The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 09, 1923, Image 12

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nra rCKmrxMnsas. swanra. btohct^ GREEN & MICHAEL LOAN DEPARTMENT 417-421 Southern Mutual Building .. Local and Eastern money always available for loans on farma and city real citate. = COLONIAL THEATRE 2 DAYS, MONDAY and TUESDAY, DEC. 17-18 , Nights At 8:30—Tuesday Matinee At 3 P. M. THE GREATEST THRILL SHOW ON EARTH. THU IS THE ONLY AND EXCIJ Waco* iSSF'^ ■'Our national character haa been built up by Ju«t the type of . activities you present In "THE COVERED WAGON."—Theodore Roosevelt, Assistant SeeroUry of A /’nramottnl Production ** SPECIAL SYMPHONY ORCflfcSTItA. • PRICES: Night, 50c, 75c, 11.00. $1210—Matinee, 50c, 75c, $1.00— Plus Tea. Mail Order. Now. Nu NO ONE EXPECTS tie expects a (iro. But fires come. Insure. No one expects su'd- ind ruin often follow. Insure, Just because you fortune—insure. Wo can give you all forma of Property Protection Policies. .-■•■• THE HINTON SECURITIES CO„ Athens, Ga. JESTER . Complete Insurance Protection 6i7‘Holman Bldg. Send Your Dresses, Rugs, Draperies, Etc. Montgomery French Dry Cleaning Co. Largest and Beat Dytlng and Cleaning Plant South Bresaes, ate. Dyed. Cleaned aud Repeated Montgomery, Ale. Money on Central City Property . 5»/j}%—Five and Half Per Cent—6V a % Simple Interest HUBERT M. RYLEE, LAW OFFICES ‘:4Q4-5 Holman Building Telephone 1676 NORMAL MIL A very beautiful and Impressive program was given Thanksgiving morning by the Y. W. C. A. at the State Normal School. The services were led by Miss Mary Graae Keh- rer.' A short historical sketch of Ihs first Thanksgiving end what It meant was given by Mils « Lucy Grace Parsons; a sketch o£ the present day Thanksgiving was giv en by Miss Ozella Hembree. Miss Kehrer then turned the fnectlmr In to an open forum and all responses Were filled with thanksgiving as different girls told of the many things for which to be thankful. ft is the custom of the State Normal School’s graduating etnas to publish nnnually the "Crystal. To give an Idea of what the book is to contain, a stunt night li given, having each organisation re presented. Under the direction of Miss MaNIta Bulloch a very ' “ lightful entertainment was arrang ed. Because of Miss BuQoch’S untiring efforts In aiding Ita pub llcatlon, the annual had been stedi- rated to her. __ ^ Misses Hilda Johnson and . Hah Burch of Amerlcua Oa, were the week end guests of Bernlch John, son and Dorothy Collins. Mr. E. D. Colvin of Emery Uni- verslty was tho guest of Mila Eli zabeth Colvin Thanksgiving. Miss Iris Calloway spent week end with Miss Claudia Hen- eler of Atlanta. Mlse Jewell Barnett spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. end Mra L. H. Barnett Farmington. Mine Martha Jackson and Mr. Bryan Almon were the gueete of Miss Nellie Almon Wednsaday. Miss Memphis Wood had as hei gueete Thanksgiving, Mleaee Snow- dell end Blanche Wood of Atlanta, Mr. Harper Trowbridge, Helen Dye, Ruby end ’ Wqod of Blythe. Lou Etta den loss of property. But property la destroyed and financial loss v. Insure. Just because you do not expect mis- . Mrs. W. U Gaulding of Colbert spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Annlo Mae Hampton. Mrs. .O. D Glenn of Walklnevllle spent Friday afternoon with v — dauxhter. Florrle. Misses Elsie Persons, Maymelu Harrison and Annie Mao Hampton spent Thursday afternoon with Mies Hampton’s parents. Dr. and Mra H. H. Hampton of Colbert. Mies Sara Bailey of Newnen was the guest of Miss Virginia, Flea, nery Friday. '■ Mra J. H. Howard and little daughter spent Thanksgiving holi days with her sister, Mien Jenlt Scott 1 Misses Ellen Bowen and Fran ces Tredwell of the 5th District A * M. School at Monroe were guests of MIssee'Huth Bowen end An, nle Mae Blase Sunder afternoon. Mr. Lens Hubbard of Atlanta called t» nee hla sister Min Annie Lebra Hubbard 8unday after noon. ' _ . Miss Nancy Arnold of Pelser, S.iC., wan ths guest of her sister, Min Carolyn Arnold during Thanksgiving holldaya One pt the exciting eventa the week vii the basket bell game between Gilmer and Winnie Davie Holla played Friday afternoon Gilmer waa victorious, the soon being twelve to six. Miss Fannie Mays Coachman, Min Lynda Gunnels, Mlu /Anne Thompson and Min Rebecca Ma* ptea were the guuta of Mias Suite Watte, Thursday afternoon. Mlu Laura Wilson visited Mies Cortes Wilson Sunday. Mr. and Mra B. M. Everett of Register were the gunts of r Cora Mae' Everett Sunday. Min'Ruby Bheltor. visited