The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 12, 1923, Image 7
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12. low THE BANNER-HERALD. ATHENS. GEORGIA page sevew Your Wants - rm. All of Them Supplied Here WANT * r K ADjOIPAGI: WANT AD RATES 2 Cents a Word I maimum Charge of 40 cents I n't) for three inaartlona .Seven 1 for the price of five i«- I unions. I jiu discontinuances MUST be I it vsdo in person at the Banner- I giralil Office or by let Mr. Tele- dltMntiifuancee Italic are not | 7 C WANT AD I/O PHONE •annes-herald want ADS GET RESULTS 75 (FOR SALE—Almost new baby carriage, cost $55, will sell real cheap to buyer. Address “Baby Carriage,” care Banner-. Herald. n 26d CLOSING OUT SALE-One lot of wlue» $6 to $1.50 at 98c. One lot of Hata formerly priced up to $10 at $1.98. Mr..'Arthur Burch. Holnun Baildimr. ,11 ^ FOR SALE ’ SALE—100 White Leghorn. fu( Brown Leghorns. Mrs. T Iv Arrington, Wintervilic, Ga. ‘ ’ dl3p FOR SALE I SWEET FLORIDA ORANGES Y( Get a Cntload Every Week. ' 50c Peck. Von Canon-Wall Building. - Lumpkin and Hancock 8t«. dSOe SHINGLES TO SUPPLY all de mands. I am now in touch with two mills. Give me your orders. Henry Lay’s Wood Yard, 125 W. dl2p Hancock. Thornton's REGULAR DINNER 50c During Christmas rush we are making a - specialty of sending out dinners. Geo. H. Thornton, Jr, Lamar Tribble SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION Co-' lumlrla New Process Record, 25c. 459 (’Jayton atreet. P. H. Dur- Oen. _ «'Jn-d23r- CLOSING OUT SALE—One lot of Hats, values $5 to $L50 at 98c. One lot of Hats formerly priced up to $10 at $1.98. Mrs. Arthur Burch. Holman Building. <112c OR RENT ..on Atlanta- i road hieh- [ house to suit Will anK'A; lipsComb iTonelOO. / Cocoanut Syrup made ; in our candy de- eat place td get dnule fresh'.made candies for utmas. kjftylfsalc and retail ."f. Christian, Grocer Broad-Street. [ '.) va dl5c TAXIE SERVICE With Reliable Driers YOU-DRIVE-rr CO. Phdrie 661 140 Washington St i M FOR SALE—Good milch co^*, jfiv- • injr two gallons of milk a day, with just common feeding. . Six WHI sell at a bargain, come and see her. John G. Moore, 543 .South Lumpkin Street. d!3p FOR SALE One Belding-HaU Refrgerator, size six feet#tall, 6 feet 4 inches long. Phone 154-W. <114c! FOR RENT 98c FOR RENT—Two connecting fur nished rooms for light house keeping. also connecting . bath room. 1923 South Lumpkin St., Phone 502. dl5c uauuivci Aids, cww M|Uk uvts, Garlands, Red, Red and Green Bells. All aim Snow Santa Clauie Face., etc. McLELLAN'S TOYLAND F0R RENT—Six room house near - . l 3 ^Br a jOYLAND Normal School and car line AllMcLELLAN S conveniences. Phone 949-M. or address “House,** care Banner- Herald, dllc LOST AND FOUND OUR XMAS CARDS re now; ready—the jrettiest line we ever ad. Just thfeient' ou want Buy now and void the rush. THE McGREGOR COMPANY LOST—On road between Lexing ton and Athens Monday, Dec. 10th, one 30x3tt Firestone tire and tube on rim, tire had blow out in it. Finder please notify' H. F. Colquitt, Lexington, Ga. dl3p STRAYED—One speckled hound dog, with black spot on back. Answers to name “Trail.” Phone 9180. dl3p brown mule, tan- 10. Owner please cail for same, and pay expense. Mrs. W. J. Ginn. Phone 12G0-J, 275 Bloomfield St , dllc McLELLAN’S 5-10-25C STORE XMAS OPENING SALE We have a complete line of Xmas Merchandise—Do your Xmaa .hopping now. Walking^Talking Doll. Piano (will play) ... Alum. Cooking Set 49c and 98c Alan. Tea Set 98c Train Set (with track.) „ »*c Chinn Ten Set .... 10c to (8c Sleeping Doll. (Dre.sed) .. .. 4te1ot8c Rubber Bail. .. .. sc to . IOC Wood Block. 5c to 49c Tin Toy., all kind. .. 5c to 98b Wood Toy., .11 kind. . 5c to (8c Iron Toys, all kind. .. 