Newspaper Page Text
eve Fifes !> i *• t jNorma Talmadge,,
’tftflt Howl
D«L AW. •
Hence M MOmutkable.
B^u ar.» those unfortu-
KiruggUn* with the pain and
fc ^«ufeF.;‘alft
• protruding pile*
■“ hemotyhold*.
i any druggist
J >a,ac L 0fferin « DELIVER MESSAGE TO
Ashes of Vengeance” Is
One of Greatest Pictures
That Has Played in Ath
ens Recently.
U: %vnFi
• fehould .come bo
uickly you will
lender why
'nyont shonM
ontinue to. «uf.
*** on cotipon.
m. mi*
5as*i».-aI PnaaM
[fONipUL |
Something Different!
I fimlett Komi(y in Year*
i ttmpM ili itli.I a rhtu
Ton win ba surprised *i
horn* at astoalahlnff Ion
eonfc- • •
•klllfal with theli
ntnos, aid dertlopa ci
instinct and artistic
cad of coarse when they
arc buy they art happy.
Croatia* somethin* *lve«
tstlsfartlnn to all pooplt.
big aad little. _ ..
,. Indies Oeadwork Otifflf
la complefo In atkrj detail.
dr 5 " 0 "" 98c
i will and with jour or-
1 aldresa of your dealer.
Ashes of Vengeance" featuring
Norma Tqluiadge ami Conway
Tenrlo la the excellent offering at
tfcaPalkee: theatre Tburaday anit! Two* better actora In a
bettnr.plqfure than thla one would
be hard to find. .
• Th® *» hlatorlcal romance,
bnt -unique In that the char
acter* dre human and appealing,
while. no HberVea are taken with
Malory, ft la unique, too, in that
thonglf -the background* are the
latest Word In gigantic and pictur
esque setting, not for once do the
backgrounds obtrude upon the
atcry. The magnificent settings
are there because the locale of the
story Is ralthfully reproduced. The
thousands of extras sweep across
the scenes In those massive set
tings In Incidents related to the
Thera la an abundance of clash
ing swords, slashed doublets, court
beMt;T». swaggering horsemen—
hut. It Is the story, a moving, heart-
appealing story, which Is pre-emi
nent. It Is the story of, if lore that
conquers pride and (hereditary hate,
telling of a Huguenot noble. Ru
pert do Vrleac. Conway Tearle who
U> nave the l</e of his sweetheart,
becomes slave or It's hereditary
enemy, Comte de la Roche, tor five
years, and who is made to feel his
lowly position by the haughty tin-
Ire of thla enemy, Yceland de
Breux (Norma Talmxdge). He
saves her Invalid slater from the
attack of q wolf, and later naves
her from maddened soldiers who
seek Hip life of the despicable Due
de Tours (Wallace Beery), whom
she shields in her uncle's castle.
Romance buds, hat Yoelsnd re-
slats the call of her heart, ever re.
minding herself of Rupert's form
er sweetheart But later die learaa
that this lady had proretl faith
less, and secures tho release of
Rupert from hit obligation. Thin is
the briefest of brief sketches of
(Hie plot. It moves rapidly through
numerous dramafe situations to
the sweeping away of an old tern-
lly/feud In a noble lore. Norma
I/Slmadge plays the complex part
of the adamant aristocrat with
oonvlctlon and appeal. - Conway
Tearle and Wallsc* Beery. In
strongly contrasting roles, give ex
ceptional performances In support
of the star—a wonderful team,
those three. Courtenay Foote is
capable' aa la (Roche. Josephine
Crowell's CatheYae,do. Medici, and
de Bennger'n Charles IX,
noteworthy portrayals.
First Methodist
Church Officers
Named For 1924
OffioerM of the Board of Stew
ards were named at the First
Methodist church Tuesday night.
The following were elected: Chair
man, chancellor D. C. Barrow;
- /Vice Chairman, R. . C. Wilson;
(By Associated Praia.) Ceorge Deadwyler, secretary;
WASHINGTON’—President Cool- Harvey Reid, treasurer; Qdorge
(due's annual message to Congres j Abney.
will be-delivered, nt; the Joint ses- Tho i'uiyici! committee was
sion of tho Senate t.„ and House
shortly after noon» Thursday. A
definite decision aa to the time of
hi* Appearance was reached Wed
nesday after the Whltehouse had
been in communication with lead
ers at the capito!.
(By .Associated Press)
PARIS.—Three clowns have
been awarded Academic Palms by
the French government In recogni
tion of their services to the pub
lic' i*n spreading good* cheer and
helping to keep the nation in a
hsppy state of mind.