Mra C. B. Wright sf Athena Thuradiv afternoon. Minn Helen White. Marian Week PUalmae Bpratling, Evelyn Orr, Olivia and Annte Mary Hay spent Thuredey afternoon with Mra W. T. Flanagan. Min Cortn Wiieon and Mlu Cora Mae Everett spent Thurs day afternoon in Commerce. The S. O. 8. S. Club was delight fully entertained at a tent last week end. Chi Chi Club entertained Is Miller tSsrlors Saturday afternoon. The club was entertained by Mlu- n Ruth Clark, Ethel Bagley, Ka- •le Mae Johnson, Opel Jourdan and MADAME VERONA STAR PALMIST and FORTUNE TELLER ■ She reads your entire life, giving absolutely ■ reliable and strictly confidential informa* Jltlon on every subject dear and interesting j to the human race, *uch os business, love, ► law. health and family troubles. What vo- Mcation in life you arc best adapted for and ■what to do to better yourself in life. The ■ number of marriages, children and wealth •you will possess. And tells those who are true or false to you. Whom to confide in and whom to avoid. Her Oriental sciences enable her to do m»ny thing* for tho happiness and benefit of mankind. If emotion* of love intereat you. If you have absent loved ones. If luck aeems to be against you. no matter what your hopes* fears or wishes may be, she la sure to point out a way to overcome your difficulties and attain your desires- Both rich and poor find her counsel equally beneficial and interesting. Everybody is Happier after consulting her. If you are in doubt or in trouble tee her. 'Hours: 1* a. m. to 8 p. m. daily. Look for Sign 145*4 Clayton St. (Upstairs) PRICE Si.oo . Special Rooms for Colored People. NOTICE! To avoid delay place your orders today for your Wreaths, Baskets, Cut Flowers and Pot Plants for Christmas. MISS NETTIE JONES Phone 4602 Jones Greenehouse Co. Pboae 4602 Margie Coulter. During the after, noon many delightful games and contests were enjoyed after whlcfr a delicious salad course waa serv ed. * The club consists of twenty one members. Miss Grace Puckett of 'Doccoa was tho guest of Miss Dollle Tur ner and Miss Annie Marlin IHfcks during the Thanksgiving holidays. A movie party was given In honor of Mias Puckett* after which a din ner was given. Covers wero laid for Misses Puckett. Edsle Johnson, Margie Coulter* Dollle Turner and Annie Marlin Hick* Mrs. E. L. King of Georgetown was the week end guest of Miss Dorothy Smith. Mr. Albert Lillard of Lyons wan the guest of Miss Minnie Mat Price Friday. The Black friars prere. organized Saturday evening In Senior Uall. Alice Manery was elected President Lurllne Medlock, qecretafry and Memphis Wood treasurer. Miss Dorothy Lane- was the charming hostess Saturday night at a'party given In honor of Mias Emma Welch on her ltthblrthday. The color scheme of j pink and whit# was ‘carried out. A delicious salad course, ambrosia and chocolate was served. Covers were laid for twelve guests Including; Misses Olllla Jacksoh, Louise Lane, Mary Frances StovaJI, Tullle Chandler, Myra Nelson, Cleo Jack- son Mary Means Emma Welch Almarlne Watkins Leona Goolsby, Sara Blvlhs and Wyallne Hester. ' A delightful birthday t party was given Monday evening in honor of Miss Jdaude Boyett The room of Missed Daisy Harris and Gladys Mills was beautifully decorated with red and white rosea. A salad course was served, followed by an ice course. Those present Misses Maude Boyett. Daisy Harris Gladys Mills, Hslen-Craven, Laura Hamrick Elisabeth Mon crlef Mildred Wllklna and Lois Johnson. Mr. Lee King of JVrens was the guest of hla slater Miea Mattie King -Saturday. Mrs. Agnes Eberhardt accompan ied by Miss Ethel Strickland at tended the Paderewski Concert In Atlanta this week. Miss Carolyn Edwards visited Mr. and Mra Florence of Athene Thursday. Miss. Annie Harmon of Carrol- ton spent ths Thanksgiving holi days with her sister Miss Mildred Harmon. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cocroft. Mrs. H 8 KayTor. and Miss Jessie Sut ton of Bostwlck were guests Fri day of Miss Louis# Cocroft Miss Ada Bradberry of Eatonfon waa the Sunday guest of Miss No ra and Emily Jones. .Miss Helen Joiner of Plnehurat and Miss Virginia Motley of Dan- lelavllle spent th# week end with Miss Mamie Wilkes. Mr. Lenord Cooper of G. A. B. spent Thanksgiving with he r sla ter, Miss Sara Cooper. Mr. W. A. Johnson of .Hull was the guest of his daughter, Mlse Lois Johnson, Sunday. Mr. Walter ElUs of Reynolds spent Thanksgiving with his sister Miss Margaret ElUs. The cabinet of tha Toung Wo man’s Christian Association’ con ducted the weekly program Sunday