The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 09, 1923, Image 3

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,, r . pnrK'rn.Ki; i PAGE THREE Whj| not a furniture Christmas this year—and solve the troublesome »ift [Iromem once for all? Sit down with your list and pencil' tonight, land j gee hoW remarkably well the suggestion works out. TheW’afe sewing-cabinets, tea-wagons, library tables, gateleg tables, tilt-topfSbles, Windsor chairs, and rugs for mother. For sister—dressing- tables, book-ends, bridge tables, spinet desks, cedar chests, luster vases, lamps, chaise longues, are sure to please. . <iv ,r . . And father and the boys will be eternally delighted with humidors, smoking-stands, book-ends, magazine stands, card tables, easy-chairs, and the like. Men do like sensible things! While for a fiancee, the gift that will her affections win forever is a cedar chest, for it ghows her “the man in the case ’ is thinking of the home-to-be as well as she. dall on us for further suggestions—you will find our selections truly beautiful! ra; Y3> tfjSttLTbc! crtjoycil more thun Heat comfortable Wind- vkci?— give or.e to mother or -yeverftl patterns to . select —Priced from $15.00 Kelt cart on.' Christmas flicrninjJflToil it will be used eacll Mil' i in the year—drop leaf jtca-curt?, large enough to be .used as ( ja table, some have drawer for silver* • •ware—in both mdfapgffny and walnut. T -«kes'l§tar1 % $12JJ0 Did yoti^ay you wonted to give her a tilting top table—just come look over this grjfjl# bifjj selection we have—you ‘I'ould s* r * tii$s many shapes and sizes, '•■o can* only .tell you they arc simply beautiful flhd —Priced As how As $15.00 Hive tho ; |itt|o girl a real doll car riage—gpmething more than intoy ixcauM \fcsy are strongly built and n «adc o&fK very best reed and fibre - they/coup-* in many sizes from the -‘iiallttrt,-to.the largest and in several eulors pnd priced as low uh .. $3.75 A special doll push cart made of rt* ' —At $1.75 Martha Washington sewing stands arc lised daily—A home for all sew ing, you won’t leave a little here or there, but will lceop all the sewing together—there arc many other pat terns to select from. —Priced $8.50 and up Sit down to a telephone table and en joy your conversation, you will never know the joy of your phone until you have a telephone table to place it \>n —give one to your homo--oak, ma hogany and walnut with cdther stool Vr chaftp, ,,^ .. —Priced from $7.00 Had you thought of giving her a bridge lamp—it will mika an ideal gift—you must ace, this wonderful assortment wa have—they are here in ,o many different styles and colon, the most beautiful shades you ever saw and priced from HM0 And we have a few more of the spec ial iron stand bridge lampa et 12,89. Just think, if you could have only owned ono of these flivvers when you were a child—these ere mode strong enough to last a mighty long time— the gear is made of a good grade of steel, the wheels are strong with pood rubber sires—Price .. . . $4.78 Then wc hare the little red riders —At $2.00 Give your home this console fcabl« and mirror, have it in its place on Christmas morning—then invite the family to see it—they come in ma hogany, walnut and Flemish mahog- .any. ^Priced from $15.90 Give her a gate leg t»ble for Christmas, you know she has asked you for one—let us know the size she wants or better still surprise her by having ua deliver one to your home— mahogany and walnut. * —Priced from $19.50 A card table for Christmas at a price unheard of—good and strong, legs fold, square top and covered with leatherette—make several of your friends u canl table gift. • —Priced Only $1.95 Could any gift be more enjoyed thin a Spinet Dusk—for mother, lister, wife or sweethdrt—it is just the piece of furniture .they want—*nd will be used so often—mahogany and walnuts in many patterns for you to irlert frnm and / —Priced front $25.00 Let candles shine in your- horns Christmas—many kinds here for you to select from and'the most beauti ful assortment of candlesticks you ever aaw and the prices aye As low as -$1.00 a Pair Look into a new midrow on Christmas morning—give her one of the new ;t£lea, it will add to your homo— they are in different shapes and many styls frames. —Priced from $6.00 Give that boy an automobile, what make do you prefer—come down and aelect it—you know you will en^oy seeing that boy ride under hig own power—these can ora made to last— they have rubber tire wheels and are easy to run. •—The Prices Are Low The beat line of bikes you have ever seen and some of the best looking ones we have eve, had—they have extra large rubber tiro wheels of ball bearing typo—theyrhave ball-bearing pedals. Just the sire you want is wait ing for you —As Low As $4.00 Oiva him a smoking stand—keep down the fuss by having him keep the ashes off the floor—in the dif ferent shades of mahogany and over twenty-five different styles to select from. -The Prices Start At $1.50 Now let’s talk floor lampa—you know vour homo can be brightened with floor lamps—thea yoty- gMlt come in and so. the prettiest assort ment we have over had—never be fore have we been able to got to gether such u wonderful collection of floor lampa and never ha a our stock been ao large for you to select from. —Priced from $10.00 Giva her a cedar cheat for Christmas and then she will have a safe place for ner clothes—we havo them In the natural cedar finish, old ivory* ma hogany and walnut—still they aro made of solid Piedmont Bad Cedar— you should see the many sizes and designs and the very low —Prices Starting At $12.50 Let’s talk dolls—give as^jnany dolls at you can—they will brighten some little heart—th»y are ■ going to h» sold at a mighty low pricb because they ere out of our line ' and were shipped to us by one df the largest importets of dolls in thi, country, by mistake. BERNSTEIN BROS. ATHENS’ LARGEST HOME FURNISHERS BROAD STREET ON THE FIRING LINE By SAM WOODS, Salesman, Stan dard Oil Co., Athene Territory. Registered at the Georgian Hotel Wednesday were J. D. Camp with Southern Cotton Oil Co, O. H. Hall with Goodyear Tire Co., E. F- Tidwell with Underwoood Type writer Co., T. W. Porter with Caro- llna Provision Co., and Geo. M Johnson with Chattanooga'Candy Sid Gaines *•’-m "Luxanee* coffer la still on th* nap. Mr. Gainea represent* the Wm. B..Roily Co* of New Orleans. A/ W. Hartley, former clerk at Georgian Hotel In now located at Mtllen, Ga, and is In change of the Awtiy. He was visiting friends In Athens this week. t* E. Wooten, vice president ol Lestershlre Spool and Mfg. Co., of Johnson City N. Y„ with Charlotte N. C., headquarters wan through Athena Tuesday on a trip to At lanta. And now It will be "who Is who* In basketball. Saturday December the 15th In the neat meting of Classic City Council 315 of the United Commer cial Travelers. Following are tin officers of this council: IL Ix Pat terson senior counselor, I* , C, Brown, Junior counselor. Jno. Per- duoconductor, J. II. Huff page; H. D. Crawford, sentinel; W. E. Epps secretary-treasurer; It. A. Creekmore, poet counselor. Com mitteemen are B. H. Rhoden, chair man. O. T. Mnnglebcrg H. C. Doo little and W. Ix Erwin. W. E Epps present secretary and treasurer of Classic City Council 316 has been a very faithful office* holding this post for the past ten years and when election time ap proaches, no ono throws his hat in the ring and Mr. Epps goes merrily along like the famous brook. Thero Is a rivalry tilt twlxl Tampa council 376 and Jackson ville council 262 on a membership drive. From last reports Tampt Is leading 310 and, Jax 362. salesmen for LIggitt A Myers To bacco Co., are making Athens ter ritory and sell through tho Jobbers. Two arrivals Saturday morning Were Paul & Voglar with R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co, and C. A. Brown with American Tobacco Co. They will "Sunday" In Athens. Jtillus Letter, traveling repre sentative for tho Burroughs Ad ding Machine Co„ hes at least met two of the strong, arm men whose duty It Is to uphold the prohibition law. Mr. Letter had almost fin ished his day’s work and was "fllvverlng" to Jefferson where ho would check In at tho hotel and •all It a day. Right at the out- •klrta of Jefferson a large car blocked tha road and the next minute Leiter was looking down the business end of a gun and th« man back of It. with the big tin star on his vest and a voice that ■ount I like a bulldog's greeter, said * ^et out nnd bo searched** Loiter "got’* and thought of the mean things he ever did. while these two strangers went through his baggage. When tho search was ove»* the star said it must bo a mist- and that he could move on. Ft%*n last reports Leiter went much qvjfckcr than the ma chine he .sells could add figure* and as you knoy this machine caO add. British' Coins Arc Dubbed Hypocrite Money By People Now days the average sporting sheet Is liken unto the cow that gave four gallons of milk; but has gone suddenly dr.y The day fol lowing the last feetball match, this page looks lonesome, but basket ball will soon make It snappy and ono John Edwards, once unknown from Oaks Corner, will be proclaim ed the best guard that ever guard ed. Jim.Booth. Jr., salesman Webb Crawford Co., furnished the fun at Classic City Council’s last meet on December 1st He stuck to the goat for a while but one knows a goat’* disposition and It did not take an umpire to con vlnce the audience that the goat got eight out of ten rounds. Ed WJer went to Nashville see Tandy and Georgia play. The morning after the slaughter Jakle Block met him In Atlanta and says Jakie "Ed tell me some good news.** Bays Ed to Jakie, ‘There la no good news to tell*.* Very likely, Atlanta council 11, Gainesville council 416 and Athens council 315 will soon hold a membership rally, and candidates wIIL receive their workouts here. The local council Is expecting lots of visiting grip toaters that time. Bam Foster, the congenial travel er for Coca Cola Co., out of At lanta la a proud owner of a gold wntch ••'ven by this company for sales a .ity. Travelers checking In Friday ov er Sunday were Carter Daniel with Webb Crawford Co, Ike Murry and Garland Turner with Calloway Grocery Co, Ben Thornton with Talmadgo Bros, Co,. W. IL Lan ders and C. S. Howard with Wlcr Feed and Grain Co, "Lizzy" Jack- son with Athens Ifdw. Co., O. W. Davison and C. K Manglcburg, with Armour A Co, A1 Deadwylcr with Henson. Fullbrlght, Luther Tolbert with Hodgson Refining Co. Mercer Broach and Earnest Mich ael with Michael Bros. Co. W. D. Beacham and Geo Murry with J. K. Orr Shoe Co, Henry Doolittle and C. M. McWhorter with Em pire Shoe Co, Hugh Huggins and IL P. Seymour with If. T. Hug' gins and Son. (By Associated Press) LONDON.—SJn|e tho percent age of pure metal in Great Bq'Ufn't silver coinage was reduced from 9 2to 50 in 1920, tho coins have earned tho sobriquet of "hypocrite** money because of their rapid dis coloration. The greenish-yellow hue of the silver pieces caused much criticism as each new batch was turned out. This annoyed tho mint authorities who rather prided themselves on their work, and w.yie solemnly announcing that the discoloration could easily os washed out, they set themselves the task of effecting an Improve ment. They have succeeded in pro ducing for the 1923 issue silver coins which make a better showing than the "hypocg'tee,” they are' bright and shiny, du* to a new method of "pickling" which gives each pie- • a coating of more silv er. Ehcr'-tH say this coating will wear off i*n about a year revealing the same discoloration as the coirs now in use. Experiments with var ious alloys are now under way in the hope that coins may be ob tained- which will meet tha re nt*'red weight and yet satisfy tha critics. Englishman May < Hare to Forego Ham and Roosts Cy Wirr Jr. to following III tho tool stops of his “dail" nnd ro- presents McCord Stuart Co. Cj Wlcr Br„ knocked about tho ter. rltory a good -bit while ho was In harness, and repented the Lynch burg Shoo Co. II. now runs ths ’VVIer Grocery.Co., at Lumpkin nnd Washington streets. ' A well known tobacco salesman who makes Athens territory, was at lunch with other travelers at ths Nowell House at .Winder, A dry good* salesman'who keepo with football asked tha tobacco traveler where ■ hie son was now, who one. played such good foot hall at Riverside. “Why ho want, ed to coma to Georgia, but I oral him to Tech, so for spite, he ran away and Joined ths navy’ replied tho tobacco order taker. A trawl er way down at the end of th tablo who had not joined to th conversation said -God Mess hlml Whether he was a Georgia fan. or just against Tech remains a rays, tsry, for 'after ths remark ht remained quiet unusual for a trav eling man we wilt admit. ■J. B. Peal, trawler for lHale Bros, says the candy business Is mighty sweet and according to Mr. Caul old Santa Is stocking up on Hi Is particular Hnv. II. H. Camp and Garland Gu (By Associated Press) I .ON DON. — The Englishman* favorite oolnta—roast beef, fresh ham—which adorn his tab!* at Christman timo are Ukoly to cost him more this year because of ths seifous epidemic of foot and mouth disease -which has been sweeping over tho country. Board of agri culture officials havo been haying a busy time dealing with out- brcaH of the disease in all district* but It seems to be beating them. ► widespread ha* It become that an order has been issued pro hibiting the movement of cattle in an area covering nearly the whole of England and South Scotian:. Ah no markets can lie held |!n thia territory, dSalem who have fatted beef for the iChristina* trade are nimble to dispose of their stock, nnd there i* likelv to he » Miortag* of native meat. Tills. Recording to Superintendent Bmlthfleld of ths Central arket, may mean an in crease in prices. Many pedigreed herds have been smitten with the dread disease and subsequently destroyed, for one of the regulations of the board of ag riculture is that all animals hav ing contact with affected beaat* shall bo Immediately killed and crcatnaUed. During tho last four month.* more than 15,000 head of cattle have been slaughtered, and as the government pays compcn- ■ satlon to tho farmers suffering these losses, the British exobequer has already paid out more than 100,000 pounds. Ambassador Herrick Acquires Fame As Cartoonist in Paris (By Associated Press) PAWS—The ‘ — Mayron T Herrick.,is acquiring a re. (rotation in Pari* a* a cartoontsL As unofficial observer. Of \f.* Ambassa dors* council he is »sald to lH*gulU hi* inactive moments at the. session* sketching his, more active Colleagues Specimen* ut his work have b. etx are difficult to oi/tsin. They, are regarded by those who have seen them as of a particularly high order for 1 an amateur. The Ambassador posed for pro- fesional cartoonist at the annual dinner of the Anglo-American Press The result waa not very good and someone remarked: . .hi «!.i letter than that himself, whereupon Mr. Herrick took the sketchbook and pencil and In few rapid stroke* drew the pro. file In raricature of the cartoonist, which everyone pronounced a strik ing likeness and prize-winner^ Th* ambassador Is one of the few persi who draw profiles reverse, a face turned to the left being sketched by biro .facing right. When the protes ts own profile skilfully drawn that manner 1 is gaspedi and begged tbe Ambassador to sign the ketch.