Why. Druggists
For many years druggists have
watched with much interest the
remarkable record maintained by
Dr. Kilmer's Hwamp-Root, tho
great kidney, liver and bladder
It Is a physician's prescription,
Swamp-Root is a strengthening
medicine. It helps the kidneys,
liver and bladder do the work na
ture intended they should do.
Swamp-Root has stood the test
of years. It Is sold by all druggists
on Its merit and it should help you.
No other kidney medidne has so
many friends.
Be sure f© get Swamp-Root and
start treatment at once.
However, if you wish first to
test this great preparation send
ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co..
Binghamton. N. Y*, for ri. sample
bottle When writing be sure and
mention this paper.—Advertise
earned as fpllows: George Dead
wyler, R. C. Wilson, T. H. Doz’pr,
Jr.. M. C. Nicholson, II. H. Hinton.
J. Wat ren. Smith, R. L» Patterson.
Ennis was elected mayor without
oppoistlon here Wednesday. Dr.
Richard Binion, John W. Hutchin-
A Crowd of '‘Y ,, .Leaders.
One of the outstanding accom
plishments of the Athens Young
Men's Cttfstian Association, Is the
pnd L» D. Smith were chosen developing of an all ’round Chris-
polled. New officers will assume
their duties January !.
pllv smiling one simply by givin
No Narcotics
'My Goitre Is Gone’
Gained 38 Pounds. Rolisved of
Choking, 8 mot boring and Ner
vousness. An Operation
Mrs. nettle Tracy, Peterscreek,
Ky., soys she'will tell personally
or by letter of ker relief by Sor-
i bol-Quadrnple. a colorless liniment.
Hhe had to nit up In bed cul fan
to get her breath. She had goitre
n*ne years.
Manufactured by Sorool Com
pany. Mechanicaburg, O. Sold bv
all drug stores. Citi
zen* Pharmacy.—Advertisement
more than its own.,
This picture is a group of "V”
Camp leaders on the boys' camp,
summer before last.
F\>ur of these boys with five
otheia. served as leaders on the
summer camp Oils past summer.
Many of the leading men in the
Athens church and civic life have
been raised in the Athens Y. Ai.
C. A. since boyhood.
The Association work today Is
producing a greaer number of lend
er* than ever In It* history. "The
Building of Men” Is the objective
of the Athens Y.' M. C. A.
Recommends Additional
Federal Judge For the;
Athens District
(Continued From Pad# On.)
Coburn’s Minstrel
St, Dept. -
* mo India
>rk Os tat
t sal ndhr,Ui,Y..T» W >«r^
SSSSf.. y>fMnr» ft* »-r, # ## »i
* IF •’■"rnwrr*,
1 ThaHrFine
In Decorated
—jifliliu. [;—
Thorough Work
How an Athens Chiton Found
Freedom From Kidney Trouble*
If you suite* from -backache—
From urinary disorders—
Any curably'dJ^awCof the ktop
Taxi Service
I Day ajj4 Night >
fellow CabCo.
PnONE 66
i. Olflre
Want -ci^i mu.
EDW. C. CLIFFORD. mlnalraliyn
premier barrltonc with Cobarn’n
Minstrel., colonial. Friday
nlxht, Dec. 7th.
The fun la tin and plentiful with
J. A. Coburns Mfnstrels at the Co
lonial'Theatre on Friday evening.
Many new facea all well known
minstrel men (rom the biggest and
best attractions In minstrelsy are
among the company. That long,
ull party. "Slim" Vermont, ono of
the best singers and dancer*
among them nil haa returned to
hla Old company. Nate Mulroy the
"Wildcats Playmate” that anappy
peppy singing and whirlwind danc
ing chap. Hank White. “Just Plain
White and,Slack" producer co-
medlqiiOlp Mammy of «)» droll
oaaygtyng fanny comody linen.
'Ttf.npt What ha-aaya hut hpw he
aey*' ft.” according to the crltice-
Ben McAtee the “Mobile Boy,"
grown up wun too tUitey —
really .Is. McauIre„Bowman, Allen,
Hnidi1«y Th" fprateet harrltone in
mmlatrelsy Edward C. Cllffofd.
Cheitir. Huffman double voice I
TOcaVst, Carlos Jonea basso with
powerful and nplendld low rang*.
Cdrl Minch robust harrltone, cha*.
Don<an and J. W. Pennycook, Eng
lish tenor and othera, all under
the vocal direction of Joseph Mc-
Analon the well known Ir*ah tenor,
making what la aald to bo the
strongest, comedy and singing cir
cle Manhger Coburn has aver had.
