The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, December 18, 1923, Image 6

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TUESDAY, PBCEMnrn PAGE SIX Rv Ahern [SALESMAN $AM The Meeting Is Adjourned OUB BOARDING HOUSE By Condo EVERETT TRUE. Wl KkSOU A' GUV YOU OOfiUT -ft) PM. MJOUM' - \d\-ru! • ue ge?.PS camphor BAUA IM Ul<5 PURSE TORfEAR A MOTVUmGVW EAtlU'-THREAPS oirr op -w S PAPER \M0UEV.'-2>r ttAUif. feORELY VJARvlEP, V J/\\I -TV-Cf'wi. VilLlV/ f TsoN'r TALK' To ME Asduy *C.LBAN* ' POLITICS/ MR, TRUE! I (OOULON’T TRU •j>:p v.v-it r-:i« on • iwhat hav« v;i o? VoUP, S1.CGVE NCW THAT TOO tJ, - -j wr ows p — fRolL otl " ' thuuder.'. you woM’t SHARE ME M A GAME VJrfH THOSE POKER PIRATES'* THEY THiMK A DIME WAS OUlY MADE To PUP! /f)W THHT. WOftH (TEE-TiNb Y> OOEf?. N f ^ Y0U3EST-VJHY MAv), " MY BRAlM iSAVEWfaB'-E GEYSERjOP PLOTS FOR BOOKS, PLAYS, AMD SCEHARlOS- HODOOBT You may have a ujcid IkSTfeRYAL, AMDTHiMK OP AM IMPERIOS ‘IDEA FOR AM ORDlMARY VIESTERM picture ! — BUT MY SCEMARiO WILL BE OF A HigH TYPE, i alOMg the limes op i A5BEM, or BARRiE y -T I WIW TO RNNOlSNCL TWPiT TMFKL WILL fee. Pi ntt-TiNb OF trf &0AKD YOU'RE VlRlTlMG A 1 MoviMG pitcher,— flAR.UAR. I WAS goiMg to say, if you GET STALLED FOR A plot; DUST call OM ME '• I USEDTOTUlUK UP HUMPRED9 OF 'EM WHE)J 1 WAS CAPTAlU OM A whaler;, dust as a Vpastime, yVmoW \-J ootEdto - OEPiTH ^ VAIILDCAT VJAfcllER OFFERS "TO ASSIST TUE MATOR IKl VJRrTiMS' U\S SCEUARIO » -~w By Blosser ■RECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Tag Knows Something ADAM AND EVA Jfgf Hereditary JACK DAW’S ADVENTURES • CHAITER IS Story l>r Hal Cochran. Drawings by Lao Wright. l SEE TIL UAVJE TO EXPLAIN IT j TO YOU. i-' ALL DUE LITTLE CLiLDRFM TUAT HAWS MO RATHER NJR. AWFWK ACE CALLED t— OCPUAME—AUDTUEV I 1 All lne in a nce < / l B6 HOME CALLED I ;Y f\1HEORKJAM5 HOME Vv THERE.,THERE,.> EVA. WHERE'S uTHAT PRECIOUS- ISN’T HE. 1 WONDERFUL 7 ! OH MOTHER, I'M SO GLAD to see you Aa the clock face walked up the ladded and Mid into place, on the front of the clock, it ahouted, “Hey, Tlcky, I’m nil ready now. You can call tha' hour hand and tha minute hand.” And, In just a minute, the minute hand scrambled up,and hopped on tha face. Than Jack looked for the hour hand. '/NONSENSE ! HE. BUT HOW CAM •tiisy be, vxrnafr AH/ DADPy TO ' ACE ALL u'children 'NO, I DON'T THINK. HE HAS A SINGLE- FEATURE‘OF ADAMS. f. WCLuTt HOW ABOUT HIS ADAM'S APPLE? J ' IS A BEAUTIFUL- CHILD HE HASN'T GOT ADAM’S EYES .OR NOSE.’ r ? r- f DON'T YOU | THINK HE JAKES AFTER ADAM AT-J ALL? A jS It waa nowhere to be aten, ao he asked Ti.-ky about it.. “Oh,” re plied tha ruler of the Tower of Ticka, “wo II have t-* r.a'.t a while. You arc it takes an hour lor the hour hand to nv." And, while they were waiting, the scrawny old pendulum Bcra.e.ed into the lower, part ol the clock. OUT OUR WAY By Williams THE OLD HOME TOWN HP OUGHTJ/Yes MBS' lb -TIB H ON TH' UP-THAT / I STREETS WELL DEV SAY HlTS\ v fO SWRROUNDlNB J WHUT MAKES 'TO ( WHUTYO ISs SO \ l«. GWIN DISH YERE > HAWSE DE BES KINOEJ? ^—. VANTAGES ! / S^WHUTFO «» YO \ f PUTWN UP DEM \ Pictures 6b ^eb) an'memorium an’ \ PAPROSH RD, HUH? 1 IS YOTPYINTMAKE t DACT HAWSE SHAMED, jS. EP? HlSSEFFf -Y \ HowrJ I BRUUDI “Scmcbody hantr me cn the hook.” ahouted Mr. Pendulum. “1 can’t ■■ quite reach it.”. So Jack ruihed forth ar.d put Mr. fendutum into V plncc. Then Mr. Pendulum,said, ’ Herea whare I get a fina r^de, back and forth.” But he failed (o start' to awing. Somthnlg was wrdhg with the big clack. (Continued.I WHUTSI Fuss?r ADVENfURES OF THE TWINS DY OLIVE ROBERTS RARTON : ftbo SAY SARAH' Jtdre OFF TH7 ( PICTURES OF( [TBlPERFORFlgRy -Oh, dear!” sighed the Riddle; they greak more eggs* than boys,” luftdy. -l*m afraid the boy* won’t **ld Nick. like my riddle today. Or the grown 1 JI Hun,pl ? r I)um Pty gave him an In- nn« o'thor” Jdlgnant look and Jerked down his up *’ Aa r * j wlfite satin walatcoat. **A most -Then It must lie a little girl’s [unpleasant conversation.” he de* r.dijo* cried Nancy. jelarrd. “What started It anywayr -^oh it Is“ answered the Rid- “I’m afraid *yoi# Ait yourilf. dlo Lady. Humpty Dumpty.” laughed •‘All itbt better!” said jHnpty Riddle Lady. “But there! ~ Dumpty. -I like glri*. I don’t We ll begin nur riddle and aMrer »ben they come net'/ me. minds off eggs. Tbey^aro much more gentle than I *‘T have two eye*, a no JIM WATSON WAS SHOCKED -THIS^^ 3 mprninG when he found some unknown person hai practically allthh new show bills off WABH FUNK IS A FIRM BEUEN/ER INIHE RXVER OF SUSSESnoN. cnvw'IU's. handing ******%£ • That was only * !dk dolls,- went on the “The truth W tloll* e- 1 " ,U ' Be CeMiau.*! tr " “*•* ui my nice lime nose, our Oi^t though my eyes will ope and I 'never caught cold hi L l„_, ,hat * And never smelled a rasa. T ’ey can’t cry any tears. My mouth Is rate aid Juat a« and And though I’m t-roud, as prou.i a* nny red ripe berry, * 1 can he, i never tasted cake or bread. %