The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 09, 1923, Image 11

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DECEMBER 9, 1923. THE BAN?TKR.HERAf:il. ATHENS, BEOKCTA; *~~ EVERETT TRUE JBy Condo)FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Mvj ST " IT'S Olay By Blosscr SALESMAN $AM Too Much Bother ♦lUAOTM.TWNk!.; k ’ ALEk? WE’BE GOMNA, ,« CMER OM ELM!' IV-STOEET NSXTVUEQC LV AN' OUR HOUSE VWLL T- BE ALL S THIS VHK1YEE . J DOUWUEBE S Al.&k-iWAfTLL HE HEAPS THAT IME'RF 60NAIA r ■NOME N&CT WEEK- ) SEE* I BET HE'LL S \ BE SOCK/. ^' f VMM L00y\'-MP, CftHT 'm- 1HES TOW WOtVf twe.m;sesT ' AlNTTAO-- 600/ 60IN6 . T UvE IN rr at all •R&ALLY BEAUTIFY; You'll Njisiso Cots on it •pi© You set .—^ enousm V (/ t \,i rv 1 sot wvto.iH'Han "\ msae. 30 — /Jope! noBow! ‘ KT YOULLMES «£, - tonTcha? WHAT WILL. BE. -GOOD WHEN YA CPittT E\£H 6«tm'm LOTH y . Pi VWWLtfl WINDOWS’/7 _ VjKf VA DO WHEN WE So ALIA-/ aN' LEAME NO Y ONE IN W HOUSE? J fe-s, t Got feNOUSH Polk. BOTH OR US i! JACK DAW’S ADVENTURES CHAPTER 3 IN THE TOWER OK TICKS ‘ Drawings by Lc* Wright# ADAM AND EVA 'Witai ? cut yoW hah? -By Cap Higgins Advice OUR BOARDING HOUSE Rv Ahern Hay word,- ed rwjse\ AND TOE BOLDEFF.’. ' I FORGOT i HAD AN eNsasement viml '■WfM-fills EVENING’, * coNfo LIND ’that WARNER PERSON ID ' \ PUT ME IN THIS ) PREDICAMENT l WITH HIS INFERNAL \ OFFER Offi-JOBU StoiV by H«l Cochran. .... ........ V/HY^ DFAPIE .YOU'RE C.RA'HY! JJOBEtP Hair' IS GOING OUT! 'THEY'RE CETTing IT GROW 1 AGAIN IN PARIS. BESIDES^ l YOUR HAH? IS TOO STRAIGHT ■ jgjgr; T'CERTAinly NOT , EVA I ir'{. Yfi VULGAR AI.D UNWOMANLY. A,. WOMAN'.S CROWNING <aLO.?v c * h£r hair, really i dgn'.t WHAT THE WORLD'S COMING t c -1 .. - TOO STRtiskJv; ^GOOD T? EVENING! AH'r is* ' MAD&R HOOPLETO i Home ?.j r’Hmm— ort YES—^|p WELL HE ISN'T GOINS Vp out tonight’* he has.k^ AN ATTACK OF WHaT Vy HE CALLS THE GOUT.’* T WILL BE PLEASED-TO I ] TELL HIM “WAT YoU f CALLED ’ - GOOD NIGHT/ S GENTLEMEN \z,S . MHE VJASTO'^p heeTth' mator ip at ninth an' p: PROSPECT an Ip Hour as4 butM he didnt yyy LSHOW UP/-/ / kBESlDCS ■ VOWR HAIR At that tnoment two little dwarf, marched up to Ticky s aide and ne of them held out his hand. “Who are these fellows, and what do icy want V’ .asked Jack. “Oh!” replied Ticky, “they, are my little ocks hndthev are yoinx to take your watch'and fix It up for you. flF YOU WANT «Y CANDID OPINIONS I THINK YOU'LL LOOK TERRIBLE. WITH IT "BOBBEO. IT'LL BE YEARS ! BEFORE rr GROWS OUT AGAIN. AND DON'T MW THINK YOU'RE JUST A _-s£ LITTLE TOO OLD FOR IT! I wefik.T MHAT* SETTLEO! NOW THE ONLY” QUESTION IS j- h=*_ which J And aa Ticky handed Jnck’a timepiece to the dwarfs Jack remem- 1*red the famous Tlck-tock, and now he knew where the expression r»mo frwg.