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' TgHjAirwra-nmAtP. Athens. tafoRGUt_
„ Every Evening During the Week Except Saturday end
end on Sundey Morning by The Athene PubUihlng Compeer,
Athene. Go. 1
fcl, a BRASWELL Publisher end Oooerel Manager
et the Athene Poitoffice ee Second Cleee Meil Mitten angel
j the Act of Con grew Merch 8, 1878.
O’ i \ * (Effective Nov. 12, 1923) , „
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Addresa oil Business Commuicstions direct to the Athens Publishing
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v Thoughts For The Day
Tile race is not to the swift, nor the battle to
lipthe strong.—Eel. 9:11.
i' When we leave this world and are laid in the
earth, ?he prince walks as narrow u path as the day
The .press of the country is broadcasting stories
of mixfyg up babies born in hospitals. In fact there
has bethi created a furore among mothers.where sev
eral ait patients at the same hospital as to' whether
they are having returned to them their own offspring.
A' Cow-days since in an eastern city, a mother and
daughter were patients at the same hospital. The
babies .were being shown around among members of
the family and when congratulations and happy ex
pressions had ceased it developed that the members
of the family were unable to discover which of the
babies telonged to the mother or daughter. These
and many othre ridiculous stories are being printed
on similar occurrences in the- hospitals throughout
the country all of which We believe to be elaborated
upon ufid, no doubt, in a majority of the instances
the rumors are without foundation.
It fagbeyond question that the hospitals of this
country are managed and directed in such a system
atic manner as to make' it practically impossible for
such occurrences to take place. With the records
kept up-to-date in modernly managed hospitals, the
mothers of this country need have no fegr of any
such mixing up of their offsprings. Such stories are
readable matter and nppeal to the ravenous appetite
of the.sensation-seekers of Blander which furnishes
thorn tffith food for the sustenance of their imaginary
senses nnd gives to them a supply of gossip which is
unlimited in its field of operation when oljpo com-,.,
menced to circulate.
A sober thought and the proper consideration of
the duty and obligation owed to the public by the
hospital authorities should warrant everyone of
Round mind possessed with reasonable fairness that
, all r.uch reports are born of Injustice and without
' One of the brightest and most encouraging signs
Cf prosperity for the year nearing a close is the large
- fttrense in post office receipts over last year and the
increase in bank deposits of the various banking insti
tutions for the same period.
A marked increase of the postal receipts to say
nothing of tho money order business has been shown.
The postal receipts is one of tho safest criterions to
judge n. community in its march to progress and
prosperity. It indicates not only an increase in cit
izenship, but a growth of all commercial enterprises.
This year will provo one of substantial gain on tho
road returning to normalcy and with a reasonable
crop next year, the period of depression will have
The banks are better prepared than ever to meet
the demands of the commercial interests of tho com
munity. Collections have been beyond anticipation
and tho deposits have shown increases overy month
during the year. It in a stable and firm condition in
financial circles which is bound to result in better
times and the quickening of the return to former
period of all commercial lines and industries.
. Tho Methodists of the south have undertaken a
movement which should be co-operated in to . tho
fullest by everyone who is interested in the welfare
of mankind and of those who are dependent and in-
dlgncut. That church has organi«od a hospital plant
costing over two million dollars. Asa Candler and
hie family of Atlanta, have donated over a million
dollars to the fund and the plant of the Wesley Me
morial hospital is free for all who are unable Jo pay
regardless of denomination, sect or creed.
This, movement is sponsored by Southern Method
ism and is under the direction of a general hospital
t A special effort is being made during this
h to raise a fund for the maintenance and sup-
of this institution. ‘Anyone can join the organi
zation. The fees are small;
Juniors 26c; Student 50c; Adult $1.00; Active
$5.00; .Support $10.00; Sustaining $26.00; Service
„ $50.00; Comrade of the Golden Crpes $100.00; Life
membership $600; Life Patron $1,000; Knight of the
Golden Cross $10,000.
