The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 09, 1923, Image 4

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Gifts for Her TOB HAXNKR-nKRAT.n. ATHENS. uiw. thOM buy happy little mta-1 .ANTI-MALARIA CAMPAICN 111.- per „t a lr.,i ,..l .. , ,, '~77\. Iona of old Santa Claua him-it. I I |k*iu »h»«a r „ 10 ' J 011 ,ho oommlttoo with Mr. Hay ANERlCttS. Ga.—Sumter county jTl iln ** r ' " to "W? «n.l tnatrncted to secure contmct, Ions of old Santa Claus hlmsHf. ;Tb(- Work wa* voted hy th*enm r with the experts as sooiT ns~po<- nnd the best meats ’arh served, j the nw Vsture. The board or<Mon-4a1*^egist!tt(on^l^ m 7bem 1P and " 1M ®' T*'® l*o»rd of commlm'Ofien with a most elaborate menu three ity comnr'sskmera has authorised I Dr. J. W. Chambliss, chairman of h< ?° ,h f.J hy Januaryl. the cant - times per day. Who but the|Chairman Neal Hay to secure the) the county hoard of health etnl' P “* n W,JI he*ln- cheer-upt'could direct you to such j serrices of an efficient antl-mv-[ Lnrelace 8ve, preslifcnt of the Penal, <ri,„r„ ,, „ * PtaC ' ? llarl,. expert and an assistant chamhS o^rnTr^ V/nst fi.^inh^torn'merc^n Vu ^ peal before IS* conttab unted that the ®*en at tho exutmse even «t ttto ,,4 uf penditures of the emu,,.. „ “7- ^htrlnruat pm,," h * d ehrystsllsd iAuch that the ilemsndTTns atni0 . venal. ■ — . — • - - Don’t Worry Over Holiday Problems! Just Turn to “Christmas Gift Suggestions” Chrkt—» Gift Snggcetlea* | Chrietmea Gift Saggestinna Norris Exquisite Candles Blocks Aristocratic Canines Marla French Chocolates Hollingsworth Unusual Candles Candle* Georgian Palm. Garden “GIVE HER A” STUDEBAKER One She Will Be Proud of. Lawler Motor Co. GIVE HER TjHE BEST oodlerfal Wfc have „„„ Clirlstmhs Baxes « tho World’s Most Kamoua Candies Georgian Palm Garden liankM for fine silver and (cold and I platinum fioru. which to fashion aurireouM Jewelry for milady—rings brooches, necklaces, bracelets, van* I Ity roars novelties, dinner nnd toi let table idere-*, statuary, art pieces nnd everything clso to enhance, em bellish and beautify tho person o» the house. Wonderful things for men too— fashionable or ornamen tal suggestions, cigarette and clgat FLOWER8 FOR CHRISTMAS SEASON We InTlfe you to aee our Christ mas cemetery Wreathe. Pot Plants and Cut Flowers Jones’ Flower Shop Phone 267 A GIFT SHE WANTS Electric Curlers, Boudoir Lamps and Irons, Floor and Table Lamps Heat in u Pad*. Taylor Electric Co. Christmas Gift Suggestions Chrlrtmhe Gift Suggretlon. Chrielme. For Everybody Founhs'n Pens. Watches. Rlnjrs. Btlck Pius, Cigarette Cases and Holders, V Gift be wtll want. J. Bush, Jeweler » .... Th* checr-Upe are busy enlurg- • In* tho beautiful Fashion *ho* now • .« household word, and they bring i Hhe message today that on !*• 20th • • f of Docember this enterp.Islng firm t will open u millinery depattment • .. with everything lovely In spring t *... . , Th*y have Engage J an i ..., expert milliner who,la now pur- • chasing the Inst word In thli de- , partment which gives promise of a being quite the success expressed t In all lines of Indies* ready to wear, mouthpieces or coses, fobs, chains shaving aatr, watches , fountain tietm and |M>ncil*, belt buckles Mr. Lrfiler nnd Mr. Funien.ieln, , b * H . f‘ u ' k1 '* specially naked me to express to I . ,l ’" lhl:r, " )0 d* 'or business o, the public their appreciation of the' ,rav, ' 1, "« nurposts. Whether you, splendid pntronaxe already re. r„Jr!! tf !, Ur " l *, l ° T eel red, and to proelnlm ih» mm ov l. h mo,t Iqome Klfla will bargain, la SUSS mESZ i * l'""'* « »• «<*•» wraps. |„,th robes.sllk underwear.. y beautiful on our Christmas tree. With those mother wouldn’t be con stuntly shooing us away with fear of fire. Hu rely wc can do loadJ of Christmas gift shopping here at the Electricul Shop, where the greut big ship, the Henry