The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 09, 1923, Image 7

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A CHEMISE of tott pink tinted Crepe de Chine is edged with nel filet lace about half an inch wide. Miriam Will love it for her hope chest. $3.9$. ,i SILK VESTS of an exceedingly fine glove silk, in white, or flesh or orchid tints, will delight Madge. They’re $1.98 each. A LOVELY GOWN—one Joan may keep for Annabelt’a house party next month is of orchid Crepe de Chine, very tailored and tucked. $640. .... $1.98, $2.98, $3.93 . $9.30, $12.30, $17.50 $1240, $1149, $2240 $2540, $2740, $35.00 $15.00, $1040, $2240 $1040, $2740, $3740 Boudoir Lampa Table Lamps .. Heading Lamps Floor lamps .. Bridge Lamps . Smoking Lampa REAL LEATHER TABLE SCARFS. DESK SETS AND GIFTS OF LINEN- ALL WILL FIND DELIGHTFUL SELECTION HERE FROM ASSORTMENTS MODERATELY PRICED. la a special collection of extra fine double damask pure Irish linen cloths, sixes 72x90 and napkins size 22x22. ILOOO AoMdant Fallay Free ToReaular Subscribers , THE BANNER.HERALD Investigate Today! $1,000 Aooidsnt Policy Free To Regular tuboarlhacw THE BANNER-HERALD * Investigate .Tadayl iff VOL. 9b NO. 254 GIFTS For tho HOME E VERY housewife delights jn the things which will add to the attractiveness of her home. And . if you remember her at Christmas, time with someiof those things which she has ex pressed a need for some time during the year, just think how she will appreliate your thoughtfulness I Whether it is cut glass com- poles, reading lamps or u new electric grill, you will find selec tion made easy for you here. Without doubt, if will be satisfac tory. China and Glassware Truly wonderful things are here at.prices low enough to be amazing— 32 Piece Breakfast Sets-pSpecial $5.95 50 Piece Luncheon Sets—Special ........... $11.95 100 Piece Dinner Sets—Special $52.50 —ar« just f few of the extraordinary values here. In addition ’ are “under value prices’* on— Tea Sets, Cups and Saucers, Coffee Sets, Table Glassware, Bowls, Comports, Vases, Baskets, Candlesticks, Cake Sets, Berry Sets, Salad Sets, Celery Sets. l jjfjviiuumaax BANNER- S*,F Established 1812, T'-un Dally and Sunday—13 Ccntd a Week. ATHENS. GA., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1922. Single Copied 2 Ccnta Dally. * Conte Boday, Until Christmas / ( Hours for Business Are 8:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. S.-ftO nrtJE Store is in Christmas readiness. You have lots of gifts to buy. You want just the right things—and you want to get them early. We know that—in fact we anticipated it long ago and put our 1 merchandising facilities in full play, pfbparing the right place in which to fifia , just the right Christmas gifts. presented are gifts for the home—gifts ofapparel—gifts for the children. You will find it easy to make selections for y#ur entire list here. We' urge you to do itriow! f n< : Baby’s Stocking— Santa’s First Stop /NANT yon juat imagine how old Santa will chuckle with glee when wd-vha.tucka on* of thoie cunning rattle, away down in the toe of Baby’*, stocking? There are to m*ny thingt here that will please the tityle^f infant—and make the Mother appreciate your thoughtfulness, KNITTED WEAR - aoft warm jacketed booties and bonnets all afrill'.with dainty rihbona. LUtlo knitted seta, white, blue or pink, aft priori $340. !itp TOYS—lookt Ilka Santa's toyshop had been transplanted, there an so many toys here for tiny tote. A Mama, 'doll la here, too, priced if" ■ CARRIAGE ROBES—those lovely quilted silk robes that are em broidered in blue forget-me-nots will pique the pride of any fond mother’s heart. $540. , / FOR BABY’S ROOM—there are cunning swings, high chairs and bassinettes. And there are nurs ery baskets, trimmed with pink or blue ribbons for $440. tq Be ' iii ifi Through Bookland _ .To ....,i Treasureland a fascinating journey. And when you give members of your family tho Books you knew en wanting, or the new Book, you iy will like, it’s juat one more station stop .inland for them. All that’asgood in Books found here. Here Are Juat a Fiw of the Splendid Books Found— Store Morning Shopping Will Assure Our Customers \ Maximum Service £J Worthwhile Suggestions from the, f GIFT AISLES DAD WILL appreciate one of ANYONE WOULD be glad, nay these pretty seta containing n delighted, to receive one of these pocket knife, chain or watch rib- good-looking fountain pen and bon, and cuff links all to match.