The fees received will go to the hospitals to be used
in furnishing free treatment for the sick poor. Every
dollar contributed in this state will be used at the
;Weslcv Memorial Jioapital in Atlanta.
If you have not contributed to the Golden Cross
movement, you will make no mistake in doing ao.
What we most need—but will we get it—is a tax
measure just and equitable and one sufficient to
create revenue for the liberal support of all depart
ments of the state. *1*1L4.
I ron do not realise how much
reel suffering there la in an
unruly and aching tooth Tho den
tisto is the greatest eld in reliev
ing the peln, but a new remedy has
been found which gives immediate
relief. It may not be convenient,
however, et ell timei, hot we give
the recipie which wo found in an
exchange. Hera it ia:
Jones had a terrible toothache
and happening to run acrosa an
old friend who had just returned
from his honeymoon with a young
and charming wife, ho naked h'm
if he knew of n cure for It
"Look hero old chap," said his
friend,- --I had toochoche lost week.
When I went home my wife kissed
me, do. you know it cured it com
plctely. Why don’t you try itT”
"That’s a splendid idea," said
Jones "Is your wife et home
Wednesday, December 13, 1911.
Cotton: 9 cento—very quiet.
Weather: Probable rain.
Mrs. Mary Harris Armor de
livered prohibition addreto at the
State Normel School
Carl and Homer Thompson, won.
derful brother baseball battery of
tho University of Georgia will re
main with the teem another year.
Mr. and Mrs. Alonxo Newton
Parr announced the, engagement
of their daughter Maude Kathleen
Ul UWH UUUKIIIV-Iy t'S»UUO ss-hiih.ii
to Dr. Joseph Kenneth Patrick,
the wedding to occur on tho eccond
of January. .
The National Bank of
had on dposit 3528,092A0,
E. S. Waltres, of Hull, waa
tacked, robbed and beaten by Ellis
Mathews, it wea alleged.
Berlon Braley's
Daily Poems
A Little of Everything And Not Mach of Anything.
i. though nil'oh
Love lives, though ell'else passes,
The empires and the kings
May fade like last year’s grasses
And other withered thingsy
But love i;ndyjng springs.
In hearts of lads nnd lasses,
And youth forever sings
’’Love live;', though all
Senator Harris has introduc
ed $i bill providing a reduc
tion of fifty per rent postage
. on oil farm products. This
j manure if passed, will hicap much
and to him is due much legislation
which has been favorable to tlie
jto the agricultural internals in th*
War rules the world a season,
The clutch of gold is strong,
Wr know tho rule of'reason
But know It mot for long;. ,,
Amid the pulsing throng.
elso | state and savo to the farmers of
.Georgia thousands of dollars. Sen
ator Harris Is ever alert to the
best interests of his constituents
Tho toiling, striving masses,
Still counds this changeless song,
14 Love lives,
though all elsr
Dost of tho desert covers
Troy, Babylon and Tyre,
But memories g>f their lovers
Still thril lour hen* v/ith fire;
The conquerors expire.
Silent their drums and brasses,
But‘we know, heart’s desire,
"Love lives, though all elso
Beware of Imitations!
Rev. Walter S. Robison, tho
new presiding elder of this
district of the Methodist
church, was stationed at Mon-
rco last year. The pooplo of that
city were greatly attached to *hltn
•nd regatdles of denomination ho
hcldi p place of high esteem with
thp,entire public. The Walton Tri
bune in speaking of his departure
Mogrgc has the-following to
iiln extending a hearty and
! welcome to tho new Meth-
psotor, the people ©f Monroe
'arcwe 11 * to Rev. Walter S.
Robison with genuine and undis
guised regret. For Walter Robison
re than an able preacher and
plary citizen .He la a Mason,
Unless you see tho ’’Bayer Crops’
on package nr on tablets you urn
not getting the gvnulno Bayer As
pirin proved safo by millions and
prescrib'd by tihyricluifli over
twenty-three years for
* Cold* Ifeadnchs
Toothache Lumbago
Neuritis llhcumutltsm
• Neuralgia * Pain, l»aln
Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspir
in’* oaly. Bach unbroken- package
contains proven direction* Handy
boxes of twelve tabl'ts cost few
cents. Druggists also sell bottles
of 24 and 100. Aspirin la the trade
mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Mnnonccticacldestcr of 8allcylle~
Knfoht -Pythias and Shriner and
has been an active member of
these various orders sinc» his
residence in Monroe, but to our
mind ono of the highest compli
ments we can pay him is to state
that he is a royal good fellow,
equally at home under any condi
tions in which ho may be placed.
And tho people of Monroe are go
ing to miss Walter Robison—not
only in tho church which he carved
so finely and helpfully ar^ earn
estly—but in the lodges, on the
streets, in the Kiwanis meets and
at [the various and sundry gather
ing whose eloquence, ncthusiastn,
Christian citizenship and vigorous
(manhood count,
A practice the engineers on
- many trains of the S. A. L.
i ntcring the dtyl have
or Stopping et the station and
*hrn Jerking, the train either
backward or forward should be
* i continued. Serious accidents are
liable to occur from such unusual
r-ar»fce which might be the cause
of damage suite When the train
is once stopped and the passengers
allowed to commence their exit, no
moment of the train either back
ward or forward should be per-
Under and pursuant to a decree
of the United 8tatea District Court
for the Southern District of Oeor
gin. Eastern Division, at Savannah
Georgia, by Hie Honor W. H. Bar
rett, Judge of said Court, on No-
vetnber 21, 1923. In the consolidat
ed causes In Equity of Henry G
Brndtee et al va. Gainesville Mid
land Railway and Chatham Bank
ft Trust Company. Trustee vs
Caines?!!!* Midland Railway. I will
put up and expose for sale before
the Court House door In Athene.
Clarke County, Georgia, between
the legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday In January 1924, to the
highest an* beet bidder for cash,
all of the properties, estates and
effects of the Gainesville Midland
Railway of whatsoever character
nnd wheresoever located. Including
real and personal property, fran
chlses, chooses In action described
In the mortgage deed of true!
given by the Gainesville Midland
Hallway to the Savannah Trust
Company (the name of which has
rlnce been changed to Chatham
Bank A Trust Company) a* Trus
tee. dated November, 1, 1901,
mlnal Company iniksUdo.swith the
obligation on the pgrt of the .pur
chaser to operate the railroad-as
a going concern. I
(b) I win next offer for sale ai
a going concern and) with the ob
ligation on the part (or the pur
chaser to operate the same, thi
line from Gainesville) via Belmont
to Athene, Georgia, And all tho ap
purtenances thereof, 1 including two
(2) miles of spur track from
Gainesville. Ga„ to' the Pacolet
Mills and other spur tracks lead
ing to various enterprises
Gainesville, the right of way.-from
Fowlers Junction Into Athena and
the trackage rights over 1 the Sea
board Air Line Railway Into Ath
ena emd with this parcel also shall'
be Mid the equity of the Gaines
ville Midland Railway !»' 121
aharee of the capital stock of the
Athene Terminal Company.
This sale does not include car*
engines, tools, machinery or other
personal property.;
(e) I will next offer for tale ns
a going concern the line from Bel.
mont, Georgia to Athens. Georgia
with all the property appurtenant
thereto; including the right nf way
from Fowlers Junction Into Ath
ens with trackage rights over (he
Seaboard Air Line into Athene and
also the equity of the Gainesville
Midland Railway In 125 shares of
the capital stock of the Athens
Terminal Company, but not Irclud-
lng the rolling stock and other
personal property.
. . (d) I will next offer for sile
Athens a going concern ike line from Jef
ferson, Georgia, to Athene, Geor
gia nnd all the property appurten
ant thereto.* Including the right of
way from Fowlers Junction Into
Athene, the trackage rights
tho Seaboard Air Line Into Athens
and the equity of the Gainesville
Midland Railway (n 125 shares of
the capital stock of the Athens
Terminal Company, but not lnclud
lng rolling stock and other per*,
sonnl property. j
low.* track- and spurn, Ml furniture,
■Jf-StStKS^SS. 3S$ty!SMSM?a 3 extending from
vllle. Georgia. In the County
Hall, to Jefferson, Georgia in thr
county of Jackson, and from Bel
mont In the County of Hall t<
Monroe, Georgia In the County of
Wfclton. up V* R point three hun
dred (300) feet North of depot Ii
Monroe, Walton County, tho said
railroad hereby conveyed being
fifty five miles (65). more dr lose
In length, and being a portion
the railroad formerly know me the’
Galnervlllo, Jefferson *A Southern
Railroad. And also tho extension
of said railroad from Jefferson
'Georgia. In tho County of Jackson
to Athene, Georgia, in the County
of Clarke, said extension being
eighteen (M) miles, more or lees
Together with all and singular
the Improvements, franchisee,
rights, members, hereditaments
and appurtenances, now or
after appurtenant or belonging to
or used In connection with
railway, rlghta and premises here
inbefore described or. any port
Including any nnd all road bed
superstructure, rights of way.
mils, tracks, side tracks, bridges
viaducts, buildings, depots, stations
Did you ever suffer from an
aching tooth? If you have not.
Chronic* cr,ufiltN mm peralstent cold*
rmubrtfied rr*c>M»te that la
to take. Crvnmulftlon IS a new medi
cal dProvery with two fold action:
It soothe* and hr«U the Inflamed
mefnbritne* ami kill* the germ.
Of a" known di-ugn. rreunote Is re
cognised by the medical fraternity mi,
the greatest healing agency for the!
treatment of chronic rough.-* and ro4d»!
"tHwr frermie of thrust and lung I
trouhlcM. c reomulsion contain*, rn *
•NWos to creosote, other heeling etc |
Dr. A. W. Chase’s
. Tonic Pills
The Old Reliable Family
Remedy for Building Up
the System, Nervous At-
In this atrennoas age, most people are afflicted with
some form of nervoa, trouble. Hospitals are over.
Bowing with men and women seeking to win bade
health of body and mind. If you ore nervous, irritable,
jumpy," if your system is run down, if you feel that
you may be oo the verge of a nervous breakdown,
read what P. J. Cole, of 628 a Lambert Street, BraxO,
The members of the legislature continue to bick
er over technicalities contained in all the tax mca-
introduced and to draw their salaries from the
fn : .
,l„p ,,,, | m .,
will!. Hum
irpoM ti! cih-x t n to the stomach in -
ebeortttdjnto the blood, attacks the*
^fcj^ljjjwijjjublejin^eiitroy^he j
warehouses. carhouses. engine-
house*. freight houses, woodhouse*
machine and other shops, * turn
tables, wqter stations. , fences,
rtrurtures. stores, erections and
fixtures, and all other things
whatever kind. In anywlre now or
at any tlm© hereafter, belonging
nr pertaining to said railway, or
provided for use thereon, or
rtonnectlon therewith; and any
nnd all lands designed for depots
warehouses or other structures at
any station or terminus, or on or
along such railways: and any and
alt locomotives, engines, cars and
other rolling stock, equipment
machinery, tools. Implements, 1 mi
t—liil, supplies, furniture, and
nthr- -chattels* now or hereafter
arnulr**d or provided for use upon
ruch lines of railway or branch*#
or extensions; and any and
property, real or personal of every
kind end description, now or here,
after acquired for use upon. Or !r
connection with, or for the pur
pose of using and operating
name; and any and all corporate
rights, privileges and ' franchisee
which the Railway Company nos
has or may hereafter acquire
porsesa, or axercias, in to and up
on or In respect of such railways
necessary for, or pertaining to, the
maintenance or opreatlon thereof
And any and all rents. Issues, pro
fits, tolls and other Income there
« e "M *(“ • lead l» cwi«um»llon.
■ tu.rwt.eJ rati-..-
HEJ? trralraMit of chronic
r °t l « >l *wf whta. bronchtol a it ham*.
after taking H,v u w
Yon can boy these Tonic Pills at all Drugstores
? r fMtinptbe genuine, o. tb.t portrait and eignatura
Of A- W, Chase, M. D., ere On each box—your protection against
151 Wuhtngtoo, BtdbUo, N. Y
Toxethar with the aqultr of the
Gainesville Midland Railway in
115 nharaa of the capital atock In
the Athene Terminal Company, ar
aet forth In raid decree.
*. Alt of raid property of raid
GalneevtUe Midland Railway win
be offered for aale free from al'
Uena, including liana for taxee ic
December l|. imj. H ld subject tr
confirmation by the Court to Ihl
following mode.:
I I will offer for eate th,
e property of the Oalneitvili,
Midland Railway. Including nl’
properties, oeseta, franehli?.. ol
ecy lcliwF an<! description fexrepi
(e) I will next offer for aale as
a going concern the lino from
Gainesville, via Belmont, to Mon
roe. Georgia nnd the property np
purtenant thereto. Including two
(2) miles of spur - track* from
Gainesville to the Pacolet Mills
and the rour tracks leading to va
rious enterprises In Gainesville,
but not Including rolling stock and
other personal property.
I will next offer for sale all
of the rolling stock, engines, cars,
•hop tools and all other pereona)
property belonging to the Gaines
ville Midland Railway, except thr
equity In the stock of the Athena
Terminal Company and cash
I will next offer for sale as
ono Item all of the entire railroad,
Including all lands, rights of way.
railroad tracks, rails, spikes, anglt
bars, fish plates and other appur-i
tennncea to the.rail, and the frogs
switches, switch stands on the
main line of r^ll and all • the aide
sines, passenger and freight cars
flat,cars, tools machinery,
tie* bridges, treatise, depots, sta
tion houses, tool houses, ware
houses and all and every
real, personal pr mixed, property
and property-right of said Gaines
ville Midland ItaHwqy now In the
possession of said Receivers, ex
cept the cash fn the bank or tn the
hands of depot agents, or the Re
ceivers on the date of the solo.
Also Including the equity and In
terest of the Galneftvllle Midland
Railway tn the-121 shares of
road or euch perb or parte thereof
on they may consider
and. proceed to dlemanq
wld railroad, or a purl
name an Is herein prorldftjy- .n,,
guaranteeing to the ntlsfeetion
the Court proper security)
payment of the balance of]
chase money.
Should the purchaser or'
chaiere or their nnlgns
continue the operation of |
road for a longer period t
ty (W) days otter the dute-of’wn
confirmation, they must nppiy t 0
the Court for further permission to
operate the wme. j-
Upon tho flnnl pjymcjnt of the
balance of said purchaae prIi'e..aM
Maater will execute deed tp ,uch
purchaser or purchaeere to said
property, whlbh may be executed
aa a whole, or In raverai deed* to
•aid purchaser or purohaiere or
their aialgn*.
The purchaser of any item ot
property, when the same la hnock-
ed off to him or It. shall nt ones
pay the Maater Commissioner on
account of hla or Its, purehnne. a
sum equal to five percent (5 per-
cent) of hla bid, which shall at
one* be deposited by the Mooter
Commissioners In the depository
of this. Court, subject to tho order
of the Court In this case; , U rk
payment to be made In enah or cer.
lifted checks to be approved by
the Mentor Commlaeioner. The
said payment shnll bo applied on
the purchase price If the bid I, no.
cepted. Or shall be returned to th,
bidder if tho bid la rejected by u,«
6. Upon onto of tho property
covered by the mortgage or nny
portion thereof, liny puqphnner. for
o r In settlement or payment of the
purchase price of tho propert.-
purchased, shall tie entitled tn u*e
end apply any of aald First Jfort.
gage -Honda of November 1; no;,
and any matured and unpaid cou
pon. thereon, by presenting nueh
bonds and coupons In order
there may be credited thereon tht.
sums applicable to the payment
thereof, out of the net proceed! of
such aale, after making any de
ductions which mny be made from
the proceeds of the rate for rant,,
expense!, compensations, nnd oth
er charges: and euch purchaner
thereupon shajl be credited on ac
count of euch purchase price pay
able by him, with the minis nppll-
cable out of euch net proceed* for
the payment of. and credited on
the bonds nnd coupons no pre.
canted; nnd at eatd aalee any bond,
holder or tho Trunteo may bid fot
and purchaae such property, n!»o
the holders of eatd tlt.onn.oo prior
mortgage bonds and coupon, fouiy
bid for euch property andJiieraald
bonds In payment for same, and
may make payment therefor ns,J and upon fMlptylng
with the terms of sale, pyiylhoid,
retain and dlipose of such property
without further accountability.
T. In rase any eucceMfulbld-
der shall fall to make, the depoalt
of I per cent ae aforesaid the
Commlaeioner then nnd there nhntl
resell the property for the account
of and at tho rlek of such default
ing bidder.
After the completion at the snle
tho Commlstloner will prepare
and prerant to fhe Court n report
showing all property sold, nt what
Price and to whom and updn such
report a hearing will he had by the
Court at a time and place to be
hereafter fixed by the Judge nnd
the Court will determine all qaei-
tlona relating to tha confirmation,
or rejection of any qnd all bids or
for euch other action as tha Court
capital Mocfe In tha A time, TermM ««ar deem proper thereon.
net Company.’ All of said property
to bo sold aa a whole to tho high
eat and beet bidder.
Atl ot the property described In
this eecttort above shall not Include
the franchlrea of said corporation,
or the etiartef rlghta. tp-run and
operate eatd railroad tor a longer
oeriod than Id days after the con
firmation of raid rale, but shell
convey to raid purchaser or pur
chasers or their assigns the right
end privilege to dismantle aald
entire railroad.; tear up tjie traeka.
tide traeka and other property and
remove and ran the rams, either
This tha Ird day of December,
Master citnmlttloner.
In whole or Impart, or the right to
dismantle; remove and rail any part
or pertr, portion or portion!
raid railroad, or procure a new
charter from tha State of Georgia'
according to law and operata the
whole of raid railroad or any pari
parte, portion or portions of the
rams, aa raid purchaser or
Iha^re o r their assigns may elect
I. The purchaser or purchasers
will be required to deposit at the
time of raid bid five percent 15
neresnt) of the nmount of theld said
Sid tn cash, with raid Master Com.
The purchaser or purchaser,
•hall pay at least one-fourth of
-he purchase price of aald propar
ty, Including tho 5 per cent paid at
tha time of raid bid. In cash, ns
bends, as provided tn raid decree
at (ho time of confirmation of said
rale an upon confirmation of said
rale and the pavment of one-
fourth of tho purchase price there-
KIDNEY* . hi
-T suffered with kidney trouble
for five years or more, f could net
strap at night and I waa always
tired after coming
work, and my hack act
John R. Gordon, Danvi
secured some FOLEY
PILLS and after a few
I felt better and could -
more nee, became itr*
could sleep better." For quick re
lief from Backache, Itheumatlc
peine, and Kidney and / Bladder
of, the Court may deliver poerei--
•Ion of raid property to'ttie pur.
j proviaeo in
told order of confirmation equable
arrangement for eccurity on th<
I-art of such purchaser or - purl
-hasera for the payment of the re
melnlng three.fourthe of the pur.
chase price, at such time and In
inch manner ns the Court may di
rect and such purchaser or pur
chasers to take possession of sold
cro petty subject to tho control of
I wld Court and subject to again
have raid property seised by the
I Receivers and sold for ■ the payd
ment of raid remaining install
ments of raid purchase price, and
"or the purpose at protecting aald
bondholders and creditors and to
Insure the payment In full of the
•mrchase price, said Court shall
■'tain the title to said property and
full power and control over the
lame for all necessary' purposes
and eatd 'Receivers shall bo con
tinued In office to such time ns
•he Court may consider neeeiury.
4. Said purchaser or purchaser,
ir their assigns shall he permitted
In said decree of confirmation to
-ease, after thirty (10) days from
th. date of confirmation.