5c lo 98c Doll., ail kind. .. 5c to $1.98 Will have a full line of Xmas 'Tag.. Seal., Card., Tissue Pa per. Holly Boxes, Wrapping Cord and Ribbon in red, green, gold and silver. Alt' kind, of decorations, Tinsel, Tree Balia, Candles. Tree, etc. Light Sets, 5-10-25C STORE STORE HELP -WANTED E. KAY Decorating 1*97,, Athena, Oil SCHEDULES LINK fit. *0oi»thbouad local flip ■Meh. 1:48 p ch.-eNu’k. 245 p t:»a n&ham ' 6:29 a :h -No*. 4:29 a • EORCIA RAILROAD - I Dapart $M aa $:*» pa OROIA RV. it, itiona 1C4I Tllhk'ia _ r 11:1b 9. «. £ 5t, Phone lit NO RAILWAY for OaUeavtUe , - mp* Rf OalneevrtU I Arrtvaa Athena f»m Caine*. from Gala..- aouTHERN RAILWAY •INctlve Sunday, April it, 1 ME, Mnvid Atheae f:U a. a. or- **• I leave. Athens I til p. ar, ar- - Lula i:U.p. ol •a t leave. Lai. 1:11 p. m. ar- - Atbea. I:M p. a. “ » leave. Lola 11:1, a. pa, ar- ne Atbea. u:« a. aa 0 B- MILyML C. A. Phone it FOR CAVALARY Detachment, University of Georgia. Pay*-, first enlistment $79.50 per! month. Only men of good char acter, with references, need ap ply. Major B. L. Burch, New College, University of Georgia. d!2c WANTED—A capable cook, ply 1729 S. Lumpkin SL WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS CARLOAD of new Oulbransen pianos juat arrived. Will be an ideal gilt for the family Christ mss. P. H. Durden, 45* Clay ton street.»un-wed-il2?p. WANTED—Table boarder, and roomers. Good location and ex cellent fare. The Will Griffeth home at 253 E. Dougherty St., Mra. Alcy Whitehead, Phone 1799. - <H2P WANTED—Boy over 12 years old to deliver pa pers. Good route, ends on Hall St. Apply Ban- ner-Hcrald Office. FOR SALE 'FIRE WORKS and TURKEYS , Greer’s Store 4 MILES OUT ON LEXINGTON ROAD BEAL ESTATE D. G. Anderson & Co. 224 tt Clayton SL Phone 74 Building Lot* a Specialty. <123c CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Bicycles $25.00 to $40.00 Velocipede. .... $9.00 to $17.00 Scooter. OSAO Kiddie Kars .... $1.75 (o $0.50 MMMESttftS Bing Bang Cannons fl to 62J50 Mama'Dolls 90c to $3.50 Dog Collars 15c to 90c Horsie-Toddler $1.50 ATHENS CYCLE COMPANY Phone 1496 STEAM PRESSING CLEANING, REPAIRING, PRESSING AND DYEING WE SPECIALIZE IN LADIES WORK. OCONEE,PRESSING CLUB Phone 900 VANCE SORROUGII 1585 Prince^Avenue. JEWELRY AUCTION SALE NOW GOING Olf DAILY 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. Over-stocked—Must Raise Cash. Come and Take Advantage of This Great Feast of Bargains. J. BUSH, Jeweler 165 Clayton Street Next Door to Kress 5c and 10c Store d23c BOILER REPAIRING BOILER REPAIRING Flues for Every Type of Boiler • Are Carried in Stock By Us Heavy Welding Done Anywhere WELDING AND BRAZING AND CYLINDER GRINDING ARE OUR SPECIATLIES Call on ua if Your Boiler Needs Repairing KELLER MOTOR & MACHINE CO. Athens, Georgia West Washington St Phone 351 JIc COFFEE COFFEE THE _ RIGHT WAY! There’s no better meth- od'of reaching the peo ple than through the Want Ads. for they are news to those who seek some thing And likewise news to those having some thing to sell. Use the Want Ads more —for any purpose—and we are satisfied that you will be gratified by the results. ■ Everybody reads trem, Banner-Herald Phone 75 HAVE YOU TRIED NOO-NAME COFFEE? "A Delicious High Grade Coffee” NEW SOUTH COFFEE CO. Athens, Georgia. SS When Your Motor Balks I. it because of oil pumping. ’Under we.r or juat natural of old age? Whatever the trouble, we con fix it righL Wc handle only the beat piston., ring, and pins, and for cylinder re-finishing wc use the latest tested methods. With our complete AUTO HONE equipment, we can re condition your motor better than new. The coat is surpris ingly low. Let ua give you full particu lar! today. THE SQUARE DEAL GARAGE Phone 1607 Read Banner-Herald Want Adf BUGGIES, WAGON8 AND FARM IMPLEMENTS GRIFFETH IMPLEMENT COMPANY WE MANUFACTURE ALL OUR HARNESS. HARNESS REPAIRING AND STRAP WORK A SPECIALTY. Broad Street Atheni. Georgia COAL COAL m Phone 86 C—O—A—L Best Grid*—Prompt Delivery CITY COAL CO. . OCONEE STREET The Banner-Herald’s • Sunday Want Ad Page I. one of the molt interest ing and certainly moat pro fitable page, of the paper. Thousand! of people turn their at tention firat to.the Want Ad Pago. The Banner-Herald’s Sunday Want Ad Page A SUBSCRIPTION: TO The Banner-Herald IS A GIFT FOR EVERYBODY / Phone 75 The World Reads Our Want Ads! Folks who wish to buy or sell things watch the Banner-Herald Want Ads. They’ve learned from experience where wise traders advertise. Place your Want Ad to day. It will reach all classes of people, and is a sure means of getting in touch with the ones you seek. Banner-Herald Phone 75 Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company <jr Lowfltt Net Cost. Most Flexible Contract. Policy Holder—Witch Your 1924 Dividend. * B.R.BLOODWORTH 212 Southern Mutual Building Phone 1467 THE VETERINARY DIVISION Georgia State College of Agriculture will Respond to Calls for VETERINARY SERVICE . A moderate charge will be made. Phone 225-R, Athens, Ga. J9c STUDEBAKER CARS LAWLER MOTOR CO. Give Her a STUDEBAKER For Xmas Phone 1711 J Phone 1711 DR. W. M. BURSON VETERINARIAN . 314 llolm.n Building Office Phone 831 Realdence Phone 670-W. J«c WANTED One Thousand Bushels of Field Peas. Normal Cash Grocery H. P. Lawrence 1360 Prince Ave, Phone 656 dl7e cohparb These trices HUDSON Speedster, .. .. 7 Pan. Touring Coach -< .. — Sedan ........ Delivered $1,430.00 ... $1.525.00 ... $1,545.00 .. $2,095.00 ESSEX Touring $1,105.00 Cabroiiet »1,296.00 Coach $1,205.00 W. L.& Geo. M. ABNEY 154 W. Clayton Street Phone 1006.’ FIREWORKS CET YOUR FIREWORKS" AT MITCHELL BRIDGE. R. S. Wortham & Son Gift Thoughts! Haberdashery For men and young men haberdashery accessories arc always welcome for the reason that they never have too many. Here *r* excellent suggestions. RICHARD’S TOGGERY SHOP College and Broad BATTERY REPAIRING JSL 3)icdtQ£ile BATTERY SERVICE Mavwfcaapaa •Mdsbdga. £r£?SB ISO E. Washington St. Phone 687 dI5e TOYS We have many things for the children FOOTBALLS BASKETBALLS We have something for 'every member of , the family. - BRAD-O’S FLOWERS t for Her Christmas A N attractive basket of cut Flowers from Costa’i rist Shop is certain to her Christmas a happy Flowers carry the holiday spirit and sentiment**-there’s a mys terious appeal about them— that makes them a matter of delight to all women. Come in and placo your order with us today. CRUCEDALE GREENHOUSES Phone 1167 FIREWORKS For Sale D, GEORGE W. HALE At HALE’S CANDY SUOP On lha Winierviile Road Three Mile, from Town. d2Se CADILLAC’S AND WHITE TRUCKS Lexington Touring Car. I,immI Conditiun. Soule Cadillac Co. Sales and Service Phone 651 168 W. Washington We Are Agenla for BUCKEYE 1NCUBATOR8 AND BROODERS Stocka of All Sim. Cofer Seed Co. We an in the market for Field P*as, any quantity. See u# ba ton you sell. A Corona will bring more than a Merry Chriatmns. It bring years of easy, rapid, trouble-free writing. The gift for the professional i tho salesman, the .torekc< •tudent, housewife—every who write... . . Come id and see Corona. Then l« ho obligation what ever. Or phone and wo will de liver a Corona to you. TIIF*: McGREGOR COMPANY FOR SALE STANDARD PECAN TREES Write W. B. Umar Thomasvillo, Ga, * Or See J. 31. Lamar 490 Pulaski, Athena, Goi Read Canner-Hcrald Want Ads. SERVICE STATION NOW OPEN Our new parts and servic station at 199 Prince Av is now ready to serve you C. A. Trussell Motor Co.