCIXCr\ nnana . .m.. r„. “oufhs, sore throat, and Influrnu •an be depended upon for full ef-i 'ectiveneaa until the liver le made! ‘horoughly active. That la why the] first step In the treatment is the, nausealrse calomel tablets called ''nlotehs. which are free from the Mckenlnr and .weakening effects of the old style calomel. Doctors al io point out the fact that an oc- tlve liver may go a long way to wards, preventing influenza and colds nnd Is one of the most Im portant factors in enabling the pa- Ment to Buccsafully withstand an attack nnd wnVd off pneumonia. One or two Calotabs at bed time, with n swallow of water—that’s all. No salts, no nausea nor the slight est interference with your satin-, plchsure or work. Next morning youV cold has vanished, your liver is active, your system Ik purified, nnd you are feeling fin*, with n! hearty appetite for brvakfest. Gen- I nine Talotabs are sold only In or-; leinal sealed packages, price thirty* five cents for the large, famlly- nncknge; ten cents for the email, rent-pocket size.—Advertisement. position opens a wider field for . his experience and knowledge of this industry and his best efforts • will Ip riven in making for the ! Progressive people an Increased J business throughout the territory over which he presides. Ills many Athene friends will learn with In- ‘ terest of hie notv position and ex tend to him their best wishes for his success. Break a Cold Right Up with j “Pape’s Cold Compound” Take two tablets every three hours until three doses are taken. The first dose always gives relief. The second end third doses com pletely break up the cold. Pleas ant and.ante to take.* Contains no quinine br opiates. Millions , use ‘•Pane’* Cold Compound." Price thirty-five cents. Druggists guar antee it.—-Advertisement. Tonic Pills Th. Old Reliable Family Remedy ter Building Up the System, Nervooe Die- •orders, ueomnia, etc. Nw4rt ef itodn-m. den. •loo «n4ntnroua disorder* of soy kind, U osuomolr dangerous. AO too many moo sad pelted to go out lots tho world end kettle foi > for o living, neglect their health to such on extent that e ntrvcoo breakdown is the In evitable mult. It If best te bo urned In time, so that these nervoue oilmen te mar be chocked. Bead whst Frank Sprvncel of 432 "Dr. A. W. Chase’s Toole Pills sB.‘2i , «r.?s7-»ys when I begon the see of them. I am feeling better every day treatment fe working r 1 thirty-eight yeore standing." ■ Yaw tan bur Dr. Chase's Tanle Put# et etl drug ef getting the ■ Portrait and etgaeturr of A. W P ^-tKi , ;;:r Q T«^u b s^r ur The election of W. R. Tin dall Wednesday ae a member of the city council from the Fourth ward, without opopsi- Dr: AW. CHASE MEDICINECOi MS7 Washington St. Buffalo, N.Y.. J J tion, was a most fitb'ug tribute to hU worth and ability. Since be coming a citizen of Athena, he hat been active In all movements for the good of the city end the ser vices he has rendered have beon of tho highest standard of excel lency. If’8 election to the council will give to that body an able and conscientious member end one who will be found et all times ready and willing to discharge every duty and to eerve the best interests of the 'dntlre dty. He la the repre- Kiftitatire of the rj’nger Sewing Machine Co., in this district And one of that company’s moat valua ble representatives. CAMPAIGN AGAINST CR088INQ ACCIDENT*! ATLANTA, Ca.—School teach- ore and drivers of atu dent busses throughout the territory of the A. B. A A. railroad will have con ducted among them a campaign in tended to aid In the suppression of crossing accidents Ini the future. This announcement was made by H. W. Colson, chairmen of the road’s safety committee. Accidents at grade crossings are to be pre sented for study and an attempt to eliminate them through education will be made. E. KAY *TH« aktlLINt "ADtflir Flm Fainting and Interior Oncoming Phong 1297, A Umax, Ga. HONEY TO LEND ON FARM LAND - Interest, Six and Half Per CenL HUBERT M. RYLEE, Law Offices > 157* Ath<nj, Ga. NO ONE EXPECTS No one expect, ■ lire. But flrei come. Insure. No one expecte sud den loss of property. But property is destroyed nnd financial loss tnd ruin eften follow. Insure. Just because you do not expect mis- fortune—insure. We can give you all forms ef Property Protection P THE HINTON SECURITIES CO, Athens, Ga. WHY NOT DIVIDE MY INSURANCE, WITH " U JESTER complete Insurance Protection (17 Holman Bldg, Phone 427 COLONIAL One Athens Night FTidsy Dgc. 7 J.A.COBURN’S MINSTRELS W1TH Charles (Slim) Vermont HANK WHlT AND THIRTY-FIVE MINSTREL ENTERTAINERS —EDW. C. CLIFFORD, MINSTRELSY'S PREMIER BARR1TONE— Boys of the Arizona Harmony Club—DeVARO end DeCARLO Black Face Comedy BAR ENTERTAINERS PRICES—' 50, 75, $1.00, $1.5#, PLUS TAX I Seats Now on‘Sale Jowers Cigar Store RAILROAD SCHEDULES ABOARD AIR LINE RY. •:SS a Atlaata-Monroe local Sill p t:4S p Atl-BIrmlnghara-Msh. 2:45 p 2:45 p N. Y.-Wash.* RIch.-No’k. 245 p *:M p AtL-Abbavma local T:W a 11:19 p Atl.-Birmingham 5:29 a 11:19 p N.Y.-Wash.-Blch -No’k. 5:29 a GEORGIA RAILROAD urtv# Depart T:I9 pm 5:20 am 12:11 pas 1:25 pm Sometimes the jester carries hit jokes entireiy too far and he winds up in trouble. A neighbor playing a prank on another, took a pig from his farm and forgot to return It He waa brought before a trial judge and the following dialogue entered Into: * v "Yon plead guilty to stealing this pigr r N'»7 Vour Honor. I took It for k m*w frown created* the jwt'cjal. brow. •’Hew ftr did you carry that pig?", •‘Just ov«?r to my house-a mat- CENTRAL OF OCOROIA RY. 4:45 p. m. Arrive frem Macon 12:1# p. m. 9:29 p. m. w PEARLS The Idea] Gift iuyj U nisim The very finest obtainable Oriental Pearls, of perfect ShJ* t matched to suit th* listing lustre, indestructible, perfectly ——* ~ .— — design of ornament, priced according to size and graduation. California Mission Beads They make * tasteful,, desirable, and inexpensive ( *UL' They are in twelve colors. Ladies’ Comfort Shoes ^ JP& Made to measure, fit and quality guaranteed. Froi tory to consumer. t. W. MtUCtt, £ tAINiaVIkLC MIDLAND RAILWAY I t No.^ Lome Athme tor CtatoMTUl. , Nn. IS Lun. Attmu tat OanMTtU. Ttu. S:oe p. m. No. It ArrtvM MO* 14:10 a. m. •OUTH1RN RAILWAY ■fftetlve tund.y, April Ml 1MS. No. I tuvM Atkina T:U t. et- No. I Imth Atk.u 4:U f. x, or- (tne Lata i ll p, ■. No, T toevM Lula 4:1* *. m, n> Rvit AthMi l;M . a. j Mi. Iihn Us Ifeliuk aABi *vm Atarax 11:41 A m. O. & mm C, A, Pkra. St Men’s Shirts Mndlson Mills custom mtde, in m*ny models nnd Paul H. Knuss, made to measure, of the very finest Pure Foods .nnd Toilet Articles, direct from factory V consumer. We invite you to inspect eur samples, nnd we solicit your pntronnge. . v ' ATHENS SPECIALTY J W ' COMPANY "" 604 Holman Building 8:30 A. M. to 5:00 P. M.