* pencil acts. They're the fine They come in gold filled, platinum "Ever-Rite” make and as service- finish and pearl. Most attractive able as they are classy. $2.25 to and new. 21.75 10*2240. $2.75. BROTHER JACK Win wako hap- ALL AGES will be proud of such py on Xmas morning. If ha finds a useful and handsom gift *s are one of these smart cigarette eases these fine and good-looking pocket and match box seta to greet him. knivee. They may he had in pearl. They come In .silver In the flat silver or gold. Priced just 75e to shape* that fit the pocket without $2.25. a bulge. $240 end $2.75. 1 , YOUR LITTLE SISTER in High School will think one of theae practically unbreakable' fountain sent is keen. Comes in black with a dainty gold band, and ha* a ailk ribbon to match. Priced $140. -FOR HER DRESSING TABLE" —and sho'll appreciate nothing . more than a bottle of her favorite L'Origon. L’Orglan and other fine French perfume* aro here, priced 51.93 and up, according to size. For Father MKN' LIKE GODS—II. G. Wells, $240. At,7Sc arc good book* by Jack London, Joseph Louis Vance, Kdgar R. Burroughs, Winston Churchill, Harry Loon Wilson, Roy Octavua Cohan, Arthur B. Reeve, Ralph 'Connor. fihit-i •' For Mother' t.,.- . At 75c are good books by Gene Stratton Porter, Zan» Grey, Dorothy Canfield, Jamee Oliver Car- wood; Mary Roberta Rinehart, Jean Webster, Grace , L.; Hill-Lutz. Basil King, Alice Doer Miller, Com Ifarriiv Robert W. Chambers, Ethel M. Dell.- •'•ip . For Little Sister or Brother and 65c are the Tom Slade Series, Tom * Swift’* Books, Roy Blakeley Series, Outdoor Uiriz, Tlie Radio Boy*, Bunny Brown, Tom Swift, Polly Btewsjer. Man 4«AI y A Gift Suggestion Lurks In ART NEEDLEWORK PACKAGE DEM EMBER how Mother enjoyed that loVt’v scarf that Cousin Ruth her la*t Christmas? Persona! gifts that one* makes are aMay.1 so much appreciated and there are so ihany fascinating sug gestions here. There’* still plenty of time in which to make them, too. * A Luncheon Set for Mother— A lovely one that she can put away’and use when guests arrive—my. appreciate your thoughtfulness. And there ere euch lovely one, hqrc that you may choose from, priced 98c. —And A Lingerie Set for Sister Beautiful gowns, teddle*. pajamas and negligee* of colored voilee ta dR.lovcIiest design*. $1.70 to $4.00. TABLE LINENS The richest of gifts for mother and wife. For fine linens have nn immediate appeal to the feminine heart. In addition to aplendid values in plain damask and embroidered Italian linen at . ONE -FOUR TH OFF ■'KIDDY KAR"—that’s all you REMEMBER when Mother re- need to say and tho youngstere marked about the shade on the ere happy—if you provide th« reading lamp being soiled? You Kiddy Kar, of course. And there know then, that *he'd bo delighted is no reason why you shouldn’t with one of these parchment when you can get tho nicest one* shades. They're so oriental look- here for $2.75. • ing. $1.25.- , ALL THE MALE membei. will ‘■SHE’’ WILL just love the lovely wear with prida these smart, gen- • Japanese tissue linings of the cn- tcei and fine quality necktie*, vclopes, and the buff colored deckle MSdo of beautiful cut scarf silks edge paper. Fine stationery such in patterns and colorings very ee this would be the pride of any handsome. Very special are the rirl’a heart. $1.23 a boa. pric««—75c, $1.00, $1.25 to $1.75. • ACCESSORIES That, Will Solve Many A Gift Problem 'jTHEIIE are never .enough Accessories. Particularly in this day and ago when a woman must change her gloves and hosiery every time she changes her dress.’ Youll find assortments here very complete— and they are all equipped for gift giving, too. More over, everything is priced so moderately that your gift- budget will go farther than you ever dreamed. ' Gloves—• A pair of fine kid gloves with mousquetaire. cuffs will more than delight Helena. $3.95. I Hosiery— * r It wouldn’t be Christmas without receiving Hosiery. Cobwebby chiffon ho«e, ia all tho desired shades. $3.00 a pair. . Hankies— f' Neckwear- Subjoct to change with every costume. Therefore, never too many. Fine linen ones with ’ patch work initials in the cor ner are 65c. Have you seen those new Van Dyke collars and wide cuffs to match T A lovely gift for one of your friends. $1.93 to $2.50. BOOK ENDS They help so much to keep the library table look ing neat. Besides, book ends may be “her’’ hobby. ■ Some lovely bronxe Italian looking ones* here ire priced $4j50 a set. LAMPS A New Readiiig Lamp for the library. Or ■ lovely great big Floor Lamp for the living room. No home can have too’many lamps if they are of the right sort. And mother may need ■ new boudoir lamp for her own room, too. They’re all here. Tfie More Personal Gift—LINGERIE F ROM one intimate friend to another—there’e nothing that makes lovelier gifts. And the perky hemstitching; the fine laces; the • rosebud* of ribbon on these dainty garment! just seem to inspire gift giving. There are appropriate suggestions galore in these Lingerie