evening of the Christian Endeavor society at the First Presbyterian church. The theme of the service waa £ comparison of the represen. tatlve women of the Biblical days with those of our own day. State Normal School will be re- Elens MEET TODAY IN WALTO COUNTY By "JERRY" JOHNSON Sunday (today) more than 200 young Kndcavorers ot Walton county ore expected to gather at Coi’nth church aarf enjoy a Couo ty Endeavor' Rally. Mlu Irene Malcolm, Good Hope, ha* been lay- ins .pecial emphasis upon thja meeting and Is sure to have bounded aucceM, when the meeting has passed Into history. Mlse Re becca Brown o( the Cowpen So cicty will be on hand wjth several truck loads of Young Popple, well as Miss Frances Orr, leader of the Cedar Grove organisation. Miss Margaret LaBoon, Georgia's enthusiastic Endeavor secretary of tho ML Vernon Society promises to have, a good delegation and plenty of material to u(tn the Ban- ner for the senior society, of that community. Rev. James Barfield. teaching school at Logs na vi!!. will be on hand with a bunch of Endeavorers and'every society Is workfng hard to get possession of the County Union Benner, which Is awarded at these rallies. Athens le famishing four speak en for this meeting. Hissen Nancy Lowe Morton and Agnes McGuire, "Jerry" Johnson ana Lamar La Boon. GEORGIA ENDEAVORER AT WORK IN fLORIDA Young people ot Northeast Geor gia will remember Miss Loyola Stacy, wfco formerly lived la El- berton, with'a great deal of In terdsL In the December Isaue of the Florida C. E. News, ot Interest to note. It the tact that a North' east Georgia Endeavorer not only playa the part of the State Union as Intermediate Superintendent but work* aa well. In December, fas Stacy organised a new society st .Mulberry, Fla., and aided la plana for a district convention. Northeast Georgia always send, such folks out from the field. Junior Superintendent. Mrs. M. B. Miller Is supervising the Vg- gest teak of the year at the Chrla- llan church. She la preparing a program to be rendered Sunday evening. December 12.'when many young people from the Junior, In termediate and 8enlor soclct/cs will have a part In the Christina* program. Mrs. Miller's past ex perience will convince any on* that the program fa to be a fea ture of the year. PER8BYTERIAN SOCIETY - HAS NEW OFFICERS presented at Student'a Convention which meets In Indianapolis' from December twenty-elahth to Jan uary second by Miss Lucy Grid Parsons, Miss Mary Grace Kehrer, Miss Mtcy Bonner, and Mlse Lou ise Shackelford, Students from Officers for the Central Pres byterian Senior Endeavor Society were Installed Bandar evening, December' Sad. which lives the new worksrs n field ot opportunity, since societies everywhere are trying to make December "Sun shine Month," doing everything "In His Name." My. Samuel Cart- ledge, son of the putor of the church, was selected by the young peoplo to lend the work In 1(14 and, a l otter selection could not have been made to head the work of tho Senior noclety. the "Dixie Endeavor and Christian Endeavor World," magazines con tinues hla steady* pace of securing subecrip.Uona to.these two papers. Northeast Georgia baa always wanted to demoneirate what she could do on these campaigns, but not until now has the matter seem ed so easy. Mr.- Anld its securing new subscriptions at -the rate ol twenty per week. Ur. Anld Is an enthusiastic worker and has a de sire to serve, which makes this campaign possible. Northeast Georgia is almost 200 points'ahead of other districts In the campaign MACOOCHEE INSTITUTE HA8 EXPERT CLASS The Expert Endeavor class at Nacoochcc Institute, Rsutee, is progressing splendidly under the |abkj supervision of Miss'Annie Cameron, Georgia's Life Work Re cruit superintendent, who Is a member dt the Nacoochee Institute faculty. Practically every member of the senior and Intermediate so cieties are enrolled. | GEORGIA'S NEW FIELD SECRETARY AT WORK Bert G. Jones, field secretary for the Georgia Christian Endeavor Union le now In the state doing a constructive work. He is to he In MllledgevUle this next week end. after sorting. In. a convention of the Southeast Georgia C. E. District. It la interesting to know thtt Mrs. Jones and the children have reached America from Wales, which la tha native home of Geor gia's field man, and will remain at Green Cove 8pifngs, Fla., for the winter. .SUNDAY. DECEMBER <1. i 52J- FIRE INSURANCE' Seventeen Years of Satisfactory Service. Stro» B Compinl,. CALL FLEETWOOD LANIER, MGS. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, ERWIN & CO. Phone Three-Fonr-FIve cd pastor of Young Harris Memo rial church, has arrived in Athene to make hie home and will preach hie first sermon In the now charge Sunday morning. He urges al members of the church to b< present. Rev. Mr. Read was ap pointed to Athens ’ nt the lost Methodist Conference. He afcrved at Blahop four year* Diabetes Discovery From Europe After years of successful In /Europe, Dr} S.teln-Callenfels*. the noted European Specialist, wonderful fion-dletietlc diabetic treatment, which allow* you to eat what, you need, is now available in this country. ' 6,000 books de scribing this wonderful treatment are being sent FREE OF CHARGE, to sufferers of diabetes. Don't de lay—Write now to M. Rlcharts, Dept. St2. 220 W. 42nd St., New York.—Advertisement. , Read BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS Closing Out Sale of_AD Winltr Hats at Very Low Prices. Also Bhowing new arrivals In Karl, n pr ‘s* ““*»«*• Mr »- Arthur Burch, 304 Holman Building. d» c TAX NOTICE There are only eleven more days left in which to pay State and County Taxes before Dec. 20th. The Law requires that the Tax Books be closed on 20th day of Dec., and all unpaid Taxes be placed in officers’ hands in shape of Fi Fas, for immediate collection. I am compelled to obey the Law. I advise all Tax Payers to come fast and not wait for the last few days. W. A. MALLORY, Tax Collector. CHRISTMAS SOCIAL AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Miss Nancy Lows Morton, chair man of tho social committee of th* Christian Church senior socle ty, ennouncee-that the December social to be held prior to the boll, days Is going to’be the "Met yet.’ December 9th Miss Morton will have namei had age of every child et the Southern Christian Orphans Home, Atlanta, aud each Endeev- orer will drew a name, bringing to the eociel e gift for that rc •perilve child.'The glfte will hi paced end sent to tho Orphtns Home as a result of kbe “Sunshine Social” of the senior society, good Idea! WHO CAN AFFORD TO MI8S C. E. MEETING "What Makes * Successful Work erf" Prov. 6:6-11’. The Christian church meeting win be ltd by Mlse Ida Le*. Lavender and atop by step the thought* will be given. First "preparation," "health." “energy" and character" will be part* of the topic.’ A most cordial welcome extend ed to younx people to attend tho meeting at 7 o’clock. ’astor pf Young, Harris Arrives Rev. B. P. Raad, newly appoint- Just alitllc put aside ewervweek.—- Christmas you EVER. hadrncxtvcar> GEORGIA NATIONAL BANK of Athens* Ga.' DAVID AULD, ELBERTON. CONTINUES HIS “SPEED" various colleges and universities David Auld, superintendent ot throushout th* world will be pres- ent at this convention to discus* problems of vital Interest to them. Coburn Has Another Good Show For 1923 BARBECUE! BARBECUE! Every Day At BENSON’S BAKERY and CAFE Next Door to Strahd Theatre Producing nothing but a good* minstrel ahow haa become a regu lar habit with J. A. Coburn and eorne of the bigger, or who think they are bigger birds In the busi ness should take a few tips from him every year Instead of revamp ing some old chetanuts, dolling up the show In sparkling trlmmlngn and placing the admission price at two berries top. Friday night Mr. Coburn's fun* makers playsd st the Colonist to an almost full house, and tha show deserved no empty seats at that. Slim Vermont, Hank White and Edward C. Clifford, marshal of merriment, known to the slangiest at th# Interlocutor, furnished round of one laugh after the oth er. The singing and dancing wers above the average and as a whole the show le better than In vtous years and if we remember correctly this Is saying quite deal. Mr. Coburn lie carrying more players and scenery this yea* than last and his show /mems not to merit the reputation of a "email minstrel" It has gained throughout the land. Coburn's Is always popular In Athens and this ysa r was no ex ception, He le popular hirasell here though he never appears on the stage. He has many persona! friends who tlwayp manage to see him, however. If you missed this minstrel you missed an evening of laughs that you needed, i ., —C. E. M. ^nothe r reasonwhy- Read Banner-Herald • Want Ads. Doors on Buick cars close firmly and donot rattle, ‘/there are two rubber bumpers and a dovetail joint which take the strain off* the door lock and pre vent weaving in any direction -Buickis the StandardYOomparison CONOLLY MOTOR COMPANY •' Athens, Qeorgia WHEN*BETTER. AUTOMOBILES ARE*BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD