The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 09, 1923, Image 9

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‘Silk | English •White I IManh: SuiFL'tti TUB ^AWATHENS, GBOKflBt $m. l 'Strip&t'r Whiter Stern} Hand j Englia Heav "The Store Where He Buys His Own Things Is the Store Where You’ll Find What He Wants.” CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS IN GIFTS FOR MEN! \ Thousands of Things That All Men Wear—At the Store That Makes a Business of Knowing What Men Want. THINGS YOU CAN GET FOR $1.00 OR LESS •Knitted Neckwear , 50c •Assorted Silk Neckwear 50c Fine Silk Neckwear $1.00 . •Fine Knit Neckwear 75c •TnitiafeHqndkerchiefs 25c and 35c Linen Kftnpkerchiefs .. 50c to $1.00 Fancy Handkerchiefs 25c to $1.00 Wool Hosef.. .. . . V 75c to $1.00 Lisle HosefcY .:25c to75c SilK UB8g» * !. 75c and $1.00 Wool 75c and $1.00 Belts jLg . 2. 50c to $1.00 Collar^lttachcd Shirts $1.00 $2.50 AND LESS • dras Shirts $1.50 to $2.50 d Shirts $2.00 and $250 amas $150 to $250 d Wool Hose $150 1 Hose $1.75 to $2.50 ose $1.25 to $2.00 Fancy Silk Hose .....; $150 Imported English Golf Hose .... $2.00 to $2.50 Fine Silk Neckwear* $150 to $250 Pure Silk .Knit Ties $150 to $250 Initial Belt Buckles $150 to $250 Striped Sport Belts .' :... $2.00 Leather Belts $150 to $250 Brushed Wool Mufflers $2.00 and $250 Cape Gloves $150 to $250 Calf Gloves ... ,..... $150 to $250 Automobile Driving'Gloves $2.50 Cigarette Cpses ... - $250 2uff Buttons $1.50 to $250 Full Dress gets .............. $2.00 and *250 Collar JJgjgs $2.00 to $250 $350 AND LESS r d Madras Shirts .... $3.00 to $3.50 oad Cloth«Shirts $350 qrd Shirts, Collar Atch. $250 to $350 ” Shirts $2.50 to $350 Jtjamas $3.00 to $3.50 ’’Manhattan’’ Pajamas $250 to $350 Fine Hand Tailored Silk Neckwear .. $250 Up Tine Silk Knitted Neckwear $250 to $350 English Wool Hose ......!..'. $3.00 Imported Golf Hose $250 Up Wool Mufflers ’. $250 Up Fine Silk Mufflers : $250 to $350 Fine Mocha and Kid Gloves $250 to $350 Umbrellas i....... $250 to $350 ‘Sweaters for Boys $250 to $350 Hand Made Swiss Neckwear $350. $5.00 AND LESS ’Children’s Bath Robes . , h ‘... .7........ $5.00 Silk Shirts , $5.00 ‘Manhattan” Dress' Shirts ...... $350 and $5.00 Fancy Wpl Vest $5.00 )ilk Liijdfl. Mocha Gloves $350 to $5.00 Stem’s Velour Hats .'... $5.00 Hats, all colors . _ $4 00 7eece Lined Driving Glovto .... $350 to $5.00 fen’s Traveling Sets $3.50 to $5.00 »elt and” Buckle Sets $4.00 and $5.00 Pure Wool Sweaters $5.00 land Made Knitted Ties $4.00 ugarette Case $3.50 to $5.00 me Leather Portfolios $5.00 u m $7s50 AND, LESS SiUc Shirts irufihetf Wool /Sweaters feavy Shaker Sweater fitted Woq.L Vest Hath Robe's “1 preaa and Tuxedo Vdst ... J 11, Linfidldoves ii^SHki'Pajamas nmble aid Stetson Hate ..... %»/Suits $6.00 to $750 $750 . $6.00 to $750 . $6.00 to $750 $750 $650 and $7.50 $6.00 . $6.00 to $750 . $6.00 to $750. . $6.00 to $750 $7.50 ... $10.00 AND LESS ifc P»ongee Pajamas . .’. $10.00 «j>vy Wool Sweaters $750 to $10.00 wj Robes, and Dressing Gowns $10.00 L° o1 i ffilse Jackets $10.00 “oys’TArofPants Suits i $10.00 isOvercoats .......j. $750 to $10.00 $10.00 AIJD UP tary Weight Bath Robes .... $1050 to$20.00 Dressing Gowns ......... $15.00 to $25.00 e ‘vet Smoking Jackets j $15.00 to $35.00 oveltjg Golf Sweaters . Y $10.00 Wool Sweaters $10.00 to $15.00 ern , s Tuxedo Suits ... . $30.00 to $50.00 K Overcoats $15.00 to $70.00 •* * Salts i $20.00 to $75.00 .Stern Co. e items -marked with star (*) are special values’: offered for Christmas shoppers. (By Associated Prcu) ATLANTA.—One Georg's club woman has solved the problem of visiting the rural ecboole ot ber county to the satisfaction of the board of education, superintend ml, teachers and club women, accord ing to Mra. McCord Roberta, o' Atlanta, director ot pubUcIty o the State Federation of Women'i clubs. She la Mias Mamie Jonea. presl dent ot the Baldwin cotgity Feder ation of Women'* Clubs, one of the units In the Tenth District FedenUon, of which (Mrs, K R. U'nes It president. "Miss Jones makes of the oc caaloh a combination of ochool vis iting and celebration of Undo Remua, Bird and Arbor days, and the teachers respond with special programs.” according to Mrs. Rob erts. “Baldwin conny schools are a view ot making the affair worthy planning the year’s program with of Imitation throughout tho state and wiU select at an early date In December for a special demonstra tion. “Mrs.. Hines Is auhorfy for ho statement that piano are already Underway for celebrating Georgia Day In similar style.' In May, the Tenth District Federation will speneor a ‘Sing/ to Wbtdb all chil dren, teachers and parents will be Invited. A 'Spend the Day Party' In MilledgegUle will be a feature of the occasion. A basket dinner wUI be served on the courthouse grounds.” Mrs. A. . Brantley, president of tho Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs was quoted ae endorsing the Baldwin county program to worthy of being carried out throughout.tbe U. ft C. 18 WORKINK ON DIVISION FLANS Mrs. Welter Once, president of the Georgia revision of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, has tssued a statement requesting at' tentVta to the Immediate work be fora the division of fuflllllng fta pledge for tbe Jefferson Davis Monument, at JWrvlef, Ky. This great memorial to the only president of the Confederacy ts one of the outstanding accomplish manta ot the U. T>. c„ and mam bon In this stats aro pledged to a contribution of I100G to be com pleted before Christmas, It was sqfd. Tbs "splendid record” eetabllsb' od by the Georgia Division at the Central Convention. In Washing ton, and . the gain rhade In mom' bership. chapters and resource! call for redoubled effort on the part of the entire organisation to meet the obligation, Mrs. Grace said. TOs president srgad all chap ters to communlcoto with Mrs. O. P. Folks, ot Waycrose, treasurer of the division. ; CLUB INSTITUTES AT SUMMER 8CHOOL8 Club Institutes are to be an In tegral part of the summer, educa tional program at the Undvenlty ■of Georgia and Mercer Untrerslty, according to an announcement by Mrs. A. P. Brantley, president of the Georgia FederaFsn of Wom en's Clube. 1 Mrs. R. D. Russell of iMacoit, and Mrs. Lamar ft Rucker, of Athens, bare been appointed chairman of tho Women's Club Institutes, she stated. The first InstUntss wore bold in the summer ot 1123 at Georgia and Mercer and their success led to a continuation of'the plan for the summer ot 1121. As outlined by lira. Rucker and Mrs. Russsll, tbs 1*21 (Institutes will be on an snlargod seals and designed to bars the widest pos sible appeal through furnishing an Intensive training course for all women actively engaged In civic and. state betterment. Both appointees have been prominent in the clob life of Geor gia women, according to the presi ded the woods must be cold and silent' Before the robins rt'ng. The flowers must he burled In darkness Before they can bnd uid bloom. And the sweetest, wins eat sun shine Comes after tha storm and the gloom. —Selected. HOME ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT TO HAVE AN EXHI8IT The Home-Economic Department of the Athene High School an nounces an exhibition of all worn of this fall and winter on the aft ernoon and evading of December II, the date of the evening meet- fog ot the High 8chool Parent- Teacher Association, the rooms to remain open until the cloeo of the meeting that all Interested may nave an opportunity to see the re sult of the excellent training the girls are being given. . RAULER80N .SCARBOROUGH Mr. T. J. Raulerson of Ludowlcf' announces the engagement ot bis daughter. Willie, to Mr. D. D. Scarborough ot Athena. Ga.. the marriage to be solemnised on the twenty-third of December. The abovd announcement is a matter ot very cordial Interest and congratulation, for both Mias Raulerson and Mr. Scarborough aro well known and liked |!n Ath ens having been recently connect ed with the University ot Georgia as students, the former gradual-, log and receiving her B. S.'H. B. degree alter last summer school, and Mr. Scarbrough in June, re ceiving bis M. S. A. degree, hiring already a B. 6. A. degree, recoiled at. tho university In 1222 when he graduated with honors. ■Miss Raulerson Is one of tho Instructors In the Home Economics at, the Athena Ifgh School and - Is an attractive and gifted young woman. She has mad several years experience la teaching, being In. LaUrange for two years after her graduation from the Gporgta Stats College for Women In Milledge- vllle. Mr. Scarborough la formerly ot Marietta and is now an instructor. I in the school ot Agricultural Edu cation at the State College of Ag- culture* i ... ;,i Mr. anJ Mra. Scarborough will make their home In Athena, both to continue with their present —M— ELIJAH CLARKE CHAPTER D. A. R. MEETS WITH MR8. HORACE HOLDEN The Elijah Clarice Chapter A. R, will meeet with Mrs. Horace Holden Thursday the llth at 1:20 which will be a.w«k earlier oa account of tho Christmas holidays MU8IC STUDY CLUB MEETS WITH MR. AND MRS. HUQH HODGSON The Music Study Club will meet Tuesday evening with Mr. Mrs Hugh L. Hodgson at I o’clock. A full attendance lo urged. LIFE'S LESSON I learn, as the yean roll onward And 1 leave tho past behind,' That much I had counted sorrow But pr-prea that God la kind; That many a flower that I’d longed for Had hftim a thorn of pain, And-many a ruined by-path Ltd to fields ol ripened grain. The clouds that cover the sun shine. They cannot bsnJah tho sun. And the earth nhlijes out the brighter When the weary rain la done. We must^stand in the deepest To so# the clearest light; And often through wrong’s own darkness Comes the living strength fgbL -? Tbe sweetest rest is at even. After a wearisome day, When the heavy burden* of labor Have been borne from oar heart* away; And those who have 'never known . sorrow Cannot know the Inflnlte'pcace That falls on the troubled spirit When it sees at last release. Wo must live through the drearv winter ; • If tre would value (hr. spring; 4 COMMERCE AND ATHENS SOCIAL Mr. and Mrs J. M. Nix and Ml** Lurline Nix spent Sunday In Athens with CoL Ablt Nix and family. Miss Mary Elisabeth Nix, of Athena, was hero last weak the guast of her grandparents, Mr. and Mra, J. it. Nix. Col and Mrs Ablt Nix and Ml** Lou Of» Little were gutata ot Mrs J. M. N|x hut Thursday. Dr. L, O. Hardman made a business trip to Athens last Sat urday. i Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Dowdy were recent vial tors in Athena., Mr. and Mra. Calvin Wood were recant visitors In Athena. Mr. J. J. Harbor made a busi ness trip to Athena Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Quintan. Mra Claud* Little. Mra. R. C Nix and Mra Ford Little were In' Atbenh -Mra A P. Rice and Mlaa Har grove were In Athena Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Johp Hood return ed Thursday from a trip to Eaton ton and Athena Mra Rucker Msaon, Mra. P. It Trawlck, Mra A.' F. Quinlan and Mra T A Marker were in Athens the first of tho week. Mr.- J. N. Harris and mother, Mra E. E. Harris spent Tuesday In Athena. Mr. and Mrs. J. W Peeples and son, of Athena spent Sunday with the latter. Parent. Mr and Mra F H. Aderhold.—Commerce Newa Mr. ant) Mra Louis fierier . Memphis announce the birth of s httle eon In Atlanta. Decembei tha «fh who has been named How' ell Cobb Lerier. ’ Mra Lloyd A. Miller and llttls son James Lloyd of. Detroit are v lilting relatives la tha city. • Mr, and Mrs. J. ft wier left Satnrday for Greenville, a ft. tc visit Mr. and Mra Henry Steadier. Mr WLer wm return early In the week and will Join Mra Wler later for the Christmas holidays ffi— Mr. Carson' Cox will be among tho out of town boys back home for the Chrlrtman. holiday "Kit”, Is familiarly known, hold* n xpl^ndfd position with th# General Electric Co., of Schentctady. X. V. Special MONDAY Lois Wilson Richard Dix Robert Edeson In Zane prey’s Great Story glfcWBga MEtlidtjjjitOnMtO “To The Last Man" Here’s a spirited, colorful, thrill-laden pieturization of Zane Grey’s great novel. Filmed in the hitherto unscreened wilds of Arizona—the actual scene of the story. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MARY ALDEN HUNTLEY GORDON\ / f^«PLEASURE MAD” A "Whirl of Wild Gayety and Its dost “THE LOVE TRAP” With BRYANT WASHBURN and MABEL FORREST THURSDAY AND FRIDAY V Now You’ll See Him Harold Lloyd gfvf-.:- % .in “WHY WORRY?” /] <o A barrage of giant laughter! Bombards your worries with T. N. T. of Joy! Rattles your ribs, Captures your heart 1. WESTERN AT THE STRAND EVERY DAY An Unusual Sale of Dresses-Starts Monday Monday morning we will launch a Clear-Away Sale of Dresses at prices you cannot resist. Every dress in this list is a real BARGAIN. Every dress in the house is included in this sale, street dresses, party dresses, afternoon dresses and evening dresses. ’ Materials are of Poiret Twills, Charmeen, Jersey, Tricotine, Canton Crepes, Fancy Crepes, Brocaded Crepes, Crepe de Chine, Velvets, Georgettes, Satins, etc. $1850 Dresses for .. ;- v '. 5J355 $20.00 Dresses for $22.50 Dresses for $25.00 Dresses for $27.50 Dresses for $30.00 Dresses for $35.00 Dresses for $3750 Dresses for $40.00 Dresses for $42.50 Dresses for $15.00 $1655 $18.85 $2055 $22.50 $2655 $28.25' $30.00 $31.85 $15.00 Dresses for '.... $33.75 $47.50 Dresses for ’ $50.00 Dresses for $55.00 Dresses for $60.00 Dresses for $65.00 Dresses for , $75.00 Dresses for $80.00 Dresses for $35.65 $3750 t. $4155 $45.00 ;. $48.75 $5655 $60.00 • All the correct styles are shown and there is a variety of materials, colors and models that will meet the most exacting tastes. This sale offers, wonderful opportunities for wise shop- pers. f ‘ v , A Special Lot of Coats At $22.50 Special values, about 60 coats in the lot at $22.50, all good styles, made of good quality Bolivias and Velours. Some are plain, othern fur trim med. Sizes range from 16 to 60. CLEARANCE OF MILLINERY Every Fall and Winter Hat in the store is in cluded in this Clearance Sale- Hats Originally Priced $15 to $20 for .... $5.95 Hats Originally Priced $10 to $14.50 for . $3.95 Hats Originally Priced $7 to $9.50 for .,. $2.95 Hats Originally Priced $5 to $650 for ... $155 Davison-Nicholson Co. . at