L Doh erty 1m anchored pn College avenue brilliant with all these beautiful things nnd sparkling with Innum erable nnd exquisitely beautiful lights. .» . • HiiaiTH i Mocking, nnd lieadn] luma etc. met everything which I. the fre.h- eat nnd beat from the market. New gnrmrnts ere dolly arriving and nethlkg la. looking to plena- (he uinnt - Meat Important. In thla write up la the aenouneement of-the mini- ' I** 1 ’* *••• be an added fm. .l»ernuMe r fully In keeping with every '"IT* »» eraeen here. MnrJ,.rl. •*<*- ■ UV BOOKS THAT LAST AND LINGER IN THE MEMORY ekeee-t(|fa tn thin hap. 1 * **? <l £* ‘he “Invisible." brought out liy the l*rlnee of Mer- chant-—Michael llaa. are creating mir. delightful Intereg, th," any* hmg ever ceen here. Msrioru b^j^J B Fnlr nnd ahe hn. 1 ai * ,lf “hoot them hln g r ’ ?T. “V” ° n ' Wl " m, ~ r.,riore it und ' r y ° ur | ° r '- wlner and ,n n ‘ l «• >hn reeTih! d . . he wnrn, ‘h and com- fort they bring In,be,and deacrlp. co, " d ’—elttnn nbout hvh.„d K , n , P „ ur ,_ one p" 1 ' romplet. me 2 red?". " l“' r, ectly ISLjj jntdlnn, „„ d dn„l,„, ""W —here the. artistic window^ Thcro in u very practical, sen sible Cheer-Up that has but • single thought In the way of Holi- day Gifts. •n the subject of books sAys they endure for- And he realises that ther% are nil klndN of tnrtes when It .eomes tn liooks. Home like ths rtry profnimd things. v Otheits e\lnjr to *th.. old standard masters—l)I<1 . flackery, GIFT8 SHE WILL LIKE Vanity Cases, Sta^osery of all kinds, Toilet xVrUclea, tyrfuuies. Ivory Sets, Toilet 8etb, Cabtliea. Citizens Pharmacy TOILET SETS A GIFT THAT LASTS A YEAR Protect her home with one of our meny fire Insurance policies. LIPSCOMB Fire Insurance Agency DORSEY’S '-A gift ahe will remember. Utiles' over-night cesen, hat hoses, suit eases and hand bags. We have something In our store for everybody. Gifts they will ap preciate. Come Ip and see' tour display of goods. S. H. KRESS CO. 5-10-25 Store A FIRE INSURANCE AUTO ACCESSORIES Automobile equipment lur t'briatmas. Motor Meters, Side Shields. Monogram, Radiator Gaps. Stop plates. Extra Tires and Tiro Covers. Motor Tire & Supply Co. XJIAE GIFTS At Popular Prices—Shirts, Ties.. Hats. Gloves, Socks anti many other things. A GIFT. THEY WAN Wo could ask "leer ths'n'. CADILLAC Soule Cadillac Co A LIFE INSURANCE l« n Gift snd Saving Con B. R. Woodwortl Policy protects your home. A Olft for Everybody LIPSCOMB Fire Insurance Agency SPECIAL XMAS PORTRAITS As few or as many as desired Attractlre oil colored portraits FINE FRAME Adams & Arnett Studios Dorsey Furniture Co. Thousands of useful presents at prlees that make your money go far. Gifts for Children McLELLAN’S 5-10-25c STORE In Amber, Ivory gad Shell, Boudotr Lamp* and Candle Sticks, Candles. Stationery, Gold and Silvor Pens and Pencil Sets. BRAD-O’S 1 WITH A CERTAIN I amount saved we can firfanco I you to build and own your home. What fa more appropriate than a I Savings Account for your Christ- ! mas gift In a bank bb*t special ises this banking feature. Commercial Bank A SUnSCRIITION to ' The Banner-Herald IS A GIFT FOR EVERYBODY tatonc 75 Levy’s Toggery and Boys’ Shop Representing Northwestern ,Mutual "SMOKERS' Pipes. (Vgars, Cigarettes, Christ mas Package and Boxes A Gilt He Will Like. Jowcrs’ Cigar Store SOMETHING HE CAN USE Pipes, Cigar*. Cigarettes. IUtors. Shaving Brushes. Fountain Pons and Pencils Citizens Pharmacy “VICTROLAS Make the home happy chn morning by giving ibe fu VICTROLA Dorsey Furniture EDISON “The Phonograph With Wn carry full stock of _ Instruments. Plano,, oik Mandolins Morris Music Shi Mrs. NeUle Saylor, il, Cigars, Pipes. Fountain Pens, Raxors, Shaving Brushes. Mili tary Brushes and All Toilet Supplies Olvo the. Family A Olft Thay Csn Ui, A BUICK FOR CHRISTS Conolly Motor Co Block's Candy Says “MERRY CHRISTMAS" In a distinctive manner. See our Christmas boxes, one she will appreciate. Dinner Decorations Why Not Give Her A “DIAMOND 1 * -Of nil th« Rlittering and duxxlinxr IV'"t T tfI ou ' 11 flnd ,h ' m "> «»• ■ T. Collins store for i...n.