-'Ag the dwarfs !ookc-«l on, Ticky nhuuteu, “Whenever i J m fixing watches' or clocka, I giv« the work to my two .little Tocka.” W-Jp ■ . 60m C WE MATOP? WNdS“WE *e'oUT' / AN 'OBSTACLE TO Hie SOCIAL. QBUgAToNS " g now THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley By Williams (I ONLY USE") TWOCGtiS I Mud a lump*, |2>f buTTK-r TM' SIXBWA -You BEAT 7 '-, ,.v/ell---and, Bake in a C Mow OVI-N ) VIHUTS TH' i PUSS?) f AlNT AT RJNNN Tio r ’ r 1 BEEN SwiMMIN HERE ALL SUMMER AMTftlS IS tM fips'Tme ive. pa>o , ANY' TcLAR -ItHlSHOM VJCaT SIGiN*. Vv fclT FER HOME ' YEK-VJERRY ■strange At it NEVER TRACfEO . MY TENfeMON a. Before •,>— i the Tacks ran away and Jack turned his attention to a large athen clock which stood nearby. “Say, ticky, ’ snapped this big “xqit'd better send the -elenn-up nfhn over to wush my pice. qirty nobody cuold possibly tell my time.” And the clock jxutfhed. (Continued.) ADVENTURES OF THE TWINS BY OLIVE ItOBEKTS BARTON NO;NO-lSAY] ITS A GOOD/ PLAN IF Ttf , HORSES (i CAN , ft V READ’’/ (YOO SAY THIS SK5N POSTING IS JUST WHAT WE ALLqwd THEY EXPECT ) i A HOSS TO S HAVE A HKiM \ SCHOOt. EDDiCAT/Ofi .NOW A- DAVS - 7^ k and alto hear.” TJjpi prints the papers—can you luenf “But I’ve a habit I can’t brfak, I know it’s bad—there’s no mis* take— | Whate’er I hear, with tl roaty rat* M l' talk and thl t^e riddle that tlTe isketl next day: , talk and also hear, louth and one goodear. S t of the worst, eiT place, I hear it after. Hank hibbards horse chewed the porch post, IN FRONT OF NOBE WELTY-S STORE , THE TOWN FOLKS TOOK DRASTIC action to forestall a re occurence OF SUCH A DISASTER.— , , . as scat, I go and tattlul As qw’ek •‘There hive been times I’ve turned „ dlseree't, Deciding that I’d not repeat, Tlu*'th»ng» I’d heard of this and that, , v As—who wore someone else’s .hut U V ^ an - the il ten of ships and kings and <oots, more stories, new and old, n ' <tor yT00olrs would ever hold. know more secrets than the • v »Phyjix, ' *» he grin ; and wisely winks. ° w more new* than all the ■faE last siGrN of Summer*. “8° whmt'a ta w of beluc (oodr C y ttou»ht »he kr.' w. hut both ol Wind in an awful *o»lp, I alwayl I can't do anything I should, them waited to hear what the IUd» say to my children* 'Listen nowj So doa't blame nU, ft you ,hould die Land people ^would hare tc my dear*, If a whisper reaches 'T WM # ter» this Morning and til to tha *no soles on my shoes.’* a- bone The Ifddle Lnuy smile* dd. I’m pathy. “If you had oae around things the riddle (s abi “But when l do, I get a shaking. Until I'm sure my bones are break* IoT- And comeone shouts out in my ear (To Be Continued) o»i*\ It isn't tin lUJill