The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 09, 1923, Image 2

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PAGE,TWO TUB BANNER-ITERALP. ATHENS. GEORGIA SUNDAY. DECEMBER 9. 19M Around Athens j With Cot T. Larry Gantt | Mr. Detlrich "Winter, one of our Wet an<( most reliable citizens asketNthat we call attention of the good peoplo of this section to the ileplornlile condition of the tier- 1 mans. Mr. Winter says he receives many •tettera from relatives and friends'in the Old Country Jhey give the most heart-remit.V reportrf'of the suffering and BtarvJjts people there. Tens /YOU*LL LIKE TIIE W)OD AND SERVICE at COSTA'S Dinner ' tVcnni of Chicken Soup Choice of Brazed Tenderloin Steak Wi,th Mushroom Sauce *01r Roast Spring I.aml# '* Creamed Spinach irr Creamed' Potatoes Fruit Salad q1 Hot Biscuits 'Coffee, Tea or MHk •Cake and fee Cream 65 Cents La Carle Service Dally from 7*0 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. COSTA'S LUNCHEONETTE ‘Juat A Little Bit Better" y la Our Motto. thousand* of little children hot only without milk, hut food ami cloth ins, and they are both freezing and starving for the lurk of necessities of life. Mr. Winter has sent them aid himself’ and many good people In his sertion have also assisted. He asks u** to the • charitable and rhristlun people of Athens and throughout this, section that aid in the way of . money, or food I or the suffering Hermans handed to him he will Mo that promptly forwarded. We have rent millions to the Japan to Soviet Russia, but Germany I* In evert greater need. These suf fering people had no part In bring, tng on the war. for they are th< peasantry of that country, and simply- hud to obey their rulers. W< hope that our citizens will heo« Mr. Winter's appeal. Fome of oui best people like the Reusses, Johr Winter and Henry Meyer wen Germans. We are all delighted to have Tom Ifndgrnn. of Washington. I» «pend the holidays with Ills old friends In Athens. Tom Is one • our own home-raised hoys who h:i made good. He has a l»eautifiil farm nenr Wnshington and has been chosen as one of the delegates to the National Democratic con vention. He rays the Republicans are about as badly divided as dur ing the RootleVeIt split and there Is A good chance of our numing th« I next President. Fanners from Madison and other counties mound Athers complain that stock U turned loose to graze on the fields before all the crops are gathered, and they are mining depredation*-. One farmer near Colbert says they have de stroyed several stacks of hay foi him. Cobh Lumpkin has recently re turned from an extended trip through Arkansas, visiting his two i are engaged In the hole! business at Hot Springs and Ark- ndelphln. Mr. Lampkin says dur ing his entire stay* In that state hr did not hear the words ‘hard times' spoken and every line of business In prospering. He heard no com plaint of the cotton boll weevil. The Young Harris chapel has been nsalgned as its minister by the Conference Rev. R. P. Wade who filled the pulpit at Bishop In Cconee. and left that charge with regret from hln congregation. Tht members of his new charge art l well pleased with their pastor anf believe that good work will be ac* j complished the coming year. i The citizens of East Athens the I nther day held a largely attended I TUbllc meeting at which they pro- j I tested mgainst the city requiring lfull*bu*ln) them to install sanitary 1 closets, In.l ordering stead of building sewers. This sanitary closet issue figured the recent city election * Beginning ' ith the New Year, lei to abolish the w rd times” from our vocsbu I ull talk about the dawn sp< rlty now breaking upon section- Quit kicking and all come booster* for our city and section.. The brightest future before us than In many years Mr. Ezzie Bond, u young * rmer near Poeutaligo, In Madlsoi ty. says this year he made 17 501 pound -bales df cotton from 23 acre.- besides a bumper corn and feed crops. AH of hi* neighbors have also made good crops and arc Well fixed for the eorffing year. Ex cept In Isolated spots the same encouraging report* reach us from ill the upper counties^, Mr. Firor tell* u« that - Mr. Scoggins tills year on less than four acres of cotton on the Jefferson r»»«d. made four bales weighing ?»00 pounds each After paying nl* rosts for labor, fertilizers and poi son lie will dean around 1100 per tiers on hi* entton. Mr. Seoggln? Ml. Mr. Albert Davison says the!* II .and winter trade has been nil they could ask and he l>elleve H It vlll eontlnue. They bought a large fork In anticipation of n good Thornton's SUNDAY DINNER Dinner 50c Cream of Chieken Soup Baked Chicken, Sage Dressing Turnips and Greens Creamed Potatoes Gelatine Fruit Salnd Muffin/: and Biscuits * Lemon Pie Coffee, ,Tea or Milk 50 Cents SUNDAY SUPPER Fried Chicken or Cold Boiled Ham Macaroni and Cheese French Fried Potatoes Stewed PrJnes Hot Biscuits Pinqipple Bombs, Cream Sauce Coff “ Coffee, Tea or Milk 60 Cents but had to-keep e goods. He says look** like “suffering times” about over, and.a new dawn prosperity and Independence - Is breaking on our section. Several merchants told Uj* that they m are beginning to collect old debt*, and as fast as farmers sell their cotton they begin to pay on old obllga* lions. Farmers are depositing more money In our banks than eve. before and ure jwtylng for pur- chares with.checks. This la i pointer to returning prosperity. Aged Comer Lady Is Cali d By Death Fannye Simons David, age sixty-nine of Comer. On., died Dec. s following an illness of two years. Mrs." David had lived at Comer r 31 years and numbered her friends by her acquaintances. She survived Jjy/her husband J. T. David four sons and four daugh ters. The funeral will It* held today. Sunday, at the Methodist church at Comer, with Rev. S. H. Smith fflciatlng and Rev. Talley assist ing. The pall-benrers wl.l be th*: id sons in law of the ,de-> ceased. Bernstein Brothers Fun eral Home i onharge. SIM PEOPLE SUM New York Physician Per fects Harmless Method > of Reducing .Weight. The loss of as much ns i pound uf excess flesh a day will ■ harm ful results Is th -‘cord by many patients #o! Dr. I* J. New- . -»n, a licensed practicing physi- ,.,n of 286 Fifth nvenue. New York, Who annour * that he has perfected a which has quickly rid fat peojtle of excess weight. What is more remarkable Georgia Graduate Dies in Augusta wrU * hlr '’ lod,,v CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Our main special this year is Chinaware. We have the largest stock we have ever carried, made of the highest grade goods we can buy from the factories of this country, England and Japan. We have everything from plain to highly, decorated and can supply in open stock or in sets. Our prices are as low as can possibly be made on the best quality goods. Shop early on these goods before our stock is broke. If you are in doubt as to what to give then give chinaware for chinaware is always acceptable. Aluminumware and Enamelware We want to impress this fact on you. We are not advertising junk. There is a lot of junk Aluminum- ware and Enamelware being offered but we have none of this kind. We handle the Mirro Aluminum- ware and Vdlrath Enamelware both being the pro ducts of the best factories in the United States. Wo invite you to come in, and see these lines. There are too many articles involved to make mention of them all. .. r ■ Many Other Specials for the Christmas Shopper Percolators, Ornamented Teapots, Roger’s Silver ware, Knives, Forks and Spoons. Hundreds of arti cles in household goods and kitchen utensils, Pocket knives from the Jos. Rodgers grade down td the bar- low. Scissors and Shears, Razors, Hones and Razor Straps, Stoves and Ranges, Heaters, Oil Cook Stoves, Oil Heaters, Automobile Robes and Automobile Acces sories, Footballs, Roller Skates and Leggins. Decorated Potteryware We have some beautiful Vases, Jardinieres, etc., in this line, all handsomely decorated. These gctods cannot be described in print Come in and look them over. The prices are the lowest at which high grade goods can be sold. SCOTT HARDWARE COMPANY CLAYTON ST. AND WASHINGTON. ST. Mr. Glenn Legwen, graduate of the University of Georgia and well known young Augusta business man. died in that city Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock according to news that reached friends and relative« here last ii'ght. He was a first cousin of'Judge Horace Hold en and hid many college-mate friends f.n Athens-and throughout the state. He was a member of the cotton firm of Ramsey and Legwen but had been in for more than a year. He was at one time president of the Avgusta chamber of commerce, was a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity and when fn col lege won many debating honors. He Is survived by his wife, who is a sister of Mrs. Thomas Hamil ton of Augusta, and four children. SANTA CLAUS AT McLELLAN’S STORE The manager of McLellan’a store announces that Santa Claus will be present at AIs 5. 10 and 25c store every day from now until Christ mas. and the children of the com munity are Invited to come in and meet him.i Dr. Coleman Speaks Here This Afternoon Dr. W. E. Coleman, president ot the North Georgia Conference league, will deliver ,n address to the city union ’ of the Epwoftli League this afternoon nt 3:30 'clock. Too meeting will ho held at Ur drat ethodlst church, and besides the League members, the R. Y. P. U.'s and all young people are In vited to attend. ADEQUATE WATER SUPPLY NEWKAN, Oa.—Nevnan Is Icy hare an adequate water supply. The water and light comission Is impending (100.000 on a dam and equipment to be completed about January 1. The dam Is forty-five feet high snd 450 feet fn length, and Is built of eart/h, plated with rock, which will make a reservoir icrpge enough to hold 100,000,001) gallons. The dam Itself will cast 335,000 Two large sand and gravel filters have been Installed, which will coet $13,000. The filter building, wash tanks and coagulating basin are being Installed at a cost ot $18,000. Pencil and Will to Learn Are Credentials For Cooking School Every Phase ofjthe Culinary Art Will Be Treated By Miss White, Director of Cooking Institute, questions," Mts* ‘ They show that my*^ ' A pencil and a will to learn are the only credentials required by the director of the cooking insti tute which the Banner-Herald of fers Its readers "at the Colonial Theatre December. 11; 12, 13 and 14. dally at 2:30 p. m. Age limit? From high school girls to gram* jthe<rs. “My white- haired pupfls *o often my most Interested ones. They want to know the reasons for their mis takes and failures,” Miss Agnes White, th. rector, says. What will we learn? And. then the Doctor** statement th’.t he. >!iss White produces a list of •T» * * * * * *- the crust, is soaked with the liquid. How can I avoid this? I have several children in my fam ily. What abould I include in their lunches? What is the Correct kind of dessert to serve with an elabor ate dinner? How can I make my pie crust flakey?** At this time of the year the most important questions are centered around the H^’iday season. I am planning a Ch.^tmas tea. I am so anxious to have it Individual. What khould I serve? I would like' to give a Christmas gift to a dear friend. She does s : L wonderful Closing Out Sale ofWl Win. Hats at Very Low J « showing new arrivals in Ear?, Spring "Millinery. Mrs.' - aSS Burch, 304 Holman Building — successfully treated thousand*! questions asked and answered in J needlework that 1 want to give has I of 'patient* for fat reduction with Jte score* of similar institutes she no change of diet or uniiee.'ssnr? ha# conducted Take cakes, for Itr- exercise. It Is also wild tint fat stance: “Is them nny real value people who. suffer from chronic »in adding the liquid and the dry rheumatism, gout, asthma and ingredients alternately in mak’uv Utah Wood pressure obtain great 1 a butter cake?” What makes my relief from the reduction of their cake'fall after It Is taken out of superfloug flesh. Realising that the oven? My cakes always seem this sound* almost too good to true, the Doctor has offered to without charge to nny write him. a free All Layer Cakes carried over from Saturday, will be sold Monday at 20 less than regular price. ARNOLD-ABNEY & CO, Bunch Turnips with tops for Monday morning. Cauliflower Fresh Spinach Rutabaga Turnips ARNOLD-ABNEY & CO. different and* yet some.- thing'I have mado myself Fail rou give me suggestion" on Christ* *>« •• n mas gifts from my own baking? KlUiaClelpIllft Cream I nm planning ope nhouse ofr New Cheese. tWO for Yearn. I would .like some new Ideas , ii_ An t, • . uv * about sandwiches. 1 * r CSh Shipment And so on like the babbling | Roquefort Cheese SJSra* Shipment Swiss inyone who wll’ j evenly on tO|j? What makes m> etrated. One whole afternoon Is | L-lHKiSC trial treatment ( sponge and angclfood cakes tough? j given over to th© problem of the N. too dry; how can I avoid this? What makes by cake rise un-! answered; when possible demon- Advertisement. FUNERAL NOTICES DAVID—Died at her home Comer. Ga. t yertartlay morning at 9 •* Mrs. Fanny© Simons D.ivld In her 69th year, tihe is survived by her husband Mr. J. T. David four daughters and four soni and ffons-fn-laws. The funeral will he today (Sunday) from tho Methodist" church In Comer Oa., nt 2:34' p. m.. Key. 8, II. Smith assisted hv Rev. Talley will rfflclate wR*s l>rnpteln Bros. fiit,era! home in c s a$yr BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS. Too Late to Chuff.*. DIVIDENDS—(huffe ones) nuke Equiuble net cost wtv below.' Figure It outj T. L. Mitchell. J9e. CARLOAD of new Oulbransen P'Anos Just ant'ved. Will bo an Ideal gift for the family Christ- oiss. P. H. Durden, 45$ City- ton etreet sun-wed-d25p. A LIFE-ANNUITY for self. Bojm end girls savings; Christmas *‘tt» A — permanent; Dividends— omstfngly big. Education assured Tour child. Fone 745. Equltshlo Life Agency. ’ jjfc. SPECUt, DEMONSTRATION Co- himble New Process Record. 25c. 45$ Clayton street, p. H. Dur-j <,< ‘ n - san-d33p. | FOR RENT—Unfurnished apart ment January IsL Apply Mri. Alice Adame. Phone 832 or 1301. ' ' dllc. READ • BANNER-HERALD WANT ADS prove hi* claim*. If you want! I like tto bake cakes in a square | Holiday Dainties for gifts and .* ^teCreaitl Cheese rid yourself of stiDerfliiou* fat 'and then cut. them for individual ’ parties. Wise questions, foolish j l-<CXingtOn dlfiCiSe, UVkrtlsement. cakes.' How can I keep mimlis j questions, questions from newly- EncouraPA Hnmn from getting Into (he dclng?” j weds, from tired mothers, from en- I j ■» 8 ^ u lie “Or pies—My family Is fond of gaged young girls, from motherr f*' UlllllltnlSi * custard pies but my custards- sink questions from all ages. ”1 like » -vAt In the middle and get watery or of school children; all kinds ol AKNOLD-ABNEY & Cp Read Banner-Herald Want Ads. hut t\ &iveti- -:V, The fine GIFTS of FURNITURE offered for your selection make it possible for you to choose just the right gift that will express the spirit of Christmas and your feelings of friendship. Our displays now contain sug gestions for gifts that will no doubt be just the thing you want to send to friend or mem ber of the family Make your selections early —Come, tomorrow—a pleasant surprise is awaiting you. Make Christmas Purchases on Our Credit Plan flCTROLAS Now i, certainly the accept ed time for the purchase of Vlctrolas. Every year in our memory tjiere hns been n shortage of Vlctrolas at Christmas. Thla year the situation it particularly acuta. Make your selection now. Delivery whenever you want it. For the Housewife Tea Wagon A neat plain tea wagon that •erves, dual purpose of a tea wagon and table because ot tho drop leaves. Another convenience that wc call yojn’ attention to Is tH? silverware drawer. Removable trav. In mahogany, dull rubbed fin ish. Priced at $37.50. For the Young Lady A Desk 1 s A very fine desk with plenty of room and compartments for papers and stationery. There are two drawer, under the eliding writing lurfaeo. Built solidly but all of tho dalntrnoss has been retained. In handsomely, dull rubbed finish, mahogany. Priced nt 340,00. wheel Toys Strong, durable, muscle building toys for young Am erica now on display In our window. In this lot are autos, all sorts of wagons, velocipedes, jingle cars, doll carts, 1 toy phonbgraphs, desks, tobies, chairs. Arti- don bought now will be de livered when you wish. For Your Own Home Gift Tudor Dining Room Suite jX Fpr the Comfort ' Corner Tapestry Rocker High back and full spring seat, nicely covered with an excellent quality tapestry. The exposed parts of wood are finished in antique ma- hogany k The back , is shaped and the arms are gracefully curved. Iron* arp several attractive pattern* of tapes- try in the lot. Selling at Every time the housewife sets the table—every time you oot you wlU edjOy n gift of this hind. A Tudor design Dining Room suite In antique walnut, The chairs are fitted with slip seats covered with tapestry. Ten pieces—Tabl< 5 Chairs and Arm Chair, Buffet, China Cabinet, Server. $350.00. ■* frF For Big and Small Homes—Gate Etif Trifle Will find welcomed space in nny living room. In many of the small compartments folka use a Gate Log as > dining table because of tho space conserved. When open It measures 38x48 inches snd when closed 38x12 inches. In mahogany or walnut finish es. robbed dull. Priced at 332.50. . HOME FURNISHERS SINCE 1884