(- Y k ft", but the lovely window dSi! Play cells forth unMInted pnure Aitulnnr a lurok ground of gorxvoua dinner knwns and superb wraps nt ml Isdyi adornment. Strands "f Pearl, of exquisite luster. " f rv 'P r . h '"’ “ na redlunee : front the sparkling crystal to the rhli nnd colorful. Huge silver 2*;-«• ‘S * be w Popular leather Purses. Combe eimrkllng with acme In the perfect shndee » P.-Putar -„d .no ,h. brncelrts where it token one hair dosen or acciMorlss thix axe demand*. You cato nave by RCttinR It at J. Bush, Jeweler AuctUm Sale Bring the children In and lot them see our toy department .Wo have many toys to pick from. We save you money. S. H. KRESS CO. 5-10-25c Store AN. ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE makes n practical and apprecia tive present. Sew Lights. See our small machine for little, girls. Singer Sewing Machine j Company [ TOYS TOYS TOYS 5c to 98c . McLELLAN’S 5-10-25C STORE Jowers’ Cigar Store Make Your Gift a Benson’s Fruit Cake You will Please a Friend. Gifts for the Home VEGETABLE! . will mako a large part of | Christmas Dinner Costa’s Dfelicat is headquarters, for that . or dinners and wo.wlll bf | to, fill your want,. Wo liavo many things to pick from that will mako appreciative Gifts For tho Home. CHRISTMAS (H0PP6R Thk \ uni* rur nit* nomc. Gifts for Him Dixie Army Store We have many things tn our atom to pick from that w/ll make Ideal christmaa 'oifta For Him. Dixie Army Store FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES The Best Gift of All for Christmas. Attention. T^ko your dlna Costa’s Luncheone Regular Dinner (Sc Sandwiches and Stlnd, oil kinds FRUITS Lawrence & Miller 313 Sou. Mutual Bldg. Phone 1727. Citron. Lemon sad Orswej cryitaltaed pineapple and (I riva, Ra'slns, Figs. DiIh.| Fruits, and all kinds of I hies for your Christmas ! ROGER'S Twain. Heett, Hugo, Hhakcipenr. etc.—and of coura, such folks warn full aeta splendidly bound. Then for thorn wh— want to keep abreast uf the month's "beat SklM-a* there Is tho very latest fiction. Sea here are adventure stories tor bay, ,nd here pleasant little stories tor atria. And that long splash of color over there Is stacks nnd Starks or liooks fa.- the kiddles with bright Illustrations sod won- derfol stories that ire to be read and re-rend hundreds of times Yes there are holiday uirda too nnd fine boxes of gift rtstlonery nl ; The McGregor Co. ! Thodb Corona typewriters are still attracting the pourra by ahd those Everysharp pencils In beau tiful rases, all kinds of suitable Christmas rnrds. blooming Narcissi In exquisite howls of brlebt colors a srent display of copies of reflect sseh day the mugnlfleruei! brush. Tho Inst word R unpsrellell—l. -Pew Women ear, 't-thtoery sp.ln erery Ul»g, , h ey nnpsrsllellol. ,Frw women „. for the wool stockings, neverthe less they shiver nnd quske In their dainty slippers all because they haven’t heard of the Invisibles, whlrh fit so perfectly under thr ✓ sheerest silkiest hose, as snug os a bug In the rug so tn speak. Thin Is a day of advancement In -II thing, hut areSteel Of all theer ^are the Invisible, on sale at thr -dtmdtlng coaster of Michael Dron Tills Is Just one of ths "cheer-ups' .you'll Bad among the hundred, of n thorn McGregor I. tho place to The warmth and noftneae of rare furs are also nhown, very lovely too are the silk paranoia or um- th!>m V“' 1 “* y ° , ‘ choo *“ ‘® “Ml them for sunshiny dny n or talnV *rel.i h rr' r r ,U "’ by Cfthpr. Do you doubt for n 21"“ ' * h «* rheer-upt win n the hearts of foyrta of the beautiful? Articles which Wnr ">*"■ -p”' or cheerful rrrvlcv. .CoMas'ls the Phire to do your Christmas shop 's!