Everything ,unw and an all new
programme. A real oldtjme mins
trel show. Seats selling at Jowera
An Atchlaon motorist* chantu thla
bumped into our rcar"“*Ks*«mi
1 kidney remedy. . ,
Doan’* PiUmhmre boon touted by
thousands. ; ; V ^
Athens people 'testify. A*k your
. Can you a*k more convincing
’proof of merit?
W. B. Tuck, 1448, E. Broad St.
Athens, says: ”My back pained
so I could hardly*bend over or get
about to do my work on the farm*
The must trcufcicsome symptom
wan the Irregular action of my
kldnAys. I had to get up often
during the night to paaa the kid*
ney *ec re talons. I hn^l a tired,
worn out feeling nil the time*
Doan's Pill* were so highly recom
mended that I went to Palmer *
Bone' Drug F*e-m and got two bo*
e* ’which cuiv 1 me entirely.”
Mr. Tuck r iv- the nbov# state
ment Anru >•. M ..^ cr. TV*-
comber 9. 1M 1 , he added: ‘Doan**
cured me nf kidney trouble and I
gladly confirm my fdrmer state
•Oc, at all dealers. ' Foster-kflV
burn Co.. Mfi*, Buffalo. N Y—Ad
No More Stains
on Children’s
Flush Your Kidneys Occasionally
By Drinking Quart? of
Good Water
No man or woman can make s
mistake by flushing the kidney*
occasionally, say* a well-known
authority. Too much rich food
creates acids which clog the kid
ney pores so that they sluggishly
filter or strain only part of the
waste and poisons from the blood
Then you get tick. Rheumatism,
headaches, liver trouble, nervous
ness, constipation, dltstnesa, sleep-
lessnesst bladder disorders often
come from sluggish' kidney*.
The moment you feel a dull ache
In the kidneys or your back hurt r.
or If the urine l* ( cloudy, offensive,
full of .eedfment, ’ irregular of pas-
sage, or attended by a smaation of
scalding, begin to drink soft water
in quantities; niw *«; fc-r
ounces'of Jsd Ralls from any re
liable pharmacy and take a /table -
Npoonfu! In a glass of water be
fore breakfast tor n tew day* and
your kidneys may then act fine.
This famous Halts Is made from
the acid of grapes and lemon Juice,
combined with lithla, end ha* been
used for years to help flush clogged
kidneys and stimulate them to acti
vity, also to help neutralise the
acids In the system so they no long
er cause Irritation, thus often re
lieving bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is Inexpensive and
cannot injure; make* a delightful
effervescent llthis-water drink, r
which jWeryone can take*Yiow lihir
then toJb*Ttrke*p^htfkldltm****]
and th%
New Harmless Liquid Quickly Oils
solves Evtry 8»sln—Whltsn* Teeth
Nothing spoil* a child's whole
appearance quicker than stained,
dull or yellowish teeth. But now
every child can have teeth that
are perfectly clear and flashing
white and keep them that way al
ways. For a new and absolutely
safe iiqiiid has been perfected
which Instantly dissolves all teeth
stain*, giving even the dullest teeth
a marvelous sparkle and wlUtensee.
This new liquid, called Bleaeho-
dent. contain** certain harmless In
gredient* which actually curdle or
loouen the staining subeUneca so
that thpy nmy be Instantly re
moved by an ordinary 4ooth brush.
F.v»n the most unsightly stale
qsually disappear wltn tne ur»t w,tn aaaitiurmi
" ‘ * *** " army; more submarine*
through the budget system and
economy in expenditures, the nec
essities of the government, exclus
ive of the Postoffice Department,
hid been brought down to $3,000,-
M It is possible, in consequence,
to make a large reduction in the
taxes of the people,” he continued.
”A proposed plan haa been pre
sented in detal in a statement by
tho secretary of the treasury
which has my unqualified approv
al A very great service could
be rendered through immediate
enactment of legislation relieving
the people of some of the burden
of taxation Of all services
which the congress can render the
country, I have no hesitation in
declaring this one to be para-
The president prefaced hit met
s*n with • tribute to President
Harding, declaring “the world
knew his kindness and his hu
manity, his greatness and his
character,” and that “h« haa made
justice more certain and peace
more sccura.”
“He is gone,” Mr. Coolidge said.
“We remain. It la our duty un
der the inspiration or his xeample
to take up the. burden which ho
was permitted to lay down, and to
develop end support the wise
principles of government which
,£rom this bssis the president
then launched upon hie recommen
dations which, in addition to those
relative to taxation, world court,
transportation and eoldler legisla
tion Included;
Government operation of the
war-built merchant murine until
shipping conditions are such aa to
sllow it to be disposed of advsn
U Stranirihening of the coast guard
to combat rum smuggling; rigid
regulation of the major smirera of
liquor prMuction; suppression of
interstate traffic in liquor and
promotion of respect for law.
Continuation of tho policy of
restrictive Immigration, with im
migrants to be selected abroad,
and ths immediate registration of
all aliens.
Strengthening rather then
weakening of tho army and navy
< Relief to occupants of reclama
tion projects by empowering the
secretary of the interior to sus
pend, readjust and reassess all
charges against water users.
Prohibition of the issuance of
tax-exempt securities by constitu.
tional amendment.
In addition to these end a scon
more of recommendations, rela
tively of less Importance, Mr.
Coolidge discussed foreign debts,
declaring himself against cancel-
lotion end tor a reasonable ad
justment In accordance with ths
principle adopted for the British
debt, and and Announced he would
oppose recognition of Russia so
long as ths ruling rtgime refuses
to recognise the right of private
property ownership and the debt
contracted by Russia after the
overthrow of the rear.
He also recommended a Secre
tary of Education as a member of
the cabinet.
President Coolidge recommend
ed also an additional judge for tho
U. S. court for the northern dis
trict of Georgia,
Macon Dentist Is
Again Acquitted
• nl Flogging Case
(Continued From Page One)
pplicatlon of BleachodsnL. Hlch
ly endoreed by dentists. Cannot
possibly affect enamel and will not
qct on any except surface atatne.
Fine for removing tobacco stains,
etc., from adults' teeth. Get
Blvacbodent today on money back
guarantee Costs just a few
cents at good drug and department
stores everywhere, such as: H. R
Palmer A Sons, Reid Drug Co.,
Citlsen* Pharmacy. Patrick's Phar
macy, W. J. Smith A Bro.—Ad
—an early shopping
ITH the holiday sse-
M-/ son but a tew weeks
away; thoughts turn nstu- ~
rally to the selection of suit
able gifts for tboee near and
"deartout. If thegiftisfor
• women coneeier pearls.
No other gif t can please her
more—nor last more per
manently as an evidence of
' year affection.or regard.
And to boon the safe side,
sslaet Naoam Pearls.
sV ■ •'••• • ■' ' 1
•M: V. Pickett Jewelry Co.
r St Athens. G*.
>*j * - 'ngfi
navy, and increased defenses tot
the Panama Canal.
Action under private ownership
of coal mines that will obtain
greater continuity of production
and greater public protection
•gainst “unbearably high”, prices
•long tho line* of the recommen
dation* bid down by Um Federal
Coal Commission.
Relief for the termer through
lowor taxes and fralght rates;
cheaper fertilizers; greater organ
isation which would permit re
duction of tlio wheat acreage; di
versification of terming; encour
agement in the formation of co
operative marketing organizations;
continuation of government loans,
and assistance in exportation
through tha War Financ* Corpor
ation. *
Sate of Muscle Shoals to tether
with a location for an auxiliary
steam plant and rights of way lor
a power line oo that tha agricul
ture of tho nation may retgreater
supply and lower coat of ferti-
. liter, with the sale price of the
I properties not a major considers
Anti-lyndhing legislation; addi
tional appropriations for vocation
al training in agriculture* for ne
groes, and creation of a commis
sion of whites and negroes “to
formulate a better policy for mu
tual understanding and confi
SetiSt!S sf *J“ Cl.n Service
to the prohibition enforcement
of twelve men was summoned and
tha jury completed.
Ollie Perry was the firat wit
ness to peke tho stand. He testi
fied that Alexander and two other
men came to hla store on tho
night of August 9, and at the
point of a pistol in tho hands of
Alexander, he wee handcuffed and
thrown in an automobile , waiting
outside and carried outside the city
and severely beaten. He identi
fied Alexander as the min who
held the pistol on him and as one
of the members of tho flogging
party. Perry exhibited hla'back
to the jury which was still badly
discolored from bruiasea ba said
ho received (he night ho .was
beaten. Women were excluded
from the court room while the ju
rors viewed hia body.
air. John H.
Lucas who died In Memphis,' Tann.,
was unveiled Sunday by the Wood
men Of tha World before a largo
assembly of friends' who gathered
at Oconee cemetery to witness tha
ceremony which was vary impres
The usual rltnilaUo ceremony by
tho local camp was used In full,
they were satiated by Wee Mary
Lou McCall who In a beautiful way
recited the poem used In the cere
The singing for She occasion was
rendered,by Miss Roma Sheffield
Mias Agnes McKinnon. Mine Irene
Summers, Miss Estelle Wilson,
whom singing wan greatly enjoy
ed and which edited materially to
the success of tho occasion.
Mr. Ablt Nls wan the orator of
the ceremonies who (poke elabor
ately on tho purpooes of. the trac
tion of a monument to mark the
resting place of tho dead and the
life of Mr. Lucat.
Dr. Morgan WiU
Preach in Athens
Twice on Sunday
Dr. G. Campbell Morgan.' noted
Bible scholar and dlvlna, will
preach at the Central Presbyterian
church next Sunday morning. Dee.
•th, at 11 A. M., and again at t
oclock In the evening.
- Tbe.mMSWa invited to attend
Athens Visitors
those visiting In Atheoa
Wednesday and Wednesday night
weia. B. H. Bryant, Boston, Maas.;
A. H. King, Saline, Kansas; W. M.
oranani. Marietta, On.
H. E. Newton, LaOrange, Ga.;
W. H. Langston, Atlanta; W. B.
Be eland, Macon; J. T. Halo/,'
Cuthbert; I. Heilman, Savannah;
A. 'M. Shlmmon, New York; Carl
c. White. Atlanta.
R. E. Nob*,II. Atlanta; J. W.
Wilkins; st. Lon's; w. B. Ingram.
Ala.; Fred W. Smith, Birmingham;
Charles E. Demlaon. Philadelphia;
Frank F. Cosgrove. Atlanta.
. George F, Qoher, Marietta; A.
L. Fowler. Atlanta: M. Morse, New
Work; F. C. McKinney, Atlanta;
H. X. Houell, Atlanta: L. flare-,
land. Griffin; I. E. Wynne, Char
lotte; N. C,
R. O. Turner, Atlanta; W. B.'
Hiv-TF, Thoitiro i; I.. I,.*d»
Atlanta; C. t. Walker, Jr-, Atl
R. C .Wicker, Atlanta; W. B.
merall, Atlanta.
field forced exclusive of the meyi
ben of the .present force end
placing in the classified civil serv
ice of postmasters of the first,
second and third chum.
Opining of Intra-coastal water
way!; control of the flood waters
of the Mississippi »nd Colorado
riven; construction of the Great
Lakei-St. Lawrence waterway and
power project, and promotion of
the super-power development of
the northeastern states.
Creation of a commission of,
judges and lawyer* to simplify
federal court procedure.
' 'niitation on child labor through
ional amendment. | J
tion of radio interior- ~ -• ' . .
Pen.,0,1 n nf .rahwa. must™- ^3(1 Banner-Heralds*
ition and 0 reforasuflon. 5 i ■ Want Ads.
' ■ ~ ~r : rriEsr -a v sttt!^ i
G-10-25p STORE
Big reductions in Ladies’ and
Misses' ■ Hats—we must make
room for our Xmas merchandise.
All SJI0 Hats now *1.98
*3.00 and *4.00 Hate
now Me
Ladies’ Sweaters
Ladies’ Sweaters
Men’s Sweaters .
Man’s Sweat, ra IMI
Hen's Jersey, M
, 8438
Fortify Yourself Against the Elements
(By Assoeistea Press.)
WASHINGTON—President Cool.
Ids* will acknowledge the action of,
the South Dakota Republican con
vention in granting him the pre
ference for the presidential pri
mary and will send a communica
tion to. the Republican leaders of
that state which may go a Iona
way toward* indicating Ms attitude
toward 1924/ Whiteitovae cttlcln
made no attempt to hide Uielr
Isfactfon In the majority given
President Coolidge over Senator HI-
ram Johnson of California. , -
There’s a great collection of overcoats h^rc.-
Styles range all th* way from dignified Ches
terfields to big burly uisters. Overcoats that r: l-
you’ll really enjoy wearing. They»lJ give you ,
pleasure as well as comfort «nd service. Come
In and see—lt will be worth your time.
H. j. REID CO.
Clayton Street Athens, Ga.,
_ i .w n _S7 l |
'Buried leisure
. of the MODERN hint/
Every Dollar Saved To day
To-morrow ;<vTryilwUha,
Special UmonthsGwsmvs
i/oii'U be gladyoudidilj
4% Interest Paid \ jJSSS]
on Savings Deposits ! •ooruj^x
, of Athens, Ga. >j