* .-.I Pine. THE MOST VALUABLE AND WECOME GIFTS IN THE WORLD Music at "The Ptn~" u a great drew^ esre every 4jy: at l:U to * the Inf versify 8we»a*r, furnish a charming program Which Ua very happy and arjoyahl. feature ' . Tk,y P'SP “very Sunday b ‘‘re.*'; m r ,,r * ' ouc,w ’ «* friren to the Uellcioua menu. Shopping surely whets the sppetlt. and |, Is a shame to atop for a slnsle minute from r.uch an enjoyable trip among the Chrer-tfpe. hut I *01 sure we nre all getting hungry "ere* -here wWII drop in for delicious dlnnfr, nnd with Here ws are at our first stop at the Electrical shop. And whar wonderful nlfl suggestions are hsre to gtud.len the heart and lighten thr work of mother. A washing machine to take the Idtic out of Monday and a npten- did electrical Iron to paint Tuesday W'lth-a r(.,v line of contentment. And over there Is a vacuum clean- tr to make the weekly hooatr-clPan- . | In* n thine «.f enw and plciiMurcl |fn«t«<ul of the *lrrntied. Irkffnnie Jrhi- _ m ;lt la now. How licnutlful thnt « deUclou* dinner and with 10 thl M f :r.’ Ur OR ,* hat i hand- holiday ruxh. why not iSiSL Jowrla and |rm» and tho pro- ‘ rwt' 1 von^rlL ! P**"" to * ,, 'P at tho Pino*. Instead due La of the world* tno.t ^rtDrtk hCam I««UM* take • era flam ra In rich mein I*, ixirrp- r.»i-. l._ . , hoao lie- i tholr meal* horn rrd its I* mrh « v-.IEIm and (tottery are here at tin *.«. wh it i-f chiMran Ieheery cafeteria, where friendr I ahrt Jew.!ry Co. Utils cheer. |.,t there Jnaderfal elarerewl ‘T' < ' nJ ° y ,h ' hn P>*»l I-ps hare gone to the depths .,1 -ihni train m.V liiu. roeroJ . . I ^’ r . ll,r " f ,hl « ’Hlghtful Place. Ui. ei.iih fine dhunondp, ru-fihnt •ncinf^-that entim mm nt. {Thera i N n welcotninx amile for j e-PPhl.. raid. an. ^ ' IX"n """' nn ' 1 ,h " ma “y touri.1,1 Lh- depui. Of the was for the cSrereC^. h...‘di^ . ? w '“ ">• «™»<ls dally, -and they tin..., pearls. They J* »"»' “ boon r»«ek» nnd mnuntalnR and rlrw • s "l * neer-t j>* have devl»ed tq fill *r 0 | An ' 1 *0UM"'« tbot Irines Is*to the wearr" iravatee oi-retricai bub, tooa ehere, am; Hre. m . .^^.T^rer-i CONDENSED STATEMENT OF The Georgia ^National Wank AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER 7,1923. Loans and Discounts Customers Liability Account Acceptances U. S. Bonds to Secure Circulation Bonds and Other Securities Furniture and Fixtures . - • .$2,387,517.79 86,000.00 ■ - 200,000.00 -- 297,156.02 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits .. . Circulation Due Federal Reserve Bank .. . .. ..$ 400,000.00 .... 495,045.72 -..200,000.001 486,261.34 j 1 *T) ■ 1 ■ n Redemption Fund (5 per cent) Demand Bills of Exchange Cash and Due from Banks • loyoofcoo 135,587.35 495^77.93 Due War Finance Corporation .... Acceptances Executed for’Customera .. Deposits .... 181^50-42 .. .. 86,000.00 .... 1312565.52 m ii mm * ■ ' - |! Icn $3,661,223.00 $3,661,22:1.00 ■ <-> ■ Mil ■ i: : . the utmost service to you and^your ^ushiMs 1)1 ° firess ' ve * )an * c “* Northeast Georgia, which is best Equipped and can be of gs Department Is th ® ^gest in tne City. Efficient Service in Every Department of Modern Banking. GIVE US AN OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE YOU. JNO. J. WILKINS, PfwWent Georgia National Bank. M. G. NICHOLSON, S Set sral Tres,. DgviwNiehol.on Co J- S. GOETCH1US Vice-Freefcletit Grew*. N . ltalll , ^ W. C. JORDAN. Vice-President America State Bank •DIRECTORS: HOWELL C. ERWIN, Erwin, Erwin A Nix, Attorney*. WALTER H. JONES, Capitalist. ANDREW M. SOULE. President SUt* College of ^ricultur*. CHAS. H. BRAND. Congressman. W. T. RRIGHTWELL. President Bank of Msxcys. L. F. EDWARDS. Mallison Untitled Cord Company. C. D. FLANIGKN, President Athens Railway A Electric Co. J. T. PITTARD, President Piitard Banking Co. JAS. W. MORTON. Agriculturalist.